Who will be affected - Immigration New Zealand

Skilled Migrant Category
Questions and Answers
Submitting an Expression of Interest
Submitting an online Expression of Interest
Selecting Expressions of Interest from the Pool
Invitation to Apply
Applying for residence as a skilled migrant
What is the Skilled Migrant Category?
The Skilled Migrant Category replaces the General Skills Category, and is one of the
residence categories under the Skilled/Business Stream of the New Zealand
Immigration Programme.
Under the Skilled Migrant Category, people must first submit an Expression of
Interest in applying for residence, either online through the NZIS website or using the
pre-printed Expression of Interest form (NZIS 1100). Only those invited by the NZIS
to apply for residence on the basis of an Expression of Interest may do so.
Where can I get more information on the Skilled Migrant Category?
The NZIS website has comprehensive information on the Skilled Migrant Category –
you can also submit your Expression of Interest through the website. The Expression
of Interest Guide (NZIS 1101) contains detailed information on completing an
Expression of Interest. You can download the Guide from our website or request that
a copy be sent to you by contacting your nearest NZIS branch (within New Zealand
but outside Auckland, freephone 0508 55 88 55 or from Auckland, 914 4100), or the
nearest New Zealand diplomatic and consular offices if you are outside New
How can I find out whether I am eligible under the new Category?
The Skilled Migrant Quick Check will give you an idea of whether it is worth
submitting an Expression of Interest. You can also use the Points Indicator to see
how many points you are likely to score – both the Skilled Migrant Quick Check and
the Points Indicator are available on our website at www.immigration.govt.nz
We also recommend you complete the online Expression of Interest – the system is
designed so your Expression of Interest can only be submitted if you meet the
prerequisites and the minimum points score.
How does the points system work?
The Skilled Migrant Category points system ranks Expressions of Interest from
highest to lowest points, allowing the NZIS to select the highest scoring Expressions
of Interest from the Pool. Points can be awarded for skilled employment in New
Zealand, work experience, qualifications and age, with bonus points available across
several areas.
Submitting an Expression of Interest
How many points will I need to get my Expression of Interest into the Pool?
You need to score the minimum 100 points and meet the prerequisites of health,
character, and English language to enter the Pool. You must also be under 56 years
of age. Acceptance into the Pool does not guarantee an Invitation to Apply for
The selection point (ie, the point at which Expressions of Interest will be selected
from the Pool) will fluctuate depending on the number of places available in the
Skilled/Business stream of the New Zealand Immigration Programme, the quality of
Expressions of Interest in the Pool (as indicated by the the points scored) and the
total number of Expressions of Interest in the Pool at selection time.
Will the minimum points requirement fluctuate? What sets the points level and
how can I find out how many points I need?
A 100 points minimum is required for entry into the Pool. This threshold is fixed,
although the selection point will fluctuate depending on the number of places
available in the Skilled/Business stream of the New Zealand Immigration
Programme, the quality of Expressions of Interest in the Pool (as indicated by points
scored) and the total number of Expressions of Interest in the Pool at the time the
selection is made. The latest selection point and a history of selection points can be
viewed on our website at www.immigration.govt.nz
Do I need to have a job to be eligible?
Although a skilled job offer is not a prerequisite, it is important to ensure your skills
are needed in New Zealand before you sell your home, leave your job and move to
New Zealand.
What English language requirements apply under the new category?
Principal applicants (and their partners if that person is claiming points for a job, job
offer, or qualification) must meet a minimum standard of English. To meet the
required minimum standard of English language, principal applicants must have:
 an English speaking background, or
 an average IELTS1 score of 6.5, or
 completed their recognised qualification entirely in English, or
 had skilled employment in New Zealand for at least 12 months, or
 can otherwise demonstrate to NZIS’ satisfaction that they are a competent user
of English.
Other secondary applicants 16 years and over must meet a minimum standard of
English for non-principal applicants. In order to meet the required minimum standard
of English, secondary applicants must have:
an English speaking background or,
an average IELTS score of 5 or,
completed a recognised qualification entirely in English or,
completed other specified qualifications or,
had skilled employment in New Zealand for at least 12 months or,
the ability to demonstrate to NZIS’ satisfaction that they are a competent
user of English meet the minimum standard.
Non-principal applicants who fail to meet the minimum standard must pre-purchase a
specified amount of ESOL2 tuition.
International English Language Testing System
What does ‘good health’ mean? How will I know whether I am eligible?
You and your partner and any children need to be of good health. An acceptable
standard of health is where you are free of any serious or long-term illness or
incapacity – physical or mental – that may require full-time care. Medical and X-ray
Certificates must be submitted as proof of your standard of health when lodging a
New Zealand residence application.
