University of Connecticut VCS10 Mary Falzo Diep Luu Doraica Petriello Scripts Commuter Services Script Scene I In the context of this video, Commuter Services is referred to as “Off-Campus Commuter Services” The scene begins with “Dora” driving onto campus for her first day at a new Institution. While driving on campus, she realizes that being a commuter student is going to be much more difficult than she had expected. There will be a commentary done by Dora Scene begisn with screen that shows Off Campus Commuter Services Dora’s adventure Day 1 : First day of classes University of Anywhere Voiceover “Hello, my name is Dora Ghiradelli, commuter student at University of anywhere and do I have a story for you. “Here I am, driving onto campus, parking was a nightmare. I ended up in this vacant parking lot all the way across campus. It was definetly not what I had expected. And then, my bags, so much to carry around campus. I had my lunch, laptop, gym bag, and my books for the first day…and oh, my coffee cup (all sarcastically) - But hey, this is only the beginning of a long journey…... Oh well, off to my first class……” Black Screen reads DAY 1: AFTER FIRST CLASS : LUNCHTIME Show the clip and then fade into black Dora narrates: “As you can see, my first day didn’t go so well. You’ll see things got much better on the 2 nd day when I met an unexpected friend.” Scene II University of Connecticut VCS10 Mary Falzo Diep Luu Doraica Petriello Scripts Black screen reads DAY 2: Second Day of Classes University of Anywhere Play the video of Dora driving on campus – Dora narrates: “Ok, so the second day gets a little interesting. So stick with me and we will go on this adventure together” Play the clip of Dora Driving onto campus (light background music?) Hippo gets Dora and walks off into the distance Now, the Hippo goes into the commuter lounge and shows Dora the way. Dora: The Commuter Lounge While in the Commuter lounge the Hippo introduces Dora to Diego and he shows her the way. Diego: Hi Off Campus Housing Hippo, I see you brought a friend. Dora:”Hi, I’m Dora a new commuter student” Diego: “Hi Dora, I’m Diego, nice to meet you.” Dora:”Nice to meet you too. Thank you for all your help today, Off Campus Housing Hippo” Diego: “It was nice seeing you, Off Campus Housing Hippo Hippo waves goodbye and leaves Diego: “Hi Dora, so how are things going here so far?” Dora: “Umm, (sigh) they are going ok, it’s been a little challenging. I haven’t really met anyone yet, um, I have all of these bags and I don’t know where to put any of them all day, like after I go to the gym, and I don’t really have a place to heat up my lunch because I like to bring it from home.” University of Connecticut VCS10 Mary Falzo Diep Luu Doraica Petriello Scripts Diego: “Well, I can be your friend, and Off Campus Commuter Services can help you with all of that and more. So let me show you. Dora:”Great, thanks. Diego: “You’re welcome” At the Off Campus Commuter Services Board Diego: “So Dora, although you found your first friend here, Off Campus Commuter services has a bulletin board, as you can see that has postings for clubs and organizations on campus, and people you can meet. Dora: “That’s great umm, do any of the clubs and organizations meet during the day at all? Diego: “Yeah, there are some clubs and organizations that meet during the daytime” Dora: “Great and what about events or programs on campus. I would really like to come to some, but I can’t really get here at night because I commute.” Diego: “No worries, they have all kinds of events and programs during the daytime that you can attend.” Dora: “That’s great. Awesome! Diego: “And you know what? Since you are an Off-Campus Student, we have a guide for commuter students that you can check it out” Dora:”Oh, you mean a housing guide?” Diego: “Yes.” Dora: “Oh, that’s really great, because my drive today took a really long time, I got stuck in traffic and it was really stressful. Maybe I can try to find somewhere closer to campus to live.” Diego: “Perfect” Dora: “Thank you so much.” Diego: “You know what, let me show you the kitchen too.” University of Connecticut VCS10 Mary Falzo Diep Luu Doraica Petriello Scripts In the kitchen Diego: “So Dora, here is our kitchen” Dora: “WOW, this is great, I have a refrigerator, I can put my food in here when I am going from to the gym and in classes….. umm, a microwave, I don’t have to eat my food cold anymore, this is wonderful.” Diego: So Dora, remember all of those bags that you have out there” Dora: “I do, they are so frustrating, and carrying them around all day” Diego: “Well you know what; we have lockers you can use for free” Dora: “That’s great, you showed me lockers where I can store my stuff, there’s a refrigerator where I can go ahead and keep my lunch when I am at the gym and at classes, a microwave so I don’t have to eat my lunch cold, and out there there’s even a bulletin board with information about events and programs during the day, and some clubs and organizations that I might want to get involved with, thanks so much.” Diego: “You’re welcome, and if you have any questions at all you can contact Off Campus Commuter Services” End Scene Dora Narrates “As you can see, being a commuter student definitely got easier thanks to Off Campus Commuter Services. University of Connecticut VCS10 Mary Falzo Diep Luu Doraica Petriello Scripts Black slide in the background will read For more information about Off Campus Commuter Services, please check out our website ___________________ Disability Services Script There will be many phrases posted on the screen and coming in and out with fading on the screen. Script: Phrases posted on the screen Narrator 1: Individualized Educational Plan 504 Plan Temporary Disability Deaf and hard of hearing Medical/Chronic Health Condition Oral and sign language interpreters Summary of Performance Learning Disability Oral and sign language interpreters ADD/ADHD University of Connecticut VCS10 Mary Falzo Diep Luu Doraica Petriello Scripts Cognitive Disability Psychiatric disorders Visual Impairment Physical Mobility/Dexterity Impairments Narrator 2: Any of these terms apply to you or someone you know? Then Student Disability Services CAN HELP! Narrator 3: Are you a student with disabilities? Narrator 1: Note Taking Accommodations Fade out – Fade into the lecture room with the professor standing at the front of the room and talking like crazy. Diep is trying to take notes frantically looking flustered and frustrated. Student 1: “I can’t listen and take notes at the same time?” “There must be some resources out there to help me?” Narrator 2: Test Taking Accommodations Someone students taking a test with distractions all around (Cell phone, paper crumbling, stapler, pencil tapping, coughing) Narrator 3: Accessible Van Services Student 1 walking out of the infirmary with crutches and with a friend Student 2: “Geez Diep, It really stinks what happened to your ankle this morning.” Student 1: “Yeah, I know. I’m late to class and I don’t know what to do” University of Connecticut VCS10 Mary Falzo Diep Luu Doraica Petriello Scripts Student 2: “You know, there is this accessible van service that’s on campus. It’ll bring you from your residence hall to your classes, and you can set up all your schedule with them. Why don’t you try giving them a call?” Student 1: “That would be great! Let’s do it.” Narrator 1: Take a look at some other accommodations we provide. Narrator 3: Come check out disability services.