Driver/Pump Operator - Career and Technical Education

Driver/Pump Operator
WVEIS 2209
This area of study is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed as a driver/pump operator in the fire service
field as required by National Fire Protection Association Standard 1002. Students will utilize problem-solving techniques and participate
in hands-on activities to develop an understanding of course concepts. Students will demonstrate proper procedure for incident,
conducting a pre-trip emergency vehicle inspection, the basic operation of emergency vehicles, and routine maintenance tasks on
emergency vehicles. Students will demonstrate the safe and effective use of a variety of fire apparatus pumps from various water
sources in different situations and plan and execute a relay pumping operation. Students will explore concepts of fire ground hydraulics
and the characteristics of various water supplies used in fire fighting. Students will examine the use of foam in fire fighting. Teachers
should provide each student with real world learning opportunities and instruction related to fire service occupations. Students are
encouraged to become active members of the student organization, Skills USA. The West Virginia Standards for 21 st Century Learning
include the following components: 21st Century Content Standards and 21st Century Learning Skills and Technology Tools. All West
Virginia teachers are responsible for classroom instruction that integrates learning skills, technology tools, and content standards and
Grade 9-12
Standard: 1
Driver/Pump Operator
Driver/Pump Operator Overview
Students will:
 explore driver/pump operator employment qualifications.
 examine the basic elements of operating emergency vehicles.
Students will
HS.O.DPO.1.1 examine the general qualifications necessary for an individual to become a driver/operator of fire and
emergency apparatus.
HS.O.DPO.1.2 explore the responsibility for the safe operation of an emergency vehicle.
HS.O.DPO.1.3 articulate what the law allows in regard to emergency response of vehicles.
HS.O.DPO.1.4 assess the importance of being able to operate a fire pump from a variety of water sources.
HS.O.DPO.1.5 determine all those to whom the driver of an emergency services vehicle is responsible to and what those
responsibilities are.
HS.O.DPO.1.6 assess limitations of emergency vehicles.
HS.O.DPO.1.7 determine the on-going training necessary for each driver/pump operator to remain proficient in vehicle
Performance Descriptors (HS.PD.DPO.1)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent and The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
proficient performance and shows a
inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated application
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
standard in general knowledge of the
driver/pump operator role. The student
can deconstruct the general
qualifications necessary for an
individual to become a driver/operator
of fire and emergency apparatus. The
student can analyze the responsibility
for the safe operation of an emergency
vehicle. The student can research what
the law allows in regard to emergency
response of vehicles.
The student can break down the
importance of being able to operate a
fire pump from a variety of water
sources. The student can compare all
those to whom the driver of an
emergency services vehicle is
responsible to and what those
responsibilities are. The student can
test limitations of emergency vehicles.
The student can research the on-going
training necessary for each driver/pump
operator to remain proficient in vehicle
operations. The student can
independently solve problems and is
Grade 9-12
Standard: 2
thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills that meet the
standard in general knowledge of the
driver/pump operator role. The student
can examine the general qualifications
necessary for an individual to become a
driver/operator of fire and emergency
apparatus. The student can explore the
responsibility for the safe operation of an
emergency vehicle. The student can
articulate what the law allows in regard to
emergency response of vehicles. The
student can assess the importance of
being able to operate a fire pump from a
variety of water sources. The student can
determine all those to whom the driver of
an emergency services vehicle is
responsible to and what those
responsibilities are. The student can
assess limitations of emergency vehicles.
The student can determine the on-going
training necessary for each driver/pump
operator to remain proficient in vehicle
operations. Application of knowledge and
skills is thorough and effective, and the
student can work independently.
knowledge and skills characterized by
errors and/or omissions in general
knowledge of the driver/pump operator
role. The student can summarize the
general qualifications necessary for an
individual to become a driver/operator of
fire and emergency apparatus. The
student can generalize the responsibility
for the safe operation of an emergency
vehicle. The student can give examples
of what the law allows in regard to
emergency response of vehicles. The
student can discuss the importance of
being able to operate a fire pump from a
variety of water sources. The student can
summarize all those to whom the driver of
an emergency services vehicle is
responsible to and what those
responsibilities are. The student can give
examples of limitations of emergency
vehicles. The student can generalize the
on-going training necessary for each
driver/pump operator to remain proficient
in vehicle operations. Performance needs
further development and supervision.
Driver/Pump Operator
Conducting a Pre-Trip Vehicle Inspection
Students will perform all procedures associated with an emergency vehicle pre-trip vehicle inspection.
Students will
examine the steps involved in a pre-trip vehicle inspection.
explore various laws, regulations, and standards that address pre-trip vehicle inspection.
HS.O.DPO.2.3 perform a pre-trip vehicle inspection involving a fire department emergency vehicle.
