Susannah Verney: (2011) - Faculty of Political Science and Public

Susannah Verney
Curriculum Vitae
Faculty of Political Science & Public Administration
University of Athens
6, Themistokleous Street
Athens 106 78
Assistant Professor of European Integration
University of Athens (tenured from 2012)
Lecturer in International and European Studies
University of Athens
Special Investigator, Department of Human Rights
The Office of the Greek Ombudsman
PhD thesis: “Panacea or Plague: Greek Political Parties
and Accession to the European Community, 19741979”, King’s College London
B.A. (First Class Honours) in History
School of Slavonic & East European Studies,
University of London
Nov-Dec 2010
& March 2011
Visiting Research Fellow, Hellenic Observatory
London School of Economics
Visiting Research Fellow, School of Languages &
European Studies, University of Bradford
Visiting Research Fellow, School of European Studies,
University of Bradford
Visiting Fellow in Mediterranean Politics, Centre for
Mediterranean Studies, Department of Politics, Bristol
Junior Visiting Research Fellow in Southeast European
Politics, School of European Studies, University of
Co-Editor (with Anna Bosco)
South European Society and Politics book series, Routledge
21 books published to date, 1 forthcoming
South European Society and Politics
(currently co-Editor with Anna Bosco)
Reviews Editor
South European Society and Politics
Associate Editor
Journal of Modern Greek Studies
Member of the Editorial Board
European Political Science Review
Member of the International Academic Board
Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies
Member of the International Academic Board
Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans
Member of the Advisory Board
Mediterranean Politics
ECPR Standing Group on Southern European Politics
2009, 2011,
2013, 2014,
Section Convenor / Co-convenor,
Section on Southern Europe, ECPR General Conference
Official Representative, University of Athens
Faculty of Political Science & Public Administration, University of Athens
Postgraduate Programme in «Southeast European Studies»
Programme Coordinator, 2006-10
Member of the Programme Coordinating Committee, 2015-16, 2014-15,
2013-14, 2012-13, 2009-10, 2008-09, 2007-08, 2007-06
Member of the Candidate Selection Committee, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012,
2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2002
Co-editor of “SEE-Alumnus” annual newsletter, 2011, 2010, 2009
Postgraduate Programme in «European and International Studies»
Member of the Programme Coordinating Committee, 2015-16, 2014-15,
2008-09, 2009-10
Alternate Member of the Programme Coordinating Committee, 2006-07,
Member of the Candidate Selection Committee, 2015, 2014, 2012, 2009,
2008, 2007. 2006
Convenor of departmental PhD seminar in “Εuropean Institutions - Political
Integration”, 2009-10
Convenor of departmental PhD seminar in “European Integration & Foreign
Policy”, 2011-12
 Coordinator of the Departmental Internship Programme, 2002-03
Summer Schools Teaching
Jean Monnet@CRONEM Summer School, University of Surrey, 29/63/7/2015
Evaluator for Agência de Avaliaçao e Ecreditaçao de Ensino Superior
(Agency for the Evaluation and Accredication of Higher Education),
Programmes in political science, Portugal, 2013
Reviewer of FP6 and FP7 research project proposals for the European
Commission, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2012
Annual reviews of FP6 projects for the European Commission, 2008, 2009,
Reviewer of book and journal proposals for Routledge
Journals for which has acted as referee (indicative): European Societies,
Government and Opposition, Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of
European Integration, Journal of Modern Greek Studies, Journal of Political
and Military Sociology, Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea
Studies, Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, National Identities, Patterns of
Edited Volumes
1. (2014) Susannah Verney & Anna Bosco (eds.) Protest Elections and
Challenger Parties: Italy and Greece in the Economic Crisis, Routledge:
London and New York, 168 pp.
2. (2014 and 2009): Susannah Verney, Anna Bosco & Marina Costa Lobo
(eds.): Southern Europe and the Financial Earthquake: Coping with the First
Phase of the International Crisis, Routledge: London and New York
(2013) Anna Bosco & Susannah Verney (eds.): Elections in Hard Times:
Southern Europe, 2010-11, Routledge: London and New York, 242 pp.
