
Scoil Náisiúnta Cill Damháin
Chairperson: Mr. Philip Ryan.
Príomh Oide: Regina Doheny
Phone/Fax (053) 93 76456
Uimhir Rolla: 18090D
Christmas Newsletter
Dec 2013
Dear Parents,
Children counting the sleeps ‘till Santa comes, the sound of carols and bells can be heard
from every class room and around every corner is an elf, an angel or a reindeer…. it’s
beginning to feel a lot like Christmas in Kildavin .
Christmas Concert
In a break with tradition we are holding a concert this year in Spellman Hall on Thursday
19th December at 7pm.
A céad mile buiochas to all who helped make this event possible…
To the girls and boys, the ‘shining stars’ and their parents who scoured the country for
just the right costumes.
Our wonderful school staff…
Kathy, Lorna and Lorraine the S.N.A.’s who bring ‘multi-tasking ‘to an art.
The class teacher’s who sourced, produced and directed their own plays while keeping the
show on the road in all other areas of the curriculum.
The support teacher’s, Ms Kinsella and Ms Whelan who lived up to their title in every way.
To Lorna Maher, the musical director who’s Trojan work we all appreciate. To Fergal O
Siochrú who played lead guitar, Paul Foley on lights and Stephen on sound.
“Mol an Óige”
Back stage crew of Rebecca Murphy, Caoimhe Redmond, James and Daniel Murphy and
Christopher Cassidy. Our thanks too to Kildavin Drama Group who facilitated us in every
way and to Shem Clarke and all involved in Spellman Hall for the use of the hall and their
co operation during rehearsals.
Míle Buiochas uile duine agaibh!
A big ‘thank you’ to Ms Cleere and her right hand woman Bernie who organised and co
ordinate the show – A mammoth task indeed!
Absolutely no doubt these two ladies are at the very top of Santa’s ‘good list’ this year!
Carol Singing
Ms Cleere’s Class travelled to the Nursing Home in Ballon to sing for the resident’s o
Friday 13th December.
As usual, the children, parents and teachers were made most welcome in Riverdale.
Our thanks to Martina and Staff. We in school enjoy singing for the residents as much as
they enjoy hearing us.
Parent’s Association Christmas Draw.
A word of thanks to the P.A. Committee ,Lorraine Byrne,Genieve Kavanagh and Michael
Murphy for organising yet another monster Christmas Draw.
“Mol an Óige”
Míle Buíochas to everyone who donated prizes. We greatly appreciate your support during
these difficult times.
Thanks also to all those who so generously supported the school draw.
The draw was held on Wednesday 18th December in school and the lucky prize winner’s
.There were 26 prizes in all.Míle Buíochas to the generous sponsors.
Click on the link to see the list of prize winners.
Thanks also to the P.A. who donated the door prize for the concert, a lovely Christmas
hamper which was won by Ned Murphy, Crowesgrove.
Music Generation
Friday 13th ….Lucky for some!
On Fri 13th December the lucky girls and boys of Mrs. Doheny’s Class travelled to Borris
to perform in the Music Generation Encore Concert.
3rd and 4th class joined with schools from around the county to sing a repertoire of
seasonal favorites and some challenging new pieces.
Thanks to the team of volunteer drivers who provided transport on the day. The children
really enjoyed the experience and they were complimented widely by all involved not only
for their beautiful singing but for their exemplary conduct throughout.
Take a bow 3rd/4th
“Mol an Óige”
Hospice Coffee Morning.
The Hospice Coffee Morning was a phenomenal success this year.
The children of Ms Cleere’s class with the support of their parents and the P.A. hosted a
marvelous coffee morning in the school.Their classroom was transformed for the day with
cake stands, table cloths and elegant floral arrangements.
On Wednesday 11th December Anne Mc Mahon from the hospice committee visited the
school. She brought the children up to date on the progress so far with Co Carlow
Hospice and praised them for their work and their very generous donation of 719 Euros.
Indoor Hurling Final.