How does the NZIS assess whether I am of ‘good character’?
You and your partner and any children will need to complete a series of questions
about your character, such as whether you have ever been convicted of any offence,
deported from any country, or been investigated by any law enforcement agency.
I have heard that my occupation is in heavy demand in New Zealand – will my
Expression of Interest be more likely to be selected from the Pool because my
skills are needed?
The points system ranks Expressions of Interest from highest to lowest points. The
highest scoring Expressions of Interest from the Pool are selected from the Pool
fortnightly. The more points you score, the better the chances your Expression of
Interest will be selected from the Pool.
You may be eligible to claim bonus points if your occupation is in an area of absolute
skills shortage, but for your Expression of Interest to be selected your point score
must be at or above the selection point. The selection point fluctuates depending on
the number of places available in the Skilled/Business stream of the New Zealand
Immigration Programme, the quality of Expressions of Interest in the Pool (as
indicated by their points score) and the total number of Expressions of Interest in the
Pool at selection time. The latest selection points and a history of selection points
can be viewed on our website at www.immigration.govt.nz
My occupation doesn’t appear on the lists in the Expression of Interest Guide –
does this mean I cannot claim points for skilled employment?
The New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations list contained in the Guide
is a general guide to the definition of skilled employment, and is not definitive. It is
important the details you provide about your skilled employment in Section E in the
Expression of Interest form contain all the pertinent facts about your employment, to
help us determine whether it meets the requirements for skilled employment.
Where can I find the full list of occupations in the New Zealand Standard
Classification of Occupations?
The full list is available on the Statistics New Zealand website at www.stats.govt.nz
or by emailing Statistics New Zealand at info@stats.govt.nz.
I completed an apprenticeship in my home country – how can I find out
whether my certificate counts as a recognised qualification?
You will need to request an assessment of your qualification by the New Zealand
Qualifications Authority. You can request a Pre-Assessment Result (PAR) online at
How do I submit an Expression of Interest?
We recommend that you submit your Expression of Interest online through our
website at www.immigration.govt.nz. It is cheaper than submitting the paper form,
and you will know immediately whether your Expression of Interest has been
accepted into the Pool.
English for Speakers of Other Languages
If you prefer to complete the paper Expression of Interest form (NZIS 1100), you can
download a PDF version from our website or contact the NZIS to request that a copy
be sent to you. Forms are also available from NZIS branches and New Zealand
diplomatic and consular offices.
If you are completing the paper form, you must complete all the questions in the form
unless the form specifically directs you straight to another question or section further
on. If you submit an incomplete form it will not be able to be accepted into the Pool,
and we may send it back to you to complete. If a question does not apply to you,
mark it N/A or Not Applicable.
Check the Expression of Interest fee before submitting your payment. Expressions of
Interest must be accompanied by the correct fee. These fees apply regardless of how
many people are included in your Expression of Interest. For example, if your
Expression of Interest is sent prior to 1 February and includes your partner and
children, the fee will be $315. These fees also include any applicable taxes, so you
do not need to add tax.
Both the website and the Expression of Interest Guide (NZIS 1101) contain
comprehensive information to assist you to submit an Expression of Interest. You can
download a PDF of the Guide or obtain a copy from NZIS branches and New
Zealand diplomatic and consular offices.
Can I just drop my completed Expression of Interest form and payment at the
NZIS office where I live?
Completed Expression of Interest forms should be sent directly to the Wellington,
New Zealand address on the form. If you do wish to drop off your completed
Expression of Interest at one of our offices, you will be asked to place the completed
form – along with the fee – into an envelope provided by office staff. They will then
forward the envelope to Wellington for processing.
We recommend that you submit your Expression of Interest online through our
website. It is cheaper than submitting the paper form, and you will know immediately
whether your Expression of Interest has been accepted into the Pool.
Do I have to pay to submit an Expression of Interest?
The following fees apply:
 NZ$315 for Expressions of Interest submitted online
 NZ$465 for Expressions of Interest submitted on paper.
Payments must be made using either Visa or MasterCard, or by a bank cheque/draft
in New Zealand or US currency.
Why is it more expensive to submit an Expression of Interest on paper?
Expressions of Interest received in paper form require a higher fee because of the
costs involved in entering data from the form into our computer system. Data
contained in Expressions of Interest submitted online is transferred automatically into
the computer system, meaning online Expressions of Interest are cheaper to
What if my circumstances change after I submit an Expression of Interest (ie,
receive a job offer, gain a new qualification, lose my job, leave my partner etc)?
