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San Joaquín Delta College
Spanish 002: Elementary Spanish
Spring 2009 TTh 8:30-11:00 AM (with short break in the middle) in Holt 312
Instructor: Elizabeth Schwartz
Office: Cunningham 225, Ph: 209-954-5312
Office hours: MWF 10-11, TTh 1:30-2:30
Course Materials:
A package that includes:
 Textbook: Blanco, José and Donley, Philip Redwine, Vistas: Introducción a la lengua española, 3rd Edition. Boston:
Vista Higher Learning, 2008. (Comes with two codes for the web site (Vistas Supersite) and for the electronic
workbook. More on this below.) Bring your book to class everyday.
 Electronic workbook: “Web-SAM” (access code comes with book package or may be purchased separately)
 Vistas Supersite (access code req’d, see attached instructions or online instructions):
 Pocket-sized Spanish dictionary (recommended)
Where can I get the book and other materials?
 Online at: at a discounted price.
 At the Delta College Bookstore in Danner Hall
 The course materials are on reserve at the Reading and Writing Tutor Center in Holt 201. The textbook is also on
reserve in Goleman Library, and can be checked out for 2 hours at a time.
 Extra copies of this document and other handouts will be posted on the Vistas web site under “Announcements.”
Course Description: This course builds on what you learned in Spanish 1 to develop your skills with the Spanish
language and your knowledge of the cultures of the Spanish-speaking world. Emphasis is placed on communication skills
(listening, speaking, reading and writing) and cultural understanding. This course transfers to the UC and CSU systems. If
you are a native or heritage speaker of Spanish, you should enroll in Spanish 1A or 2A: Spanish for Spanish Speakers.
Student Learning Outcomes:
You will develop skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing Spanish. By the end of the semester, you will be able
to do the following:
1. Communicate in Spanish in basic, everyday situations in the past, present and future, including the topics of: food,
likes and dislikes, parties and celebrations, health, technology, the home, nature and the environment and city life.
2. Hear and comprehend Spanish which addresses the above topics, and which uses present, past and future verb tenses.
3. Describe the difference between the indicative and subjunctive moods, and the preterite and imperfect tenses.
4. Speak with reasonably accurate pronunciation and in complete sentences about a majority of the topics in #1 using a
variety of verb tenses.
5. Read and interpret the content of 1-2 page articles in Spanish on cultural topics.
6. Write 250+ word compositions in Spanish showing appropriate use of syntax, grammar and vocabulary.
7. Identify and compare cultures and countries of the Spanish-speaking world.
Important: the primary language of this course will be Spanish.
Assignments and Evaluation
Homework (15%)
You will have several online assignments each week at These include:
o Short, daily “Inténtalo” (Try it!) assignments worth 10 points to try out new material before we cover it in
o As review for the test, you will complete the Web Student Activities Manuel (Web-SAM) for each
chapter, worth 45-50 points, due on the day of each test.
o It is easy to get 100% on every homework assignment: all you have to do is try! If you get a minimum of
30% correct answers on each activity, you will get FULL credit on the homework.
o Start early on the Web SAM (worth 45-50 points). It has about 40-50 exercises, which will take 3-4 hours
total. Although it is due on the date of each test, you can start working on it whenever you like.
Homework FAQ:
How do I get started on the homework? Where is the homework? All homework is online. You need access to the
Internet, and an Internet browser such as Internet Explorer, Firefox or Safari to do the homework. You will go to the
Vistas web site, and input the two codes that came with the book (or which you purchased separately). The access
codes will give you access to both the online “textbook” exercises, and the online Student Activities Manual exercises
(“Web-SAM”). When you create an account and log on to the site, you will see a list of the homework assignments
you need to do.
What if I don’t have easy access to a computer or to the Internet? See below for information on campus computer
labs where you may do this work.
Where do I go if I have questions about the site? First, explore the site and experiment with how it works to get
familiar with it. You will have several chances to do the exercises there, so it’s OK to test out how it works
before submitting your final answers. If you have questions about the web site, or how to use it, PLEASE ask me!
If your question is technical (like how to watch the videos on your computer) I may refer you to 24-hour tech support.
Please explore the great resources on the site, like flash cards and grammar tutorials!
How does homework affect my grade? It affects your grade in two ways. First, it is worth 15% of your course
grade, and second, quizzes and tests will have several questions based on the homework. Doing the homework
directly relates to higher grades on tests!
