An Extensive Bibliography

An Extensive Bibliography
Data Envelopment Analysis
Volume III: Supplement 1
Compiled by
Ali Emrouznejad and Emmanuel Thanassoulis
Business School
University of Warwick
Coventry, CV4 7AL
April 1997
Agrell, P. J. and J. Wikner. 1996. "A Coherent Methodology for Productivity Analysis
Employing Integrated Partial Efficiency." International Journal Of Production
Economics 46401-11.
Allen, R, Athanassopoulos A., Dyson R. G., and E. Thanassoulis. 1997 (Due to appear).
"Weights Restrictions and Value Judgements in Data Envelopment Analysis:
Evolution, Development and Future Directions." Annals of Operations Research .
Allen R. and Thanassoulis E. 1996. "Increasing Envelopment in Data Envelopment
Analysis." Working Paper No. 210, Warwick Business School, Warwick
University, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK.
Allison J. , Charnes A, Cooper W W, and Sueyoshi T. 1994. "How Do the Construction
and/or Interpretation of Models Affect Our Decisions?: Part 1 Uses of Modelling
in Science and Society." Ethics in Modelling Edited by W. A. Wallance, Oxford:
Pergamon Press, Chapter 2. 11-36.
Amini, M. M. and B. Pease. 1996. "Data Envelopment Analysis: Assessing Operating
Efficiency of the USPS Facilities Department." .
Anderson, Timothy R. 1995. "Modelling Considerations in Data Envelopment Analysis
(Decision Making Units, Classification)." PhD, Georgia Institute Of Technology
Anderson, Urton L., William M. Cooper, and David E. Lockhart. Fall 1994. "DEA
Evaluations of Performance Audits." Internal Auditing [IAD] 10(2):13-22.
Anonymous. 1995. "PhD Scholarships Well Spread." Chartered Accountants Journal of
New Zealand [ANZ] 74(8):22-23.
Arnold, V. L., I. R. Bardhan, W. W. Cooper, and S. C. Kumbhakar. 1996. "New Uses of
DEA and Statistical Regressions for Efficiency Evaluation and Estimation-With
an Illustrative Application to Public Secondary Schools in Texas." Annals of
Operations Research 66255-77.
Athanassopoulos, A. 1997 (forthcoming). "Embodying Service Quality into Operating
Efficiency for Assessing the Effort Effectiveness in the Provision of Financial
Services." European Journal of Operational Research .
———. 1997, (forthcoming). "Target Based Resource Allocation in
Multi-Unit and Multi-Level Organisations." Management Science .
———. (forthcoming). "Antecedents of Customer Satisfaction & Customer
Differentials: Evidence From the Greek Banking Industry." Journal of Business
Research .
———. (forthcoming). "Multivariate and Frontier Analysis for Assessing
the Market and Cost Efficiency of Large Scale Bank Branch Networks." Journal
of Money and Credit Banking .
Athanassopoulos, A and Giokas D. 1997(In press). "On-Going Use of Data Envelopment
Analysis in Banking Institutions: Evidence From the Commercial Bank of
Greece." Interfaces (USA) .
Athanassopoulos A. and D Giokas. 1997. "Assessing Technical Efficiency and Returns
to Scale in State Owned Enterprises: the Hellenic Telecommunications
Organisation." Journal of Operational Research .
Athanassopoulos, A. and J. Karkazis. 1997. "The Efficiency of Social and Economic
Image Projection in Spatial Configurations." Journal Of Regional Science
Athanassopoulos A. and Mylonopoulos N. 1997. "Marketing Information
Systems for Sustained Competitive Advantage in Retailing Organisations."
EMAC 97 Published Proceedings .
Athanassopoulos A. and Podinovski V. 1997. "Dominance and Potential Optimality in
Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis With Imprecise Information." Journal of the
Operational Research Society 48:142-50.