You need to advise us if your circumstances change, or if the information you
supplied in your Expression of Interest changes. Failure to do so could result in your
application being declined or your visa/permit being revoked.
What are the benefits of using the online Expression of Interest versus the
printed version?
Advantages for submitting an online Expression of Interest rather than a manual
paper Expression of Interest, include:
 The fee for an online Expression of Interest is NZ$315, whilst the fee for the
paper Expression of Interest form is NZ$465.
 The system enables you to view, online, whether your Expression of Interest has
been selected from the Pool.
 You can update your details even after your Expression of Interest has been
submitted to the Pool.
 You have more control over when your Expression of Interest is submitted into
the Pool.
 You will know instantly whether you meet the prerequisites.
 You can remotely track and view the status of your Expression of Interest online
(no need to wait by the letter box).
 For many people, inputting data via a computer is easier and quicker than
manually writing it on a paper form.
 You can access online assistance through ‘help pages’.
Is there a charge for completing the Expression of Interest online before I
submit it?
No. There is no charge for completing the Expression of Interest online until you are
ready to submit it. You will only be charged when you submit your Expression of
How will completing the Expression of Interest online save time?
If you complete the Expression of Interest online and meet the eligibility criteria, you
can submit the Expression of Interest immediately and remotely. You won’t need to
post your Expression of Interest and then wait to receive acknowledgement.
You will know before you submit the online Expression of Interest whether you meet
the minimum criteria. You won’t need to post your form to the NZIS and wait to hear
for a response.
If you have submitted the Expression of Interest online, you can check the status of
your application on your Expression of Interest homepage – you won’t need to
contact us to track its progress.
Why is the online Expression of Interest cheaper than the paper form?
The online Expression of Interest is cheaper because no data entry of information is
required. The details in your Expression of Interest go directly into our computer
How long will it take me to fill in the Expression of Interest online?
If you have all the information you need to complete the Expression of Interest (e.g.
employer contact details, your partner’s details, etc) and are relatively familiar with
the Skilled Migrant Category, you may be able to complete the online Expression of
Interest in less than two hours.
However, we recognise that many people won’t be able to complete the online
Expression of Interest in ‘one sitting’. Therefore we have designed the system so that
you can save your details and complete the Expression of Interest over a period of
As an Immigration Consultant, how can I best utilise the online Expression of
As a consultant representing your client, you may create, complete and submit the
online Expression of Interest on behalf of your client. You need to ensure you have
provided your details in the ‘Declaration for person assisting the applicant’. You must
also exercise care to ensure all of your clients details are correct. If the details are
not correct your client may not be issued an Invitation to Apply and may have any
residence applications declined with no rights of appeal. You may also commit an
offence under the Immigration Act 1987.
If a customer does not have access to a computer, can they still go through an
agent to complete their Expression of Interest, online, on their behalf?
Yes. Immigration agents and consultants can provide this service to their customers.
Would an agent lodging an Expression of Interest online be seen as
‘adding/changing a form once completed by the applicant’?
No. If a customer has completed a paper form and forwarded this to an agent to
enter online it will not be seen as ‘adding/changing a form once completed/signed by
the applicant’.
If I discover my client has made mistakes after they have signed the
Expression of Interest, can I correct those mistakes online, provided the
corrections are identified?
Yes. If you have lodged the Expression of Interest online you will also have access to
modify the Expression of Interest while it is still in the Pool.
If I am completing an online Expression of Interest on behalf of a client, do I
have to register each client separately?
Yes. When completing an Expression of Interest on behalf of a client, you will need
 register the online Expression of Interest under a unique User Name and
Password for each client, and
 ensure you complete the ‘Declaration for person assisting the applicant’ section.
To check the progress of the client’s online Expression of Interest, you will need to
log in to the Online Expression of Interest homepage using the unique User Name
and Password which you set up when you registered your client.
Can I have one generic registration, as a consultant, enabling me to have
multiple clients under a single User Name and Password?
No. You must register each client separately (as above), as only one Expression of
Interest per User Name and Password can be submitted to the Pool.
What type of software do I need to view and complete the online Expression of
The NZIS Internet site is built to work with Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.0 and
above, and Netscape Navigator version 4.0 and above.
Cookies are used to help manage your online Expression of Interest. You will need to
have cookies enabled on your Internet browser to make any application online.
The cookies are “non-persistent” and will be destroyed when logging out of Skilled
Migrant Online Services, or when closing your Internet browser. Cookies are valid for
one session only, and will never be saved or written to your hard drive.
