ÇAĞ UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES Learning Outcomes of the Course Code Course Title Credit ECTS MAN 444 Global Marketing 3 (3-0-0) 5 Prerequisites None Language of Instruction Mode of Delivery Face to face English Type and Level of Course Elective/ 4.Year/ Fall Semester Lecturers Name(s) Contacts Lecture Hours Office Hours Course Coordinator Bülent Özer F 09.10 -12.10 W&Th.14-16 Course Objective Students will be able to understand major factors having an impact on business success in global environment. Relationship Students who have completed the course successfully should be able to Prog. Output Net Effect 1 recognize the global environment. 3&6&7 5&3&5 2 identify key concepts. 3&7 5&5 3 explain the role of culture in global marketing. 3&7 5&5 4 interpret local marketing. 3&7 5&5 5 explain the characteristics and types of foreign entry. 3&7 5&5 6 recognize how to think critically and creatively. 3&7 5&5 7 analyze global management. 3&6&7 5&3&5 8 recognize foreign entry modes. 3&7 5&5 9 apply a creative international enterprise presentation. 3&6&7 5&3&5 10 get used to Team Work 3&6&7 5&3&5 11 contribute to discussions in the classroom, thus learn how to 3&6&7 5&3&5 express their opinions in a group Course Description: Students will learn the principles of the global marketing from both a business and creative visual design perspective. Important concepts will be introduced during the term such as global marketing, market drivers, licensing, strategic alliances, local marketing—all of which are important aspects in global marketing. Course Contents:( Weekly Lecture Plan ) Weeks Topics Preparation Teaching Methods 1 Introduction, Syllabus Textbook Ch. 1 Presentation 2 Key concepts, why companies go global? Global Textbook Ch. 1 Presentation marketing objectives 3 Country specific advantages, firm specific Textbook Ch. 2 & 3 Presentation advantages, cultural foundation 4 Political Risk Research, Environmental Research, Textbook Ch. 4 Presentation Systematic Entry Screening 5 Researching competitors, Industry sales, Forcasting Textbook Ch. 4 Presentation market share 6 Export Expansion Textbook Ch. 5 Presentation 7 Export Expansion Textbook Ch. 5 Presentation & Case Studies 8 Licensing, Strategic Alliances, FDI Textbook Ch. 6 Presentation & Case Studies 9 Assay Samples Notes Case Studies 10 Assay Samples Notes Case Studies 11 Local Marketing Textbook Ch. 7 Presentation & Case Studies 12 Local Marketing in Mature Markets Textbook Ch. 8 Presentation & Case Studies 13 Local Marketing in new Growth Markets Textbook Ch. 9 Presentation & Case Studies 14 Local Marketing in Emerging Markets Textbook Ch. 10 Presentation & Case Studies REFERENCES Textbook Johny K. Johansson, Global Marketing; Foreign Entry, Local Marketing&Global Management, 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill Irwin 2009 International Edition. Related links http://www.mplans.com Recommended Reading Global Marketing, Johny K. Johansson, McGraw - Hill Material Sharing Solving of Cheapter-End Problems and Presentation Slides from WEB Automation System ASSESSMENT METHODS Activities Number Effect Notes 1 35% Written Examination Midterm Exam 1 15% A presentation Project 50% Effect of The Activities 50% Effect of The Final Exam ECTS TABLE Contents Number Hours Total Hours in Classroom 14 3 42 Hours out Classroom 14 3 42 Project 1 20 20 Midterm Exam Final Exam 1 1 16 20 Total Total / 30 ECTS Credit RECENT PERFORMANCE 16 20 140 =140/30=4.66 5