Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition The Company Officer I Chapter 1 Quiz Name: Date: Directions: Write the correct letter on the blank before each question. ________ 1. In which role is a company officer MOST likely to make decisions that provide motivation and satisfaction to maximize performance in the workplace? (17) A. B. C. D. ________ 2. 3. 4. As As As As a a a a supervisor subordinate public servant management officer As As As As a a a a supervisor subordinate public servant management officer Perceptions of a new company officer are: (20) A. B. C. D. OSU-FST supervisor subordinate public servant private citizen In which role is a company officer MOST likely to apply customer service concepts to maintain a positive perception of the agency? (18) A. B. C. D. ________ a a a a In which role is a company officer MOST likely to enforce what other perceive as unpopular or unfair policies or orders? (18) A. B. C. D. ________ As As As As rejective. objective. subjective. authoritative. Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition ________ 5. Which of the following actions can help new company officers overcome challenges in changes to group dynamics while transitioning to the role of company officer? (20) A. B. C. D. ________ 6. 7. 8. 9. its roster of employees. its community involvement. the services provided by local authorities. the amount of equipment available for use. Labor/management issues and assistance with personnel transfers fall under which category of duties for the Level I Fire Officer? (24) A. B. C. D. OSU-FST grant compliance. build mutual respect. earn respect from others. build mutual respect through relationships. In terms of community and government relations, success of a fire service organization is directly proportional to: (24) A. B. C. D. ________ work more hours. grow as a professional. take advantage of unit members. make sweeping changes to their unit. Company officers should rarely use their rank to: (23) A. B. C. D. ________ Verbalize expectations and establish priorities. Put the new position before friends and family. Refuse to listen to subordinates’ ideas or complaints. Act on their own accord without regard to others’ needs. Successful company officers choose to see the transition to their new position as an opportunity to: (22) A. B. C. D. ________ The Company Officer I Administration Emergency service delivery Human resources management Community and government relations Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition ________ 10. As part of which duty may a Level I Fire Officer monitor and document the unit’s resources so that he or she can help prepare the organization’s budget? (25) A. B. C. D. ________ 11. apply building fire codes monitor the cost of resources for security notify appropriate law enforcement agencies maintain scene security after fire investigation personnel arrive Which of the following factors must become second nature for all personnel in all types of emergency and nonemergency situations? (26) A. B. C. D. OSU-FST Administration Inspection and investigation Emergency services delivery Community and government relations As part of inspection and investigation duties, the company officer should ___ when salvage and overhaul activities may involve criminal activity. (25) A. B. C. D. ________ 12. The Company Officer I Safety Action Security Supervision Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition The Company Officer I Directions: Write a brief answer to the questions below. 13. What are four concepts that a new officer will need to learn and apply in order to meet the challenges of transitioning into his or her new position? (19) 14. What are the differences within a crew that a new company officer should understand when responding to changes in group dynamics? (20) 15. List two groups of people that may have certain expectations of a new company officer and describe what those expectations may be. (21-22) OSU-FST Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition The Company Officer I 16. List three groups of people to which the company officer has responsibilities. (23) OSU-FST Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition OSU-FST Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment The Company Officer I Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition The Company Officer I Chapter 2 Quiz Name: Date: Directions: Write the correct letter on the blank before each question. ________ 1. One of the features of the scalar structure is that: (32) A. B. C. D. ________ 2. Which of the following is referred to as the legal ability of an individual to make and implement decisions for which the individual is held accountable? (34) A. B. C. D. ________ 3. 4. 5. cross training. span of control. division of labor. delegation of authority. The structure of a municipal fire service organization MOST likely reflects its: (41) A. B. OSU-FST asks for clarification of the commands given. asks for additional support in completing the task. takes a problem to a peer before the immediate supervisor. takes a problem to a higher officer before the immediate supervisor. Creating work groups based on elements such as the type of task to be performed and available resources is an example of: (39) A. B. C. D. ________ Authority Responsibility Span of control Delegation of authority Sidestepping can be destructive to organizational cohesiveness because a subordinate: (36) A. B. C. D. ________ no decision-making authority is delegated to lower levels. all decision-making authority is delegated to higher levels. no decision-making authority is delegated to higher levels. some decision-making authority is delegated to lower levels. state fire marshal. private businesses. Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition C. D. ________ 6. 7. 8. 9. Tribal County Fire district State/provincial Which type of organizational staffing in the fire service is MOST likely to have its facilities and equipment maintained by a municipality, county, or industry? (45) A. B. C. D. OSU-FST Tribal County Fire district State/provincial Which of the following types of fire and emergency services organizations is MOST likely organized for forest, wildland, and urban-interface fires? (43) A. B. C. D. ________ Tribal County Municipal Fire district Which of the following types of fire and emergency services organizations is MOST likely to get funding from district taxes or special levies? (42) A. B. C. D. ________ current management. local government structure. Which of the following is normally considered the second lowest level of government for public fire and emergency services organizations? (42) A. B. C. D. ________ The Company Officer I Career Volunteer Paid-on-call Combination Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition ________ 10. Sharing specialized resources between neighboring jurisdictions is a common reason for: (48) A. B. C. D. ________ 11. The Company Officer I dissolving aid agreements. entering into aid agreements. converting to paid-on-call staffing. creating volunteer fire departments. Which of the following is an aid agreement found in fire and emergency services in which payments are made instead of providing reciprocal aid? (49) A. B. C. D. Outside Voluntary Restricted Discretionary Directions: Write a brief answer to the questions below. 12. List five basic principles of organizational structure followed by fire and emergency services organizations. (32) OSU-FST Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition The Company Officer I 13. List four variables that affect the span of control. (37-38) 14. List three reasons for establishing industrial fire brigades. (44) 15. List three things that aid agreement plans should accomplish. (48-49) OSU-FST Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition The Company Officer I Chapter 3 Quiz Name: Date: Directions: Write the correct letter on the blank before each question. ________ 1. Which of the following leadership traits is the ability to accomplish goals and objectives with minimum supervision? (56) A. B. C. D. ________ 2. Which of the following is an anonymous survey of the company officer’s subordinates, peers, and superiors that includes responses about the officer’s leadership traits? (57) A. B. C. D. ________ 3. 4. OSU-FST 5. Ethical conduct Leadership skills Command presence Supervisory training Which of the following inspires confidence from subordinates, the administration, and the public? (58) A. B. C. D. ________ Personal criteria Benchmark standard 180-degree feedback evaluation 360-degree feedback evaluation Which of the following is the ability to identify the components of a situation, assess the need for action, determine the necessary intervention, initiate action, and be perceived as having the ability to take this action? (58) A. B. C. D. ________ Integrity Initiative Intelligence Industriousness Preincident plans Supervisory training Command presence Resource availability Which of the following defines right and proper conduct in relationships and activies? (59) Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition A. B. C. D. ________ 6. 7. 8. 9. 180-degree feedback evaluation 360-degree feedback evaluation Verbal code of ethics or ethics policy Written code of ethics or ethics policy Which of the following is responsible for the activities of one or more subordinate employees? (64) A. B. C. D. OSU-FST Lying Affiliation Short-cut mentality Bottom-line mentality To ensure that the organization maintains an ethical culture, the ethics program needs to include which of the following items? (62) A. B. C. D. ________ 10. Peers Schools Religion Families Which of the following is a commonly encountered variety of unethical behavior? (61) A. B. C. D. ________ Ethical conduct Political presence Leadership training Charitable contributions Ethical behavior is a trait that individuals learn primarily from which of the following? (60) A. B. C. D. ________ Ethics Leadership Command presence Philosophical principles Society tends to expect a higher level of which of the following from members of the emergency services (firefighters, police, paramedics, etc.)? (60) A. B. C. D. ________ The Company Officer I Supervisor Committee Entire organization Command presence Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition ________ 11. Company officers who establish priorities for personnel and relate those priorities to their job functions are more likely to do which of the following? (65) A. B. C. D. ________ 12. Tracking Coaching Evaluating Establishing Which of the following is used to better prepare individuals for their roles and responsibilities within the organization under the direction of a positive role model? (73) A. B. C. D. OSU-FST Common purpose Empowering employees Mandatory training seminars Requiring subordinates to work with supervision Which of the following is the process of giving motivational direction, positive reinforcement, and constructive feedback to employees in order to maintain and improve their performance? (72) A. B. C. D. ________ 15. Form a plan. Recognize a potential problem. Determine the available resources. Identify the personnel available to assist. Which of the following requires the supervisor to relinquish some authority and have confidence in employees’ skills, judgement, and