4. (2011) Susannah Verney (ed.): Euroscepticism in Southern Europe: A
Diachronic Perspective, Routledge: London and New York, 214 pp.
(2009) Susannah Verney & Kostas Ifantis (eds.): Turkey’s Road to Eurοpean
Union Membership: National Identity and Political Change, London and New
York: Routledge, 135 pp.
Journal Articles \ Chapters in Edited Books
1. (2015) ‘Waking the ‘Sleeping Giant’ or Expressing Domestic Dissent?
Mainstreaming Euroscepticism in Crisis-stricken Greece’, International
Political Science Review, Vol. 36, no 1, pp. 279-295
2. (2015) ‘”El Blues de la crisis”: el impacto de la crisa económica en el auge del
euroscepticismo en Grecia’ in I. Martin & I. Tirado (eds.) Grecia: Aspectos
Políticos y Jurídico-Económicas de la Crisis, Centro Estudios Políticos y
Constitucionales, Madrid
3. (2014) Susannah Verney: ‘Broken and Can’t Be Fixed: The Impact of the
Economic Crisis on the Greek Party System’, The International Spectator:
Italian Journal of International Affairs, Vol 49, Issue 1, pp. 18-35
4. (2014) Ben Clements, Kyriaki Nanou & Susannah Verney: ‘“We No Longer
Love You, But We Don’t Want to Leave You”: The Eurozone Crisis and
Popular Euroscepticism in Greece’, Journal of European Integration, Volume
36, No 3, pp. 247-266
5. (2014) Susannah Verney with Sofia Michalaki: ‘Greece’ in N. Conti (ed.) Party
Attitudes towards the EU in the Member States: Parties for Europe, Parties
Against Europe, Routledge: London and New York, pp. 133-157
6. (2013) Susannah Verney & Anna Bosco: ‘Living Parallel Lives: Italy and
Greece in an Age of Austerity’, South European Society and Politics, 18/4, pp.
7. (2012) Anna Bosco & Susannah Verney: ‘Electoral Epidemic: The Political
Cost of Economic Crisis in Southern Europe, 2010-11’, South European
Society and Politics, 17/2, pp. 129-154
8. (2012) Susannah Verney: ‘The Eurozone’s First Post-bailout Election: The
2010 Local Government Context in Greece’, South European Society and
Politics, 17/2, pp. 195-216
9. (2011) Susannah Verney: ‘Euroscepticism in Southern Europe: A Diachronic
Perspective’, South European Society & Politics, 16/1, pp. 1-30
10. (2011) Susannah Verney: (2011) ‘An Exceptional Case? Party and Popular
Euroscepticism in Greece, 1959-2009’, South European Society & Politics,
16/1, pp. 51-80
11. (2009a) Susannah Verney: ‘Flaky Fringe? Southern Europe Facing the
Financial Crisis’, South European Society & Politics, 14/1, pp. 1-6
12. (2009b) Susannah Verney: ‘From Consensus to Conflict: Changing
Perceptions of the Cyprus Question in the European Parliament, 1995-2006’
in T. Diez and N. Tocci (eds.) Cyprus: A Conflict at the Crossroad,
Manchester University Press: Manchestr, pp. 124-146
13. (2008) Kivanc Ulusoy & Susannah Verney: ‘Europeanisation and the
Transformation of Turkey’s Cyprus Policy: A Case of Democratic Peace?’ in
S. Verney & K. Ifantis (eds.), Turkey’s Road to European Union Membership:
National Identity and Political Change, Routledge: London and New York, pp.
