CURRICULUM VITAE VERSION 05/24/07 1. - PERSONAL DATA NAME: PLACE AND DATE OF BIRTH: PROFESSION: WORK PLACE: FORMER POSITION: PRESENT POSITION: CIVIL STATUS: SPOUSE NAME: CHILDREN’S NAMES: Luis Benigno Gallegos Chiriboga Quito, December 13, 1946 Juris Doctor – Attorney at Law Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations. Ambassador of Ecuador to the United States Married Fabiola Jaramillo Almeida de Gallegos Maria Cristina Gallegos Jaramillo Jorge Luis Gallegos Jaramillo 2. - ACADEMIC BACKGROUND 2.1. HIGHER EDUCATION - Bachelor in Public and Social Sciences. Central University of Ecuador. 1973 Attorney. Central University of Ecuador. 1975 Doctor in Law. Central University of Ecuador. 1975 2.2 POSTGRADUATE STUDIES - Diploma; Institute of Higher National Studies. IX Course of Security and Development. 1981 Masters of Arts; The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. Tufts/Harvard. 1983. 2.3 STUDIES - Courses on diverse subjects of Law. University of Madrid. 19671968. Course on International Monetary Policy. 1973. Seminar on International Politics. Impact on the Ecuadorian Economy. 1973. Course on Consular Practice. 1973. Course on Protocol Practice. 1974. Course on Legislation and Oil Economy. 1974. Course on International Law. Inter American Legal Committee. Río de Janeiro. Brazil. 1974. Course on Accounting and Financial Administration. Association of Government Accountants. Chicago, 1978. Course on Administration. School of Administration. Chicago, 1978. Seminar on the Peacekeeping and Changing Dynamics of the Security. Inter American Defense College. Washington 1979. Seminar on the Organization of the American States. Washington, 1979. Seminar on Diplomacy, University of Georgetown. Washington, 1980. Seminar on International Relations of Latin America (RIAL). Quito, 1981. International seminar on Latin American Economic Policies. Quito, 1982. Seminar on Export Promotions, Investments and Tourism in Ecuador. Quito, 1982. Seminar on Generalized Systems of Preferences. Quito, 1982. Seminar on Diplomatic Negotiation. Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. Boston 1982 Seminar on International Crisis. Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. Boston. 1983 Seminar on Values and Foreign Policy. Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. Boston 1983 Course on Economic Development in Least Developed Countries. Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. Boston 1983 Workshop on Foreign policy and the decision-making process in the United States. Washington 1983 Negotiation. School of Law, Harvard University, Cambridge 1982 Course on Intercultural Communication. Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. Boston 1983 Course on Power and Influence. Harvard Business School of Law and Diplomacy. Cambridge 1983 - Workshop on Foreign Assistance. Institute Hubert Humphrey, Minnesota, 1983 Course of Public Administration , 1983 International Seminar of the Non Aligned, Yugoslavia, 1988 Seminar on Border Delimitation in the sea. Inter American Society. 1988 Political Seminar on International Trade. Inter American Society. 1988. 3. - LANGUAGES Spanish, English, French. 4. - ADMISSION TO THE ECUADORIAN FOREIGN SERVICE 1966. 4.1 POSITIONS IN MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS 1969: 1970: 1973: 1980: 1981: 1982-83: 1983-84: 1984: General Assistant, Department of the Organization of the American States, Ministry Foreign Affairs. Head of Section, Department of Foreign Credit and Technical Assistance, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Head of the United Nations Section of the Department of International Acts and Organisms, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Director of the Department of Planning. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Graduate of the IX Promotion of the Institute of Higher National Studies. Director of the Department of Planning. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Scholarship Alumni of the Hubert H. Humphrey Program “ North-South” at the School Fletcher of Law and Diplomacy, University of Tufts, administered in cooperation with the University of Harvard. Director of the Department of Territorial Sovereignty. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Director of Human Resources. 1984: 1989-90: 1990: 1990-94: Sept. 2000 Jan. 2002: Sept. 2000 Jan.2002: Sept. 2000 Jan.2002: Sept. 2000 Jan.2002: Sept. 2000 Jan.2002: 2000 to 2002 Director of the Department of Legalizations. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Director General of the Technical Cooperation and External Credit, A.I. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Director General of Information and Communication, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Director General of Eastern Europe. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Director General of International Advisor to the Project on the Modernization of the Foreign Ministry. -Coordinator of the Modernization Projects. -Head of the Information Technology Department. A.I. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Under Secretary for Political Affairs. Ministry of Foreign Affairs National Coordinator for the Summit of the Americas. National Coordinator for the Rio Group. National Coordinator for the Latin American Iberoamerican Summit. National Coordinator for the Summit for the Latin America and the Caribbean / European Union Acting Minister of Foreign Relations in various occasions 4.2 POSITIONS IN THE FOREIGN SERVICE ABROAD 1966-1968: 1975-1978: 1978-1979: 1979-1980: Secretary of the Embassy of Ecuador, MadridSpain. Consul General of Ecuador in Chicago, United States of America Counselor, Alternate Representative of Ecuador to the Organization of the American States. Counselor, of Ecuador Embassy to the United States of America. 1985-1989: 1994-1997: 1997-2000: April 2002 March 2005 August 2005 October 3, 2005 To Present Minister, Chargé d´affairs A.I. of Ecuador in Bulgaria. Ambassador of Ecuador in El Salvador. Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Ecuador to the European Office of the United Nations and other International Organisms in Geneva. Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Ecuador to the United Nations, New York. Ambassador of Ecuador in Australia Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Ecuador to the United Nations, New York. Ambassador of Ecuador to the United States. 5.- DELEGATIONS - Representative of Ecuador to the ARPEL Meeting of ARPEL (Latin American Reciprocal Petroleum State Assistance). 1972, Representative to the Coordinating Committee of the CarrizalChone Program (Hydroeconomic Studies of Manabí-Ecuador). 1972, Delegate to the Sixth Mixed Commission Ecuador-Colombia. 1972, Delegate to the Second Meeting of the Sub Commission on Technical and Economic Cooperation of the Mixed Commission Ecuador-Brazil. 1972, Delegate to the Meeting on Economic and Technical Cooperation with Japan. 1972 Member of the preparatory Group for the Meeting of the Council of the Program of the Nations United for Development. 1972, Delegate to Meeting on Technical Cooperation with Hungary. 1972, Representative to the preparatory meetings for the project of the Mixed Company Cayapas.1972, Member of the preparatory Work Group for the Presidential interview in Rumichaca, Ecuador. 1972, Member of the Working Group for the creation of the Institute of Educative Credit and Scholarships. 1972, Member of the Working Group for loan related studies of the InterAmerican Development Bank. 1972, Representative to the Sectorial Commission of the Plan of Transformation and Development on Scientific and Technological Policy. 1972, - Delegate to the VII Session of the Organization of American States General Assembly. Washington D.C. 1978, Delegate to the Meeting on Common Patrimony of the Humanity. 1978, Head of the Delegation from Ecuador to XI the Ordinary Meeting of the Special Commission of Consultation and Negotiation (CECON). Washington 1979, Delegate to the High Level Meeting on Sugar Commercialization. Washington 1979, Delegate to VII Extraordinary Session of the OAS General Assembly Washington, 1979, Delegate to XVIII OAS Consultation Meeting, Washington 1979 Coordinator, Presidents’ Meeting on the occasion of 60th anniversary of the First Constitution of Ecuador, 1980. Special Mission to Cuba, 1982, Special Mission to Peru, 1983, Delegate to the 1st Meeting of the General Authority of the Plan of Action for the Protection of the Coastal Areas of the Southeastern Pacific. Quito, July 1983, Delegate to XVII the Ordinary Meeting of the Permanent Commission of the South Pacific 1983. Executive Secretary. Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the IV Congress of National History and Geography. 1984, Representative to the National Direction of Civil Defense. 1984. Member of the Board of the Fulbright Commission of Ecuador. 1984-1985. Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the National Council of Fisheries. 1985, Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Directory of the Institute of Educative Credit and Scholarships. 1985, Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Committee of Technical Cooperation. 1985, Representative to the UNESCO Conference. Bulgaria. 1985, Representative to the Commission Ecuador-Bulgaria. 1987, Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to CIESPAL. 1989. Representative to the Congress ADIAEN. 1990, Board Member of the Ecuadorian Fulbright Commission. 19901993. XXI Ordinary Meeting of the Latin American Council. San Salvador, 1995, Representative to the Group for Access to Markets.1995-1996, Meeting of the GEPLACEA. 1996, Meeting on Coffee. San Salvador 1996-1997 - Global system of Commercial Preferences between developing Countries of the UNCTAD. 1997, President of the Delegation to the Executive Committee of the International Organization of Migrations. 1997, Delegate to the 85th Conference the International of the International Labor Organization. June, 1997, President of the Delegation to the ECOSOC. June, 1997 Delegate to the Sub Commission Meeting on Prevention, Discrimination and Protection of Minorities. August, 1997 President of the Delegation to the Conference on Disarmament. 1997 Delegate to the Meeting of the Ad hoc Group of the State Parties to the Convention on Prohibition of the Development, Production and Storage of Biological and Chemical weapons. September 1997, President of the Delegation to the Governing Meetings of the Organs of the WIPO. September 1997, Sixth Meeting of the States Parts in the Convention against Torture and other Cruel Treatments. 1997 President of the Delegation to the Ministerial Meeting of the Non Aligned Movement. Durban, South Africa. September 1997, President of the Delegation to the Conference on Disarmament 1998, President of the Delegation to the 54th Period of Sessions of the Commission on Human rights. 1998, President of the Delegation to the sessions of the Assembly of State of WIPO. 1998 Meeting of the Executive Committee and the Council of the IMO. 1998 86TH Delegation to the International Conference of ILO. 1998 Head of Delegation. Fourth Periodic Report of Ecuador on International Civil and Political Rights. July 1998, President of the Delegation. 50TH Period of Sessions of the Sub Commission of Prevention of Discriminations and Protection of Minorities. July, 1998 Head of Delegation. First Official Report on the Application of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Ecuador. September 1998, President of the Delegation. Executive Committee of UNHCR. September 1998. President of the Delegation. 45 Period of sessions of the Meeting of Commerce and Development. The UNCTAD. 1998, President of the Delegation to the Meeting the UNCTAD Lyon. France. October 1998, President of the Delegation. 76th Meeting of the Council of the IMO. 1998 - President of the Delegation to the Summit Meeting of G 77. Morocco. 1998 President of Delegation. Disarmament Conference.1999, 13°. Period of the Working group on the Convention of Bacteriological weapons. 1999, Meeting on the Protocol of the Convention on Rights of the Child. 1999, Permanent Committee of UNHCR. 1999, President of the Delegation. Diplomatic Conference on Trade Embargo. 1999, 54 TH. Sessions the Commission on Human Rights. 1999 Third Meeting of the Intergovernmental Forum of Forests. 1999 8th Meeting of the Sub Committee of Budget and Finances of the IMO. May, 1999 Alternate President. Delegation of the 87R. International Labor Conference.1999 President of the Delegation to the Meetings of the Executive Committee and the International Council on Migrations. 1999, President of the Delegation. Diplomatic conference for adoption of a new act of the adjustment of Netherlands. 