curriculum vitae - Asian Journal of Andrology

Curriculum Vitae
William Steven Ward, Ph.D.
William Steven Ward, Ph.D.
Date: March 7, 2016
Biographical Background:
Date of Birth:
May 26, 1957
Place of Birth:
Lynn, Massachusetts
3030 Lowrey Ave #108
Honolulu, HI 96822
Institute for Biogenesis Research
John A. Burns School of Medicine
University of Hawaii
1960 East-West Road
Honolulu, HI 96822
(808) 956-5189
(808) 956-7316
Educational and Academic Experience:
Belmont Abbey College
American University of Beirut
1978-1980, B.S., Chemistry
American University of Beirut
1980-1981, M.S., Biochemistry
Vanderbilt University
1981-1985, Ph.D., Biochemistry
Johns Hopkins University
1985-1989, Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Medicine and Denistry of New Jersey/
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School (UMDNJ/RWJMS)
1990-1991, AdjunctAssistant Professor of Surgery
1991-1998, Assistant Professor of Surgery
1998-2000, Associate Professor of Surgery, with Tenure
University of Hawaii,
Institute for Biogenesis Research
2000-2006, Associate Professor of Anatomy and Reproductive
Curriculum Vitae
Interim Director, IBR
William Steven Ward, Ph.D.
October 2004 – October 2005
University of Hawaii,
Institute for Biogenesis Research
2006-Present, Professor of Anatomy, Biochemistry & Physiology
National Offices:
Secretary, Society for Basic Urologic Research, 1996-2000.
Vice President, Society for Basic Urologic Research, 2000-2001
President, Society for Basic Urologic Research, 2001-2002
National Committees:
Chairman, Donald S. Coffey Lectureship Committee, Society of Basic Urogolic Research, August 1990 to
May 1994.
American Urologic Association Program Committee (1997- 1999)
Executive Committee Ad Hoc Member, Society for University Urologists, SBUR Representative, 1998-1999
American Urologic Association, Research Council, 2002-2003
Chairman, Local Arrangements Committee for the Society for the Study of Reproduction Annual Meeting,
Member, Endowments Committee, SSR, 2009 to current
Society Memberships:
American Society for Cell biology
Society for Basic Urological Research
Society for the Study of Reproduction
American Association for the Advancement of Science
New York Academy of Sciences
American Association for Cancer Research,
NIH Training Grant, 1981-1982
Noble Foundation Predoctoral, Fellowship Award, 1982-1984
Sigma Xi
Fellow of the Johns Hopkins Oncology Center, l985-l989
Edwin A. Beer Award, New York Academy of Sciences, 1992
University Committees:
Member, Admissions Committee, RWJMS/Rutgers Joint Program in Cell and Developmental Biology, 1991
to present.
Chairman, The Cancer Institute of New Jersey Distinguished Seminar Series, 1991 to present.
Curriculum Vitae
William Steven Ward, Ph.D.
Member, Education Committee, Cancer Institute of New Jersey, 1993 to present.
Member, Recruitment Committee, RWJMS/Rutgers Molecular Biosciences Joint Curriculum, 1994 to
Member, Scientific Review Board, Cancer Institute of New Jersey, 1995 to present.
Chairman, Admissions Committee, RWJMS/Rutgers Joint Program in Cell and Developmental Biology, 1998
to present.
Member, Department of Surgery Appointments and Promotions Committee, 1998-2001
Member, Department of Surgery Task Force on Scholarship, 1998-present
Member, Special Commission for Rutgers Master's Program, 1999-2000
Member, Search Committee for Chairman of Genetics, University of Hawaii, 2002
Member, Faculty Senate, JABSOM, University of Hawaii, 2002-present
Member, Committee of Academic Policies and Procedures, 2003-2004.
Member, University of Hawaii University Research Council, 2002-2005.
Vice President (President-Elect), Faculty Senate, JABSOM, University of Hawaii, 2002-present
Member, Manao Faculty Senate (2003-2005)
Chairman, Manoa Faculty Senate Research Committee (2004 – present)
President, Faculty Senate, JABSOM, (2004 – 2006)
Departmental Promotions Committee (2004 – Present)
Ad Hoc Dept. Prom. Com. for Dept. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases (2006)
JABSOM Ad Hoc Dept. Prom. Comm. to Review Faculty from Departments with Low No. Tenured
Professors (2006)
JABSOM Post Tenure Review Committee. to Review Faculty from Departments with Low No. Tenured
Professors (2006)
Member, Appointments and Promotions Committed, JABSOM, 2007 – 2010
Member, Manoa Faculty Senate, 2009 – 2010
Chair, Institutional Biosafety Committee, 2009 – 2010
Member, Faculty Advisory Committee for Academic Freedom (FACAF), November 2010.
Community Service:
April, 2002 - Member, Scientific Review Committee, Hawaii Academy of Science
April, 2002 - Judge, Science Fair, Hawaii Academy of Science
April, 2010 - Judge, Science Fair, Hawaii Academy of Science
Past Grant Support:
"Cloning and Sequencing of DNA Specifically Associated with a Novel Nuclear Structure, the Sperm
Nuclear Annulus"
General Research Support RWJMS Research Program
Start Date, December 1, 1991
Curriculum Vitae
William Steven Ward, Ph.D.
Total Award: $12,000.
PI: W. Steven Ward, Ph.D.
