Unit/Homework # Microorganisms HW 1 Microorganisms HW 2 Microorganisms HW 3 Microorganisms HW 4 Plant HW 1 Plant HW 2 Plant HW 3 Plant HW 4 Plant HW 5 Plants HW 6 Assignment Read Chapter 23 and your notes 1. Compare and contrast phylogenetic trees and cladograms 2. List the modern classification scheme. How does this differ from Linnaeus’ original scheme? 3. Taxonomists fall into 1 of 2 categories: “lumpers” and “splitters.” Describe what this means and what it says about the nature of classification Read Chapter 25 1. Compare and contrast Domains Bacteria and Archea 2. Describe the importance of Prokaryotes to other organisms. 3. Health officials worldwide are concerned by a resurgence of diseases caused by prokaryotes that are resistant to standard antibiotics. For instance, antibioticresistant bacteria are now causing an epidemic of tuberculosis (TB), a lung disease spread by airborne droplets. Drugs can relieve TB symptoms in a few weeks, but it takes much longer to halt the infection, and patients are likely to discontinue treatment while the bacteria are still present. Why can prokaryotes quickly reinfect a patient if they are not wiped out? How might this result in the evolution of drug-resistant pathogens? Read Chapter 26 1. It is often argued that the Protists are an arbitrary Kingdom of organisms that don’t really belong together. Construct an argument for, and then against this position. 2. Describe how scientists think the first Eukaryotes evolved. Read Chapter 28 1. Describe the importance of fungi to ecosystems. In this respect, of the organisms we’ve studied so far, the fungi are most like whom? 2. In what way might the use of a wide-spectrum fungicide that kills all fungal species have a harmful effect on vegetation, such as a forest? Read Chapter 27 1. Describe why scientists say that plants were the first organisms to colonize the land? 2. Describe alternation of generations. 3. Draw a phylogenetic tree or cladogram of the plant Kingdom. On the tree, list the important evolutionary advances of each group of plants Read Chapter 27 and your notes 1. What advantages do the seed plants have over the spore producing plants? 2. Define: Coevolution. How has the evolution of Angiosperms and animals been a good example of coevolution? Read Chapter 31 1. Define, then compare and contrast the root and shoot systems of plants. 2. Construct a chart that lists all the cell and tissue types in a plant, and describes their purpose. If you have space, draw a picture of each. 3. Define Meristem. Compare and contrast apical and lateral meristems. Read Chapter 32 1. Define: Vascular Tissue and describe the 2 types of vascular tissue. 2. Define and describe water potential. What things raise and lower water potential? 3. Define Transpiration and describe the cells that control transpiration and their mechanism. Read Chapter 33 1. Make a chart or concept map that shows the importance of the following terms: Mineral Nutrients, Essential Nutrients, Macronutrients, Micronutrients. 2. Describe the importance of microorganisms to plant nutrition 3. Why do parasitism and predation exist in some plants? Read Chapter 34 1. 2. 3. 4. Behavior HW 1 Behavior HW 2 Animals HW 1 Animals HW 2 Animals HW 3 Animal Anatomy HW 1 Animal Anatomy HW 2 Animal Anatomy HW 3 Distinguish between the gametophyte and sporophyte. Draw a diagram of a flower and label its reproductive parts. Describe the importance of double fertilization Create a list of cell parts and how they contribute to the development of a plant cell Read Chapter 35 1. Using the chart on pg 754, make flashcards for each plant hormone. On the front of the card, write the name of the hormone, on the back, write the function and where it’s produced. 2. Define Phototropism and describe how hormones control this phenomenon. 3. Construct a chart that lists all of the types of tropisms and plant movements, what causes them, and the mechanism for the response. 4. Describe how plants use phytochrome to regulate flowering 5. Describe how plants cope with environmental stresses. Read Chapter 50 1. Define ethology and describe its importance. 2. Contrast learned and innate behaviors. 