NCIT - National Center for Intermodal Transportation

Request for Proposals
The National Center for Intermodal Transportation
A Partnership between the University of Denver and Mississippi State University
The theme of NCIT is to promote the development of a safe and efficient national intermodal
transportation system. NCIT is focused on improving the efficiency and safety of the national
transportation system by identifying ways to better utilize the strengths of the individual modes
of transportation. From single modal perspectives (air, rail, water, road), the United States has
developed one of the best transportation systems in the world. However, because each mode of
transportation evolved independently of other modes, they are not well connected. The
intermodal point of view involves looking at how individual modes can be connected, governed,
and managed as a seamless transportation system for the movement of both passengers and
freight. That is, the fundamental objective of intermodalism is not to optimize a single mode of
transportation but to integrate the modes into an optimal, sustainable, and ethical system.
NCIT and its studies involve two universities, the University of Denver (DU) and Mississippi
State University (MSU), and multiple disciplines within each university, including business,
law, engineering, and science. Other disciplines will become involved as studies warrant.
A major activity of NCIT is the recruitment and education of tomorrow’s transportation
professionals with an emphasis on attracting women and minorities. As such, academic
programs focusing on intermodal transportation systems are being developed; and scholarships,
fellowships, and graduate assistantships are being provided.
Each year NCIT will operate a research program, reflecting the broad range of intermodal
transportation research needs of the nation. This Request for Proposals (RFP) is a call for
research statements and proposals for studies.
Research Focus
The theme of NCIT is “intermodal transportation.” This theme is multidisciplinary and includes
any topic that focuses on the improvement of the intermodal performance of the nation’s
passenger and freight transportation systems.
Individuals are eligible to apply as principal investigators for NCIT research projects by
submitting Problem Statements. Formal Proposals will be solicited upon approval of the
Problem Statement.
Total Quality Focus
All Problem Statements and Formal Proposals must identify the users or customers of the
findings and how these individuals or agencies will participate in the research.
Application Procedures
The application process for NCIT funding consists of two phases. First, a Problem Statement is
submitted so that the project can be pre-qualified (see section VII for details). Projects that
appear to be consistent with the theme and the goals of NCIT will then be invited to submit a
Formal Proposal (see section IX for details). An invitation to submit a Formal Proposal in no
way obligates NCIT to fund the project and should not be interpreted as project approval or preapproval.
All Problem Statements and Formal Proposals should be submitted to both NCIT co-directors
(electronic submissions are encouraged):
Patrick Sherry, Ph.D.
Co-Director, NCIT
University of Denver
2450 South Vine Street
Denver CO 80208
Burak Eksioglu, Ph.D.
Co- Director, NCIT
Mississippi State University
PO Box 9542
Mississippi State MS 39762
Areas of Research
NCIT is funded to promote research in the development, planning, design, improvement, and
assessment of a safe, secure, and efficient intermodal transportation system for passengers and
freight. Priority will be given to problem statements that fall under the following research areas:
Impact of Intermodal Transportation on Distribution System Design
Intermodal Safety and Security
Intermodal Policy
Intermodal Economic Impact and Development
Intermodal Workforce Development
Intermodal Transportation Systems Role in Crisis Conditions
VII. The Problem Statement
The Problem Statement is intended to pre-qualify proposed projects before the submittal of a
Formal Proposal. Thus, only those projects determined to be most consistent with the theme
and goals of NCIT will be requested to devote the time and effort to formal proposal
preparation. The following items must be addressed in the one-page Problem Statement.
Project Title
Project Area: relationship of the project to intermodal transportation, including
 modes of transportation affected
 passengers and/or freight
 planning, design, improvement, assessment
Problem Description
Project Objectives: What will the investigator(s) accomplish if the project is funded?
Application of Research
 describe the contribution of the project to the existing body of knowledge;
 discuss how this research will affect or enhance other research or projects;
 describe how the results would be used to benefit industry, society, and/or academia;
 discuss who the customers or users of the findings would be; and
 describe how they would be involved in the research.
Total Estimated Cost: This estimate will be used to determine whether or not the
project’s cost is reasonable compared to the possible benefit of the project.
Matching Funds: Matching funds are not required but encouraged.
Project Duration: Provide an estimate of the project duration in months.