When is homework due? Can I turn it in late? Homework is due on the date and time listed on the web site and in
your course calendar, usually 8:00 AM on the date due. Late policy: you get 2 late passes for homework or
compositions; after that, no credit will be given for late work. Late work must be turned in within one week of the
original deadline.
I pressed “Submit” for my homework, but I don’t know if it was submitted. Although you did not receive
confirmation, it probably did go through. Check the “My Results” tab at the top of the page to be sure.
Class activities and participation (10%)
Each day you will be given points for participating in class. It is easy to earn your participation points: be fully present
in class and try out the new things we are learning. You will lose all points for the day if you do any of the following:
 send text messages in class or answer your cell phone
 arrive late to class or leave early for any reason except jury duty, military service, or a schoolsponsored event.
 do anything else that does not involve learning Spanish!
There will be many in-class activities that will be collected and graded for completion, such as short written
assignments or dialogues practiced with a partner. If you are here and you complete them, you get full credit. If you
are absent, you get no credit.
Composition (5%) You will be asked to write one composition of 250 words or more in Spanish. We will start off writing
short paragraphs, etc., working up to a longer composition by the end of the semester.
Quizzes 5% There will be a number of quizzes. Be in class on time every day to take the quizzes. There are no make-ups.
The quiz with the lowest grade will be dropped. If you miss a quiz, that will be the one that is dropped.
Chapter Tests 40%. There will be five tests, usually one after each chapter. There are no make-ups for tests, but the lowest
grade will be dropped. If you miss a test, that will be the one that is dropped. The tests will include activities to evaluate
your listening, reading, writing and vocabulary skills.
Speaking Activites 10%.
There will be a number of speaking activities in class, starting off with a review of easy questions and answers (What
is your name? etc.) and moving on to longer and more complex questions and answers. The most important thing is to
be patient with yourself, and we will start off easy.
You will be asked to do a short one-minute presentation about a party or celebration. This will take place about six
weeks into the semester.
There will be a final oral interview or dialogue with a partner at the end of the semester.
Final Exam 15%. There will be a cumulative final exam worth 15% of your grade. Failure to take the final exam may
result in an F grade in the course.
Grading scale: A: 90-100
B: 80-89
C: 70-79
How to get a good grade in this class (and learn Spanish):
 Come to class every day.
 Read the book and web site.
 Do the homework. A little every day goes a long
 Listen to your instructor speak in Spanish—you
will get used to it with time.
 Ask questions in class and during office hours!
D: 60-69
F: 59 and below
Take advantage of free tutoring. If you think
Spanish will be a difficult subject, consider
going to the tutor center early on, before you
have difficulty.
Make friends with your classmates, exchange
emails and phone numbers, and consider
forming study groups.
LATE WORK: Homework, compositions, and any other assignments are due at the beginning of class, or at the date and
time specified on the website (usually 8:00 AM on the date due). If you do not have your assignment, you get 0 credit.
However, since emergencies sometimes occur, each student will get two late passes to turn in up to two assignments late.
They may be up to one week late. After one week, you get zero credit. Tip: if you know you are going to be absent on the
day something is due, turn in your work ahead of time.
Class rules:
 At all times you are expected to show respect for your classmates, your instructor, yourselves, and the learning
environment. This means, remain quiet while your instructor is speaking. There will also be plenty of time for you
to ask for clarification, further explanation, and to practice when the instructor is done speaking.
 Be considerate and arrive on time. Re-schedule appointments for other times, not when you need to be in class.
 If you must have your cell phone on for some reason, please let me know before class. Repeated cell phone use in
class (including text messaging) may lead to dismissal from class.
 According to Delta College’s policy, a student will be dropped from the course if s/he misses any of the first three
days of instruction (unless s/he notifies the instructor prior to the absence). Further, a student will be dropped for
missing the equivalent of two weeks of instruction (4 class meetings), through the 4th week of instruction. After
the fourth week, a student will be dropped who misses three weeks (6 class meetings) at any point in the semester.
The only excused absences are those for military service, jury duty, or a documented, school-sponsored field trip
or event.
 If you feel the need to drop the class, PLEASE contact me and let me know. It is your responsibility to drop the
class if you are no longer attending. You may receive an F if you do not do so and miss the deadline to request a
"W" (Withdrawl). The last day to drop this course with a W on your transcript is ____________________.
