GARLIC AND HEALTH PROJECT EU identification number QLK1-CT-1999-00498 E-mail report January 1 - January 31 2003 (E-report 24) General 1. The Liverpool meeting: I guess things are going quite well, the transport and hotel are well arranged and furthermore the social events have been organized in some detail. Dear partners make sure that you have checked that your Powerpoint presentation is in good shape (so send it to Meriel Jones before the meeting; deadline: February 14) and take a back up of your presentation with you in the form of overhead sheets. As we need to put the Powerpoint presentations on the G&H homepage, I also need a copy of your presentation, so the best way in this respect would be that Meriel puts all your contributions on one CD that I can take with me to Holland (you won’t believe how many CDs I have already from previous meetings!). 2. The social event on Thursday can be also used for discussions in groups of partners. Make your arrangement before the meeting then you can use your time most efficiently. 3. As this is an annual meeting please check your milestones and especially your deliverables for year 3 and if applicable year 2 (posponed M&Ds). 4. Final agenda G&H meeting Liverpool, February 17-21 2003 Monday, February 17 Arrival Tuesday, February 18 8:15 –8:30 Welcome by our host Brian Tomsett HEALTH (Chair: Rolf Gebhardt; Minutes: who??) 08:30 - 08:45 08:45 - 11:00 11:00 - 11:30 11:30 - 13:00 13:00 - 14:30 14:30 - 15:15 15:15 - 15:45 15:45 - 17:00 17:00 - 18:00 Introduction to the meeting: Rolf Gebhardt /Remi Kahane/Chris Kik WP 5 Cardio-vascular diseases 5.1 inflammation: Angelika Vollmar cs 5.2 cholesterol & vessel wall: Rolf Gebhardt cs Coffee WP 6 Cancer: Marie Helene Siess cs Lunch WP 7 Pharmaceutics: Thomas Haffner cs Tea WP 8 Human intervention study: Hans Princen cs General discussion health part: Rolf Gebhardt Wednesday, February 19 GARLIC (Chair: Remi Kahane; Minutes: who??) 08:30 – 10:00 10:00 – 10:30 10:30 – 11.15 11:15 - 12:00 12:00 – 13:30 13:30 - 15:30 15:30 - 16:00 16:00 - 17:00 WP 4 Biochemistry: Brian Thomas cs Coffee WP 3 Cultivation: Odile Huchette cs WP 1 Genetic Resources: Rina Kamenetsky cs Lunch WP 2 Breeding Systems: Xabier Barandiaran cs Tea General discussion plant part Thursday, February 20 8:30 -10:30 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 – 13:00 13:00 - 14:00 14:00 - ? Parallel plant and health session in which the various bottlenecks of the previous years and solving of these bottlenecks will be discussed. Chairs: Rolf Gebhardt and Remi Kahane Coffee General project discussion and further project business (Chair: Chris Kik): 1. What are the bottlenecks we see presently and what can we do about it to achieve our goals (summary of parallel session): Rolf Gebhardt, Remi Kahane 2. Finances. 3. Writing of the fourth annual scientific report, consolidated progress report and technological implementation plan (TIP) in the second half of 2003. 4. ISHS symposium China: lay-out posters etc. 5. EU FP6 developments. Lunch Social event or group discussions Friday, February 21 Departure 5. You can find the draft version of the third annual report on the G&H home page (username: project; password: rentrap). I would be very pleased to have your comments on this version. 6. Please send your cost statements (CSs) for the third year (February 1 2002 – January 31 2003) to me (Chris Kik), you can also take your CS with you to Liverpool. Please make sure that the signature on the official format is in BLUE !! 7. The reimbursement of the EU of the second year we received some weeks ago, you will receive the money in due time with a letter in which the details for the reimbursement will be explained. 8. The ISHS meeting in China: We need to present next to our presentations also posters: 1 general, 2 plant and 2 health. These posters should have a more or less uniformous lay-out. I will give more details on this in the Liverpool meeting. P1: Plant Research International, Wageningen, the Netherlands The group at Plant Research International is engaged in three WPs namely, WP1: Genetic Resources, WP2: Genetic Systems and WP9: Co-ordination. The progress in the various WPs will be dealt with consecutively. A. Workpackage : WP1 Genetic Resources B. Objectives: 1. Building-up a collection of garlic 2. Fingerprinting of the garlic collection, to identify the relationships between the various accessions and to develop and maintain a core collection C. Persons involved: Karin Burger, Ria Vrielink, Sjaak van Heusden, Chris Kik D. Milestones & Deliverables M&D 2000 Milestones: Determination of the clonal identity of the accessions present in the existing and collected garlic collections via AFLP fingerprinting Deliverables: DP 3: Garlic collection DP 7: Chemical distinction (CSO), fertility and clonal identity between garlic accessions of the collection. M&D 2001: Milestones: Clonal identity screening in newly collected material Maintenance (core) collection Deliverables: DP 10: Establishment of core collection and writing paper DP 31: Maintenance core collection M&D 2002: Milestones: DP 31: Maintenance of core collection and distribution of material Deliverables: None M&D 2003: Milestones: Maintenance of core collection and distribution of material done done done done done partly done done done done E. Research What has been done: Garlic cloves have been planted in November outside for cold treatment in order to obtain good flowering. What will be done: In the next months this will be the writing of a paper on the establishment of the garlic core collection. This will be done in close cooperation with Rina, Haim and Jacques. Bottlenecks: None Workpackage : WP2 Breeding Systems A. Objectives The development of a reliable transformation protocol for garlic using A. tumefaciens as a vector. B. Persons involved Si-Jun Zheng, Betty Henken, Frans Krens, Chris Kik C. Milestones & Deliverables M&D 2000 Milestones: Establishment of a micropropagated collection of garlic clones: Axenic material available for transformation experiments: Deliverables: No deliverables in the first year done done M&D 2001 Milestones: Callus lines presenting high levels of transient expression of uidA and GFP genes: Highly transformable callus lines available for stable transformation experiments: Regeneration of transgenic plants steadily expressing reporter and selectable genes: Garlic transgenic plants available: Deliverables: DP12: paper on regeneration (transformation) of garlic: done done done done M&D 2002 Milestones: Regeneration of transgenic plants steadily expressing genes from the sulphur pathway; transgenic garlic plants with alterations in the sulphur metabolism available: Deliverables: No deliverables in the third year to be done done M&D 2003 Milestones: Transformation and regeneration of garlic transgenic plants containing different genes to be done Involved in the sulphur metabolism, isolated by P2 and