ELL MATH A - Hubbs Center

Health Measurement_Overview_Beg-Numeracy
Health Measurement: Beginning Numeracy
EL Civics 2011-13
Unit Description:
This unit is divided into three sections:
 Section 1: Converting Measurements of Capacity
 Section 2: Converting Weight Measurements
 Section 3: Converting Units of Length
Section Maps
Unit Benchmarks
Unit Plan
Ronald Hubbs Center EL Civics 2011-2013 1
Health Measurement_Overview_Beg-Numeracy
Section 1: Converting Measurements of Capacity
Activity 1:
1) Show prior knowledge of
“capacity” vocabulary and
concepts 2G-4.3.1
2) Match pictures to their
correct unit of capacity then
compare customary to metric
units of capacity 1G-4.5, 2G-4.3
3) Discuss how measurementunits and systems are applied
in healthcare from the given
charts 1G-4, 1S-2.2
Activity 2:
1) Multiply the numbers 1 thru
11 to multiples of 10, AND
divide numbers up to 99 with
multiples of 10 2N-3.4, 2N-3.6
2) Show that you know the
connection within metric units
of capacity 2G-4.5
3) Demonstrate understanding
of word problems by setting up
a conversion equation from
word problems 2P-3.6.1
List of A Skills to Review
Using a 100 chart, skip count by 2’s,
5’s, and 10’s (metric). 1N-1.4
Skip count by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s from
1 to 100. 1P-1.2.3
Count, read, write, order, and
compare two and three digit
numbers 2N-1.1
Demonstrate an understanding of
different meanings of multiplication
of numbers up to 12 (repeated
addition, grouping, and arrays). 2N2.4
Activity 5:
Ronald Hubbs Center EL Civics 2011-2013 2
Activity 3:
1) Multiply the numbers 1 thru
11 to two digit numbers, AND
divide numbers up to 99 with
numbers 1 to 9 2N-3.4, 2N-3.6
2) Show that you know the
connection within customary/
standard units of capacity 2G4.5
3) Demonstrate understanding
of word problems by setting up
a conversion equation from
word problems 2P-3.6.1
Activity 1:
Discuss appropriate
units of capacity
measurements for
different liquids and
purposes. Discuss
Capacity vocabulary &
conversions. Discuss
capacity units in
Activity 2:
Convert metric units of
capacity within the
metric system from
larger to smaller &
smaller to larger.
Section 1:
Use measurement and
conversions of capacity in
several health/work
Activity 5:
Activity 4:
1) Multiply the numbers 1 thru
11 to two digit numbers, AND
divide numbers up to 99 with
numbers 1 to 9 2N-3.4, 2N-3.6
2) Show that you know the
connection within customary/
standard units of capacity 2G4.5
3) Demonstrate understanding
of word problems by setting
up a conversion equation from
word problems 2P-3.6.1
Activity 4:
Convert customary units
of capacity,
cup/pt/qt/gal from
larger to smaller &
smaller to larger.
Activity 3:
Convert customary
units of capacity,
tsp/Tbsp/cup from
larger to smaller &
smaller to larger.
Health Measurement_Overview_Beg-Numeracy
Section 2: Converting Weight Measurements
Activity 1:
1) Show prior knowledge of
“weight” vocabulary and
concepts 2G-4.3.1
2) Show knowledge of using a
customary weight scale, read
and record your measurements
2G-4.4.1, 2P-4.2.1
3) Using information from a
weight conversion chart,
estimate equal weight within
customary system 2S-2.3, 2N3.2
Activity 2:
1) Multiply the numbers 1 thru
11 to multiples of 10 and divide
numbers up to 99 with
multiples of 10 2N-3.4, 2N-3.6
2) Share developed personal
reference points for weights of
women, men, and children 1G4.7.1
3) Show that you know the
connection within metric units
of weight 2G-4.5
List of A Skills to Review
Using a 100 chart, skip count by 2’s,
5’s, and 10’s. 1N-1.4
Skip count by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s from
1 to 100. 1P-1.2.3
Count, read, write, order, and
compare two and three digit
numbers 2N-1.1
Demonstrate an understanding of
different meanings of multiplication
of numbers up to 12 (repeated
addition, grouping, and arrays). 2N2.4
Activity 5:
Ronald Hubbs Center EL Civics 2011-2013 3
Activity 1:
Discuss units of weight
and when to use each
one. Discuss weight
vocabulary and
Activity 3:
1) Multiply the numbers 1 thru
11 to two digit numbers 1 to 9
and divide numbers up to 99
with numbers 2N-3.4, 2N-3.6
2) Use developed personal
reference points for weights of
women, men, and children 1G4.7.1
3) Show that you know the
connection within customary/
standard units of weight 2G-4.5
Activity 2:
Convert metric units of
weight within the
metric system from
larger to smaller &
smaller to larger.
