
Attachment 4
Preliminary schedule (morning session)
09.30–11.30 AM
Short talks about the Institute and its main projects (15–20 minutes)
Prof. Dr. Lev Zelenyi, Space Research Institute today
Dr. Oleg Korablev, Russian planetary program. Russian part of ExoMars project (in
collaboration with the European Space Agency)
Prof. Dr. Igor Mitrofanov, Neutron spectroscopy: in search for water in Solar system
Dr. Stanislav Klimov, 'Chibis-M', Russian microsatellite to study lightnings on Earth
Dr. Mikhail Pavlinskyi, High energy astrophysics: INTEGRAL (ESA) and “Spectr-RG' (in
collaboration with German Space Agency DLR)
Q&A session
11.30–01.00 AM Guided tours (in two groups, 15 persons each)
'Chibis-M' flight control center (20 minutes)
Grinding instrument for sampling (20 min)
Department of Nuclear Planetology (Neutron spectroscopy lab) (20 minutes)
Test facilities (20 minutes)
This schedule is subject to change, the final version will be available in September
Links, additional information
Space Research Institute, general information
Space Research Institute (IKI for short) of Russian Academy of Sciences was founded in
1965 as a head body for space research in the USSR. It was responsible for science
programs of main Soviet robotic space missions, such as “Venera” and “Mars” programs
(Venus and Mars exploration), astrophysical projects (Granat and Astron observatories),
numerous space plasma missions, and many more. IKI was not intended to build
spacecraft themselves (the main prime industry contractor for scientific missions in Russia
is Lavochkin Association). Instead, it makes scientific instruments to be installed onboard
and also coordinates collaboration on projects. For that special engineering facilities were
built in Moscow, as well as in the town of Tarusa (Kaluga region) and Bishkek (former in
the USSR, now in Kyrgyzstan).
Current space projects (not all) led by IKI are:
- “Plazma-F” onboard Spectr-R radio observatory (launched in 2011) for solar wind studies
- “Chibis-M” microsatellite to explore lightnings in the low atmosphere
- “Mars Express” (European Space Agency; Russia participates in several onboard
experiments), launched in 2004. Spectroscopy of Martian atmosphere.
- “Venus-Express” (European Space Agency; Russia participates in several onboard
experiments), launched in 2005. Spectroscopy of Venusian atmosphere,
- DAN experiment onboard Curiosity rover (NASA), launched in 2011. Search for hydrogen
in Martian upper soil.
- HEND experiment onboard Mars Odyssey orbiter (NASA), launched in 2001. Search for
hydrogen in Martian upper soil, the longest ever working instrument for nuclear
spectroscopy near Mars.
- LEND experiment onboard Lunar Reconnaissance orbiter (NASA), launched in 2009.
Search for hydrogen in lunar upper soil.
- Russian Moon exploration program (Luna-25, Luna-26, and Luna-27 to be launched in
- “ExoMars” (in collaboration with European Space Agency), launch dates 2016, 2018.
- “Spectr-RG” X-ray observatory (in collaboration with German Space Agency DLR).
- “Resonance” multisatellite project to study near-Earth space.
Short overview of IKI's past and present activities can be found in .jpg of the poster
or in Wikipedia
IKI official site in English unfortunately, mostly
IKI's year 2013 main results in English (.pdf)
Recollections of Prof. Roald Sagdeev, former IKI director, and Dr. Lev Zelenyi,
current IKI director (separate .pdf file) from Space: The First Step. Collection of essays
devoted to the 50th Anniversary of First Artificial Earth Satellite — Sputnik launch. Space
Researh Institute, Moscow, 2007
(those who are interested in the book, please, refer to for .pdf)
ExoMars, Russian web page (available in Russian only)
European Space Agency's “ExoMars” web page
Department of Nuclear Planetology's official site (there can be slight changes
regarding the missions under development, please, refer mainly to HEND, LEND, BTN,
and DAN pages)
“Chibis-M” (available in Russian only)
INTEGRAL, Russian Science Data Center
Spectr-RG, mission overview
Anatoly Zak, Spektr-RG to expand horizons of X-ray astronomy
Additional information, such as short overview of Russian space program will be available