
163 ACORN LANE ∎ COLCHESTER, VT 05446 ∎ VOICE (802)655-8454 ∎
(802)655-8550 ∎
May 12, 2009
Susan Hudson, Clerk
Vermont Public Service Board
112 State Street, Drawer 20
Montpelier, Vt 05602
RE: Streetlighting Tariffs
Dear Mrs. Hudson
The following comments are provided by Green Mountain Power Corporation
(“GMP”) in response to the Public Service Board’s (“Board”) April 15, 2009
memorandum requesting comments on GMP’s Street Lighting Tariffs and whether
or not they present any barriers to local governments utilizing monies under the
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program that is part of the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
The Board’s specific request is for each utility to review its streetlight tariff, identify
potential barriers to local government using efficient streetlights. Barriers were
identified to include no option for customer-owned fixtures and no option for light
emitting diodes (“LED”).
GMP has been working diligently over the past year to find a suitable replacement
for its mercury vapor streetlights. We believe that the time is right for LED street
lighting and therefore have been in discussions with the Vermont Department of
Public Service (“DPS”) in order to gain support to allow GMP to offer LED
streetlights. GMP proposes to replace 100W and 175W mercury vapor lights with
30W and 50W LED lights, respectively. Attached is the latest redlined version of
the proposed changes that would occur to our Rate 18 tariff. The changes are
numerous as GMP is also clarifying the roles and responsibilities for both GMP and
customers. Also under consideration is the elimination of our grandfathered
Street–Area– Flood Lighting Rate 16 tariff and to merge these rates with our
Outdoor Lighting Rate 18 tariff rates. Ideally, these changes would occur at the
same time and we would file for approval of these changes early this summer. If
the Board desires a more expeditious filing, GMP would seek to file the attached
Rate 18 tariff which addresses the issue in question.
GMP’s tariff allows for customer-owned streetlights. For several years, GMP’s Rate
18 has allowed for customer-owned lighting with or without maintenance services
provided by GMP.
Thank you for the opportunity to comment and to allow us to show our support of
the use of efficient street lighting in the State of Vermont. We stand willing and
able to assist any local government wishing to upgrade its lighting systems. If you
have any questions about these comments or if we can provide additional
information to assist the Board, please let me know.
David P. Martin
David P. Martin
cc: Sarah Hofmann, DPS
Ron Behrns, DPS