HS.O.DPO.2.4 demonstrate the documentation of a pre-trip vehicle inspection.
HS.O.DPO.2.5 determine the appropriate conditions under which to place an Emergency Vehicle Out of Service.
HS.O.DPO.2.6 document findings on the AHJ’s vehicle preventive maintenance record form.
Performance Descriptors (HS.PD.DPO.2)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent and The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
proficient performance and shows a
inconsistent performance of
distinctive and sophisticated application
thorough and effective application of
fundamental knowledge and skills
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
characterized by errors and/or
standard in conducting a pre-trip vehicle
standard in conducting a pre-trip vehicle
omissions in conducting a pre-trip
inspection. The student can break down
inspection. The student can examine the vehicle inspection. The student can
the steps involved in a pre-trip vehicle
steps involved in a pre-trip vehicle
restate the steps involved in a pre-trip
inspection. The student can research
inspection. The student can explore
vehicle inspection. The student can
various laws, regulations, and standards
various laws, regulations, and standards
summarize various laws, regulations,
that address pre-trip vehicle inspection.
that address pre-trip vehicle inspection.
and standards that address pre-trip
The student can formulate pre-trip vehicle The student can perform a pre-trip vehicle vehicle inspection. The student can
inspection procedures involving a fire
inspection involving a fire department
describe a pre-trip vehicle inspection
department emergency vehicle. The
emergency vehicle. The student can
involving a fire department emergency
student can appraise the documentation
demonstrate the documentation of a pre- vehicle. The student can describe the
of a pre-trip vehicle inspection. The
trip vehicle inspection. The student can
documentation of a pre-trip vehicle
student can prioritize the appropriate
determine the appropriate conditions
inspection. The student can generalize
conditions under which to place an
under which to place an Emergency
the appropriate conditions under which
Emergency Vehicle Out of Service. The
Vehicle Out of Service. The student can
to place an Emergency Vehicle Out of
student can appraise documentation of
document findings on the AHJ’s vehicle
Service. The student can explain how
findings on the AHJ’s vehicle preventive
preventive maintenance record form.
to document findings on the AHJ’s
maintenance record form. The student
Application of knowledge and skills is
vehicle preventive maintenance record
can independently solve problems and is thorough and effective, and the student
form. Performance needs further
can work independently.
development and supervision.
Grade 9-12
Standard: 3
Driver/Pump Operator
Emergency Vehicle Driving
Students will demonstrate all procedures/skills associated with the safe and effective driving of a variety of
emergency vehicles.
Students will
explore the privileges, and limitations to those privileges, associated with responding to an emergency in an
emergency vehicle.
HS.O.DPO.3.2 examine the responsibility for public safety that accompanies the privileges of responding to an emergency in
an emergency vehicle.
HS.O.DPO.3.3 demonstrate basic driving skills for a variety of typical fire department vehicles.
HS.O.DPO.3.4 assess the precautions drivers of emergency services vehicles must take when driving in various weather
HS.O.DPO.3.5 place equipment properly at a hydrant, dump tank, accident scene, drafting site, and common scene.
Performance Descriptors (HS.PD.DPO.3)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent and The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
proficient performance and shows a
inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated application thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills characterized by
of knowledge and skills that exceed the knowledge and skills that meet the
errors and/or omissions in emergency
standard in emergency vehicle driving.
standard in emergency vehicle driving.
vehicle driving. The student can discuss
The student can analyze the privileges, The student can explore the privileges
the general nature of the privileges, and
and limitations to those privileges,
and limitations to those privileges,
limitations to those privileges, associated
associated with responding to an
associated with responding to an
with responding to an emergency in an
emergency in an emergency vehicle.
emergency in an emergency vehicle. The emergency vehicle. The student can
The student can debate the
student can examine the responsibility for generalize the responsibility for public
responsibility for public safety that
public safety that accompanies the
safety that accompanies the privileges of
accompanies the privileges of
privileges of responding to an emergency responding to an emergency in an
responding to an emergency in an
in an emergency vehicle. The student can emergency vehicle. The student can
emergency vehicle. The student can
demonstrate basic driving skills for a
express basic driving skills for a variety of
appraise basic driving skills for a variety variety of typical fire department vehicles. typical fire department vehicles. The
of typical fire department vehicles. The The student can assess the precautions
student can give examples of the
student can deconstruct the precautions drivers of emergency services vehicles
precautions drivers of emergency services
drivers of emergency services vehicles
must take when driving in various
vehicles must take when driving in various
must take when driving in various
weather conditions. The student can
weather conditions. The student can
weather conditions. The student can
place equipment properly at a hydrant,
describe how to place equipment properly
appraise proper placement of
dump tank, accident scene, drafting site,
at a hydrant, dump tank, accident scene,
equipment at a hydrant, dump tank,
and common scene. Application of
drafting site, and common scene.
accident scene, drafting site, and
knowledge and skills is thorough and
Performance needs further development
common scene. The student can
effective, and the student can work
and supervision.
independently solve problems and is
Grade 9-12
Standard: 4
Driver/Pump Operator
Routine Servicing
Students will execute all procedures/skills associated with the routine service of a variety of emergency
Students will
HS.O.DPO.4.1 perform routine servicing of an emergency services vehicle that would typically be performed on a daily basis.
