ACE Network Office of Women in Higher Education Identifying, Developing, Encouraging, Advancing, Linking, and Supporting Women in Higher Education Updated by OWHE and the ACE Network Executive Board for the State Coordinator’s Conference 2003 State coordinators and other members of the ACE Network may use this handbook, in whole or in part, in support of ACE Network programs and initiatives. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT ACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 MISSION …………………………………………………………………………………1 PRESIDENT OF ACE…………………………………………………………………….1 ACE WEB SITE…………………………………………………………………………..2 II. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT OWHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 MISSION………………………………………………………………………………….3 VICE PRESIDENT AND DIRECTOR OF OWHE………………………………………3 OWHE STAFF AND CONTACT INFORMATION …………………………………….4 THE COMMISSION ON WOMEN IN HIGHER EDUCATION………………………..6 OWHE PROGRAMS AND INITIATIVES………………………………………………6 OWHE WEB SITE…….………………………………………………………………….7 THE HISTORY OF OWHE: 1973-2002………………………………………………….8 THE DONNA SHAVLIK AWARD……………………………………………………..10 THE ACE NETWORK PROGRAM AWARD………………………………………….11 III. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE ACE NETWORK . . . . . . 12 HISTORY OF THE ACE NETWORK………………………………………………….12 STRUCTURE OF THE ACE NETWORK……………………………………………...13 ROLES AND EXPECTATIONS OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD…………………….13 ROLES AND EXPECTATIONS OF PRESIDENTIAL SPONSORS……….………….15 ROLES AND EXPECTATIONS OF STATE COORDINATORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 ROLES AND EXPLANATIONS OF STATE PLANNING COMMITTEES………… .18 ROLES AND EXPECTATIONS OF INSTITUTIONAL REPRESENTATIVES.……..19 IV. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT POLICIES/ RESOURCES . . . . 22 THE OWHE GRAPHIC IDENTIFIER………………………………………………….22 THE ACE NETWORK GRAPHIC IDENTIFIER………………………………………22 SAMPLE STATE LETTERHEAD WITH GRAPHIC IDENTIFIER….……………….23 FUNDRAISING…………………………………………………………………………24 USING THE MEDIA……………………………………………………………………25 A SHORT GUIDE TO MEDIA RELATIONS………………………………………….25 SAMPLE LETTERS…………………………………………………………………… 28 ADVANCING WOMEN INTO SENIOR LEADERSHIP POSITIONS……………….33 V. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW TO ORGANIZE YOUR NETWORK . . 35 i CHARACTERISTICS OF STRONG STATE NETWORKS…………………………..35 ORGANIZATIONAL MODELS……………………………………………………….35 THE SMALL STATE …………………………………………………………. 36 THE LARGE STATE ………………………………………………………….37 ACE NETWORK BUSINESS OPERATIONS…………………………………………37 CORPORATE IDENTITY …………………………………………………… 37 BANK ACCOUNTS…………………………………………………………… 38 RELATIONSHIPS WITH SPONSORING INSTITUTIONS…………………... 38 GUIDELINES FOR INVOLVING PRESIDENTS IN STATE NETWORKS………. ..39 REBUILDING A STATE NETWORK…………………………………………………39 VI. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT SUCCESSFUL NETWORKS . 42 STATEWIDE CONFERENCES……………………………………………………… 42 REGIONAL CONFERENCES WITHIN A STATE………………………………... 43 REGIONAL CONFERENCES AMONG STATES………………………………… 44 SPECIALIZED LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS…………………. 44 STATE AWARD PROGRAMS…………………………………………………….. 44 NEWSLETTERS……………………………………………………………………... 45 WEB SITES…………………………………………………………………………. 46 FINANCIAL RESOURCES………………………………………………………… 46 RETREATS FOR THE STATE PLANNING COMMITTEE……………………… 46 MENTORING…………………………………………………………………………..47 VII. WHO’S WHO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 ACE COMMISSION ON WOMEN IN HIGHER EDUCATION………………….. . 48 ACE NETWORK EXECUTIVE BOARD………………………………………….. . 53 ACE NETWORK, SPONSORS, AND LIAISONS…………………………………. . 55 VIII. DESIGNING A CURRICULUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 MODULES FOR INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT………………………………... .69 MODULES FOR PROFESSIONAL SKILL AND ABILITY DEVELOPMENT….. .70 SAMPLE MODULE: BUILDING A TEAM……………………………………….. .73 SAMPLE MODULE: CAREER MAPPING……………………………………….. 81 PROFESSIONAL GOALS INSTRUMENT……………………..………... 82 SKILLS ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT………………………… ………. 83 VALUES, STORIES, AND QUESTION CHART……………………… .….84 ii CAREER MAPPING INSTRUMENT………………………………………..85 IX. GOOD STUFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 FRESH IDEAS………………………………………………………………….……...91 THINGS TO READ…………………………………………………………………....92 QUOTABLE WORDS………………………………………………………………. 96 iii I: What you need to know about ACE Mission Core Values: The American Council on Education (ACE) values inclusiveness and diversity, recognizes higher education’s responsibility to society, and embraces the belief that widespread access to excellent postsecondary educational opportunities is the cornerstone of a democratic society Vision: ACE aims to foster greater collaboration and new partnerships within and outside the higher education community to help colleges and universities anticipate and address the challenges of the 21st century and contribute to a stronger nation and a better world. Mission: ACE, the major coordinating body for all the nation’s higher education institutions, seeks to provide leadership and a unifying voice on key higher education issues and to influence public policy through advocacy, research, and program initiatives. Strategic Priorities: Representation, leadership development, and service. President of ACE David Ward became the eleventh President of the American Council on Education on September 1, 2001. Prior to that he served for eight years as the 25th chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and became the Charles Kendall Adams University Professor in January 2000. As provost from 1989 to 1993 and as chancellor, Dr. Ward provided strong leadership for efforts to improve the quality of undergraduate education. Changes he inspired include enhanced student advising, particularly for freshmen and sophomores; expanded course access; a core curriculum; increased opportunities for undergraduates to conduct research; and deliberate focus on women’s issues. During his tenure at the University of Wisconsin, Dr. Ward gave new expression to The Wisconsin Idea, the venerable philosophical framework for the university's public service role. In particular, he improved connections among the university, the city, the business community, and the state. He also presided over substantial additions to the physical fabric of the campus and sustained a creative partnership between public and private support. Dr. Ward chaired the Board of Trustees of the University Corporation for Advanced Internet Development, a nonprofit group spearheading the development of Internet2, the nextgeneration use of the Internet for teaching and research. He also served on the Board of Directors of the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges and was a member of the Kellogg Commission on the Future of State and Land Grant Universities. Dr. Ward was born in Manchester, England, and received his Bachelor’s and Master's Degrees from the University of Leeds. He earned a Fulbright Travel award to the United States in 1960 and received a Doctorate from UW-Madison in 1963. He served as chair of the geography department from 1974 to 1977. In 1989 he was awarded the Andrew H. Clark Professor of Geography and elected President of the Association of American Geographers. He was appointed associate dean of the Graduate School in 1980, vice chancellor for academic affairs in 1989, and in 1991 was also named provost. Almost his 1 entire academic career has been at UW-Madison, but he has held visiting appointments at University College, London; Australian National University, Canberra; Hebrew University, Jerusalem; University of California, Berkeley; and the University of Leeds, which awarded him the degree Litt.D. in 1989. ACE Web Site The ACE web site ( is a valuable source for information about ACE, OWHE, and higher education issues. Read about recent ACE responses to issues affecting higher education on the ACE homepage. Click on News Releases to find a list of ACE publications for purchase and the most recent issue of Higher Education and National Affairs Newsletter. Link to OWHE from the ACE homepage by clicking on ACE Programs and then on the Office of Women in Higher Education. Find information about ACE programs designed to develop and advance leaders in higher education--including the OWHE National Forum, ACE Fellows Program, and Department Leadership Program--by clicking on ACE Programs. 2 II: What you need to know about OWHE Mission Since 1973, the Office of Women in Higher Education (OWHE) has been committed to the advancement of women leaders in higher education. For more than 25 years, OWHE has provided information and counsel to constituencies within the higher education community regarding policies, issues, education, and research that influence women’s equity, diversity, and advancement. OWHE provides national leadership in advancing women to executive positions on campus and serves as a national voice for women in higher education. Staff members also work in collaboration with associations and other groups in higher education on ways to improve the status of women. The Office’s mission is to advance women’s leadership by: IDENTIFYING women leaders nationally in higher education through extensive networks. DEVELOPING women’s leadership abilities through state and national programming. ENCOURAGING women to use those abilities. ADVANCING women into senior-level leadership positions by nominating them and working with search firms on placement. LINKING women leaders to one another. SUPPORTING the tenure of mid- and senior-level women administrators and presidents throughout their careers. Vice President and Director, OWHE Dr. Claire Van Ummersen is the Vice President and Director of the Office of Women in Higher Education with responsibility for creating and offering leadership development programs for women, setting national agendas to support the advancement of women leaders, and overseeing state networks, which operate to identify emerging leaders. Prior to joining ACE in the summer of 2001, she was President of Cleveland State University from 1993 to 2001. As a doctoral granting urban university, Cleveland State serves its region with undergraduate and graduate education, research to support the state and regional economy, and professional service to improve the lives and welfare of its residents. From 1986 through 1992, Dr. Van Ummersen was Chancellor of the University System of New Hampshire, which served 29,000 students and had a $300 million operating budget. During Dr. Van Ummersen’s tenure in New Hampshire, she launched the Instructional Video Network to link all of the campuses as well as selected local schools. From 1981 to 1986, Dr. Van Ummersen was with the Massachusetts Board of Regents of Higher Education. Her positions included Vice Chancellor for Management Systems and Telecommunications and Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. Statewide 3 planning and program review were critical components of her responsibilities for the 39 public colleges and universities in the system. At the University of Massachusetts-Boston, Dr. Van Ummersen first served as Assistant Professor of Biology and later as Graduate Program Director for Biology, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and Interim Chancellor. Dr. Van Ummersen spearheaded the development of a strategic plan targeting three major program areas for development—environmental sciences, public policy and administration, and education. Dr. Van Ummersen earned her BS, summa cum laude, from Tufts University, followed by an MS and a Ph.D. from the same university. She has been awarded two honorary Doctor of Science degrees, the first from the University of Massachusetts in 1988 and the second from the University of Maine in 1991. She is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi honorary societies. OWHE Staff and Contact Information Claire Van Ummersen, Ph.D. Vice President and Director (202) 939-9390 Donna Burns Phillips, Ph.D. Associate Director (202) 939-9388 Donna Burns Phillips, Associate Director. Dr. Phillips holds a B.A. in Theatre Arts from the University of New Hampshire; she earned an M.A. in Foreign Language Education / Linguistics/French and a Ph.D. in Rhetoric from the University of Louisville. Leaving her academic post in a department of English in August of 2002 to become part of OWHE, she holds primary responsibility for the operation of the ACE Network and for the written materials produced by the office. “But,” she says, “that is an overly simple description. In James Fisher’s words, ‘A good assistant performs everything from the menial to the magnificent.’ I try to achieve the magnificent on Tuesdays.” Deborah Ingram Allen Office Manager and Coordinator for Women’s Programs (202) 939-9387 Deborah Allen has been with the OWHE for 16 years. She is currently working on her Masters of Arts in Organizational Management through the University of Phoenix. Deborah is an active member of the church and community. 4 Patrice Johnson Project Coordinator (202) 939-9386 Patrice Johnson has worked for the Office of Women in Higher Education since 1998. She is responsible for coordinating meetings and events for the ACE/Network State Coordinator's Conference, the Executive Board Retreat and the OWHE Commission. Patrice is currently pursuing a degree in Journalism Kaylen Tucker Project Coordinator (202) 939-9728 Kaylen Tucker is the graduate intern for the Office of Women in Higher Education. She is a doctoral candidate at the University of Maryland, College Park. Focusing on contemporary African American literature, the working title of her dissertation is "Hybrid Desires and the Dichotomous Logic of Race." Kaylen received an MA in English from Purdue University, and a BA in English from Florida A&M University. She plans to join the faculty of a liberal arts institution upon completion of her Ph.D. Anna Cobb Project Assistant (202) 939-9728 Anna Cobb is the graduate intern for the Office of Women in Higher Education. She is an MBA candidate at the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland, College Park. Anna has the certified U.S. equivalents of a Masters Degree in Philosophy and Political Science, and an MA in English from the Moscow State University, Russia. She has worked extensively on international development issues and technical assistance for emerging markets. Contact OWHE at: Office of Women in Higher Education American Council on Education One Dupont Circle NW Washington, DC 20036 Tel: (202) 939-9390 Fax: (202) 833-5696 Email: 5 The Commission on Women in Higher Education Since the inception of OWHE, members of the Commission on Women in Higher Education have served as advisors. The Commission, whose members are appointed by the President of ACE, provides counsel to OWHE and ACE on policies and programs related to women in higher education. It also assists with the evaluation of current programs, suggests new programs for consideration, and advises on matters concerning advancement and equity for academic women. The Commission, composed of 36 college and university presidents who serve 3-year terms, meets twice a year. See Chapter VII for a list of current members. OWHE Programs and Initiatives Through its programs and initiatives, OWHE identifies women leaders throughout the nation: ACE and OWHE work in tandem to increase the number of senior-level women by expanding the pool of suitable candidates for such positions. Nominations for leadership and career advancement opportunities are made by OWHE, the ACE Commission on Women in Higher Education, the Executive Board of the ACE Network, individual state networks, campus institutional representatives, and members of the academic community. Programs sponsored by OWHE develop the leadership abilities of women in higher education: The President’s Roundtables, a series of informal discussions, provide campus presidents with the opportunity to network, share perspectives on a particular topic or concern, consult with ACE on presidential staying power, and contribute their observations to OWHE publications. ACE National Leadership Forums play an important role in the continuing identification and promotion of women for senior-level campus positions and presidencies. Forums are invitational and are held twice each year. An intensive three-day program, the forums have proven to be successful in advancing women. Approximately 200 of the more than 1,000 women who have attended a national Leadership Forum have subsequently become college or university presidents and/or association presidents. Many others have achieved senior administrator positions. The Office of Women in Higher Education encourages women to use their talents and abilities by introducing emerging leaders to current chancellors and/or presidents who can answer their questions and foster their ambitions, by connecting forum participants with search firm consultants who can assist in improving interview skills, and by recommending candidates to search firms and committees. Additional OWHE projects and initiatives help advance women into leadership positions: The Project on Advancing Women’s Leadership in Higher Education, which is funded in part by the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, addresses leadership development and career progression for women, especially minority women, in the higher education community. The project has resulted in two publications that formed the basis for ACE Network 6 programs during the 25th anniversary year of the ACE Network and will guide campuses in dealing with issues of women’s advancement. The Vice President and Director of OWHE nominates women as candidates in seniorlevel searches conducted by executive search firms and campus committees. The ACE Roundtable on Executive Search Selection in Higher Education includes representatives from professional search firms that work with ACE to place appropriate candidates in executive-level positions throughout the United States. Emerging and current women leaders form links to one another through their participation in events sponsored by the ACE State Networks, Leadership Forums, and Presidential Roundtables; through listservs developed for particular groups; through the Network News; and through a variety of electronic and face-to-face meetings offered by OWHE and ACE. The OWHE supports the tenure of mid- and senior-level women administrators: OWHE and ACE sponsor activities to develop and sustain leaders. The OWHE web site and OWHE publications provide information supportive of women leaders in higher education. OWHE Web site The OWHE web site ( is a useful source for information about OWHE and leadership development programs. Read about initiatives to implement OWHE’s mission to identify, develop, encourage, advance, link, and support women in administrative positions within higher education. Learn about programs within ACE, as well as some offered by other organizations, that support the goal to increase opportunities for women in higher education careers. Download the OWHE Fact Sheet. Identify other state coordinators. Identify potential grant providers. The OWHE web site is still growing and developing. Plans for the coming year include reviewing existing content, adding new content, and keeping the web site’s information current. Our goal is to make the web site a valuable national resource for women. 7 The History of OWHE: 1973-2002 “By building strong connections among women in higher education leadership and by researching and articulating the great benefits to higher education and the nation of women’s leadership and women’s values, the American Council on Education’s Office of Women in Higher Education continues to provide the vision and energy for positive change within the academy and in society at large.” Janet L. Holmgren President, Mills College Former Chair of the Board, ACE In 1973, the American Council on Education (ACE) formed the Office of Women in Higher Education (OWHE). Since its founding, OWHE has provided information and counsel to constituencies within the higher education community regarding policies, issues, education, and research that influence women’s equity, diversity, and advancement. Through its efforts at the national level and through the state organizations that form the ACE Network, OWHE has built an outstanding history of commitment to the advancement of women leaders in higher education. It is a history in which OWHE takes great pride and which it celebrates. Historically, ACE addressed the educational needs and concerns of women by publishing studies and reports in the decade following its founding in 1918. In the years following World War II and the Korean War, ACE continued its support by sponsoring research and national conferences on “Women in the Defense Decade” and by establishing a Commission on Women (1953-1961). Responding to the changing cultural and political climate within the nation in the 1960s and 1970s, particularly evident in the civil rights and education legislation of the day, the American Council on Education devoted its entire 1972 Annual Meeting to women in higher education. Also in 1972, Roger Heyns, the new president of ACE, and Martha Peterson, chair of the ACE Board, began discussions with professional women educators, including many who were associated with the Council, about supporting women in academia. These discussions led the Board in October of that year to establish an Office of Women within the Council and reestablish the Commission on Women in Higher Education to advise it. In 1973, Nancy Schlossberg, then a professor of education at Wayne State University, became the first director of the Office. Schlossberg hired Donna Shavlik, Associate Dean of students at the University of Delaware, to be her assistant. Under their direction, the Office accepted its charge from ACE to promote women’s leadership and develop a roster of women ready for top administrative positions in higher education. During its first years, OWHE worked with ACE and colleges and universities on implementing Title IX, equal pension benefits, and other legal and political measures. These issues provided an important backdrop for the major focus of the Office—the advancement of women into senior leadership positions in higher education. In 1974, in conjunction with the ACE Office of Leadership Development, OWHE organized the first ACE Symposium for 8 Women Considering Careers in Higher Education. This event drew more than 300 applications for 100 spaces and became the prototype for future OWHE conferences and meetings. It also resulted in a discovery that would shape the future priorities of OWHE: access—not lack of ability—was the key barrier to advancing women in college and university administration. Schlossberg left OWHE after its first year, but Shavlik continued the work of the Office until Emily Taylor, Dean of Women at the University of Kansas, was hired in 1975 as the second director of OWHE. Together, Taylor and Shavlik, serving as director and associate director respectively, continued to focus on advancing women in higher education administration. Later that year, OWHE compiled the first “Table of Women CEOs in U.S. Colleges and Universities.” This study showed that of the 2,500 regionally accredited institutions of higher education, only 148 (or 5 percent) were headed by women—two thirds of whom were members of religious orders. Similar statistics came to light in other reports on leadership in higher education institutions. Evidence continued to mount that identifying women who were both ready and able to advance was essential to increasing the number of women in college and university presidencies. What women needed, OWHE learned, were programs that promoted the advancement of women. In 1976–77, with support from the Carnegie Corporation of New York, OWHE created the National Identification Program for the Advancement of Women in Higher Education. This program, now known as the ACE Network, was originally designed to increase the number of women in senior administrative positions in higher education, especially presidencies. With guidance and support from OWHE, efforts to identify and advance women into leadership positions would take place across the country, augmenting the scope of the Office’s work. By 1977, 12 states—those with the greatest number of higher education institutions and the greatest number of students—had initiated state programs, followed by other states over the next five years. Judith Touchton joined OWHE in 1977, beginning a tenure at the Office that would last until 1998. She remembers the Office’s early focus on making women leaders more visible, particularly during institutional searches for senior-level administrators. For this effort to be successful, OWHE needed to form a coalition of men and women, including current college presidents and those who sat on search committees. It also was clear that someone needed to collect, analyze, and disseminate data on the advancement of women. This effort became a continuing responsibility of the Office. In ACE publications and in books and articles published by others, OWHE began to address a wide variety of issues relating to women and the college presidency. From the seminal works published by the Office in the 1970s and 1980s, to the most recent From Where We Sit: Women’s Perspectives on the Presidency, OWHE has established a proud record of leading the dialogue on advancing and supporting women in higher education administration. Among the programs supported by OWHE to advance women in higher education have been its National Forums. Begun in 1977, OWHE has sponsored these conferences for women poised to assume presidencies, vice presidencies, and major deanships. The sessions enable them to meet and network with college presidents, search firms, and experts on various aspects of college and university leadership. The Office has held 61 forums since their inception, attended by 1,135 women. Records indicate that approximately 20 percent of National Forum alumnae go on to become a college or university president, while others 9 advance into senior positions at colleges and universities or other higher education institutions or foundations. OWHE also has sponsored programs to support women who have achieved college presidencies. In 1990, the Office sponsored the first of four Women Presidents’ Summits, creating opportunities for women leaders to reflect on the status of women in higher education, shape future initiatives, and form international networks. Throughout its history, OWHE has developed strong ties with outside organizations, seeking the cooperation and support of other presidential associations, women’s organizations, and advocacy groups that serve women in higher education. These ties have been especially advantageous when the Office has worked to support women of color. Since its inception, OWHE has maintained an intentional awareness of women of color as part of its commitment to diversity and equity. On many occasions, the Office has supplemented its own efforts by collaborating both with other ACE departments and with other organizations to advance women of color. Commitment to these programs has held regardless of who has been at the helm of the Office. In 1982, Taylor retired from the directorship of OWHE, and Shavlik was named director. Soon thereafter, Touchton was named deputy director, forming a leadership team with Shavlik that endured through 1997, when Shavlik retired. Touchton then became the Office’s interim director, succeeded by Judith Sturnick in 1998. When Sturnick, the first director to also hold the title of ACE vice president, left OWHE in 2000 to become president of the Union Institute, Gladys Brown, then associate director, was named interim director, a position she held until 2001, when Claire Van Ummersen became the Vice President and Director of the Office of Women in Higher Education. She, in turn, appointed Donna Burns Phillips as Associate Director in August 2002. Throughout these leadership changes, OWHE has maintained—and continues to maintain—a clear focus on its mission: to IDENTIFY women leaders nationally in higher education; to DEVELOP women’s leadership abilities; to ENCOURAGE women to use their abilities and talents; to ADVANCE more women into leadership positions; to LINK women leaders to one another; and to SUPPORT the tenure of mid- and senior-level women administrators and educators. The Donna Shavlik Award Established in honor of the long-serving director of OWHE, The Donna Shavlik Award is presented annually by the ACE Office of Women in Higher Education to an individual demonstrating sustained and continuing commitment to women’s advancement nationally and in individual institutions of higher education. Award recipients have demonstrated leadership and commitment to the advancement of women through actions or initiatives in enhancing women’s leadership development, career development, campus climate, and mentoring of and for women. Nominations are solicited from college presidents and other leaders in higher education. A committee, with representatives from the ACE Commission on Women in Higher Education, the ACE Network Executive Board, and OWHE, reviews nominations and selects each year’s recipient. The award is presented at the ACE Annual Meeting during the OWHE Women’s Leadership Dinner. 