"The Isolation and Cloning of Specific Sequences Associated with the Sperm Nuclear Matrix". The
Foundation of UMDNJ.
Start Date, July 1, 1991.
Total Award: $24,914.50
PI: W. Steven Ward, Ph.D.
"The Organization of DNA in the Mammalian Sperm Nucleus". N.I.H., NICHD HD 28501 (Start Date,
August 1, 1991)
Total Award: $301,693
PI: W. Steven Ward, Ph.D.
"Isolation of DNA Sequences Specifically Associated with the Sperm Nuclear Annulus". New York
Academy of Medicine, Edwin A. Beer Award. (July 1, 1992 to June 30, 1995)
Total Award: $75,000
PI: W. Steven Ward, Ph.D.
“The Organization of DNA in the Mammalian Sperm Nucleus”, The Foundation of UMDNJ. Start Date,
July 1, 1997.
Total Award: $25,000
PI: W. Steven Ward, Ph.D.
“The Organization of DNA in the Mammalian Sperm Nucleus". N.I.H., NICHD HD 28501-06. Feb 1, 1998
to Jan 31, 2001
Total Award: $545,611
PI: W. Steven Ward, Ph.D.
“Functional Aspects of Mammalian Sperm Chromatin Structure”. N.I.H., NICHD HD R03HD38080. July 1,
1999 to June 30, 2001
Total Award: $159,000
PI: W. Steven Ward, Ph.D.
“The Importance of the Sperm Nuclear Matrix in Embryogenesis”. NIH, NICHD HD 28501-10A1. Jan. 1,
2002 to Dec. 31, 2005.
Total Award: $881,192
PI: W. Steven Ward, Ph.D.
“The Importance of the Sperm Nuclear Matrix in Embryogenesis”. NIH, NICHD HD 28501-10A1S1 Jan. 1,
2002 to Dec. 31, 2004.
Total Award: $99,962
PI: W. Steven Ward, Ph.D.
10. “Germline-specific reprogramming in cloned mice”. NIH, NICHD
July 1, 2002 to June 30, 2007
Total Award, $2,614,847
Curriculum Vitae
William Steven Ward, Ph.D.
PI: John McCarrey
10% Effort, W. Steven Ward, Ph.D.
Current Grant Support
“Institute for Biogenesis Research – COBRE”, NIH, NCRR
1 P20RR024206-01 A1
7/1/08 to 6/31/13
Total Direct Costs: $6,956,020
Total Costs: $10,599,915
This is a program project grant to support five junior investigators in the Institute for Biogenesis Research
PI: W. Steven Ward, Ph.D.
“Contribution of Sperm Nucleus to Paternal DNA Replication”
4/1/10 to 3/31/15
Total Direct Costs: $1,125,000
Total Costs: $1,537,875
The major goal of this project is to determine the roles of ORC1L and ORC2L in DNA replication in the one
cell embryo.
PI: W. Steven Ward, Ph.D.
Editorial Boards:
Journal of Andrology, 2002 to Present
Biology of Reproduction, 2003 to 2005
Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine, 2008 to current
N.I.H. Study Sections:
Member, Special Study Section for NIDDK, RFA entitled "Insterstitial Cystitis", July 16-18, 1993.
Member, Special Study Section for NIDDK, RFA entitled "Insterstitial Cystitis", July 24-26, 1994.
Chairman, NIDDK Special Emphasis Panel Review Group ZDK1-GRB-D (01), RFA DK98-005, for
combined T32/K12 applications for “Physician and Scientist Training Program in Urologic Research”,
July 27, 1998.
Participation in National Courses:
Faculty, “Basic Concepts in Molecular Biology and Molecular Genetics; Basic Science for Clinicians”, January
10-11, 1998, Dallas, Texas (AUA Item #080801)
Faculty, “Basic Concepts in Molecular Biology and Molecular Genetics; Basic Science for Clinicians”, June 2-3,
2000, Dallas, Texas (AUA Item #080801)
Curriculum Vitae
William Steven Ward, Ph.D.
Spring Semester, 1993-Present, Rutgers University; Designed and taught Graduate level course entitled
"Structure of Eukaryotic DNA"
Fall, 1996 - Present; Lecturer in “Cell Biology”, RWJMS/Rutgers University Joint Program in Cell and
Developmental Biology
Fall, 1997; Lecturer, “Basic Science for Surgeons”, for surgery residents.
Spring, 2001-Present; Lecturer, “Cell Biology”, Graduate School Course, University of Hawaii
Fall, 2003-Present, Lecturer to Medical Students in Cell Biology Course
Masters Thesis
"The Partial Purification and Characterization of the Arylsulfatase of the Hypobranchial Gland of Murex
trunculus". M.S. Thesis, 1981.
Doctoral Dissertation
"Structural Studies on Novikoff Ascites Hepatoma Cytokeratins".
Ph.D. Dissertation, 1985.