P3; integration and expression analysis. Deliverables: DP 27:Paper on anti-sense alliinase research ? DP 33: Paper on other S pathway genes on the production of flavour precursors (CSOs) to be done content of garlic E. Research What has been done: Root segments from cv. Printanor are used to induce callus. Young callus will be used in new experiments of on garlic transformation. The ATP sulfurylase (APS1) from Arabidopsis thaliana has fused with GFP (APS1-GFP and GFP-APS1). ATP sulfurylase from shallot has also been cloned and is being competely sequenced at this moment. ATP sulfurylase is the first and sole entry point enzyme for the sulphur metabolism in plants. Sulphur is one of the six macronutrients required by plants and incorporated into a large variety of metabolites such as cysteine, methionine, sulfolipids, sulfated glucosides and other co-enzymes. The protein displays a transit peptide for plastid targeting. What will be done: 1 2 Write a paper on garlic transformation. Transfer, via genetic modification, a (key)gene from the sulphur metabolic pathway into garlic. Bottlenecks None A. Workpackage: WP 9 Co-ordination B. Objectives: To ensure that collaborative links between the partners in the project are established and function and that there is a good link with the EU. C. Persons involved Remi Kahane, Rolf Gebhardt and Chris Kik D. Milestones & Deliverables M&D 2000: Milestones: Start-up meeting, (first and) second project team meeting; PR activities: home page, brochure; Annual report Deliverables: DC 1: first annual report DC 2: PR activities: home page, brochure M&D 2001: Milestones: Annual (third) and fourth project meeting PR activities Second annual scientific progress report Deliverables: DC 3: second annual progress report M&D 2002: Milestones: Annual (fifth) and sixth project meeting PR activities Third annual scientific progress report Deliverables: DC 4: Mid term review DC 5: Second annual progress report M&D 2003: Milestones: Seventh and eight project meeting have taken place PR activities Final progress reports written (annual, TIP and consolidated) Future collaborations will be developed Deliverables: done done done done done done done done done partly done done partly done done done to be done to be done to be done to be done DC 6: Final progress reports to be done E. Activities What has been done 1. It has been arranged that we can present our G&H project at the ISHS symposium in Beijing in a plenary afternoon session. Furthermore financial reimbursements have been arranged by the EU for possibly 3 persons (Rolf, Odile and Meriel). 2. The process leading to the preparation of the third annual G&H report is almost finished What will be done 1. Editing the draft version of the third G&H scientific annual report based on the comments of the partners during the Liverpool meeting and send final version to the EU. 2. Sampling of cost statements for the third year from the partners during February 2003 and send them to the EU. Bottlenecks None P2: Horticulture Research International, Wellesbourne, UK A. WP 4: Garlic Sulphur Biochemistry. B. Objectives: Understand the rate-limiting processes in the accumulation of aliin and its subsequent conversion to alliicin. Identify the developmental control points in of cysteine sulphoxide synthesis and translocation Characterisation of the alliinase gene family in garlic. C. Persons involved: Brian Thomas, Lol Trueman, Brian Smith, Linda Brown D. Milestones & deliverables of the first year: Deliverables: DP. 17: First sulphur budget for garlic (P2) DP. 18: Clones for alliinase (P2) DP. 23: Publication on alliin biosynthesis and sulphur partitioning (P2, P3) Milestones: Analysis of second-year field experiment completed Whole plant labelling studies completed Expression studies on alliinase clones initiated E. Research No info received P3: University of Liverpool, UK A. WP 4: Garlic Sulphur Biochemistry. B. Objectives: Identify intermediates on the pathway leading to synthesis of alliin. Characterisation of genes with altered expression in tissues with differences in levels of flavour compound pathway flux C. Persons involved: Hamish Collin, Brian Tomsett, Meriel Jones, Rick Cosstick, Angela Tregova, Jill Hughes, D. Milestones and Deliverables of the first year Deliverables: DP16: Analytical methods for labeling and analysis. Milestones: Measurement of alkyl cysteine sulphoxides, pathway intermediates and gamma-glutamyl peptides in bulbing and sprouting plants completed, Optimal conditions for pulse labelling established. Milestones and Deliverables of the second year: Deliverables: DP 16: Pathway intermediates identified. Milestones: Radiolabelled intermediates identified using HPLC and HPLC-MS in comparison with chemically synthesized compounds Differential display sequences isolated and re-analyzed by Northern blot and in situ hybridization, where possible, with other Allium species. Milestones and Deliverables of the third year Deliverables: DP 23.Paper on alliin biosynthesis. DP 24 Genes for key CSO synthesis enzymes Milestones: Analysis of pattern of labeling in later stage intermediates completed. This labeling approach has been superceded by isolation and identification of key pathway enzymes by biochemical and molecular biological methods. Purification of PCR amplified cDNAand sequencing completed.This is no longer applicable since the differential display approach has been discontinued. See above for the altered milestones. E Research What has been done: HPLC analyses were done to know whether the transformed tobacco cells were expressing any allyl cysteine synthase and cystreine synthase genes. This they did not because as we eventually found out the cells that Angela’s had inherited from The John Innes Institute were silenced. The cells were transformed quite successfully but they were not expressing the genes. This conclusion was arrived at after an exhaustive series of tests. Since then we have obtained a new set of cell lines fro the JI and are busy transforming them but the results will not be known for a little time. What will be done: We have had some rethinking on our approach and are now going to adopt ‘a belt and braces’ approach to expressing the enzyme. In this context E. coli will be transformed to get the gene expressed which was always an alternative but we are going to go down that route now on the assumption that the cells might not behave a second time.We need to have expression of this enzyme preferably in plant cells but fasiling that in the E. coli. Bottlenecks: Time is running short because we used the wrong cell lines for transformation, we hope that our new approach will give if us the results needed. P4: COOPD’OR, Dijon, France A. Workpackage N°3 B. Title of research : Cultivation C. Persons involved : P4 (O. Huchette, C. Bellamy, D. Perrin, E. Vade). D. Milestones & deliverables : Differential display of clones exposed in vitro to various mineral