Athanassopoulos, A and Victor V. Podinovski. 1995. "A DEA Model With Weight
Restrictions ." Warwick Business School, Working Paper 181 .
Athanassopoulos A. and Shalle E. 1997. "An Investigation on the Cost and Value Added
Efficiencies of Higher Education Institutions in the UK Using Data Envelopment
Analysis." Education Economics Journal 5(2).
Athanassopoulos, A, E Thanassoulis, O B. Olesen, and N C. Petersen. 1995. "Assessing
Marginal Impacts of Investments on the Performance of Organisational Units;
Comment on Assessing Marginal Impact of Investment on the Performance of
Organisational Units; Reply." International Journal of Production Economics
[EPE] 39(1,2):149-64.
Bailey, Marshall H. I. 1993. "Public Administration Efficiency Through Total Quality
Management (Quality Management)." PhD, George Mason University (0883).
Baker, R. C. and S. Talluri. 1997. "A Closer Look at the Use of Data Envelopment
Analysis for Technology Selection." Computers & Industrial Engineering
Banker, R D., I Bardhan, and W W. Cooper. 8, 1996. "A Note on Returns to Scale in
DEA." European Journal of Operational Research [EJO] 88(3):583-85.
Banker, R. D., Hsihui Chang, and W. W. Cooper. 1996. "Simulation Studies of
Efficiency, Returns to Scale and Misspecification With Non-linear Functions in
DEA." Annals of Operations Research (66):233-53.
Banker, R. D. and R. C. Morey. 1996. "Estimating Production Frontier Shifts: an
Application of DEA to Technology Assessment." Annals of Operations Research
Vol: 66 P. 181-96 66181-96.
Banker, Rajiv D., Hsihui Chang, and William W. Cooper. Mar 22, 1996. "Equivalence
and Implementation of Alternative Methods for Determining Returns to Scale in
Data Envelopment Analysis." European Journal of Operational Research [EJO]
Banker, Rajiv D., Hsihui Chang, and Chris F. Kemerer. May 1994. "Evidence on
Economies of Scale in Software Development." Information & Software
Technology [DTP] 36(5):275-82.
Bardhan, I., W. F. Bowlin, W. W. Cooper, and T. Sueyoshi. "Models and Measures for
Efficiency Dominance in DEA. I. Additive Models and MED Measures." Journal
of the Operations Research Society of Japan 39(3):322-32.
Bardhan, Indranil R. 1995. "Data Envelopment Analysis and Frontier Regression
Approaches for Evaluating the Efficiency of Public Sector Activities:
Applications to Public School Education in Texas." PhD, The University Of
Texas At Austin (0227).
Barr, Richard S. and Thomas F. Siems. 1994. "Predicting Bank Failure Using DEA to
Quantify Management Quality." Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Financial
Industry Studies [FIS] 11-31.
Bergquist, Robert K. Fall 1996. "Audit Risk Analysis: An Experiment Using Data
Envelopment Analysis." Internal Auditing [IAD] 12(2):3-12.
Bates, J. M. 1997. "Measuring Predetermined Socio-economic 'Inputs' When Assessing
the Efficiency of Educational Outputs." Applied Economics 29(1):85-93.
Bates, J. M., D. Baines, and D. K. Whynes. 1996. "Measuring the Efficiency of
Prescribing by General Practitioners." Journal Of The Operational Research
Society 47(12):1443-51.
Bernard, J., U. Cantner, and G. Westermann. 1996. "Technological Leadership and
Variety: a Data Envelopment Analysis for the French Machinery Industry."
Annals Of Operations Research 68361-77.
Blank, Robert R. 1987. "Genesis of Silica and Calcite Cemented Soils in Idaho
(Duripan)." PhD, University Of Idaho (0089).
Bogetoft, P. 1994. "DEA-Based Yardstick Competition: The Optimality of Best Practice
Regulation." W.P. Copenhagen Business School. 1-23.