Ping Ji, Advisor, M.S. degree, 1992
Chandana Rao, Advisor for Masters degree, 1998
Jeff Shaman, Advisor for Masters degree, 1999
Ramsey Foty, Ph.D., Mentor for Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1998-1999
Angela Klaus, Advisor, PhD degree, 2002
Siobhan McCarthy, PhD degree, 2002
Barbara Sotolongo, Advisor for PhD Dissertation, 1999-2004
Boris Umylny, Advisor for PhD Dissertation, 2001-2006
Jeffrey A. Shaman, Ph.D., postdoctoral fellow, 2004-2007
Yasuhiro Yamauchi, Ph.D., postdoctoral fellow, 2005-2006
Ken Dominguez, M.D. Advisor, 2006-2008,
Ph.D. Advisor, 2008 - current
Invited Lectures
American Fertility Society, Toronto, October, 1986
American Society of Andrology, Houston, April, 1988
XIth North American Testis Workshop, Montreal, April, 1991
NICHD and Univ. Penn. Sponsored Symposium, Meiosis II, Philadelphia, 1991
Curriculum Vitae
William Steven Ward, Ph.D.
Gordon Research Conference, "Mammalian Embryogenesis and Gametogenesis", Aug, 1994.
FASEB Symposium, "Molecular Genetic Basis of Cell and Tissue Structure and Function", August,
1994.MD Anderson Cancer Center, February 24, 1995.
Fall Symposium of the Society for Basic Urologic Research, University of North Carolina, December, 1995.
Coriell Institute, Camden, New Jersey, April 30, 1996.
Cambridge Symposium, "Nuclear Structure-Gene Interrelationships", Bolton Valley, VT, May 2, 1996.
10. Workshop on Molecular Approaches to Urologic Research, Spring Symposium Society for Basic Urologic
Research, Orlando, Fl., May 4, 1996.
11. International Symposium on Genetics of Human Male Fertility, Colliure, France, September 4-6, 1997.
Invited speaker.
12. University of Wisconsin, Reproductive Biology Seminar Series, September 25, 1997.
13. Mississippi/Alabama Urologic Society, Biloxi, MI, August 8, 1998.
14. Society for University Urologists, Orlando, FA, October 29, 1998.
15. International Symposium on Fertility, Birmingham, U.K., Invited Speaker, Nov. 12, 1998.
16. International Symposium on DNA Transfer in Spermatozoa, Invited Speaker, Siena, Italy, May 24-27, 1999.
17. Society for the Study of Reproduction, Annual Meeting, Pullman, WA., August 2, 1999.
18. Division of Urology, New Jersey Medical School, August 13, 1999.
19. Department of Urology, Long Island Jewish Medical Center, August 20, 1999.
20. Serano Symposium, “The Disappearing Male", November 2, 2003, Perth, Australia
21. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction, “Sperm DNA Degradation into Loop-Sized
Fragments and Its Possible Functions”, Quebec, Canada, July, 2005.
22. Advance Workshop of the Annual Meeitng of the British Andrology Society, “Loops, auto-digestion and
other features of spermatozoal DNA”, Leeds, Great Britain, Nov, 2006.
23. Annual Meeting of the Society for Basic Urology Research, Invited Plenary Speaker, “Sperm DNA
Fragmentation, Lessons for Somatic Cell Apoptosis”, Anaheim, California, May 19, 2007.
24. Society for the Study of Reproduction, Annual Meeting, Kona, HI., May 30, 2008.
25. European Society for Human Reproduction, "Sperm DNA: organisation, protection and vulnerability - from
basic science to clinical application", invited speaker, Stockholm, May 19 to 22, 2009
26. 4th International Symposium on the Genetics of Male Infertility, Invited Speaker. February 4-6, 2010 in Park
City, Utah.
27. 11th Spermatology Conference, Invited Speaker. June 24-29, Okinawa, Japan
28. XXIst North American Testis Workshop “Testicular Determinants of Reproductive Success”, Invited
Speaker “Contribution of the Sperm Nuclear Matrix to Fertilization and Development” March 30 – April 2,
2011, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Sessions Chaired at National Meetings
Chairman, Minisymposium Entitled "Mechanisms of Toxicant-Induced Alterations in Sperm Function: The
Sperm Nucleus as a Target"; 29th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction, London,
Curriculum Vitae
William Steven Ward, Ph.D.
Ontario, Canada, July 27-30, 1996.
Chairman, Minisymposium Entitled “Sperm Nuclear Structure”; 30th Annual Meeting of the Society for the
Study of Reproduction, Pullman, WA, July 30 - Aug. 2,, 1999.
Peer Reviewed Publications:
Ward, W. S., Schmidt, W. N., Schmidt, C. A. and Hnilica, L. S. Association of cytokeratin p39 with DNA
in intact Novikoff hepatoma cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 81:419-423, 1984.
Schmidt, W. N., Schmidt, C. A., McKusick, K. B., Ward, W. S. and Hnilica, L. S. Characterization of
monoclonal antibodies to Novikoff hepatoma cytokeratin antigen p39. Can. Res. 44:5867-5879, 1984.
Schmidt, W. N., Page, D. L., Schmidt, C. A., McKusick, K. B., Ward, W. S. and Hnilica, L.S. Tissue
distribution and immunohistochemical localization of Novikoff hepatoma cytokeratin p39 using specific,
monoclonal antibodies. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 455:766-780, 1984.
Wedrychowski, A., Ward, W. S., Schmidt, W. N. and Hnilica, L. S. Chromium induced crosslinking of
nuclear proteins and DNA. J. Biol. Chem. 260: 7150-7155, 1985.
Ward, W. S., Schmidt, W. N., Schmidt, C. A. and Hnilica, L. S. Crosslinking of the Novikoff ascites
hepatoma cytokeratin Filaments. Biochem. 24:4429-4434, 1985.