Skilled Migrant Online Services uses standard Hyper Text Mark-up Language
(HTML). No Dynamic HTML (DHTML), client side components (such as ActiveX or
Java Applets), or client side scripting languages (such as JavaScript) are used.
How do I fill-in the online Expression of Interest?
Follow the relevant links on the website to register with NZIS and create an online
Expression of Interest. Use your mouse and/or your tab key to move between fields.
If I need help when completing the Expression of Interest, what should I do?
There are ‘Help’ guides on the online Expression of Interest designed for your
convenience. From every section, you can access a ‘help page’ that contains specific
information to assist you with completing the Expression of Interest. The ‘help page’
will also contain links to relevant policy material.
In addition, several terms used in the online Expression of Interest are linked to a
‘Summary of Terms’ that provides definitions for those terms.
Do you have technical staff I can call if something wrong happens to my online
Expression of Interest?
If the problem you encounter relates to the browser you are using, your internet
connection, or your computer, you will need to refer the problem to your hardware or
software vendor, or your internet service provider (ISP).
How do I save the online Expression of Interest?
On every screen/page of the online Expression of Interest, you will find ‘Previous’,
‘Next’, ‘Summary’, or ‘Complete later’ – clicking on any of these buttons will save
information on that screen/page.
If I am filling in the Expression of Interest, and then need to change or alter my
answers, can I go back and do this?
Yes, you can choose to complete your online Expression of Interest over several
sittings. To do this, click on the ‘Complete later’ button on each screen and log out of
the site. Using your user ID and password you can then log in at a later stage and
click on the ‘edit’ link to continue completing your Expression of Interest or modify
your answers.
If I have already submitted my Expression of Interest, and then my details or
circumstances change, how do I update the information in my Expression of
You can click on the ‘edit’ link next to your Expression of Interest and make the
necessary changes. You will be asked to explain why you want to change your
Important note: Remember that any changes you make to your previously submitted
Expression of Interest could affect your eligibility status or your point score.
Can I save the Expression of Interest onto my computer, fill it in, and then send
it to NZIS through email?
No. The NZIS will accept Expressions of Interest in two formats only:
 online, or
 using the approved paper form. You may choose to download and print a blank
PDF version of the Expression of Interest off the website, fill it in and then send it
to us by surface mail.
I have been locked out of my Expression of Interest and have received a
message stating I should contact the National Contact Centre for information.
What should I do?
Go to the ‘Forgotten Password’ section (which is from the login page or in the left
hand menu), then reset your password using the answer to your secret question.
The other option is to simply close down your browser and go back in. The lock
would have been removed and you will be able to proceed.
The word ‘Submit’ doesn’t appear on my screen when I have completed my
Expression of Interest. Therefore I am unable to submit my Expression of
Interest. What is the problem?
There are a number of possibilities which could cause this situation to arise.
 The Expression of Interest is incomplete. Check the summary tab to see if all
sections are showing as completed.
 The Expression of Interest is ineligible. A message will be displayed on the
Expression of Interest summary page indicating ineligibility.
 An Expression of Interest has already been submitted. Only one Expression of
Interest can be submitted per Customer Account/Registration (even though
multiple draft Expressions of Interest can be created per account). If an
Expression of Interest is already submitted it will be displayed under the
‘Submitted Expressions of Interest’ heading at the bottom of your home page (the
first page displayed once you have logged onto the Expression of Interest
How will I know the NZIS has received my submitted Expression of Interest?
If your Expression of Interest has been successfully submitted, the system will
display a screen confirming the successful submission of your Expression of Interest.
Also, the status of your Expression of Interest will be displayed on your homepage.
Are there any versions of this Expression of Interest in another language other
than in English?
No. The Skilled Migrant Category is available only to skilled migrants who meet a
minimum standard of English.
How much computer memory capacity do you need to have to use this online
Expression of Interest?
It doesn’t really matter how much memory your computer has as the Expression of
Interest ‘lives’ in the NZIS website. However, your computer should meet the
minimum specification outlined by your internet browser vendor.
Should I give third parties my user ID and Password if I need them to look at
my Expression of Interest before I submit it?
We strongly recommend that user IDs and passwords are kept confidential and not
shared with NZIS staff, immigration consultants or any other third party. If you require
input from others this should be done through separate means such as email, letter,
fax, or phone calls.
If you do provide your user ID and password to a third party and they alter your
Expression of Interest to provide false information or omit material and information,
your application may be declined and you will lose the right to appeal the decision to
decline your application.
For processing purposes, NZIS staff with appropriate security access will be able to
view submitted Expressions of Interest on their computer without your user ID and
If I have a problem with my Expression of Interest, can NZIS staff view it
remotely to see what I have done?