nutrition treatments (normal and S-, N- or Se-enriched nutrition) (P4). Greenhouse experiments with two genotypes, one low and one high in S content (from the core collection), optimal growth conditions (temperature, daylength) and sub-optimal sulphur nutrition for producing S-enriched garlic bulbs (P4). Sampling of fresh plant material during the cultivation treatments for CSO content analysis (P4 & P5). DP. 22 Delayed DP. 34 In progress Paper on the interaction genotype x environment on the sulphur content of garlic plants grown in vitro, in greenhouse and in field conditions (P4, P5, P6) Chemical distinction (CSO) between garlic accessions when cultivated in various S regimes (greenhouse) and mineral nutrition regimes (in vitro) (P4, P5) E. Research : 1. What has been done: a) In vitro : Experiment set up in common with Véronique Chovelon (INRA Avignon, P9) and Leonidas Fereol (CIRAD Montpellier, P8) = test of the effect of different factors on in vitro bulblet production of garlic plants derived cell suspension cultures. The results of percentage of bulbs formed were presented in Montpellier by Véronique Chovelon. But the results of alliin content analysis (P5) were only available in November. These analysis couldn’t be made on all the material because many treatments didn’t produce bulbs enough, so they have to be considered on the 3 sites Dijon, Avignon and Montpellier at the same time. A synthesis has been made by Véronique Chovelon (P9). An experiment in vitro (n° III) was set up in Dijon at the beginning of October to test (mainly on Printanor) : - the effect of the light (quality but also intensity) on the alliin content of the garlic bulbs when the medium is enriched in sulphur. the effect of a lack of sulphur in the macro-nutrients of the culture medium. The plants were placed under cold conditions (3°C – 10 hours day – White light) during the first week of November. They were removed and placed under the different light conditions for bulbification on the 8 January. Observations on the growing of the plants in the different treatments are planed every 10 days until the harvest. Observations were then made on the 13 and on the 23 January (stage of the plant and number of green leaves). The different treatments tested are remembered in the following table 1. Table 1: Treatments and varieties tested in the experiment in vitro III. Light F F+i 950 - 1000 lux 950 - 1000 lux T°C Medium S- F F+i 2000 lux 950 - 1000 lux T°C 22-24°C T°C 22-24°C T°C 22-24°C T°C 25-27°C PRI PRI PRI - Medium TS PRI PRI PRI PRI MOR MOR MOR MES MES MES Medium S++ PRI PRI PRI MOR MOR MOR S- = 0 meq SO42- in macro-nutrients – TS = 3 meq SO42- - S++ = 9 meq SO42 Further micro-propagations of the genotypes Printanor, Messidrôme and Morasol were made to set up another experiment (n°IV) at the beginning of January 2003. This experiment aimed at testing the effect of sulphur combined to nitrogen on the alliin content of garlic bulbs. 9 different culture medias are tested, but only with Printanor, as it was still difficult to produce enough plants in the genotypes Morasol and Messidrôme for the whole experiment. For these varieties, treatments were chosen after discussion with the co-ordinator of the Plant Part. The plants will be placed under cold conditions (3°C – 10 hours day – White light) during the first week of February. The protocol is presented below : WP3 / P4: 4 /2002 in vitro experiment Gradient in SO4 and nitrogen SO4 Nitrogen 0 N 3 3N 9 N 2N 3N N/2 meq (in macro-elements) 9 medias N 2N 3N 22-24°C - P = 16 hrs - F 1 month Cold induction 3°C - P = 10 hrs - F 2 months Varieties: PRI + MES + MOR1 + MORd , 22-24°C – P=16 hrs F+i - 950 lux 1 environmental factors 9 treatments for PRI (48 plants / treatment) MES, MORd = 4 treatments MORl = 7 treatments (31 plants / treatment) The media tested for Messidrôme, Morasol and Morado are detailed in the table 2. Table 2 : Treatments and varieties tested in the experiment in vitro IV. Light F+i 950 lux Medium S- / N PRI - MORl Medium S- / 3N PRI - MORl Medium TS / N PRI – MORl – MORd - MES Medium TS / 2N PRI – MORl – MORd - MES Medium TS / 3N PRI Medium S++ / N/2 PRI - MORl Medium S++ / N PRI – MORl – MORd - MES Medium S++ / 2N PRI – MORl – MORd - MES Medium S++ / 3N PRI S- = 0 meq SO42- in macro-nutrients – TS = 3 meq SO42- - S++ = 9 meq SO42- b) In greenhouse : 2 experiments have been prepared to be set up at the end of January. Two main objectives with these experiments : To test the effect of nitrogen combined to a high level of sulphur on the alliin content of garlic bulbs (3 levels of nitrogen) of Printanor, Morasol and Messidrôme To observe the growing of bulbs providing from the experiment 2002 (bulbs enriched in sulphur and not), and control their alliin content at the end of the growing season. For sanitary reasons, all the bulbs will be grown in insect-proof conditions and treated against pests and diseases. For the first experiment, the garlic cloves were supplied by Véronique Chovelon (P8 - INRA Avignon). All the cloves will be planted at the end of January in boxes (L 60*l 40*h 30 cm – 12 cloves per box) with washed river sand. Water and nutrients will be supplied with drop irrigation. 2. What will be done : a) In vitro : Progress of the experiment III in vitro : observations of the growing of the plants. Progress of the experiment IV in vitro : the plants will be exposed to cold conditions at the beginning of February. b) In greenhouse : Set up and following of the 2 experiments planed. 3. What are the bottlenecks : None. P5: Universite F. Rabelais, Tours, France The group is involved in three workpackages (WP1, WP3 and WP6) and we participate in WP5 and WP2. A- WP1 Genetic resources 1- Objectives: Screening CSO of garlic collections. 2- Persons involved: Jacques Auger, Ingrid Arnault, Nicole Mandon. 3- Milestones & deliverables of the second year: Milestones: screening CSO of garlic collection. Deliverables: DP7: Overview of the variation in CSO. DP10: Paper on the construction of the core collection 4- Research: What has been done: HPLC analysis of 55 accessions from Chris Kik (P1) is finished. What will be done: No analysis programmed A- WP2 Breeding systems 1- Objectives: Screening CSO of garlic . 2- Persons involved: Jacques Auger, Ingrid Arnault, Nicole Mandon. 3- Milestones & deliverables of the second year: No deliverable 4- Research: What has been done: On november, we received from Michel Roux Cuvelier via P9 bulbs issued from embryogenic calli,cellular suspension and vegetative multiplication. HPLC analysis of these bulbs is finished. On december, we received a second experiment of embryogenic bulbs from Michel Roux Cuvelier. What will be done: HPLC analysis of the second experiment will be over in february 2003. B- WP3: Cultivation 1- Objectives: Study effects of environmental factors on CSO content 2- Persons involved: Jacques Auger, Ingrid Arnault & Nicole Mandon. 