Science Curriculum Proposal - James B. Conant High School

Science Curriculum ProposalForensic Science
Need: As evidenced by the popularity of science crime show on TV, our culture is fascinated by
the process of using science to solve crimes. Forensic Science is a perfect marriage of science
concepts and skills with the “real world application” of science knowledge. This course will
allow students to use the knowledge they have gained in their prior courses and both increase
that knowledge and apply it to the investigations presented. Students will refine the skills needed
for science investigations including observing, inferring, analyzing and evaluating. These skills
are core skills tested on every standardized test given to students. Students have the knowledge
and skills to solve problems but often we find they can not solve the problems out of the context
of the course they learned that concept in. The Forensic Science course will necessitate using the
knowledge they have gained in social studies (the judicial procedure), English (factual writing
vs. persuasion), Math (trigonometry and deductive reasoning), and Science in a complex and
integrated format so that they can understand the evidence presented and fit together the pieces
of the puzzle so that justice can be served.
Length of class:
1 semester elective course
Due to the fact that this class will be offered as an elective to juniors and seniors, students will
have adequate background in the biological, chemical, and physical information required to
understand the concepts of forensic science. Any information will only have to be quickly
reviewed in order for students to be successful with the forensic science content and activities.
Teachers currently have curriculum topics and activities to fit a one semester course outline.
Science teachers polled their future juniors and seniors to determine a general number of
individuals that would be interested in taking a forensic science course. Five hundred
individuals showed interest in taking this elective course in conjunction with any tracked
science course they still needed to take or were eligible to take.
Primary Objectives:
Students will be able to analyze a crime scene and use the proper process and procedure for
evidence gathering.
Students will be able to identify fingerprint patterns and analyze prints to determine if a
person has left his or her prints at a crime scene. Students will be able to collect finger print
evidence by dusting with black powder, iodine fuming and superglue fuming. Students will
be able to discriminate the best method for finding and retrieving finger print evidence.
Student will be able to identify different fibers as evidence. Students will understand the
difference between natural and synthetic fibers. The process of dying fabrics will help
students to identify how a fiber acts in different conditions and will help to identify the time
of exposure.
Students will use trigonometry to analyze a simulated blood spatter and use that information
to determine the height of the injury that caused that blood spatter.
Students will examine the reactions of drugs and poisons on body systems and use that
knowledge to determine cause of death.
Students will use Newton’s Laws to reconstruct a car accident to determine the sequence of
events and eventual fault.
Students will learn about the spread of fire and use of chemical accelerants to determine if a
fire is accident or arson.
Students will learn about Forensic Anthropology to determine a deceased persons identity
and cause of death. This will include skeletal analysis for gender, age and ethnicity.
Students will learn about crime and the legal system in the United States. Students will
investigate the jobs of police, investigators, detectives, lawyers, judges, jurors and voters.
Students will learn about, experience and be a part of the process of investigation, warrant
writing, trials and the serving of justice.
Students will investigate the difference between Hollywood’s portrayal of crime scene
investigations and real crime scene investigations.
Methodology: Three teachers at Conant High School have attended a BER conference entitled
“Strengthening Your Science Instruction Using NEW and Innovative Forensic Science
Strategies”. Along with that conference we would like to attend more curricular development
courses including 2 undergraduate courses in Forensic Science offered at Harper College and
possibly a summer conference on teaching forensic science. We believe that these will give us a
great foundation to develop the specific activities to be used in this course.
Teachers at Conant High School would like to develop the course during the 2006-2007 school
year. We hope to offer the course in the fall of 2007 as a 1 semester science elective.
Prerequisite: Students must have successfully completed biology and chemistry and must be
currently enrolled in physics. This elective class is not to take the place of any regularly tracked
science class the student needs in order to graduate and will not take the place of any AP classes
the student is eligible to take.
Estimated Cost:
1. Evidence gathering supplies:
2. Fingerprinting supplies:
3. Fiber evidence supplies:
4. Blood spatter supplies:
5. Toxicology (drugs and poisons):
6. Car Accident reconstruction:
7. Fire Scene Analysis:
8. Forensic Anthropology:
9. Other ref. books, videos, etc:
TOTAL Class Supplies:
Fieldtrips (3 trips at $200 for transportation)
Teacher preparation **
approximately $550.
approximately $800.
approximately $600.
approximately $225.
approximately $60.
approximately $100.
approximately $100.
approximately $50.
approximately $200.
approximately $2685.
approximately $600.
approximately $900.
approximately $4185
** To prepare 2 teachers to teach this course we would like to register for 2 Harper College
undergraduate courses in: Introduction to Forensic Science and Forensic Anthropology.