abilities? (70) A. B. C. D. ________ 14. Create uneasiness. Find unmet standards. Frame expectations clearly. Ensure readiness of personnel. Which of the following is the first step a company officer should make when anticipating problems in the unit? (66) A. B. C. D. ________ 13. The Company Officer I Selecting Mentoring Performing Contracting Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition ________ 16. Which of the following is the process of controlling or directing available resources for the purpose of achieving a goal or objective through the use of authority or persuasion? (74) A. B. C. D. ________ 17. Managing Organizing Responding Establishing Which of the following is the foundation of the management process? (76) A. B. C. D. ________ 19. The Company Officer I Planning Storming Norming Performing Which of the following ensures the quality and completion of a task? (77) A. B. C. D. PERT chart SMART chart Alternative plan Task management Directions: Write a brief answer to the questions below. 19. Name five leadership traits that a company officer should cultivate. (56-57) OSU-FST Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition The Company Officer I 20. Name the three levels of priority into which a first line supervisor should categorize activities. (65) OSU-FST Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition OSU-FST Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment The Company Officer I Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition The Company Officer I Chapter 4 Quiz Name: Date: Directions: Write the correct letter on the blank before each question. ________ 1. Which of the following should be documented when recommending modifications to an existing organizational plan? (83) A. B. C. D. ________ 2. Which of the following is MOST likely to be training delegated to trained crew members during first duty assignments? (84) A. B. C. D. ________ 3. 4. 5. Make a mental note of the incident’s details. Immediately call the local police department. Try to keep both parties away from each other. Inform your superiors and document the incident. What BEST describes a way that company officers can help maintain high retention rates? (87) A. B. C. OSU-FST Joke telling Hazing rituals Lower than average pay An abundance of supervisors Which of the following is the BEST way to respond to a charge of sexual harassment between unit members? (86) A. B. C. D. ________ Cold water rescue Creating preincident plans Emergency medical services Speaking with members of the media Which of the following BEST describes what defines an unfavorable work environment? (86) A. B. C. D. ________ A description of the situation Conversations with chief officers The company officer’s professional record The original justification for the existing plan Keep a unit’s downtime to a minimum. Shorten probationary periods of new employees. Assist personnel in selecting opportunities to meet goals. Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition D. ________ 6. 7. 8. 9. providing initial training for new employees. notice has been given of possible sanctions. developing new procedures to address new concerns. an offense has been repeated for which preventative action has been taken. Collective bargaining negotiations are BEST described as open communications between: (98) A. B. C. D. OSU-FST Avoiding Negotiating Collaborating Accommodating In progressive discipline, corrective action is taken when: (96) A. B. C. D. ________ 10. Passive Punitive Assertive Aggressive Refusing to take a stand on the situation is MOST likely to be an example of which method of resolving conflict? (91) A. B. C. D. ________ Financial difficulties Questions about SOPs/SOGs Scheduling conflicts within a unit Inability to pass certification exams Which type of conflict management style is openly emotional and uses threatening behavior? (91) A. B. C. D. ________ Find new ways for unit members to compete with each other. What type of problem is MOST likely to be effectively addressed by referring personnel to an employee assistance program (EAP)? (88) A. B. C. D. ________ The Company Officer I union members. union and local governing bodies. management and local governing bodies. public union, management, and local governing bodies. Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition The Company Officer I Directions: Write a brief answer to the questions below. 11. List four expectations for emergency and nonemergency situations that company officers should outline for new employees. (85) 12. What are four signs and symptoms associated with excessive stress that company officers should recognize within their personnel and themselves? (89) 13. What are the six steps to conflict resolution? (94) OSU-FST Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition OSU-FST Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment The Company Officer I Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition The Company Officer I Chapter 5 Quiz Name: Date: Directions: Write the correct letter on the blank before each question. ________ 1. Which of the following elements of communication BEST describes anything that may prevent the receiver from completely understanding the message? (107) A. B. C. D. ________ 2. Fear of public speaking can BEST be overcome through: (113) A. B. C. D. ________ 3. 4. body language personal beliefs mnemonic devices written communication Which of the following statements is MOST accurate concerning company journals or diaries? (120) A. B. C. D. OSU-FST visual aids. use of redundancy. instructor training programs. avoidance of long sentences. Company officers should be aware that ___ can be considered public record. (117) A. B. C. D. ________ Sender Receiver Feedback Interference They should only be written in hard-copy form. They work best using gender biased, stereotyped language. They identify public concerns that need to be forwarded to senior staff. They should only document external occurrences that require further action. Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition ________ 5. While writing reports, company officers should stick to: (124) A. B. C. D. ________ 6. 7. 8. D. 9. Sometimes referred to as a walkie-talkie Receives a signal from a radio and boosts its power Normally operated from a jurisdiction’s telecommunications center Provides user information in either voice message or text message ___ refers to the ability of a system to work with and use the parts or equipment of another system. (132) A. B. C. D. ________ 10. policy speech dispatch procedure Which of the following MOST accurately describes the function of a repeater system? (129) A. B. C. ________ map policy dispatch procedure A ___ is a detailed plan of action that presents steps to follow. (127) A. B. C. D. ________ facts. jargon. opinions. fabrications. A ___ is a guide to organizational decision-making. (127) A. B. C. D. ________ Proximity Capability Redundancy Interoperability Which of the following is considered one of the five Cs of radio communication? (134) A. B. C. D. Control Criticism Consistency Confrontation Directions: Write a brief answer to the questions below. OSU-FST The Company Officer I Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition The Company Officer I 11. List five general purposes for interpersonal communication and provide a brief description of each. (108) 12. List five listening components and provide a brief description of each. (111-112) 13. What are six generally accepted writing guidelines that assist in developing a text? (119-120) OSU-FST Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition The Company Officer I 14.What are five types of narrative reports? Provide a brief description of each. (126) 15. List six examples of alternative communications methods. (130-132) OSU-FST Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition The Company Officer I Chapter 6 Quiz Name: Date: Directions: Write the correct letter on the blank before each question. ________ 1. Which type of customer is a beneficiary of services and provides the majority of funds? (145) A. B. C. D. ________ 2. Which of the following is an active method of customer service information gathering? (146) A. B. C. D. ________ 3. 4. Policy Procedure Action report Performance record Which of the following is MOST likely to be an instance in which an organization’s policies and procedures should be revised? (150) A. B. C. D. OSU-FST Conducting surveys Waiting for information Posting informational flyers Dismissing to customer complaints Which of the following is BEST defined as a guide to organizational decision-making? (148) A. B. C. D. ________ Active Passive Internal External External customer puts in a request Meeting a specific timetable for revision Personnel changes in upper management Policies and procedures are over a year old Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition ________ 5. Which type of budget found in public organizations details its projected major purchases? (151) A. B. C. D. ________ 6. 7. 8. 9. Inventory Budgetary Personnel Activity reports Which type of record is MOST likely to be used to document trends that might indicate abuse of sick leave? (158) A. B. C. D. OSU-FST justifying budget requests. reducing wear on equipment. conducting company-level training. corroborating on attendance records. Which types of records, with the exception of attendance records, are considered private and confidential? (157) A. B. C. D. ________ 10. be run without oversight. operate efficiently and effectively. deny access to all organizational records. keep federal agencies informed of activities. The goal of preventive maintenance records is BEST described as: (155) A. B. C. D. ________ Revision Planning Evaluation Preparation An organization’s record management system is designed to: (154) A. B. C. D. ________ Capital Operating Maintenance Discretionary The first step in the budget process is: (152) A. B. C. D. ________ The Company Officer I Medical Training Performance Haz mat exposure Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition The Company Officer I Directions: Write a brief answer to the questions below. 11. What are four indications that policies and procedures may need to be revised? (150) 12. Describe the difference between capital and operating budgets in a public organization. (151) OSU-FST Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition 13. The Company Officer I What are three ways that a systematic management of records can help an organization? (154) OSU-FST Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition The Company Officer I Chapter 7 Quiz Name: Date: Directions: Write the correct letter on the blank before each question. ________ 1. Identifying exposure to hazards and selecting, implementing, and monitoring techniques to handle the exposure is a process known as: (170) A. B. C. D. ________ 2. Identifying control measures for significant risks in an organizational risk management plan is also known as: (171) A. B. C. D. ________ 3. 4. Cuts and bruises Sprains and strains Burns and asphyxiation Trauma and thermal stress The fire and emergency services health and safety initiative serving as a blueprint for reducing deaths and injuries is known as: (173) A. B. C. D. OSU-FST risk identification. hazard evaluation. risk control techniques. establishment of priorities. Which of the following are the leading injuries among emergency services personnel? (172) A. B. C. D. ________ risk awareness. risk management. risk benefit analysis. community risk assessment. EMS Close Call Policy. Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives. Fire/EMS Nonemergency Initiatives. IAFC Safety Information Notification. Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition ________ 5. Which of the following BEST describes who is ultimately responsible for providing a safe workplace for employees? (176) A. B. C. D. ________ 6. 7. 8. 9. Mutual aid organizations Safety related inspections Health and wellness programs Employee assistance programs Which of the following health, wellness, and safety component includes adequate rest and rehydration during training and emergency operation? (183) A. B. C. D. OSU-FST asphyxiation. cardiac arrest. haz mat exposure. third degree burns. Which of the following is meant to ensure the integrity of equipment, vehicles, facilities, and personnel qualifications? (181) A. B. C. D. ________ 10. a safe act. an unsafe act. a safe condition. an unsafe condition. The most common cause of firefighter fatalities is: (180) A. B. C. D. ________ Inclement weather Poor road conditions Lack of vehicle maintenance Pedestrians near the roadway Failure to maintain crew integrity at an emergency scene is an example of: (179) A. B. C. D. ________ Incident safety officer Local governing board Firefighter’s labor union Organization’s management Which of the following is an example of an unsafe act while en route to and from a scene? (178) A. B. C. D. ________ The Company Officer I Rehabilitation Decontamination Wellness programs Infection control techniques Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition The Company Officer I Directions: Write a brief answer to the questions below. 11. Name and describe two fire and emergency services health and safety initiatives. (173-175) 12. What are three unsafe acts performed by personnel that may occur at a fire or emergency service facility? (180) 13. An accident investigation should provide four basic categories of information and a final narrative description. What are the four basic categories? (184) OSU-FST Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition OSU-FST Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment The Company Officer I Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition The Company Officer I Chapter 8 Quiz Name: Date: Directions: Write the correct letter on the blank before each question. ________ 1. Which of the following is MOST likely to be a consideration for determining the training needs of an organization? (195) A. B. C. D. ________ 2. The presentation step in the four-step method of instruction is MOST likely to be used for: (195) A. B. C. D. ________ 3. 4. Evaluation Application Preparation Presentation Which of the following is described as a road map that guides instructors through a topic and is used to deliver required training of all types? (196) A. B. C. D. OSU-FST promoting personnel who have met certification requirements. identifying a teaching method appropriate for students’ learning styles. determining the training needs of personnel new to the department. implementing and evaluating new policies or procedures within the organization. What step in the four-step method of instruction includes assembling audiovisual training aids and props? (195) A. B. C. D. ________ Job applicant pool Facility inspections Personnel evaluations Continuation of operational procedures Lesson plan Skills checklist Informal observation Formative assessment Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition ________ 5. Which of the following situations may make it necessary to adapt a lesson plan? (196) A. B. C. D. ________ 6. 7. 8. 9. Donning and doffing SCBA Raising and lowering ladders Driving and parking fire apparatus Performing urban search and rescue National Incident Management System – Incident Command System (NIMS-ICS) must be established and followed at: (204) A. B. C. D. OSU-FST monitored by local law enforcement. unrelated to classroom presentations. performed as though it is a real emergency. used to practice hazardous materials incidents. Which of the following is the BEST example of a complex training evolution? (202) A. B. C. D. ________ 10. revising standard operating procedures. emphasizing the importance of individuals. reinforcing skills learned during formal training. establishing a distinct line of command within an organization. Simple training evolutions should be: (202) A. B. C. D. ________ Lecturing Roleplaying Discussions Demonstrations Practical training evolutions for company-level training are MOST likely to be used for: (200) A. B. C. D. ________ Audiovisual aids are readily available. Adequate time is allotted for presentation. Environmental conditions interfere with presentation. Students are responding well to the prescribed teaching method. Which method of company-level training is described as an act of showing how to do something or how something operates? (198) A. B. C. D. ________ The Company Officer I complex training evolutions only. multicompany training evolutions only. every planning session for training evolutions. single company, multiple company, and multiple agency evolutions. Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition ________ 11. The Company Officer I Which of the following remote training sites would MOST likely be used for practicing vehicle extrication operations? (203) A. B. C. D. Parking lots Industrial sites Structures under demolition Subdivisions under construction Directions: Write a brief answer to the questions below. 