Jobline PowerPoint Presentation You can view a quick PowerPoint presentation of the Jobline LMU programme at Just click the link to open the presentation in your browser window if you have PowerPoint installed. Alternately, copy the link into your browser window. A box will then open and offer you the choice of either opening the presentation in your browser or downloading it to your computer. The file is large (about 3 MB) so you may only want to try and open or download it if you have a fast connection. The aim of Jobline LMU courses Jobline LMU compact courses aim to help students from all faculties apply for jobs (holiday jobs, internships, gap years, graduate jobs etc.) in English-speaking countries. The courses guide students through the complete job application process and beyond, starting with first thoughts about where they would like to work, the kind of job they would like to do and the opportunities open to them, through to intercultural awareness training for the first steps on the job. Students who participate in Jobline LMU courses are equipped with the language skills and background knowledge needed to search for a job write a written application comprising of a CV and cover letter conduct telephone calls that typically take place in the job application process take part in either a face-to-face or a telephone interview. The Jobline LMU learning environment Jobline LMU courses combine a balance of traditional classroom and (multimedia) language lab teaching in workshops, together with one-on-one online tutoring with English nativespeaker online tutors and also self-study using the Jobline LMU website. This combination creates a varied and interesting learning environment for students. Jobline LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Projektgruppe SprachChancen Seite 1 / 13 The workshop activities build upon the information and interactive exercises in the website self-study units. In particular, the workshops provide students with the opportunity to actively practise oral language skills, for example through interview role play and group discussions. They also provide a forum for important peer and tutor feedback following the online phase and for the exchange of ideas and experiences. Timeframe "Job applications in English" consists of two workshops of four and eight teaching hours respectively and fourteen hours minimum of online study before and between the workshops (including written assignments) within a timeframe of four weeks. "Telephoning for job hunters" consists of one workshop of six teaching hours with two hours minimum online preparation. The courses can be taught individually, but for optimal results are best taught as a package. Please see the course descriptions for more information about the individual courses and their timeframes. If taught for UNIcert®, the two courses must be taught as a single course with 2 SWS. The section on UNIcert® in this document gives you an overview of the course framework if Jobline LMU is to be taught for UNIcert®. Jobline LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Projektgruppe SprachChancen Seite 2 / 13 Minimum language requirements Students must have at least English at Abitur or equivalent in order to take part in Jobline courses. Partner universities may find it helpful to carry out a placement test. Number of participants A maximum of 20 participants is recommended per course. Courses with more than 20 participants are difficult to manage in the online phase (due to the intensive nature of etutoring) and in the interview role play in Workshop 2. Registration Jobline LMU has a centrally administered course registration for students from all universities and Fachhochschulen. Teachers have website access to the registration lists during the registration period and to the final list of course participants after registration is completed (usually one week before the course starts). Registration should ideally start several weeks before the course begins, so course dates must be fixed and sent to the LMU team well in advance The four skills Jobline LMU courses train all four language skills: Reading: Students have to work through all of the website self-study units at different points during the courses. Comprehension of the information content in each unit is checked by interactive online exercises. Further to this, the core course assignment in "Job applications in English" - to find a job and apply for it involves searching the Internet or print media for suitable jobs, reading company websites, interpreting job advertisements and, above all, critically analysing the information found. Writing: The core course assignment is for students to find a job that they can imagine applying for and to compose a written application with the step-by-step guidance of the CV and cover letter units on the Jobline LMU website. Written assignment work is supervised by an e-tutor (a native speaker of English), who encourages students to improve their own work in a two-tiered feedback and correction process. Communication between student and online tutor takes place by e-mail in English. Jobline LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Projektgruppe SprachChancen Seite 3 / 13 Listening: Listening comprehension is trained on the website in the form of audio and audio-visual exercises in the units "Working abroad", "Application skills > Interviews" and "Application skills > Telephoning". Listening is also practised intensively in the "Telephoning for job hunters" workshop. Speaking: This skill is trained intensively in the classroom sessions through role play, for example for interviews and telephoning, as well as in the group discussions. Web-based preparation for interviews and telephoning takes place in the selfstudy phases. Intercultural skills Successful intercultural communication for students who intend to work in an Englishspeaking country starts with the job application. Intercultural pitfalls in the written application, in interviews and when making phone calls are dealt with both on the website and in the workshops. The first unit of the website, "Working abroad", sensitises students to intercultural differences which may be experienced when living and working in an English-speaking country and encourages students to develop strategies for good intercultural communication. This aspect of the job application process is reinforced by audio-visual interviews and reports from students who have already lived and worked abroad. Vocabulary training Vocabulary specific to the job application process is trained in the website units through interactive exercises and is used actively in the workshops and written work. Further to this, the website also has an online Word-a-Week feature, whereby registered users are sent a word or expression on a weekly basis with definitions, examples, related terminology and links. To date Word-a-Week has over 350 registered users. Measurement of success Students who attend all workshops and complete the online assignments to the satisfaction of their e-tutor are considered to have successfully completed the courses. If taught for UNIcert®, students have to take a final written test of 90 minutes duration at the end of the course in order to get a Schein. Naturally, the ultimate measurement of success is when Jobline LMU "graduates" successfully apply for a job in an English-speaking country. Jobline LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Projektgruppe SprachChancen Seite 4 / 13 Jobline LMU course descriptions Job applications in English Guidelines for teachers The following information is intended as a guideline for teaching "Job applications in English". Please also read the workshop lesson plans and other workshop materials, which can be downloaded from the "Teacher area": Teacher login The Teacher pages can be found at or over the navigation Courses > Teacher login. The default user login is: user name: teacher password: &jobline Later you may also have to enter the e-mail address to log in. The workshop lesson plans take you through the workshops step-by-step. Important information for "Job applications in English" at a glance Course format Altogether the course runs over four weeks, including one week of preparation before the first workshop. Two workshops: Workshop 1 = 4 teaching hours Workshop 2 = 8 teaching hours Self-study online preparation: Two hours minimum before each workshop Two written assignments (CV and cover letter) with online preparation: Five hours minimum per assignment. This is a two-tiered process in which the e-tutor gives feedback for student self-correction of the first draft of their written work, and makes final suggestions and corrections for the second draft. This process takes place in the three weeks between the two workshops. Jobline LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Projektgruppe SprachChancen Seite 5 / 13 Minimum language At least English at Abitur or equivalent requirements Registration Registration is via the website and is administered by the Jobline LMU team. Registration should ideally start several weeks before the course begins, so course dates must be fixed and sent to the LMU team well in advance. Registration is usually completed one week before the course begins. Teachers have access to their course participant lists on the website under Courses > Teacher login. Number of participants 20 maximum Recommended teaching Language lab with access to the Internet both for the teacher and environment for the workshops for students; “beamer”. The workshops can be adapted for standard classroom teaching. Workshop materials Workshop lesson plans and other workshop materials for "Job applications in English" can be downloaded from the "Teacher area". The lesson plans tell you at which point to use the materials during the workshop. Instructors "Job applications in English" can be taught by one teacher, but works equally well when one teacher takes the workshops and another does the e-tutoring/correction. Aims "Job applications in English" is a blended-learning compact course that provides students with the background knowledge and skills needed to apply for a job in an English-speaking country. Through online information and interactive exercises and in workshop activities, students find out about the different kinds of jobs available to them, where to search for jobs and how to interpret job descriptions. They learn how to write effective CVs and cover letters with the supervision of an e-tutor and are trained in interview skills both online and through role play in the second workshop. Jobline LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Projektgruppe SprachChancen Seite 6 / 13 Learner path for Jobline LMU "Job applications in English" Workshop 1 - Job search and preparation