10 The ACE Network Award for Programs Advancing Women in Higher Education The ACE Network Award for Programs Advancing Women in Hither Education is presented annually by the ACE Network Executive Board to an oustanding, innovative, and visionary program sponsored by a state ACE Network or by a colege or university. Nominations are sought for programs that have demostrated leadership and commitment to the advancement of women through sustained initiatives that identify, develop, advance, and support women in higher education. A committee of Executive Board members reviews nominations and forwards a recommendation to the Director of OWHE, who subsequently sends a recommendation and rationale to the president of ACE for a final decision. The award is presented at the State Coordinators’ Conference reception . 11 III: What you need to know about the ACE Network History of the ACE Network With a grant from the Carnegie Corporation in 1977, the Office of Women (OWHE) started the ACE National Identification Program, which, 25 years later, is the ACE Network. The purpose of ACE/NIP, broadly stated, was to address the needs and issues relating to women’s leadership in higher education—needs and issues that had been identified during the early years of the Office through its meetings with women faculty and administrators throughout the U.S. It is a mission that is still relevant today, and one that is supported by ACE Networks across the nation. In 1977, California, New York, and Florida became the first states to create an ACE National Identification Program. Within a year, they were joined by Wisconsin, Texas, Massachusetts, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana. New Jersey followed shortly thereafter. Within the next five years, the ACE Network became a state-based, national program. The initial grant proposed creating state planning committees in each state with representation reflecting the state’s higher education structure. A woman holding a senior-level administrative position would lead the planning committee as the state coordinator. Working with a panel of advisors of men and women leaders within the state, the planning committee and state coordinator would create effective strategies to identify and advance women into senior leadership positions within the state’s colleges and universities. Over time, the state networks have developed organizational structures and initiatives that best fit the structure of higher education within the particular state. Nonetheless, the structure of a planning board, a state coordinator, institutional representatives, and support of college presidents remains the hallmark of the ACE Network. The state networks are linked to one another through their connection with OWHE and a national executive board, established in 1991 to serve as both mentors to the state coordinators and advisors to support OWHE staff in working with the states. For a quarter of a century, the state networks have retained a shared vision, common purpose, and mutual commitment to advancing women’s leadership in higher education. During the past 25 years, the individual state networks have developed a variety of effective programs and initiatives, responsive to the needs of women in their states. Statewide or regional conferences are annual events in many states, providing professional development and networking opportunities for women at all levels in higher education administration. Some state networks have created their own versions of the OWHE national forums for midto senior-level women leaders, providing an opportunity to identify and develop emerging women leaders. Many states present awards to women leaders, enhancing public awareness of their contributions. Several states have sponsored women student leadership conferences, and others include women students in meetings and award programs. Receptions for women legislators, women college presidents, and women board members are other ways that the state networks have sought to advance women’s leadership. Similarly, some states have targeted specific audiences—deans, department chairs, and vice-presidents—with workshops and seminars. Many states have followed OWHE’s example by partnering with other women’s organizations to collaborate in meeting shared goals. 12 In 1995, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the ACE Network, Donna Shavlik and Judy Touchton wrote, “It is a rare privilege to be able to look back over two decades and to say, truthfully and with pride, ‘This is an idea that has worked.’” Their words are timeless, as state networks continue to enhance their support for women in college and university administration. Structure of the ACE Network In 1977, OWHE created what has become the ACE Network, with state planning boards and state coordinators throughout the nation, in order to build the infrastructure needed to identify, develop, encourage, advance, link, and support women in higher education administrative careers. Although most states have a single state coordinator, some have cocoordinators, and some large states are divided into two regions, each with a state coordinator and planning board. In 1991, OWHE established the Executive Board of the ACE Network to serve as advisors to the Office and as liaisons to state coordinators. Today, the Executive Board uses geographic locations to divide mentoring responsibilities for individual state networks among its members. The Chair of the Executive Board, the primary liaison between OWHE and the Board, works directly with the Associate Director and Director of OWHE. State coordinators and the Executive Board are also advised by college and university presidents who have agreed to serve as Presidential Sponsors for specific states. Roles and Expectations of the Executive Board The ACE Network Executive Board supports a national system of state networks for women in higher education by serving as liaisons to state planning boards; mentoring state coordinators; and advising OWHE on issues relating to identifying, developing, encouraging, advancing, leading, and supporting women in higher education administrative careers. The Executive Board nominates women to serve as state coordinators and may suggest presidential sponsors. Members of the board nominate women to OWHE to participate in national leadership forums and to assume senior level positions in higher education administration. Board members have a group of states for which they serve as liaisons. When needed, they provide primary leadership for developing or strengthening state planning boards and networks. Expectations of the ACE Network Executive Board members revolve around the state networks and the mission of OWHE: Identify Identify and nominate state coordinators for state networks. Identify state networks that need extra support and assistance in maintaining their effectiveness. Keep OWHE informed about what is happening in each state for which the board member serves as liaison. Identify the kinds of information that would be helpful to states and provide that information to OWHE. Identify core issues affecting all states and make recommendations for action as appropriate. 13 Identify and share information about promising practices that meet the needs of women in the states. Nominate individuals and organizations to be honored or thanked by the ACE Network and OWHE. Nominate women to provide leadership on the ACE Network Executive Board and suggest Presidential Sponsors. Develop Assist OWHE in developing an annual leadership program for state coordinators. Prepare and lead presentations and workshops at conferences and other programs for women in higher education at the state or national level. Mentor state coordinators and members of state planning committees. Assist state planning committees in developing organizational strategies to meet the needs of the state and ensure continuing leadership of the state network. Assist state coordinators with developing communication and media publicity and public relations plans. Encourage Encourage state coordinators to attend the annual state coordinator conference. Assist in recruiting Institutional Representatives. Offer moral support to emerging leaders in their next steps. Advance Collect vitas of women to be nominated for senior level positions, sending the vitas to OWHE. Nominate state coordinators and other senior level women for national leadership forums. Nominate women for senior level positions in higher education. Recommend women for participation on statewide committees. Link Connect coordinators to one another, to OWHE, and to Institutional Representatives. Participate in conference calls, board meetings, and retreats of the ACE Network Executive Board. Support Inform states of ACE and OWHE priorities and initiatives. Inform states on issues regarding women in higher education. Celebrate women’s leadership in higher education through at least one annual event, held in conjunction with the ACE Annual Meeting and/or state coordinator conference. Prepare op-ed pieces on issues related to women in higher education for release to the media, with ACE approval and coordination. See ACE Network List in Chapter VII for a complete list of Executive Board contact information and liaison connections. 14 Roles and Expectations of Presidential Sponsors Together, the Board and OWHE have revitalized this network of college and university presidents; each state should have at least one president to serve as an advisor and mentor to the state coordinator and state planning committee. The ACE Network presidential sponsor should: Identify Identify and nominate state coordinators for state networks. Nominate individuals and organizations to be honored or thanked by the ACE Network and OWHE. Nominate women to provide leadership on the ACE Network Executive Board and to be presidential sponsors. Develop Prepare and lead presentations and workshops at conferences and other programs for women in higher education at the state or national level. Mentor state coordinators and members of state planning committees. Assist state planning committees in developing organizational strategies to meet the needs of the state and ensure continuing leadership of the state network. Assist state coordinators with developing communication and media publicity and public relations plans. Encourage Provide moral and, where possible, staff, time, and funding support to your ACE Network for worthy projects. Demonstrate the value of the work done by the Coordinator and Planning Committee by publicly citing their work where appropriate. Advance Collect vitas of women ready for senior level positions, sending the vitas to OWHE. Nominate state coordinators and other senior level women for national leadership forums. Nominate women for senior level positions in higher education. Recommend women for participation on statewide committees. Link When possible, arrange to introduce the state coordinator to other women in higher education, presidents, politicians, and community and corporate leaders. Support Inform states on issues regarding women in higher education. Help state coordinators and state planning committees in identifying and securing resources necessary to sustain the state network and its initiatives. 15 No presidential sponsor is expected to accomplish all items in these areas. A presidential sponsor should select from the various ideas presented under each heading or develop other strategies that meet specific needs of women in higher education within her/his state. See ACE Network in Chapter VII for a list of presidential sponsors. Roles and Expectations of State Coordinators The State Coordinator is the key leader of the ACE Network in her respective state. She chairs the state planning committee and serves as the principal liaison among the ACE Network in her state, Institutional Representatives, OWHE, and the members of the Executive Board of the ACE Network. Selection as state coordinator is based on the coordinator’s previous administrative experience as well as her clear commitment to women’s issues in higher education. Most often, the coordinator has served over a period of years as a member of the state planning committee and has been nominated for this position by the members of the state planning committee. Members of the Executive Board or one of the state’s presidential sponsors may also nominate women to serve as state coordinator. A nomination or nominations to fill the position of state coordinator will be forwarded to the Chair of the Executive Board. She will review and assess the nomination(s), forwarding one or more to OWHE along with her recommendations. The Vice President and Director, OWHE, will make the formal appointment of a state coordinator. In addition, the President of ACE will write the college or university president of the campus on which the woman serves, acknowledging the honor and outlining the responsibilities of the state coordinator position. The state coordinator is expected to work closely with OWHE and the members of the Executive Board to lead and support the vision and programs of the ACE Network and OWHE. In order to fulfill the expectations of this role, it is critical that the state coordinator plan to attend the annual meeting of the state coordinators. This two-day seminar is developed and implemented by OWHE and the Executive Board members and held in conjunction with the annual meeting of ACE. The Conference is vital to the achievement of the goals of OWHE and the ACE Network and must receive a high priority in the coordinator’s strategic plan for the advancement of women in her state. Every state coordinator must turn in a year-end report by June 1st. The state coordinator may be expected to: Identify In collaboration with the members of the state planning committee, identify, nominate, and recruit members to the state planning committee. Develop a succession plan for assuring that the state planning committee remains strong and vital. In collaboration with the members of the state planning committee, identify and recommend women to serve as institutional representatives at each institution in the state. Identify key women in senior administrative positions in the state and seek their involvement and support in the work of the state network. 16 Identify and nominate women for senior administrative positions and facilitate nomination of women ready for college presidencies and other senior-level positions. Develop Identify and nominate state coordinators for state networks. Sponsor annual state and/or regional conferences that bring together women administrators and women in higher education interested in and/or aspiring to administrative roles or provide other professional development opportunities that support women’s leadership development in the state. Invite key players in higher education in the state to participate in and/or lead sessions at the annual conference. Develop connections with women on college and university governing boards. Develop connections with women in positions of leadership in state and local government. Disseminate information throughout the state regarding professional development activities and programs initiated by ACE, OWHE, and the ACE Network. Encourage Encourage all women in all institutions of higher education in her state to become ACE Network participants and supporters. Advance Encourage women to apply for top-level positions. Encourage search committees for administrative positions to ensure fair and sound practices in finding and supporting women candidates. Advocate for women at all levels of higher education—students, support staff, faculty, and junior administrators. Link Foster all possible means of connecting and communicating between the women of her state in higher education and their peers as well as between women academics and women civic, political, and corporate leaders. Support Provide creative leadership for the work of the state planning committee and strong support for each of the members of the state planning committee. Provide support and recognition for the Institutional Representatives throughout the state and for the campus networks that may be developed at each institution. Communicate on a regular basis with OWHE, the Chair of the Executive Board, and the regional liaison member of the Executive Board with whom she is partnered. Publish a state newsletter that communicates key information regarding women’s issues and network activities in the state. Meet with college presidents within the state. Support women throughout the search and selection process. Target barriers to women’s advancement and develop services and supports to address these barriers. 17 No state coordinator is expected to accomplish all items in these areas. A state coordinator should select from the various ideas presented under each strategy or develop other strategies that meet specific needs of women in higher education within her state. Roles and Expectations of the State Planning Committee The state coordinator and the members of the state planning committee form the key leadership for the ACE Network at the state level. Each state coordinator and state planning committee is linked to the ACE Network’s Executive Board through a member of the Executive Board who serves as a regional liaison. In addition, the Chair of the Executive Board and the Director, and the Associate Director, OWHE, communicate on a regular basis with the state coordinator and, through her, to the planning committee. The state planning committee should be composed of a variety of women administrators from throughout the state and should represent the diversity of positions held by women in the state. The geography of the state, the many types of women administrators working in the state, and representation of women of color should be among the criteria considered as selections and appointments are made. Basic expectations of the members of the state planning committee are to: Identify Identify a strong network of institutional representatives and establish strong connections with these institutional representatives across the state. Serve as a state repository for the information regarding women administrators that has been collected by the institutional representatives at each campus. Establish connections with all women presidents in the state. Provide statewide leadership for the identification of women who aspire to leadership roles in higher education. Develop Develop strategies, initiatives, programs, and statewide or regional meetings that focus on women’s leadership development in the state and provide opportunities for women in higher education throughout the state to develop a network that provides mentoring and professional development activities for senior women, new administrators, and women aspiring to administrative positions. Provide information on and encourage participation in national women’s leadership development programs sponsored by ACE (e.g., OWHE National Forums, the ACE Fellows Program) and programs sponsored by other organizations. Build strong connections between and among women administrators in order that communication links are frequent and regular. Develop plans that enable the state coordinator or her representative to participate in the annual state coordinator’s conference sponsored by the Executive Board and OWHE. Continue to monitor campus climate(s) for women and persons of color throughout the state. Encourage Encourage women to apply for senior-level positions. Make certain your state coordinator knows she is not expected to accomplish projects singlehandedly, that you will provide moral support and practical assistance. 