If you have submitted an Expression of Interest online and it is in the Pool, NZIS staff
with security access will be able to view your Expression of Interest and will be able
to help you remotely. However, for security reasons, we will not be able to edit your
details on your behalf – you must do this yourself.
If you have not submitted an Expression of Interest and are just in the process of
filling it in, we are not able to view your Expression of Interest. However we can
assist you in general terms.
If I submit a manual Expression of Interest, can I view it online as you can with
online Expressions of Interest?
No. Only Expressions of Interest submitted online can be viewed online.
Should I retain a printed copy of the filled out Expression of Interest?
It is recommended you retain a printed copy of the Expression of Interest you have
completed and submitted for your own reference.
Can I send the completed Expression of Interest via email as an attachment?
The online Expression of Interest cannot be forwarded as an attachment to an email.
It is only acceptable if submitted online.
What will happen to my Expression of Interest if my computer crashes when
I’m filling it in?
If your computer crashes while you’re in the midst of filling in information on a screen
of the online Expression of Interest, you may lose any unsaved data on that particular
screen. However, all data you have previously entered and saved will be retained.
You can log in to the website later, access your online Expression of Interest and
continue completing your Expression of Interest.
When will I have to pay for my online Expression of Interest?
When you click on the ‘Submit’ button, and if you meet eligibility criteria, the system
will request you to accept Legal Terms and Conditions and make a payment.
You only need to pay the submission fee for your Expression of Interest when you
decide to submit it to the Pool. Your Expression of Interest will not be submitted into
the Pool until you have made your payment.
Is your website secure to accept payments by credit cards?
All reasonable precaution has been exercised in establishing Skilled Migrant Online
Services to prevent unauthorised use or tampering with customer information.
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption technology provides a secure industry
standard to protect your personal information while online. This means all information
transferred between your Internet browser and Skilled Migrant Online Services is
strongly encrypted and secured.
A secure system for processing credit card transactions is provided by Westpac
Banking Corporation.
I don’t have a credit card. Can I send a cheque to pay for my online Expression
of Interest?
Yes. You can simply send us a bank cheque (in NZ$) as payment for your online
Expression of Interest. Send the fee to:Expressions of Interest Team
New Zealand Immigration Service
DX SR57164
PO Box 3705
If I need to update my Expression of Interest at a later date, will I have to pay
the fee again?
No. There are no fees for updating your Expression of Interest online. However, if
your Expression of Interest has been withdrawn from the Pool after three months,
you will have to create, complete and submit a new Expression of Interest and pay
another submission fee.
How do I submit the online Expression of Interest?
When you have completed all the mandatory questions, click the ‘Submit’ button,
accept the Legal Terms and Conditions and pay the fees. Your Expression of
Interest will not be submitted into the Pool until you have paid the correct fee.
What currency do I have to pay my fees in?
Fees must be paid in New Zealand or US currency.
What are the most likely problems people may have when filling in the online
Expression of Interest?
The Expression of Interest is very easy to use and is supported by ‘Help’ guides to
assist you.
However, there may be a little confusion for some concerning the ‘Reset answers’
button. Clicking on this ‘Reset answers’ button will erase the answers on a particular
screen but not on other screens.
Also, there may be some confusion about being unable to submit an Expression of
Interest. To be able to submit an Expression of Interest online, you must not only
meet the eligibility criteria and complete all the mandatory sections, but must also
accept Legal Terms and Conditions and make a payment.
Why wasn’t my Expression of Interest submitted into the Pool?
There could be a number of reasons why your Expression of Interest wasn’t
successfully submitted into the Pool.
 You did not pay the correct fee for submitting an Expression of Interest.
 You did not press ‘Submit’ after you made your payment online.
 You did not meet the 100 minimum points criteria.
How will I know if my online Expression of Interest has been submitted into the
Your Expression of Interest will be submitted into the Pool if:
 it meets the minimum points criteria (100 points), and
 you have paid (payment status displays the words ‘Payment Received’), and
 you have submitted your Expression of Interest (status section displays the word
By looking at my homepage, how can I tell whether my Expression of Interest
has been submitted into the selection Pool?
Your status page needs to display the following: ‘Submitted’, and
 ‘Payment Received’.
Do I need to fill in all sections of the Expression of Interest?
You can submit your online Expression of Interest only if you have answered all
mandatory questions. These are marked with red stars.
However, remember the more information you provide us, the faster we can assess
your Expression of Interest. Therefore, it would be beneficial to fill in all applicable
answers even if the questions haven’t been marked mandatory.
Is the internal process for processing online Expressions of Interest different
than it is for manual paper form submissions?