HS.O.DPO.4.2 execute suggested weekly servicing.
HS.O.DPO.4.3 complete all necessary record keeping related servicing tasks.
HS.O.DPO.4.4 document work requests for items that may require further investigation or repair by a certified mechanic.
Performance Descriptors (HS.PD.DPO.4)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent and The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
proficient performance and shows a
inconsistent performance of
distinctive and sophisticated application
thorough and effective application of
fundamental knowledge and skills
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
characterized by errors and/or
standard in the knowledge of routine
standard in the knowledge of routine
omissions in the knowledge of routine
vehicle servicing. The student can break vehicle servicing. The student can
vehicle servicing. The student can
down the routine servicing of an
perform routine servicing of an
describe the routine servicing of
emergency services vehicle that would
emergency services vehicle that would
emergency services vehicles that would
typically be performed on a daily basis.
typically be performed on a daily basis.
typically be performed on a daily basis.
The student can deconstruct the
The student can execute suggested
The student can give examples of
requirements of suggested weekly
weekly servicing. The student can
suggested weekly servicing. The
servicing. The student can formulate
complete all necessary record keeping
student can give examples of necessary
record keeping procedures related
related servicing tasks. The student can
record keeping related servicing tasks.
servicing tasks. The student can
document work requests for items that
The student can discuss the nature of
appraise work requests for items that may may require further investigation or repair work requests for items that may require
require further investigation or repair by a by a certified mechanic. Application of
further investigation or repair by a
certified mechanic. The student can
knowledge and skills is thorough and
certified mechanic. Performance needs
independently solve problems and is self- effective, and the student can work
further development and supervision.
Grade 9-12
Standard: 5
Driver/Pump Operator
Operation of Various Vehicles
Students will perform a variety of operations using vehicles common to the fire service.
Students will
operate an assortment of vehicles common to the fire service (including but not limited to EMS, Brush,
Tankers, Rescue, and Auxiliary vehicles).
HS.O.DPO.5.2 employ equipment associated with the various vehicles in emergency services.
HS.O.DPO.5.3 explore response procedures for the various apparatus (including the types of calls which require their use).
Performance Descriptors (HS.PD.DPO.5)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent and The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
proficient performance and shows a
inconsistent performance of
distinctive and sophisticated application
thorough and effective application of
fundamental knowledge and skills
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
characterized by errors and/or
standard in the operation of various
standard in the operation of various
omissions in the operation of various
vehicles. The student can appraise the
vehicles. The student can operate an
vehicles. The student can discuss
operation of an assortment of vehicles
assortment of vehicles common to the fire proper operation of an assortment of
common to the fire service (including but
service (including but not limited to EMS, vehicles common to the fire service
not limited to EMS, Brush, Tankers,
Brush, Tankers, Rescue, and Auxiliary
(including but not limited to EMS, Brush,
Rescue, and Auxiliary vehicles). The
vehicles). The student can employ
Tankers, Rescue, and Auxiliary
student can analyze equipment
equipment associated with the various
vehicles). The student can describe
associated with the various vehicles in
vehicles in emergency services. The
equipment associated with the various
emergency services. The student can
student can explore response procedures vehicles in emergency services. The
deconstruct response procedures for the
for the various apparatus (including the
student can summarize response
various apparatus (including the types of
types of calls which require their use).
procedures for the various apparatus
calls which require their use). The
Application of knowledge and skills is
(including the types of calls which
student can independently solve
thorough and effective, and the student
require their use). Performance needs
problems and is self-directed.
can work independently.
further development and supervision.
Grade 9-12
Standard: 6
Driver/Pump Operator
Pump Operations
Students will demonstrate the safe and effective use of a variety of fire apparatus pumps from various water
sources in different situations.
Students will
utilize the most common types of fire apparatus pumps (including the component parts of the pumps and the
functions of those parts).
perform a variety of pump operation tasks (including engaging the pump and discharging water through the
outlets and/or pre-connected hose(s) from the tank on an apparatus, from a fire hydrant, from a dump tank or
other static source, and from other fire apparatus).