18 Advance Nominate women for administrative positions. Create a leadership succession plan for the position of state coordinator and for the members of the state planning committee. Ensure that the state coordinator and the members of the state planning committee stay in close communication with the Executive Board and OWHE. Link Make every effort to recruit an Institutional Representative from each institution of higher education in your state. Encourage the Institutional Representatives to pass along information about the Network and advancement opportunities to all women on their campus. Use whatever connections you have to connect the Network to women leaders in the civic, corporate, and political arenas. Support As appropriate, support and sustain women in administrative positions throughout the state. Provide visibility throughout the state for the discussion of issues that continue to hinder women from attaining their full leadership potential as administrators in higher education. Involve women and men at the state level who influence and shape educational policy. No state planning committee is expected to accomplish all items in these areas. The state planning committee should select from the various ideas presented under each strategy or develop other strategies that meet specific needs of women in higher education within the state. Roles and Expectations of Institutional Representatives The Institutional Representative (IR) is a key person in the development and implementation of the strategic plans of the ACE Network in each state. Ideally, each institution of higher education in the state will appoint an IR to represent and serve as an advocate for the interests of women’s leadership development and advancement in higher education at her institution. The president of the institution usually appoints the IR to her role. Often, the state coordinator or a member of the state planning committee makes a recommendation to the president on behalf of the ACE Network. The IR’s appointment recognizes the critical role she has already played at her institution with regard to the identification and development of women’s leadership issues on her campus and signals the institution’s support for the advancement of women into key leadership positions in higher education. The IR works in close collaboration with the state coordinator and the members of the state planning committee and serves as a liaison between the women at her institution and the members of the state planning committee, the Executive Board, and OWHE. Women fulfilling this role serve as catalysts for innovation among women in higher education and as communication links between and among women administrators, women aspiring to leadership roles in post-secondary educational environments, and ACE leaders committed to the furtherance of women’s roles in higher education leadership. When implementing activities planned in consultation with the ACE Network and OWHE, the IR 19 represents these groups and ACE. The institutional representative may wish to appoint a committee of women to work with her on her campus. Basic expectations of the institutional representative will be to: Identify Identify all women in key leadership positions on campus, including women administrators and women who hold significant leadership positions on the faculty, in student services, and in other key departments, such as the business office and the development/advancement/alumni offices. Provide information to the State Coordinator about women administrators on the campus, including new appointments, resignations, title changes, vacant leadership positions, etc. Establish, when appropriate, linkages between the state network and other campus programs focusing on women. Keep the institution’s president informed on a regular basis regarding the agenda and/or programs of OWHE and the ACE Network. Build a campus network whereby other women are identified as potential leaders and mentored in their aspirations Develop Assist the state coordinator and the state planning committee in the development and implementation of state workshops and conferences designed to encourage women aspiring to administrative leadership roles. Participate as appropriate in local, regional, and state-wide meetings. Keep women on campus informed regarding the agenda and/or programs of OWHE and the ACE Network. Keep women on campus informed of leadership programs, fellowships, and grants for which they are eligible at both the state and national levels. Encourage senior-level women and men to serve as mentors or sponsors to women in middle-level administrative positions or to other women who have demonstrated potential for administrative responsibilities. Encourage Assist the women on campus in relaying their suggestions and concerns to an appropriate institutional, state, or national body. Establish support groups and mentoring opportunities for tenure-track women. Urge women on campus to consider their next steps and to take advantage of opportunities. Advance Learn about institutional policies and procedures that identify, prepare, and advance the college or university’s administrators. Encourage search committees for administrative positions to follow sound practices in finding and supporting women candidates. Nominate women for leadership positions as opportunities arise. Link Create opportunities for campus women at all levels to get to know one another’s interests, ambitions, and talents. 20 Take advantage where possible of opportunities for campus women to meet and share ideas and concerns with women from the political, civic, and corporate spheres. Support Urge women to seek appointment to appropriate boards, committees, and professional organizations. Publicize formally and informally the accomplishments of women on campus. Organize or join roundtables or networks for women administrators on campus. Organize events in celebration of women (e.g., Women’s History Month). No institutional representative is expected to accomplish all items in these areas. An institutional representative should select from the various ideas presented under each strategy or develop other strategies that meet specific needs of women in higher education at her institution. 21 IV: What you need to know about Policies and Resources The OWHE Graphic Identifier In 2002, OWHE developed a graphic identifier as part of the Office’s planning and marketing strategy. Used in recent OWHE publications to provide symbol recognition, the graphic identifier will also be used by the Office in stationary, brochures, certificates, pins, and awards, in accordance with ACE policy. The ACE Network Graphic Identifier Similar to the OWHE graphic identifier is the ACE Network graphic identifier. This symbol is available to the state networks for use in stationery, brochures, certificates, and awards. Because using the graphic identifier forms a link between the state network and both OWHE and ACE, its use must be judicious. State networks may use the ACE Network graphic as long as it is clear that the state network originated the stationery, brochure, certificate, or award. The use of the OWHE/Network graphic identifier is limited to use on stationery, brochures, certificates, posters, and awards. All other uses—particularly those involving merchandise or fundraising—must be approved by the Vice President and Director, OWHE. 22 An electronic file of the graphic identifier in .tif format and usable within a Word document is available from OWHE and is included in on the disk that is part of the Handbook. If you have any problems accessing this graphic, please contact OWHE; we will work with ACE information technology staff to resolve these difficulties. Sample State Network Letterhead using the ACE Network Graphic Identifier <insert your state network name here> PO Box 123 State College Collegetown 12345 The ACE Network graphic identifier could be inserted at the top left-hand corner or centered at the bottom of the page. 23 Fundraising Because the independent state networks that comprise the ACE Network are part of ACE, their fundraising initiatives must be conducted with care to maintain the reputation of ACE. Thus, common sense and general guidelines pertaining to volunteer organizations should govern efforts by state networks to find the resources necessary to fund their organizations’ programs and initiatives. Dues. ACE policies allow state networks to charge dues or a membership fee. That said, it is worth noting that ACE is a membership organization, with college and university presidents electing to join ACE. In the past, that fact has been interpreted to mean that state networks could not charge dues or a membership fee. ACE now offers a more liberal interpretation, allowing the state networks to make their own decisions about dues and membership fees. When considering whether to collect dues or a membership fee, a state network should consider the ACE Network philosophy of inclusion. State networks should work to advance women throughout higher education within the state (particularly at institutions that are members of ACE)—all women, not just those who have paid a membership fee. How one handles the issue of dues or membership fees becomes an important issue. Making dues or a membership fee voluntary—to support the work of the state network, receive a newsletter, receive a list of registered members, participate in a special event or mentoring initiative—may offer a viable compromise. State networks should also consider that collecting dues or fees may produce new fiduciary responsibilities. More formal bookkeeping and accounting to members— perhaps even incorporation—may be required. Clear rules about spending funds and liabilities should be included in a state network constitution or by-laws. In all cases, a state network should follow state laws, if any, governing volunteer organizations. Donations. State networks can ask for donations (and may suggest an appropriate amount) to support the work of the state network. Voluntary supporters could be rewarded with a newsletter, a list of network participants, a special event or opportunities, and the like. Note, however, that donations must be made without the intent that the donor will receive a formal statement about making a charitable contribution as a deduction on the donor’s taxes. Unless the state network is incorporated as a non-profit organization, such acknowledgement cannot legally be made. As long as that is understood, a state network can accept donations. Sales. State networks may sell merchandise. State networks should follow state laws regarding sales, sales tax, and the like. Grants. State networks can, in their own name, solicit grants. In applying for grants, the state network should make it clear that the state network—not ACE or OWHE—is soliciting the grant. ACE experience, however, suggests that foundations and the like would prefer to deal with formal organizations—an argument for incorporating the state network. Support from presidents and campuses. State networks may ask college presidents for support (monetary, services, etc.). As with grants, the request must make it clear that the state planning committee is making the request, not ACE or OWHE. Presidential sponsors, appointed by OWHE, may provide assistance from their own campuses and help in getting support from other college and university presidents. 24 See Chapter V on organizing a state network for additional discussion on financial strategies. See Chapter VI for successful initiatives to fund ACE Network activities within state networks. Using the Media Increasing the visibility of the ACE Network within each state is an important goal and one we believe necessary to the continued advancement of women into leadership positions within our nation’s colleges and universities. There are many opportunities for state networks to publicize the ACE Network, leadership development programs, and achievements of women leaders within the state. As a state coordinator, you might highlight some of the following: Recent publications by ACE or OWHE that address issues of importance to higher education leaders within your state. The participation of college and university presidents within your state on panels sponsored by ACE or OWHE. Promotions and new hires of women into senior-level positions. Statistics about women’s leadership at colleges and universities within your state. The participation of college and university presidents within your state on ACE commissions. ACE and OWHE web sites. ACE-sponsored opportunities for leadership development, such as the National Leadership Forum and the ACE Fellows Program. Programs sponsored by the state network, such as conferences, meetings, and mentoring programs. Changes in leadership of the state coordinator or on the state planning committee. The state planning committee could form a publicity or public relations subcommittee to prepare press releases or short articles for use by the media. Although a full-blown media campaign may not be something a state planning committee is willing to undertake, finding ways to publicize the work of the state network and OWHE should be within reach of most state coordinators. Press releases within conference handouts, e-mail messages in the form of a press release to women within the colleges and universities served by the state network, notices posted to web sites or included in newsletters—all would help promote the ACE Network and bring attention to issues affecting women’s career advancement. A Short Guide to Media Relations Here are some tips to help increase success in securing coverage in local and regional media outlets: Publicity for an event or advocating a public policy position in an opinion article or letter to the editor requires clear and concise writing. Well-organized and thoughtful sentences, using proper grammar and spelling, will improve the chances of your article’s being published. Timeliness is also critical. Consult with your higher education institution’s public information/communications staff regarding working with local and regional media. Try to avoid conflicting with other campus 25 events that might attract local news media. The media generally will not cover two events on the same campus the same day. Ask about the institution’s policy regarding faculty/staff opinion articles and the use of your title and the name of the institution. Newspapers are divided into sections with specific responsibilities. Different sections have different deadlines. Events calendars and community sections may require information up to 10 days before it will appear in print. Read these sections carefully for deadline requirements. Editors and reporters also have specific responsibilities. Sending your announcement to the correct section editor will increase the likelihood that it will run in the paper. To invite a reporter to cover a news event, call the News Desk (also referred to as the City Desk or Metro Desk) 7 to 14 days in advance. Newspapers have a limited number of staff available for assignment on any given day. Letters to the Editor, not to exceed 300 words, and Opinion Articles, 500-750 words, should be sent to the editorial page editor. Before writing an opinion article, call the Opinion page editor to discuss your idea and to learn about the paper’s style requirements and deadlines. Phone calls to newsrooms pitching story ideas or requesting style information should be made before noon. The activity and pace in a newsroom increases in the afternoon as deadlines near. You will get more assistance early in the day. Local television and radio stations are stretched even more thinly. Your event must be compelling and highly newsworthy for television or radio stations to invest their limited resources. Television requires compelling visual images to be successful. Be prepared to describe the possible images to the television news producer Many local cable services and television stations also use event notices and opinion pieces. Contact the station management/community relations offices for details. Politely and concisely explain the event and why it is newsworthy. Be prepared to fax or email a copy of your news release or a letter containing details such as who, what, where, when, and why. Don’t forget to send a copy to the student newspaper and/or radio and television station. Below is a sample news release. The italicized words and sentences should be replaced with your own appropriate text. 26 Sample News Release NEWS RELEASE Contact: (Name and Phone) For Release: IMMEDIATE (Date) or EMBARGO Release Until (Date) (Your state Network Name) to Sponsor Women’s Leadership Conference at University of (your institution) (City, State) ( Date ) – Preparing women to assume leadership positions in higher education administration is the goal of a one-day workshop sponsored by the (your state network name). (Title: Preparing Women Leaders for a New Century) will be held on (Day, Date, Year) (time from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.) in the (Building) on the (University) campus. Cost of the workshop is $(Amount). (Who should attend: Women interested in pursuing leadership positions in higher education are encouraged to attend.) (Details of your program: Claire Van Ummersen, vice president and director of the Office of Women in Higher Education of the American Council on Education (ACE), is the keynote speaker. Other session topics include mentoring, resume preparation, networking, and national issues in higher education.) The (your state network name) is part of the ACE Network, a national grassroots effort, sponsored by the American Council on Education’s (ACE) Office of Women in Higher Education (OWHE), focused on providing leadership development and mentoring opportunities for women in higher education. Established in 1977, the ACE Network’s foundation is a state-based system of interlocking networks supported by campus presidents and designed to identify and support women’s leadership development in each state. ACE is a comprehensive association of the nation's colleges and universities dedicated to higher education issues and advocacy on behalf of quality higher education programs. Counted among the Council's members are the presidents and CEOs of more than 1,800 accredited degree-granting colleges and universities and higher education related associations, organizations, and corporations. For more information about the workshop or to register, contact the (your state network name) at (phone 777-555-1212) or at (email address: -end- 27 Sample Letters The responsibilities of a state coordinator, a member of the state planning committee, and an institutional representative are immensely important and deserve formal appointment letters and recognition. State Coordinators. OWHE will appoint state coordinators in a letter signed by the Vice President and Director, OWHE. The President, ACE, will write a letter to the state coordinator’s college or university president, explaining the mission of the ACE Network and asking for his or her support for the work of the state coordinator. State Planning Committee. The state coordinator, one of the ACE Network presidential sponsors, or a member of the Executive Board should solicit members for the committee by writing or contacting college and university presidents within the state. A formal letter—to both the committee member and her college or university president—would be appropriate and could be prepared and signed by the state coordinator, the presidential sponsor, or a member of the Executive Board, as determined by the state network. Institutional Representatives. In some states, institutional representatives do not serve on the state planning committee but serve rather as liaisons to the state planning committee or to regional associations linked to the state planning committee. Institutional representatives should be nominated or appointed by their college or university presidents. Both the representative and the college president should receive letters acknowledging the service to be provided by the institutional representative. Letters prepared by the state coordinator, a member of the state planning board, a presidential sponsor, or a member of the Executive Board would be appropriate. State coordinators may also send periodic thank-you letters, on an annual basis or at the end of a term of office, to members of state planning committees and institutional representatives and their college or university presidents. Letters welcoming women into senior-level college or university administrative positions within a state can serve to publicize the ACE Network and encourage participation in its programs and initiatives. Such letters could be written by the state coordinator, a member of the state planning committee, a member of the Executive Board, or by a presidential sponsor, as determined by the state network. A copy of the state network brochure would be an effective addition. Several sample letters follow. Offered as suggestions only, they can easily be modified to meet the needs of any state network. The first is the text from the letter sent by the President, ACE, to presidents of the colleges and universities of women appointed to the position of state coordinator. This letter could be modified and sent to presidents of women serving as planning committee members or institutional representatives. The second is text from a letter used in South Carolina to request that presidents name institutional representatives. This letter includes an appointment form as an enclosure. The third letter is text of a letter used in South Carolina to welcome women to the state and its state network. 28 Sample Letter to College Presidents Dear <President’s name> The ACE Office of Women in Higher Education is pleased to have <State Coordinator’s name> as the State Coordinator for the <State> Network of the ACE Network. The intent of this program is to establish a national network for the identification, recommendation, and advancement of women administrators and, therefore, to increase the number of women who hold major decision making positions in higher education. More detail on the program is provided in the enclosed summary. <State Coordinator’s Name’s> leadership of this program is essential to its success. Your support, encouragement, and recognition of the role she is playing in the advancement of women in higher education in <State> will also be a vital contribution to the program. Enclosure <brochure> 29 Sample Letter Requesting Presidents to Name Institutional Representatives Dear <President’s Name>: South Carolina Women in Higher Education (SCWHE) of the American Council on Education (ACE) Network, Office of Women in Higher Education, is a national grass roots organization for women in higher education. By using the strategies of identifying women in higher education, developing the leadership of women in higher education, advancing women into senior level positions, and sustaining and supporting women in higher education, SCWHE focuses on advancing talented women in post-secondary administration. Enclosed is a plan that outlines how ACE, OWHE, and the ACE Network work together to advance women in higher education and that develops a framework for campus presidents to support and provide visibility to women’s leadership. A key person in the ACE Network of the OWHE is the Institutional Representative whose role is to provide women on individual campuses with information about the activities of SCWHE and the ACE Network. Appointed by the president as the campus liaison to SCWHE, Institutional Representatives are the major communication links between the campus, SCWHE, the ACE Network, and OWHE. A document developed by the ACE Network Executive Board outlining in detail the role of the Institutional Representative is enclosed. I would like your assistance in naming an Institutional Representative to South Carolina Women in Higher Education and the ACE Network from <name of the college or university>. As you consider candidates for the role of Institutional Representative, it is critical for you to nominate a women in a senior level leadership position who can work effectively in implementing programs and activities on the campus and who can enlist the support of other women on campus to promote women’s advancement. Your appointee should have demonstrated leadership in and commitment to the advancement of women in higher education, and she should be willing to serve as an advocate for all women in higher education. It is important that you provide support for your Institutional Representative as well, especially in funding her participation in the annual conference sponsored by SCWHE. Please complete the attached form naming your representative or e-mail me at xxxxxxx. Following the nomination of the Institutional Representative from your campus, she will be invited to participate in a workshop to be held in a few weeks focusing on her role as the campus liaison. If additional information is needed on the role of the Institutional Representative or if you would like to discuss your nomination, please let me know. The appointment of an Institutional Representative to South Carolina Women in Higher Education recognizes the critical role she has already played at her institution in women’s leadership issues and signals the institution’s support for the advancement of women into key leadership positions in higher education. We welcome as well your participation in the programs of SCWHE. Sincerely, <State Coordinator> 30 Appointment Form Institutional Representative South Carolina Women in Higher Education My appointment for Institutional Representative: Name _______________________________________________________ Title _______________________________________________________ Department _______________________________________________________ Institution _______________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________ Phone _______________________________________________________ FAX ________________________________________________________ E-mail ________________________________________________________ President’s Signature ______________________________________________ Date ______________________________________________ Fax to <Name of State Coordinator> <Fax Number> 31 Sample Letter Welcoming Women to the State and the State Network Dear <Name>: In speaking with <name of Executive Board member, Presidential Sponsor, or other person>, I understand that you will be assuming the position of <name of position and name of college or university> in a few weeks. Congratulations on your new appointment! I want to welcome you to South Carolina and to South Carolina Women in Higher Education (SCWHE), a strong and viable network of women in higher education. I am the state coordinator of SCWHE, and I am most excited about your appointment to the position of <position title>, which has never been previously held by a woman. South Carolina Women in Higher Education is a part of the ACE Network, a national organization of state networks sponsored by the Office of Women in Higher Education (OWHE) of the American Council on Education (ACE). Through grass-roots organizations in the states, the ACE Network identifies, develops, advances, and supports women in higher education administration throughout the country. The Office of Women in Higher Education offers national forums for women ready to advance into senior level positions, prepares publications on women in higher education, and nominates women for presidencies, vice presidencies, and other senior level positions. South Carolina Women in Higher Education is one of the most active state networks. We sponsor an annual conference, an annual leadership forum for women in the state, a workshop for women who are department chairs or aspire to be department chairs, and other programs and services for women in higher education. We have a state planning committee that is active in providing leadership for women’s advancement in South Carolina. You may want to access our website at <website address>. The Institutional Representative at <name of college or university> is <Name>. She can be reached at <phone number> and by e-mail at <email address>. She can provide you with additional information about SCWHE. When you arrive in <city when college or university is located>, please let her know your mailing address and phone number. We want you to join us at the annual conference that will be in February in Charleston, S.C. <Name of Institutional Representative> will