Email: Email is one of the most effective ways for me, your instructor, to communicate with you and for you to
communicate with me. Please check your SJDC email account once a day for announcements and any other
information sent by me or other SJDC faculty and staff. Please remember a bit of “Netiquette” when sending email:
include a greeting, such as “Dear Professor Schwartz” or “Hola, Profesora”, and make sure to include your name at the
Students with disabilities: Any student who feels s/he needs an accommodation based on the impact of a disability
should contact me to discuss your specific needs. Please also contact Disability Support Programs and Services (DSPS) at
(209) 954-5330, Cunningham 120, to arrange for accommodation for documented disabilities. For specific services related
to learning disabilities, please contact the Learning Disabilities office in Cunningham 236 at 954-5378.
Academic integrity and consequences of cheating: Students are expected to abide by Delta College’s Standards of
Conduct. Academic dishonesty has serious consequences. Cheating, plagiarism and any other form of academic
dishonesty will result in an “F” grade on the assignment, and may result in an “F” in the course. For each offense, a report
will be made to the Vice President of Student Services, who may follow up with consequences including probation and
suspension from the college.
This policy includes cheating on quizzes and tests, as well as submitting written work and homework that is not
your original work (plagiarism). The use of online translation programs is also a form of cheating. The output produced by
these programs is usually not comprehensible anyway! The work you turn in must be 100% your own work.
Your enrollment in this course constitutes your acceptance of this policy.
How to set up your VISTAS Supersite account (in order to complete homework)
1. Go to the Student Registration page:
2. On the "Already have an account?" screen, follow the on-screen instructions. Select the choice that best
applies, then click continue to move to the next step.
3. On the "Login information" screen, follow the on-screen instructions. You will be asked to either:
Enter a username and password if you already have an existing account. Click Verify after entering the
requested information. Once you receive a boxed, red confirmation message that the information you
entered is valid, click Continue to move to the next step.
Or enter a username and email address if you do not have an account or are not sure. Click Search after
entering the requested information. Once you receive a boxed, red confirmation that the information
you entered or chose is valid, click Continue to move to the next step.
4. On the "Instructor or student" screen, select the choice that best applies to you, then click Continue to move
to the next step.
5. On the "Enter your passcode" screen, follow the on-screen instructions. Note that you can redeem passcodes
for different sections of the Supersite. Be sure to read the on-screen instructions carefully. After entering
your passcode(s) and clicking Redeem, wait for a boxed, red confirmation that the passcode(s) is valid. After
the confirmation message appears, click Continue to move to the next step.
6. On the "Confirm information" screen, you need to review your account information and enter your personal
information. When done, click Continue to move to the next step.
7. On the "School Region" screen, find your school by selecting Colleges/Universities in California.
8. On the "School Name" screen, select San Joaquin Delta College from the list of schools.
o From the list of available courses on the "Course information" screen, select Spanish 2 taught by
instructor Elizabeth Schwartz.
10. You are now at the "Complete" screen. Click the Print link to print a copy of your account information for
future reference.
SJDC Computer Labs (bring student ID number to use labs)
Reading and Writing Learning Center (Holt 201)
This tutoring center has Spanish tutors available by appointment, as well as all of the course materials on reserve
for you to check out and use for an hour at a time. To sign up for tutoring, go to the front desk and say that you
are interested in meeting with a tutor. The lab staff will ask you to fill out a form with your schedule, and then
contact you later to arrange tutoring. It is not “drop-in” tutoring. This center has a few computers for student use.
Lab hours: TBA, generally all day.
ESL Computer Lab (Cunningham 233)
(open to students of other languages in the afternoon):
Lab hours: TBA, in the afternoons
This is a high-tech lab with headphones provided. The lab staff will ask you to register to use the lab (quick and
easy process).
Academic Computing Lab (Cunningham 220)
(open to all students with a student I.D.)
Monday - Thursday - 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
This is a large lab with many computers. You must bring your own headphones.
Spanish 2 Spring 2009 Calendar TTh 8:30-11:00 AM
This calendar is subject to change.