———. 1996. "DEA on Relaxed Convexity Assumptions." Management Science
Bogetoft, P. and D. Wang. 1996. "Gains From Merging DMUs." Working Paper,
Institute of Economics, Royal Agricultural University, Denmark. 1-25.
Boles, James S., Naveen Donthu, and Ritu Lohtia. 1995. "Salesperson Evaluation Using
Relative Peformance Efficiency: The Application of Data Envelopment
Analysis." Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management [JPN] 15(3):31-49.
Boljuncic V. 1994. "Data Envelopment Analysis." M. Sc. Thesis, Department
of Mathematics, University of Zagreb (In Croatian).
Bradley, J. S. and G. A. Soulodre. 1995. "The Influence of Late Arriving Energy on
Spatial Impression." Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 97 (4):226371.
Brockett, Patrick L. and Boaz Golany. Mar 1996. "Using Rank Statistics for Determining
Programmatic Efficiency Differences in Data Envelopment Analysis."
Management Science [MCI] 42(3):466-72.
Burton, M P. and E Phimister. Mar 1995. "Core Journals: A Reappraisal of the Diamond
List." Economic Journal: The Journal of the Royal Economic Society [ECJ]
Busby, J. S. 1995. "Measuring the Performance of Engineering: the Data Fusion
Problem." Engineering Management Journal 5(3):117-20.
Cabezas Vega, Luis A. 1994. "Factor Substitution, Capacity Utilisation, and Total Factor
Productivity Growth in the Peruvian Manufacturing Industry." Ekondr, Goteborgs
Universitet (Sweden) (0904).
Campbell, David G. 1993. "Production Frontiers, Technical Efficiency, and Productivity
Measurement in a Panel of United States Manufacturing Plants." PhD, University
Of Maryland College Park (0117).
Chambers R. G., Chung Y., and Fare R. 1996, March. "Profit, Directional Distance
Functions, and Nerlovian Efficiency." Discussion Paper No. 96-05, Department
of Economics, Southern Illinois University,, Carbondale, IL 62901 .
Chang, Hsi-Hui. 1994. "Linearity and Separability Assumptions in Cost Accounting."
PhD, University Of Minnesota (0130).
Chang, Kuo-Ping and Yeah-Yuh Guh. 1995. "Piecewise Loglinear Frontier and Log
Efficiency Measures." Computers & Operations Research [CRO] 22(10):103137.
Chang, Ray-E. 1994. "A Constrained Game Theoretic Approach for Evaluating the
Performance of Health Maintenance Organisations." PhD, The University Of
Texas At Arlington (2502).
Chang, Yih-Long, Toshiyuki Sueyoshi, and Robert S. Sullivan. 1996. "Ranking
Dispatching Rules by Data Envelopment Analysis in a Job Shop Environment."
IIE Transactions [AIE] 28(8):631-42.
Charnes, A., Cooper W. W., and T. Sueyoshi. 1986. "Least Square/Ridge Regression and
Goal Programming/Constrained Regression Alternatives." European Journal of
Operational Research 27(2):146-57.
Charnes, A., W. W. Cooper, and T. Sueyoshi. 1988. "A Goal Programming/Constrained
Regression Review of the Bell System Break-up." Management Science 34(1):126.
Charnes, A. and L. Neralic. "Sensitivity Analysis in Data Envelopment Analysis for the
Case of Non-Discretionary Inputs and Outputs." Glasnik Matematicki, Serija III
Charnes, Abraham, Armando Gallegos, and Hongyu Li. 8, 1996. "Robustly Efficient
Parametric Frontiers Via Multiplicative DEA for Domestic and International
Operations of the Latin America Airline Industry." European Journal of
Operational Research [EJO] 88(3):525-36.
Chattopadhyay, Sajal and Dennis Heffley. Spring 1994. "Are for-Profit Nursing Homes
More Efficient? Data Envelopment Analysis With a Case-Mix Constraint."
Eastern Economic Journal [EEJ] 20(2):171-86.