3- Milestones & deliverables of the second year Milestones: CSO analysis of fresh plant material exposed in vitro to various temperatures and mineral nutrition treatments CSO analysis of the products before and after dehydratation and processing into powder. Deliverables: DP 7: Chemical screening (CSO) of the genetic resources. DP14: Chemical distinction (CSO) between garlic accessions when cultivated in various sulphur nutrition regimes and under distinct temperature in vitro. Comparison with field-grown material grown. DP 15: Physiological (growth traits) and chemical distinction between accessions when cultivated in various sulphur nutrition regimes over 2 years. CSO content of powder. DP22: Paper on the interaction genotype x environment on the sulphur content of garlic plants grown in vitro, in greenhouse and in field conditions. DP30: Paper on the effect of combined sulphur, nitrogen and selenium nutrition on garlic growth, flavour precursor content and on biological potential of garlic disease prevention. DP34: Chemical distinction (CSO) between accessions when cultivated in various sulphur (green house) and mineral nutrition regimes. 4- Research: What has been done: All AlCSO analysis is finished. What will be done:. No analysis programmed. D- WP6: Garlic and cancer 1-Objectives Assess the anti-carcinogenic potential of garlic in relation with the bioavailability and the metabolism of garlic sulphur compounds . 2- Persons involved: Jacques Auger, Ingrid Arnault, Nicole Mandon. 3- Milestones of the second year: Synthesis of allicin, ajoenes, alliin and purification of diallyl disulphide, allyl mercaptan and allyl methyl sulphide. Not deliverable for our group in this workpackage 4-research We sent 2 ml of allicin (10-2M) to M.H. Siess on 22th january. P6: University of Cordoba, Cordoba, Spain A. Workpackage: WP2 Breeding Systems B. Objectives: Biolistic genetic transformation of garlic C Persons involved: Xabier Barandiaran, Nieves Martín, José Garrido, Jesús Martín. D. Milestones & deliverables: Establishment of a micropropagated collection of garlic clones; axenic material available for transformation experiments. (Done) Selection of organogenic callus lines presenting high levels of transient expression of UidA and GFP genes; Highly transformable callus lines available for stable transformation experiments. Regeneration of transgenic plants steadily expressing reporter ands selectable genes; garlic transgenic plans available.(In progress) Regeneration of transgenic plants steadily expressing genes from the sulphur pathway; transgenic garlic plants with alterations in the sulphur metabolism available. DP12 Paper on transformation of garlic E. Research 1. What has been done. Regenerable cell suspensions received from P8 and treated with the biolistic device are being cultivated in presence of hygromicine. 20 weeks after starting the selection process differences among treated explants and controls are clear. Transgenic calli expressing high levels of GUS have been selected. Control. Hygromycin 25 mg/l Bombarded calli. Hygromycin 25 mg/l GUS activity. Selected calli. 2.What will be done. Transgenic calli will be transferred to a regeneration medium in order to obtain transgenic plants. 3. Bottlenecks. None A. Workpackage: WP3 Cultivation B. Objectives: Evaluation of the effect of sulphur fertilization on yield and quality of field cultivated garlic. C. Persons involved: Xabier Barandiaran, Francisco Mansilla, Jesús Martín. D. Milestones and deliverables: DP22 Paper on the interaction genotype x environment on the sulphur content of garlic plants grown in vitro, in greenhouse and in field conditions (in progress) E. Research Field trials completed. P7: Volcani, Bet Dagan, Israel and P10: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel The research group is involved in WP1: Genetic Resources and WP2: Breeding Systems I. Workpackage: WP1 Genetic Resources II. Objectives: 1. Construction and maintenance of garlic core collection; 2. Screening for fertility in garlic; 3. Collection of a large number of garlic accessions and close wild relatives, in order to expand the current available short- and long-day genepools. III. Persons involved: Rina Kamenetsky, Haim D. Rabinowitch, Furkat Khassanov (Uzbek Subcontractor), Idit London, Ada Harazy, Marina Baizerman. IV. Milestones and deliverables of the third year: Milestones: Screening for fertility. Maintenance of core collection, and distribution of material to G&H partners. Deliverables: Maintenance and distribution of garlic clones for further use in the project V. Research No info received I. Workpackage: WP2. Breeding Systems II. Objectives Study of the sexual hybridisation system and fertility restoration III. Persons involved Rina Kamenetsky, Haim D. Rabinowitch, Idit London, Marina Baizerman, Hani Zemah IV. Milestones and deliverables of the third year: Milestones: 1. Forcing selected garlic clones to flower. 2. Pollination, seed production, seed viability and germinability. 3. Production of self-pollinated and cross-pollinated populations within and between selected clones. Deliverables: Scientific publication on environmental control of garlic floral development V. Research No info received GENERAL LIST OF DELIVERABLES: Deliverable Deliverable title Delivery date Completion Participant N° P1, P5, P7, P10 DP. 3 Collected bulbs for screening for CSO, fertility and clonal identity (fingerprinting). 9 DP. 4 Paper on morphological and physiological aspects of floral/topset initiation and development Chemical distinction (CSO), fertility and clonal identity between garlic accessions of the collection 12 P7, P10 12 P1, P5, P7 Establishment of the G&H garlic core collection and writing a paper Paper on environmental regulation of flower differentiation and flowering process Paper on environmental control of garlic floral development Seed and plant populations Paper on environmental control of garlic floral development and forcing Maintenance and distribution of garlic clones for further use in the project 21 22 P1, P5, P7, P10 P7, P10 34 P7, P10 In progress 44 48 P7, P10 P7, P10 In progress In progress 21 P1, P10 + (According to DP. 7 DP. 10 DP. 11 DP. 20 DP. 25 DP. 26 DP. 31 + (According to original program) Published + (According to original program) Done In progress DP. 32 DP. 37 Paper on environmental regulation of flower differentiation and flowering process Blueprints for fertility restoration. F1 seeds for biochemical and molecular studies 36 P7 original program) In progress 48 P7 In progress P8: CIRAD Montpellier, France Workpackage n°: 2 Breeding systems OBJECTIVES Embryogenesis and characterisation: A mass propagation protocol will be developed (by P8) based on the production of embryogenic cell suspensions from somatic embryogenic calluses. This tool will be developed on four varieties which represent different physiological groups in garlic, and should respect the genetic integrity of these genotypes, in comparison with the original material vegetatively multiplied in field. Persons involved : FEREOL Léonidas, CAUSSE Sandrine, ROUX-CUVELIER Michel, COTE François, KAHANE Rémi. Milestones and deliverables of The fourth year Year 4 (2003) √ : achieved; ٱ: partly achieved; ● :will be done 1) Bulb mass production from embryogenesis and further development of of these bulblets into bulbs 2) Continue development of the most appropriate procedure to promote somatic embryogenesis 3) Histological studies continue to follow and understand the different stages of somatic embryogenesis in Allium sativum. 