1999 President of the Delegation Meeting ECOSOC. 1999, President of the Delegation. 15th meeting of the Permanent Committee of UNHCR. 1999 President of the Delegation to the 1999 Forum Program of the International Decade of Natural Disasters. 1999. President of the Delegation. XXVII International Conference of the Red Cross and the Half Red Moon. 1999 President of the Delegation to the Assembly of the World Intellectual Property Organization. 1999, President of the Delegation. 16th. Meeting of the Permanent Committee of UNHCR. 1999 President of the Delegation. 50 Period of Sessions Executive Committee of UNHCR. 1999, President of the Delegation. Commission of Human rights. Special Session. 1999, President of the Delegation. First Meeting on the Convention to against Tobacco.1999, President of the Delegation to the Conference on Disarmament. 2000 President of the Delegation to X UNCTAD, Bangkok, Thailand. 2000 Summit of Monaco. Monaco. 2000, Representative to the Meeting of the Council of the Charles Darwin Foundation of Galapagos. Geneva 2000 - President of the Delegation to the 56th Session of the Commission of Human Rights.2000 Delegation to the General Assembly of the World Health Organization. 2000 XX meeting of the Rio Group in Washington. 2000 X Ibero American Conference of Heads of State and Government, Panama. 2000 Meeting of the Rio Group, Quebec.2000 XX Meeting of the Rio Group in Washington. 2001 Conference on Modernization of the Foreign Service. Bolivia 2001 Conference Ecuador 2001. Miami. 2001, XX Meeting of the Group of the Summit of Implementation of the Rio Group. Barbados. 2001 Meeting of the Foreign Affairs and Vice-Ministers of the Andean Community and Meeting of Presidents of ATPA Beneficiary Countries and Venezuela. Bogotá. 2001 XX Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Rio Group and X Institutionalized Meeting of Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Rio Group and the European Union. Chile. March 2001 Extraordinary Advisor of the Andean Ministers of Foreign Affairs. Lima, 2001 Delegate to the III Summit of the Americas. Quebec. 2001 Official Visit to Israel. Political and Cultural Agreement. May 2001 II Meeting of National Coordinators of the Latin American Summit. 2001 Delegate. Presidential Visit to Spain. July, 2001 XV Presidential Summit of the Rio Group. Chile. August 2001 Meeting of the Latin American and Caribbean Committee within the framework of II the Summit LAC/EU, Mexico. September of 2001 Official visit to the People’s Republic of China. September, 2001 IV meeting of the Bi-Regional Group of Summit LAC/EU in Brussels. 2001 III Meeting of National Coordinators of XI Latin American Summit. Lima, 2001 XI Latin American Summit of Heads of States and Government. Lima, 2001 State Visit of the President of Ecuador to Costa Rica. December, 2001. State Visit of the Vice-President of Ecuador to Mexico. January 2002. Delegation to Guatemala. January, 2002. Delegation to Honduras. January 2002. - President of the Delegation of Ecuador to the Third Meeting of the Preparatory Committee of the World Summit on Sustainable Development. April 2002. President of the Delegation of Ecuador to the Preparatory Committee of the Conference to Revise the 2005 Treaty to Completely Prohibit the Nuclear Essays. New York, April 2002. President of the Delegation and President of the Political Committee of the Non-Aligned Movement to the Ministerial Meeting. Durban, South Africa, April 2002. President of the Delegation of Ecuador to the UNICEF Executive Committee. 2002-2004 President of the Delegation of Ecuador to the Executive Committee of UNDP. 2002-2005. President of the Ecuadorian Delegation to the 35 Session of the UN Commission on International Trade Law. June 2002. President of the Ecuadorian Delegation to the General Assembly to examine the role of information technology and telecommunications in development. June 2002. President of the Delegation that attended, as observer, the substantive ECOSOC meeting. July 2002. President of the Delegation to the X Period of Sessions of the Preparatory Commission of the International Criminal Court. July 2002. President of the Delegation and Elected President of the Ad-Hoc Committee to draft the UN Convention to Protect and Promote the Rights of the Persons with Disabilities. July 2002. President of the Delegation of the first ordinary period of sessions of the Party States to the Rome Accord. September 2002. President of the Delegation to the XXI meeting of the Party States to the International Agreement on Civil and Political Rights. September 2002. Vice-president of the 57th session of the UN General Assembly. 