Chen, Guoqing. 1995. "The Assessment of Technical Efficiency of Public Family
Planning Program in North Carolina." PhD, The University Of North Carolina At
Chapel Hill (0153).
Chilingerian, J. A. and H. D. Sherman. 1996. "Benchmarking Physician Practice Patterns
With DEA: a Multi-Stage Approach for Cost Containment." Annals of Operations
Research 6783-116.
Cook, Wade D., John Doyle, Rodney Green, and Moshe Kress. 1996. "Ranking Players
in Multiple Tournaments." Computers & Operations Research [CRO] 23(9):86980.
Cooper, W. W., K. K. Sinha, and R. S. Sullivan. 1996. "Evaluating the Information
Content of a Measure of Plant Output: an Application to High-Technology
Manufacturing." Annals Of Operations Research 68329-60.
Cooper, W. W., R. G. Thompson, and R. M. Thrall. 1996. "Introduction: Extensions and
New Developments in DEA." Annals of Operations Research 663-45.
Cooper W W, Tone K., Takamori H., and Sueyoshi T. 1994. "Data Envelopment
Analysis: Survey and Interpretations-PART I (in Japanese)." Operations
Research: Communication of the Operations Research Society of Japan
———. 1994. "Data Envelopment Analysis: Survey and Interpretations-PART II (in
Japanese)." Operations Research: Communication of the Operations Research
Society of Japan 39(9):480-485.
———. 1994. "Data Envelopment Analysis: Survey and Interpretations-PART III (in
Japanese)." Operations Research: Communication of the Operations Research
Society of Japan 39(10):547-55.
Cooper, W. W., Zhimin Huang, and S. X. Li. 1996. "Satisficing DEA Models Under
Chance Constraints." Annals of Operations Research Vol: 66 P. 279-95.
Courtney, Leland M. 1993. "An Empirical Study of the Relationship Between
Information Technology Investment and Corporate Productivity (Data
Envelopment)." PhD, The University Of Texas At Arlington (2502).
Cowie, Jonathan and Geoff Riddington. 1996. "Measuring the Efficiency of European
Railways." Applied Economics [APE] 28(8):1027-35.
Criswell, D. R. and R. G. Thompson. "Data Envelopment Analysis of Space and
Terrestrially-Based Large Scale Commercial Power Systems for Earth: a
Prototype Analysis of Their Relative Economic Advantages." Solar Energy
De Borger, Bruno and Kristiaan Kerstens. 1996. "Cost Efficiency of Belgian Local
Governments: A Comparative Analysis of FDH, DEA, and Econometric
Approaches." Regional Science & Urban Economics [RSU] 26(2):145-70.
Dean, David L. 1993. "Organisational Effectiveness in U.S. And Spanish Electricity
Distribution: the Impact of Contextual Variables (United States)." PhD,
University Of Houston (0087).
DePree, Chauncey M. J., Rebecca K. Jude, and Leslie D. Turner. 1995. "A Tool to Help
Insurance Company Management Assess Attorney Efficiency and Productivity."
CPCU Journal [CPC] 48(3):155-62.
Dharmapala, Parakramaweera S. 1992. "Sensitivity of Data Envelopment Analysis
(DEA) Efficiency Measures to Several Primary Data Sets." PhD, University Of
Houston (0087).
Dor, Avi. 1994. "Non-Minimum Cost Functions and the Stochastic Frontier: On
Applications to Health Care Providers." Journal of Health Economics [JHE]
Dula, J. H. and R. V. Helgason. 1996. "A New Procedure for Identifying the Frame of the
Convex Hull of a Finite Collection of Points in Multidimensional Space."
European Journal of Operational Research 92(2):352-67.
El-Mahgary, Sami and Risto Lahdelma. 22, 1995. "Data Envelopment Analysis:
Visualizing the Results." European Journal of Operational Research [EJO]
Emrouznejad, A. 1995-1996. "Ali Emrouznejad's DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis)
HomePage." Http:// Warwick Business School,
Warwick University, Coventry, CV4 7AL.
