2. Submitting Assignments with Blackboard's Assignment Tool

Faculty of Advanced Technology
1. An Introduction to Blackboard
2. Blackboard's Assignment Tool
3. Submitting Assignments with Turn-It-In
4. Viewing your Grades
5. Your First Assignment
1. An Introduction to Blackboard
1.1 What is Blackboard?
Blackboard is a software platform that allows colleges
and universities to bring all their educational
resources together online so they may be delivered
over the Internet and made accessible through one
simple interface.
1.2 As a student, how will I use Blackboard to
help me?
Students will use Blackboard to:
Access learning material, resources and
Contact and be contacted by lectures via email.
Be kept up to date via ‘Announcements’.
Hand in assignments through the 'Assessment’
1.3 Does Blackboard make lecture attendance
No, students should use Blackboard in conjunction
with lectures and tutorials. During lectures and
tutorials questions, which though they might be
invaluable to assignment completion or exam
preparation, might arise that have not been covered in
the online material. The importance and benefits of
meeting with both lecturers and other students faceto-face should not be underestimated.
1.4 How do I access Blackboard?
1. Start your computer.
2. Log on to the Internet using a web browser such as
Internet Explorer or Firefox.
3. Type this into the address box:
4. Enter your Uni username (enrolment number) and
5. If you don’t know or have forgotten you password
click the blue ‘Login Help’ tab then choose the ‘SelfService Account Administration (SSAA)’ option and
follow the instructions.
You will be asked to change your password every 90
days – reset it in SSAA
1.5 What if I cannot access Blackboard?
Speak to the LCSS staff (room J1, G410).
Tel: 01443 482882 or Email: issupport@glam.ac.uk
Monday to Friday: 0830 to 2100 Saturday to Sunday:
0900 to 1700
1.6.1 How do I enrol onto modules in
This year students should be automatically enrolled
onto their modules.
1.6.2 What if your classmates have been
enrolled on a module and you haven't?
Go to the faculty's 'Student Admin Office' in 'G Block'
and ask if you can check your enrolment number is
linked to the module on the 'Quercus' system.
1.6.3 Modules that require Self Enrolment
First find the module. Log into Blackboard as in step
1.4 and click the blue ‘Courses’ tab. Then in the
‘Course Search’ box type the module’s name (the
whole name is not required) and click ‘Go’, you are
then taken to ‘Browse Course Catalog’ page.
When your module has been found (Make sure it is
the 2009/10 version) click the ‘Enrol’ button to the
right of the module’s name. Then click ‘Submit’ then
‘Ok’. You are now enrolled on that module.
N.B. Some modules require passwords that you'll be
give during lectures.
1.7 How do I access my modules once enrolled?
Click on the blue ‘Courses’ tab to see a list of the
modules you are enrolled on.
1.8 Can Blackboard be accessed from home?
Yes - using the URL and process covered in step 1.4.
1.9 Blackboard’s Menu for Advanced Technology
Announcements: Throughout the semester lecturers
will place important news in this area, e.g. about the
issuing of assignments or lecture cancellations.
Module Overview: This area contains a general
description of the module, i.e. a synopsis of the
module's content, aims, teaching methods, learning
outcomes and assessment requirements.
Learning Materials: This area holds the lecture notes
and tutorial worksheets required every week for a
module. This area may be full at the start of term or
updated week by week, it's up to your lecturers.
Staff Information: This area contains the contact
information for a module's lecturers, i.e. an email
address and a link to a page containing a lecturer's
room and telephone number.
Communications: Including Email is described on the
following page.
Resources: This area contains the material that a
student will need to study to pass assignments and
exams, i.e. lists of relevant books, websites and
Assessment: This area will be used by lecturers to
distribute assignments and possibly for the electronic
submission of student work. After reading an
announcement from a lecturer that an assignment has
been issued, students should come here to download
the assignment.
Faculty Links: This area holds links to useful
information for Advanced Technology students
including the Assignment Diary.
Your Timetable: This is an online timetable system
that currently can only be accessed on campus.