3. Compare and contrast ethology and sociobiology 4. Create a chart that lists all the types of learned behaviors you can find in the chapter, and its purpose. Read Chapter 29 1. Looking at the phylogenetic tree on page 600, describe the major trends in animal evolution 2. Compare and contrast protostomes and deuterostomes 3. Define Coelom. Contrast the acoelomates, pseudocoelomates, and coelomates 4. Write your name in block capital letters on your paper. Draw lines of symmetry in the letters and identify each as being asymmetric, radially symmetric, or bilaterally symmetric Read Chapter 29 Construct a chart for the invertebrates with the following column headings: Phylum, Distinct Anatomical Features, Major evolutionary advance, and Examples. Fill this in as you read the chapter Read Chapter 30 Construct a chart for the vertebrates with the following column headings: Phylum, Class, Distinct Anatomical Features, Major evolutionary advances, and Examples. Fill this in as you read the chapter. Read Chapter 37 1. Compare and contrast the various animal feeding strategies 2. Compare and contrast intracellular and extracellular digestion 3. Trace the path that food takes through the mammalian digestive system. Be sure to include all organs and hormones responsible for regulating digestion 4. Describe how dentition relates to diet. Be specific about the types of teeth involved. Read Chapter 38 1. Compare and Contrast open and closed circulatory systems 2. Describe double circulation and how it represents an evolutionary advance. 3. Compare and contrast veins, arteries, capillaries, and venules 4. Construct a chart that lists the various blood components and what they do 5. Trace the path of air through the mammalian respiratory system. 6. Describe how the law of partial pressure helps us maintain oxygen balance Read Chapter 39 1. Compare and contrast specific and nonspecific immune system responses. 2. Create a chart that lists the types of nonspecific defenses, how they work, and their evolutionary purpose. 3. Create a chart that lists the types of immune cells, where they’re located during the infection, and what they do. 4. 5. Animal Anatomy HW 4 Animal Anatomy HW 5 Animal Anatomy HW 6 Animal Anatomy HW 7 Animal Anatomy HW 8 Ecology HW 1 Ecology HW 2 Ecology HW 3 Contrast active and passive immunity. Give examples Why are allergies and autoimmune disordersconsidered to be the immune system out of control? Read Chapter 40 1. Describe how thermal regulation is different in ectotherms and endotherms. 2. Describe how the skin functions in both a thermoregulatory and excretory role. 3. How do animals osmoregulate? 4. Trace the evolution of the mammalian kidney from flame cells. 5. Describe a nephron and how it relates to kidney function Read Chapter 41 1. Construct a chart that lists the major hormones you see as you read, where they’re produced, and what they do 2. Do challenge questions 1 and 2 Read Chapter 42 1. Describe the ways that animals can reproduce asexually. 2. Contrast the different ways that animals can reproduce sexually. 3. Compare and contrast spermatogenesis and oogenesis 4. Compare and contrast the male and female hormone patterns 5. Add to your list of hormones from Animal Anatomy HW 5. Read Chapter 43 1. Construct a chart that examines the 3 tissue layers in the embryo, their formation, and what they give rise to in the body (which organs specifically). 2. Do challenge question 2 Read chapters 44 and 1035-the end of chapter 45 1. Draw a nerve cell and label the following: dendrite, axon, synapse, myelin sheath (Schwann cells), oligodendrocytes. 2. Contrast the pathway of the neural impulse for a reflexive behavior and a nonreflexive behavior. 3. Describe how membrane potential and action potential work to transmit a nerve’s signal. 4. Construct a chart that lists the types of sensory receptors, structures related to them, how they work, and how they’re accomplished differently in different groups of organisms. 5. Descirbe how actin, myosin, and tropomyosin relate to one another to control skeletal muscle. Read pg 1053-1054 and Chapter 47 1. Contrast populations and communities 2. Describe demography and the types of calculations and graphics demographers use to get a picture of the population. 3. Describe an example of a trade-off that an organism must make between investments in offspring and survival. 4. Make a chart that lists the growth models, what their graphs look like, assumptions, and comparison with reality. 5. Compare and contrast density dependent and density independent limiting factors. Give examples Read Chapter 48 1. Compare and contrast interspecific and intraspecific interactions of organisms. 2. Construct a chart that lists the types of interactions between organisms, who benefits, and how the interaction plays out (include predation, symbiosis-all 3 types, and competition) 3. Contrast primary and secondary succession. Read Chapter 49 1. Draw a food web and label the different trophic levels within it. Show the percentage of energy transferred to each trophic level on your diagram. 2. Define Primary productivity and show how gross and net primary productivity relate to one another. 3. 4. 5. Ecology HW 4 Describe biological magnification and why it happens. Contrast the greenhouse effect and the hole in the ozone layer. Besides energy, describe what cycles through ecosystems, and which are biotically-driven cycles and which are abiotically-driven cycles. Read Chapter 46 1. Define Biodiversity. Why is the lack of biodiversity a crisis? 2. How do edges and corridors influence biodiversity? 3. Do the challenge question.