MOUSE TRAP CAR Individual Project 156pts Car & Steps 1-3 Due ____________ Sketches & Steps 1-5 Due ___________ YOUR TASK: This is your first COMPLETE INQUIRY project where you will be given a Question to answer and then you design an experiment, conduct it and then write a complete Lab Write-Up. YOUR QUESTION: What Simple Machine change can be made to a Mousetrap Car within 20 minutes so it will work better by going a longer distance in meters ? The situation will be this: 1) research how mousetrap cars work - as with starting PPT projects research is lengthy and educates you so you can do the rest of the experiment better and more efficiently. After research: figure out a basic design your car, then start building it (it may change, that’s OK). Your final sketches should be done showing a working car. 2) pick one of the three legal simple machines (explained later in an Entry Question) of the Mousetrap Car that is DOING WORK to modify (your Manipulated Variable) that you can easily change in 20 minutes to make it go further because of having more Mechanical Advantage (not just something simple like lubricating the axle or putting traction on wheels to change friction or weight). 3) build and TEST your car before the “Big Cheese Race Day” (due date for car) as close to “race conditions” as possible – but you are NOT collecting data until race day. KIT CARS ARE NOT ALLOWED ! THEY MUST BE UNIQUE STUDENT CREATIONS ! 4) complete your Lab Write-Up with Steps 1, 2 and 3 ONLY. You will be collecting your data on race day. In the Procedure, just put as 1. “1. Build car according to attached sketches.” and then starting with 2. write out what you think are the numbered logical steps for DOING THE INVESTIGATION to answer your question. 5) Come to Race Day completely prepared to run at least one “Unmodified Runs” with a distance of AT LEAST 1 meter (showing the car at least works). You will then have at least 20 minutes to make your modification before at least one “Modified Run”. DO NOT COUNT ON ANY MORE TIME THAN 20 MINUTES. Your Modified Runs should be better than your first run (i.e. modification made an improvement in distance) though this may not happen – which is still valid data, but we are trying to make a BETTER car ! 6) After racing, for homework, complete the Lab Write-Up Steps 4 and 5 with the collected data. You will have at least one piece of data for each situation. Attach the final sketches of the car brought to class (modified or not) with TOP, SIDE and FRONT views with dimensions (measurements) in cm and descriptions of what parts are made of (use recycled materials as much as possible). The drawing MUST be the same size as the Write-Up pages (8.5 x 11) and can be folded to that size. Have name and period on everything: Write-Up, Drawing Pages and Car !! Also, have some way of protecting your car until you race (a box??). If you leave the car in the classroom, it is done so at YOUR OWN RISK. No excuses can be accepted for obvious reasons. RULES for this project. If you break the rules, you will be given a ZERO – so READ THEM CAREFULLY Rules The Mousetrap car must be powered only by the mousetrap spring. NO other source of energy may be used (e.g. CO2 cartridge, battery, elastic strings, rubber bands, etc.) Rubber bands on wheels for traction are OK - they don’t add energy. Car will use the same and only ONE standard wood “Victor”-style mousetrap (no rat traps, plastic modern traps, etc.). This keeps grading consistent and fair. The mousetrap must be securely mounted to the frame (you can add to the mousetrap’s parts, but you can not remove anything – i.e. mousetrap can still work) The distance that a car travels will be measured by the location of the front wheels. Each car has at least 2 runs and will be assigned a random number to determine the run order. There will be no less than 20 minutes between the unmodified and modified trials Each car MUST be ready for racing when called – so prep your car ahead of time (just as in car races you need to be at the Starting Line when race starts – BE READY !!) You must wait for the judge (teacher) to give you the “OK To GO” command before tripping the trap / releasing your car. Cars must have all wheels in contact with the floor at all times. Once the trap has been tripped (or car released), the student may not touch or otherwise interfere with the car. Mousetrap Car is designed only by student (however, if safety or skills require someone else to make a PART for the car, then student tells them EXACTLY what they need made) Mousetrap Car sketches also must be made by the student only (yup - teachers can tell) ****************************************************************************** Grading 56 points will come from the completeness of the Lab Write-Up. 10pts for Steps 1-3 on Race Day, then when Lab Write-Up is graded it is 18 items on Investigative Design Rubric (found online in Unit 0 – General Help) x 2pts each + 10pts for having Steps 1-5 to grade on due date. This is just like the Casein Glue Lab Write-Up. Write-Ups are VERY important ! 40 points will come from the sketches – on white 8 ½ x 11” papers have three neat sketches (one for each of the three dimensions: TOP, SIDE and FRONT) with measurements in “cm (American)” format between major places such as: distance between axles, wheel height, width between wheels, etc. - and labels for parts used. Black and white fine, color is optional. SKETCHES NEED TO BE HAND-WRITTEN – BUT NEATNESS COUNTS TOO 60 points for a working car that goes at least 5 meters (1m minimum for passing grade) (no last minute lunchroom garbage cars with Scotch tape, etc. will be accepted) BONUS POINTS: At the conclusion of the racing, cars will be placed in front of their owners for pictures and some possible bonus points awarded. BONUS POINTS can be given for each of: ARTISTIC or VISUALLY APPEALING (up to 5pts) MECHANICAL / MATERIALS INGENUITY (up to 5pts) DISTANCE TRAVELED BEYOND 5m (up to 10pts) GOOD LUCK RACERS !