Wedrychowski, A., Schmidt, W. N., Ward, W. S. and Hnilica, L. S. Crosslinking of cytokeratins to DNA in
vivo by chromium salt and cis-diamminedichloro-platinum (II). Biochemistry. 21:1-9, 1986.
Ward, W. S., Partin, A. W., and Coffey, D. S. DNA loop domains in mammalian spermatozoa. Chromosoma.
98:153-159, 1989.
Ward, W. S. and Coffey, D. S. Identification of a sperm nuclear annulus: a sperm DNA anchor. Biology of
Reproduction. 41:361-370, 1989.
Carter, B. S., Ewing, C. M., Ward, W. S., Treiger, B. F., Aalders, T. W., Schalken, J. A., Epstein, J. I., and
Isaacs, W. B. Allelic loss of chromosomes 16q and 10q in human prostate cancer. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. 87:751-8755, 1990.
10. Ward, W. S., and Coffey, D. S. Specific organization of genes in relation to the sperm nuclear matrix.
Biochimecal and Biophysical Research Communications. 173:20-25, 1990.
11. Ward, W. S. and Cummings, K. B. DNA associated with the sperm nuclear annulus is specific for that
structure: repeated 5S RNA gene as probe. Surgical Forum. 42:677-679, 1991.
12. Ward, W. S., and Coffey. D.S. DNA packaging and organization in mammalian spermatozoa: comparison
with somatic cells. Biology of Reproduction 44:569-574, 1991.
13. Farrington, J. E., Patel, R., and Ward, W. S. The spermatozoal nuclear matrix and the nuclear annulus.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 637:164-174, 1991.
14. Getzenberg, R. H., Pienta, K. J., Ward, W. S., and Coffey, D. S. Nuclear structure and the three-dimensional
organization of DNA. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. 46:1-11, 1991.
15. Barone, J. G., Patel, R., Cummings, K. B., and Ward, W. S. Scanning electron micrographic evidence for a
nuclear annulus in human spermatozoa. Surgical Forum 42:730-731, 1992.
16. Cummings, K. B., Barone, J. G., and Ward, W. S. Diagnosis and Staging of Bladder Cancer. In: The
Curriculum Vitae
William Steven Ward, Ph.D.
Urologic Clinics of North America (Vol. 19:455-66), 1992.
17. Ward, W. S. DNA loop domain tertiary structure in mammalian spermatozoa. Biology of Reproduction
48:1193-1201, 1993.
18. Pienta, K. J., and Ward, W. S. An unstable nuclear matrix may contribute to genetic instability. Medical
Hypotheses. 42:45-52, 1994.
19. de Lara, J., Wydner, K. L., Hyland, K. M., and Ward, W. S. Fluorescent in situ hybridization of the telomere
repeat sequence in hamster sperm nuclear structures. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 53:213-221, 1993.
20. Ward, W. S., Wydner, K. L., and Hyland, K. M. Mammalian Sperm DNA Structure and Function. In:
Meiosis II: Contemporary Approaches to the Study of Meiosis. Eds. Haseltine, F., and Heyner, S., AAAS
Press (Washington), 1993.
21. Barone, J. G., De Lara, J., Cummings, K. B., and Ward, W. S. DNA organization in human spermatozoa.
Journal of Andrology. 15:139-144, 1994.
22. Ward, W. S. The structure of the sleeping genome: implications of sperm DNA organization for somatic
cells. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. 55:77-82 1994.
23. Ji, P., Karim, O. M. A., Boyd, C. D., Mostwin, J. L., and Ward, W. S. Elastin morphology in normal and
obstructed guinea pig bladders: localization of elastin to the trigone. World Journal of Urology. 13:191-194,
24. Ward, W. S., Nadel, B., de Lara, J., and Cummings, K. B. Specific changes in the organization of the 5s
rDNA loop domains during differentiation. Surgical Forum 46:767-768, 1995.
25. M. Tarlowe, G. Meisenberg, W. S. Ward, and K. B. Cummings. DNA Transfer from One Human Prostate
Cancer Cell to Another. Surgical Forum 46:776-778, 1995.
26. Nadel, B., de Lara, J., Finkernagel, S. W., and Ward, W. S. Cell specific organization of the 5S rRNA gene
cluster DNA loop domains in spermatozoa and somatic cells. Biology of Reproduction 53;1222-1228, 1995.
27. Nadel, B., de Lara, J., and Ward, W. S. Localization of rRNA genes in the hamster sperm nucleus. Journal
of Andrology 16:517-522, 1995.
28. Niemczyk, P., Sarvazyan, A., Fila, A., Amenta, P., Ward, W. S., Javidian, P., Breslauer, K., and Cummings,
K. B. Mechanical Imaging, A New Technology for Prostate Cancer Imaging. Surgical Forum 47:823-825,
29. Ward, W. S., and Zalensky, A. The Unique, Complex Organization of the Transcriptionally Silent Sperm
Chromatin. Critical Reviews in Eukaryotic Gene Expression, 6:139-148, 1996.
30. Ward, W. S., McNeil, J., de Lara, J,, Lawrence, J. Localization of three genes in the hook-shaped hamster
sperm nucleus by fluorescent in situ hybridization. Biology of Reproduction 54:1271-1278, 1996.
31. Farkas, A., Schneider, D., Cummings, K. B., Ward, W. S. Is prostate cancer screening analogous to lung
cancer screening? JAMA. 277:1120; discussion 1121-2, 1997.