We do not anticipate a need for formal textbooks in this course as much of the information
presented will be through the use of articles, internet and activities included in the above costs.
Possible Fieldtrips and/or Presenters:
Police and Fire Station
Toxicology Lab
“Mock” Crime Scene in conjunction with police or fire departments
Junkyard for analysis of car accident reconstruction
 According to Bolak, Bialach, & Duhnphy (2005), interdisciplinary teaching causes
improvement in standardized test scores, especially from students with the poorest test
 Proponents of an interdisciplinary curriculum generally maintain that it has greater real-life
relevance and is therefore more meaningful to the student than dsicipline-based curricula
(Cordogan, 2001). Cordogan’s research also determined that students in interdisciplinary
curriculum have higher GPA’s, rates of taking the ACT, and rates of senior graduation; as
well as lower rates of days absent, times tardy, and days suspended.
 An interdisciplinary curriculum allows students to learn as they would in the real world
(Everett, 1992).
Bolak, K., Bialach, D., & Dunphy, M. (May 2005). Standards-based, thematic units integrate the
arts and energize students and teachers. Middle School Journal, 31(2), 57 - 60.
Cordogan, S. (April 12, 2001). A Four-Year Contrast between High School Students in
Interdisciplinary and Discipline-based Curriculum Programs. Annual Meeting of the American
Education Research Association. Seattle, WA.
Everett, M. (1992). Developmental Interdisciplinary Schools for the 21st Century. The
Sample Lessons:
Crime Scene Processing
To determine the proper sequence of steps for evaluating and
processing a crime scene.
-Crime scene processing involves taking steps to ensure the
methodical and lawful collection of information and evidence at a
crime scene.
-Proper processing aids in the reconstruction of a crime and assists
in the admissibility of evidence for court proceedings.
The following represent steps (not in order) that are taken by
investigators when processing a crime scene:
Collecting evidence
Sketching the scene
Searching for evidence
Providing medical attention to injured persons
Photographing the scene
Recording notes
Securing the scene
Interviewing witnesses
One large plastic bag containing the following
Film canister
Graph paper with measuring tape
Memo book
“Witness Question” sheet
Search pattern card
Evidence bag
Bandaging material
“Crime Scene” tape
Read the following “Crime Scene” scenario:
On Wednesday evening, the next-door neighbor of Mr. Tom Livingston called the
police to report the sound of gunshots. When the police arrived at Mr.
Livingston’s apartment they found the following in the bedroom of his residence:
a piece of torn bloody fabric, two 9mm casings, muddy shoe prints and Mr.
Livingston with a gunshot wound to his right thigh.
Empty the contents of the plastic bag onto your work area.
Each item symbolizes a step in crime scene processing. Using the crime scene
scenario and the list of steps outlined under the “Background” information,
determine which step each item symbolizes. Write your answers in Data Table I.
Using the “Background” information, the “Crime Scene” scenario, and your data
from Data Table I, discuss with your partner what you think the logical sequence
of steps is for processing a crime scene.
On your work area, place the items from the plastic bag in the order that you
feel represents the proper sequence of steps for processing a crime scene.
When you are finished, ask your teacher to check your work.
Record these steps in Data Table II and answer the Follow-Up Questions.
Data Table I
Film canister
Graph paper with measuring tape
Crime Scene tape
Memo book
“Witness Question” sheet
“Search Pattern” card
Bandaging material
Evidence bag
Ex. Photograph the scene
Data Table II
Steps for Processing a Crime Scene
Note: The order of steps 1 – 3 can vary. Steps 1, 2, and 3 are performed simultaneously as there are
typically more than one “first on the scene” Investigators that respond to the crime scene.
Follow-Up Questions:
Often, people think that as long as pictures of a crime scene are taken, they do
not have to take notes or make a sketch of the scene.
a. Do you agree or disagree with the above statement?
b. Explain your answer.