have information on how to register for that conference. Attending that conference will give you an opportunity to meet other women in South Carolina and to begin to develop your own network of support. Again, welcome to South Carolina and SCWHE. If I can assist you in any way as you make plans to relocate in our state or as you assume this new position, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, <State Coordinator> 32 Advancing Women into Senior Leadership Positions Identifying, developing, and advancing women into senior leadership positions within higher education are key components of OWHE’s mission. The assistance provided by the ACE Network at the state level forms an essential part of the process infrastructure. By working together, OWHE and the state network can give emerging leaders opportunities to enhance their leadership skills and to connect to search firms and committees seeking to fill seniorlevel positions. National Leadership Forums The OWHE National Leadership Forum is a three-day biannual workshop, held in Washington, DC, for women who already hold relatively senior-level appointments and are considering seeking college or university presidencies or vice presidencies. A hands-on seminar featuring a highly personal approach, the Forum allows women to explore and evaluate the role of president in light of their own values, preparation, and philosophies. Forum participants meet with college presidents, leading members of search firms, and senior ACE staff in intensive discussions. Prior to each Forum, OWHE asks state coordinators, members of the Executive Committee, and presidential sponsors to identify women who could benefit from attending. Such nominations need not be formal or highly detailed, but should provide enough information about the woman’s current position and career aspirations, as well as a candid assessment of her potential, for OWHE to evaluate whether the career timing is right for her participation. The input of state coordinators and other leaders in the state network is critical. With their help, OWHE can provide the support women need to move into presidential and vice presidential searches. The nomination or identification of women who are ready to advance in their careers may be made at any time to the Vice President and Director, OWHE, or in response to a specific OWHE query. More information about the National Leadership Forum is available on the OWHE web site and in the Forum brochure. OWHE Referrals OWHE frequently receives requests from search firms, colleges, and universities for women candidates for searches. Evaluating potential fit, background requirements, and the like, the Vice President and Director, OWHE, will advance names into specific searches. Again, the roles of the state coordinator, state planning committee members, executive board members, and presidential sponsors are critical. They share with OWHE knowledge about the nature of a particular search and about women ready for advancement so that the Office can identify and support women through the search process. The Vice President and Director, OWHE, will make nominations, as appropriate, to search firms and committees seeking to fill senior-level positions. As women become ready to enter presidential searches, they should provide OWHE with their vitas and other relevant information and set up a meeting with the Vice President and Director, OWHE. Women may also be nominated for senior-level positions by members of the ACE Network Executive Board and presidential sponsors. As women become ready to enter 33 senior-level searches, they should contact ACE Network Executive Board members and presidential sponsors, forward vitas and relevant information, and set up meetings. State coordinators, ACE Network Executive Board members, and presidential sponsors should refer women ready for senior-level positions to OWHE. In addition, state coordinators, Executive Board members, and presidential sponsors may identify potential candidates to OWHE so that the Office can contact the women, encourage them to forward their credentials, and invite them to participate in an OWHE National Forum or other leadership development opportunity. 34 V: What You Need to Know to Organize Your State Network Characteristics of Strong State Networks Strong state networks have stable volunteer leadership provided by an active state coordinator who regularly attends the national leadership development conference for state coordinators. The state coordinator possesses a passion for women’s issues and for the mission of OWHE and the ACE Network. To carry out this important leadership role in her state, the state coordinator is provided financial and secretarial support from her college or university. The state network has an infrastructure in place, including a mission statement, a financial plan, strategies for accomplishing goals, and a succession plan that provides for continuity in leadership. All strong state networks have the following three characteristics: A planning committee that meets several times a year. At least one leadership development program for women in higher education in the state each year. Women in senior-level positions serving on the planning committee or providing programs for the network. Other characteristics toward which states might strive include the following: Involvement of college and university presidents in the state in the network. Programs focused on the advancement of women of color. A media/communication plan in which achievements and accomplishments of women in higher education are provided to the press. Strategies for identifying, developing, encouraging, advancing, linking, and supporting women in higher education in the state. Organizational Models There is no right way or wrong way to organize a state network. The size of the state, natural geographic divisions, political or cultural divisions, the number and locations of colleges and universities—all of these will shape the state network’s structure. Another factor that may influence the network’s organization is how the state network has dealt traditionally with providing professional development for women in entry- to mid-level career positions, as well as for women seeking senior-level positions. As the ACE Network was originally conceived, each state would have a state planning committee, headed by a state coordinator. All of these women would be in a senior-level position, in order to have the clout and access to resources to sustain a network to identify and advance women. In addition, the planning committee would be advised by a board of college presidents—men and women—within the state. While some states have moved away from this model, it is, nonetheless, a good one. The most successful networks continue to be led by women in senior positions, and involvement of college presidents has proven, over time, to be a critical component of strong networks. 35 A strong state planning committee is vital to the success of the network. A single state coordinator cannot do it all on her own. This has become especially evident in recent years as jobs have become more complex and demanding even as resources diminish. Sharing the load is necessary for the health and well-being of the state coordinator and creates a network within the network on which all participants can rely. Having a strong state planning committee with women who are actively involved in network activities is also the first step in ensuring a line of succession in the leadership of the network. Continuing connection of the past state coordinator to the current state coordinator and a state coordinator designee will insure that no one has to start without precedents and that the state network retains its strength over time. Some state networks have by-laws and defined positions for members of the state planning committee. Many networks have officers—treasurer, secretary, public relations, conference coordinator, and the like. Again, each state will organize itself in different ways, but being clear about who is supposed to do what is important. Delegation of responsibilities and teamwork are hallmarks of strong state networks. Mission statements linked to goals and objectives will help identify priorities for state network initiatives. Few states can do everything that might be done as part of a network identifying, developing, encouraging, advancing, linking, and supporting women in their careers in higher education. Rather, most states focus their efforts on a handful of activities. Whatever is chosen, however, should be evaluated. Did it succeed? Should we shift priorities? Can we learn from other states (see section on Best Practices)? Liaisons from the Executive Board can help state networks retain their effectiveness as they change or enhance their current course. Two models are presented below: one of a small state with a modest number of colleges and universities and one of a large state with many institutions. Many states will use a combination of models, but the two ways of organizing a state may provide insights for managing state networks, no matter what their size. (For illustrative purposes, both are presented as fully successful.) The Small State Small State’s state planning committee has an institutional representative from every college and university within the state. They meet three times a year in the centrally-located capital of the state, often in conjunction with another state meeting that brings some of the committee to the capital. In any case, distances are small enough that no one has to drive more that a few hours. Small State’s state planning committee develops an annual state-wide conference for mid- to senior-level women in higher education. Attendance is high, given the central location and the relatively short distances required; most attendees do not have to plan an overnight stay. Because all of the members of the state planning committee are institutional representatives, each of them has developed active networks on her own campus, especially for women in entry- to mid-level positions. Since the institutional representatives know each other well through their work on the state planning committee, they may plan local events that bring together women from two or more campuses located near each other. Nominating women to OWHE for senior leadership positions is easy—each of the women on the state planning committee holds a mid- to senior leadership position and knows the other women in similar positions on her campus. The state planning committee also serves as a job network for women within the state, sharing information about mid-level position openings. 36 Being well-connected to women on their campuses has helped Small State’s planning committee to develop mentoring programs across the state. Meetings in the state capital provide an excellent opportunity for publicity and for initiatives involving women state legislators. Advised by a Board of Presidents, the state planning committee has maintained its ranks of institutional representatives who are supported by their presidents in terms of time and resources. The Large State Large State has over 200 colleges and universities, making it impractical for all to be represented on the state planning committee. Moreover, distances are daunting—even travel to a central location can be a 5-6 hour drive, and people in one part of the state just don’t travel to other parts of the state. Facing this regional reality, Large State soon organized itself into regions, with regional associations in five separate parts of the state. These associations have flourished. Modeled on the state planning committee concept, each regional association has a planning committee composed of institutional representatives. The five regional associations function independently, planning conferences and programs for women within their regions. Over time, the regional associations have focused on entry- to mid-level professional development activities. Each regional association elects a representative to serve on the Large State state planning committee. In addition, each member of the state planning committee serves as a liaison to each of the regions and a point of contact for women in midto senior-level positions within the region. Women holding senior-level appointments are invited to be on the state planning committee based on the type and location of their home institutions, ensuring that the state planning committee is representative of the colleges and universities within the state. The planning committee gets together twice a year—once for a two-day retreat and planning meeting and once mid-year to finalize plans for the annual leadership conference. (Indeed, much of the work of the state planning committee is conducted by a steering committee—officers of the state planning committee who meet more frequently or by conference call.) A statewide conference has not worked—distances are too great—so the location of the annual conference is held one year in the western part of the state and in alternate years in the eastern part of the state, with each conference hosted by a college president. It is a challenge for the state planning board to identify women who are ready to advance to senior-level positions, but the regional liaison program keeps each member of the state planning committee in touch with institutions in her region. Large State is also advised by a group of women college presidents. They rarely attend meetings due to distances, but host meetings and conferences and help make connections with other presidents throughout the state, garnering support for the state network. ACE Network Business Operations: Administering the State Organization Corporate Identity It is essential that each state network establish a corporate home for the organization’s fiscal activities. The state network needs to conduct business under the auspices of a non-profit organization, a 501(c)(3), that has a federal tax identification number to use in operating the organization. There are basically two corporate options available: (1) incorporate the state organization as its own 501(c)(3), or (2) operate within the structure of another non-profit corporation, such as the philanthropic foundation of a college or university. 37 The advantage of incorporating the state organization is that the state network will have control over all decision-making, including its future continuity. The disadvantages are the start up efforts and costs (less than $200); maintaining the continuity of organizational accounts and bank statements; and record-keeping (careful taking and maintenance of board minutes to reflect all fiduciary decisions). The state organization must have a formal structure that is described in a “forming document,” and its officers have on-going legal responsibilities. While these may not be onerous and may be executed with the assistance of competent staff, they are real. The advantage of operating under the aegis of another non-profit corporation is that the professional staff of the organization can perform most of the administrative tasks, such as maintaining accounts and filing tax reports with state and federal agencies. Foundations usually charge a fee for such administrative services, but they are generally reasonable for the benefit they provide. The disadvantages of this arrangement begin with identifying an appropriate umbrella organization. All 501(c)(3) corporations have “forming documents” that state their mission and scope. Many do not permit the support of other organizations. Other disadvantages include mission and focus of the organization, control over use of funds, and continuity of the sponsoring organization. Note: the IRS has very specific regulations regarding the award of scholarships by 501(c)(3) corporations. If the state network is or expected to be engaged in this activity, pay special attention to the legal requirements. Complete information on how to establish and administer a 501(c)(3) corporation, including financial reporting and tax filing requirements can be found at: Http://www/irs/gov/prod/bus_info/_info/eo/excempt-req.html. Other information can be found in the publication, Starting and Managing a Nonprofit Organization—A Legal Guide, by Bruce R. Hopkins, John Wiley and Sons, 1989. Bank Accounts Once the corporate identity of the organization has been established and a federal identification number issued, the state coordinator and/or treasurer must open a bank account to manage the finances of the organization. We recommend having two individuals authorized to sign checks, though double signatures are not necessary. Relationships with Sponsoring Institutions It is important that the state organization maintain an appropriate balance of autonomy and cooperation. Organizations should not become so dependent upon any one college or university for infrastructure support that the viability of the state network would be jeopardized if the support were withdrawn. At the same time, working cooperatively with colleges and universities in jointly sponsoring programs, organizing and conducting conferences, and sharing costs extremely important. Make clarifying the business relationships and responsibilities one of the first items on the planning agenda when undertaking any initiative. 38 Guidelines for Involving Presidents in State Networks Experience tells us that involving presidents in the organization and programs of a state network is a very important contributor to success. The following guidelines reflect practices adopted by a variety of states for working effectively with presidents of colleges and universities within the state. Presidential sponsors are officially appointed by the president of ACE upon the recommendation of the Vice President and Director of OWHE. Suggestions from the state networks are always welcome. This sponsorship could include all or some of the following, depending on individual circumstances: providing financial, administrative, or logistical support for a conference or other activity; hosting a conference or providing space for the conference or meeting; hosting a reception at the president’s house; assigning a member of the campus media relations staff to handle public relations for the state network or network event; providing printing and mailing for a newsletter; or hosting a web site for the state network. Invite at least one president to be part of the program for each state conference. Ask him or her to stay for a significant time period--not just to come in, make a presentation, and then leave. Give a president sufficient notice. Planning 6-months to a year out is not unusual. Schedule informal groups of women over lunch or dinner to meet on a particular topic and include women presidents, women legislators, women business leaders, and/or leaders of other women’s organizations. Write to all the presidents in the state periodically, outlining the state network’s goals and activities. Invite them to a breakfast, lunch, or dinner during the next conference. Hold a state forum modeled on the OWHE National Forum, using the presidents and other higher education leaders within the state as panelists, mentors, or advisors. Hold a reception for new or departing presidents, inviting all other presidents. This can be a free-standing event or part of the program at a conference. Ask a president to write a note of support that can be used in promotional material for the state network or a short essay that can be used in a newsletter or as a handout at a state conference or other event. When you bring several presidents together for an event, give them time to meet privately with one another. Presidents welcome opportunities to build support networks. When meeting on a college campus, invite the college president to welcome the group or open the conference. Rebuilding a State Network Over the past 25 years, some state networks have faced the need to rebuild. The causes are many, but chief among them is the failure to find strong replacements for an outgoing state coordinator or state planning board members who retire or move to positions outside of the state. When there is no firm succession plan in place, some networks may find themselves confronting a leadership void. Another contributing factor seems to be the loss of presidential advisors and supporters. Whatever the reason, some state networks face a rebuilding process. 39 How to go about this process will depend on many factors, but key players are women within the state who are committed to the mission of advancing women, Executive Board members, and presidential sponsors. Often, a state planning board can be revitalized by having the presidential sponsor call other college presidents, asking them to nominate women to serve on the state planning board. In other cases, the entire infrastructure of the state network may need to be rebuilt. A case study from Louisiana illustrates one such process. Case Study: Louisiana Louisiana’s strength as a network has varied over the years. Although statewide conferences had offered excellent presentations and stirred the desire for a strong network, an ongoing program in the state had not endured. Margaret King reports: As we re-grouped, we found the task daunting and too many of the former group disenchanted. But we did have a small core of committed women. So, we started with regional receptions in New Orleans and Natchitoches and later in Baton Rouge. And we worked with the Newcomb College Center for Research on Women in generating a report on the status of women in higher education in Louisiana, so we had a product to share. One board member volunteered one of her staff to develop a database, using old contact lists, web sites, and institutional contacts where we had them. Meanwhile, Delgado Community College offered us a chance to partner with them on a conference they had already committed to for women in higher education (a possibility only because we had a core group). That conference, held in December 2001, set the stage for widespread buy-in of a functional statewide organization with annual meetings in association with the Conference of Louisiana Colleges and Universities. Louisiana offers these suggestions for strengthening state networks: Use what you have. Spend your time facilitating the work of willing people, and limit the time begging the unwilling. You will have to focus your aspirations, but your work will be productive, and thus more tempting to busy people. And, just say “Yes” to offers of help, matching persons with jobs that they can do well enough to feel good about. Make it manageable. Grand schemes need supporting mechanisms. Fledgling groups need success. Unless you have the mechanisms in place, set yourself up for simple success. Concentrate on networking. Networking is the heart of our being. Whatever we do should result in people’s knowing each other, sharing information, and promoting each other. Structure for permanence. The ACE Network is something that women may use sporadically, so it must always be there when they need it—it can’t be there just some of the time. Its organization may be fluid, but its existence must be constant. Systematize meetings and responsibilities, then hold fast! Use OWHE resources. Use its name, its connections, its experience and knowledge, and its people. Let there be joy. Revel in the friendships, encouragement, and power of the ACE Network. Be living proof that the ACE Network is rewarding on lots of levels. Other suggestions from current state coordinators include: Get presidential support from your advisory board—if only for yourself! Don’t try to do too much. Find a “high traffic” area—a place in your state where there are many colleges and universities—and begin there. Contact a state network that works and build on that experience. Use other meetings that women leaders attend to garner support for the idea of a network. Bring together all institutions within the state for a meeting (small state approach). 