2002 Acting President of the UN General Assembly. December 2002. Facilitator for the Latin American and Caribbean Group on the item “Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly”. 2002 Facilitator of the item “strengthening of the United Nations”. 20022003. President of the Delegation to the I Ordinary Session of UNICEF Board of Directors. January 2003. President of the Delegation to the XXII meeting of the Party States to the International Agreement on Civil and Political Rights. February 2003. - - President of the Delegation to the 41 Session of the Commission on Social Development. February 2003. President of the Ecuadorian Delegation to the substantive Commission on Disarmament. March 2003. President of the Ecuadorian Delegation to the XI Meeting on Sustainable Development. April 2003. President of the Ecuadorian Delegation to the XIII High Level Meeting to Revise the Technical Cooperation for Developing Countries (TCDC). May 2003. President of the Ecuadorian Delegation to the II Annual Session of UNICEF’s Executive Board. June 2003. President of the Ecuadorian Delegation to the Joint Session of the Executive Boards of UNDP and FNUAP. June 2003. President of the Ecuadorian Delegation to the regular Session of the Executive Boards of UNDP and FNUAP. September 2003. President of the Delegation of Ecuador to the UNICEF Executive Committee. September 2003. President of the Delegation to the II Period of Sessions of the Party States Assembly of the Commission of the International Criminal Court. September 2003. President of the Delegation to the 58th Session of the UN General Assembly. September, 2003 President of the Ecuadorian Delegation to the High Level Meeting to follow up on the results of the XXVI Special Session and the Implementation of the Declaration on the Compromises regarding HIV/AIDS. September 2003. President of the Delegation of Ecuador to the extraordinary sessions on the budget of the UNICEF Executive Committee. December 2003. President of the Ecuadorian Delegation to the first meeting of the Member States of the International Convention to Protect the Rights of the Migrant Workers. December 2003. Facilitator to UN Reform. 2003. Facilitator of the Enforcement of the UN General Assembly. 2003. President of the Ecuadorian Delegation to the XX Meeting of the Member States to the International Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination. January 2004. President of the Ecuadorian Delegation to the regular Session of the Executive Boards of UNDP and FNUAP. January 2004. President of the Delegation of Ecuador to the First Regular Session of the UNICEF Executive Committee. January 2004. President of the Delegation of Ecuador to the 42 period of Sessions of the Social Development Committee. March 2004. - President of the Delegation of Ecuador to the 48 period of Sessions of the Social Development Committee. March 2004. President of the UNICEF special Mission to the Democratic Republic of Congo. March 2004 Vice-President of the Delegation to the Meetings of ECOSOC. 2005 Vice-President of the Open-Ended Working Group on Security Council Reform. Facilitator for the Security Council Reform. 2004. President of the Delegation to the 59th session of the UN General Assembly.2005 Vice President of ECOSOC. 2005 Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Comprehensive and Integral International Convention to Promote and Protect the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities. 2002-2005 President of the Delegation of Ecuador to the Ministerial meeting of the Non Aligned and to the Summit of the G-77. Qatar. 2005 General Assembly of the United Nations. 2005. Millennium Summit. 2005 Member of the Delegation to the Committee Meeting for the Promotion and Protection of the Human Rights. August 2006. 