Online Expressions of Interest will enter the Pool directly, once they are completed
and the fees have been paid. They will remain in the Pool until selected or until they
expire. While they are in the Pool you will be able to modify or update the Expression
of Interest from your own computer.
Paper Expressions of Interest will have their data manually entered into the computer
system once they have been received by the Expression of Interest Team. The
Expression of Interest Team will then communicate the result of the submission to
the customer (i.e. accepted, declined, information missing). Customers who have
forwarded paper Expressions of Interest can make requests for changes in writing,
which will be carried out by the Expression of Interest Team.
Once the paper Expression of Interest has been submitted successfully into the Pool
it will be processed in the same way as the online version.
Will I be sent a confirmation email or letter that NZIS has received my online
Expression of Interest and payment?
No. However you can check the status of your Expression of Interest on your
homepage. If your homepage displays the status of both ‘Payment Received’ and
‘Submitted’ then you have been submitted into the Pool.
How will I know if my online Expression of Interest has been selected from the
The status on your Expression of Interest homepage will display the words
Selecting Expressions of Interest from the Pool
How are Expressions of Interest assessed?
Providing they meet the prerequisites and the minimum points score, Expressions of
Interest are accepted into the Pool and ranked according to the number of points
scored for employability and capacity building attributes.
How are Expressions of Interest selected from the Pool?
Expressions of Interest accepted into the Pool are ranked highest to lowest according
to the points scored. Based on the number of places available in the Skilled/Business
stream of the New Zealand Immigration Programme, and the quality of the
Expressions of Interest, those who score highest will be selected.
What is the cut-off point for Expressions of Interest to get into the Pool for
There is no set ‘cut-off’ point. We aim to process paper Expressions of Interest and
get them into the Pool as quickly as possible, but if you are worried your Expression
of Interest may not be submitted in time for the next selection, we recommend you
submit it online. Advantages of the online Expression of Interest include the fact it is
cheaper than submitting a paper form, and you will know instantly whether it has
been submitted into the Pool.
How often does the NZIS be selecting Expressions of Interest from the Pool?
We make selections from the Pool fortnightly – you can check the latest selection
date on our website at www.immigration.govt.nz.
What does ‘selection point’ mean? How do you calculate the selection point?
Expressions of Interest accepted into the Pool are ranked according to their points
score. We determine how many Expressions of Interest to select based on a number
of factors, including:
 the number of places available in the Skilled/Business stream of the New
Zealand Immigration Programme,
 the quality of Expressions of Interest in the Pool (as indicated by their point
scores), and
 the total number of Expressions of Interest in the Pool at selection time.
Taking these factors into account, the ‘selection point’ is set at a particular points
level, and Expressions of Interest at that point score and above are selected from the
How will I know if my Expression of Interest has made it into the Pool?
We will notify you if your Expression of Interest is accepted into the Pool. We will
also notify you if your Expression of Interest is not accepted into the Pool. Your
Expression of Interest can only be accepted into the Pool after the correct fee has
been paid.
How will I know if my Expression of Interest has been selected from the Pool?
We will notify you if your Expression of Interest is selected from the Pool.
My Expression of Interest didn’t get selected – how long will it stay in the
Pool? Will there be more chances for it to be selected?
Expressions of Interest remain in the Pool for three months. If your Expression of
Interest has not been selected from the Pool after that time, and a selection of
Expressions of Interest has occurred within that period, we will advise you that your
Expression of Interest has been withdrawn. The preliminary selection from the Pool
on 18 February did not count for these purposes – Expressions of Interest submitted
into the Pool before the selection on 3 March 2004 will remain in the Pool for three
months from that date (i.e. until 3 June).
How will I know if my Expression of Interest has been withdrawn from the
Pool? Can I resubmit it at a later date?
If, after a period of three months, your Expression of Interest has not been selected
from the Pool and a selection of Expressions of Interest has occurred within that
period, we will advise you that your Expression of Interest has been withdrawn. You
may lodge another Expression of Interest and the required fee if you wish.
My Expression of Interest has been selected – what is happening now?
Your Expression of Interest is undergoing preliminary verification by NZIS officers to
determine whether the claims made in your Expression of Interest can be verified as
being credible and legitimate. Then, if your details check out, you will be invited to
apply for residence.
What does ‘preliminary verification’ involve?
Preliminary verification involves a check to ensure the claims made in your
Expression of Interest can be verified as being credible and legitimate, particularly
factors for which you are claiming points. This may involve contacting your New
Zealand employer or others to confirm some of the details in your Expression of
Interest. If you are invited to apply for residence, further assessment and verification
will be carried out and you must provide documentation to support the claims made
in your Expression of Interest.