Section 2:
Use measurement and
conversions of weight in
several health/work
Activity 5:
Activity 3:
Convert customary
units of weight from
larger to smaller &
smaller to larger.
Activity 4:
1) Multiply the numbers 1 thru
11 to two digit numbers, AND
divide numbers up to 99 with
numbers 1 to 9 2N-3.4, 2N-3.6
2) Show that you know the
connection within customary/
standard units of weight 2G4.5
3) Demonstrate understanding
of word problems by setting
up a conversion equation from
word problems 2P-3.6.1
Activity 4:
Solve weight conversion
word problems.
Health Measurement_Overview_Beg-Numeracy
Section 3: Converting Units of Length
Activity 1:
1) Show prior knowledge of
“length” vocabulary and
concepts 2G-4.3.1
2) Read and talk about the
conversion table 1S-2.2
3) Compare customary/
standard units of quantities
of length 1G-4.5
Activity 2:
1) Multiply the numbers 1 thru
11 to multiples of 10 and divide
numbers up to 99 with
multiples of 10 2N-3.4, 2N-3.6
2) Use and share developed
personal reference points for
lengths 1G-4.7.1
3) Show that you know the
connection within metric units
of length 2G-4.5
List of A Skills to Review
Using a 100 chart, skip count by 2’s,
5’s, and 10’s. 1N-1.4
Skip count by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s from
1 to 100. 1P-1.2.3
Count, read, write, order, and
compare two and three digit
numbers 2N-1.1
Demonstrate an understanding of
different meanings of multiplication
of numbers up to 12 (repeated
addition, grouping, and arrays). 2N2.4
Activity 5:
1) Read a ruler to the nearest
inch, as well as to ¼ inch and
halves 1G-4.6, 2G-4.3.2, 2G4.3.3
2) Approximate by rounding
to the nearest whole, half, or
quarter of an inch 2N-3.7
3) Show how to find similar
measures on rulers and yard
sticks 2G-4.5.1
Ronald Hubbs Center EL Civics 2011-2013 4
Activity 1:
Discuss units of length
and when to use each
one. Discuss length
vocabulary and
Activity 3:
1) Read a ruler to the nearest
inch and make reference points
to compare inches to foot 1G4.6, 1G-4.7
2) Use comparative language
for activity and fill in the blanks
3) Use addition and
multiplication to set up and
solve conversions 2N-2.1, 2N2.4
Activity 5:
Discuss when to round
and when to measure
with fractions. Discover
fractions, read fractions,
read fractions on a ruler,
and measure to the
nearest ½ inch.
Activity 4:
1) Read a ruler to the nearest
inch and make reference
points to compare inches to
foot 1G-4.6, 1G-4.7
2) Use comparative language
for activity and fill in the
blanks 1G-4.5
3) Use subtraction and division
to set up and solve
conversions 2N-2.2, 2N-2.5
Activity 2:
Convert metric units of
length within the metric
system from larger to
smaller & smaller to
Section 3:
Use measurement and
conversions of length in
several health/work
Activity 4:
Discover how to
convert inches to feet.
Practice converting feet
to inches including
converting with
Activity 3:
Compare feet & inches
and discover how to
convert feet to inches.
Practice converting feet
to inches including
adding extra inches to
Health Measurement_Overview_Beg-Numeracy
Unit Benchmarks:
From: Massachusetts Adult Basic Education Curriculum Framework: Mathematics and Numeracy
Section Product (SP):
N: Number Sense
P: Patterns,
S: Statistics &
G: Geometry &
Functions, & Algebra
 Learners will produce…
SP 1:
1N-1.4, 2N-1.1, 1P-1.2.3, 2P-3.6.1 1S-2.2
1G-4, 1G-4.5, 2G-
Measurements of
2N-2.4, 2N-3.4,
SP 2:
1N-1.4, 2N-1.1,
2N-2.4, 2N-3.2,
2N-3.4, 2N-3.6
1P-1.2.3, 2P-3.6.1, 2S-2.3,
1G-4.7.1, 2G-4.3.1, 
2G-4.4.1, 2G-4.5
1N-1.4, 2N-1.1,
2N-2.4, 2N-2.1,
2N-2.2, 2N-2.5,
2N-3.4, 2N-3.6,
1G-4.5, 1G-4.6, 1G- 
4.7, 1G-4.7.1, 2G4.3.2, 2G-4.3.3, 2G4.3.1, 2G-4.5, 2G4.5.1
Converting Weight
SP 3:
Converting Units of
Ronald Hubbs Center EL Civics 2011-2013 5
4.3, 2G-4.3.1, 2G4.5
Health Measurement_Overview_Beg-Numeracy
Math Unit Overview
Unit Theme: Health Measurement CASAS Math Form/Level Math A-B Unit Duration: 15 hrs
Section Product 1 (S1)
 Appropriate Units of
Use measurement and
Measurement (S1-A1a)
conversions of capacity in several  Capacity: Measuring Liquids
health/work scenarios.