Emrouznejad A. and E. Thanassoulis. 1996. "An Extensive Bibliography of Data
Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Volume I: Working Papers." Working Paper No.
244, Warwick Business School .
———. 1996. "An Extensive Bibliography of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)
Volume II: Journals Papers." Working Papers Working Paper No. 245, Warwick
Business School .
Engert, Frank. Summer 1996. "The Reporting of School District Efficiency: The
Adequacy of Ratio Measures." Public Budgeting & Financial Management
[PBFM] 8(2):247-71.
Engert, Frank M. 1995. "A Study of School District Efficiency in New York State Using
Data Envelopment Analysis." PhD, State University Of New York At Buffalo
Fadel, Huda. 1993. "Production Efficiency in Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment
Organisations." PhD, The University Of Michigan (0127).
Fare R. and Groskopf S. 1996, October. "Efficiency and Productivity in Rich and Poor
Countries." Discussion Paper, Department of Economics, Southern Illinois
University,, Carbondale, IL 62901 .
Fare, R, S Grosskopf, P Roos, and Subhash C. Ray. 1995. "Productivity and Quality
Changes in Swedish Pharmacies; Comments on Productivity and Quality Changes
in Swedish Pharmacies; Reply." International Journal of Production Economics
[EPE] 39(1,2):137-47.
Fare R and Grosskopf Shawna. 1996. "Network Models and Data Envelopment
Analysis." Discussion Paper, Department of Economics, Southern Illinois
University,, Carbondale, IL 62901 :1-19.
Fare R., Grosskopf Shawna, and Weber W. 1997, February. "The Effect of Risk-Based
Capital Requirments on Profit Efficiency in Banking." Discussion Paper No. 9712, Department of Economics, Southern Illinois University,, Carbondale, IL
62901 .
Faucett, Allen and Brian H. Kleiner. 1994. "New Developments in Performance
Measures of Public Programmes." International Journal of Public Sector
Management [PSM] 7(3):63-70.
Fernengel, Karen J. 1994. "Data Envelopment Analysis of Efficiency and Effectiveness
of Time and Personnel Use by Families Providing Complex Health Care at Home
(Home Health Care)." PhD, University Of Kansas (0099).
Fitzsimmons, J. A., M. Jain, and J. A. M. Duffy. "Analysis of Nursing Home Care Using
DEA." .
Forker, L. B. and D. Mendez. "Evaluating the Relationship Between Total Quality
Management and Quality Performance." .
Gaisford, John W. 1993. "Priorities in Health Care, a Resource Allocation Method and
Empirical Investigation (Prioritised Health Care)." PhD, University Of Oregon
Gang Yu, Quanling Wei, and P. Brockett. 1996. "A Generalised Data Envelopment
Analysis Model: a Unification and Extension of Existing Methods for Efficiency
Analysis of Decision Making Units." Annals of Operations Research Vol: 66 P.
47-89 6647-89.
Gannaway, Jerry N. 1996. "Analysis of the Benchmarking Process As a Potential Tool to
Enhance Organisational Competitiveness." De, Southern Methodist University
Gerberman, James H. 1992. "On Some Problems of Market Planning Evaluation and
Analysis in the Presence of Competitive and Stochastic Effects (Competition)."
PhD, The University Of Texas At Austin (0227).
Giokas, D. 1997. "The Use of Goal Programming and Data Envelopment Analysis for
Estimating Efficient Marginal Costs of Outputs." Journal Of The Operational
Research Society 48(3):319-23.
Girod, Olivier A. 1996. "Measuring Technical Efficiency in a Fuzzy Environment (Data
Envelopment, Parametric Programming, Free Disposal Hull)." PhD, Virginia
Polytechnic Institute And State University (0247).