HS.O.DPO.6.3 demonstrate pump operations for supplying water from pressurized water sources.
HS.O.DPO.6.4 demonstrate pump operations for supplying water from static water sources.
HS.O.DPO.6.5 operate from a hydrant as a supply pumper.
HS.O.DPO.6.6 operate from draft as a supply pumper.
HS.O.DPO.6.7 operate as an attack pumper.
HS.O.DPO.6.8 disengage the fire apparatus pump and return it to it normal road operation mode using proper procedure.
Performance Descriptors (HS.PD.DPO.6)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional and The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
exemplary performance with distinctive and and proficient performance and shows a inconsistent performance of
sophisticated application of knowledge and thorough and effective application of
fundamental knowledge and skills
skills that exceed the standard in pump
knowledge and skills that meet the
characterized by errors and/or
operations. The student can break down
standard in pump operations. The
omissions in pump operations. The
the most common types of fire apparatus
student can utilize the most common
student can describe the most common
pumps (including the component parts of
types of fire apparatus pumps (including types of fire apparatus pumps (including
the pumps and the functions of those
the component parts of the pumps and
the component parts of the pumps and
parts). The student can appraise
the functions of those parts). The
the functions of those parts). The
performance of a variety of pump operation student can perform a variety of pump
student can discuss a variety of pump
tasks (including engaging the pump and
operation tasks (including engaging the operation tasks (including engaging the
discharging water through the outlets
pump and discharging water through
pump and discharging water through the
and/or pre-connected hose(s) from the tank the outlets and/or pre-connected
outlets and/or pre-connected hose(s)
on an apparatus, from a fire hydrant, from a hose(s) from the tank on an apparatus,
from the tank on an apparatus, from a
dump tank or other static source, and from from a fire hydrant, from a dump tank or fire hydrant, from a dump tank or other
other fire apparatus). The student can
other static source, and from other fire
static source, and from other fire
analyze pump operations for supplying
apparatus). The student can
apparatus). The student can explain
water from pressurized water sources. The demonstrate pump operations for
pump operations for supplying water
student can analyze pump operations for
supplying water from pressurized water from pressurized water sources. The
supplying water from static water sources.
sources. The student can demonstrate student can explain pump operations for
The student can deconstruct operation
pump operations for supplying water
supplying water from static water
from a hydrant as a supply pumper. The
from static water sources. The student
sources. The student can describe how
student can deconstruct operation from
can operate from a hydrant as a supply to operate from a hydrant as a supply
draft as a supply pumper. The student can pumper. The student can operate from pumper. The student can explain how
appraise operation as an attack pumper.
draft as a supply pumper. The student
to operate from draft as a supply
The student can formulate procedure to
can operate as an attack pumper. The
pumper. The student can discuss how
disengage the fire apparatus pump and
student can disengage the fire
to operate as an attack pumper. The
return it to it normal road operation mode
using proper procedure. The student can
independently solve problems and is selfdirected.
Grade 9-12
Standard: 7
apparatus pump and return it to it
normal road operation mode using
proper procedure. Application of
knowledge and skills is thorough and
effective, and the student can work
student can describe how to disengage
the fire apparatus pump and return it to
it normal road operation mode using
proper procedure. Performance needs
further development and supervision.
Driver/Pump Operator
Relay Pumping Operations
Students will:
 plan a relay pumping operation.
 execute a relay pumping operation.
Students will
HS.O.DPO.7.1 examine the pump operator's responsibilities to pump a supply line (given the length and size of line, flow, and
desired intake pressure) so that adequate intake pressures and flows are provided to the next pumper in the
HS.O.DPO.7.2 determine what apparatus and equipment are required to design a relay.
HS.O.DPO.7.3 explore the various considerations associated with relay operations.
HS.O.DPO.7.4 demonstrate the basic operating components of a relay (including putting relay into operation, operating the
relay, and shutting down the relay).
HS.O.DPO.7.5 execute various types of relay operations in their entirety.
Performance Descriptors (HS.PD.DPO.7)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional and The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
exemplary performance with distinctive and and proficient performance and shows a inconsistent performance of
sophisticated application of knowledge and thorough and effective application of
fundamental knowledge and skills
skills that exceed the standard in relay
knowledge and skills that meet the
characterized by errors and/or
pumping operations. The student can
standard in relay pumping operations.
omissions in relay pumping operations.