List 3 reasons why you think it is important to cordon off a crime scene with
“Crime Scene” tape.
List at least 3 pieces of information that you would include on the label of a bag
containing a piece of evidence that you collected from a crime scene.
Explain what role you think witnesses play at the scene of a crime.
One of the items contained in the plastic bag is a “Search Pattern” card outlining
the following patterns, “Spiral”, “Quadrant”, “Line”, and “Grid”, that are
implemented by Investigators when searching crime scenes for evidence.
Which two search patterns do you think would be helpful when searching
a large area such as an open field? Explain your answer.
Which two search patterns do you think would be helpful when searching
a small area such as Mr. Livingston’s bedroom? Explain your answer.
Physical Evidence: Bertillionage or Anthropometry
Bertillion's system of identification was threefold:
 11 body measurements
 morphological (a branch of biology that deals with the form and structure of organisms
without consideration of function) description of the body and presumed moral/ mental
 description of marks on the body including scars and tattoos
Bertillion Measurements
Height: ____________
Head Length: _____________
Left Foot: ____________
Outer Arm Stretch: _________________
Head Width: __________________
Middle Left Finger: _________________
Trunk: _________________
Right Ear Length: ________________
Right Ear Width: ___________________
Left Little Finger: ________________
Left Forearm: ___________________
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Name: ___________________________
Alias: ____________________________
Crime: _____________________________________________________________________
Age: ___________
Height: ____________
Weight: ____________
Hair: ___________
Eyes: ____________
Complexion: ________________
Born (location): ________________________
Tattoos/ scars: ______________________
Occupation: ___________________________________________________________________
Date of Arrest: __________________________
Arresting Officer: ___________________
Remarks: _____________________________________________________________________
Illustration from ''The Speaking Portrait'', an article from ''Pearson's Magazine'', 1901, illustrating
the principles of Alphonse Bertillon's anthropometry.
An anthropometric device (side view) by
Major A.J.N. Tremearne designed "for
measuring the living head" for "the use of
anthropologists", invented in 1913 with later
additions made at the suggestion of A. Keith
and Karl Pearson.
Frontisepiece from Alphonse Bertillon's (d.
1914) Identification anthropométrique (1893),
demonstrating the measurements one takes for
his anthropometric identification system.
Blood Spatter Analysis
Bloodstain pattern analysis (BPA) can be defined as the analysis and interpretation of
the dispersion, shape characteristics, volume, pattern, number, and relationship of
bloodstains at a crime scene to reconstruct a process of events (Houck and Siegel 252).
Not just anyone can be involved in bloodstain pattern analysis, in fact, there are several
requirements required in order for an individual to be considered certified.
Blood stains can be grouped into three main classes: passive, transfer, and projected
or impact stains. Passive bloodstains include clots, drops, flows, and pooling.
Transfer bloodstains include wipes, swipes, pattern transfers, and general contact
bloodstains. Projected or impact bloodstains include spatters, splashes, cast-off
stains, and arterial spurts or gushes. Thus, since our focus is blood splatter analysis,
our investigations will focus primarily on projected or impact bloodstains.
Spatter is a term in bloodstain pattern analysis that describes a stain that results from
blood hitting a target. Two types of spatter are recognized. A forward spatter results
when blood droplets are projected away from the item creating the impact, such as a
hammer. A back spatter is caused by droplets being projected toward the item. In
general, back spatter will be lighter and the stains smaller than forward spatter.
Blood, like other liquids, is governed by the laws of physics as it falls. It will accelerate
to the earth as other objects as a rate of 9.8 m\s\s and the force of air resistance will
slow its fall. If the droplets fall at a 90 degree angle to a relatively non-porous surface
the resulting pattern will be an almost perfect circle. (e.g. Try dropping red paint from
an eyedropper directly above a white piece of paper).
Blood droplet with an angle of impact at 90 Degrees
Width of droplet = 2.5 cm
Length of droplet= 2.5 cm = 1
Q: What angle has the sine of 1?
A: 90 degrees
As the angle of impact decreases a distortion of the droplet results. The droplet travels
as a projectile and the bottom of the droplet will hit the floor first while top will continue
along its path and result in a spatter elongation and sometimes a tail. The tail of the
droplet corresponds to the direction the blood travels.