6. - DIGNITIES - Member of the Board of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Employees Association. AFESE (for many occasions) Secretary for the General Assembly of AFESE. 1973 Vice-president of Natural Drinks SALUS. 1975 Manager of SASE. 1990 President of AFESE. 1992 Vice-president of the Commission of Human rights, Geneva 1998 Vice-president of the Assembly of the Parts of the WIPO, Geneva 1997-1999. President of the Assembly. Member of the Diplomatic Committee, Geneva 1998 President of the Geneva Diplomatic Community Network (ITU), Geneva 1998-1999 President of the II Main Commission of the Diplomatic Conference for the Adoption of a New Act of the Adjustment of Netherlands, WIPO. Geneva 1999 Vice-president of the Programmatic Forum of the IDNDR, Geneva 1999 Vice-president of the Meeting of G 77. Morocco. 1999 President of the Union of Bern. 1999-2001 - International Conference of Civil Society in support of Palestine. September 2002. Chairman of the Political Committee of the Ministerial Meeting of the Non Aligned Movement held in Durban, South Africa. , 2002. Vice President of the General Assembly of the United Nations. 2003 Vice President of the Executive Board of UNICEF.2003 Chairman of the Ad-Hoc Committee on a comprehensive and integral international convention to promote and protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities. 2002-2005. Facilitator representing the Latin American and Caribbean Group to the issue of strengthening the works of the UN General Assembly. October 2002. Facilitator on the issue of strengthening the United Nations. October 2002-03 President of the Political Committee of the Non Aligned in the Ministerial Meetings in Durban and Kuala Lumpur. 2002-2003. Vice President of the Economic and Social Council. January 14, 2005. Member of the Directory of the Foundation of the Organization International Rehabilitation, 2006 President of the World – Wide Rehabilitation International Foundation, 2006 Member of the Directory of the Global Initiative for Technology, 2006 Member of the Directory of the American Associates of Incapacities. 2006 President of the Global Initiative for the Technology in Information and Communication. 2006 Member Ad Hoc for the United Nations Committee against the Torture. 2006-2007 7. - ESSAYS AND PUBLICATIONS - Multinational Companies, 1975, Tuna Nationalism and the Inter-American Relations, 1976, Illegal Immigration in the United States of America. 1978, The External Front and Strategic Intelligence in the Military Hypothesis of War Azul-Rojo. IAEN, 1981, Alignments for Negotiations in Diplomatic case of Kidnapping, 1982, Differences in the perception of situations of crisis between StateNation with and without nuclear military capacity, IAEN. 1985, Interests versus Values in the Foreign Policy of the United States, 1984, - Transference of Technology. 1984, Geography and the Man in the context of the International Relations New Theoretical Dimensions. Geographic magazine No.20, the 1984, Mineral Resources of Ecuador at heart of the sea. Geographic magazine No.21, the 1985, Perspective of Solution of the Problem in the Middle East after the Gulf War. 1991 Proposal to solve the Conflict of the Middle East after the Gulf War. 2991. The Methodology in International Relations. 1992. The Perestroika and the Administration of Businesses. Gerencia Magazine, 1992. Basis for a Theory on International Relations. Gaceta Internacional, spetember 1992. Conflict Management. Diario el Comercio, 1993. Utopia and Realism in International Relations. FAE, 1993. Guayasamin, an American reflect. El Diario Hoy. San Salvador, September, 1994. Ecuador supplement, El Diario Hoy, August 1994. Ecuador Supplement, La Prensa Grafica, November, 1995. Geneva Diplomatic Magazine, Geneva, March 1999. 8.- DISTINCTIONS AND DECORATIONS 8.1 DISTINCTIONS - Plaque of the Ecuadorian Board of Aviation, 1978, Plaque of the Committee President Chicago, 1978, Plaque, Ecuadorian . Chicago, 1978. Plaque, IAEN. 1981, Diploma Commission Fulbright. 1985, Plaque, CIESPAL. 1990, Diploma of Honor of the Bolivariana Society of El Salvador. 1995. Letter of Honor of the Salvadoran Cultural Center. 1997 Professor of Honor. Technological University. San Salvador. 1997 Humanitarian Plaque. National Congress of Ecuador. 