N.B. Lecturers can add and remove buttons/sections
so the menu may vary slightly from module to
1.10 Tool Box - Communications
Discussion Board
Group Pages
Send Email
Send Email
1. Click ‘Communications’ then ‘Send Email’.
2. Choose the type of recipient.
3. If ‘Select Users’ is chosen highlight the relevant
4. Enter the subject then the message.
5. Click the ‘Add’ button if an attachment is
6. Browse to the attachment (it a good idea to
know where it is before you start) highlight it
and click ‘Ok’
7. Wrong attachment? - Click the ‘Remove’
8. Finally click ‘Submit’ to send, then ‘Ok’ and
1.11 Tool Box - Course Tools Include
Module Information Button
My Grades
Personal Information
User Manual
2. Submitting Assignments with
Blackboard's Assignment Tool
Blackboard’s Assignment Tool is used by lecturers to
set up assignments in the 'Assessment' area for
students to download. Students then complete their
assignment and use the Assignment Tool to upload
their answers into Blackboard. Lecturers can then
retrieve them for marking. Grades are then placed on
Blackboard (see step 4.1).
2.1 Downloading & Submitting an Assignment
Students should login to Blackboard then choose the
module required. Then click the ‘Assessment’ button
to view the assignments placed there. To view an
assignment, click the assignment’s name or the
‘View/Complete’ text.
2.2 To view/download the assignment file(s) click on
the file name(s) – in blue.
2.3 To submit work enter a comment then browse to
the file and click ‘Submit’.
2.4 N.B. 1 or more files may be submitted in the
submission BUT there can only be 1 submission. If the
wrong file is submitted it must removed by a lecturer.
2.5 After a successful submission students are shown
an electronic receipt as below, this is not stored.
2.6 If a second submission is attempted it is refused
with the message below.
2.7 Clicking ‘OK’ displays the submitted files.
3. Submitting Assignments - Turn-It-In
Turn-It-In is used by lecturers to check text based
(Word, PDF) assignments submitted by students.
Students complete their assignment and upload the
file (must be less than 20MB) to Turn-It-In where it
goes through an automated Plagiarism Detection
Service that detects copying from the Internet or
other students. Lecturers then retrieve them for
marking. Marks are then placed on Blackboard.
3.1 Submitting an Assignment
Students should login to Blackboard then choose the
module required, click the ‘Assessment’ button then
the ‘View/Complete’ link.
3.2 To submit an assignment click on the icon with the
green + sign.
3.3 Fill in the online form shown, use the 'Browse'
button to attach the assignment to the form, then
click the 'upload' to send the assignment to Turn-ItIn.
3.4 You are now shown a copy of your assignment
without it's formatting to confirm that you have
browsed to the correct assignment. If it is correct click
the 'submit' button.
3.5 Once you have submitted your assignment you
are shown an electronic receipt that you can print out.
This receipt is also sent to your University of
Glamorgan email account, example below.
Hello Neil Lewis,
This receipt acknowledges that TurnitinUK received your paper. Below you
will find the receipt information regarding your paper submission:
Paper ID:
Neil Lewis
Paper Title:
My Answers to Assignment 1
Assignment Title: Assignment 1
3.6 Once the Assignment has gone through the
plagiarism checker you should again click the
‘Assessment’ button then the ‘View/Complete’ link as
you did in step 3.1.
You are now presented with the same screen as
before but this time there is a green and white box
with a percentage in it. In the example above the 1%
indicates that 1% of the assignment was found to be
3.7 Click on the box with the percentage to be shown
the 'Originality Report' as below. The left-hand side of
the screen shows your assignment with the copied
parts highlighted in red. The right-hand side tells you
where the copied parts were nicked from.
N.B. Lecturers can stop the results of the plagiarism
checker being displayed to students. When this is
done the box with the percentage in it is not shown.
4. Viewing Your Grades
If a lecturer chooses to distribute marks through
Blackboard they can be viewed by clicking ‘Course
Tools’ and then ‘My Grades’.
4.1 A list of Assignment and Online Assessment marks
will be shown in a table.
5. Your First Assignment
To help students learn how to use Blackboard and the
Turn-It-In plagiarism service, an assignment has been
set to be completed before the 1st October 2010.
To get the assignment students must first login to
Blackboard and enrol themselves in the module
'Student Induction Module (2009/10)' following the
instructions in steps 1.4 and 1.6.3 of this booklet
Students should then download ‘Assignment 1 Induction’ from the module’s ‘Assessment’ area. The
file will be in a subfolder named after the student’s
department within the faculty.
To submit the assignment to Turn-It-In students
should follow the instructions in steps 3.1 to 3.7 in
this booklet.