The girl’s team progressed to the finals of the Indoor Hurling Competition this term.
They played extremely well, cheered on by an enthusiastic group of supporters they were
unlucky not to be in the medals on the day.
Well done girls…Maith sibh!
Wexford Sing Out Loud
“Mol an Óige”
Ms. Cleere’s and Mrs. Doheny’s Class were involved in the inaugural Wexford Sing Out
Loud Concert in the Opera House in Wexford on Thursday 21st November.
A great time was had by all as the massed choirs were in turn entertained by dancers,
comediennes and the internationally renowned ‘Extreme Rhythm’ group.
Enrolment Ceremony
On Sunday 17th November the girls and boys of 5th and 6th Class were enrolled in the
preparation programme for confirmation.
They ask your prayers as they prepare for this milestone in their lives.
Operation Hope Appeal
On Friday 8th November Mrs. Doheny’s office was like Santa’s workshop, piled high with
brightly colored shoebox gifts for less fortunate children in all corners of the globe.
Well done to the boys and girls who are so generous and thoughtful.
Is ar scath a cheile a mhaireann na daoine.
Story Telling
Bunclody Library is very proactive and regularly host workshop and guest of interest.
“Mol an Óige”
On November 7th 3rd/4th were treated to a lovely live story telling session form Simone
Shummelfedder the renowned German story teller.
She told the children five folk tales exploring the oral tradition common to both
The storytelling was a wonderful experience for the children and built on the foundations
laid during our Comenius Project ‘Fairy Tales without Borders’
Walk on Wednesday
The Walk on Wednesday Initiative is well underway. This is a joint effort between the
green committee and the Active School’s Committee.
Children are welcome to assemble at Spellman Hall each Wednesday morning to walk to
Credit Union Art Competition
Congratulations to all our pupils who featured in the Credit Union Art Competition in
Witch Walk
“Mol an Óige”
This year’s witch walk which was held on the Friday before the Halloween Break was a
great success. The village was enthralled as 99 witches, wizards, monsters, zombies and
skeletons of all shapes and sizes, escorted by some very scary looking staff paraded to
Spellman Hall.
At the hall the visiting parents, friends and pals from the Kildavin Playgroup were
entertained as each class did their seasonal party piece.
In addition to all the fun had on the day the sponsored walk raised in excess of 1,000
euro of much needed school funds.
Active Schools
Work continues with Hall of Fame, Active Logo etc…
For full details see active schools link.
Míle Buíochas and Merry Christmas to all who help and support the children in school
throughout the year,
The Staff…
“Mol an Óige”
To our wonderful teachers who always go above and beyond the call of duty, to the team
of S.N.A.’s Kathy, Lorna and Lorraine who are always on hand to help and support no
matter what is asked.
To the ancillary staff Bernie and Mary whose energy and enthusiasm never fails.
To the Parents Association Comm. Lorraine Byrne, Geniveve Kavanagh and Michael Murphy
who work tirelessly alongside the school team.
To the Volunteer BoM who give of their time behind the scenes to help manage our
Philip Ryan, Chairperson, Mary Kinsella Treasurer, Regina Doheny, Secretary, Charmaine
Cox. Michael Ryan, Jim Tracy and Fr Tom O’Byrne.
To Kildavin /Clonegal G.A.A. who are always on hand to help out with games and
arrangements. Especially Luke Hayden and Joe Mernagh
To Shem Clarke in Spellman Hall,Mary Murphy Sacristan in the Church,Fr Fleming and Fr
O’Byrne too and to all of you,whatever you do in whatever capacity to support and help us
in our work in school…
Míle Buíochas ,Your support is much appreciated.
“Mol an Óige”
We wish you a truly happy Christmas and all that is best for 2013
Ar mo shon féin agus ar son gach éinne ar an bhfoireann,guím beannachtaí na féile oraibh
go léir.Nollaig fé shéan agus ath bhliain fé mhaise !
Kind regards,
Regina Doheny
Príomh Oide
“Mol an Óige”