for the online phase (four teaching hours) One week before Workshop 1, teachers send course participants a pre-workshop e-mail (you'll find a sample e-mail as a download in the "Teacher area") which instructs them to do the pre-workshop 1 activities. These familiarise students with the website and take them through the website units "Working abroad" and "Job search" (see main navigation) in preparation for the workshop. Besides kicking off the course, this e-mail serves as a useful reminder to students since courses are often held several weeks after registration. In the workshop, students and instructors get to know each other and do groupwork activities to exchange and develop ideas about different ways of searching for a job in the international job market. Most of the workshop activities do not require multimedia facilities, but it is useful at times to be able to view the website either using a projector or on student computers. Written assignments - the written application (online phase) Altogether students send their instructors (e-tutors) two versions of both their CVs and cover letters - a first attempt and a corrected and improved version - after first working through the CV and cover letter units on the website (Application skills > CVs; Application skills > Cover letter). Students send the first version of their CVs for correction one week after Workshop 1. For an overview of this procedure, please see the learner path for "Job applications in Jobline LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Projektgruppe SprachChancen Seite 7 / 13 English" (Courses > Learner paths). Assignments are sent and received either via the website (in the "Files" section of the Teacher and Student areas) or by e-mail. Workshop 2 - feedback from the online phase and interviews (eight teaching hours) One week before Workshop 2, students have to do the pre-workshop 2 activities which round off the written assignments and familiarise them with interview skills and language. Teachers send course participants an e-mail to remind them to do these activities. A sample e-mail can be downloaded from the "Teacher area". The first part of Workshop 2 provides instructors and students with the opportunity to comment on the assignments and discuss common problems and mistakes. The rest of the workshop concentrates on job interview role plays. Interview language, question psychology and appropriate answers as well as body language are prepared for in detail in group discussions and pair work. Students are encouraged to conduct interviews as authentically as possible, and "interview candidates" receive extensive instructor and peer feedback on their interview performance. Jobline LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Projektgruppe SprachChancen Seite 8 / 13 Telephoning for job hunters Guidelines for teachers The following information is intended as a guideline for teaching "Telephoning for job hunters". Please also read the workshop lesson plan and other workshop materials, which can be downloaded from the "Teacher area". (See the box at the beginning of the course descriptions in this document for how to log in to the Teacher area.) The lesson plan takes you through the workshop activities step-by-step. Important information for "Telephoning for job hunters" at a glance Course format Self-study online preparation (2 hours minimum) to be done in the week before the workshop (6 teaching hours). Minimum language At least English at Abitur or equivalent requirements Number of participants 20 maximum Registration Registration is via the website and is administered by the Jobline LMU team. Registration should ideally start several weeks before the course begins, so course dates must be fixed and sent to the LMU team well in advance. Registration is usually completed one week before the course begins. Teachers have access to their course participant lists on the website under Courses > Teacher login. Recommended teaching Language lab, optimally with telephoning, pair, group work and environment for the workshop recording functions; computer with access to the Internet; “beamer”. The course can be adapted for standard classroom teaching using a tape recorder. Materials You can download the workshop lesson plan and other workshop materials for "Telephoning for job hunters" from the "Teacher area". The lesson plan tells you at which point to use the downloaded files during the workshop. Jobline LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Projektgruppe SprachChancen Seite 9 / 13 Aims Good telephoning skills are a must in the modern job application process. At every point during the job application procedure there are situations where a quick call to the recruiter may be necessary or desirable and – if successfully carried out – may tip the balance in favour of the candidate. However, students who are otherwise very competent in communicating in English are sometimes nervous in telephoning situations. They feel insecure, make mistakes and forget what they want to say without the visual aids that help them assimilate information in a face-to-face exchange. This blended-learning compact course helps students sharpen their existing English telephoning skills and develop good communication strategies for the telephone. It reinforces their knowledge of telephoning etiquette and gives them plenty of hands-on telephoning practice to train