4) Maintenance and in vitro multiplication of embryogenic calli and cell suspension. 5) DP 21 Paper on Embryogenic cell suspension cultures of garlic (Allium sativum L.) as method for mass propagation and convenient material for genetic improvement L. Fereol*1, V. Chovelon2, S. Causse1 and R. Kahane1e o(in progress) 6) DP 28 Paper on bulb mass production from embryogenesis of elite clone Research The task of P8 within the project aims at the development of a mass propagation method relying on in vitro regenerated plants from embryogenic calluses (E-cal) and from cell suspension (ECS) of four varieties : Rouge de la Réunion , tropical varietal group, provided by P9 (INRA Montfavet in France). Messidrôme , temperate varietal group 3,provided by P9 (INRA Montfavet in France). Morasol , temperate varietal group 1, provided by P9 (INRA Montfavet in France). Change: A fourth variety “Printanor” has been taken into consideration for adaptation of the protocol to this cultivar. 1) What has been done Var. Rouge de la Réunion - production of embryos from embryogenic calli on semi-solid medium (ecal) and from cell suspension (ecs). - Germination of these embryos. - Provision to P9, of plants from these embryos (ecal and ecs), for further in vitro development, bulbing, acclimation and field evaluation. - In vitro development by P8 of one part of these plants from somatic embryogenesis. - Maintenance in vitro of some of these plants from somatic embryos for provision to P9 if necessary. - Genetic characterisation, by flow cytometry, of 100 plants from E-cal and 100 from E-cs. - Field evaluation, plants R (E-cal), P8 - Field evaluation , plants R (E-cs), P8 Var. Messidrome and Morasol - Callus induction on mars 2000 - Induction of callus and embryogenic tissues - Induction of embryos from embryogenic calli - Germination of these embryos - Maintenance and in vitro multiplication of embryogenic tissue - Choosing the most appropriate procedure to promote embryogenic calli and maintenance of embryogenesis - Improvement of the embryogenic procedure. Improving the mean number of somatic embryos per 150 mg fresh weight callus (18 and 27 respectively for Messidrome and Morasol) - Studies on the procedure to initiate friable embryogenic calli of these cultivars - Reliable protocol for providing of embryogenic friable callus, convenient to initiate cell suspension - Studies on the procedure to initiate cell suspension from embryogenic calli of these cultivars - Provision to P6 of garlic embryogenic calli - Communication to P1 and P6 of the procedure for garlic somatic embryogenesis - Repetition of the experiments concerning initiation of embryogenic callus - Histological studies: demonstration of unicellular origin of the somatic embryos - Initiation of cell suspension from embryogenic callus - Provision to P9 of some plants from embryos (E-cal and Ecs) for further in vitro development, bulbing, acclimation and field evaluation - In vitro development by P8 of one part of these plants issued from somatic embryogenesis via calli and cell suspensions - Provision of embryogenic cell suspension cultures of Morasol to P6, Morasol and Messidrome to P1 - Communication to P6 of the procedure for maintaining cell suspension cultures and for plating - Genetic characterisation, by flow cytometry, of Moraso E-cal, Morasol Ecs and Messidrome E-cal Var. Printanor - Callus induction - Induction of callus and embryogenic tissues - Induction of embryos from embryogenic calli - Germination of these embryos - Maintenance and in vitro multiplication of embryogenic tissue - Initiation of cell suspension from embryogenic callus - Induction of embryos from cell suspensions - Germination of these embryos - In vitro development by P8 of one part of these plants from somatic embryogenesis via calli and cell suspension - Provision to P9, of plants from embryos (E-cal and Ecs), for further in vitro development, bulbing, acclimation and field evaluation All varieties - Promotion of the embryogenic procedure for all the varieties experimented. Adaptation and modification of experimental conditions, particularly macro nutrients medium, for improving the preliminary results Callus production A low level of 2,4-D increased the percentage of garlic explants producing callus (Tab. 1) and confirmed previous report (Barandiaran, 1999a). A good compromise in callus production between quantity and quality was obtained with 0.5 mg l-1 2,4-D from both types young leaf or root explants. Table 1. Effect of various 2,4-D concentrations in the culture medium CIM2 on callus production and on induction of embryogenic tissue (n=40) 2,4-D concentration Variety % callus production % callus with embryogenic tissue 0.3 Rouge Réunion Messidrome Morasol Printanor 86 90 97 96 24 32 44 51 0.5 Rouge Réunion Messidrome Morasol Printanor 93 95 95 98 35 39 52 65 1 Rouge Réunion Messidrome Morasol Printanor 73 68 79 88 19 18 29 36 1.5 Rouge Réunion Messidrome Morasol Printanor 55 40 62 76 15 7 18 27 Embryo induction After two months on culture medium EIM, up to 92% of the embryogenic callus formed globular somatic embryos (Tab. 2). They were observed from different row of leaf. The best combination of growth regulators for both embryogenic events and embryo number were 2,4-D/Kinetin (0.1/0.3 or 0.1/0.5 mg l-1). Calllus of about 150 mg fresh weight developed a mean number of 33-68 globular embryos, up to 40% of which converted into plantlets (Tab. 2). Table 2. Embryo production and conversion Variety Rouge Réunion Messidrome Morasol Printanor Percentage of embryogenic callus developing embryos 82 Mean number of globular embryos per 150 mg fresh weight callus 37 77 88 92 Mean number of embryos converted into plantlets per 150 mg fresh weight callus 16 33 51 68 14 22 38 Cell suspension culture of Messidrome, Morasol and Printanor Culture suspension from friable embryogenic callus The establishment of cell suspension cultures from friable callus required approximately 4 months. A 2fold increase of PCV was observed every two weeks (Tab. 3). The embryogenic cells observed in these suspension cultures from embryogenic tissue were round, small and with dense cytoplasm. No oxidation or browning was observed even after one year sub-culturing. The optimum inoculums size was 2 g fresh weight callus for 50 ml liquid medium. (These