14. (2007a) Susannah Verney: ‘The Dynamics of EU Accession: Turkish Travails
in Comparative Perspective’, Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans,
9/3, pp. 307-322
15. (2007b) Susannah Verney: «National Identity and Political Change on
Turkey’s Road to EU Membership», Journal of Southern Europe and the
Balkans, 9/3, pp. 213-221
16. (2006) Susannah Verney: ‘Justifying the Second Enlargement: Promoting
Interests, Consolidating Democracy or Returning to the Roots?’ in H. Sjursen
(ed.), Questioning EU Enlargement: Europe In Search of Identity, London and
New York: Routledge, pp.19-43
17. (2005) Susannah Verney: ‘Political Conditionality and the Quality of
Democracy: The Case of Greek Association and Accession to the European
Community’ in H. Kabaalioğlu, M. Dartan, M. Sait Akman, Ç. Nas (eds.), The
Europeanisation of South Eastern Europe: Domestic Impacts of the
Accession Process to the EU, Istanbul: Marmara University European
Community Institute \ Turkish Universities Association for EC Studies, pp. 6993
18. (2004) Susannah Verney: ‘The End of Socialist Hegemony: Europe and the
Greek Parliamentary Election of 7 March 2004’, EPERN (European Parties
and Elections Network) Working Papers No. 15 \ Sussex European Institute,
Working Papers No. 80, University of Sussex - Sussex European Institute,
2004, pp. 1-32 (also available online at
19. (2002a) Susannah Verney: ‘Creating the Democratic Tradition of European
Integration: The South European Catalyst’ in H. Sjursen (ed.), Enlargement
and the Finality of the EU, Oslo: Arena, 2002, pp. 97-127
20. (2002b) Susannah Verney: ‘The Greek Association with the European
Community: A Strategy of State’ in A. Costa-Pinto & N. Teixeira (eds.)
Southern Europe and the Making of the European Union, Columbia University
Press: New York, 2002, pp. 109-156
21. (2002c) Susannah Verney: “Challenges to Greek Identity”, European Political
Science, 1/2, Spring 2002, pp. 12-16
22. (1998) Susannah Verney: ‘Dual Vision: Divided Perceptions of Europe in the
Political Party Debate on European Integration’ in H. Heppner and O. KatsiardiHering (eds.) Die Griechen und Europa vom 18. Jahrundert bis zur Gegenwart
(Vienna: Boehlau-Verlag, 1998), pp. 193-226
23. (1997a) Susannah Verney: ‘Greece: A New Era’, Mediterranean Politics, Vol. 2,
No. 1, pp. 193-200
24. (1997b) Susannah Verney: ‘Greece and the Common Foreign and Security
Policy: Time to Resolve the Paradoxes’ in P. Kazakos, P. Liargovas and E.
Phocas (eds.) What is the Future of the European Union? The Maastricht
Treaty Review) ELIAMEP \ Sideris: Athens, pp. 199-230
25. (1996a) Susannah Verney: ‘The Greek Socialists’ in J. Gaffney (ed.) Political
Parties and the European Union, Routledge: London and New York, pp. 170188
26. (1996b) Susannah Verney & Kevin Featherstone: ‘Greece’ in J. Lodge (ed.),
The 1994 Elections to the European Parliament, Frances Pinter: London, pp.
27. (1995) Geoffrey Pridham, Susannah Verney & Dimitrios Konstadakopulos:
‘Environmental Policy in Greece: Evolution, Structures and Process’,
Environmental Politics, 4/2, pp. 244-270
28. (1994) Susannah Verney: ‘Central State-Local Government Relations’ in P.
Kazakos & P.C. Ioakeimides (eds.) Greece and EC Membership Evaluated
Frances Pinter: London, pp. 166-180
29. (1993) Susannah Verney: ‘From the 'Special Relationship' to Europeanism:
PASOK and the European Community, 1981-89’ in R. Clogg (ed.) Greece,
1981-89: The Populist Decade Macmillan: London, pp. 131-153
30. (1992a) Susannah Verney & Fouli Papageorgiou: ‘Prefecture Councils in
Greece: Decentralization in the European Community Context’, Regional
Politics and Regional Policy, 2/1-2, pp. 109-138
31. (1992b) Fouli Papageorgiou & Susannah Verney: ‘Regional Planning and the
Integrated Mediterranean Programmes in Greece’, Regional Politics and
Regional Policy, 2/1-2, pp. 139-161
32. (1991a) Geoffrey Pridham & Susannah Verney: ‘The Coalitions of 1989-90 in