32. Ward, W. S. Chromosome Organization in Mammalian Sperm Nuclei. In: Genetics of Human Male
Fertility. Eds: Barratt, C., De Jonge, C., Mortimer, D., and Parinaud, J., Editions E.D.K., Paris. pp. 147-163,
33. Neiderberger, C and Ward, W. S. The Cell as an Information Machine. Contemporary Urology 10:29-44,
Curriculum Vitae
William Steven Ward, Ph.D.
34. Perrotti, M., Rabbani, F., Farkas, A., Ward, W. S., Weiss, R.E., “Cummings, K.B. Time Trends in Men with
Poorly Differentiated Prostate Cancer from the National SEER Database. Journal of Urology, 160:811:815,
35. Niemczyk, P., Cummings, K.B., Sarvazyan, A. P., Bancila, E., Ward, W. S., and Weiss, R.E. Correlation of
Mechanical Imaging and Histopathology of Radical Prostatectomy Specimens: A Pilot Study for Detecting
Prostate Cancer. Journal of Urology, 160:797-801, 1998.
36. Farkas, A., Schneider, D., Perrotti, M., Cummings, K.B., Ward, W. S. National Trends in the Epidemiology
of Prostate Cancer 1973-1994: Evidence for the Effectiveness of PSA Sreening. Urology, 52:444-448, 1998.
37. Tateno, H., Wakayama, T., Ward, W. S., and Yanagimachi, R. Can Alcohol retain the Reproductive and
Genetic Potential of Sperm Nuclei?: Chromosome Analysis of Mouse Spermatozoa stored in Alcohol.
Zygote, 6(3):233-8, 1998.
38. Murphy, D. P., Saleem, M.A., Cummings, K. B., Rubin, E. H., Ward, W. S. Hamster Sperm Nuclear Matrix
Contains a Protein that Reacts with DNA Topoisomerase II Antibody. Surgical Forum, 49: 675-677, 1998.
39. Weiss, R.E., Sarvazyan, A., Niemczyk, P, Ward, W. S., and Cummings, K. B. Mechanical Imaging: A
Novel Device for Prostate Imaging. Surgical Forum, 49:684-685, 1998.
40. McCarthy, S., and Ward, W. S. Functional Aspects of Mammalian Sperm Chromatin, Human Fertility,
2:56-60, 1999.
41. Ward, W. S., Kimura, Y., Yanagimachi, R. An Intact Sperm Nuclear Matrix May be Necessary for the
Paternal Genome to Participate in Embryonic Development, Biology of Reproduction, 60:702-706, 1999.
42. Ward, W. S., Kishikawa, H., Akutsu, H., Yanagimach, H., and Yanagimach, R. Further Evidence that
Sperm Nuclear Proteins are Necessary for Embryogenesis, Zygote 8:51-56, 2000.
43. McCarthy, S., and Ward, W. S. Interaction of Exogenous DNA with the Nuclear Matrix of Live
Spermatozoa. Molecular Reproduction and Development, 56:235-7, 2000.
44. Barone, J.G., Christiano, A. P., and Ward, W. S. DNA Organization in Patients with a History of
Cryptorchidism. Urology 56:1-3, 2000.
45. Sotolongo, B., and Ward, W. S. DNA Loop Domain Organization: The Three Dimensional Genomic Code.
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 35:23-26, 2001.
46. Klaus, A. V., McCarrey, J. R., Farkas, A., and Ward, W. S. Changes in DNA Loop Domain Structure During
Spermatogenesis and Embryogenesis in the Syrian Golden Hamster. Biology of Reproduction,
64:1297-1306, 2001.
47. Ward, W. S. Building a Road to Defeat Prostate Cancer: A Dedication to Donald S. Coffey. in: Prostate
Cancer, eds. Leland W. K. Chung, William B. Isaacs, and Jonathan W. Simons, Human Press, Totowa, N.J.
48. Mohar, I., Szczygiel, M. A., Yanagimachi, R., and Ward, W. S. Sperm Nuclear Halos Can Transform into
Normal Chromosomes after Injection into Oocytes. Molecular Reproduction and Development 63:416-420,
49. Ankem, M. K., Mayer, E., Ward, W. S., Cummings, K. B., Barone, J. G. Novel assay for determining DNA
Curriculum Vitae
William Steven Ward, Ph.D.
organization in human spermatozoa: implications for male factor infertility. Urology 59:575-8, 2002
50. Szczygiel, M. A., and Ward, W. S. Combination of DTT and detergent treatment of spermatozoa causes
paternal chromosomal damage. Biology of Reproduction 67, 1532–1537, 2002.
51. Szczygiel, M. A., Moisyadi, S., Ward, W. S. Expression of foreign DNA is associated with paternal
chromosome degradation in ICSI-mediated transgenesis in the mouse. Biology of Reproduction,
68:1903-1910, 2003.
52. Sotolongo, B., Lino, E., and Ward, W. S. Hamster Spermatozoa have the Ability to Digest Their Own DNA.
Biology of Reproduction 69, 2029–2035, 2003.
53. Ward, M. A., and Ward, W. S. A Model for the Function of Sperm DNA Degradation. Fertility,
Reproduction and Development 16: 547-554, 2004.