12. List the steps in the four-step method of instruction. (195-196) 13. What are two guidelines to use when planning a practical training evolution and establishing desired learning objectives for company drills? (205-206) OSU-FST Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition OSU-FST Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment The Company Officer I Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition The Company Officer I Chapter 9 Quiz Name: Date: Directions: Write the correct letter on the blank before each question. ________ 1. When diversity and cultural beliefs are considered in public safety education, these programs: (213) A. B. C. D. ________ 2. The us-them mentality that can separate groups of people within a community is created by: (214) A. B. C. D. ________ 3. 4. Good customer service The acronym RECEO-VS Proper deployment of NIMS-ICS Keeping a manageable span of control Which of the following BEST describes what company officers should do when dealing with a citizen complaint that goes beyond the fire department’s jurisdiction? (214) A. B. C. D. OSU-FST firefighters. outside forces. demographic surveys. a lack of understanding. Which of the following BEST describes what a company officer should keep in mind while dealing with the public? (214) A. B. C. D. ________ have less credibility. have more credibility. create challenges between service providers and customers. eliminate challenges between service providers and customers. Gather information for possible litigation Focus on keeping public image at its highest level Resolve all concerns, complaints, and inquires quickly Prepare to respond in a friendly, courteous, professional manner Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition ________ 5. Which of the following is the BEST describes the company officer’s role in public relations? (217) A. B. C. D. ________ 6. 7. D. 8. 9. Monthly Once a year As requested Once every two years After sufficiently preparing for inspections, at what point does a fire inspection begin for the unit conducting the inspection? (228) A. OSU-FST must meet all model codes. must be inspected prior to resale. will be required to meet OSHA standards. may not be required to meet building code. How often do most fire codes require each building or facility to be inspected? (224) A. B. C. D. ________ 10. Local fire departments must adopt NFPA 101®. Firefighters must demonstrate they have acted in good faith. Inspectors must contact law enforcement personnel beforehand. An ordinance that grants authority must be adopted by the local governing body. Unless significant renovations have been performed on an structure, existing structures: (220) A. B. C. D. ________ Building rapport with public officials Forwarding complaints to administration Listening to citizen’s concerns, inquires, and complaints Providing the owner/occupant with safety education and information Which of the following must take place in order to authorize entry into private property at any reasonable hour to conduct fire and life safety inspections? (218) A. B. C. ________ Coordinate community activities Create and maintain a positive public image Ensure fire and life safety inspections are completed Provide funding commitments to community projects Which of the following is one of the two-fold purposes of fire and life safety inspections? (217) A. B. C. D. ________ The Company Officer I As the unit leaves their station Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition B. C. D. ________ 11. D. Must ensure seals and tamper indicators are intact Must provide the mission statement of the manufacturer Must identify resources available to fire and emergency services responders in the workplace Must appear on all controlled products produced in the workplace or transferred to other containers When inspecting or testing fire protection systems, company officers may be required to do which of the following? (242-243) A. B. C. D. OSU-FST Compile data for inspection purposes Train employees on how to recognize hazards Visually inspect every room, space, or compartment Designate a representative to explain processes or activities Which of the following are required of all Canadian Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) supplier labels? (240) A. B. C. ________ 14. smoke to escape the structure. access from the front of the structure. authorized entry in to private property. people who are crawling under smoke to see them. OSHA Hazard Communications Standard (HCS) requires employers to do which of the following? (239) A. B. C. D. ________ 13. As the unit passes through the door As the final building phase is completed As the unit approaches the building or facility Means of egress are traditionally marked over doors, although additional signs may be placed at floor level in order to permit: (232) A. B. C. D. ________ 12. The Company Officer I Reflect the cultural values of the community Persuade others to use fire or life safety behaviors Enhance the organization’s public image and generate goodwill Witness or assist inspections and tests under supervision of a contracted firm Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition ________ 15. Which of the following BEST explains why stationary fire pumps may be installed in occupancies? (244) A. B. C. D. ________ 16. To conform to NFPA® 17 To allow occupants to control fire spread May be used to decrease pressure in fire protection systems May be impractical or impossible to maintain water storage for fire protection When inspecting standpipe and hose systems, water accumulation between the connection and the first fold can indicate that a: (246) A. B. C. D. ________ 17. The Company Officer I inlets are free of debris. hose needs to be replaced. water pressure is below normal. valve is partially open or leaking. Which of the following BEST describes a disadvantage of automatic sprinkler dry-pipe systems? (248) A. B. C. D. Delays application of water onto a fire Water in the piping is subject to freezing Can apply water onto a fire faster than wet systems Must keep sprinkler heads at a specified temperature Directions: Write a brief answer to the questions below. 