suspension cultures were maintained on SM medium (Tab. 4). They were visually distinguished by the presence of small cell aggregates. Table 4. Effect of cell density on PCV and regeneration potential during maintenance phase, var. “Morasol” Cell density (%) Culture period (days) 1% 0 15 30 50 60 0 15 30 50 60 0 15 30 50 60 0 15 30 50 60 0 15 30 50 60 2% 3% 4% 5% PCV rate (%) mean 1,00 7,22 13,06 21,94 18,33 1,00 5,28 8,47 10,83 8,89 1,00 4,07 8,80 9,67 8,78 1,00 3,26 6,81 6,88 6,53 1,00 2,61 5,00 5,72 5,39 s.e. 0,00 0,86 1,25 2,67 2,79 0,00 0,43 0,97 1,39 2,28 0,00 0,29 1,38 0,84 0,99 0,00 0,31 0,57 0,35 0,43 0,00 0,25 0,56 0,49 0,61 Number of embryos mean s.e. 0,60 0,89 8,60 2,88 37,40 11,63 20,40 4,39 12,40 6,91 8% 0 15 30 50 60 1,00 2,22 2,88 2,71 2,57 0,00 0,25 0,16 0,26 0,28 11,60 10,41 Table 3. Effect of callus inoculation concentration on PCV rate and regeneration capacity, var. Morasol Callus inoculation concentration (%) 1 2 3 4 5 6 PCV rate (%) Mean s.e. 0,67 0,21 0,60 0,09 0,41 0,05 0,38 0,06 0,34 0,06 0,30 0,07 Number of embryos mean s.e. 47,32 368,75 136,17 387,50 121,41 443,75 100,78 443,75 172,00 725,00 92,42 487,50 Milestone: genetic characterisation of somatic embryos derived plantlets, flow cytometry Flow cytometry is an easy and powerful technique for genome size evaluation. It is much more convenient than chromosome count for routine ploidy analysis because it is very quick and it can be used with any kind of plant tissue, even callus or cell suspension. We have tested the ploidy level of the final products of somatic embryogenesis derived from callus or from cell suspension, by analysing 100 acclimatized plantlets from E-cal and from E-cs of each variety (Tab. 5, Fig. 1). Some plantlets with abnormal level of ploidy were detected. About 4% of tetraploids were detected by flow cytometry. Whatever this percentage is not high, it reveals a potential site of abnormalities. However, the ploidy level has to be checked again on the same plants along the years to acertain the stability of these polyploidizations, and to observe the morphological or biochemical consequences. Such a spontaneous polyploidization discovered in plantlets derived from somatic embryogenesis might be a serious drawback for the method as mass propagation of garlic. In order to established a true-to-type in vitro process of garlic mass propagation, we will check the ploidy level at each step of embryo regeneration. Table 5. Genetic characterisation, by flow cytometry, of plants from ecal and from ecs of Messidrome and Morasol Type of sample MESSIDROME - control - E-cal MORASOL - control - E-cal - Ecs Ploïdy level 2X 4X 12 plants 102 0 10 16 100 100 0 3 4 Flow cytometric histogram Of diploid and tetraploid Somatic embryos 4X 2X 2X + 4X Figure 1. Flow cytometric histogram of embrygenic derived and control plants (multiplied by axillary bud culture) Milestone : In vitro bulbing studies Set up of a common experiment (P4, P8, P9) for establishing a procedure to promote bulb production in vitro from somatic embryo plants. Treatments concerned: . cold pre-treatment . light spectrum quality . daylength . sucrose concentration in the medium Collect of the records every two weeks. 2) What will be done var. Messidrôme, Morasol and Printanor - Bulb mass production from embryogenesis and further development of of these bulblets into bulbs - Continue development of the most appropriate procedure to promote somatic embryogenesis - Histological studies continue to follow and understand the different stages of somatic embryogenesis in Allium sativum. - Maintenance and in vitro multiplication of embryogenic calli and tissue. - Carrying on studies for establishing cell suspensions from embryogenic calli of these varieties and sustaining an active multiplication. - Studies to lead to convenient conditions to regenerate embryos from embryogenic calli and cell suspension. - Research of the best conditions for producing bulbs from somatic embryo plants. 3) BOTTLENECKS, DELAYS Milestone: Field evaluation , 200 plants R (E-cal), 200 plants R (Ecs) These works are partly fulfilled, information are reported by P9. All the other milestones are achieved Deliverables: DP 13 : paper will be submitted soon DP 21 : paper will be submitted first semester 2003 4) COORDINATION O. Huchette, L. Féréol and R. Kahane met V. Chovelon at INRA Avignon (13-14/5/02) to discuss about the protocol for bulbing of embryo derived plantlets. Environmental conditions and plant material is shared into 3 sites (Avignon, Dijon and Montpellier, France). P9: INRA Avignon- Montfavet, France A. Workpackage : WP2 Breeding systems B. Objectives : Embryogenesis, genetic characterisation: P9 is involved in the embryogenesis program to assure final in vitro development and bulbification, acclimatisation, cultivation and evaluation of regenerated plants produced by embryogenesis, to control their integrity and conformity, in comparison with the original materiel multiplied in field (Messidrôme, Morasol and Printanor) Sanitary aspects: P9 is engaged for producing virus-free plants (Messidrôme, Morasol, Printanor, Rouge Reunion) in insect-proof conditions for others partners, for indexing viruses (ELISA tests) and for regenerating selected garlic clones provided by P7. C. Persons involved : V. Chovelon, JP Leroux. D. MILESTONES year activities State done done done partly done 3 Field multiplication of virus-free plants obtained from 2 selected clones (1), (2) 2002 Acclimatisation of virus-free plants obtained from 2 selected clones (3), (4) Production of virus-free bulbs for other partners (3 varieties; 300 plants/variety) Genetic characterisation of plants from embryogenesis “Rouge Reunion” : first field evaluation (P8), morpho-physiology (P8), dry matter and sulphur content (P5) Genetic characterisation of plant from embryogenesis (MEScal, MESecs, MOLcal, MOLecs): first field evaluation (P9), flow cytometry (P8), sulphur content (P5) partly done Embryogenesis: in vitro bulbification studies (P8, P9, P4) partly done Regeneration and acclimatisation of 200 vitro plants Printanor from embryogenic callus done (PRI ecal) and 200 vitro plants Printanor from cell suspensions (PRI ecs) E. DELIVERABLES N° Deliverable title DP1 DP5 virus-free bulbs materiel for introduction in vitro Paper on Evidence of a somatic embryogensis process and plant regeneration and acclimatization in garlic (Allium sativum L.) L. FEREOL*, V. CHOVELON**, S. CAUSSE*, N. MICHAUXFERRIERE*, R. KAHANE*. Plant Cell Report (2002) 21:197-203. paper on Establishment of garlic (Allium sativum L.) cell suspensions 24 and plant regeneration. L. FEREOL*, V. CHOVELON**, S. CAUSSE*, D. TRIAIRE, N. MICHAUX-FERRIERE*, R. KAHANE*. DP13 DP21 Previous delivery date 1 12 paper on Embryogenic cell suspension cultures of garlic (Allium 36 sativum L.) as method for mass propagation and convenient material for genetic improvment. . L. FEREOL*, V. CHOVELON**, S. CAUSSE*, R. KAHANE* F –Research No info received P10: Hebrew University, Rehovot, Israel see P7 P11: University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany A. Workpackage : WP5.2 Cholesterol Metabolism B. Objectives Effect of garlic compounds on cholesterol metabolism and signaling transduction pathways. Persons involved Doris Kellert, Katrin Meyer, Katja Lerche, Frank Struck, Rolf Gebhardt Milestones and deliverables of the first year Milestones : - Characterisation of the molecular target within HMGCoA-reductase regulatory and signal transduction pathways. - Interaction of garlic flavonoids with cholesterol biosynthesis Deliverables : DH2, short report on flavonoids (needs to be written) State done done delayed: writing in progress (end 2002) delayed writing in progress (1rst semester 2003) Milestones and deliverables of the second year Milestones : - Studies on garlic with different sulphur content on cholesterol biosynthesis. Structure-function relationships concerning additional garlic organosulphur compounds and the AMP-dependent kinase pathway. - Influence of garlic constituents on MMP and TIMP production by endothelial cells Deliverables : DH6, Publication on the molecular interaction of garlic compounds on AMP-dependent kinase pathway (Almost finished) DH7, Publication on the influence of garlic constituents on MMP and TIMP gene expression (2 abstracts provided, manuscripts in preparation) Milestones and deliverables of the third year Milestones : - Influence of garlic constituents on MMP and TIMP production by endothelial cells as well as in blood and tissue samples from Leiden ApoE mice. Deliverables : DH11, DH12, publications Research No info received P12: INRA-Dijon, France 1. Address Unité de Toxicologie Alimentaire, INRA, 17 rue Sully, 21065 Dijon Cedex, France Tel : 33 3 80693221 Fax : 33 3 80693225 E-mail : 2. Scientific team Research leader Dr. Marie-Hélène Siess (12 person months) Duties: Co-ordination of this task and carginogenic-metabolising enzymes. Scientists and engineers Dr. Anne-Marie Le Bon (16 person months) Duties: genotoxicity Dr. Raymond Bergès (6 person months) Duties: Hepatocarcinogenesis Dr. Caroline Teyssier (16 person months) has left the lab March 2002 Duties: Metabolism and bioavailibility of organosulfur compounds Post-doctoral fellows (to be hired) (12 person months) Duties: Carcinogen metabolizing enzymes, genotoxicity and metabolism Research technicians Marie-France Pinnert (6 person months) Patrick Tassin (6 person months) Duties: Immunohistological methods for preneoplasic foci Duties: Animal care Marie-France Vernevaut (12 person months) Duties: Enzymes assays and Immunoblots Christine Belloir (16 person months) Duties: genotoxicity tests Joëlle Chevalier (16 person months) Duties: Metabolism of organosulphur compounds Workplan WP6 Year 1 In vitro metabolism of sulphur compounds by human and rat subcellular fractions from liver In vitro effects of garlic compounds on human CYP P450 isoenzymes In vitro evaluation of the antigenotoxic properties of garlic compounds in Hep G2 cells Year 2 Determination of the bioavailability of diallyl disulfide in rat by measuring the concentrations of the metabolites in blood and in main organs. Evaluation of the antigenotoxic properties of garlic extracts in tissues of rat In vivo effects of garlic extracts on several carcinogen metabolizing enzymes (Phase I and phase II). Year 3 Determination of the bioavailability of allicin and garlic powder in rat by measuring the concentrations of the metabolites in blood and in main organs in progress Evaluation of the effects of subcellular fractions from rats treated with garlic extracts on the mutagenicity of carcinogens using the Ames test in progress Year4 Investigation of the antiinitiating effects of garlic extracts using the medium term hepatocarcinogenesis model in the rat. WP7 Year4 Identification and quantification of sulphur compounds in man by measuring their concentrations in blood and urine after ingestion of a garlic preparation. Determination of the levels of phase II enzymes (glutathion S-transferase) in human lymphocytes Evaluation of the DNA alteration in human lymphocytes and the antimutagenic effects of urine Deliverables DH 8 DH 9 DH 10 DH 13 DH 14 DH 15 DH 20 DH 21 In vitro metabolism of diallyl disulfide and allicin (paper send to an editor) Paper on In vitro effects of sulphur compounds on human P450 iso-enzymes (writing in progress) Paper on In vitro evaluation of the anti-geno-toxic properties of garlic compounds in Hep G2 cells (writing process delayed) In vivo metabolism of diallyl disulfide : paper published in Xenobiotica Effects of garlic extracts on carcinogen-metabolising enzymes in the rat (in progress) Publication of the in vivo anti-genotoxic properties of garlic in rat Modulation of the mutagenicity in the Ames test Performing intervention study with report and analysis of results DH 22 DH 27 Short report on the results concerning biomarkers of cancer in human intervention In vivo metabolism of garlic powder study Research What has been done: WP 6 Effects of ingestion of garlic powder on the mutagenicity of carcinogens During 2002, we have shown that hepatic subcellular fractions from rats treated with garlic powders slightly modified the genotoxicity of mutagens (aflatoxin B1 and heterocyclic amine) when compared with control. We had some problems for assessing the effect of the microsomal fraction on nitrosamine mutagenicity. Experiments are underway for solving this problem. WP 6 Determination of the bioavailability of garlic powder in rat by measuring the concentrations of the metabolites in blood and in main organs. The GC-MS analyses has shown the formation of allyl methyl sulphide (AMS), allyl methyl sulphoxide (AMSO) and allyl methyl sulphone (AMSO2) in most tissues. AMSO2 is the most abundant and the most persistent compound. At this moment we are calculating the concentrations of these metabolites in different tissues and we are determining the pharmacokinetic parameters. We are going to analyse the metabolites in aqueous phase. WP7 : Human intervention study Preparation of the protocol for the human intervention study with Hans. Selecting the endpoints for cancer. We have decided to measure the following biomarkers of carcinogenesis : - Measurement of DNA damage on lymphocytes by the comet assay - Measurement of antioxidant enzymes: glutathion peroxidase, and superoxide dismutase (plasma and red blood cells) - Antimutagenic properties of urines of volunteers using the Ames test We also plan to identify some metabolites of garlic sulfur compounds in plasma and urine Bottlenecks The manuscript : “In vitro and ex vivo metabolism of diallyl disulphide by rat liver enzymes and in vitro by human liver enzymes has been send to an editor (Drug Metabolism and Disposition ) but has been rejected P13: University of Muenchen, Muenchen, Germany Workpackage: N° 5.1 Title of reasearch: Persons involved: The interaction of garlic with mediators of inflammation Prof. Dr. A. Vollmar; Dr. V. Dirsch; H.