Greece: Inter-party Relations and Democratic Consolidation’, West European
Politics, 14/4, pp. 42-69
33. (1991b) Susannah Verney & Theodore Couloumbis: ‘State-International
Systems Interaction and the Greek Transition to Democracy in the Mid-1970s’
in G. Pridham (ed.) Encouraging Democracy: The International Context of
Democratic Transition in Southern Europe, Leicester University Press:
Leicester, pp. 103-124
34. (1990a) Susannah Verney: ‘Between Coalition and One-party Government:
The Greek Elections of November 1989 and April 1990’, West European
Politics, 19/4, pp. 131-138
35. (1990b, republished in Routledge Reprint series 2015) Susannah Verney: ‘To
Be or Not to Be Within the European Community: The Party Debate and
Democratic Consolidation in Greece’ in G. Pridham (ed.) Securing Democracy:
Political Parties and Regime Consolidation in Southern Europe, Routledge:
London & New York, pp. 203-223
36. (1990c) Kevin Featherstone & Susannah Verney: ‘Greece’ in J. Lodge (ed.),
Euroelections 1989 Macmillan: London, pp. 90-106
37. (1989) Susannah Verney: ""Storico Compromesso": Reconciliation and
Renewal on the Greek Left’, Journal of Communist Studies, 5/4, pp. 200-206
38. (1988) Susannah Verney: ‘The New Red Book of the KKE: The Renewal That
Never Was’, Journal of Communist Studies, 4/4, pp. 171-173
39. (1987a) Susannah Verney: ‘The Spring of the Greek Left: Two Party
Congresses’, Journal of Communist Studies, 3/4, pp. 166-169
40. (1987b) Susannah Verney: ‘Greece and the European Community’ in K.
Featherstone & D. Katsoudas (eds.) Political Change in Greece: Before and
After the Colonels Croom Helm: London, pp. 253-270
41. (1986) Susannah Verney & Panos Tsakaloyannis: ‘Linkage Politics: The Role
of the European Community in Greek Domestic Politics in 1973’, Byzantine and
Modern Greek Studies, No. 10, pp. 179-194
Online Publications
42. (2006) «EU Enlargement as a Moral Mission: Debating Cyprus’ Accession in
the European Parliament», paper presented at the 3rd Paneuropean
Conference of the Standing Group on European Union Politics, ECPR, Bilgi
Articles in Greek
43. (2011) Susannah Verney: ‘Ο κομματικός ευρωσκεπτικισμός στην Ελλάδα από
την εποχή της Ένταξης’ (Party Euroscepticism in Greece from the Era of
Accession’), Διεθνής και Ευρωπαϊκή Πολιτική, Τεύχος 21-22, pp. 150-160
44. (2006) Susannah Verney: ‘Η Ευρωπαϊκή Εξέλιξη του Ανδρέα Παπανδρέου :
Από την Ένωση Κέντρου στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση’ (The European Evolution
of Andreas Papandreou: From the Centre Union to the European Union) in V.
Panayotopoulos (ed.) Ο Ανδρέας Παπανδρέου and η Εποχή του: Βιογραφικό
Σχεδίασμα, Μελετήματα, Μαρτυρίες {Andreas Papandreou and His Era:
Biographical Sketch, Studies, Testimonies) Ellinika Grammata: Athens Vol. II,
pp. 175-202
45. (1992) Susannah Verney: ‘Εvταξη στηv EOK and Δημoκρατική Σταθερoπoίηση
- Η Περίπτωση της Ελλάδας, 1974-1989’ (Accession to the EC and Democratic
Stabilisation – The Greek Case, 1974-1989), Διεθνές Δίκαιο και Διεθνής
Πολιτική, 21, pp. 201-219
46. (1989b) Susannah Verney: ‘Πoλιτικά Κόμματα and η Εvταξη στηv ΕΟΚ: Εvα
Ξέvo Μάτι’ (“Political Parties and Accession to the EEC: An Alien Eye),
Synchrona Themata, No. 38, pp. 61-66
Articles in Yearbooks
1. The Annual Register: A Record of World Events, Keesing’s Worldwide (20012004) and ProQuest,( 2005-12)
 Article on events in Greece: 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006,
2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001
2. Central and South-Eastern Europe, Routledge
Article on “Greece: History” with annual updates, 2015, 2014,
2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006
Encyclopedia Entries
(2010) V. Vamvakas & P. Panagiotopoulos (eds.) H Ελλάδα στη Δεκαετία του
1980, To Perasma: Athens
o ‘EOK: Άρνηση και αποδοχή μίας ιστορικής επιλογής’ [EEC: rejection