1998 Plaque from the Ecuadorian Colony in Geneva 2000 Mention of honor from the Human Rights Defender of the Province of Guayas. 2001. Plaque from the Ecuadorian Society of New York.2005 Plaque from the Ecuadorian Society of New Jersey.2005 Resolution. New York City Council. 2005 - Resolution. New York House of Representatives. 2005 Resolution. New York Senate. 2005. Certificate of Honor of the City of San Francisco.2005 Certificate of Honor of the City of Los Angeles.2006 Medal of Honor from Ecuadorian News. 2006 8.2 DECORATIONS - " Gentleman of Madara ". Bulgaria. 1989, " National Order to the Merit ". France, 1990, " Order of Branco River ". Brazil, 1991, " Order Jose Matías Delgado ". El Salvador, 1997, " Order Antonio Jose de Irisarri " Guatemala. 1999, " National Order to the Merit " Spain. 2001, “Order of Quetzal” Guatemala. 2002, “National Order of Merit”. Ecuador. 2002, “Order of River Branco” Brazil, 2002, “Order of Peruvian Sun”, Peru 2002. Decoration of the National Congress “Order Vicente Rocafuerte”. 2006 “National Order Honorato Vasquez” Ecuador. 2007 9.- CONFERENCES - The United Nations. 1974, Tuna: Nationalism and Inter-American Relations. XII Annual Conference of the Council of Latin American Studies of the Pacific Coast. University of Arizona. 1976, Seminary on the economic perspective of Ecuador. Chicago, 1977, Conference on the National Culture. Lions Club of Chicago. 1977, Conference on Political and Economic Aspects of Ecuador. Loop College, Chicago, 1976, Seminary on Political and Economic Aspects of Ecuador. Committee of Men of Credit for Foreign trade. Chicago, 1977, Conference on reality of Ecuador. Panamerican Council, Chicago, 1978, Conference on the concept of Panamericanism. Pan-American Council, Chicago, 1978, Conference on Perspective of Investment. Association of Technicians and Ecuadorian Professionals. Chicago, 1978, Main Speaker in the Ceremony of the Pan-American Day. Chicago, 1978, - Conference on the Guerrilla war fare in Latin America. The Red Cross, Quito, 1982, Seminary on the Changing Policy of the Power. Quito, 1982, Conference on Ecuador. Students for Development Studies, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. Boston, 1982, Conference on "The Diplomacy of Cooperation ". Minnesota, 1983, Conference in the Military Academy: “The External Front of Ecuador and Strategic Intelligence ". Quito, 1983, Conference in the School of International Science: “International Organizations ". Quito, 1984, Conference in the Institute of High National Studies: "The United Nations ". Quito, 1984, Conference in the Military Academy of Air Force. " The Protocol of Rio de Janeiro ". Quito, 1985. Conference on the United Nations. IAEN (Institute of High National Studies). 1989, Conference on International cooperation. FOOTPATH. 1990, Conferences on Crisis Management. 1992, Conferences " Modernization of the Foreign Affairs Ministry ", (various) 1991-1994, Conference "System of Information and Management of the Foreign Service " in the First Meeting on Data Bases and Ecuadorian Reality. 1992, Conference on the Modernization of the Foreign Affairs Ministry. San Salvador, 1993, Conference in the IAEN. The new concepts of security and its implications to Ecuador". Quito, May 1994, Conference "Present situation of the Ecuador-Peru Conflict ", in the University of El Salvador. San Salvador, 1995, Conference " General Situation of South America ", in the School of High Strategic Studies. San Salvador, 1995, Seminary of FUSADES, " The Benefits of an Informative System in the Development of a Country ". San Salvador, July 1995, Conference "Management of International Crisis ", in the School of Commando and General Staff Dr. Manuel Enrique Araujo. San Salvador, 1996, Conference "Evaluation of Strategies of Security and Development at a World Level ", in the School of High Strategic Studies. San Salvador, 1996. Conference "Strategic Tendencies of the World Power ", in the School of High Strategic Studies. San Salvador, 1996, Conference "Geopolitical Situation ". School of High Strategic Studies. San Salvador. 1997, Modernization of the Ecuadorian Foreign Service. lTU 1997 - Modernization of the Ecuadorian Foreign Service. Foreign Affairs Ministry of Uruguay. 