40 Contact the women college presidents in your state who participated in the OWHE Roundtable discussions (see appendix in From Where We Sit). Avoid duplicating efforts—merge with other groups that share a similar mission, cosponsor a conference, plan your conference around another event Hold a meeting with women in senior positions under the sponsorship of a woman president to explore how best to develop a network. Take pride in what you are able to accomplish. Always think of the glass as half-full! 41 VI: What you need to know about Successful Networks This chapter highlights successful practices from state networks throughout the nation. If you have something to contribute—something that has worked well for you—please contribute it to the next edition of the Handbook. Send an email to OWHE, describing your event or program. Statewide Conferences Many state networks sponsor an annual conference for women within their state. A single conference at a convenient location may draw a large group, with 100 to 200 attendees reported by most states. A single statewide conference can focus attention on the ACE Network, bring together women college presidents within the state, and create informal networks among attendees. A successful state conference is an opportunity to build financial resources if conference fees exceed expenses. Hosting by a college campus may reduce costs. Organizing for a conference is vital. Too often, the state coordinator finds herself alone in pulling it off—something clearly to be avoided. Some states find it useful to have someone other than the state coordinator chair the conference committee; other states organize the entire state planning committee around the conference, with each member taking on a task. Having enough lead time is crucial. Working 1 year to 6 months ahead is important for bringing together presidents as speakers or members of a panel. Finding the right topic and speakers may be critical to a successful conference. Focus on who will attend and how they will pay for it. Lucy Lapovsky, President of Mercy College and a former member of the Executive Board, advises conference planners to look carefully at how they market the conference. Is the conference something that a woman’s supervisor will support? Offering sessions on budgeting, managing human resources, strategic planning, and so forth may make a college or university more likely to pay the fees of those who attend the conference. Case Study: Ohio 2000 Ohio sent copies of two conference brochures to OWHE—conferences held in 1998 and 1999. The conferences looked really interesting. The 1998 conference, “A Higher Education Odyssey: Women Leading the Academy,” featured a keynote presentation by Judith Sturnick, then the Director of OWHE. The conference offered a presidential panel and sessions on trends in higher education, women’s health issues, strategies for advancement, decision making, balancing family and job, and sexual orientation issues. The 1999 conference focused on “Career Mapping: Strategies for Success.” It featured a keynote presentation by a vice president of an executive search firm and sessions led by women within the state on entering a search, handling the interview process, and job negotiations, as well as a panel of women college presidents, a panel from the University of Dayton, and a discussion on mentoring. But OWHE wondered, why no 2000 brochure? Karla Mugler, the State Co-coordinator in Ohio, shared the Ohio experience: We held a conference in November of 1998 and 1999; there wasn’t a conference in the fall of 2000: a state co-coordinator had stepped down from her position at her institution, but we didn’t know it immediately. Our intent is to hold conferences annually. This spring, we will be holding a conference for the campus liaisons only. It will be held in April at Franklin University, and Judy 42 Prince, Chair of the ACE Network Executive Board, has agreed to be our speaker. We will be holding a conference in November of 2002 for women in higher education throughout the state. Prior to the first conference, we sent out a questionnaire via our campus liaisons to faculty and administrators throughout the state. Based on their responses, we developed our conference topics. We have determined that one-day conferences work best for us at this stage in our network’s development. We’ve found that it is better to have a program in the greater Columbus area because individuals from the farthest points in the state can get to Columbus within 3 ½ hours; thus, they don’t have the cost of an overnight stay. November works best for us because it gives individuals at semester or quarter institutions enough time to advertise the event. We provide a template registration form for each of the campus liaisons and ask them to duplicate it for women on their campuses. When an institution doesn’t identify a liaison, a letter is sent to the president with a registration form, but we don’t know if it gets to the right people. At our past conferences, people attended from institutions where we had active liaisons. Dr. Dale Knobel, President of Denison University, is serving as our network sponsor. Patti Frick and I met with him. He has agreed to send out letters we had drafted to the presidents at public and private institutions throughout the state, asking them to identify an individual to serve as the campus liaison to the Ohio network. This should help to expand the network and encourage wider participation in our conferences. Regional Conferences within a State Some states are inherently regional. Many states have a major city with many colleges and universities located within its metropolitan area. In such cases, it may make sense to hold a regional conference. Some states, like New York, have regional association networks within different parts of the state, and these regional associations hold conferences once or twice a year. Other states, like California, are divided into two networks. States without such a regional structure may also decide to hold conferences in different parts of the state, drawing on regional strength. With the right kind of technical support, teleconferencing, linking two or more sites and possibly sharing a speaker, becomes an option. Case Study: MHAWHE, New York The Mid Hudson Association of Women in Higher Education has been a member of the ACE Network for over 20 years, serving the area of the state north of the New York City metropolitan area but south of Albany. It has a planning committee with institutional representatives from the 12 colleges and universities within its part of the state. It holds two conferences a year, each attended by over 130 women on average. The spring conference tends to be more “hands on” with workshops on a variety of professional development topics. The fall conference—held annually at The Culinary Institute of America—is very popular (feed them well and they will come!) and usually features a single speaker. Women college presidents are often asked to be speakers; hearing them share their stories has been inspirational and well-received by conference attendees, who tend to be in entry- to mid-level positions within college administration. A member of the MHAWHE planning committee is a representative to the New York State planning committee. 43 Regional Conferences among States It may be time to think creatively and form partnerships between and among states. Would a New England regional conference make sense? Could Philadelphia partner with New Jersey? Would such conferences appeal more to women in senior-level positions? Could a conference be held in conjunction with an accreditation meeting that draws its members from a defined region? Specialized Leadership Development Programs While conferences can be general professional development programs, some states have initiated leadership development programs targeted at specific groups of individuals. Indeed, part of the mission of the state network may be to identify and develop emerging leaders at all levels of college and university administration. Some specialized programs offered by state networks include the following: Workshops for new department chairs and directors (SC). Leadership seminars for upper-level women administrators and women in government (VT). Roundtable luncheon discussions hosted by women presidents with campus leaders to discuss leadership challenges. Planning meeting for minority women. Scholarships for graduate students to attend the state conference (SC). Workshops for new institutional representatives (SC). Case Study: Missouri 2001 Delores Honey, Missouri State Coordinator, shares an initiative important to Missouri’s success: In June of 2001, the Missouri Planning Committee held its inaugural “Leadership Institute.” The 1½ day institute was targeted at women interested in moving up in higher education administration. We planned the format as a shorter version of the Bryn Mawr and Harvard leadership programs models, utilizing the expertise of Missouri women, who made several outstanding workshop-type presentations. We priced the seminar at a very affordable rate (Registration: $150; Hotel: $80). Introductory letters with brochures enclosed were sent to top administrators at all Missouri higher education institutions. The letter urged them to sponsor women who had potential for or were already in administrative areas and were potentials for moving up. We also sent letters and brochures to every institutional representative for distribution across campuses. The price allowed those without institutional support to participate at their own expense. We hoped for 25 to 30 women. There were 97 participants! Our biggest success was the number of women we reached in this first effort and the pride we took that Missouri women gave outstanding presentations in a variety of crucial areas. Evaluations were excellent and most asked for additional workshops of this kind. Those are in the planning stages. State Award Programs Many states present awards to women who have made special contributions to advancing women and women’s education. Award programs offer an exceptional opportunity for 44 publicity for the work of the recipient and the state network’s activities. A few of the states with active awards programs include South Carolina, Washington, DC, New York, Vermont, and Oregon. Newsletters For many state networks, a newsletter is one way of keeping connected with women across the state. The newsletter can be simple or complex, electronic or printed. Topics for newsletters abound, and many states issue them twice a year—in the fall and in the spring. They can serve to publicize upcoming events, welcome women into the state, and raise issues of importance to women on campus. Case Study: Virginia 2001 Virginia has had a newsletter for at least ten years—and probably longer. It has recently shifted from a printed to an electronic format. State Coordinator Pat Hyer reports: The Fall 2001 newsletter is our latest edition and our very first to be distributed electronically ONLY. We have been doing two newsletters per year, hardcopy, for some time. Several past hardcopy issues have been scanned and put on our website, Newsletter Archive ( The electronic newsletter was distributed to our entire data base, which currently consists of the state executive committee, institutional representatives, people who have attended our last two state conferences, all alumnae of our senior seminar series (13 years worth), and a few others. About 410 total. The newsletter was done in PDF format. We hope to check in some way with recipients to find out if they ever looked at it and whether they had any trouble opening the PDF file and reading or printing it—so no evaluation yet. The electronic distribution does mean that you end up keeping up with people who have moved institutions or disappeared since their e-mail notes bounce back to you in no time at all! For us, the presumed advantages of an electronic newsletter were savings on printing costs, less effort to distribute, opportunity to include more material at no difference in cost, opportunity to incorporate color and graphics without significant cost, and opportunity for campus representatives to forward electronically to more campus contacts. We have gotten only positive comments from recipients, but we really don’t know yet whether some still deeply prefer the paper. Given the costs and effort, however, my guess is that we will continue with the electronic version. Our newsletter editor, Helen Ackermann, Vice President for University Relations at George Mason University, and Para Kaul, Coordinator of Electronic Publications at GMU are the ones who deserve the credit! Teresa Gonzalez, Executive Board liaison to Virginia, agrees with Pat’s assessment. Teresa cautions: Continuity in publication is a challenge. A recommendation to groups intending to publish a newsletter is to recruit a member or members to the planning committee with specific assignment of editing and publishing a newsletter. Publishing an electronic newsletter and maintaining a web site can be both labor-intensive and more expensive than most people realize. Having institutional support is great. 45 Web Sites Many states are taking advantage of technology to create web sites for the state network. If updated on a regular basis, web sites can be good places for network leaders to place information about network activities. Case Studies: North Carolina and Virginia At least 12 states have or are in the process of developing web sites. Both North Carolina and Virginia have web sites worth visiting: Find North Carolina at: Find Virginia at: The ACE Network Executive Board will publicize state network web sites. State networks with web sites should send URLs to their Executive Board liaisons. Financial Resources As noted in an earlier chapter, fund raising can be problematic. We are collecting ideas that have worked and, as we get them, we will share them with you. But some initiatives include: Conference fees. Set above cost to cover unexpected contingencies, funds not used in direct support of the conference are turned over to the state network treasury to fund future initiatives. Meeting fees. Again, set above cost, with excess turned over to the treasury. Mailing fees. Charge a set amount to receive newsletters and mailings. Donations. Ask conference attendees and others to make a donation (perhaps with a suggested amount and with a “reward”) to support the work of the network. Support from College Presidents. Don’t overlook the value of meeting space that is either free or offered at a discount. Mailing and reproduction costs may also be something a president can offer. If a conference is held on campus, the president may be willing to make a member of his or her staff available to help plan and coordinate the event. Retreats for the State Planning Committee Several states hold an annual retreat for members of the state planning committee. Often a two-day event, the retreat offers an opportunity for members of the committee to conduct long range strategic planning, assess the successes and challenges of the network’s activities throughout the previous year, plan events for upcoming year, and squeeze in some professional development time. A planning retreat can provide senior leaders with an opportunity to relax and connect with colleagues in ways they cannot in their more public lives on campus. 46 Mentoring Several states have mentoring programs and several versions have proven successful. Periodic meetings of job seekers with members of the state planning committee to discuss openings and strategies for applying for new positions (Washington, DC). Peer-mentoring units in which groups of 4 women meet regularly to support each other on professional issues (VT). Other approaches that have proven successful: Pairing women as lunch partners at a network-sponsored event based on information they provide about whom they would like to meet (sort by college, position, etc.). Arranging a one-day mentoring program in which one woman shadows another to learn about similar positions at other schools, new position, etc. The state network matches the pair, but the pair works out the schedule for the one-day visit on their own. 47 VII: Who’s Who ACE Commission on Women in Higher Education September 2002 48 CLASS OF 2002-2003 Dr. Theodora J. Kalikow President University of Maine at Farmington 224 Maine Street Farmington, ME 04938-1911 O: 207-778-7256 F: 207-778-8189 E: Dr. Anthony DiGiorgio President Winthrop University 114 Tillman Rock Hill, SC 29733 O: 803-323-2225 F: 803-323-3001 E: CLASS OF 2002-2003 Dr. Peggy Gordon Miller President South Dakota State University Box 2201 Brookings, SD 57007 O: 605-688-4111 F: 605-688-4443 E: Dr. Dale T. Knobel President Denison University 100 W. College Street Grandville, OH 43023 O: 740-587-6281 F: 740-587-6764 E: Dr. Marvalene Hughes President California State University-Stanislaus 801 W. Monte Vista Avenue Turlock, CA 95382 O: 209-667-3201 F: 209-667-3206 E: Dr. Georgia E. Lesh-Laurie (Chair) Chancellor University of Colorado at Denver Campus Mailbox #168, P.O. Box 173364 Denver, CO 80217 O: 303-556-2642 F: 303-556-2164 E: Dr. Horace A. Judson President State University of New York College at Plattsburgh 101 Broad Street Plattsburgh, NY 12901 O: 518-564-2010 F: 518-564-3932 E: Dr. Carol Moore President Lyndon State University P.O. Box 919 Lyndonville, VT 05851 O: 802-626-6404 F: 802-626-4804 E: 49 Dr. Karen Nagle Rafinski President Clark State Community College Office of the President 570 E. Leffel Lane Post Office Box 570 Springfield, OH 45501-0570 O: 937-328-6001 F: 937-328-6142 E: Dr. Carol C. Harter President 4505 S. Maryland Parkway University of Nevada Las Vegas Las Vegas, NV 89154-9901 O: 702-895-3201 F: 702-895-1088 E: CLASS OF 2003-2004 Dr. Norm R. Nielsen President Kirkwood Community College P.O. Box 2068 Cedar Rapids, IA 52406-2068 O: 319-398-5501 F: 319-398-1037 E: CLASS OF 2003-2004 Dr. Nora Kizer Bell President Hollins University P.O. Box 9625 Roanoke, VA 24020-1625 O: 540-362-6321 F: 540-362-6013 E: Dr. Patricia D. O’Donoghue President Mount Mary College 2900 N. Menomonee River Parkway Milwaukee, WI 53222-4599 O: 414-256-1207 F: 414-256-1244 E: Dr. James Chapman Provost University of Alaska Anchorage 3211 Providence Drive ADM 214 Anchorage, AK 99508-8000 O: 907-786-1050 F: 907-786-1426 E: Dr. Eduardo J. Padron District President Miami-Dade Community College 300 NE Second Avenue Miami, FL 33132-2296 O: 305-237-3316 F: 305-237-3109 E: Dr. Rosemary DePaolo President Georgia College & State University 231 West Hancock Street Milledgeville, GA 31061 O: 478-445-4444 F: 478-445-2510 E: Dr. Roy Saigo President Saint Cloud State University Saint Cloud, MN 56301-4498 P: 320-255-2122 F: 320-654-5139 E: Dr. Bobby Fong President Butler University 4600 Sunset Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46208-3443 O: 317-940-9900 F: 317-940-9504 E: Dr. Gwendolyn W. Stephenson President Hillsborough Community College P.O. Box 31129 39 Columbia Drive Tampa, FL 33631-3127 O: 813-253-7050 F: 813-253-7183 E: 50 CLASS OF 2003-2004 CLASS OF 2004-2005 Dr. Patricia Sullivan Chancellor The University of North Carolina at Greensboro 303 Mossman Building UNCG P.O. Box 26170 Greensboro, NC 27402 O: 336-334-5266 F: 336-256-0408 E: Dr. Betty Lentz Siegel President Kennesaw State University 1000 Chastain Road Kennesaw, GA 30144 O: 770-423-6033 F: 770-423-6543 E: Dr. Samuel A. Kirkpatrick President Eastern Michigan University 202 Welch Hall Ypsilanti, MI 48197 O: 734-487-2211 F: 734-487-9100 E: Dr. James E. Walker President Southern Illinois University –Carbondale 1400 Douglas Drive Mailcode 6801 Carbondale, Illinois 62901-6801 O: 618-536-3331 F: 618-536-3404 E: EX OFFICIO MEMBERS (Vacant) Associate Vice President Association of American Medical Colleges 2450 N Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20037 O: 202-828-0575 F: 202-828-1125 E: Dr. Tyree Wieder President Los Angeles Valley College 5800 Fulton Avenue Valley Glen, CA 91401-4096 O: 818-947-2321 F: 818-947-2602 E: CLASS OF 2004-2005 Ms. Donna Euben Associate Counsel American Association of University Professors 1012 14th Street, N.W., Suite 500 Washington, DC 20005-3465 O: 202-737-5900 x3017 F: 202-737-5526 E: Dr. Gordon A. Haaland President Gettysburg College 300 North Washington Street Gettysburg, PA 17325-1486 O: 717-337-6014 F: 717-337-6008 E: Dr. Yolanda Moses President American Association for Higher Education One Dupont Circle, Suite 360 Washington, DC 20036 O: 202-293-6440 F: 202-293-0073 E: Dr. Jeanne H. Neff President The Sage Colleges 45 Ferry Street Troy, NY 12180 O: 518-244-2214 F: 518-244-2470 E: 51 EX OFFICIO MEMBERS STAFF Dr. Caryn McTighe Musil Director, Program on the Status and Education of Women (PSEW) Association of American Colleges and Universities 1818 R Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20009 O: 202-387-3760 F: 202-265-9532 E: Claire Van Ummersen Vice President and Director Donna Burns Phillips Associate Director Deborah Ingram Allen Administrative Coordinator for Women's Programs and Office Manager Patrice Johnson Project Coordinator Dr. Judith Prince (Chair, The NETWORK) Interim Executive Vice Chancellor University of South Carolina at Spartanburg 800 University Way Spartanburg, SC 29303 O: 864-503-5328 F: 864-503-5262 E: Office of Women in Higher Education American Council on Education One Dupont Circle, N.W. Washington, DC 20036 O: 202-939-9390 F: 202-833-5696 E: Dr. Bernice Sandler Senior Scholar Women’s Research and Education Institute 1350 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Suite 850 Washington, DC 20036 O: 202-833-3331 F: 202-785-5605 E: Dr. Jadwiga Sebrechts President Women's College Coalition 125 Michigan Avenue, N.E. Washington, DC 20017 O: 202-234-0443 F: 202-234-0445 E: Dr. Jeanne Sinkford Assistant Executive Director Department of Women and Minority Affairs American Association of Dental Schools 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. Suite 600 Washington, DC 20036 O: 202-667-9433 F: 202-667-0642 E: 52 ACE Network Executive Board Judith S. Prince Chair, ACE Network Executive Board Interim Executive Vice Chancellor University of South Carolina Spartanburg 800 University Way Spartanburg, South Carolina 29303 Phone: (864) 503-5328 Fax (864) 503-5262 Kristin Davidson Director of Administrative Affairs College of Arts and Sciences University of Pennsylvania 120 Logan Hall 249 South 36th Street Philadelphia, PA 19104-6304 Phone: (215) 573-3416 Fax: (215) 573-2023 Dr. Josefina Baltodano Executive Vice President Strategic Planning and Advancement Alliant International University 2728 Hyde Street, Suite 100 san Francisco, CA 94109 Phone: (415) 346-4500, x255 Fax: (415) 771-5908 Dr. Cynthia Smith Forrest Dean of Student Services Framingham State College 100 State Street Dwight Hall, P.O. Box 9101 Framingham, MA 01701-9101 Phone: (508) 626-4596 Fax: (508) 626-4592 Dr. Bernice Bass de Martinez Interim President and CEO Leadership America, Inc. and former Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs California State University-Sacramento 3890 Stemmler Drive Sacramento, CA 95834 Phone: (916) 928-2440 Fax: (916) 928-8478 Dr. Teresa Gonzalez Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs Sheldon Hall 104 MSC 7503 James Madison University Harrisonburg, VA 22807 Phone: (540) 568-3404 Fax: (540) 568-2995 Dr. Edith Booker Assistant to the Dean School of Computer, Math & Natural Sciences Morgan State University 1700 E. Cold Spring Lane Calloway Hall, Room 221 Baltimore, MD 21251 Phone: (443) 885-4512 Fax: (410) 319-3628 Dr. Madlyn Hanes Provost and Dean Pennsylvania State University Capital College 777 W. Harrisburg Pike Middletown, PA 17057-4898 Phone: 717-948-6013 Fax: 717-948-6452 53 Dr. Karen Haynes President University of Houston-Victoria 3700 N. Ben Wilson Victoria, TX 77901-5731 Phone: (361) 570-4332 Fax: (361) 570-4334 Cell: (361) 935-0602 Dr. Elaine Maimon Provost Arizona State University-West Campus 4701 W. Thunderbird Box 37100, Mail Code 1451 Phoenix, AZ 85069-7100 Phone: (602) 543-7001 Fax: (602) 543-7070 Dr. Carol Hollenshead Director Center for the Education of Women University of Michigan 1501 Hennepin Avenue 330 E. Liberty Ann Arbor, MI 48103 Phone: (734) 998-7240 Fax: (734) 998-6203 Dr. Carol Moore President Lyndon State College College Road Box 919 Lyndonville, VT 05951 Phone: (802) 626-6404 Fax: (802) 626-4804 Dr. Shirley Pippins President Thomas Nelson Community College 99 Thomas Nelson Drive P.O. Box 9407 Hampton, VA 23670-0407 Phone: (757) 825-2711 Fax: (757) 825-3590 Dr. Sheila Kaplan President Metropolitan State College of Denver P.O. Box 173362 Campus Box 001 Denver, CO 80217-3362 Phone: (303) 556-3022 Fax: (303) 556-3912 Dr. Josephine Reed-Taylor Vice President of Academic Affairs Minneapolis Community & Technical College 1501 Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55403 Phone: (612) 341-7057 Fax: (612) 341-7660 Dr. Mary Kitterman Vice President for Academic Affairs Cottey College 1000 West Austin Nevada, MO 64772-2700 Phone: (417) 667-8181 Fax: (417) 667-8103 Dr. Sybil Todd Vice President for Student Affairs University of Alabama Box 870116 Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35406 (205) 348-7670 -phone (205) 348-8272 (assistant) Dr. Deborah Loers Dean of Student Development Willamette University 900 State Street Salem, OR 97301 Phone: (503) 370-6471 Fax: (503) 375-5420 Dr. Jeanie Watson President Nebraska Wesleyan University 5000 St. Paul Avenue Lincoln, NE 68504-2796 Phone: (402) 465-2217 Fax: (402) 465-2103 54 ACE Network: State Coordinators, Presidential Sponsors, and Executive Board Liaison Assignments The ACE Network: 2003 State Coordinator ALABAMA Dr. Cheree Causey Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs University of Alabama 313 Rose Administration Building Box 870301 Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0100 Phone: 205-348-3277 Fax: 205-348-5300 ALASKA Dr. Lauren Bruce Director, Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence Associate Professor University of Alaska Anchorage 3211 Providence Drive Anchorage, AK 99508-8000 Phone: 907-786-4390 Fax: 907-786-4394 ARIZONA Dr. Margaret A. Hatcher Director, Northern Arizona Leadership Institute Northern Arizona University Center for Excellence in Education P.O. Box 5774 Flagstaff, AZ 86011-5774 Phone: 928-523-9011 Fax: 928-523-1929 ARKANSAS Dr. Johanna Miller Lewis Professor and Chair Department of History University of Arkansas-Little Rock 2801 South University Little Rock, AR 72204-1099 Phone: 501-569-3216 Fax: 501-569-3059 Presidential Sponsor Executive Board Liaison Dr. J. Barry Mason Interim President University of Alabama 203 Rose Administration Building Box 970100 Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0100 Phone: 205-348-5100 Fax: 205-348-8377 Dr. Sybil Todd Vice President for Student Affairs University of Alabama Box 870116 Tuscaloosa, AL 35406 Phone: 205-348-8272 Fax: 205-348-2591 Dr. James Chapman Provost University of Alaska Anchorage 3211 Providence Drive ADM 214 Anchorage, AK 99508-8000 Phone: 907-786-1050 Fax: 907-786-1426 Dr. Deborah Loers Dean of Student Development Willamette University 900 State Street Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-370-6209 Fax: 503-375-5420 Dr. Elaine Maimon Campus Chief Executive Officer Arizona State University-West Campus 4701 W. Thunderbird Box 37100, Mail Code 1451 Phoenix, AZ 85069-7100 Phone: 602-543-7001 Fax: 602-543-7070 Dr. Elaine Maimon Campus Chief Executive Officer Arizona State University-West Campus 4701 W. Thunderbird Box 37100, Mail Code 1451 Phoenix, AZ 85069-7100 Phone: 602-543-7001 Fax: 602-543-7070 Dr. Joel Archer Chancellor University of Arkansas-Little Rock 2801 South University Avenue Little