debate the pump operator's responsibilities The student can examine the pump
The student can summarize the pump
to pump a supply line (given the length and operator's responsibilities to pump a
operator's responsibilities to pump a
size of line, flow, and desired intake
supply line (given the length and size of supply line (given the length and size of
pressure) so that adequate intake
line, flow, and desired intake pressure)
line, flow, and desired intake pressure)
pressures and flows are provided to the
so that adequate intake pressures and
so that adequate intake pressures and
next pumper in the relay. The student can
flows are provided to the next pumper in flows are provided to the next pumper in
analyze the apparatus and equipment
the relay. The student can determine
the relay. The student can generalize
required to design a relay. The student can
break down the various considerations
associated with relay operations. The
student can appraise performance of the
basic operating components of a relay
(including putting relay into operation,
operating the relay, and shutting down the
relay). The student can appraise
performance of various types of relay
operations in their entirety. The student
can independently solve problems and is
Grade 9-12
Standard: 8
what apparatus and equipment are
required to design a relay. The student
can explore the various considerations
associated with relay operations. The
student can demonstrate the basic
operating components of a relay
(including putting relay into operation,
operating the relay, and shutting down
the relay). The student can execute
various types of relay operations in their
entirety. Application of knowledge and
skills is thorough and effective, and the
student can work independently.
regarding what apparatus and
equipment are required to design a
relay. The student can give examples of
the various considerations associated
with relay operations. The student can
describe the basic operating
components of a relay (including putting
relay into operation, operating the relay,
and shutting down the relay). The
student can explain how to execute
various types of relay operations in their
entirety. Performance needs further
development and supervision.
Driver/Pump Operator
Fire Ground Hydraulics
Students will:
 explore various fire ground hydraulic concepts.
 operate discharge lines safely and effectively.
Students will
HS.O.DPO.8.1 determine the correct operating pressure for those nozzles most common to the fire service.
HS.O.DPO.8.2 examine the reason(s) for friction loss.
HS.O.DPO.8.3 calculate friction loss for various sizes and lengths of fire hose.
HS.O.DPO.8.4 explore friction loss in various appliances and water delivery devices.
HS.O.DPO.8.5 calculate the proper engine pressure for various different hose lays (including attack lines and master
HS.O.DPO.8.6 operate multiple discharge lines with the correct nozzle pressure for each line.
HS.O.DPO.8.7 operate a supply apparatus to an attack apparatus maintaining the proper inlet pressure to the attack
HS.O.DPO.8.8 demonstrate how to set-up and draft water from a static source and supply a discharge line.
Performance Descriptors (HS.PD.DPO.8)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows a inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated application
thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills characterized by
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
standard in fire ground hydraulics.
The student can test the correct operating
pressure for those nozzles most common
to the fire service. The student can
analyze the reason(s) for friction loss.
The student can analyze friction loss for
various sizes and lengths of fire hose.
The student can test friction loss in
various appliances and water delivery
devices. The student can test the proper
engine pressure for various different hose
lays (including attack lines and master
streams). The student can appraise the
operation of multiple discharge lines with
the correct nozzle pressure for each line.
The student can appraise the operation of
a supply apparatus to an attack
apparatus maintaining the proper inlet
pressure to the attack apparatus. The
student can deconstruct the process of
setting-up and drafting water from a static
source and supply a discharge line. The
student can independently solve
problems and is self-directed.
Grade 9-12
Standard: 9
knowledge and skills that meet the
standard in fire ground hydraulics.
The student can determine the correct
operating pressure for those nozzles
most common to the fire service. The
student can examine the reason(s) for
friction loss. The student can calculate
friction loss for various sizes and
lengths of fire hose. The student can
explore friction loss in various
appliances and water delivery devices.
The student can calculate the proper
engine pressure for various different
hose lays, including attack lines and
master streams. The student can
operate multiple discharge lines with the
correct nozzle pressure for each line.
The student can operate a supply
apparatus to an attack apparatus
maintaining the proper inlet pressure to
the attack apparatus. The student can
demonstrate how to set-up and draft
water from a static source and supply a
discharge line. Application of
knowledge and skills is thorough and
effective, and the student can work
errors and/or omissions in fire ground
hydraulics. The student can give
examples of the correct operating
pressure for those nozzles most common
to the fire service. The student can
generalize reason(s) for friction loss. The
student can describe how to calculate
friction loss for various sizes and lengths
of fire hose. The student can express the
general nature of friction loss in various
appliances and water delivery devices.
The student can describe how to calculate
the proper engine pressure for various
different hose lays (including attack lines
and master streams). The student can
discuss the operation of multiple
discharge lines with the correct nozzle
pressure for each line. The student can
discuss the operation of a supply
apparatus to an attack apparatus
maintaining the proper inlet pressure to
the attack apparatus. The student can
explain how to set-up and draft water from
a static source and supply a discharge
line. Performance needs further
development and supervision.
Driver/Pump Operator
Hydrants and Other Water Supplies
Students will explore the characteristics of various water supplies used in fire fighting.