18. Populations are categorized into groups based on physical, social, or economic characteristics. List five of these characteristics. (212) OSU-FST Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition The Company Officer I 19. Upon arrival to the building or facility to be inspected, the unit should be driven around the facility or block to observe the surrounding area. List three items to be noted or photographed during this time. (228) 20. List five types of fire extinguishing systems that a company officer may encounter during inspection duties. (247-254) OSU-FST Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition OSU-FST Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment The Company Officer I Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition The Company Officer I Chapter 10 Quiz Name: Date: Directions: Write the correct letter on the blank before each question. ________ 1. If building code violations are discovered during a preincident survey, the company officer may: (264) A. B. C. D. ________ 2. Which of the following NFPA® standards may be referenced as a guide for preincident planning? (264) A. B. C. D. ________ 3. 4. 1021 1500 1620 1901 While it’s under construction Once the building is occupied Before the city issues a variance permit One week following completion of construction Which of the following building components BEST describes what should be included in preincident surveys? (269) A. B. C. D. OSU-FST NFPA® NFPA® NFPA® NFPA® Which of the following BEST describes when the company officer should survey a building? (264) A. B. C. D. ________ fine the owner of the building. immediately notify law enforcement. report the problem to inspection division. collect fines for the violation before completing the survey. Awnings Door hardware Plumbing systems Furniture and accessories Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition ________ 5. Which of the following is a benefit of good preparation for preincident surveys? (269) A. B. C. D. ________ 6. 7. 8. 9. Shows the details of each room Eliminates need for photography Eliminates need for survey drawings Makes it easier to transfer to survey drawings Which of the following locations should be included on a drawing of floor plans when surveying the building’s interior? (275) A. B. C. D. OSU-FST Contact the owner/occupant Issue fines for code violations Conduct follow-up code inspection Create survey procedure document What is one advantage of drawing field sketches for preincident surveys on graph paper? (273) A. B. C. D. ________ demands from the owner. availability of required PPE. the nature of occupancy to be surveyed. federal mandates for preincident surveys. Which of the following is a duty of the company officer regarding the process of conducting preincident surveys? (272) A. B. C. D. ________ Ensures results will be valuable Eliminates the need for field sketches Ensures code violations have been corrected Reduces the number of surveys completed per year Facility survey equipment may vary depending on an organization’s guidelines and: (271) A. B. C. D. ________ The Company Officer I Desks Chairs Partitions Floor coverings Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition ________ 10. NFPA® 204 Standard for Smoke and Heat Venting recommends: (277) A. B. C. D. ________ 11. May decrease need for system support Prompts all alarm activated doors to close May reduce need for interior attack hoselines Permits use of hoselines on upper floors and remote areas Which of the following types of facility survey drawings indicates how buildings are situated in relation to other buildings and streets in the area? (282) A. B. C. D. OSU-FST limiting the use of skylights as a means of ventilation. using automatic heat-activated roof vents and draft curtains. eliminating all automatic heat-activated roof vents and draft curtains. shifting the responsibility of preincident surveys to municipal workers. Which of the following is an advantage of a fixed fire-extinguishing system? (280) A. B. C. D. ________ 12. The Company Officer I Plot plans Elevations Floor plans Life safety drawings Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition The Company Officer I Directions: Write a brief answer to the questions below. 13. What are three main types of roofs that company officers will encounter on surveys and inspections and what kinds of hazards do they pose? (270) 14. What are three fire fighting emergency response considerations that should be answered in a preincident survey? (270) OSU-FST Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition The Company Officer I 15. What are five pieces of data that may be commonly included on survey forms? (273) 16. When examining a building’s exterior, what are four items that a company officer should note on the plot plan? (274) 17. Name three building conditions that are hazardous to emergency responders during a fire and should be noted during the preincident survey. (276) OSU-FST Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition OSU-FST Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment The Company Officer I Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition The Company Officer I Chapter 11 Quiz Name: Date: Directions: Write the correct letter on the blank before each question. ________ 1. The potential for flashover in a structural fire can occur when temperatures reach approximately: (292) A. B. C. D. ________ 2. Incident scene management applies to: (295) A. B. C. D. ________ 3. 