My Expression of Interest has been selected – how long before I receive my
Invitation to Apply?
Your Expression of Interest is undergoing preliminary verification – our aim is to
complete that process within two to four weeks following the selection, but this will
vary depending on how much verification is required and how easily we can check
the information you have provided.
Does the NZIS close off the Pool before making a selection?
All Expressions of Interest in the Pool at the time the selection is made are available
for selection. There is no set time or date by which an Expression of Interest must be
submitted in order to be eligible for selection.
Am I better off submitting my Expression of Interest online, rather than using
the paper form?
We recommend that you use the online Expression of Interest because:
 the fee to submit an online Expression of Interest is considerably less than the
fee to submit the paper form
 you will know immediately whether your Expression of Interest has been
successfully submitted into the Pool
 you can check the status of your Expression of Interest online and make instant
updates to your Expression of Interest after it has been submitted into the Pool.
In contrast, if you submit a paper form you must send it to Wellington for processing.
If the form is incomplete it cannot be submitted into the Pool and may be sent back to
you. Also, if you wish to make any changes to your Expression of Interest after it has
been submitted into the Pool you must do so in writing to us.
If my Expression of Interest is not selected from the Pool after three months,
will my fee be refunded? If not, what work has been done that justifies being
Your fee will not be refunded if your Expression of Interest is not selected from the
Pool. The fee structure has been designed to cover the costs of administering the
Expression of Interest process, including receipt of Expressions of Interest, data
entry, ranking and selection from the Pool.
Can I appeal if my Expression of Interest is not accepted into the Pool, selected
from the Pool, or if I am not invited to apply for residence?
No, there are no appeal rights at this stage.
What is an Invitation to Apply?
Prospective migrants cannot apply for residence in New Zealand under the new
Skilled Migrant Category without being formally invited to apply.
The purpose of requiring a formal Invitation to Apply is to ensure that:
 applications are only received from those who are likely to meet New Zealand’s
needs and opportunities, and
 the level of applications reflects the desired level of skilled/business approvals
under the New Zealand Immigration Programme.
How do I know whether I am going to receive an Invitation to Apply?
If your Expression of Interest has been selected from the Pool, you will be sent a
letter advising that your Expression of Interest has been selected. Following
preliminary checking and verification, if your details check out you will be sent an
Invitation to Apply letter. This letter will also include the Application for Residence
form and other important documents.
Is lodging an application for residence just a formality, or is there a chance my
application will be declined?
If you are invited to apply we will complete the assessment of your application
against Government residence policy, and determine your ability to settle
successfully and contribute to New Zealand’s social and economic development.
We will also complete any outstanding verification of the details provided in your
Expression of Interest. A decision to invite a person to apply for residence under the
Skilled Migrant Category does not guarantee that the subsequent application will be
What will the Invitation to Apply letter contain?
Enclosed with the Invitation to Apply letter will be the application form, guide, and the
‘Living in New Zealand’ information pack, which includes detailed information on
housing, health, education, working in New Zealand, business, Government, the
Treaty of Waitangi, and settling in New Zealand. Details on the New Zealand city in
which you will be living may also be included. The letter will also include details of
your contact person within the NZIS and the address where you will need to send
your completed application form.
Where can I get an application form?
You will be sent a personalised application form if you are invited to apply for
How long do I have to lodge my application?
You will have four months from the date the Invitation to Apply letter is issued to
lodge a completed application and the required documentation. If you do not lodge
your completed application for residence within this time your Invitation to Apply will
be withdrawn.
When I receive an Invitation to Apply – who do I contact or deal with?
You will be able to get in touch directly with the person in the NZIS who will be
managing your application. The NZIS staff member’s contact details will be included
in your Invitation to Apply letter.
I have an Invitation to Apply for residence - what do I have to do to lodge an
application? Do I have to resubmit all my details?
You will need to lodge your residence application form along with documentation to
support the claims made in your Expression of Interest. This is likely to include:
Passport/s (for all applicants, if available)
Birth certificate/s (for all applicants)
Marriage certificate (if applicable) or other evidence of a relationship with your
spouse or partner
Custody documentation (for any children not accompanying both parents)
Police certificates for all applicants aged 17 and over from your country of
citizenship and each country you have resided in for 12 months or more over
the last 10 years. Certificates must be no more than six months old when
Medical (for all applicants, which are no more than three months old when
X-ray Certificates (for all applicants aged 12 and over)
Evidence of English language ability (for all applicants aged 16 and over)
Evidence of a recognised qualification (for you and/or your partner, if
Evidence of skilled work experience (for you, if applicable)
Evidence of a skilled job offer or current skilled employment in New Zealand
(for you and/or your partner, if applicable)
Other documentation as specified by the NZIS in the letter formally inviting
you to apply.
