American History through Pop Culture:

American History through Pop Culture:
1970s and 1980s Review:
The 1970s:
 The 1970s saw an economic downturn, high inflation, an energy crisis, and a lack of faith in
 The values and norms of the 1970s reflected an influence of the hippie movement of the 1960s
– those liberal values became mainstream.
 The Singer-Songwriters of the 1970s (Carol King, James Taylor) were inspired by the folk rock
of the 1960s
 The punk movement was a counterculture movement- some notable bands were The Ramones,
The Sex Pistols, and The Clash
 Heavy metal music emerged in the 1970s featuring dark hyper masculine lyrics, and loud
distorted guitars.
 Popular TV shows displayed the values of the 1970s
 Wonder Woman can be viewed as a symbol of feminism.
 All in the Family displayed the conflict between liberal and conservative values
 Movies in the 1970s underwent a renaissance with directors like Steven Spielberg (Jaws),
Martin Scorsese (Taxi Driver), and Francis Ford Coppola (The Godfather) making bold and
daring films.
 Science Fiction also became mainstream with Star Wars emerging as a blockbuster franchise
 Disco music displayed the “care-free” side of the 1970s, with dancing becoming the purpose of
the music and venues that played it.
The 1980s:
 The 1980s marked new economic prosperity, and a conservative president Ronald Reagan
 The 1980s also marks the beginning of the computer age, with home video game systems
(Atari, Nintendo) and home computers becoming popular.
 The New Wave music of the 1980s was inspired by the punk movement of the 1970s, but took
on a robotic, synthesized image of the computer age.
 Hip Hop music was a relatively new form of music in the 1980s - inspired by the jazz poetry
of the 1920s, and the disco and funk music of the 1970s.
 The Cold War in the 1980s permeated many aspects of American culture, including popular
movie franchises like Rocky.
 MTV emerged in the 1980s and made listening to music a visual experience – this changes
many things about the music industry and the artists who become popular.
 Heavy metal and hard rock music was heavily influenced by pop and a glam look
 Controversies and accusations regarding heavy metal music involved misogyny, violence, and
devil worship
 Michael Jackson’s videos were considered iconic because of their creativity and innovative
story lines which were considered short films rather than music videos.
 Madonna challenged the social norms of the 1980s and 1990s by writing songs and creating
videos that dealt with such controversial topics as teen pregnancy and racism.
Name: _______________________________
Date: _________________
American History through Pop Culture
Quiz – The 1970s
1. The values and norms of the 1970s reflected an influence of the _____________ movement
of the 1960s – those liberal values became mainstream.
2. The Singer-Songwriters of the 1970s (Carol King, James Taylor) were inspired by
____________ rock of the 1960s.
3. The _____________ movement was a counterculture movement- some notable bands were
The Ramones, The Sex Pistols, and The Clash.
4. ___________ ___________ music emerged in the 1970s featuring dark hyper masculine
lyrics, and loud distorted guitars.
5. ___________ ___________, the first female superhero on TV, can be viewed as a symbol
of feminism.
6. The TV show __________ ____ ____ __________ displayed the conflict between liberal
and conservative values through arguments between Archie and his son-in-law.
7. Movies in the 1970s underwent a rebirth or _________________ with directors like Steven
Spielberg (Jaws), Martin Scorsese (Taxi Driver), and Francis Ford Coppola (The
Godfather) making bold and daring films.
8. Science Fiction also became mainstream with __________ __________ emerging as a
blockbuster franchise.
9. __________ music displayed the “care-free” side of the 1970s, with dancing becoming the
purpose of the music and venues that played it.
10. ___________ ___________ is the “King of Long Island.”