Sin x = width of stain\ length of stain
Width of droplet = 2.5 cm
Length of droplet = 4.5 cm
2.5 cm \ 4.5 cm = .55
arcsin of .55 = 33 degrees
Why do we study blood spatter analysis? Often physical evidence is more reliable than
eyewitness accounts. The use of mathematics and physics are the best and most
unbiased witnesses to the sequence and origin of blood spatter patterns at a scene.
The use of these tools may help reconstruct a physical conflict and thereby support of
impeach a suspect\witness statement in a pending case. It may even point to valuable
information about an injury someone sustained at the scene.
Blood Spatter Evidence Activity
Case History—Stephen Scher
A man banged on the door of a cabin in the woods outside Montrose, Pennsylvania.
His friend, Marty Dillon, ha just shot himself while chasing after a porcupine. The two
had been skeet shooting at Scher’s cabin, enjoying a friendly sporting weekend, when
Dillon spotted a porcupine and took off out of sight. Dillon’s friend, named Stephen
Scher, heard a single shot and waited to hear his friend’s voice. After a few moments,
he chased after Dillon and found him lying on the ground near a tree stump, bleeding
from a wound on his chest. Scher administered CPR after locating his dying friend, but
he was unable to save Dillon who later died form his injuries. Police found that Dillon’s
untied boot had been the cause of his shotgun wound. They determined he had tripped
while running with his loaded gun and shot himself. The grief-stricken Scher aroused
no suspicion, so the shooting was ruled an accident.
Shortly thereafter, Scher moved from the area, divorced his wife, and married
Dillon’s widow. This was too suspicious to be ignored.
The crime scene was reconstructed to show that Scher’s boots bore the
unmistakable spray of high-velocity impact blood spatter, which is evidence that Scher
was standing within an arm’s length of Dillon when he was shot. This pattern of blood
stains cannot be created while administering CPR, as Scher claimed. This also clearly
refutes his claim that he did not witness the incident. In addition, the tree stump near
the body bore the same type of blood spatter, in pattern that indicated Dillon was
seated on the stump and not running when he was shot. Finally, Dillon’s ears were
free of the high-velocity blood spatter that covered his face, but blood was on his
hearing protectors found nearby. This is a clear indication that he was wearing his
hearing protectors when he was shot and they were removed before investigators
arrived. This and other evidence resulted in Scher’s conviction for the murder of his
long-time friend, Marty Dillon.
Blood Pattern Analysis
Simulated blood
Digital or film camera
Disposable plastic pipettes
Measuring tape
Smooth cardboard
Blotter paper
Role of white paper, 36” wide, cut into 6-foot lengths
Part 1 Cast-Off Spatter
1. In a designated area, place a 6-foot by 3-foot piece of paper on the floor.
2. Stand on the side of the paper, and, using a disposable pipette filled with simulated blood,
walk along swinging your arum by your side in a natural motion.
3. “Blood” should stream from the pipette as you walk, landing on the paper. Do not flick
or fling the “blood,” as this will not produce usable results!! This is meant to simulate
the “cast-off” spatter created when on walks carrying a bloody item.
4. Record the approximate height of the pipette from the floor (this will vary with the heath
and arm length of the individual).
5. Allow your paper to dry.
6. Photograph the individual spots in detail. Be sure to include scale and an arros indicating
the drop’s orientation to the direction of travel (i.e. which way was the person walking).
Part II Impact Angle
1. Prop a smooth piece of cardboard (or other rigid surface) on a stack of books until the
angle formed with the floor is 20 degrees.
2. Dispense a single drop of simulated blood from the height of 24 inches. Avoid air
bubbles in your dropper as they will deform the drop before it lands. If you need to try
again, make sure your next drop is at least 3 inches away from the first!
3. Carefully remove the paper (do not disturb the shape of your drop!) to your bench and
photograph it with scale.
4. Repeat procedure at 48 inches.
5. Change incident angle to 65 degrees and repeat above at 24 and 48 inches.
6. Change incident angle to 90 degrees and repeat above at 24 and 48 inches.
7. Repeat above procedure on blotter paper. This illustrates the effect that substrates of
various textures have on the shape of a blood drop.
