Speech - InforMNs

Persuasive Speech
Research, write and deliver a persuasive speech. Your speech will be timed
and should not be less than 3 minutes or longer than 5 minutes. You will
lose 1 point for each second you are either over or under time, up to 10
Your speech must include an introduction, body, and conclusion as
described below in Methods of Delivering a Persuasive Speech. During
your speech, you will need to site all of your sources with oral footnotes to
avoid plagiarism. Your sources must include a book and a website.
Additional sources are optional.
You will also be required to turn in a purpose statement worksheet (see
below), typed outline and bibliography for your speech (12 pt font) Due
when you present your speech.
Keep this packet with you, as you will need to turn in your critique form
before presenting your speech. Failure to do so will result in the automatic
deduction of 5 pts.
If you are sick on the day you are scheduled to give your speech, you will
be required to give your speech on the next day you are in class. Students
who are not prepared to give their speech when scheduled will
automatically lose 10 pts from their grade.
Getting Started
A Persuasive Speech is the attempt of a speaker to influence the audience members by
shaping, changing, or reinforcing their responses toward an idea, issue, concept or
3 Types of Persuasive Speeches
1. The Speech to Inspire- Targets the audiences feelings
2. The Speech To Convince- Used to influence beliefs or attitudes.
3. The Speech to Actuate- Intended to influence a change in behavior or action
Truth Ethics and Influence
Persuasive speaking offers considerable opportunity for poor ethical decisions. For this
reason, guard you credibility and reputation. Once lost it is difficult to regain. It is
acceptable to take and opposing position, but it is important to do so with respect and
positive intent. When speaking, check your own intentions. Present your facts in an
honest way. As a listener, you should consider the content of the proposal/ position. Be
careful not to respond to innuendo or slander.
Key Elements of Persuasion- Proofs and Evidence
1. Proofs
Extrinsic- _____________________________________________________
Intrinsic proofs- ________________________________________________
a. Personal Proof (ethos) – Based on the audience’s perception of the
speaker. Commonly known as Credibility.
1. Competence
2. Character
3. Sociability
4. Composure
5. Extroversion
b. Emotional Proof (pathos) – Attempts to persuade the audience based
on emotional appeals
c. Logical Proof (logos) – Occurs when you try to persuade with logical
appeals, reasoning and argument. Typical format includes 1) assertion
of a proposition 2) evidence to prove the proposition 3) a conclusion
binding the first two.
d. Mythic Proof (mythos) – This persuasion is formed by broad concepts.
It is usually revealed through historic significance or the explanation
of why things have occurred in the past.
2. Evidence- preceded by or assigned to an assertion
Purpose Statement Worksheet
Name ____________________________________________________
Speech Topic ______________________________________________
1. What type of persuasive speech are you giving? (circle one)
2. What is your general purpose? ______________________________________
3. Who is your intended audience? ______________________________________
4. What is your precise goal? ___________________________________________
5. Use the above information to write a purpose statement for your speech.
6. What Method of Delivery will you be using for your speech? (circle one)
Need- Plan
Refutation Strategy
Monroe’s Motivated Sequence