Study Guide Exam I Dr. Capps’ Com-104 Sections CHAPTER 1: The field of communication is how old? a. over 2000 years b. 100 years c. 1000 years d. 50 years In ancient Greece, communication education focused on: a. public speaking (rhetoric) b. parliamentary procedure c. none of these choices d. effective group discussion The many areas in the field of communication are unified by which central theme(s)? a. noise and feedback b. feedback and symbols c. symbols and meaning d. messages and noise The most sophisticated models of communication are: a. pluralistic b. transactive c. linear d. interactive Which of the following is NOT a feature of the transactive model of communication presented in the textbook? a. time b. systems c. speaker d. noise Shelly does poorly on an examination and says to herself, "I'm so dumb. I'll never graduate from college." Shelly's statements to herself are an example of: a. fantasy theme b. interpersonal communication c. convergent communication d. intrapersonal communication In organizations, employees generally have shared understandings of their organization's goals and values as well as appropriate codes of conduct on the job. These shared understandings are called a. organizational culture b. professional etiquette c. work life codes d. organizational themes Couples in long-distance romantic relationships report that the greatest problem they face is: a. sharing major events in their lives b. not sharing small talk c. finding times when it's convenient to call d. affording airline tickets Avoiding lower self concept, physical and emotional well being, and deadly diseases are all reasons to focus on the ________ value of communication. a. cultural b. personal c. relationship d. professional Study Guide Exam I Dr. Capps’ Com-104 Sections If you are a journalist asking the who, what, where, when, why, and how questions typical in an interview, you are most likely using the ________ model. a. interactive b. linear c. communication d. transactional If we go back to the beginning of communication, which current research strand would most interest those people? a. Organizational Communication b. Media and New Technology Communication c. Intrapersonal Communication d. Public Communication Which of the following areas of research and values of communication is correctly paired? a. Personal and media and new technology communication b. Professional and intrapersonal communication c. Cultural and intrapersonal communication d. Professional and organizational communication Of the values associated with understanding communication, which can be associated with ethical communication a. Personal b. Cultural, Personal, and Professional c. Professional d. Cultural If you study communication, which of the following career paths are you ready to follow? a. Sales b. Education c. Caregiving d. Parenting ________ is the foundation of the field of communication. a. Meaning b. Ethics c. Symbols d. Critical thinking CHAPTER 2: Which of the following is NOT a dimension of attributions? a. organized/disorganized b. internal/external locus c. stable/unstable d. global/specific Pat says, "I didn't get the job, but it wasn't because I messed up the interview. The interviewer asked really difficult questions and all of my preparation couldn't have prepared me." Pat's explanation for not getting the job illustrates: a. the influence of social roles b. self-serving bias c. self-fulfilling prophecy d. cultural sense making "Dr. Tucker is the best professor I've ever had." In this statement, Dr. Tucker is a(n) a. stereotype b. prototype c. personal construct d. script Study Guide Exam I Dr. Capps’ Com-104 Sections "Dr. Tucker is more informed and more interesting than other professors I've had." In this statement, Dr. Tucker is perceived using which form of schemata: a. stereotypes b. prototypes c. scripts d. personal constructs In contrast to couples that are unhappy, happy couples tend to attribute nice things a partner does to a. stable, global, internal causes b. stable, global, external causes c. stable, specific, internal causes d. unstable, global, external causes Knowledge schemata that have been identified include all of the following EXCEPT a. themes b. prototypes c. personal constructs d. scripts According to standpoint theory, a. different social groups in a culture have distinct degrees of power b. cultures include different social groups that have equal power c. cultures include different social groups that have equal power, different social groups in a culture have distinct degrees of power, and standpoints affect how individuals perceive the world d. Standpoints affect how individuals perceive the world Elvira assumes she knows what her roommate would want for dinner so she fixes what she thinks her roommate would like. Elvira has engaged in a. static evaluation b. empathy c. mindreading d. polarized thinking Michael sees a person stumbling out of a local bar and Michael says to himself, "that dude is drunk." Michael has failed to distinguish between a. empathy and person-perception b. facts and inferences c. prototypes and scripts d. perception and interpretation A word that is especially likely to lead to confusing between facts and inferences is a. is b. seems c. true d. think Which of the following is NOT involved in the perception process? a. selecting b. organizing c. constructing d. interpreting Kendra is walking on campus after a late night of studying and she sees a person without a home. Normally, she would say hello but today she ignores the person. Which influence on perception is affecting her today? a. culture b. social roles c. cognitive abilities d. physiology Study Guide Exam I Dr. Capps’ Com-104 Sections Tonya, a mom of two young sons, takes particular notice when other parents place their children improperly in a shopping cart. Which influence on perception is affecting her in this situation a. cognitive abilities