Units & Conversions (S1-A1b)
 Capacity Measurements in
Health (S1-Ac)
 Metric System: Capacity (S1A2) (Needs to be completed by
 Liquid Measurement:
Tsp/Tbsp/Cup (S1-A3a-b)
 Liquid Measurement:
Cut/Pt/Qt/Gal (S1-A4a-b)
 Health Scenarios: Capacity
(S1a) (Needs to be completed
by teacher)
 Liquid Measurement: Quiz
Section Product 2 (S2)
Unit Introduction (Intro)
Discuss measurement used in our
Discuss appropriate units of capacity
lives and work. Discuss capacity,
measurements for different liquids
weight, & length. Talk about how we and purposes. Discuss Capacity
use measurement in healthcare.
vocabulary & conversions. Discuss
capacity units in healthcare.
Activity Product 2 (S1-A2)
Convert metric units of capacity
within the metric system from
larger to smaller & smaller to
Activity Product 3 (S1-A3) Activity Product 4 (S1-A4) Activity Product 5 (S1-A5)
Convert customary units of
capacity, tsp/Tbsp/cup from
larger to smaller & smaller to
Convert customary units of
capacity, cup/pt/qt/gal from
larger to smaller & smaller to
Activity Product 1 (S2-A1) Activity Product 2 (S2-A2) Activity Product 3 (S2-A3)
Discuss units of weight and when Convert metric units of weight Convert customary units of
 Thinking about Weight (S2Use measurement and
to use each one. Discuss weight within the metric system from
weight from larger to smaller &
conversions of weight in several  Weight Measures &
vocabulary and conversions.
larger to smaller & smaller to
smaller to larger.
health/work scenarios.
Conversions (S2-A1b)
 Metric System: Units of Weight Activity Product 4 (S2-A4) Activity Product 5 (S2-A5) Activity Product 6 (S2-A6)
(S2-A2) (Needs to be
Solve weight conversion word
completed by teacher)
 Weight Conversions (S2-A3ab)
 Weight Conversions Word
Problems (S2-A4)
 Health Scenarios: Weight (S2a)
(Needs to be completed by
 Weight Conversions: Quiz
Ronald Hubbs Center EL Civics 2011-2013 6
Health Measurement_Overview_Beg-Numeracy
Section Product 3 (S3)
Use measurement and
conversions of length in several
health/work scenarios.
 Which Measurement Do I Use?
 Length Measures &
Conversions (S3-A1b)
 Metric System: Length (S3-A2)
(To be completed by teacher)
 Feet vs Inches (S3-A3a)
 Converting Feet to Inches (S3A3b)
 Adding Extra Inches to
Conversions (S3-A3c)
 Measuring Classroom Objects:
Feet to Inches (S3-A3d)
 Feet vs Inches 2 (S3-A4a)
 Converting Inches to Feet (S3A4b)
 Converting with Remainders
 Measuring Classroom Objects:
Inches to Feet (S3-A4d)
Suggested lessons to be
completed by the teacher:
 Rounding vs. Fractions (S3A5a)
 Understanding Fractions (S3A5b)
 Reading Ruler Fractions (S3A5c)
 Measuring to the Nearest ¼
inch (S3-A5d)
 Health Scenarios: Units of
Length (S3a)
 Units of Length: Quiz (S3b)
Ronald Hubbs Center EL Civics 2011-2013 7
Activity Product 1 (S3-A1) Activity Product 2 (S3-A2) Activity Product 3 (S3-A3)
Discuss units of length and when Convert metric units of length
to use each one. Discuss length within the metric system from
vocabulary and conversions.
larger to smaller & smaller to
Compare feet & inches and
discover how to convert feet to
inches. Practice converting feet
to inches including adding extra
inches to conversions.
Activity Product 4 (S3-A4) Activity Product 5 (S3-A5) Activity Product 6 (S3-A6)
Discover how to convert inches
to feet. Practice converting feet
to inches including converting
with remainders.
Discuss when to round and when
to measure with fractions.
Discover fractions, read fractions,
read fractions on a ruler, and
measure to the nearest ½ inch.