Rock, AR 72204-1099 Phone: 501-569-3000 Fax: 501-569-8915 Dr. Mary Kitterman Vice President for Academic Affairs Cottey College 1000 West Austin Nevada, MO 64772-2700 Phone: 417-667-8181 Fax: 417-667-8103 55 CALIFORNIA, NORTHERN Ms. Anita Martinez Dean of the Language Arts Division Skyline College 3300 College Dr. San Bruno, CA 94066-1698 Phone: 650-738-4129 Fax: 650-738-4210 CALIFORNIA, SOUTHERN Dr. Kathleen Kish Chair, Department of Spanish and Portuguese San Diego State University 5500 Campanile Drive San Diego, CA 92182-7703 Phone: 619-594-5156 Fax: 619-594-5293 COLORADO Dr. Maureen J. Garrity Associate Dean, School of Medicine University of Colorado Health Science Center 4200 East Ninth Avenue C297 Denver, CO 80262 Phone: 303-315-7361 Fax: 303-315-8494 CONNECTICUT Dr. Barbara R. Eshoo Vice President for Institutional Advancement Eastern Connecticut State University 83 Windham Street Willimantic, CT 06226 Phone: 860-465-5269 Fax: 860-465-4518 Dr. Frances White President Skyline College 3300 College Dr. San Bruno, CA 94066-1698 Phone: 650-738-4100 Fax: 650-738-4149 Dr. Josefina Castillo Baltodano Executive Vice President for Strategic Planning and Advancement Alliant International University 2728 Hyde Street Suite 100 San Francisco, CA 94109 Phone: 415-346-4500 ext. 255 Fax: 415-771-5908 Dr. Stephen L. Weber President San Diego State University 5500 Campanile Drive San Diego, CA 92182-88000 Phone: 619-594-5200 Dr. Josefina Castillo Baltodano Executive Vice President for Strategic Planning and Advancement Alliant International University 2728 Hyde Street Suite 100 San Francisco, CA 94109 Phone: 415-346-4500 ext. 255 Fax: 415-771-5908 Dr. Georgia Lesh-Laurie Chancellor University of Colorado at Denver Campus Box 168 P.O. Box 173364 Denver, CO 80217-3364 Phone: 303-556-2643 Fax: 303-556-2164 Dr. Sheila Kaplan President Metropolitan State College of Denver P.O. Box 173362 Campus Box 001 Denver, CO 80217-3362 Phone: 303-556-3022 Fax: 303-556-3912 Dr. R. Eileen Baccus President Northwestern Connecticut Community College Park Place East Winsted, CT 06098-1793 Phone: 860-738-6406 Fax: 860-738-6488 Dr. Cynthia Smith Forrest Dean of Student Services Framingham State College 100 State Street Dwight Hall, P.O. Box 9101 Framingham, MA 01701-9101 Phone: 508-626-4596 Fax: 508-626-4592 56 DELAWARE Dr. Barbara Curry Associate Professor of Education University of Delaware 133A Willard Hall Newark, DE 19716 Phone: 302-831-6106 Fax: 302-831-4110 Dr. Audrey K. Doberstein President Wilmington College 320 Dupont Highway New Castle, DE 19720-6491 Phone: 302-328-9401 Fax: 302-328-9442 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Dr. Cynthia Greer Assistant Professor of Education Trinity College 125 Michigan Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20017 Phone: 202-884-9595 Fax: 202-884-9229 Dr. Edith Booker Assistant to the Dean School of Computer, Math & Natural Sciences Morgan State University 1700 E. Cold Spring Lane Calloway Hall, Room 221 Baltimore, MD 21251 Phone: 443-885-4512 Fax: 443-885-8215 FLORIDA Dr. Joann Campbell Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs University of North Florida Jacksonville, FL 32224 Phone: 904-620-2700 Fax: 904-620-2787 Dr. Rosa Jones Vice President for Academic Affairs and Undergraduate Studies Florida International University Miami, FL 33199 Phone: 305-348-2800 Fax: 305-348-2806 GEORGIA Dr. Andrea Hardin Associate to the Vice Chancellor for Academics, Faculty, and Student Affairs Board of Regents University System of Georgia 270 Washington Street SW Atlanta, GA 30334 Phone: 404-657-1699 Fax: 404-651-5190 Dr. Edith Booker Assistant to the Dean School of Computer, Math & Natural Sciences Morgan State University 1700 E. Cold Spring Lane Calloway Hall, Room 221 Baltimore, MD 21251 Phone: 443-885-4512 Fax: 410-319-3628 Dr. Judith S. Prince Interim Executive Vice Chancellor University of South Carolina Spartanburg 800 University Way Spartanburg, SC 29303 Phone: 864-503-5328 Fax: 864-503-5262 Dr. Dorothy Lord President Coastal Georgia Community College 3700 Altama Avenue Brunswick, GA 31520-3644 Phone: 912-264-7235 Fax: 912-262-3072 57 Dr. Judith S. Prince Interim Executive Vice Chancellor University of South Carolina Spartanburg 800 University Way Spartanburg, SC 29303 Phone: 864-503-5328 Fax: 864-503-5262 HAWAII Dr. Poranee Natadecha-Sponsel Chaminade University of Honolulu 3140 Waialae Avenue Eiben Hall #118 Honolulu, HI 96816 Phone: 808-735-4822 Fax: 808-735-4822 (home fax) IDAHO Jeannie Harvey Director Women’s Center University of Idaho Box 441064 Moscow, ID 83844-1064 Phone: 208-885-6616, Fax: 208-885-6285 ILLINOIS Dr. Angela Durante Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences Campus 290 Lewis University One University Parkway Romeoville, IL 60446 Phone: 815-836-5241 Fax: 815-836-5995 INDIANA Dr. Margaret Brabant Director for the Center for Citizenship & Community Butler University 4600 Sunset Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46208-3343 Phone: 317-940-9683 Fax: 317-940-8815 IOWA Dr. Betsy Barhorst (Temporary) President Hawkeye Community College P.O. Box 8015 Waterloo, IA 50704 Phone: 319-296-4201 Fax: 319-296-4220 Dr. Rose Tseng Chancellor University of Hawaii at Hilo 200 West Kawili Street Hilo, HI 96720-4091 Phone: 808-974-7444 Fax: 808-974-7622 Dr. Judith S. Prince Interim Executive Vice Chancellor University of South Carolina Spartanburg 800 University Way Spartanburg, SC 29303 Phone: 864-503-5328 Fax: 864-503-5262 Dr. Dene Thomas President Lewis-Clark State College 500 8th Avenue Lewiston, ID 83501-2698 Phone: 208-792-2216 Fax: 208-792-2822 Dr. Madlyn Hanes Provost and Dean Penn State University Capital College 777 W. Harrisburg Pike Middletown, PA 17057-4898 Phone: 717-948-6013 Fax: 717-948-6452 Dr. Elnora Daniel President Chicago State University 9501 South King Drive Chicago, IL 60628-1598 Phone: 773-995-2400 Fax: 773-995-3849 Dr. Judith S. Prince Interim Executive Vice Chancellor University of South Carolina Spartanburg 800 University Way Spartanburg, SC 29303 Phone: 864-503-5328 Fax: 864-503-5262 Dr. Bobby Fong President Butler University 4600 Sunset Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46208-3443 Phone: 317-940-9900 Fax: 317-940-9504 Dr. Carol Hollenshead Director Center for the Education of Women University of Michigan 330 E. Liberty Ann Arbor, MI 48103 Phone: 734-998-7240 Fax: 734-998-6203 Dr. Betsy Barhorst President Hawkeye Community College P.O. Box 8015 Waterloo, IA 50704 Phone: 319-296-4201 Fax: 319-296-4220 Dr. Josephine Reed-Taylor Senior Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs Minneapolis Community & Technical College 1501 Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55403 Phone: 612-341-7057 Fax: 612-341-7660 58 KANSAS Dr. Kathleen McCluskeyFawcett Senior Vice Provost University of Kansas 1450 Jayhawk Blvd. Strong Hall Room 250 Lawrence, KS 66045-7535 Phone: 785-864-4904 Fax: 785-864-4463 Dr. Diane Del Buono Program Associate Office of Institutional Research and Planning University of Kansas 1246 West Campus Road Room 339 Lawrence, KS 66045-7505 Phone: 785-864-4412 Fax: 785-864-5324 KENTUCKY Dr. Diane Calhoun-French Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs Jefferson Community College 109 East Broadway Louisville, KY 40202 Phone: (502) 213-4100 Fax: (502) 213-2240 LOUISIANA Dr. Margaret Montgomery Sr. V. P. Academic & Student Affairs Louisiana Community And Technical College System 822 Neosho Street Baton Rouge, LA 70802 Phone: 225-219-8700 Fax: 225-219-8710 MAINE Dr. Paula Gagnon Dean of Students York County Technical College 112 College Drive Wells, ME 04090-0529 Phone: 207-646-9282 Fax: 207-646-9675 Dr. Robert E. Hemenway Chancellor University of Kansas 1450 Jayhawk Blvc. Strong Hall Room 230 Lawrence, KS 66045-7535 Phone: 785-864-3131 Fax: 785-864-4120 Dr. Mary Kitterman Vice President for Academic Affairs Cottey College 1000 West Austin Nevada, MO 64772-2700 Phone: 417-667-8181 Fax: 417-667-8103 Dr. Jacqueline Addington President & CEO Owensboro College District Owensboro Community College 4800 New Hartford Road Owensboro, KY 42303 Phone: 270-686-4403 Fax: 270-686-4496 Dr. Teresa Gonzalez Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs Sheldon Hall 104 MSC 7503 James Madison University Harrisonburg, VA 22807 Phone: 540-568-3404 Fax: 540-568-2995 Dr. Sally Clausen President University of Louisiana System 1201 North 3rd Street Suite 7-300 Baton, Rouge, LA 70802 Phone: 225-342-6950 Fax: 225-342-6473 Dr. Judith S. Prince Interim Executive Vice Chancellor University of South Carolina Spartanburg 800 University Way Spartanburg, SC 29303 Phone: 864-503-5328 Fax: 864-503-5262 Theodora J. Kalikow President University of Maine at Farmington 224 Main Street Farmington, ME 04938-1911 Phone: 207-778-7256 Fax: 207-778-8189 Dr. Carol Moore President Lyndon State College College Road Box 919 Lyndonville, VT 05851 Phone: 802-626-6404 Fax: 802-626-4804 59 MARYLAND Dr. Gail Neverdon Edmonds Acting Vice President and Dean of Students Goucher College 1021 Dulaney Valley Road Towson, MD 21204-2794 Phone: 410-337-6150 Fax: 410-337-6123 Dr. Roberta Kaskel Associate Director, Career Center 3100 Hornbake Library, South Wing University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742 Phone: 301-405-2777 Fax: 301-314-9114 MASSACHUSETTS Dr. Susan Lane Associate Vice Chancellor For Continuing Education University of MassachusettsDartmouth 285 Old Westport Road North Dartmouth, MA 027472300 Phone: 508-999-8089 Fax: 508-999-8621 Dr. Janet Dudley Eshbach President Salisbury University 1101 Camden Avenue Salisbury, MD 21801-6837 Phone: 410-543-6000 Fax: 410-548-2597 Dr. Edith Booker Assistant to the Dean School of Computer, Math & Natural Sciences Morgan State University 1700 E. Cold Spring Lane Calloway Hall, Room 221 Baltimore, MD 21251 Phone: 443-885-4512 Fax: 410-319-3628 Dr. Jean F. MacCormack Chancellor University of Massachusetts Dartmouth 285 Old Westport Road North Dartmouth, MA 027472300 Phone: 508-999-8004 Fax: 508-999-8860 Dr. Cynthia Smith Forrest Dean of Student Services Framingham State College 100 State Street Dwight Hall, P.O. Box 9101 Framingham, MA 01701-9101 Phone: 508-626-4596 Fax: 508-626-4592 Dr. Joann Gora Chancellor University of Massachusetts Boston Office of the Chancellor 100 Morrissey Blvd. Boston, MA 02125-3393 Phone: 617-287-6800 Fax: 617-265-7243 60 MICHIGAN Dr. Martha Tack Senior Executive for Presidential Initiatives 202 Welch Hall Eastern Michigan University Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Phone: 734-487-2211 Fax: 734-487-9100 Dr. Saundra J. Tracy President Alma College 614 W. Superior St. Alma, MI 48801 Phone: 989-463-7146 Fax: 989-463-7094 Dr. Carol Hollenshead Director Center for the Education of Women University of Michigan 330 E. Liberty Ann Arbor, MI 48103 Phone: 734-998-7240 Fax: 734-998-6203 Dr. Audrey M. Warrick President Monroe County Community College 1555 South Raisinville Road Monroe, MI 48161-9746 Phone: 734-242-7300 Fax: 734-384-4211 MINNESOTA Dr. Susan Coultrap-McQuin Dean of Social and Behavioral Sciences Minnesota State University, Mankato 111 Armstrong Hall Mankato, MN 56002 Phone: 507-389-5717 Fax: 507-389-5569 Dr. Barb Lundberg Vice President for Enrollment St. Olaf College 1520 St. Olaf Avenue Northfield, MN 55057 Phone: 507-646-3025 Fax: 800-800-3025 MISSISSIPPI Dr. Gloria D. Kellum (Temporary) Vice Chancellor for University Relations P.O. Box 1848 University, MS 38677-1848 Phone: 662-915-5826 Fax: 662-915-5689 Dr. Kathleen L. Nelson President Lake Superior College 2101 Trinity Road Duluth, MN 55811 Phone: 218-733-7367 Fax: 218-733-5937 Dr. Josephine Reed-Taylor Senior Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs Minneapolis Community & Technical College 1501 Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55403 Phone: 612-341-7057 Fax: 612-341-7660 Dr. Robert C. Khayat President University of Mississippi University, MS 38677 Phone: 662-915-7111 Fax: 662-915-5935 Dr. Sybil Todd Vice President for Student Affairs University of Alabama Box 870116 Tuscaloosa, AL 35406 Phone: 205-348-8272 Fax: 205-348-2591 61 MISSOURI Dr. Delores Honey Assistant Vice President Assessment & Institutional Research Missouri Southern State College 3950 E. Newman Road Joplin, MO 64801-1595 Phone: 417-625-9696 Fax: 417-659-4457 MONTANA Dr. Lois Muir Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs University of Montana University Hall 125 Missoula, MT 59812 Phone: 406-243-4689 Fax: 406-243-5937 NEBRASKA Dr. Sara A. Boatman Vice President for Student Affairs Associate Professor of Communication Nebraska Wesleyan University 5000 St. Paul Avenue Lincoln, NE 68504-2796 Phone: 402-465-2153 Fax: 402-465-2179 NEVADA Dr. Rebecca Mills Vice President for Administration University of Nevada, Las Vegas 4505 South Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, NV 89154-2019 Phone: 702-895-3656 Fax: 702-895-4148 Missouri Presidential Advisory Council Dr. Mary Kitterman Vice President for Academic Affairs Cottey College 1000 West Austin Nevada, MO 64772-2700 Phone: 417-667-8181 Fax: 417-667-8103 George M. Dennison President The University of Montana President’s Office 32 Campus Drive Missoula, MT 59182 Phone: 406-243-2311 Fax: 406-243-2797 Dr. Deborah Loers Dean of Student Development Willamette University 900 State Street Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-370-6471 Fax: 503-375-5420 Dr. Jeanie Watson President Nebraska Wesleyan University 5000 St. Paul Avenue Lincoln, NE 68504-2796 Phone: 402-465-2217 Fax: 402-465-2103 Dr. Jeanie Watson President Nebraska Wesleyan University 5000 St. Paul Avenue Lincoln, NE 68504-2796 Phone: 402-465-2217 Fax: 402-465-2103 Dr. Carol C. Harter President University of Nevada, Las Vegas 4505 Maryland Parkway Box 1001 Las Vegas, NV 89154-1001 Phone: 702-895-3201 Fax: 702-895-1088 Dr. Bernice Bass de Martinez Senior Researcher/Professor CSU Sacramento 2443 Fair Oaks Boulevard PMB 374 Sacramento, CA 95834 Phone: 916-928-2440 Fax: 916-928-8478 Dr. Juanita Fain Vice President for Administration University of Nevada Las Vegas 4505 South Maryland Parkway Box 451074 Las Vegas, NV 89154-1074 Phone: 702-895-4387 Fax: 702-895-4929 62 NEW HAMPSHIRE Dr. Liz Noyes Vice President for Academic Affairs Southern New Hampshire University 2500 North River Road Manchester, NH 03106-1045 Phone: 603-645-9695 Fax: 603-645-9610 NEW JERSEY Dr. Linda Milstein Vice President, Outreach, Business/Community Development Brookdale Community College 765 Newman Springs Road Lincroft, NJ 07738 Phone: 732-224-2205 Fax: 732-224-2444 NEW MEXICO Dr. Viola Florez Dean, College of Education University of New Mexico Main Campus Albuquerque, NM 87131 Phone: 505-277-7267 Fax: 505-277-8427 Dr. Nancy Uscher Associate Provost Professor of Music Scholes Hall, Room 226 University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM 87131 Phone: 505-277-2611 Fax: 505-277-8275 NEW YORK Julie Ouska CIO/VP of Information Technology Mercy College 555 Broadway Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522 Phone: 914-674-7679 Fax: 914 674-7514 Dr. Ann Weaver Hart President University of New Hampshire Main Street Durham, NH 03824-3547 Phone: 603-862-2450 Fax: 603-862-3060 Dr. Carol Moore President Lyndon State College College Rd., Box 919 Lyndonville, VT 05851 Phone: 802-626-6404 Fax: 802-626-4804 Dr. R. Barbara Gitenstein President College of New Jersey P.O. Box 7718 Ewing, NJ 08628-0718 Phone: 609-771-2101 Fax: 609-637-5151 Dr. Kristin Davidson Director of Administrative Affairs College of Arts and Sciences 120 Logan Hall University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19104-6304 Phone: 215-573-3416 Fax: 215-573-2023 Dr. Bernice Bass de Martinez Senior Researcher/Professor CSU Sacramento 2443 Fair Oaks Boulevard PMB 374 Sacramento, CA 95834 Phone: 916-928-2440 Fax: 916-928-8478 Presidential Advisory Group 63 Dr. Shirley Pippins President Thomas Nelson Community College 99 Thomas Nelson Drive P.O. Box 9407 Hampton, VA 23670-0407 Phone: 757-825-2711 Fax: 757-825-3590 NORTH CAROLINA Dr. Kathryn Baker Smith Vice President for Educational Support Services Guilford Technical Community College P.O. Box 309 Jamestown, NC 27282 Phone: 336-334-4822 ext. 2426 Fax: 336-819-5266 NORTH DAKOTA OHIO Dr. Patricia A. Frick Vice President for Academic Affairs Otterbein College Roush Hall Room 316 27 South Grove Street Westerville, OH 43082 Phone: 614-823-1606 Fax: 614-823-1335 Dr. Karla Mugler Dean, University College University of Akron Akron, OH 44325-6201 Phone: 330-972-6248 Fax: 330-972-6720 OKLAHOMA Dr. Patricia Sullivan Chancellor University of North Carolina at Greensboro 303 Mossman Building 1000 Spring Garden Street Greensboro, NC 27412 Phone: 336-334-5266 Fax: 336-256-0408 Dr. Judith S. Prince Interim Executive Vice Chancellor University of South Carolina Spartanburg 800 University Way Spartanburg, SC 29303 Phone: 864-503-5328 Fax: 864-503-5328 Dr. Ellen Chaffee President Valley City State University 101 College Street SW Valley City, ND 58072-4098 Phone: 701-845-7102 Fax: 701-845-7110 Ellen_chaffee@mail.vcsu.nodak. edu Dr. Josephine Reed-Taylor Senior Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs Minneapolis Community & Technical College 1501 Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55403 Phone: 612-341-7057 Fax: 612-341-7660 Dale Knobel President Denison University 100 W. College Street Grandvill, OH 43023 Phone: 740-587-6281 Fax: 740-587-6764 Dr. Teresa Gonzalez Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs Sheldon Hall 104 MSC 7503 James Madison University Harrisonburg, VA 22807 Phone: 540-568-3404 Fax: 540-568-2995 Dr. Mary Kitterman Vice President for Academic Affairs Cottey College 1000 West Austin Nevada, MO 64772-2700 Phone: 417-667-8181 Fax: 417-667-8103 64 OREGON Beth Reitveld Oregon State University PENNSYLVANIA Dr. Norah Peters-Davis Dean Undergraduate Studies Arcadia University 450 Southeastern Road Glenside, PA 19038 Phone: 215-572-2921 Fax: 215-572-2126 Oregon Sponsor Group Faith Gabelnick Nancy Wilgenbusch Lee Pelton Colin Diver Michael Mooney Daniel O. Bernstine Dr. Deborah Loers Dean of Student Development Willamette University 900 State Street Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-370-6471 Fax: 503-375-5420 Dr. Bette Landman President Arcadia University 450 South Easton Road Glenside, PA 19038-3295 Phone: 215-572-2908 Fax: 215-881-8799 Dr. Kristin Davidson Director of Administrative Affairs College of Arts and Sciences University of Pennsylvania 120 Logan Hall 249 South 36th Street Philadelphia, PA 19104-6304 Phone: 215-573-3416 Fax: 215-573-2023 Dr. Kristin Davidson Director of Administrative Affairs College of Arts and Sciences University of Pennsylvania 120 Logan Hall 249 South 36th Street Philadelphia, PA 19104-6304 Phone: 215-573-3416 Fax: 215-573-2023 Dr. Karen Wiley Sandler Dean and Campus Executive Officer Penn State Abington 1600 Woodland Road Abington, PA 19001-3990 Phone: 215-881-7315 Fax: 215-881-7317 Dr. Karen Stout President Montgomery County Community College 340 DeKalb Pike Blue Bell, PA 19422-0758 Phone: 215-641-6506 Fax: 215-641-6647 Dr. Janis Jacobs Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education Pennsylvania State University 417 Old Main University Park, PA 16802 Phone: 814-863-1864 Fax: 814-863-7452 PUERTO RICO Dr. JoAnne Boyle President Seton Hill University Seton Hill Drive Greensburg, PA 15601 Phone: 724-838-4211 Fax: 724-834-2752 Dr. Manuel Fernos President University of Puerto Rico P.O. Box 364984 San Juan, PR 00936-4984 (787) 763-4203 65 Dr. Josefina Castillo Baltodano Executive Vice President for Strategic Planning and Advancement Alliant International University 2728 Hyde Street Suite 100 San Francisco, CA 94109 Phone: 415-346-4500 ext. 255 Fax: 415-771-5908 RHODE ISLAND Dr. Nancy Carriuolo Associate Commissioner State of Rhode Island Office of Higher Education 301 Promenade Street Providence, RI 02908-5748 Phone: 401-222-6560 ext. 134 Fax: 401-222-2545 Dr. M. Therese Antone, RSM President Salve Regina University 100 Ochre Point Avenue Newport, RI 02840 Phone: (401) 341-2337 Fax: (401) 341-2916 Dr. Cynthia Smith Forrest Dean of Student Services Framingham State College 100 State Street Dwight Hall, P.O. Box 9101 Framingham, MA 01701-9101 Phone: 508-626-4596 Fax: 508-626-4592 South Carolina Advisory Board Members Dr. Judith S. Prince Interim Executive Vice Chancellor University of South Carolina Spartanburg 800 University Way Spartanburg, SC 29303 Phone: 864-503-5328 Fax: 864-503-5262 SOUTH DAKOTA Dr. Carol Peterson Provost/Vice President for Academic affairs South Dakota State University Box 2201 Brookings, SD 57007 Phone: 605 688-4173 Fax: 605 688-6582 Dr. Peggy Gordon Miller President South Dakota State University Box 2201 Brookings, SD 57007 Phone: 605-688-4111 Fax: 605-688-4443 Dr. Josephine Reed-Taylor Senior Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs Minneapolis Community & Technical College 1501 Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55403 Phone: 612-341-7057 Fax: 612-341-7660 TENNESEE Dr. Sandra Keith Director of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Tennessee State University 3500 John A. Merritt Blvd. Nashville, TN 37209-1561 Phone: 615-963-7438 Fax: 615-963-7463 Dr. Shirley C. Raines President University of Memphis Campus Box 526643 Memphis, TN 38152-6643 Phone: 901-678-2234 Fax: 901-678-5065 Dr. Sybil Todd Vice President for Student Affairs University of Alabama Box 870116 Tuscaloosa, AL 35406 Phone: 205-348-8272 Fax: 205-348-2591 Dr. Karen Haynes President University of Houston-Victoria 3700 N. Ben Wilson Victoria, TX 77901-5731 Phone: 361-570-4332 Fax: 361-570-4334 Cell: 361-935-0602 Dr. Karen Haynes President University of Houston-Victoria 3700 N. Ben Wilson Victoria, TX 77901-5731 Phone: 361-570-4332 Fax: 361-570-4334 Cell: 361-935-0602 SOUTH CAROLINA Willette S. Burnham Director Office of Intercultural Programs College of Charleston 66 George Street Charleston, SC 29424-0001 Phone: 843-953-5660 Fax: 843-953-5676 TEXAS Dr. Betsy V. Boze Dean, School of Business The University of Texas at Brownsville 80 Fort Brown Brownsville, TX 78520 Phone: 956-982-0161 Fax: 956-982-0159 66 UTAH Dr. Kathryn Brooks Director Women’s Resource Center University of Utah 200 South Central Campus Drive Room 293 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-9105 Phone: 801-581-8030 Fax: 801-581-6402 VERMONT Ms. Linda Winter Director of Business Operations Vermont Interactive Television Lyndon State College Morrill Hall Randolph Center, VT 05061 Phone: 802-728-1377 Fax: 802-728-1724 VIRGINIA Dr. Patricia Hyer Associate Provost for Academic Administration Virginia Tech Office of the Provost 0132 Blacksburg, VA 24061 Phone: 540-231-3312 Fax: 540-231-7211 WASHINGTON Dr. Nancy V. Barcelo Vice President for Minority Affairs University of Washington Box 355845 394 Schmitz Hall Seattle, WA 98195-1230 Phone: 206-543-2441 Fax: 206-543-2746 Dr. Stephanie Y. Miller Director, Student Outreach and Community Relations Admissions, Minority Affairs Box 355852 394 E. Schmitz Hall Seattle, WA 98195-1230 Phone: 206-685-2557 Fax: 206-616-4946 Dr. Kermit L. Hall President and Professor of History Utah State University Old Main Room 116 1400 Old Main Hill Logan, UT 84322-1400 Phone: 435-797-1157 Fax: 435-797-1173 Dr. Madlyn Hanes Provost and Dean Penn State University Capital College 777 W. Harrisburg Pike Middletown, PA 17057-4898 Phone: 717-948-6013 Fax: 717-948-6452 Dr. Carol Moore President Lyndon State College College Road Box 919 Lyndonville, VT 05851 Phone: 802-626-6404 Fax: 802-626-4804 Dr. Carol Moore President Lyndon State College College Road Box 919 Lyndonville, VT 05851 Phone: 802-626-6404 Fax: 802-626-4804 Dr. Ann E. Alexander President Wytheville Community College 1000 E. Main Street Wytheville, Virginia 243823308 Phone: 276-223-4700 Fax: 276-223-4778 Dr. Teresa Gonzalez Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs MSC 7503 Sheldon Hall 104 James Madison University Harrisonburg, VA 22807 Phone: 540-568-3404 Fax: 540-568-2995 Dr. Toni Murdock President Antioch University Seattle 2326 Sixth Avenue Seattle, WA 98121-1211 Phone: 206/268-4105 Fax: 206/728-4427 Dr. Deborah Loers Dean of Student Development Willamette University 900 State Street Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-370-6471 Fax: 503-375-5420 67 WEST VIRGINIA Dr. Irene Burgess Chair Department of English Wheeling Jesuit University Wheeling, WV 26003 Phone: 304-243-4427 Fax: 304-243-2243 WISCONSIN Dr. Martha K. Hemwall Dean of Student Academic Services Associate Professor of Anthropology Lawrence University Box 599 Appleton, WI 54912-0599 Phone: 920-832-6530 Fax: 920-832-6884 Dr. Karen R. LaRoe President West Virginia University Institute of Technology 405 Fayette Pike Montgomery, WV 25136 Phone: 304-442-3146 Fax: 304-442-3059 Dr. Teresa Gonzalez Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs Sheldon Hall 104 MSC 7503 James Madison University Harrisonburg, VA 22807 Phone: 540-568-3404 Fax: 540-568-2995 Dr. Nancy Zimpher Chancellor University of WisconsinMilwaukee Chapman Hall Rm. 202 3310 East Hartford Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53201-0413 Phone: 414-229-4331 Fax: 414-229-2347 Dr. Carol Hollenshead Director Center for the Education of Women University of Michigan 330 E. Liberty Ann Arbor, MI 48103 Phone: 734-998-7240 Fax: 734-998-6203 Dr. Phillip L. Dubois President University of Wyoming P.O. Box 3434 University Station Laramie, WY 82071-3434 Phone: 307-766-4121 Fax: 307-766-4126 Dr. Madlyn Hanes Provost and Dean Penn State University Capital College 777 W. Harrisburg Pike Middletown, PA 17057-4898 Phone: 717-948-6013 Fax: 717-948-6452 WYOMING Dr. Margaret Murdock (Maggi) Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Outreach School University of Wyoming P.O. Box 3106 Laramie, WY 82071 Phone: 307-766-3152 Fax: 307-766-3445 68 VIII. DESIGNING A CURRICULUM Given the scarcity of both time and financial resources available to most participants, the state Coordinator and Planning Committee face the somewhat daunting challenge of designing statewide ACE Network meetings that will be worth whatever time and dollars the participants, institutions, and Network invest. Furthermore, because the development of leaders is an ongoing evolutionary process, participants need to be attracted to the programs more than once. Consequently, a sensible and workable approach may be to look at curriculum over a multi-year period. To that end, OWHE and the Ace Network Executive Board have begun the process of creating a series of leadership development modules that individual states might work into a coherent, multi-year program. The move from faculty member to department chair or department chair to assistant dean, for example, requires a great deal more than changing offices and business cards. Moreover, the move takes place on two fronts: the personal and the professional. Too often, failure to consider the former leads to failure to thrive in the latter. Thus, insofar as possible, personal and professional credential development are addressed as separate components. Modules for the Individual Coming to terms with the cultural shift: For many, the move from faculty to administration involves developing a very different mindset, a much broader point of view, and a noticeably thicker skin. Former friends may characterize the move as a betrayal, former idols may turn out to be clay-footed, and former beliefs may prove wrongheaded or utterly impractical and/or impracticable. The move can also mean, among other things, an entirely different (and very rigid) work schedule, dress code, and set of professional social demands. Discovering career opportunities. Because the paths leading to various career plateaus or endpoints diverge, the novice needs assistance in avoiding wrong turns and deadends, in distinguishing side streets from side tracks, and in evaluating express versus scenic routes. In addition, newcomers to administrative paths may not understand the structure of higher education in general—public versus private, stand-alone versus system, institution versus foundation—and thus not realize the range of career options open to them. Career mapping. Once the end point is clear, the participant can begin the process of planning the course of development and the acquisition of knowledge and skills that will get her where she wants to go. Included in this session might be a discussion, for example, of how committee work can be used to foster advancement. For the woman who has come to academia late, this is also an opportunity to discover the time required to move from one level to the next. Available time may make certain end goals beyond reach; hence substitute destinations must be found. Integrating work and family life. The juggling act required of working mothers is well documented (albeit unsolved). In addition, many women in mid- and senior-level positions today find themselves responsible for elder care. Occasionally, a woman may be trying to cope with the needs of both. However, the tradition of the leader’s being the earliest to arrive and latest to leave, never taking a vacation, and transferring family needs to someone else has of late come under considerable scrutiny and disfavor. This may also be a good place to feature stress management techniques. 