b. social roles c. culture d. physiology Carrie came to my office one day to talk about her lack of hope due to anorexia. Typically, I classify everyone I hear about in this situation as dumb and out of control. However, because I knew Carrie as a strong but quiet student, my stereotype did not fit. I was engaging in ________. a. organization b. cognitive scripting c. interpretation d. person centered perception After returning the first exam of the semester, Belinda asked the students why they believed the class average was so low. She received answers such as, "the questions were too hard," "we didn't know what to expect," and "the exam was too long." These responses are examples of ________ a. scripts b. attributions c. cognitive complexity d. self serving bias CHAPTER 3: Frank says to his son, Chuck, "You should stand up for yourself." This is an example of a. attachment style b. self-sabotage c. reflected appraisal d. direct definition Frank is consistently loving and responsive to Chuck when they interact. This suggests that Chuck is experiencing which attachment style? a. anxious/resistant b. dismissive c. secure d. ambivalent Chuck says, "Daddy says I am strong, so I must be strong." The son's comment illustrates a. identity script b. reflected appraisal c. social comparison d. self-sabotage Chuck plays ball with his friends and realizes that two of them are better catchers than he is. Chuck thinks, "I am not as good a catcher as I thought." Chuck's reassessment of his catching ability is prompted by a. direct definition b. reflected appraisal c. self-sabotage d. social comparison People with dismissive attachment styles a. have negative views of others b. have a positive view of self c. have negative views of others and have a positive view of self d. have a negative view of self The general views and values endorsed by a society or social group are called a. the perspective of the generalized other b. identity scripts c. the perspective of particular others d. self-fulfilling prophecy Study Guide Exam I Dr. Capps’ Com-104 Sections Jimmie's parents continuously tell him "you can't trust others," "look out for yourself because nobody else will," and "don't believe what people tell you." Jimmie grows up to be very independent and he does not rely on others. The independent, distrustful identity that Jimmie develops is clearly influenced by a. the ladder of abstraction b. direct definition c. self-fulfilling prophecy d. identity scripts When Jimmie meets new people, he perceives them as deceitful and untrustworthy and he hears his father saying, "never trust others." Jimmie's view of others reflects a. the perspective of the generalized other b. reflected appraisal c. self-fulfilling prophecy d. the perspective of a particular other Frank and Edwin were assigned to be roommates. For their first 3 months of living together, Frank liked Edwin and thought he was lucky to have gotten such an interesting and considerate roommate. When Edwin discloses that he is gay, Frank moves out. Frank seems to be motivated by a. cultural relativism b. reflected appraisal c. perceptual incongruity d. homophobia Whenever Tammy sees Pat, Pat smiles and says something nice about how Tammy looks or what she is doing. As a result, Tammy always feels better about herself when she's around Pat. For Tammy Pat is a(n) a. upper b. generalized other c. attachment style d. downer Regulative rules are most like ________. a. reflective appraisal b. identity scripts c. direct definition d. self fulfilling prophecy Michaela grew up in Argentina believing she would never learn to speak English because her parents did not speak English. At age 14, Juan moved into her neighborhood and they started hanging out together. He spoke English and she longed to learn. As time passed, he began only speaking English to her and she slowly picked up the language. Michaela was able to break through her ________. a. identity script b. reflected appraisal c. direct definition d. self-fulfilling prophecy Belinda is a child care provider in a small center. The children and parents love her caring nature and concern for her well being. Because money is such a driving force in ratings for child care centers, she is always looking at what the larger centers are able to provide (e.g., big play areas, international posters, extra toys). Belinda is engaging in ________. a. social comparison b. self-fulfilling prophecy c. direct definition d. reflected appraisal Which of the following is NOT a mechanism for helping change our self? a. Recognize the role of the generalized other b. Make a commitment to perfectionism c. Create a supportive context for change d. Set realistic goals Study Guide Exam I Dr. Capps’ Com-104 Sections Using the word "can't" in your everyday language is another way of engaging in ________. a. view of particular others b. identity scripts c. self sabotage d. direct definition CHAPTER 4: Groups that live in a dominant culture and also identify with non-dominant groups are called a. nomads b. social communities c. dual cultures d. subcultures Which of the following is (are) rule(s) of feminine communication? a. use talk expressively b. assert yourself c. use talk to solve problems and give advice d. use talk to solve problems and give advice and use talk expressively Emily and Joanna are catching up and Joanna is telling Emily about her life. As Joanna talks Emily nods and murmurs, "um hm," "yeah," "I know what you mean." These responses are called a. deferential communication b. listening noises c. maximal encouragers d. symmetrical communication In general, individuals who have been socialized into masculine social communities tend to regard talking about relationships a. as useful only if there is a problem that needs to be resolved and as diminishing intimacy b. as diminishing intimacy c. as useful only if there is a problem that needs to be resolved d. as pointless Within