and acceptance of a historic choice], pp. 190-193
o ‘Συγκυβέρνηση: η αριστερά στην εξουσία με ηθικό κίνητρο και
πολιτικό κόστος’ [Co-government: the left in power with a moral motive
and political cost] pp. 561-564
(2000) G. Speake (ed.) Encyclopedia of Greece and the Hellenic Tradition,
Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers: London and Chicago
o ‘European Community and European Union’ pp. 589-591
Recent Conference Papers (since 2013)
‘Devoted to the Euro? Greeks and European Integration in an Era of Critical
Elections’ [in Greek], conference on ‘Electoral Contests 2015’, Panteio
University, Athens, 10 November 2015
‘Change and Continuity in Greek Attitudes towards Europe’, research
seminar, Department of Political Science, University of Cyprus, 14 October
‘Opposing European Integration from the Right in Crisis Era Greece’, UACES
annual conference, Deusto University, Bilbao, 7-9 September 2015
‘Πέρα από το Ευρώ: Η Αμφισβήτηση της Ευρώης και οι Επιπτώσεις για τα
Πολιτικά Κόμματα’ [Beyond the Euro: The Challenge to Europe and the
Consequences for the Political Parties], conference on ‘The Greek Political
System after the Elections of 25 January 2015’, University of Macedonia, 1112 June 2015
“A Pro-European Region under Stress: the Economic Crisis and Popular
Euroscepticism in Southern Europe”, Jean Monnet Chair Conference on “An
Evolving EU Engaging a Changing Mediterranean Region”, University of
Malta, 12 May 2015
“From Mediterranean Socialism to Community South: The European
Integration Framework and the Evolution of PASOK”. Conference on
“Southern European Socialism in the 1980s”, European University Institute,
Florence, 5-6 December 2014
‘The rise of right-wing euroscepticism in crisis-stricken Greece’, conference
on 'Democratic Constitutionalism in Europe' (workshop 'Europe's social
substrate'), ARENA, University of Oslo, 4-6 November 2014,
‘The rise of rightwing Euroscepticism in crisis-stricken Grece’, ECPR General
Conference, University of Glasgow, 3-6 September 2014
‘Of sceptics, suitors and centrifugialism: aspects of the post-Lisbon European
Union;, keynote address, workshop on ‘The post-Lisbon European Union in
Flux: Challenges and Opportunities’, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, 8
November 2013
Case-study: Greece’, Workshop on ‘Understanding the Crisis in the EU:
Politics in the Member-states’, Department of Sociology / Jean Monnet
Centre, University of Trento, Italy, 30 September 2013
‘Soft euroscepticism in the spotlight: understanding the impact of the
international crisis on Greece;; (Susannah Verney, Kyriaki Nanou & Ben
Clements), 7th General Conference of the European Consortium for Political
Research, Sciences Po, Bordeaux, 4-7 September 2013
‘Euroscepticism in Southern Europe in the Wake of the Economic Crisis: The
Case of Greece’, 3rd annual workshop of the UACES Collaborative Research
Network on Euroscepticism, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, 24 June
Participation in round table, ‘The International Debate: Have European
Politicians Undermined Democracy?’ Wroclaw Global Forum, Wroclaw
Congress Centre, Poland, 13-15 June 2013
‘The Eurozone Crisis and Public Attitudes Towards the European Union in
Greece’, (Ben Clements, Kyriaki Nanou and Susannah Verney), 63rd annual
conference of the Political Science Association, City Hall, Cardiff, UK, 25-27
March 2013 and MZES Workshop ‘Coping with crisis: Europe’s challenges
and strategies’, University of Mannheim, Germany, 3-4 June 2013
‘Greek Euroscepticism Since the Crisis’, seminar programme entitled ‘Grecia:
aspectos politicos y económicas de la crisis’, Universidad Autónoma de
Madrid, Spain, 14 March 2013
‘The Rise of Rightwing Euroscepticism in Greece’, XI Seminario de
Investigación, Departamento de Ciencia Politica y relaciones Internacionales,
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain, 13 March 2013