54. Sotolongo, B., Huang, T. T. F., Isenberger, E., and Ward, W. S. An Endogenous Nuclease in Hamster,
Mouse and Human Spermatozoa Cleaves DNA into Loop-Sized Fragments. Journal of Andrology
26:272-280, 2005
55. Shaman, J. A., and Ward, W. S. Sperm Chromatin Stability and Susceptibility to Damage in Relation to Its
Structure. Sperm Chromatin Stability and Susceptibility to Damage in Relation to Its Structure. in, The
Sperm Cell: Production, Maturation, Fertilization, Regeneration Editors: Christopher De Jonge &
Christopher L.R. Barratt. Cambridge University Press, 2006.
56. Shaman, J. A., Prisztoka, R., and Ward, W. S. Topoisomerase IIB and an Extracellular Nuclease Interact to
Digest Sperm DNA in an Apoptotic-Like Manner. Biology of Reproduction, 75:741-748, 2006.
57. Yamauchi, Y., Shaman, J. A., and Ward, W. S. Topoisomerase II Mediated Breaks in Spermatozoa Cause
the Specific Degradation of Paternal DNA in Fertilized Oocytes. Biology of Reproduction, 76:666-672,
58. Umylny, B., Presting, G., Efird, J. T., Klimovitsky, B. I., and Ward, W. S. Most human Alu and murine B1
repeats are unique. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 102:110-121, 2007.
59. Shaman, J. A., Yamauchi, Y., and Ward, W. S. Sperm DNA Fragmentation: Awakening the Sleeping
Genome. Biochemical Society Transactions, 35:626-628, 2007.
60. Shaman, J. A., Yamauchi, Y., and Ward, W. S. The Sperm Nuclear Matrix is Required for Paternal DNA
Replication. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 102:680-688, 2007.
61. Shaman, J. A., Yamauchi, Y., and Ward, W. S. Function of the Sperm Nuclear Matrix. Archives of
Andrology, 53:135-140, 2007.
62. Umylny, B., Presting, G., and Ward, W. S. Evidence of Alu and B1 expression in dbEST. Archives of
Andrology, 53:207-218, 2007.
63. Yamauchi, Y., Shaman, J. A., Boaz, S. M., and Ward, W. S. Paternal Pronuclear DNA Degradation is
Functionally Linked to DNA Replication in Mouse Oocytes. Biology of Reproduction, 77:407-415, 2007.
64. Boaz, S. M., Dominguez, K., Shaman, J. A., and Ward, W. S. Mouse Spermatozoa Contain a Nuclease that
Is Activated by Pretreatment with EGTA and Subsequent Calcium Incubation. Journal of Cellular
Biochemistry, 103:1636-1645, 2008. PMCID: PMC2679532
65. Yamuchi, Y., Ward, M. A., and Ward, W. S. Asynchronous DNA Replication and Origin Licensing in the
Curriculum Vitae
William Steven Ward, Ph.D.
Mouse One Cell Embryo. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 107:214-223, 2009. PMCID: PMC2758055
66. Dominguez, K., and Ward, W. S. “A Novel Nuclease Activity that is Activated by Ca2+ Chelated to EGTA”,
Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine, 55:193-199, 2009. PMCID: PMC2865586
67. Ward, W. S. Function of Sperm Chromatin Structural Elements in Fertilization and Development.
Molecular Human Reproduction, 16:30-36, 2010. PMCID: PMC2790366 [Available on 2011/1/1]
68. Barratt, C. R. L., Aitken, R. J., de Boer, P., Björndahl, L., Carrell, D. T., Perreault, S. D., Kvist, U., Lewis, S.
E. M., Perry, M. J., Ramos, L., Robaire, B., Ward, W. S., and Zini, A. Sperm DNA: organization, protection
and vulnerability: from basic science to clinical applications. A position report. Human Reproduction,
25:824-838, 2010. PMC Journal - In Process
69. Ortega, M.A., Sil, P., and Ward, W. S. Mammalian Sperm Chromatin as a Model for Chromatin Function in
DNA Degradation and DNA Replication. Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine, 57:43-49, 2011.
NIHMSID: 248037
70. Yamauchi, Y., Shaman, J. A., and Ward, W. S. Non-Genetic Contributions of the Sperm Nucleus to
Embryonic Development. Asian Journal of Andrology, 13:31-35, 2011. NIHMSID: 248028.
71. Ward, W. S. Regulating DNA Supercoiling: Sperm Points the Way. Biology of Reproduction, 2011
72. Yamazaki Y, Ward WS. A new Speedy/RINGO protein may help regulate male meiosis. Asian J Androl.
2011 May;13(3):363.
Ward, W.S., Schmidt, W.N. and Hnilica, L.S. Cytokeratin-DNA association in intact Novikoff ascites
hepatoma cells. American Society for Cell Biology Meetings, J. Cell Biol., 97: 225a, 1984.
Schmidt, W. N., Schmidt, C. A., McKusick, K. B., Ward, W. S. and Hnilica, L. S. Characterization of
monoclonal antibodies to the novikoff hepatoma cytokeratin antigen p39. American Association for Cancer
Research Meetings, Toronto, Canada, 1984.
Ward, W. S., Schmidt, W. N. and Hnilica, L. S. Composition of Novikoff ascites hepatoma cytokeratin
subunits by protein-protein crosslinking. American Society of Cell Biology Meetings, J. Cell Biol. 99:319a,
Ward, W. S., Schmidt, W. N. and Hnilica, L. S. Characterization of the Novikoff cytokeratin complex by
protein-protein crosslinking. Southeastern Cancer Research Association, Atlanta, Georgia, 1984.