pronunciation and fluency and to build up confidence. Learner path for Jobline LMU "Telephoning for job hunters" Online preparation The self-study online phase of "Telephoning for job hunters" familiarises students with basic formal telephoning skills trains students in specific key language skills in preparation for the workshop Jobline LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Projektgruppe SprachChancen Seite 10 / 13 provides examples of typical telephoning vocabulary and expressions with audio to help students with pronunciation sensitises students to the intercultural aspects of making telephone calls in English. One week before the workshop, the teacher sends course participants a pre-workshop e-mail (a sample e-mail can be downloaded from the "Teacher area") which instructs them to do the pre-workshop activities. These take the students through the telephoning unit (Application skills > Telephoning) of the website and the telephoning resources in the Resource area (Resource area > Telephoning). The telephoning workshop (six teaching hours) At the end of the online preparation week, the course participants and teacher meet for the workshop. With the help of the web-based preparation, students should be familiar with the subject and the language of telephoning by the time they come to the workshop, so the workshop can be used for intensive practice. The first parts of the workshop concentrate on controlled practice of basic telephoning skills and dealing with telephoning problem areas. The final part of the workshop allows for freer practice and should be allocated plenty of time. Students need access to the Jobline LMU telephoning resources (Resource area > Telephoning) during the workshop. If you do not have student computers with Internet, the telephoning expressions and model dialogues can be downloaded from the "Teacher area" and copied for students. Using multimedia for training telephoning skills in the classroom The telephoning workshop has been developed for teaching in the multimedia language lab of Munich University, which has a Tandberg ICM system. With a suitable group size this multimedia environment enables teachers to maximise telephoning authenticity. The telephoning function can be used to simulate making telephone calls, and the pair function can be used to conduct and record telephone exchanges for teacher and peer feedback. However, all exercises can be adapted for other language lab systems or even for standard classroom teaching using a tape recorder. Jobline LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Projektgruppe SprachChancen Seite 11 / 13 UNIcert® Jobline LMU has applied for UNIcert® accreditation. If taught for UNIcert®, "Job applications in English" and "Telephoning for job hunters" are taught together as a single course with a total of three workshops and with a written test at the end of 90 minutes duration. Jobline can be taught as one of four components of UNIcert® III. The course framework is then as follows: Pre-workshop 1: online preparation for "Job 2 hours minimum applications in English" with the Jobline LMU website units "Working abroad" and "Job search" Workshop 1: "Job applications in English" contact 4 hours teaching Online assignment 1 with e-tutoring: finding a job, 5 hours minimum doing the online "CVs" unit + writing a CV Online assignment 2 with e-tutoring: doing the 5 hours minimum online "Cover letters" unit + writing a cover letter Pre-workshop 2: online preparation with the 2 hours minimum Jobline LMU website unit "Interviews" Workshop 2: "Job applications in English" contact 8 hours teaching Pre-workshop 3: online preparation for 2 hours minimum "Telephoning for job hunters" with the Jobline LMU website unit "Telephoning" Workshop 3: "Telephoning for job hunters" contact 6 hours teaching Written test 2 hours Total hours 36 teaching hours within a framework of 6 weeks Jobline LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Projektgruppe SprachChancen Seite 12 / 13 Terms of cooperation between Jobline LMU and partner universities and Fachhochschulen in 2004 The Jobline LMU Implementation Project follows on from the Jobline LMU Development Project (2001-2003). The aim of Jobline LMU in 2004 is to implement Jobline LMU at further universities and Fachhochschulen. Jobline LMU is financed by the Europäischen Sozialfond, by the Bavarian State Ministry for Education, Research and the Arts, and by Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich. Jobline LMU provides course materials for teachers to photocopy and use provides some marketing materials (e.g. flyers) pays teachers (Lehrbeauftragte) for teaching the workshops and for online tutoring (supervision and correction of CVs and cover letters) provides centralised online registration via the Jobline LMU website organises teacher training sessions for Jobline LMU teachers offers general support and information Partner universities and Fachhochschulen need to find Lehrbeauftragte do the local administration (organise rooms - preferably multimedia language lab, photocopying of course materials etc.) market the website and courses, including contacting Auslandsbeauftragte and other relevant offices at the university send teachers to Jobline LMU teacher training sessions issue student certificates (Scheine). Jobline LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Projektgruppe SprachChancen Seite 13 / 13