13-Jan Introducción. Repaso (review) de Español 1
15-Aug Repaso—Lecciones 6 y 7: Hablar del pasado y hablar de la rutina diaria
Lección 8 La comida. Contextos, Fotonovela, Pronunciación, 8.1 Pretérito
8.2 Pronombres dobles, 8.3 Comparativos
8.4 Superlativos, Lectura p. 272-3, Guatemala
Repaso, Examen Lección 8
Lección 9 Las fiestas. Contextos, Fotonovela, Pronunciación, 9.1 Pretérito
9.2 Verbos que cambian de significado. 9.3 ¿Qué? y ¿Cuál?
9.4 Preposiciones, Chile, “Oye como va” Presentaciones breves.
Repaso, Examen Lección 9
Lección 10 En el consultorio. Contextos, Fotonovela, Pronunciación, 10.1 El
10.2 El pretérito y el imperfecto., “Oye como va”
10.3 Se. 10.4 Adverbios, Costa Rica
Repaso, Examen Lección 10
Lección 11 La tecnología. Contextos, Fotonovela, Pronunciación, 11.1
Mandatos informales
11.2 Por y para, 11.3 Reflexivos recíprocos
11.4 Posesivos: mío, tuyo, etc., Cultura, Argentina
Repaso, Examen Lección 11
Lección 12 La vivienda. Contextos, Fotonovela, Ortografía, 12.1 Pronombres
12.2 Mandatos formales, 12.3 El subjuntivo
What I need to do for homework: (Due at 8:00 Prepare for:
AM on the date listed)
Online: Set up Vistas Supersite account; find
and read “La hora del café en el mundo
hispano” (under “Textbook” tab) and do the
exercise called “Escoger”. If you don’t have
online access yet, speak to your instructor.
Online: Do the “Recapitulación” for Lección
On Vistas site, click on “Web SAM” tab. Find
the Lab Manual section: do exercises in
“Contextos” and “Pronunciación.” (You must
access audio files to do this and listen with
headphones or with your computer’s built-in
Lección 8: p. 274 Inténtalo p. 278 Inténtalo
p. 283 Inténtalo, p. 286 Inténtalo, Leer p. 2723, Hacer #1 Cierto o falso, #2 Comprensión
Web SAM (online Student Activities
Manual) Lección 8
Leer Fotonovela p. 304-5. Hacer p. 306
Completar y Identificar.
Hacer p. 311 Inténtalo, p. 312 Completar
p. 314 Inténtalo, p. 316 Inténtalo
Quiz: syllabus
Quiz: pretérito verbos
Web SAM Lección 9
Leer Fotonovela p. 336-7. Hacer p. 338 Cierto
o falso, Identificar
Leer p. 346-7, Hacer p. 347 Inténtalo
p. 354 Inténtalo, p. 355 Escoger
Quiz: el imperfecto
Web SAM Lección 10
p. 369 Escuchar, Oraciones. p. 379 Inténtalo
p. 383 Inténtalo, p. 384 Completar
p. 389 Inténtalo
Web SAM Lección 11
p. 405 Escoger, Definiciones, p. 412 Cierto o
p. 419 Inténtalo, p. 420 Completar
12.4 Subjuntivo, “Oye cómo va”, Panamá
HOLIDAY César Chávez
Repaso, Examen Lección 12
Spring Break
p. 427 Inténtalo
Web SAM Lección 12
Lección 13 La naturaleza. Contextos, Fotonovela, Ortografía, 13.1 Subjuntivo:
13.2 Subjuntivo: duda y negación, 13.3 Subj. con conjunciones de tiempo
“Oye cómo va”, Colombia, Repaso
Lección 14 Contextos, Fotonovela, 14.1 Subjuntivo en cláusulas adjetivales;
Práctica para las presentaciones,
14.2 Mandatos de “nosotros”, 14.3 Participios como adjetivos
TEXTBOOK p. 443 Seleccionar, p. 453
Quiz: Subjuntivo
Quiz: subjuntivo
Venezuela, Bolivia, Repaso
Lección 15 El bienestar. Contextos, Fotonovela, Ortografía.
15.1 El presente perfecto, 15.2 El pasado perfecto, 15.3 El presente perfecto
12-May Repaso
14-May Repaso
19 May Examen final: martes, 19 de mayo de 8-10 AM
(Final exam week is May 15-21.)
Web SAM (only “Lab Manual”) Lección 13
Composición: Síntesis Lec. 13
TEXTBOOK p. 490 Inténtalo, p. 493
Web SAM (only “Lab Manual”) Lección 14
No hay tarea
p. 519 Inténtalo, p. 522 Inténtalo, p. 525
Please note: All homework is due on or before the date listed at 8:00 AM.