Assiut university researches Effects of Applying Different Sources of

Different Sources of Organic Matter and Vinasse on Ammonia Loss from Som
Different Sources of Organic Matter and Vinasse on Ammonia Loss from Som
Different Sources of Organic Matter and Vinasse on Ammonia Loss from Som
‫وي ة و ال ف ي ناس ع لى ف قد األم ون يا من ب عض أرا ضى ت و ش كي ت أث ير إ ضاف ة م صادر مخ ت‬
Mona El-Mamlok Ali El-Said
‫م نى ال مم لوك ع لى ال س يد‬
Mohsin Abdel Moneam Gamea, Ahmad Ghalab Mouhamed, Salah Hassanin Abdel Aziz
‫ ص الح ح سان ين ع بدال عزي ز‬, ‫ احمد غ الب محمد‬, ‫مح سن ع بد ال م ن عم جامع‬
hka on its fertility were studied. Utilization of vinasse due its natural contents of organic compounds and
ing objectives: 1. Effect of adding Farmyard Manure, Tcamolia, and Nile Compost on NH3-volatilization
ea, and vinasse on some soil chemical properties Effect of added organic fertilizers, urea, and vinasse o
volatilization: 1.1Effect of Urea and Vinasse on Loamy Sand and Sandy loam Soil: 1-Rate of ammonia
with urea increased the rates of volatilization in the 9th to 40.14 and 1163.92 µgNh-1 from the loamy sa
vinasse, separately, show negligible total ammonia losses. 4-Adding 120 kg urea + vinasse; 240 kg ure
urea applied to the sandy loam soil, respectively. 1.1.2 Effect of applied organic fertilizers on ammonia v
ilization, either when urea was added alone or with Vinasse and by increasing the rate of farm yard man
on the rate and total ammonia volatilization: The rate of ammonia losses fromFarm Yard Manu
her rate of 210.81 µg N h-1 2-When 12 tons FYM +120 kg urea or plus vinasse produced rate of 210.73
from 6 tons of FYM +240 kg? 4-When 18 or 24 tons FYM +240 kg urea produced rate of 1821 or 2878 µ
9 folds of those from 12 tons of FYM. 6- The Cumulative ammonia volatilization were 19.21, 17.03, 345.7
0.94 mg N per bottle when vinasse was added. In the sandy loam soil: 1- Aadding 6 tons FYM +240 kg
120 kg urea produced rate of 193.41 µg N h-1 in the 3rd day. 3- Applying urea alone or with vinasse as:
NC): 1-Adding 6 tons Nile Compost +240 kg urea, produced rates of 53.16 µg N h-1 in the 6th day, whic
2th day, which was increased to 85.35µg N h-1 on the 9rd day with vinasse application. 3- adding 18 or
h-1 in the 9th day. 4- The rates of volatilization from 18 tons fed-1was 10-50 folds of that from 6 and 12
+ Urea, respectively. These values were increased to 31.89, 17.88, 438.38, and 318.67 with vinasse. 1
drolysis matched the applied urea with the 6 tons TC 2-Adding 18 or 24 tons of Tacamolia +240 kg urea
pectively 3-The total N-volatilization from loamy sand soil was 28.94, 14.79, 190.29, and 292.09mg N pe
was added. 4- Sandy loam soil: Appling 6 tons Tacamolia +240 kg urea, or 12 tons Tacamolia +120 kg
chemical Properties 1-Effects on plain Soil Soil Salinity: 1- The EC1:1 of the loamy sand soil increased
vinasse + urea 240 kg, respectively. 2- -The EC1:1 of the sandy loam soil increased from 1.80 dSm-1, f
240 kg, respectively. Soil pH: 1- The pH1:1 of the loamy sand soil increased from 7.38 for the control so
espectively. 2- The pH1:1 of the sandy loam soil increased from 8.01, for the untreated soil to 8.10, 7.91
ual Organic Matter 1-The residual organic matter in the loamy sand soil increased from 0.23 in the untre
kg, respectively. 2- The residual organic matter in the loamy sand soil increased from 0.51, in the untrea
spectively. Soil soluble Cations: Potassium: 1-In the loamy sand soil, soluble K was increased from 58.1
respectively. 2- In the sandy loam soil, K was increased from 112.1, in the untreated soil to 126.3, 120.4
the loamy sand soil Na was increased from 101 ppm in the control soil to142, 151, 150, 138, and 138 p
n the control soil to 362, 280, 370, 320, and 380 by application of vinasse, urea-1, vinasse + urea-1, ure
ntreated soil to 2.61, 2.12, 3.84, 2.77, and 3.72 by application of vinasse , urea-1, vinasse + urea-1 , ure
2.43 by application of vinasse , urea-1, vinasse + urea-1, urea-2, and vinasse + urea-2, respectively. G