Ward, W. S., and Coffey, D. S. DNA in Hamster Sperm Nuclear Matrix is organized in Loop Domains.
American Society of Cell Biology Meetings, J. Cell Biology 103: 51a, l986.
Ward, W. S., Farrington, J., and Coffey, D. S. Scanning electron micrographs of a new structure in sperm
nuclei: the nuclear matrix ring. American Urological Association, J. Urology 139: 245A, l988.
Ward, W. S., and Coffey, D. S. Scanning Electron Microscopy of the Hamster Sperm Nuclear Matrix Ring.
American Society for Cell Biology Meeting. J. Cell Biol. 107: 745a, 1989.
Isaacs, W., Treiger, B., Ward, S., Chevrier, M., and Epstein, J. RFLP Analysis of Chromosome 10 in
Prostate Cancer. 85th Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, 1990.
Curriculum Vitae
William Steven Ward, Ph.D.
Ward, W. S., and Coffey, D. S. The relationship of specific genes to the sperm nuclear matrix. 85th Annual
Meeting of the American Urological Association J. Urology, 145: 388A, 1990.
10. Ward, W. S., Karim, O. M. A., Ji, P., Pierce, R. A., Levi-Minzi, S. A., Mackenzie, J. W., Cummings, K. B.,
Boyd, C. D., and Mostwin, J. L. Elevated levels of tropoelastin mRNA following short term bladder outflow
obstruction in the guinea pig. 86th Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association J. Urology,
11. Ward, W. S. and Patel, R. Electron micrographic evidence that DNA is attached to the sperm nuclear annulus
in mini-loop domians. American Society for Cell Biology Meeting. J. Cell Biol. 115:314A, 1991.
12. Barone, J. G., Cummings, K. B., and Ward, W. S. DNA Organization in Human Sperm: Identification of a
nuclear annulus and DNA loop domains. Meeting of the American Urologic Assocation, 1992.
13. Ji, P., Karim, O., Fishman, J., Mostwin, J., Boyd, C., Cummings, K. B., and Ward, W. S. Three dimensional
architecture of elastin in obstructed and normal guinea pig bladder: predominance in the trigone. Meeting of
the American Urologic Assocation, 1992.
14. de Lara, J., Wydner, K. L., Hyland, K. M., and Ward, W. S. in situ hybridization of telomere sequences in
mammalian sperm nuclear structures. Society for Basic Urologic Research Fall Symposium, October, 1992.
15. Barone, J. G., Cummings, K. B., Ward, W. S. Tertiary DNA organization in human spermatozoa-telomere
organization and DNA loop domain size. Annual Meeting of the American Urologic Association, 1993.
16. de Lara, J., Wydner, K. L., Hyland, K. M., Cummings, K. B., and Ward, W. S. In situ hybridization of
telomere sequences in mammalian sperm nuclear structures. Annual Meeting of the American Urologic
Association, 1993.
17. de Lara, J., McNeil, J., Lawrence, J. B., and Ward, W. S. Localization of Genes in Hamster Sperm Nuclei by
Fluorescent in situ Hybridization. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology, 1993.
18. Ji, P., and Ward, W. S. Constitutive chromosomal instability in EJ bladder cancer cells. 85th Meeting of the
American Association of Cancer Research (Abstract # 695), 1994.
19. de Lara, J., and Ward, W. S. Specific DNA Sequences associated with the sperm nuclear annulus. Annual
Meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology, 1994.
20. Ward, W. S., de Lara, J, McNeil, J., and Lawrence, J. B. Localization of three genes in the assymetric
hamster sperm nucleus by fluorescent in situ hybridization. Annual Meeting of the American Society for
Cell Biology, 1995.
21. Cummings, K. B., Niemczyk, P., Sarvazyan, A., Fila, A., Amenta, P., Ward, W. S., Javidian, P., and
Breslauer, K. "Mechanical Imaging, a New Technology for Prostate Cancer Detection". Accepted for
Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Urologic Association, May, 1996.
22. Niemczyk, P., Meisenberg, G., Tarlowe, M., Kraus, S., Cummings, K. B., and Ward, W. S. "DNA Transfer
between Human Prostate Cancer Cells". Accepted for Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American
Urologic Association, May, 1996.
23. Niemczyk, P., Sarvazyan, A., Fila, A., Amenta, P., Ward, W. S., Javidian, P., Breslauer, K., and Cummings,
K. B. “Mechanical Imaging, A New Technology for Prostate Cancer Imaging”. Presented at the American
College of Surgeons, San Francisco, October, 1996.
Curriculum Vitae
William Steven Ward, Ph.D.
24. DiPaola RS, Rasheed Z, Thompson S, Kong F, Jirtle R, Ward WS, Weiss RE, Todd M, and Cummings KB.
Assessment of TGF-ß in Patients with Prostate Cancer Treated with Alpha Interferon (INF- ) and
cis-Retinoic Acid (CRA). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association (AUA),
New Orleans, April, 1997.
25. Tian Y, de Lara J, Cummings KB, Gallo M, and Ward WS. Identification of Unique DNA Sequences
Associated with the Hamster Sperm Nuclear Annulus. . Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American
Urological Association (AUA), New Orleans, April, 1997.
26. Siobhan McCarthy and W. Steven Ward. Live Sperm Incubated with Foreign DNA Sequences Appear
Capable of DNA Uptake. Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cell Biology, San Francisco,
December, 1998.