African American social communities, playing the dozens is a game to ________. a. display verbal wit b. display verbal witand entertain c. entertain d. show arrogance Nonmaterial components of cultures include a. beliefs, language, climate, and natural resources b. values, beliefs, norms, and language c. values, language, beliefs and natural resources d. values, beliefs, natural resources, and norms Views of what is good, right, and worthwhile that are shared among members of a culture are called a. properties b. norms c. beliefs d. values Americans' language includes terms such as "brocade," "bravo," and "souffle" which originated in other cultures. Importing words from other cultures is an example of a. invention b. reappropriation c. consciousness d. diffusion Study Guide Exam I Dr. Capps’ Com-104 Sections The tendency to think one's own culture is superior to other cultures is called a. egocentrism b. ethnocentrism c. moral relativism d. cultural relativism Jesse thinks women's communication style is ineffective, but also accepts the fact that they do have their own ways of communicating. Jesse's response to women's communication illustrates a. toleration b. understanding c. resistance d. respect Purchasing gasmasks to save ourselves in times of terrorism threats is an example of a ________. a. language b. norm c. belief d. value In the Southern portion of the United States, using "y'all" to refer to a group of people is an example of ________. a. beliefs b. language c. norms d. values Having so many words that start with "self-" in American English is an example of our culture's ________. a. language b. values c. beliefs d. norms Corporate social responsibility, where organizations are asked to be aware of the impact they are having on the environment, their employees, and society as a whole, is an example of ________. a. diffusion b. cultural calamity c. language d. invention When communicatively competent individuals recognize that different cultures think, act, and communicate in different ways, they are adopting the perspective of ________. a. moral relativism b. cultural relativism c. ethnocentrism d. egocentrism CHAPTER 7: Lyle feels overwhelmed by communication coming from people at a meeting he attends. The Chair is talking about the task of the group, members are engaged in side-line conversations, and computer graphics are being presented--all at the same time. Lyle is experiencing a. message complexity b. preoccupation c. prejudgment d. message overload Edwina goes to a public presentation by an author whose work she has read and of which she disapproves. Before the author begins speaking, Edwina thinks to herself, 'I know what he's going to say and I know he is wrong.' Edwina's ability to listen effectively is likely to be hampered by a. message overload b. prejudgment c. preoccupation d. message complexity Study Guide Exam I Dr. Capps’ Com-104 Sections Dan listens carefully to what his father says in order to refute his father's ideas. As soon as his father pauses, Dan jumps in and says, "You said three things that don't stand up." Dan seems to be engaging in a. defensive listening b. ambushing c. pseudolistening d. monopolizing Dianne is trying to do some last minute cramming before an exam. So, while she is sitting in her psychology class, she is reading over her notes for the upcoming economics exam. Dianne looks up at the psychology professor often and nods her head to indicate she is attentive. Dianne is engaging in a. defensive listening b. monopolizing c. pseudolistening d. ambushing While his friend Kurt is speaking, Pat interjects these comments: "go on," "I'm following you," "what happened next?" These are examples of a. expressing support b. minimal encouragers c. paraphrasings d. showing dual perspective Research cited in the text indicates that most people forget about how much of what they hear? a. two thirds b. 90% c. one half d. one third In comparison to men, in general, women tend to a. give less verbal feedback b. make more eye contact when they listen, give less verbal feedback and use fewer head nods and facial expressions c. use fewer head nods and facial expressions d. make more eye contact when they listen Which of the following is NOT an internal obstacle to effective listening a. prejudgments b. lack of effort c. message complexity d. preoccupation To help herself remember a lecture, Tonya makes up a word in which each letter represents a key idea from the lecture. The word Tonya makes up is called a a. retendo b. memorabilia c. memetic device d. mnemonic Aaron is suspicious that his computer is not working properly. He cuts off all other noise and listens to the computer as he gives it commands. He hears a whirring sound that has not been present before and decides to take the machine in for a tune-up. Aaron was listening a. critically b. for information c. to discriminate d. for pleasure Doctors tend to interrupt patients ________ seconds into their conversations a. 20 b. 40 c. 90 d. 60 Study Guide Exam I Dr. Capps’ Com-104 Sections Which of the following is necessary for both informational and relational listening? a. paraphrasing b. asking questions c. organizing information d. using recall aids By age ________, children learn to distinguish sounds from the language they hear most a. 2 b. 4 c. 1 d. 3 Which of the following is necessary for listening a. being mindful, physically receiving messages, selecting and organizing stimuli b. being mindful, hearing, interpreting c. being mindful, physically receiving messages, selecting and organizing stimuli, being mindful, hearing, interpreting, and being mindful, responding, remembering. d. being mindful, responding, remembering Each time Kristin tries to tell Aleah about her day, Aleah interrupts and tries to one up her with a better story of a worse day. Aleah is engaging in ________. a. pseudolistening b. ambushing c. defensive listening d. monopolizing