-P. Keiss Milestones & deliverables for the first year. 1. Influence of garlic on the expression of adhesion molecules and pro-inflammatory cytokines and their soluble forms. Milestones & deliverables for the second year. 2. Influence of garlic on pro-inflammatory cytokines in human nuclear cells. The potential role of TGF-1 in the effect of garlic on atherosclerosis Milestones & deliverables for the third year: Milestones: 3. Influence of garlic on the expression of adhesion molecules and pro-inflammatory cytokines and their soluble forms. 4. Influence of garlic on pro-inflammatory cytokines in human nuclear cells. The potential role of TGF-1 in the effect of garlic on atherosclerosis. 5. Analysis of interaction of garlic compounds with the group of selectins and their role in endothelial cell interaction and with the signal transduction factor NF-B. Deliverables: 1. Influence of garlic on the expression of adhesion molecules and its relevance to the atherosclerotic process. (in preparation) 2. Influence of garlic on cytokines as important factors influencing the cellular mechanism of atherosclerosis. (in preparation) 3. Influence of garlic on the expression of selectins and signal transduction factor NF-B. (in preparation) 4. Publication on the influence of garlic on the expression os selectins and signal transduction foctor NF-kappaB (delayed until 08/02) Research: No info received P14: TNO, Leiden, The Netherlands Workpackage 5.1 The interaction of garlic with mediators of inflammation. 5.2 The interaction of garlic with vessel wall and cholesterol metabolism. Title of research: Effect of garlic active compounds on atherosclerosis and lipid metabolism Persons involved: Dr. H.M.G. Princen; S. Espirito Santo M.Sc., Ing. R. Buytenhek Milestones & deliverables for the first year. No activities planned. No milestones and deliverables. - In October 2000 a Ph.D. student was appointed to the project, who is responsible for the daily excution of the project and the presentation of the data in the form of scientific papers. After extensive discussions with a number of participants (P4, P5, P11, P12, P13 and P15) a protocol was finalized for a combined lipid and atherosclerosis study. Milestones & deliverables for the second year. 5.1 Effect of garlic preparations on expression ICAM-1, VCAM-1, ELAM, and E-selectin in cross sections of apoE3-Leiden mice and measurement of these adhesion molecules in plasma from the mice was not done, because the model was too severe and no beneficial efffect on atherosclerosis was observed. This would have been a task for P13. This is still possible in the second atherosclerosis study which is underway in the third year. Milestones accomplished: 5.2 Effect of garlic preparations on plasma lipid and lipoprotein and hepatic lipid metabolism in apoE3Leiden transgenic mice, a mouse model for hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis. 5.1 Additional work: Effect of garlic preparations on inflammation markers, platelet activation, blood pressure and atherosclerosis in apoE3-Leiden mice. This will be repeated in the second atherosclerosis study which is underway in the third year. Deliverables: DH 18: partly done. Effects on lipids and platelet activation are studied. Manuscript in preparation. Effects on markers for oxidation, inflammation, endothelial function and smooth muscle proliferation is underway in second atherosclerosis study. Milestones & deliverables for the third year. 5.1 and 5.2 Effects of garlic preparations on markers for oxidation, inflammation, endothelial function is underway in second atherosclerosis study. Blood pressure will be repeated and platelet activation has been done in year 2. Studies on expression of MMPs and TIMPs in blood and tissue samples obtained from E3-Leiden mice can be done in the study which is underway, but should only be done if there is a significant effect on atherosclerosis (this would be a task for P11). Deliverables: DH 18: remaining part is underway, data are expected mid 2003 DH 5+19: will depend on the outcome of the study that is underway. P14 will measure adhesion of monocytes to activated endothelium and plasma levels of soluble ICAM in E3-L mice. Other measurements (primarily immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridisation) can be done in the atherosclerosis study that is underway (this would be a task for P13). Samples will be made available. DH 24: underway, data are expected mid 2003 DH 3: this is a task for P13 Research: No info received P15: Lichtwer Pharma AG, Berlin, Germany Workpackage WP 7, Participant 15 (Lichtwer Pharma AG, Berlin, Germany) Title of research Pharmaceutics Persons involved Dr. Thomas Haffner (Research leader) Thomas Goerke (Research technician) Silvia Striegl (Technician Galenic Department) A. Milestones & deliverables of the first year Milestones Finished development process and formulation of novel garlic solid dosage form(s) with known content, stability, and in-vitro-dissolution characteristics (42 months) Production and delivery of study medication for a human intervention Deliverables [DH. 33] Development of (a) novel/improved solid dosage form(s) providing improvements in in-vitro dissolution and stability [42 Months] [DH. 34] Report on development process and characteristics on the new formulation(s) [DH. 35] Publication/patent on the development of (a) novel/improved solid dosage form(s) Study medication human intervention study B. Research 1. What has been done Ongoing stability studies on film coated tablets containing freeze-dried [formulation 1] and standard garlic powder in a formulation using pre-dried excipients [Formulation 3]. Results for formulation 1 show significant advantages over conventional formulations – more than 1,5 till 2 times prolongation of the stability (18 – 24 months instead of 12 months on average for standard quality) – estimated on the allicin release potential. A 3 months testing period (testing and documentation) with sufficient results has been added as recent results. Study medication human intervention study: The testing for release of the garlic powder from Spain which is dedicated for the human study medication has been done almost completely. All main pharmaceutical parameters are within the specification of the European Pharmacopoeia. Additional tests for residues (heavy metals, pesticides, mycotoxins) has been started in externals contract labs – results should be available within the next 2 weeks. These external results will have no influence on the time table for the production of the study medication which have already been started by planning the works in the galenic labs properly. Start of the production will be within the next two weeks – in time! 2. What will be done Producing study medication 3. What are the bottlenecks -