ty: The EC1:2 values were increased from 1.17 to 1.97dSm-1, by increasing FYM application from 6 to 2
am. Soil pH and ammonia losses: When vinasse was added with FYM the pH values decreased by 0.2 p
r urea + vinasse. That was caused by the high pH values to 8.60 pH. The pH in the sandy loam soils wa
creasing the FYM rate from 6 to 24 tons fed-1 The OM and losses from the 6 and 12 tons FYM+ urea +
0 ppm soluble K. potassium, respectively. Adding vinasse elevated those numbers to 133, 191, 340, an
highest increase of Na to 540 ppm. . Similar results were reported by Tauk et al,(1990). Calcium Adding
and Nile compost effects on Soil Chemical analysis: Soil Salinity: The ranges of EC were 1.38 – 4.76, 1
sulfate, superphosohate, and sulfur added during its manufacturing. Soil pH: Ranges were 7.39 – 6.98
Soil Residual Organic Matter The OM ranges were, 0.45 – 2.10, 0.45 – 1.91, and 0.43 – 1.12 for Tacam
OM produce the following increases in soluble K : 149, 174, 482, and 706 ; for Tacamolia, 116, 166, 252
and 891 for Tacamolia; 129, 178, 350, and 721 for FYM; and 141, 226, 587, and 713 for Nile composts
M; and 175, 125, 168, and 300 for Nile composts. –Application of OM +urea+ vinasse produce the follo
ncreasing the rates of applied OM alone produce the following increases in soluble Ca: 396, 645, 1537,
creases in soluble Ca: 577, 722, 963, and 2324 for Tacamolia; 314, 459, 531, and 911 for FYM,; 470, 52
phosohate, and sulfur added during the manufacturing of that fertilizer IV.2 Pots experiment:- III.2.1 Maiz
he plant length significantly. -Farm yard manure gave positive response at 6 and 12 tons which equal 34
d with vinasse, when 6 tons of Tacamolia, Nile compost 1, 2 and 12 tons of Nile compost 2, or FYM ferti
an plant fresh weight were 18.21, 19.10, 22.91, and 57.74 gram per plant, receiving Nile compost 1, Nile
e Plant’s Shot/root ratio Fresh weight There is positive insignificant increasing in the root Fresh weight b
s dry weights were increased significantly by application of the different of organic fertilizers, increasing
d the plant dry matter Maize shoots/roots Dry weight ratio: The data in table 40 show that the roots grow
shoot/root ratio. IV.2.2 Residual effect of applying different levels of four organic fertilizers, urea, and vin
organic fertilizer in the following order Nile compost 1, Nile compost 2, Tacamolia, and FYM. IV.2.3 Mai
all treatments. The plants weights were increased by applying control < Nile Compost 3 < Nile Compost
sed significant increases in the plant weight IV.2.3 .3Maize plant length: -Plant length responded positive
ponse to Vinasse was positively significantly when applied without urea. IV.2.3.5 Maize emergence rate
FYM, 2.41< Nile compost-1 = Nile compost-3, 3.36 = Control, 3.44 = Nile compost-2, 3.78 The worst em
ance to penetrometer: ( psi = pound per square inch) -The surface soil resistance to penetration respon
rd manure, 56.45 > Control, 55.56 -The amount of applied showed significant differences between the le
sistance significantly, The highest resistance was obtend when the soil received 24 tons of Tacamolia. I
was increased significantly by the residual effect of the organic fertilizers as in the following order: FYM
ased significantly. 3-Application of urea and or vinasse caused significant increases in the plant weight s
els of four organic fertilizers, urea, and vinasse on wheat 2.5.1-Tillering: Organic fertilizers increased the
ons, increased Tillering. 2.5.2-Wheat plants fresh weight and Spikes weight Both wheat plants fresh wei
creasing the OM rate gave steady significant increases till the 12 tons of Nile compost 1, 2 and to the 1
gnificantly by application of Tacamolia only. The rate of 12 tons fed-1 was the only one to vary significan
Nile compost-1 > 418.56 for Tacamolia = 399.15 for Nile compost 2 > 366.68 for FYM C-Manganese con
6.32 for the control > 44.88 Nile cmposet-2 > 42.7 for FYM. D-Zinc content in the grains Data of Zinc con
t growth and grain weight. E-Cupper content in wheat grains: Cu content in grains was in the following o