4. 5. size-up plan. command structure. organizational policy. initial action plan (IAP). Lloyd Layman model is the most commonly used for: (301) A. B. C. D. OSU-FST Unit Section General staff Command staff A plan of operation is another name for: (299) A. B. C. D. ________ nonemergency responses. extrication responses only. all types of emergency responses. neither emergency nor nonemergency responses. Which of the following organizational levels is responsible for major function areas such as operations and logistics? (296) A. B. C. D. ________ 120° F (49° C). 212° F (100° C). 500° F (260° C). 1,110° F (599° C). size-up. overhaul. scene safety. traffic control. Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition ________ 6. Which three operating control zones are typically established to effectively control the perimeter at an incident? (304) A. B. C. D. ________ 7. 8. 9. OSU-FST Rollover Overhaul Flashover Backdraft In compartment fires, Class A fuel combustible materials with high surface-to-mass ratios are: (313) A. B. C. D. ________ 12. Smoke slowly exiting doors Smoke rapidly exiting windows Rapid change in smoke color to white No change of temperature within compartment Which of the following occurs when all exposed combustible surfaces within a compartment are heated to ignition temperature and ignite almost simultaneously? (309) A. B. C. D. ________ 11. Top Lower Middle Pressurized Which of the following is an indicator of rapid fire development? (309) A. B. C. D. ________ 10. radiation. convection. combustion. environment. In thermal layering, the hottest gases will be found in which layer? (308) A. B. C. D. ________ Hot, warm, cold First, second, third Unsafe, safe, rehab Danger, caution, safe The spread of fire is controlled by its: (307) A. B. C. D. ________ The Company Officer I generally harder to ignite. much more easily ignited. more dangerous to attack with water. much more likely to explode immediately. High humidity and cold temperatures can slow the: (315) Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition A. B. C. D. ________ 13. C. D. Life safety Incident stability Property conservation Traffic control measures Which of the following strategic goals from the RECEO-VS acronym is described as the need to take action to limit the fire or emergency to the area of origin? (324) A. B. C. D. OSU-FST no possibility to save lives or property. little possibility to save lives or property. a good possibility to save lives or property. definite possibility to save lives or property. According to Layman’s RECEO-VS model, which of the following takes precedence over any and all other considerations in a rescue? (323) A. B. C. D. ________ 16. opening a door will not allow air to rush in rapidly. each new ventilation opening creates another flow path to and from the fire. doors should be opened following entry during Vent Enter Search (VES). once fire ventilation is limited, the amount of smoke forced out of gaps is increased. IFSTA Principles of Risk Management state that no risk to the safety of crew members shall be acceptable when there is: (320) A. B. C. D. ________ 15. heat reflectivity. natural movement of smoke. effects of foam extinguishment. structural stability of engineered lumber. According to new research about legacy and contemporary construction, personnel should understand that: (319) A. B. ________ 14. The Company Officer I Fire load Exposures Confinement Extinguishment Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition ________ 17. Ventilation at a scene can BEST help firefighters improve rescue operations by: (326) A. B. C. D. ________ 18. tactical goals. strategic goals. general size-up. initial assessments. Which of the following command options would MOST likely be used during a complex incident requiring strong, direct command? (332) A. B. C. D. OSU-FST begin to terminate the size-up plan. complete forms for postincident analysis. designate personnel to establish NIMS-ICS. communicate plans to on-scene/responding personnel. Overall plans for controlling the incident including broad statements of final outcomes to be achieved are known as: (331) A. B. C. D. ________ 20. making the scene secure from rekindle. preventing extension to uninvolved areas. attacking the source to protect exposures. reducing hot gases and poisonous smoke. As part of performing size-up, the first arriving officer on the scene must first transmit the condition/arrival report and then: (330) A. B. C. D. ________ 19. The Company Officer I Defensive Fast-Attack Investigation Command-post Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition The Company Officer I Directions: Write a brief answer to the questions below. 21. What are three considerations described by the Lloyd Layman model needed to analyze any emergency situation? (301) 22. Name five indicators of rapid fire development. (309) 23. List three questions to consider as company officers and their personnel travel to work and begin a general size-up of that day’s situation. (328-329) OSU-FST Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition The Company Officer I 24. What are four situations that may require priority positioning of special apparatus? (335) 25. What are four sources that can be used in order to gather information for a postincident analysis? (338) OSU-FST Fire Officer I Pre Course Assignment