Gonzalez-Lima, M. D., R. A. Tapia, and R. M. Thrall. 1996. "On the Construction of
Strong Complementarity Slackness Solutions for DEA Linear Programming
Problems Using a Primal-Dual Interior-Point Method." Annals of Operations
Research 66139-62.
Gonzalez-Lima, Maria D. 1995. "Effective Computation of the Analytic Centre of the
Solution Set in Linear Programming Using Primal-Dual Interior-Point Methods
(Data Envelopment Analysis)." PhD, Rice University (0187).
Green, R H. 1996. "DIY DEA: Implementing Data Envelopment Analysis in the
Mathematical Programming Language AMPL." Omega [POMG] 24(4):489-94.
Green, Rodney H., J. R. Doyle, and Wade D. Cook. Mar 22, 1996. "Efficiency Bounds in
Data Envelopment Analysis." European Journal of Operational Research [EJO]
———. May 10, 1996. "Preference Voting and Project Ranking Using DEA and CrossEvaluation." European Journal of Operational Research [EJO] 90(3):461-72.
Green, R. H. and J. R. Doyle. 1997. "Implementing Data Envelopment Analysis: Primal
or Dual?" INFOR 35(1):66-75.
Green, Rodney and J. R. Doyle. 1996. "Improving Discernment in DEA Using Profiling:
A Comment." Omega [POMG] 24(3):365-66.
Gregory, G. "A Multiple-Criteria Decision Model With Ranked Inputs." IMA Journal of
Mathematics Applied in Business and Industry 6(2):249-57.
Grogan, Thomas J. 1993. "A Data Envelopment Analysis of Eighth Grade Mathematics
Instruction With a Comparison of Catholic and Public Schools." EDD, University
Of Cincinnati (0045).
Guangfu Zeng. 1996. "Evaluating the Efficiency of Vehicle Manufacturing With
Different Products." Annals of Operations Research 66299-310.
Haag, Stephen E. and Patrick V. Jaska. 1995. "Interpreting Inefficiency Ratings: An
Application of Bank Branch Operating Efficiencies." Managerial & Decision
Economics [MEN] 16(1):7-14.
Hardy, Donald E. 1988. "The Semantics of Creek Morphosyntax (Muskogean)." PhD,
Rice University (0187).
Hartman, T. E. and J. E. Storbeck. 1996. "Input Congestion in Loan Operations."
International Journal Of Production Economics 46413-21.
Hashimoto, A. 1996. "A DEA Selection System for Selective Examinations." Journal Of
The Operations Research Society Of Japan 39(4):475-85.
Hayes, Kevin J. 1993. "The Relative Efficiency of Hospital-Based and Free-standing
Home Health Agencies in Texas (Medicare, Reimbursement)." PhD, The
University Of North Carolina At Chapel Hill (0153).
Hebie, Ditalamane. 1994. "Cost Analysis and Measurement of Efficiency in Peanut
Production: a Non-Parametric Approach." PhD, University Of Georgia (0077).
Heimerman, Kathryn T. 1993. "Efficient Set Relations Among Data Envelopment
Analysis Models and Resource Use Efficiency in Manufacturing." PhD,
University Of Massachusetts (0118).
Hollingsworth, Keith B. 1995. "A Warehouse Benchmarking Model Utilising Frontier
Production Functions (Data Envelopment Analysis)." PhD, Georgia Institute Of
Technology (0078).
Horsky, D. and P. Nelson. 1996. "Evaluation of Salesforce Size and Productivity
Through Efficient Frontier Benchmarking." Marketing Science 15(4):301-20.
Howard-Miller, Joyce R. 1993. "Principal Political Behaviour in Effective, Efficient and
Ineffective, Inefficient High Socio-economic Status High Schools (Effective
Schools)." PhD, The University Of Texas At Austin (0227).
Johnson, Steven L. 1995. "Organisational Structure and the Performance of Contract
Training Operations in American Community Colleges." PhD, The University Of
Texas At Austin (0227).