Students will
determine, by examination, the type of hydrant and size of outlet(s).
calculate the flow of a fire hydrant.
locate the nearest hydrant to a given building and establish a water supply.
assess various types of flowing and/or static water sources in non-hydrant areas.
examine sprinkler and standpipe connections on a given building and provide a water supply for those
Performance Descriptors (HS.PD.DPO.9)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows a inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated application thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills characterized by
of knowledge and skills that exceed the knowledge and skills that meet the
errors and/or omissions in the use of
standard in the use of hydrants and
standard in the use of hydrants and
hydrants and other water supplies. The
other water supplies. The student can
other water supplies. The student can
student can explain how to determine, by
classify, by examination, the type of
determine, by examination, the type of
examination, the type of hydrant and size of
hydrant and size of outlet(s).
hydrant and size of outlet(s). The
outlet(s). The student can describe how to
The student can analyze the flow of a
student can calculate the flow of a fire
calculate the flow of a fire hydrant. The
fire hydrant. The student can predict
hydrant. The student can locate the
student can describe how to locate the
the nearest hydrant to a given building
nearest hydrant to a given building and
nearest hydrant to a given building and
and establish a water supply. The
establish a water supply. The student
establish a water supply. The student can
student can analyze various types of
can assess various types of flowing
give examples of various types of flowing
flowing and/or static water sources in
and/or static water sources in nonand/or static water sources in non-hydrant
non-hydrant areas. The student can
hydrant areas. The student can
areas. The student can explain how to
appraise sprinkler and standpipe
examine sprinkler and standpipe
examine sprinkler and standpipe
connections on a given building and
connections on a given building and
connections on a given building and provide
provide a water supply for those
provide a water supply for those
a water supply for those systems.
systems. The student can
systems. Application of knowledge and Performance needs further development
independently solve problems and is
skills is thorough and effective, and the
and supervision.
student can work independently.
Grade 9-12
Standard: 10
Driver/Pump Operator
Foam & Foam Appliances
Students will:
 determine the appropriate foam and foam appliance that should be used in various situations.
 calculate a variety of foam application variables correctly.
Students will
HS.O.DPO.10.1 determine the type of foam needed for various types of burning material.
HS.O.DPO.10.2 determine the type of application and device best suited for the foam needed in the extinguishment.
HS.O.DPO.10.3 calculate the application rate of foam for the size/area burning.
HS.O.DPO.10.4 calculate the quantity of foam needed to extinguish a given size fire.
Performance Descriptors (HS.PD.DPO.10)
Above Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent and
and exemplary performance with
proficient performance and shows a
distinctive and sophisticated application thorough and effective application of
of knowledge and skills that exceed the knowledge and skills that meet the
standard in the use of foam and foam
standard in the use of foam and foam
appliances. The student can analyze
appliances. The student can determine the
the type of foam needed for various
type of foam needed for various types of
types of burning material.
burning material. The student can
The student can break down the type of determine the type of application and
application and device best suited for
device best suited for the foam needed in
the foam needed in the extinguishment. the extinguishment. The student can
The student can evaluate the
calculate the application rate of foam for
application rate of foam for the size/area the size/area burning. The student can
burning. The student can analyze the
calculate the quantity of foam needed to
quantity of foam needed to extinguish a extinguish a given size fire. Application of
given size fire. The student can
knowledge and skills is thorough and
independently solve problems and is
effective, and the student can work
Grade 9-12
Standard: 11
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates basic but
inconsistent performance of
fundamental knowledge and skills
characterized by errors and/or
omissions in the use of foam and foam
appliances. The student can generalize
regarding the type of foam needed for
various types of burning material. The
student can summarize the type of
application and device best suited for
the foam needed in the extinguishment.
The student can estimate the application
rate of foam for the size/area burning.
The student can estimate the quantity of
foam needed to extinguish a given size
fire. Performance needs further
development and supervision.
Driver/Pump Operator
Operation of Miscellaneous Equipment
Students will demonstrate the use a variety of miscellaneous equipment common to the fire service safely and
Students will
operate an assortment of hand tools carried on fire and support apparatus safely and effectively.
demonstrate the proper maintenance of various hand tools and other equipment carried on fire and support
operate a portable electric generator safely and effectively.
utilize a portable pump safely and effectively.
use a portal-power hydraulic tool safely and effectively.
employ a K-12 (or similar) circular saw safely and effectively.
HS.O.DPO.11.7 operate an air chisel safely and effectively.
HS.O.DPO.11.8 utilize a cascade system safely and effectively.