69 Mentoring. This is a subject that probably should be addressed from both sides—that is, how to mentor and how to be mentored. The choice of mentor, expectations of and about the relationship, the means by which mentoring can occur, and a variety of other issues need to be clearly articulated from the outset. Consequently, the relation is a delicate one and one that may be further complicated by gender and race issues. Modules for Professional Skill and Ability Development Enhancing interpersonal skills. Given the variety of leadership styles, an emerging leader needs not only an understanding of the effects of her own primary style on those whom she leads, but also how to develop a repertoire of styles to fit particular contexts—for example, working with those who don’t want to be led or admit they’re being led. Moreover, the art of saying “no”—and especially saying “no” without creating permanent rifts--requires investigation and practice. Improving personnel management skills. This would include such areas as coping with conflict, removing or reassigning staff, and performing evaluations. Managing multiple constituencies. At any level there will be a number of groups to whom, with whom, or for whom the leader connects or is responsible. Learning when (and how) to delegate, who needs what information, when to accept and when (and how) to reject advice, when to bend and when to stand firm (both without breaking) is crucial. Building a team. Although a leader may have final responsibility and final rewards for her policies and practices, they are rarely implemented without the effort of others. When those others are at odds with one another or with the leader, the specter of failure haunts the project. Such a module would focus not only on constructing a team from scratch, but also working with an inherited group. Understanding budget processes and principles. The ability to read a spreadsheet to discover where the money is, an awareness of the rules about how it can be spent, and the talent for making other people know that you know are essential to upward movement. It may begin with the development of improved listening skills and include variations such as mediation and negotiation. Increasing visible entrepreneurship. Under this heading comes the skill of writing and securing grants and the art of persuading other people that they should give their money to another institution for a greater good. For certain career paths, this might also include negotiating beneficial partnerships. Building a resource network. A session on this subject may focus on one or a variety of resources. For example, knowing who knows the answer to what question and quietly cultivating a relation with that person is just like knowing which journal to use for a particular bit of research—that knowledge saves time, frustration, and errors. Providing reliable information to an emerging politician or reporter can set up a beneficial current and future contact. Meeting other women with similar aspirations and cooperative spirits offers moral support and encourages problem sharing and solution. Woven throughout these modules should be a particular awareness of the needs of women of color and of the shared concern for how one’s spiritual values can thrive or wither in administrative soil. 70 Sample Model for 3-year Rotation 1½ to 2 day conference Individual Development Career Development Year One Career Opportunities Personnel Management Career Mapping Building a Team Budget Processes Year Two Cultural Shift Interpersonal Skills Balancing Work/Family Multiculturalism Entrepreneurship Year Three Shaping with Personal Goals Managing Multiples Mentoring Marketing/Media Resource Network Sample Model for 5 year Rotation Short Single Day conference Year One Career Opportunities Budget Processes Cultural Shift Year Two Career Mapping Interpersonal Skills Building a Team Year Three Balancing Work/Family Personnel Management Multiculturalism 71 Year Four Mentoring Marketing/Media Entrepreneurship Year 5 Shaping with Personal Goals Managing Multiples Resource Network Sample Model for 4-year Rotation Long Single Day Conference Year One Career Opportunities Budget Processes Career Mapping Year Two Cultural Shift Interpersonal Skills Balancing Work/Family Building a Team Year Three Mentoring Personnel Management Managing Multiples Multiculturalism Year Four Shaping with Personal Goals Entrepreneurship Marketing/Media Resource Network 72 Sample Module: Building a Team Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead A group becomes a team when each member is sure enough of [her]himself and [her]his contribution to praise the skills of the others. Norman Shidle None of us is as smart as all of us. Anonymous We didn’t come over in the same ship, but here we are in the same boat. Unknown You have to listen to adversaries and keep looking for that point beyond which it’s against their interests to keep on disagreeing or fighting. Cyrus Vance It is well to remember that the entire population of the universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of others. John Andrew Holmes I asked, “Why doesn’t somebody do something?” Then I realized I was somebody. Unknown (from Goals Beyond the individual classroom, almost everything that occurs in academia is the result of some grouping of individuals: a committee, a task force, a union, a senate, a senior staff. A successful outcome depends in large part on the team leader’s ability to guide the process and the people toward the best possible solution or resolution. The goal of this module is to acquaint participants with the hallmarks of effective and ineffective teams, equip them with an understanding of the processes of a well-functioning team, and offer them strategies for becoming an able and dynamic team leader. I. Starting Points There are a variety of entry paths into the subject of developing an effective team. One consideration is obviously the amount of time you can devote to the subject; another is what ratio of induction versus instruction you consider optimal; another is the prior experience of the participants. Consequently, you should view what follows as a series of building blocks that can be ordered and combined to produce a number of shapes. 73 I.A. Maslow Abraham Maslow’s theory of the hierarchy of human motivation provides interesting background (Motivation and Personality 1954): 1. Physiological (hunger, thirst, shelter, etc.) 2. Safety (protection from physical/emotional harm, security) 3. Social (acceptance, belonging, friendship, affection) 4. Esteem (or ego) (internal: self respect, autonomy, achievement; external: status, recognition, attention) 5. Self actualization (doing things) “ . . . the hierarchy is dynamic; the dominant need is always shifting.” Physiological needs must be satisfied, for example, before attention can be turned to safety; safety before social, and so on. But if in the middle of your self-actualizing activity you suddenly realize that you are hungry, your focus will switch to satisfying the hunger before you can go on with the activity. (See for a onepage summary) From this information can come a discussion on the optimal context for arranging meetings and the meeting process. Can something so simple as failing to provide refreshments derail the process? What could cause emotional harm to a member of an academic committee? How can you work autonomy and achievement into a team product or solution? I.B. Exercise in Team Membership Warm-up activities will ordinarily fall flat in an academic setting; throwing a foam ball around is likely to be met with derision. However, there are some activities that may prove fruitful. You might begin by giving each participant 5 index cards and the following problem: Suppose you knew you were going to be stranded somewhere for at least a year. What five items would you bring with you? Then divide participants into teams of 5. From the 25 combined index cards of the team, each must choose only 5. When the choices have been completed, each person fills out a second set of cards answering these questions: (A) What is the process by which your team made its selection? How well did the process work? Did it leave everyone satisfied that she had a say in the outcome? What changes would you make in the process? (B) Did the group have a leader? If so, how did that person come to be the leader? How would you characterize her leadership style? Was it effective for you? (C) If you were the leader, did you find the group dynamics positive or negative? Why? This second set of cards should be anonymous and used to stimulate an inductive discussion on the characteristics of good teams and good team leaders. ( I.C. Entertainment with a Purpose Another possibility requires an overnight stay. In this activity (late afternoon or after dinner), participants are divided into teams and sent on a scavenger hunt (this is a good prize activity). During the session on team-building the following day, the facilitator begins by asking participants to talk about how they accomplished this task as a team. What worked? What didn’t? How was the process of the search decided upon? Who made the decisions? Why that person? Did everyone on the team participate or did some hold back? If the latter, how do you account for that? What was its effect on the remaining members of the group? Again, the idea is to stimulate an inductive discussion on the characteristics of effective teams and team leaders. 74 II. Essences II.A. Research: Stages of Team Development However, you introduce the subject, there are certain recognitions or conclusions at which you would like the group to arrive. One, (, articulated by Gerard Blair, suggests that there are 4 stages to team development: forming, storming, norming, and performing: Forming is the stage when the group first comes together. Everybody is very polite and very dull. Conflict is seldom voiced directly, mainly personal and definitely destructive. Since the grouping is new, the individuals will be guarded in their own opinions and generally reserved. This is particularly so in terms of the more nervous and/or subordinate members who may never recover. The group tends to defer to a large extent to those who emerge as leaders (poor fools!). Storming is the next stage, when all hell breaks loose and the leaders are lynched. Factions form, personalities clash, no one concedes a single point without first fighting tooth and nail. Most importantly, very little communication occurs since no one is listening and some are still unwilling to talk openly. True, this battleground may seem a little extreme for the groups to which you belong—but if you look beneath the veil of civility at the seething sarcasm, invective, and innuendo, perhaps the picture comes more into focus. Then comes the Norming. At this stage the sub-groups begin to recognize the merits of working together and the in-fighting subsides. Since a new spirit of co-operation is evident, every member begins to feel secure in expressing their [sic] own view points and these are discussed openly with the whole group. The most significant improvement is that people start to listen to each other. Work methods become established and recognized by the group as a whole. And finally: Performing. This is the culmination, when the group has settled on a system, which allows free and frank exchange of views and a high degree of support by the group for each other and its own decisions. (Blair) Obviously, there will be times when a stage is skipped or when the team reverts briefly to an earlier stage and academics may find the “storming phase” to be less overt than Blair suggests, but his formulation offers an interesting paradigm for discussion. It also describes a successful team-building process (although the result/product may or may not be successful). The qualities of the team described in the performance phase would therefore be those characteristic of an effective team. II.B. Research: Characteristics of an Effective Team The elements of good teams and teamwork can probably be articulated in discussion. However, you want to be certain the group arrives at least at the following conclusions: Everyone on the team understands both the long and short-term goals/objectives of the project, understands her/his role and responsibility in achieving these goals, believes him/herself capable of handling the roles and responsibilities, and is willing to participate. 75 Team members are encouraged by all other team members to express their opinions and offer criticism, admit or point out mistakes, and articulate frustrations or confusions. These, however, are not directed at another individual—only at the task and process. Team members support and trust one another within the arena of the work. Team members value the conflict that arises out of different perspectives as essential to creativity. The conflict, however, is one of ideas, not of persons. The team leader is skilled at organization, managing creative tensions, motivating members to behave collegially, and making appropriate decisions. Procedures are effective. For example, meetings do not last longer than they need to, discussion does not proceed aimlessly, decision processes are defined, goals and deadlines are clearly and repeatedly brought to the forefront. Team members and leaders value individual development and growth. A team has positive relations with other teams with which it may work or whose work will be affected by its product/outcome. (adapted from ; see also II.C. Research: Characteristics of a Dysfunctional Team Conversely, Lencioni proposes a pyramid description of the qualities that prevent team success. At the base is the absence of trust, which results when people fear the consequences of admitting to uncertainty, error, or weakness. Lacking trust in one another, team members will also fear conflict. As a consequence, there is little dynamic discussion of ideas and little creativity. The team member who fears to make her/himself heard or to disagree has no reason to be committed to the outcome of the project. Lack of commitment leads directly to unwillingness to accept responsibility or accountability. At the top, then, stands a failed connection to the results. (from Lencioni, Patrick. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2002.) Another useful perspective here is the notion of “Groupthink” ( ) II.D. Listening This material evidences the need for the members of a team and the leader of such a group to have highly refined listening skills. Most of us recognize that often we are so invested in framing a response that we don’t really hear what the other person has said. You can do an entire workshop on improving listening skills, particularly if you combine that exercise with practice reading body language. If you decide to elicit rather than provide the keys to active (sometimes called empathetic) listening, the following represent generally agreed upon elements: 76 1. 2. Maintain reasonable eye contact with the speaker Use unobtrusive and appropriate verbal cues (I see, ah, yes) and physical cues (note-taking, nodding) 3. Lean (slightly) toward the speaker and keep extraneous movement to a minimum 4. Make certain the tone of your responses is congruent with that of the speaker 5. Ask questions or make comments designed to get the speaker to elaborate 6. Attend to what is not being said that you might have expected to hear 7. Pay attention to verbal intonations and body language 8. Remember your role is to listen, not talk 9. Don’t interrupt the flow of the speaker, but where useful, summarize or reframe or ask for clarification or further information (adapted from “Active Listening for Mediators”: see also ) If you decide to include body language, you can probably proceed as in a game of charades. Give each participant a card that names some particular emotional response, then have the group guess what response is being suggested. Most cards should specify a poker face, but you may want to add to the complexity by suggesting facial responses that are or are not congruent with the body language. The most interesting language will be that which members of the audience interpret differently. There are also insights to be had by asking a group of men to portray the reactions on the cards and to interpret women’s body language. (For example, leaning forward to indicate close attention is said to be the women’s equivalent of men’s tendency to lean backward with eyes closed or focused somewhere in the room.) Finally, you can combine verbal and body language performance. Just intoning the word “yes” or “no” in combination with various physical cues will prove instructive. II.E. Facilitating/Mediating A somewhat philosophical approach to mediation can be found at . Peeples discusses both opening statements and the setting of ground rules; the piece is good pre-conference background reading. As we have suggested above, certain kinds of conflict are essential to the overall creative process; however, conflict can also be destructive if it becomes personal or goes on too long. Consequently, good team leaders will be experienced at channeling conflict into positive outcomes. The research of Onne Janssen, recognizing that conflict in difficult or complicated decision-making is “inevitable,” divides the source of conflict into 2 areas: person and task. Janssen concludes that when team members see themselves as dependent on one another for a successful outcome, high task coupled with low person conflict provides the optimal context for quality decisions. The summary of Janssen’s work, published in The Journal of Management, March-April 1999, also offers an extensive bibliography on conflict management. ( A less scholarly but very practical set of suggestions offers the following advice: 1. Have the team identify the criteria they will use to make decisions. Consistently evaluate ideas against those criteria. 77 When people disagree, don’t move forward until each party can re-state the other’s position to the satisfaction of the other. 3. Regularly summarize the issues on which there is agreement to demonstrate progress is being made. 4. Confirm agreement with each team member. 5. Watch for non-verbal hints of disagreement and address them directly. 6. Never take sides. (adapted from 2. An added dimension to conflict resolution occurs when the parties are from different cultures. Jehn and Weldon have done considerable work in this arena. An overview of their work can be accessed at This is a long article, so participants should read it in advance. II.F. The People Who Make Up the Team According to the Tufts Leadership Institute material on group dynamics, a successful team will need individuals who can play the following roles: 1. Initiator, who gets things started, proposes new ideas or solutions 2. Fact Seeker 3. Opinion Giver (not likely to be a problem in academia) 4. Evaluator, who compares, contrasts, and synthesizes 5. Recorder 6. Spokesperson, who conveys the work to outsiders 7. Encourager 8. Gatekeeper 9. Compromiser 10. Harmonizer 11. Follower 12. Consensus Tester Undermining success are those who play these roles: a. Aggressor, who threatens, criticizes, and/or blames others b. Blocker, who consistently resists group actions/directions c. Recognition Seeker (it’s all and always about me) d. Dominator, who makes a big show of authority e. Blamer f. Self-Confessor, who offers up personal feelings and ideas unrelated to the group’s task ( These characteristics could be elicited through discussion, but if your conference is being held at an institution that has a theatre program, you might persuade a group of apprentice actors to perform these roles for the group. Ahead of time, give them a particular problem and assign each to play one (some can be collapsed into one) of the types above. Give them about 20 minutes to perform as a team created to solve this problem. Participants should be instructed to pay particular attention to the verbal language, facial expression, and body language of each player and, once the performance has concluded, working in teams, assign a descriptor word for each. Participants can then compare their perceptions with the actor’s intent. 78 From there, using Maslow’s hierarchy, participants could work on what they, as the leader of this team, would need to provide for each member in order to elicit optimum team success. II.G. Research: Individual Team Player Styles Another possibility is to provide some version of the above at the workshop to be used as a guide with the following—which will provide an entire workshop. The Women’s Business Center offers on-line a questionnaire for identifying “team player style.” Before the conference, ask participants to complete the on-line questionnaire and have their personal scores computed. Each participant should print out the questionnaire, her score, and the descriptors that explain the 4 styles. ( From here, you can proceed in several ways. 1. Each participant can duplicate her questionnaire and personal style computations, bringing a set for her and 5 additional sets to the meeting. The drawback of this approach is that everyone is female, a fairly unrealistic scenario. 2. Each participant selects 5 colleagues from anywhere in academia (preferably some sort of cross-section), asks them to do the questionnaire and print out the results, and brings her own and theirs to the meeting. 