SEN Program
HS Learning Strategies Class
Ms. Rocio Mendoza
Ms. Julia Weiss
Ms. Suzanne Masi
In this class you will work with the SEN teachers developing skills and strategies that will optimize your learning conditions. You will also work in assignments, review concepts, prepare for tests and quizzes, and use extended time to finish tests when necessary.
Goal: To become autonomous, life-long learners.
1. Students will develop self-sufficiency and independent skills necessary for secondary and post-secondary education.
2. Students will improve their academic performance.
IEP objectives (to be completed by each student)
Classroom Agreements
We will:
1. Respect everyone and everything.
2. Reach and maintain a minimum OLA grade of 4 for each individual class.
3. Complete tasks appropriately/ to the best of your ability.
4. Be actively engaged (active listening, speaking – taking turns, not distracted from the task, seating in an active position, not disrupt others, being positive, talking, expressing any problems or good things).
1. If any rule related to being respectful is not followed, consequences will be as stated in the school handbook.
2. If individual OLA grades are below a 4, the student will have a meeting with the subject teacher and SEN teacher in order to create a support plan to help student raise the grade. If there is no tangible improvement (clearly seen by the subject teacher) within the following two weeks, a meeting will be arranged with student, teachers and parents in order to agree on a solution to the situation.
3. If tasks/assignments are not done appropriately, consequences are as follows:
First time: teacher will enact a consequence depending on the situation.
Regardless, the student will have to complete this homework for the next class meeting.
Second time: SEN teacher will e-mail parents to inform the situation and the importance of completing tasks in this class.
Third Time: If task is not followed again, there will be a meeting scheduled with parents and student in order to explain again the
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SEN Program importance and the risk of permanence in the SEN program that this situation implies.
Fourth Time: If a student persists, he/she will be dismissed from the SEN program.
Grading will be done as follows:
Categories Description
Reading Comprehension Skills Skills like: answering to literal and inferential questions, finding main ideas and details, analyzing and
Writing skills synthesizing ideas, note taking from passages, vocabulary through context.
Skills like: outlining (categorizing ideas, discriminating between min ideas and details), editing (fixing run-on
Math/Science skills sentences, punctuation errors, using good word choices)
Skills like: following step by step procedures/algorithms, mastering pre-required concepts for the student’s current math or science class, solving word problems.
Organizational skills
Time management skills
Study skills
Skills like: keeping all materials, having all materials (in backpack and locker) organized and neat.
Skills like: keeping a planner updated, following a study/HW schedule, turning in assignments on time with good quality, breaking down long term assignments.
Using study strategies e.g. note taking, mnemonics, using visuals, following instructions.
Semester exam Final narrative assessment (reflection- refer to rubric)
Formative (class work, homework, quizzes) as well as assessments (Unit tests: final objective measurement) will be included in each corresponding category. For formative assessment, the word “FORMATIVE” will be written before the name of the assignment.
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SEN Program
LD Rubric (1-7)
To be used with graded assessments and tests
59% and below
60-69 2
70-76 3
77-79 4
Level of achievement
The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.
The student shows limited attainment of the IEP objective.
The student shows basic acquisition of the IEP objective.
The student shows reasonable proficiency of the IEP objective.
95-100 7 The student shows full competence in the IEP objective.
Note: for a student to attain an objective typically s/he needs to achieve at or above 80% on three consecutive probes (unit tests).
LD Rubric (1-7)
To be used with semester exam (and reflections)
Level of achievement
The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.
The student’s reflection upon his attainment of objectives is minimal . The student completes a rudimentary evaluation of his/her level of skill.
The student provides an evaluation of his/her development as well as evaluating his /her level of attainment in the IEP objective/s. Some aspects of the evaluation maybe unrealistic or incomplete .
The student provides a thorough evaluation of his/her development as well as evaluating his /her level of attainment in the IEP objective/s, and cites examples . The evaluation includes an appraisal of their attainment regarding the IEP objective/s and an identification of areas of improvement .
The student provides a thorough evaluation of their improvements under the IEP objective/s, and cites
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SEN Program examples supporting this improvement. This evaluation includes an accurate analysis of their development and details of improvement which should be made.
August 4, 2010