Any Old Bag Will Do -- Speech

Any Old Bag Will DoIntroduction Bag Speech
English 10
Topics: Introduce yourself to the class revealing a significant object/symbol (no photos or
electronic devices) from your past, present, and future (three objects—one from each
time). Explain the significance of each object with anecdotes, examples, reasons, etc. In
addition, bring the objects in a bag that also reflects something unique about you. For
example, bring them in a sport bag, name brand bag, decorated bag, or gift bag. Include the
significance of the bag in your speech in the introduction.
Time: 1.5-3 minutes. You are allowed a grace period of 15 seconds at either end.
Process for Preparing the Speech:
1. Brainstorm on paper objects/symbols to represent yourself. Write notes by each
object about possible ideas to discuss.
2. Choose the three most interesting and unique objects/symbols. Again be sure that
each one represents your past, present, and future.
3. Determine the order for presentation of these. The order should be chronological
from either past to future or future to past.
4. Create five note cards ( intro, one for each object, conclusion)
5. Write an introduction, which will first gain the reader’s attention about the topic
(you) and explains the reason why you chose the bag
6. Write a conclusion. The last few sentences should offer a memorable sense of
summary and/or closure about you
7. Practice delivering your speech multiple times
 Use innovative and appropriate items that will give the audience insight into your
interests, hobbies, jobs, goals, and/or family.
Due Dates:
During the month of September and the first weeks of October, three introduction bag
speeches will be given a day. Students will sign up on a calendar in advance. The first
day of introduction bag speeches will begin on Tuesday September 14th
Be CREATIVE! This should be a fun way to start your speaking experiences.