Juras, Paul E., Joan Kaspin, and Dale R. Martin. 1994. "An Analysis of Gainsharing in a
Health Care Setting." Health Care Supervisor [HCS] 13(2):44-50.
Kamakura, W. A., T. Lenartowicz, and B. T. Ratchford. 1996. "Productivity Assessment
of Multiple Retail Outlets." Journal Of Retailing 72(4):333-56.
Kao, Chiang, Liang-Hsuan Chen, Tai-Yue Wang, Shyanjaw Kuo, and Shi-Dai Horng.
1995. "Productivity Improvement: Efficiency Approach Vs Effectiveness
Approach." Omega [POMG] 23(2):197-204.
Karkazis J and Thanassoulis E. (forthcoming). "Assessing the Effectiveness of
Investment Incentives in Northern Greece Using Data Envelopment Analysis."
Socio -Economic Planning Sciences .
Kemerer, Chris F. 1987. "Measurement of Software Development Productivity (Function
Points, Data Envelopment Analysis)." PhD, Carnegie-Mellon University (0041).
Kerstens, K. "Technical Efficiency Measurement and Explanation of French Urban
Transit Companies." Transportation Research, Part A [Policy and Practice]
Kim, Sung-Jong. 1992. "Productivity of Cities. Theory, Measurement, and Policy
Implications: the Korean Case (Urban Productivity)." PhD, The University Of
Texas At Dallas (0382).
Lerme, Catherine S. 1992. "Efficiency and Frontier Analysis With Extension to Strategic
Planning." PhD, University Of Massachusetts (0118).
Li, Dading. 1991. "Alternative Approaches to Technical Efficiency Estimation: a
Comparative Study (Efficiency, Production Economy)." PhD, Mcmaster
University (Canada) (0197).
———. 1996. "Cone-Ratio Data Envelopment Analysis and Multicriteria Environmental
Assessment - Ranking Ecological Regions of Lower Appalachian Plateau.
." International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA). Quebec City, Canada.
Li, Hongyu. 1992. "On Some Contributions to Productivity Analysis of Firms in an
Industry Over Time (Brewing Industry, Airline Industry)." PhD, The University
Of Texas At Austin (0227).
Li, Shan. 1995. "A New Approach to Sensitivity Analysis of the DEA Models and Their
Applications to Ranking and Productivity Growth (Data Envelopment Analysis)."
PhD, The University Of Texas At Austin (0227).
Linguo Gong and B. Sun. 1995. "Efficiency Measurement of Production Operations
Under Uncertainty." International Journal of Production Economics 39(1-2):5566.
Lothgren M and Tambour M. 1996, January. "Alternative Approach to Estimate Returns
to Scales in DEA-Models." Working Paper No. 90, Stockholm School of
Economics .
Luoma K, Järviö M.-L. S. I. H. RT. 1996. "Financial Incentives and Productive
Efficiency in Finnish Health Centres." Health Economics 5:435-45.
Lyons, Deborah M. 1995. "Performance Measurement in Urban Transit: a Comparative
Analysis of Single and Partial Measures of Transit Performance (Strategic
Management)." PhD, University Of Maryland College Park (0117).
Magnussen, Jon. 1996. "Efficiency Measurement and the Operationalization of Hospital
Production." Health Services Research [HSR] 31(1):21-37.
Mahmood, M A., Karen J. Pettingell, and Alexander I. Shaskevich. Winter 1996.
"Measuring Productivity of Software Projects: A Data Envelopment Analysis
Approach." Decision Sciences [DSI] 27(1):57-80.
Majumdar, Sumit K. and Hsi-hui Chang. 1996. "Scale Efficiencies in US
Telecommunications: An Empirical Investigation." Managerial & Decision
Economics [MEN] 17(3):303-18.
Maniadakis, N. 1995. Measuring Productive Performance of Health Care Services.
