Name ______________________________ Class ___________________ Date __________________ 1.1 Quiz _____ 1. The study of the composition, structure, and properties of matter; the processes that matter undergoes; and the energy changes that accompany those processes best describes the science of a. biology. b. physics. c. astronomy. d. chemistry. _____ 2. The branch of chemistry that involves the study of substances and processes occurring in living things is called a. biochemistry. b. organic chemistry. c. physical chemistry. d. theoretical chemistry. _____ 3. The branch of chemistry that deals with substances containing carbon is called a. biochemistry. b. organic chemistry. c. physical chemistry. d. analytical chemistry. _____ 4. Using mathematical models and computer models to understand a chemical principle is an example of a. biochemistry. b. physical chemistry. c. analytical chemistry. d. theoretical chemistry. _____ 5. A team of scientists is analyzing evidence from a crime scene and keeping records that might be used in court. The best description of their work is a. forensic chemistry. b. green chemistry. c. pharmaceutical chemistry. d. alchemy. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Holt McDougal Modern Chemistry 1 Quiz Name ______________________________ Class ___________________ Date __________________ Section Quiz continued _____ 6. Two chemistry students are investigating the properties of quartz crystals. They are most likely studying in the field of a. biochemistry. b. physical chemistry. c. organic chemistry. d. inorganic chemistry. _____ 7. The definition of a chemical is a. a toxic substance made in a laboratory. b. an unnatural material added to foods. c. any substance that has a definite composition. d. anything that has mass and takes up space. _____ 8. The goal of basic research is to a. find a solution to a particular problem. b. produce new chemicals. c. increase knowledge. d. discover new technologies. _____ 9. A scientist is working on developing refrigerants that do not release chemicals that destroy the ozone layer. This is best described as an example of a. basic research. b. applied research. c. technological development. d. biochemistry. _____ 10. Technological applications often a. occur by accident. b. degrade our quality of life. c. lag far behind basic and applied research. d. have little effect on our lives. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Holt McDougal Modern Chemistry 2 Quiz Name ______________________________ Class ___________________ Date __________________ 1.2 Quiz _____ 1. Mass is a measurement of a. how much space an object occupies. b. how dense an object is. c. the amount of matter in an object. d. the volume of an object. _____ 2. The fundamental building block of matter is the a. atom. b. molecule. c. cell. d. proton. _____ 3. An element is made of one type of a. molecule. b. atom. c. compound. d. mixture. _____ 4. A compound is a. a substance that is composed of two or more elements that are chemically bonded. b. a molecule formed by atoms of the same element. c. another word for an atom. d. any substance that can be split apart. _____ 5. Extensive properties a. include boiling point. b. do not depend on the amount of matter present. c. include volume and mass. d. all depend on the chemical composition of the matter present. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Holt McDougal Modern Chemistry 3 Quiz Name ______________________________ Class ___________________ Date __________________ Section Quiz, continued _____ 6. Which of the following is an intensive property of matter? a. volume b. mass c. energy content d. density _____ 7. A change in a substance that does not involve a change in the identity of the substance is called a(n) a. chemical change. b. physical change. c. extensive property. d. intensive property. _____ 8. In every chemical change, two or more reactants form at least one a. product. b. gas. c. precipitate. d. reaction. _____ 9. Which is not true about the liquid state of matter? a. The liquid state has a definite volume and a definite shape. b. The liquid state takes on the shape of its container. c. The liquid state has a definite volume and an indefinite shape. d. The particles in a liquid can easily move past each other. _____ 10. If a mixture is uniform in composition, it is considered to be a. heterogeneous. b. molecular. c. homogeneous. d. elemental. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Holt McDougal Modern Chemistry 4 Quiz Name ______________________________ Class ___________________ Date __________________ 1.3 Quiz _____ 1. All known elements are organized into a chart known as the a. element table. b. group table. c. periodic table. d. metal-nonmetal table. _____ 2. The vertical columns of the periodic table are called a. periods. b. rows. c. groups. d. chemicals. _____ 3. A period is a. a horizontal row of elements in the periodic table. b. a vertical column of elements in the periodic table. c. a region of two or more columns in the periodic table. d. another name for the periodic table. _____ 4. Which of the following is not a property of metals? a. malleability b. good electrical conductivity c. brittleness d. good heat conductivity _____ 5. Metalloids lie between metals and nonmetals on the periodic table. They tend to be a. nonconductors. b. conductors. c. semiconductors. d. unreactive. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Holt McDougal Modern Chemistry 5 Quiz Name ______________________________ Class ___________________ Date __________________ Section Quiz, continued _____ 6. The “shininess” of a metal is called its a. luster. b. color. c. streak. d. malleability. _____ 7. The element carbon is classified as a a. metal. b. nonmetal. c. metalloid. d. noble gas. _____ 8. Which of the following is not true of nonmetals? a. Many are gases. b. Many are ductile. c. As solids, they tend to be brittle. d. Most are poor heat and electrical conductors. _____ 9. Which of the following elements is a metalloid? a. neon b. selenium c. mercury d. silicon _____ 10. Which of these describes noble gases? a. massless b. unreactive c. good heat conductors d. good electrical conductors © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Holt McDougal Modern Chemistry 6 Quiz