Note: The exercises below are from the ECCE ROMANI textbook. Continue to practice the geography of EUROPA! Label the map of the Mediterranean. 2006 Keyes to Learning Charter Schools Contact Magistra Nisan at, phone (209) 634-6467 #407 NŌMEN______________________________________ DIĒS____________________ PĀGINA 3 EXERCITĀTIO 1a SCRĪBE LATĪNĒ: Copy the question. Read the question aloud. Write the answer in Latin. 1. QUIS EST CORNĒLIA? CORNĒLIA EST ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ RŌMĀNA. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. NOTĀ BENE: ___ ___ ___ ___ …? = Who …? ___ ___ ___ …? = Why …? ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___…? = What does … do? What is … doing? I read aloud my answers to the questions above, checking for completeness. I mastered and printed out three exercises at for 10 points each: 1. Vocabulary _____ 2007 Keyes Charter Latin 2. Culture _____ 3. Other _____ Contact Magistra Nisan at Score ____________ by ________ NŌMEN_________________________________________ GRADUS 7 8 9 10 11 12 I read the chapter story aloud a third time, focusing on the grammar. I translated the sentences below, checking my answers by reading aloud. ECCE RŌMĀNĪ p. 5 Exercise 1c—Translation (20 points) 1. In the picture is a country house and farm. 2. Cornelia is happy. 3. Cornelia is sitting under the tree. 4. Flavia is a Roman girl. 5. Cornelia now lives in the country house. NOTĀ BENE: The words the and a are not translated. In #2 and #4 use EST for is. In #3 do not use EST for is. 2007 Keyes Charter Latin Contact Magistra Nisan at Score ________________ NŌMEN______________________________________ DIĒS____________________ PĀGINA 7 EXERCITĀTIO 2a SCRĪBE LATĪNĒ: Copy the question. Read the question aloud. Write the answer in Latin. 1. UBI HABITANT CORNĒLIA ET FLĀVIA? CORNĒLIA ET FLĀVIA ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ HABITANT. 2. 3. 4. NOTĀ BENE: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___…? = What are … doing? CŌGITĀ: ___ ___ ___ …? = Where …? I read aloud my answers to the questions above, checking for completeness. I mastered and printed out three exercises at for 10 points each: 1. Vocabulary _____ 2007 Keyes Charter Latin 2. Culture _____ 3. Other _____ Contact Magistra Nisan at Score ____________ by ________ NŌMEN_________________________________________ GRADUS 7 8 9 10 11 12 I read the chapter story aloud a third time, focusing on the grammar. I translated the sentences below, checking my answers by reading aloud. ECCE RŌMĀNĪ p. 9 Exercise 2d—Translation (20 points) 1. Cornelia and Flavia live in Italy. 2. Cornelia and Flavia are walking. 3. Flavia is running. 4. In a short time the girls are tired and sit under a tree in the fields. 5. At last the girls walk slowly to the country house. NOTĀ BENE: The words the and a are not translated. In #1 why should you use habitant instead of habitat? In #2 do not use SUNT for are. In #3 do not use EST for is. In #4 use SUNT for are. 2007 Keyes Charter Latin Contact Magistra Nisan at Score ________________ NŌMEN______________________________________ DIĒS____________________ PĀGINA 13 EXERCITĀTIO 3a SCRĪBE LATĪNĒ: Copy the question. Read the question aloud. Write the answer in Latin. 1. QUIS EST SEXTUS? 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. NOTĀ BENE: --___ ___ indicates a question I read aloud my answers to the questions above, checking for completeness. I mastered and printed out three exercises at for 10 points each: 1. Vocabulary _____ 2007 Keyes Charter Latin 2. Culture _____ 3. Other _____ Contact Magistra Nisan at Score ____________ by ________ NŌMEN_________________________________________ GRADUS 7 8 9 10 11 12 I read the chapter story aloud a third time, focusing on the grammar. I translated the sentences below, checking my answers by reading aloud. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ! = No! ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ! = Yes! ECCE RŌMĀNĪ p. 15 Exercise 3e—Translation (20 points) 1. Today the boy is laughing because he is happy. 2. The tired girls are sitting under a tree. 3. In Italy many slaves work in country houses. 4. In the picture Cornelia is reading and Flavia is writing. 5. While Davus runs to the fishpond, the boys suddenly run out of the garden. CŌGITĀ: In #2 why should you not use SUNT? In #4 why should you not use EST? 2007 Keyes Charter Latin Contact Magistra Nisan at Score ________________ NŌMEN______________________________________ In #5 which words are plural? Why? DIĒS____________________ PĀGINA 19 EXERCITĀTIO 4a SCRĪBE LATĪNĒ: Copy the question. Read the question aloud. Write the answer in Latin. 1. QUĀLIS PUER EST SEXTUS? 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. NOTĀ BENE: I read aloud my answers to the questions above, checking for completeness. I mastered and printed out three exercises at for 10 points each: 1. Vocabulary _____ 2007 Keyes Charter Latin 2. Culture _____ 3. Other _____ Contact Magistra Nisan at Score ____________ by ________ NŌMEN_________________________________________ GRADUS 7 8 9 10 11 12 I read the chapter story aloud a third time, focusing on the grammar. I translated the sentences below, checking my answers by reading aloud. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ …? = What sort of …? ___ ___ ___ …? = Where … to? ECCE RŌMĀNĪ p. 21 Exercise 4d—Translation (20 points) 1. Sextus is always annoying Cornelia. 2. Cornelia is tired and is sleeping under a tree. 3. Marcus runs to the tree and catches sight of the annoying boy. 4. Nothing frightens Sextus. 5. Marcus hears a big noise. NOTĀ BENE: Mark the subjects and objects in both English and Latin (#2 has no direct object). 1. SUBJECT - underline once: MAGISTRA VOCAT. 2. DIRECT OBJECT- squiggly underline: MAGISTRA PUERŌS VOCAT. 2007 Keyes Charter Latin Contact Magistra Nisan at Score ________________ NŌMEN______________________________________ DIĒS____________________ EXERCITĀTIO 5a PĀGINA 25 SCRĪBE LATĪNĒ: Copy the question. Read the question aloud. Write the answer in Latin. 1. UBI PUELLAE HODIĒ SEDENT? HODIĒ SUB ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ PROPE ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ SEDENT 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. NOTĀ BENE: ___ ___ ___ ___ …? = Whom …? I read aloud my answers to the questions above, checking for completeness. I mastered and printed out three exercises at for 10 points each: 1. Vocabulary _____ 2007 Keyes Charter Latin 2. Culture _____ 3. Other _____ Contact Magistra Nisan at Score ____________ by ________ NŌMEN_________________________________________ GRADUS 7 8 9 10 11 12 I read the chapter story aloud a third time, focusing on the grammar. I translated the sentences below, checking my answers by reading aloud. ECCE RŌMĀNĪ p. 27 Exercise 5d—Translation (20 points) 1. Cornelia often wishes to wander in the woods. 2. Flavia wishes to climb the large tree. 3. Marcus is able to drive off the wolf. 4. Sextus is afraid to come down out of the tree. 5. Sextus does not want to fall into the stream. NOTĀ BENE: These sentences all include complementary infinitives. Review this section in your text. 2007 Keyes Charter Latin Contact Magistra Nisan at Score ________________ NŌMEN______________________________________ DIĒS____________________ EXERCITĀTIO 6a PĀGINA 33 SCRĪBE LATĪNĒ: Copy the question. Read the question aloud. Write the answer in Latin. 1. QUIS SURGIT? CORNĒLIA ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. I read aloud my answers to the questions above, checking for completeness. I mastered and printed out three exercises at for 10 points each: 1. Vocabulary _____ 2007 Keyes Charter Latin 2. Culture _____ 3. Other _____ Contact Magistra Nisan at Score ____________ by ________ NŌMEN_________________________________________ GRADUS 7 8 9 10 11 12 I read the chapter story aloud a third time, focusing on the grammar. I translated the sentences below, checking my answers by reading aloud. NOTĀ BENE: ___ ___ ___ …? = Who …? (plural) 2007 Keyes Charter Latin Contact Magistra Nisan at Score ________________ NŌMEN______________________________________ ECCE RŌMĀNĪ p. 35 DIĒS____________________ Exercise 6d—Translation (20 points) 1. Marcus is sleeping because he is tired. (Do not use est.) The energetic slaves are not sleeping. 1. Cornelius scolds lazy Davus. 2. Many slaves carry cold water. 3. Aurelia scolds a lazy slave-woman. I read aloud my answers to the questions above, checking for completeness. I mastered and printed out three exercises at for 10 points each: 1. Vocabulary _____ 2007 Keyes Charter Latin 2. Culture _____ 3. Other _____ Contact Magistra Nisan at Score ____________ by ________ NŌMEN_________________________________________ GRADUS 7 8 9 10 11 12 I read the chapter story aloud a third time, focusing on the grammar. I translated the sentences below, checking my answers by reading aloud. EXERCITĀTIO 7a PĀGINA 39 SCRĪBE LATĪNĒ: Copy the question. Read the question aloud. Write the answer in Latin. 1. CŪR CORNĒLIUS SŌLUS SEDET? CORNĒLIUS ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ EPISTULĀS SCRĪBERE ___ ___ ___ ___. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. NOTĀ BENE: ___ ___ ___ ___ …? = Whom …? (plural) ECCE RŌMĀNĪ p. 40 2007 Keyes Charter Latin Exercise 7c—Translation (20 points) Contact Magistra Nisan at Score ________________ NŌMEN______________________________________ DIĒS____________________ 1. Cornelius wants to write many letters. 2. Marcus and Sextus watch many slaves working in the fields. 3. The messenger greets the boys. 4. The messenger is looking for Gaius Cornelius. 5. The messenger hands over a letter. 6. It is necessary to return to the city immediately. 7. Sextus wishes to go to Rome, but Flavia cannot. I read aloud my answers to the questions above, checking for completeness. I mastered and printed out three exercises at for 10 points each: 1. Vocabulary _____ 2007 Keyes Charter Latin 2. Culture _____ 3. Other _____ Contact Magistra Nisan at Score ____________ by ________