Do you eat at KFC Yes No Please rank order from 1-5 which fast food restaurant you like best (1 best – 5 least) McDonald’s KFC Burger King Popeyes Chick-fil-A How often do you eat at KFC Everyday Once or twice a week Very Occasionally Never How often do you eat out Everyday Very Occasionally Never Once or twice a week I eat at KFC because Write an “X” next to all that apply It is cheap Alternative to Burgers Love the taste I have a busy schedule and not time to cook Do you eat at KFC mostly for Lunch Dinner Equal Would you recommend KFC to a friend or family member? Yes No Do you recall seeing any KFC advertisements in the last month? Yes No KFC was founded by When I think of KFC the first word that pops into my head is (Besides Chicken) Please indicate your gender. Male Female What is your household size Adults Children What is your age range 20 or younger 21-30 31-40 41-50 51 older Place an “X” next to the choice that best describes your opinion of each comment. Strongly Somewhat Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Agree The food is served hot and fresh The menu has a good variety of items The quality of food is excellent The food is tasty and flavorful Employees are patient when taking my order I was served promptly Employees are friendly and courteous Value for price paid Strongly Agree Prices are competitive KFC is a nutritious family meal Household income $25K Below 25-40K 40-75K 75+K