We will advise you of other documents and information you will need to supply in our
letter to you. You will also need to tell us if your circumstances have changed since
your Expression of Interest was selected, and if that change of circumstances may
affect your application for residence in any way.
Do I need to provide documentation for my partner/children too?
You will need to provide things like passports, birth certificates, medical certificates,
x-ray certificates for those aged 12 and over, police certificates for all those included
in your application who are aged 17 or over, and evidence of English language ability
for those aged 16 or over. If you are claiming points for a spouse or partner’s
qualification or skilled employment in New Zealand, evidence in support of those
claims will also be required.
Do I need to provide original documentation, or will copies do?
You need to provide either original documents or certified true copies of these
documents. Any documentation that is not in English must be translated by a
registered translation agency or service.
Do I need to pay a fee to lodge a residence application?
Yes. If you are invited to apply for residence, you will need to pay a second fee when
you submit your application for residence (in addition to the Expression of Interest fee
you paid earlier). This fee differs depending on the country from which you are
making your application.
Applicable fee
You submit…
Skilled Migrant category residence
Other countries
Then, if your application is approved-in-principle, you will need to pay a Migrant Levy.
What is the Migrant Levy?
This is NZ$235 for each person being issued with a Permit under the Skilled Migrant
Category, up to a maximum of NZ$940 per family included in a single application.
You need to pay this when your application is approved-in-principle. The letter we
send you to tell you your application is approved will include the amount you need to
What currency do I have to pay my fees in?
Fees must be paid in the currency specified in your Invitation to Apply.
Can I pay by credit card?
Most NZIS branches accept both Visa and MasterCard. Please refer to your
Invitation to Apply letter for payment details.
Applying for residence as a skilled migrant
Where can I get an application form?
You will be sent a personalised application form if you are invited to apply for
I have an Invitation to Apply for residence - what do I have to do to lodge an
application? Do I have to resubmit all my details?
If invited to apply for residence you will need to provide documentation to support the
claims made in your Expression of Interest. This is likely to include:
Passport/s (for all applicants, if available)
Birth certificate/s (for all applicants)
Marriage certificate (if applicable) or other evidence of a relationship with your
spouse or partner
Custody documentation (for any children, where applicable)
Police certificates for all applicants aged 17 and over from your country of
citizenship and each country you have resided in for 12 months or more over
the last 10 years. Lodged certificates must be no more than six months old
Medical and X-ray Certificates (for all applicants, which are no more than
three months old when lodged)
Evidence of English language ability (for all applicants aged 16 and over)
Evidence of a recognised qualification (for you and/or your partner, if
Evidence of skilled work experience (for you, if applicable)
Evidence of a skilled job offer or current skilled employment in New Zealand
(for you and/or your partner, if applicable)
Other documentation as specified by the NZIS in your Invitation to Apply.
You will also need to tell us if your circumstances have changed since your
Expression of Interest was selected, if that change of circumstances may affect your
application for residence in any way.
How long do I have to lodge my application once I’ve received an invitation?
You have four months within which you may lodge your completed application for
residence, including the required documentation and fee.
Is making an application just a formality, or is there a chance my application
will be declined?
If you are invited to apply we will complete the assessment of your application
against Government residence policy, and determine your ability to settle
successfully and contribute to New Zealand’s social and economic development. We
will also complete any outstanding verification of the details provided in your
Expression of Interest. A decision to invite a person to apply for residence under the
Skilled Migrant Category does not guarantee that the subsequent application will be
How much will it cost to apply under the new Skilled Migrant Category?
You must pay a fee to submit an Expression of Interest. It is cheaper to submit an
Expression of Interest online.
If you are invited to apply for residence, you will need to pay the application fee. How
much you pay will depend on where you are living when your application is lodged.
The fees set out below include any applicable taxes.
TABLE ONE: FEES FOR Skilled Migrant Category (NZ$)
Designated Receiving Branches
Application Type
New Zealand/Pacific
Other branches
Expression of Interest paper
Expression of Interest online
SMC residence application
TOTAL FEES (with Expression of Interest paper)
TOTAL FEES (with Expression of Interest online)
What currency do I have to pay my fees in?
Fees must be paid in New Zealand or US currency.
Can I pay by credit card?
We accept both Visa and MasterCard payments, although not all NZIS branches are
able to accept credit card payments for residence applications. Please refer to your
Invitation to Apply for specific payment details.