Performance Descriptors (HS.PD.DPO.11)
Above Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows a
distinctive and sophisticated application
thorough and effective application of
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
standard in the operation of
standard in the operation of
miscellaneous equipment. The student
miscellaneous equipment. The student
can appraise the operation of an
can operate an assortment of hand
assortment of hand tools carried on fire
tools carried on fire and support
and support apparatus safely and
apparatus safely and effectively. The
effectively. The student can organize the student can demonstrate the proper
proper maintenance of various hand tools maintenance of various hand tools and
and other equipment carried on fire and
other equipment carried on fire and
support apparatus. The student can
support apparatus. The student can
break down procedures for safe and
operate a portable electric generator
effective operation of a portable electric
safely and effectively. The student can
generator. The student can deconstruct
utilize a portable pump safely and
safe and effective utilization of a portable effectively. The student can use a
pump. The student can experiment with
portal-power hydraulic tool safely and
various safe and effective uses of a
effectively. The student can employ a
portal-power hydraulic tool. The student
K-12 (or similar) circular saw safely and
can test the safe and effective
effectively. The student can operate an
employment of a K-12 (or similar) circular air chisel safely and effectively. The
saw. The student can appraise the safe
student can utilize a cascade system
and effective operation of an air chisel.
safely and effectively. Application of
The student can analyze the safe and
knowledge and skills is thorough and
effective utilization of a cascade system
effective, and the student can work
safely. The student can independently
solve problems and is self-directed.
Grade 9-12
Standard: 12
Driver/Pump Operator
Participating in the Student Organization
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates basic but
inconsistent performance of fundamental
knowledge and skills characterized by
errors and/or omissions in the operation of
miscellaneous equipment. The student
can describe an assortment of hand tools
carried on fire and support apparatus
safely and effectively. The student can
explain the proper maintenance of various
hand tools and other equipment carried
on fire and support apparatus. The
student can describe the safe and
effective operation of a portable electric
generator. The student can discuss how
to operate a portable pump safely and
effectively. The student can explain how
to use a portal-power hydraulic tool safely
and effectively. The student can review
procedures for employing a K-12 (or
similar) circular saw safely and effectively.
The student can discuss the safe and
effective operation of an air chisel. The
student can review procedures for utilizing
a cascade system safely and effectively.
Performance needs further development
and supervision.
Students will participate in a local student organization.
Students will
execute the purposes and goals of the student/professional organization.
outline the benefits and responsibilities of participation in student/professional/civic organization as an
demonstrate leadership skills through participation in student/professional/civic organization activities such
as meetings, programs, and projects.
Performance Descriptors (HS.PD.FFI.12)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows a inconsistent performance of
distinctive and sophisticated application
thorough and effective application of
fundamental knowledge and skills
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
characterized by errors and/or
standard in participating in a local
standard in participating in a local
omissions in participating in a local
student organization. The student can
student organization. The student can
student organization. The student can
execute the purposes and goals of the
execute the purposes and goals of the
execute the purposes and goals of the
student/professional organization. The
student/professional organization.
student/professional organization.
student can outline the benefits and
The student can outline the benefits and The student can outline the benefits and
responsibilities of participation in
responsibilities of participation in
responsibilities of participation in
student/professional/civic organization
student/professional/civic organization
student/professional/civic organization
as an adult. The student can
as an adult. The student can
as an adult. The student can
demonstrate leadership skills through
demonstrate leadership skills through
demonstrate leadership skills through
participation in student/professional/civic participation in student/professional/civic participation in student/professional/civic
organization activities such as meetings, organization activities such as meetings, organization activities such as meetings,
programs, and projects. The student
programs, and projects. Application of
programs, and projects. Performance
can independently solve problems and is knowledge and skills is thorough and
needs further development and
effective, and the student can work
Standard: 13
Literacy and Numeracy
Students will demonstrate the literacy and numeracy skills required to solve complex, real-world problems
associated with their career/technical content area and improve their thinking and reasoning skills.
Students will
utilize a variety of technical sources (e.g., Internet, manuals, journals, directions, reports, etc.) to complete
career/technical assignments and projects.
demonstrate writing skills required to complete career/technical assignments and projects.
demonstrate accuracy in calculating and measuring graphical work required to complete career/technical
assignments and projects.