1997 Discrimination and the Human rights. Geneva, 1998 Human rights and the Third Age. Geneva, 1998 Human rights. Seminary of the National Congress of Ecuador. Guayaquil. 1998 The cultural changes and the technological advances. South Africa ITU. 1998 The Foreign policy of Ecuador. Foreign Affairs Ministry. Malaysia. 1998 The modernization of the Foreign services, American University, Washington. 1999, Workshop for a Preliminary Agenda. Foreign policy. FLACSO. January 2001 Seminary on Strategic Crisis Management. January 2001 Globalization in the Foreign Policy. IAEN. January 2001 National seminary on the Ecuadorian Rights of the Migrants. February 2001, Workshop on Foreign Policy of Ecuador. Bilateral relations between Ecuador and the United States. April 2001 Workshop On Foreign of Policy of Ecuador. Bilateral Relations Ecuador-European Unión. Abril 2001 Conference. The Colombian Conflict. Army Officer's Club. June 2001 Conference. Crisis in the Andes. FlACSO. 2001 Security and Human rights: The challenges. Andes University. October 2001 Crisis in the Andes. Notradame University. 2002. Conference on the Importance of communication in the modern world. New York, September 2002. Conference at Macalister University. 2003. Conference at the War College of the US Department of Defense. 2003. Conference at the Interamerican Defense University. October 2003. Conference at Fairleigh Dickinson University on “Challenges on external policy of Ecuador and South America” March 2004. Conference at Adelphi University on “United Nations Reform” March 31, 2004 High Level segment organized by the International Peace Academy on “Threats, challenges and changes in the XXI century” March 26 & 27, 2004. Conference OPS/OMS on Intellectual Disability. Montreal 5-6 October 2004 - Conference Disabled Peoples International. Winnipeg 8-10 September 2004 Conference at the World Bank on Disability and Development. Washington DC 30 November 2004 Seminar on Disability and Human Rights. British Council, London 13 December 2004. Conference. UN Convention on Human Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Special Olympics. Nagano. Japan. 2005. Conference. Un Convention on Human Rights of Persons with Disabilities and their Integral Participation. Diet. Japan. 2005 Conference. Un Convention and a New Society. RI Sydney. Australia. 2005. Panel Discussion. Monitoring and the Human Rights Convention on Disability. American University. 2005. Conference. The UN Convention and a New Society. Berkley University. 2005. Conference. Ecuador and the Present realities. University of San Francisco. 2005. Conference. The UN Convention and a New Society. RI Bahrein.2005 Conference. The UN Convention on the Human Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Information Technology. Tunisia. 2005 Conference. The Negotiation of the Un Convention to Promote and Protect the Human Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Harvard Negotiation Project. Cambridge. 2005. Conference. The Human Dimension of the Convention on the Human Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Harvard. 2005 Conference. Ecuador and the Political Challenges of the Present. Council of the Americas. 2006. Conference. Ecuador and the Political Challenges of the Present. US Institute of Foreign Service. 2006. Conference. Challenges of Ecuadorian Foreign Policy. SAIS. Johns Hopkins University. 2006 Conference at George Washington University. 2007 Conference Inter-American Defense College. 2007 Conference about the Program of Global Competitiveness. Georgetown University. Washington. 2007 Conference at the Air War College. Washington. 2007 10.- ACADEMIA Several courses on National Reality, International Negotiation, Solution of Crisis. Presidency of the Republic - Professor of International Law. Military Academy of the Army. Sangolquí, Valley of the Chillos. 1983-1985 and 1990-1994, Professor of International Law. Military Academy of the Air Force. Quito, 1983-1985 and 1989-1994, Professor of History of International Law and Development of the International Relations in the School of International Sciences. Quito. 1984 and 1989-1992, Professor of Foreign Policy of the School of International Sciences. Quito, 1991, Professor of National Reality of the School of International Sciences. Quito, 1991.