M.Sc. Thesis. University of York, Department of Economics and Related
Studies, York.
Mar Molinero, Cecilio. 1996. "On the Joint Determination of Efficiencies in a Data
Envelopment Analysis Context." Journal of the Operational Research Society
[OQT] 47(10):1273-79.
McDonald, John. Mar 1996. "Note: A Problem With the Decomposition of Technical
Inefficiency into Scale and Congestion Components." Management Science
[MCI] 42(3):473-74.
McLaren, C. H. "Selection of Input and Output Measures in Data Envelopment Analysis
of Large Indiana School Corporations." .
Metzger, Lawrence M. Fall 1994. "Operational Auditing and DEA: Measuring Branch
Office Efficiency." Internal Auditing [IAD] 10(2):3-12.
Miller, Stephen M. and Athanasios G. Noulas. 1996. "The Technical Efficiency of Large
Bank Production." Journal of Banking & Finance [JBA] 20(3):495-509.
Mills, Andrew C. 1995. "Determinants of Technical Efficiency in Independent Dialysis
Facilities (Market Competition)." PhD, Saint Louis University (0193).
Morey, R. C. and D. A. Dittman. 1996. "Cost Pass-Through Reimbursement to Hospitals
and Their Impacts on Operating Efficiencies." Annals of Operations Research
Morita, H. 1995. "Fuzzy Categorical Inputs in Data Envelopment Analysis."
Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers Iss: 4
P. 8(4):149-56.
Morita, H., H. Asano, and S. Fujii. 1994. "Efficiency Analysis by Stochastic Data."
Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kobe University 4179-86.
Mourdoukoutas, Pavlos A. 1994. "Technical Efficiency and Hospital Costs." PhD, The
University Of Connecticut (0056).
Murphy, David J. Jr. 1992. "Purchasing Performance Evaluation: a Data Envelopment
Analysis Approach." PhD, Arizona State University (0010).
Murthi, P S., Kannan Srinivasan, and Gurumurthy Kalyanaram. 1996. "Controlling for
Observed and Unobserved Managerial Skills in Determining First-Mover Market
Share Advantages." Journal of Marketing Research [JMR] 33(3):329-36.
Newhouse, Joseph P. 1994. "Frontier Estimation: How Useful a Tool for Health
Economics?" Journal of Health Economics [JHE] 13(3):317-22.
Nolan, James F. 1996. "Determinants of Productive Efficiency in Urban Transit."
Logistics & Transportation Review [LTR] 32(3):319-42.
Nonnekes, Paul. 1990. "Wild Play Unbound: a Critical Investigation into the
Eccentricities of the Feral Child." PhD, York University (Canada) (0267).
Norton, Rob. Oct 31, 1994. "Which Offices or Stores Really Perform Best? A New Tool
Tells." Fortune [FOR] 130(9):38.
Odeck, James O. 1993. "Measuring Productivity Growth and Efficiency With Data
Envelopment Analysis: an Application on the Norwegian Road Sector." Ekondr,
Goteborgs Universitet (Sweden) (0904).
Olesen, O B. and N C. Petersen. 1996. "Indicators of Ill-Conditioned Data Sets and
Model Misspecification in Data Envelopment Analysis: An Extended Facet
Approach." Management Science [MCI] 42(2):205-19.
Oum, Tae H. and Chunyan Yu. 1994. "Economic Efficiency of Railways and
Implications for Public Policy." Journal of Transport Economics & Policy [JTE]
Papagapiou A, Mingers J, and Thanassoulis E. 1997. "Would You Buy a Used Car With
DEA?- Applying DEA to Purchasing Decisions." OR Insight 10(1):13-19.
Pastor, J. T. 1996. "Translation Invariance in Data Envelopment Analysis: a
Generalisation." Annals of Operations Research Vol: 66 P. 93-102 6693-102.
Picazo Tadeo, Andres J. 1994. "Analysis of the Productive Efficiency of the Spanish
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