analyze tables, charts, graphs and multiple data sources to complete career/technical assignments and
Performance Descriptors (HS.PD.FFI.13)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows
inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated application a thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills characterized by
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
errors and/or omissions in literacy and
standard in literacy and numeracy. The
standard in literacy and numeracy. The numeracy. The student selects a variety
student chooses a variety of technical
student utilizes a variety of technical
of technical sources (e.g., Internet,
sources (e.g., Internet, manuals,
sources (e.g., Internet, manuals,
manuals, journals, directions, reports,
journals, directions, reports, etc.) to
journals, directions, reports, etc.) to
etc.) to complete career/technical
complete career/technical assignments
complete career/technical assignments assignments and projects; reproduces
and projects; performs writing skills
and projects; demonstrates writing skills writing skills required to complete
required to complete career/technical
required to complete career/technical
career/technical assignments and
assignments and projects;
assignments and projects;
projects; illustrates accuracy in
communicates accuracy in calculating
demonstrates accuracy in calculating
calculating and measuring graphical work
and measuring graphical work required
and measuring graphical work required required to complete career/technical
to complete career/technical
to complete career/technical
assignments and projects; and explains
assignments and projects; and
assignments and projects; and
tables, charts, graphs and multiple data
evaluates tables, charts, graphs and
analyzes tables, charts, graphs and
sources to complete career/technical
multiple data sources to complete
multiple data sources to complete
assignments and projects. Performance
career/technical assignments and
career/technical assignments and
needs further development and
projects. The student can independently projects. Application of knowledge and
solve problems and is self-directed.
skills is thorough and effective and the
student can work independently.
Standard: 14
21 Century Learning Skills
The student will
 access and manipulate information for use in oral, written, or multimedia format using appropriate
technology skills.
 apply sound reasoning processes to solve complex real-world problems and develop new ideas.
 exhibit leadership and ethical behavior in planning and executing tasks, as an individual or a
group member.
Students will
search online using a range of technology tools and media to access relevant information needed for
problem solving.
create information for oral, written, and multimedia communications, adhering to copyright laws.
engage in problem solving and critical thinking processes to create and evaluate complex strategies in
order to independently solve problems.
adapt to new situations by considering multiple perspectives and a commitment to continued learning.
exhibit ethical behavior and positive leadership while working collaboratively in the school and/or
model legal and ethical behaviors in the use of technology.
Performance Descriptors (HS.PD.FFI.14)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows
inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated application a thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills characterized by
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
errors and/or omissions in 21st century
standard in 21 century learning skills.
standard in 21 century learning skills.
learning skills. The student explains
The student assesses online technology The student searches online using a
online technology tools and media to
tools and media to access relevant
range of technology tools and media to access relevant information needed for
information needed for problem solving; access relevant information needed for problem solving; identifies information for
critiques information for oral, written, and problem solving; creates information for oral, written, and multimedia
multimedia communications, adhering to oral, written, and multimedia
communications, adhering to copyright
copyright laws; integrates problem
communications, adhering to copyright
laws; discusses problem solving and
solving and critical thinking processes to laws; engages in problem solving and
critical thinking processes to create and
create and evaluate complex strategies
critical thinking processes to create and evaluate complex strategies in order to
in order to independently solve
evaluate complex strategies in order to independently solve problems; discusses
problems; interprets new situations by
independently solve problems; adapts
new situations by considering multiple
considering multiple perspectives and a to new situations by considering
perspectives and a commitment to
commitment to continued learning;
multiple perspectives and a
continued learning; reviews ethical
incorporates ethical behavior and
commitment to continued learning;
behavior and positive leadership while
positive leadership while working
exhibits ethical behavior and positive
working collaboratively in the school
collaboratively in the school and/or
leadership while working collaboratively and/or community; and describes legal
community; and reinforces legal and
in the school and/or community; and
and ethical behaviors in the use of
ethical behaviors in the use of
models legal and ethical behaviors in
technology. Performance needs further
technology. The student can
the use of technology. Application of
development and supervision.
independently solve problems and is
knowledge and skills is thorough and
effective and the student can work
Standard: 15
Entrepreneurship Skills
Students will access the opportunities, concepts, processes, and personal traits/behaviors associated with
successful entrepreneurial performance.
Students will
assess global trends in entrepreneurship that are related to their career/technical program.
determine entrepreneurial opportunities in venture creation related to their career/technical program.
examine desirable entrepreneurial personality traits.
Performance Descriptors (HS.PD.FFI.15)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows
inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated application a thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills characterized by
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
errors and/or omissions in
standard in entrepreneurship skills. The standard in entrepreneurship skills. The entrepreneurship skills. The student lists
student critiques global trends in
student assesses global trends in
global trends in entrepreneurship that are
entrepreneurship that are related to their entrepreneurship that are related to
related to their career/technical program;
career/technical program; evaluates
their career/technical program;
describes entrepreneurial opportunities in
entrepreneurial opportunities in venture
determines entrepreneurial
venture creation related to their
creation related to their career/technical opportunities in venture creation related career/technical program; and identifies
program; and assesses desirable
to their career/technical program; and
desirable entrepreneurial personality
entrepreneurial personality traits. The
examines desirable entrepreneurial
traits. Performance needs further
student can independently solve
personality traits. Application of
development and supervision.
problems and is self-directed.
knowledge and skills is thorough and
effective and the student can work