3. Organizers can solicit samples and have them at the meeting. In any case, once there, divide participants into groups, divide the additional questionnaires among them, and ask them individually to put a 5-person team together from the individuals whose team-player style profiles they have before them, assuming themselves to be the leader. Then have them compare the teams and discuss how and why they made the choices they did. Where was there agreement? Difference? What changes would they make if they did it a second time? As a post-conference action, participants might charge themselves with putting together on paper, at least, the best team they can muster from their institutional pool. You may want to remind them that the absence of task conflict is not desirable. III. Putting the Workshop Together Here are just a few options for choosing your block design: I A plus 2 F I C plus II B I B plus II D II B plus II C I A plus II E II G alone II D alone (practice exercises are included in the references) 79 IV. Additional References 80 Sample Module: Career Mapping If you bring in a consultant to do this session, she/he is likely to have a preferred version of the material that follows. (Sometimes, representatives of search firms or coaching enterprises are willing to do a workshop in career mapping without charge as a means of enhancing their client base.) There may also be a person in the Career Services division of one of your institutions who is experienced in the principles of career mapping, even if he or she does not specialize in applying the process to higher education administration. However, this is also a module that someone on your planning committee or your Executive Board liaison can effectively offer using the instruments that follow. The format is definitely that of a workshop: after a brief introduction to each piece, the leader(s) will spend most of the rest of the time moving around the room working with individuals. Participants begin by identifying their professional goals, followed by completing the skills assessment chart, and briefly discussing the values, stories, and questions rubric (which will need to be completed at home, because it takes considerable time and thought to do well). Once participants have made substantial progress, move to the 5-page career-mapping tool. Some of the answers here will have been discovered in the earlier charts, but on the whole, this is a very practical instrument that pushes people into looking at next steps in the sequence of moves toward career goals. Finally, everyone should look carefully at the advice provided in “As You Prepare for the Search Process.” N.B. You will probably want to provide clean copies of each sheet to participants as they leave, in part because answers will change over time, and in part because they may want to share the materials with others on their home campuses. *OWHE is grateful to Nancy Archer Martin, Jennifer L. Bloom, and Tobie van der Vorm for their assistance with these materials. 81 Professional Goals This list will probably evolve over time as you evolve as a person and as an administrator, so it is important to update this chart on an annual basis. This allows you to explore the kinds of roles you want to take on during your career journey. Goals and Imperatives Preferred Acceptable Unwilling to Consider (Deal Breaker) What part of the country do I want to live? Do I want to work in a public or a private institution? Is a small liberal arts college or a large research university my ultimate goal? Which administrative track do I want to pursue? Academic affairs, business affairs, student affairs, or alumni/development? What position do I want to retire from? What do I want people to say about my career once I retire? What will be my mark? What do I want to do in my retirement? The College Administrator’s Guide to Career Advancement@ by Nancy Archer Martin and Jennifer L. Bloom, Ed. D. 82 Skills Assessment So, now here is the tough part. We want you to go through the following checklist and rate each skill as a strength or weakness. If you’ve rated it as a weakness, the key is to then devise a proactive plan for addressing this weakness. Be honest with yourself. Skill Strength Weakness & how I will proactively address this weakness Personal Skills - Balance - Health - Humbleness - Open to the possibilities - Building Relationships - Effectively dealing with failure - Persistent - Consistently reinvent yourself - Use humor effectively Professional Skills - Networking - Acquiring mentors and mentees - Continuous learning - Leadership Experience - Experience working with alumni and donors - Budgeting Skills - Strategic Planning - Faculty Committee The College Administrator’s Guide to Career Advancement@ by Nancy Archer Martin and Jennifer L. Bloom, Ed. D. 83 Values, Stories, and Question Chart Please, fill in the following chart. In the values section you will write down those things that you are most passionate about in your life. In the stories column, you will share how you live out your values and philosophies in action. The questions column will allow you to write questions that you would ask of a future employer concerning whether the institution holds the same values as you do. Values Stories Questions The College Administrator’s Guide to Career Advancement@ by Nancy Archer Martin and Jennifer L. Bloom, Ed. D. 84 Career Mapping The job title, responsibilities, and salary I desire: One year from now: Two to three years from now: Five years from now: I want to do the job to which I aspire because: (list three reasons) I currently lack the following skills to do the job to which I aspire: Strategies I will use to gain those skills are: (list three strategies) Concrete steps I can take to get to my next positions are: Obstacles to my mobility at my current institution are: 85 What is my history at the institution (especially the past three years)? I would characterize the current state of my professional self-esteem as: Professional limitations—If so, what, how much, and why: Geographic location: Family responsibilities: I anticipate changes in the following area within the next three years: I desire from my work and workplace the following: (describe) Culture: Values: Work styles: Teamwork—or independence: Reward system: 86 I describe my current professional “package/image” as: I would like to improve in the following areas: The following people are currently in my active network: (list six) Specific help I can receive from these individuals include: Success indicators at my current institution— Ways in which I can use them if I desire to stay where I am: Ways in which I can use them if I desire to advance elsewhere: 87 I expect the following situations to impact my life and career during the next four years: (explain) Politics: Economics: Technology: Social Changes: I think the following will be the most important campus issues during the next five years: I plan to deal with these issues by: Alternative career/life scenarios for me are: I would characterize the current state of my personal self-esteem as: 88 My state of health is: (this may include fatigue or burnout factors) My self-care plan for the following is: (six-month projection) Sleep: Nutrition: Exercise: Support networks outside my family: Family support: Time for reflection: Journalizing: Recreation: Vacation: Calendar control/time management: 89 Visualizations: Affirmations: Reading: Other: At the end of my career, legacies I wish to leave at my institution are: Summary comments/observations evoked by these questions are: 90 IX GOOD STUFF A delightful, effective, and easily adapted idea that no one knows about is a terrible thing to waste . Fresh Ideas Delaware has its website up and running, using it in part to list job openings. They send an acknowledgement to the posting institution to ensure that their website will become part of the institutional memory for places to send position announcements. Illinois uses its listserv to connect women who may have few or no department colleagues working in their research area to women with like interests at other institutions. From Georgia: Recognizing the importance of Institutional Representatives, Georgia’s Planning Committee has decided to hold an annual conference specifically for these women. The Committee is also working to develop a plan whereby the IRs themselves will be trained to mentor women faculty members in their home institution. Maine has held an annual Academic Management Institute for women moving into senior level positions since 1999. Candidates are nominated by their institution’s president, so participation is seen as an honor. Beginning in 2002, the Network added a companion piece, the Aspiring Women Conference, a mentoring opportunity for women who want to move up but have not yet achieved the credentials necessary to attend the Academic Management Institute. Michigan is assisting its Institutional Representatives by providing each of them with a notebook that contains material from the State Coordinators’ Handbook as well as from other resources that might inspire campus initiatives. Also recognizing the need for IRs and finding themselves with far too few in a state with a large number of institutions of higher education, Ohio leaders asked for help from their Presidential Sponsor on the grounds that presidents are unlikely to ignore a request from another president. So they composed for President Knobel’s signature three different letters: one asking for the appointment of a new Institutional Representative, one asking for continuation of the current IR, and one asking for the revitalization of a lapsed appointment. It worked; they now have 51 institutions represented—about triple the beginning number. Equally importantly, they did an immediate follow-up for the new appointees, getting them the information they needed and inviting them to the next meeting. Oregon has been making use of an abundance of organizational talent to bring together poster sessions at its annual meeting. Those who are doing research projects connected to women in academia can display, answer questions about, and receive input from meeting participants during breaks and the lunch recess. The practice has caught on, so the number of those asking to display their work—and the sophistication of the displays--increases each year. Because it is such a large state, Wisconsin leaders have decided to enhance their yearly statewide meeting with the addition of some regional sessions. Consequently, they are creating a leadership workshop template that they can conduct in a different region of the state (and perhaps attracting participants from neighboring states) each spring. 91 Things to Read During the past year, OWHE has taken significant a leadership role in creating such publications. As state coordinators, you should receive a copy of the three publications from OWHE. Additional copies are available for purchase from ACE. Check the ACE web site for information about purchasing these publications and others published by ACE. Advancing Women’s Leadership I From Where We Sit: Women’s Perspectives on the Presidency (2001) By Gladys Brown, Claire Van Ummersen, and Judith Sturnick Based on a series of roundtable discussions sponsored by ACE’s Office of Women in Higher Education, this publication summarizes reflections and recommendations by women presidents, who suggest ways in which current presidents can smooth the path for the women who succeed them. The report targets five critical areas—working with boards, challenges and opportunities posed by the “gender factor,” staying power, identifying and mentoring talented women, and creating a climate for success—and focuses on the themes and concerns that consistently emerged from each discussion. Advancing Women’s Leadership II Breaking the Barriers: Presidential Strategies for Enhancing Career Mobility (2002) By Gladys Brown, Claire Van Ummersen, and Judith Phair This second installment in the Advancing Women’s Leadership series offers a set of philosophical and strategic guidelines for advancing women faculty and administrators in higher education. Each chapter begins with a scenario based on real-life experiences related to women’s career mobility, followed by the practical responses given by presidents who participated in interviews and focus groups. Chapters address leadership development, career advancement, workplace and climate, and mentoring. Advancing Women’s Leadership III Breaking the Barriers: A Guidebook of Strategies (2002) By Gladys Brown, Claire Van Ummersen, and Barbara Hill This third installment in the Advancing Women’s Leadership series is meant to be a companion piece to Breaking the Barriers: Presidential Strategies for Enhancing Career Mobility. Designed to address women’s leadership in general and used at every level of a college or university—from presidents to staff members—by those committed to advancing women’s leadership on campus, the book provides campus leaders with strategies for reviewing campus practices in leadership development, fostering career advancement, improving the workplace and campus climate, and establishing mentoring programs. The guidebook expands on each topic, suggesting sustainable and promising practices, with examples of successful programs. Each chapter suggests ways to collect evidence that demonstrates the success of campus programs and identifies issues related to the four major topics addressed in Breaking the Barriers. Our electronic exchange, Network News, also offers suggested readings on a regular basis. 92 WOMEN IN HIGHER EDUCATION Excerpted from the ACE Fellows Bibliography © American Council on Education Aguirre, Alberto Jr. Women and Minority Faculty in the Academic Workplace. ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report Series 27:6. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2000. Particularly useful for policy makers in higher education administration and all others interested in improving the workplace in academia. Examines how women and minority faculty fit in the academic culture. Synthesizes ten years of research are about issues impacting the environment for minorities and women, with new dimensions to understanding the issues through examining professional socialization and tenure for minority and women faculty. Astin, Helen S. and Carole Leland. Women of Influence, Women of Vision. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1991. Examines the achievements of women leaders in America from the 1960s to the 1980s, and offers insights into what these leaders have in common and how individuals can improve their own leadership skills. Draws upon an in-depth study of seventy-seven women leaders. Chliwniak, Luba. Higher Education Leadership: Analyzing the Gender Gap. Vol. 25, No. 4. Washington, DC: The George Washington University, 1997. Explores women’s place in higher education institutions historically and currently. Describes the status of women on campuses and in leadership roles; persistence factors and institutional contexts; and factors influencing evaluations of leaders and leadership modes. Provides an analysis of individual, organizational, and societal conceptualizations of leadership. Collins, Lynn H., Joan C. Chrisler, and Kathryn Quina, eds. Career Strategies for Women in Academe: Arming Athena. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1998. Addresses the pitfalls for women in higher education professions and provides advice on how to handle difficult situations. A collection of essays and chapters by different authors, including success stories and cautionary tales, offering encouragement to those who persevere in their pursuit of an academic career. Explores such issues as the current status of women, subtle forms of sex discrimination, women’s roles and career decisions, women in leadership, and the need for women to take charge by addressing time management issues and reducing role ambiguity. Eggins, Heather, ed. Women as Leaders and Managers in Higher Education. Philadelphia: Society for Research into Higher Education and Open University Press, 1997. Recognizes the special problems women leaders in academia face, including educating new generations to a broader understanding of women’s roles and shaping women’s roles in traditionally male-dominated cultures. Supports the awareness that institutional cultures and organizations’ styles are at the heart of the struggle for equal opportunities. Provides a context for leadership, women, and higher education and then presents case studies on senior academic women. Glazer-Raymo, Judith. Shattering the Myths: Women in Academe. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999. A feminist study of women’s progress in higher education since the 1970s. Draws on the experiences of women faculty and administrators as they articulate and reflect on the social, economic, political, and ideological contexts in which they work and the 93 multiple influences on their professional and personal lives. The author concludes that the corporatization of the university is creating new obstacles that deter women’s full participation. Gregory, Sheila T. Black Women in the Academy: The Secrets to Success and Achievement. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1995. A study conducted on the experiences of Black women faculty in higher education that examines their career satisfaction and career mobility, as well as numerous other factors that influence their career paths and decisions. Hartman, Mary S., ed. Talking Leadership: Conversations with Powerful Women. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1999. Explores why and how women lead. Analyzes the barriers women face, and describes how these selected women leaders addressed them. Includes contributions from Patricia Schroeder, Ruth Simmons, Christine Todd Whitman, and numerous others. Kelly, Gail P. and Sheila Slaughter, eds. Women’s Higher Education in Comparative Perspective. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990. A collection of articles from scholars from across the globe on the experiences of women in higher education. Chapters focus on the politics and policies that affect the education of women in various countries; women in the academic workforce around the world; and the influence that feminists and women’s studies have had on reshaping the academy and the experiences of women. Mabokela, Reitumetse Obakeng, and Anna L. Green, eds. Sisters of the Academy: Emergent Black Women Scholars in Higher Education. Sterling, VA: Stylus, 2001. A collection of research papers and personal narratives from fifteen Black women in higher education. Contributions—which range from historical accounts of Black female teachers in the 19th century, to challenges and triumphs of being an activist researcher at the turn of the 21st century—address specific historical, social, cultural, political, and academic issues that affect Black women in the academy. Ndiffer, Jana and Carolyn Terry Bashaw, eds. Women Administrators in Higher Education: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2001. Combines historical, quantitative and theoretical studies to illuminate the historical foundations of contemporary dilemmas, current realities and controversies. Areas of discussion are: women’s education, contributions of religious and lay women presidents and their use of power, the relationship of emerging leadership theory to women, the growth and development of deans of women, the role of women’s professional organizations, and the particular questions and quandaries faced by provosts and physical education and student affairs staff. Combination of historical and practical research links the past with the present as the future is contemplated. Solomon, Barbara M. In the Company of Educated Women: A History of Women and Higher Education in America. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1986. The fascinating story of progress and setbacks for women in higher education over the last 125 years. A highly readable history that includes many quotations revealing the skepticism about the worth of educating women. 94 Sturnick, Judith A., Jane E. Milley, and Catherine A. Tisinger, eds. Women at the Helm: Pathfinding Presidents at State Colleges and Universities. Washington, DC: American Association of State Colleges and Universities Press, 1991. A collection of essays revealing women's perspectives on leadership and the job of president. Explores the reality of day to day experiences of female presidents striving to achieve important goals by answering the questions: What is it like to be in charge? How does a woman get there? How can the special strengths of being female serve a role in society traditionally seen as male-dominated? Tidball, M. Elizabeth, Daryl G. Smith, Charles S. Tidball, and Lisa E. Wolf-Wendel. Taking Women Seriously: Lessons and Legacies for Educating the Majority. Phoenix, AZ: American Council on Education/Oryx Press, 1999. Illuminates why women’s colleges continue to produce graduates with higher career achievement than that of their co-ed peers. Through history, social theory, statistical analysis and case studies, documents the qualities and programs of these colleges that appear related to producing accomplished, achieving graduates. The purpose is not to claim that women’s colleges are better; rather, it suggests that educators at all institutions can enhance their efforts to provide equitable opportunities for all. The lessons bespeak taking women seriously, making the case that all women associated with a college or university must be supported, encouraged and empowered, in order for women students to flourish. Valian, Virginia. Why So Slow?: The Advancement of Women. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1998. Well-researched work on gender schemas that bias perceptions of women’s performance in the workplace, thus translating into their accumulative career disadvantages. Walton, Karen Doyle, ed. Against the Tide: Career Paths of Women Leaders in American and British Higher Education. Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation, 1996. Ten American and ten British women leaders of colleges and universities tell about swimming against the tide of male leadership that can limit career opportunities for women in academe. Contributors include Pauline Perry, Carol A. Cartwright, Vera King Farris, Carol C. Harter, Mary Patterson McPherson, Judith A. Sturnick and others. Welch, Lynne Brodie, ed. Perspectives on Minority Women in Higher Education. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers and Greenwood Publishing Group, 1991. Presents essays by Black and Hispanic scholars on various issues of concern to minority women in American higher education. Includes a section on the general status of academic women internationally. Wenniger, Mary Dee and Mary Helen Conroy, eds. Gender Equity or Bust!: On the Road to Campus Leadership with Women in Higher Education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2001. A compendium of lively, hard-hitting articles from the newsletter, Women in Higher Education. A blend of serious commentary, research results, and practical advice with cynical humor. The editors have compiled articles that demonstrate progress for women as well as effective strategies employed by women who have changed the academy. Other topics include women’s leadership and management styles, valuing the self, sex and sexuality, institutional politics. 95 Quotable Words Jan Holmgren, President, Mills College, CA, and former Chair of the Board, ACE By building strong connections among women in higher education leadership and by researching and articulating the great benefits to higher education and the nation of women’s leadership and women’s values, the American Council on Education’s Office of Women in Higher Education continues to provide the vision and energy for positive change within the academy and in society at large. --written for the 25th anniversary celebration of the ACE Network Shirley Pippins, President, Thomas Nelson Community College, VA, and former Chair, ACE Commission on Women in Higher Education Over the course of my career, I have met a number of talented women, who, if they had had the resources and the support of the ACE Network, would today be presidents. They had the talent and they had the ability, but they had no one to support and encourage them toward the goal of a presidency. What might have been for all those deserving women that higher education needs? This vision—a haunting sense of what they could have become if it had only been there for them—fuels my commitment to the programs of the ACE Network. --written for the 25th anniversary celebration of the ACE Network Claire Van Ummersen, Vice President and Director, Office of Women in Higher Education, ACE I envision a world where women serve in equal numbers with men at all levels of leadership in our colleges and universities. As we strive to create an educational, social, and political climate where women’s voices are valued, I dream of a world more civil, conscientious and caring—a world with women and men working together to shape the future of higher education and this society. --written for the 25th anniversary celebration of the ACE Network Judith Prince, Interim Executive Vice Chancellor, University of South CarolinaSpartanburg, SC, and Chair, ACE Network Executive Board The articulate, energetic, and passionate women who inaugurated the ACE Network were pioneers with the courage to question the status quo, and they were visionaries to foresee that the “essential core energy” of national efforts would be the state networks. Under the auspices of OWHE, state networks, led by dedicated state coordinators and state planning committees, brought about many changes within higher education. Imagine a college or university in which women and men students do not see women in major leadership roles! Imagine a college or university that does not benefit from the insights that women bring to policies and decisions! Imagine a higher education system that does not use the talents and skills of all as it confronts the challenges of the 21st century! --written in preparation for the 25th Anniversary celebration of the ACE Network 96 Donna Shavlik and Judith Touchton, former directors of OWHE: It is a rare privilege to be able to look back over two decades and to say, truthfully and with pride, “This is an idea that has worked” --written in 1995 on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the ACE Network Georgia Lesh-Laurie, Chancellor, Colorado University-Denver, CO and Chair, ACE Commission on Women in Higher Education ACE and its Office of Women in Higher Education have become jewels in the crowns of women as we work directly to achieve the top ranks in higher education. Its Commission on Women and State Networks have and will continue to work diligently to move women forward. --written for the 2003 ACE Network Conference 97