Investigator(s): Provide the contact information for the principal investigator (PI).
VIII. Timeline
1. Problem Statements must be submitted to the NCIT co-directors by March 20th.
2. Principal investigators will be notified by March 27th on problem statement selections.
3. Full proposals must be submitted to the NCIT co-directors by May 8th.
4. Principal investigators will be notified by June 19th on award decisions.
The Formal Proposal
Instructions for Completion
The Formal Proposal (hereinafter referred to as proposal) shall contain the following elements
and must be in the required format (font: Times New Roman, font size: 11 or 12):
Cover Sheet. (see page 6; include NCIT identifying number which will be provided by
NCIT after Problem Statement selections). (Page limit: 1)
Project Information. This section must contain the following information, organized as
follows: (Page limit: 4 - not including references)
Project Title
Principal Investigator, name of institution, telephone number, email address.
TRB Keywords
Project Objective: What is the purpose of the project? What is to be
e) Project Abstract
f) Intermodal Orientation of the Project: What modes of transportation are to be dealt
with in the project? Does the project affect passenger transportation and/or freight
transportation? Does the project involve intermodal transportation system
planning, design, improvement, or assessment?
g) Task Description: How will the research be accomplished? The methodology to be
used should be explained.
h) Milestones: This section should include project start and end dates as well as the
identification of significant dates within the course of the project.
i) Yearly Total Budget: Include line items for salaries, wages, fringe benefits,
equipment, travel, and indirect costs. A detailed budget (not to exceed 1 page can
be added as an appendix)
j) Student Involvement: For example, thesis, assistantship, paid employment.
k) Relationship to Other Research or Projects: How will this project affect or enhance
other research or projects?
l) Technology Transfer: Explain the steps to make the research results available to
practitioners and other researchers.
m) Benefits of Project
n) References
Qualifications of Research Team. Explain who will work on the project, including
faculty, research staff, graduate students, and undergraduate students.
Describe pertinent qualifications of the research team. (Page limit: 2)
Matching Funds. Indicate amount and source of any commitments for matching funds.
(Page limit: 1)
Additional Requirements
All research conducted under NCIT sponsorship must adhere to the following requirements:
Research reports must meet the format and distributional requirements of NCIT.
The Principal Investigator must submit as a minimum one refereed conference paper
based on the research conducted. Refereed journal publications are also encouraged.
Each project must include a technology transfer element. NCIT will assist the PI’s in
carrying out their technology transfer activities.
Formal Proposal Selection Criteria
NCIT will use the following selection criteria in evaluating each research proposal:
25 pts……Quality of research approach
10 pts……Qualifications of research team
5 pts……Project cost
30 pts……Intermodal orientation of research
10 pts……Contribution to transportation education
10 pts……Potential for technology transfer
10 pts……Potential for refereed publications
100 pts……Total possible points
In addition, NCIT will ensure that the overall research proposal meets USDOT requirements.
Formal Proposal Selection Procedure
Each proposal will be reviewed by the NCIT Research Advisory Committee. The committee
members will rate each proposal according to the above criteria, using the NCIT evaluation
form. The NCIT co-directors will use the completed evaluation forms to aid in their ranking of
the proposals. Proposals will then be chosen from those having high rank, such that a balance of
the areas stressed in the NCIT theme is achieved.
The National Center for Intermodal Transportation
A Partnership between the University of Denver and Mississippi State University
NCIT Formal Proposal Cover Sheet
Submit To:
Patrick Sherry, Ph.D.
Co-Director, NCIT
2450 South Vine Street
Denver CO 80208
NCIT# _________
Burak Eksioglu, Ph.D.
Co-Director, NCIT
PO Box 9542
Mississippi State MS 39762
Title of Project _____________________________________________________________
Total Budget and Timeframe
Proposed Duration in months
Inclusive Dates _______________________
Matching Funds:
University: _______________________
Principal Investigator(s)
Institution: _______________________
Phone/Fax: _______________________
Administrative Contact (All correspondence
will be sent to Administrative Contact, if different
from project PI):
Institution: ______________________
Federal and Matching Funds $ ______________
NCIT Funds Requested $ __________________
Total $________________________________
Phone/Fax: ______________________________
Email: __________________________________
Signature: _______________________________
Co-Director Signature
Co-Director Signature