27. Angela V. Klaus, Siobhan McCarthy, John R. McCarrey, and W. Steven Ward. Specific Changes in DNA
loop Domain Structure During Spermatogenesis. Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cell
Biology, San Francisco, December, 1998.
28. Jeffrey A. Shaman and W. Steven Ward. Quantification of 5S rDNA Loop Domains by Image Analysis of
Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization Signals. Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cell Biology,
San Francisco, December, 1998.
29. Live Sperm Incubated with Foreign DNA Sequences Appear Capable of DNA Uptake. Siobhan McCarthy,
Kenneth B. Cummings, and W. Steven Ward. Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association,
Dallas, TX, May, 1999.
30. Mechanical Imaging of Phantom Prostate Models. Armen P. Sarvazyan, Kenneth B. Cummings, W. Steven
Ward, Michael Perrotti, and Robert E. Weiss. Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association,
Dallas, TX, May, 1999.
31. Prostate Cancer Cells Have the Ability to Transfer Drug Resistance Genes to Each Other. Foty, R. A.,
Chowdhury, F., and Ward, W. S. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Cancer Research,
Philadelphia, PA, April, 1999.
32. Angela V. Klaus, John R. McCarrey, Andrew Farkas, and W. Steven Ward. 5S rDNA Loop Domain
Structural Changes during Spermatogenesis and Early Embryogenesis. Presented at the 40th Annual Meeting
of The American Society for Cell Biology, December 9-13, 2000, in San Francisco.
33. Eric Mayer, Victor Ferlise, Kenneth B.Cummings, W. Steven Ward, Murali Ankem, Mukaram Gazi, Joseph
G. Barone. Variability of DNA Organization Within Individualsemen Samples. Presented at the Annual
Meeting of the American Urological Association, Los Angeles, CA, June, 2-5, 2001.
34. Mukaram Gazi, Eric Meyer, Kenneth B. Cummings, W.Steven Ward, Joseph G. Barone. DNA Organization
in Patients with Testis Tumor. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, Los
Angeles, CA, June, 2-5, 2001.
35. Monika A Szczygiel, Ryuzo Yanagimachi, W Steven Ward. Combination Of Detergent And DTT Causes
Paternal Chromosome Damage. Presented at the American Society for Andrology, Seattle, WA, Apr 23-28,
36. Isaac Mohar, Monika A. Szczygiel, and W. Steven Ward. Injection of Sperm Nuclear Halos into Oocytes
Curriculum Vitae
William Steven Ward, Ph.D.
Results in Normal Paternal Pronuclei Chromosomes. Podium presentation, the American Society for
Andrology, Seattle, WA, Apr 23-28, 2002.
37. Monika A. Szczygiel, Stefan Moisyadi, W. Steven Ward. Expression of Foreign DNA is Associated with
Paternal Chromosome Degradation in ICSI-Mediated Transgenesis. Podium presentation, the American
Society for Andrology, Phoenix, AZ, Mar 28-Apr 2, 2003.
38. Barbara Sotolongo, Elisabete Lino, and W. Steven Ward. “Hamster Spermatozoa Contain a Mechanism for
Endogenous Chromosome Degradation”. Presented at the Annual meeting for the Society for the Study of
Reproduction, Cincinnati, OH, July 10-26, 2003.
39. Barbara Sotolongo, Elisabete Lino and W. Steven Ward. “Endogenous Sperm Nuclease Activity that
Degrades DNA Into Loop-Sized Fragments.” Presented at the Mammalian Embryogenesis and
Gametogenesis Gordon Conference, in New London, CN, Jun 6-11, 2004.
40. Elisabete Lino, Barbara Sotolongo, and W. Steven Ward. “Mouse Chromatin is organized into Donut Loop
Domains.” Presented at the Annual meeting for the Society for the Study of Reproduction, Vancouver, BC,
41. Barbara Sotolongo, Thomas Huang, and W. Steven Ward. “Human Sperm Chromatin Contain have
Nuclease Activity.” Presented at the Annual meeting for the Society for the Study of Reproduction,
Vancouver, BC, Canada.
42. Jeffrey A. Shaman and W. Steven Ward Mammalian Spermatozoa May Avoid Apoptosis by Separating Two
Potential Critical Compenents. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of
Reproduction, Omaha, NB, 2006
43. Yasuhiro Yamauchi, Jeffrey A. Shaman and W. Steven Ward. Mouse Spermatozoa with Reversible DNA
Breaks Fail to Develop. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction,
Omaha, NB, 2006
44. Jeffrey A. Shaman, Yasuhiro Yamauchi, Segal M. Boaz, Kenneth Dominguez, W. Steven Ward. “The
Importance Of The Sperm Nuclear Matrix In Fertilization”. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society
for the Study of Reproduction, San Antonio, TX, 2007.
45. Kenneth Dominguez and W. Steven Ward. “Role of EGTA on Mouse Sperm EGTA Dependent Nuclease”.
Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction, Kona, HI., May 27-31, 2008.
46. W. Steven Ward and Yasuhiro Yamauchi. “Mouse Zygotic Pronuclei Autonomously Regulate DNA
Synthesis”. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction, Kona, HI., May
27-31, 2008.
47. Kenneth Dominguez and W. Steven Ward. “A Novel Nuclease Activity that Requires Calcium Chelated to
EGTA for Activity.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction,
Pittsburgh, PA., July 18-22, 2009.