Part III Calculations
Stain shape vs. Impact Angle. Elongated stains have a distorted or disrupted edge that easily
describes the direction of travel of blood drop. The location or origin of bloodshed may be
established by determining the directionality of the stain and the angle that blood impacted with
the landing surface. The angle of impact is readily determined by a stain’s length to width ratio
and by applying the formula:
Sin A = Width of bloodstain \ Length of bloodstain
Where A = the angle of impact
Example The width of a stain is 11 mm and the length is 22 mm.
Then, Sin A = 11mm \ 22mm = .50
A scientific calculator having the trigonometric function will calculate that a sine of 0.50 is equal
to a 30 degree angle.
Note: There is a 5-degree error factor with this formula. This means that your calculations are
good to plus or minus 5 degrees of the actual value of the angle of impact.
Stain Shape vs. Impact Angle
Measure the stain length and width in millimeters of the nine bloodstains shown on page 77. Use
the previously described formula to calculate the angle of impact for each bloodstain. Record
your findings in the following table.
Impact Angle
Part IV Examining Your Work From Part II
1. Develop a numbering system to catalog your “blood spatter evidence” and assign a
unique identifier to each “blood drop” and\or each photograph. Refer to your evidence in
your report using its unique identifier.
2. Using the formula described in the previous section, calculate the angle of impact of the
blood spatter patterns you created in part II.
3. Do you calculations match the angles you used in your experiment?
4. Show your work in the space below.
Science Descriptors-Grades 11 & 12 (Stage J)
STATE GOAL 11: Understand the processes of scientific inquiry and technological
design to investigate questions, conduct experiments and solve problems.
11A - Students who meet the standard know and apply the concepts, principles, and processes of
scientific inquiry.
1. Formulate issue- hypothesis, reviewing literature as primary reading sources,
differentiating between subjective/objective data and their usefulness to the issue, or
examining applicable existent surveys, impact studies, or models.
2. Design an issue investigation, proposing applicable survey and interview instruments
and methodologies, selecting appropriate simulations, or projecting possible
viewpoints, variables, applicable data sets and formats for consideration.
3. Conduct issue investigation (following all procedural and safety precautions), using
appropriate technologies, interviewing associated entities or experts, testing
applicable simulation models, or completing all data collection requirements.
4. Interpret and analyze results to produce findings and issue resolution options,
evaluating data sets and trends to explore unexpected responses and data
distracters, evaluating validity and reliability, or substantiating basis of inferences,
deductions, and perceptions.
5. Report, display and defend the process and findings of issue investigation, critiquing
findings by self and peer review, generating further questions or issues for
consideration, evaluating comparable issue resolutions or responses for action, or
generalizing public opinion responses.
Forensic Science Course
 Students will do all of the above highlighted during all investigation labs,
including their mock crime scene semester performance assessment.
11B - Students who meet the standard know and apply the concepts, principles, and processes
of technological design.
1. Formulate proposals for innovative technological design, generating ideas for
innovations and variables, identifying design constraints due to access to tools,
materials, and time, or researching applicable scientific principles or concepts.
2. Design and conduct technological innovation testing, developing the sequence of the
design with visualizations, incorporating the appropriate safety, available technology
and equipment capabilities into construction of design, or repeating procedural steps
for multiple trials.
3. Collect and record data accurately, using consistent metric measuring and recording
techniques and media with necessary precision, documenting data from instruments
accurately in selected format, or graphing data appropriately to show relation to
variables in design solution proposal.
4. Interpret and represent results of analysis to produce findings, comparing data sets
to design criteria for suitability, acceptability, benefits, or proposing explanations for
sources of error in the data set for process or product design flaws.
5. Report the process and results of a design investigation, explaining application to
appropriate scientific principle or concept, communicating anecdotal and quantitative
observations, analyzing a logical explanation of success or errors, or generating
additional design modifications which can be tested later.
Forensic Science Course
 Students will do all of the above highlighted during all investigation labs,
including their mock crime scene semester performance assessment.
STATE GOAL 12: Understand the fundamental concepts, principles and
interconnections of the life, physical and earth/space sciences.
12A - Students who meet the standard know and apply concepts that explain how living things
function, adapt, and change.
1. Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to explain biochemical reactions,
diagramming metabolic, hormonal, regulatory, feedback or transport molecular
models in and between organ systems, explaining homeostasis, or tracing the
balance of cellular ATP.
2. Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to explain new biological
technologies, projecting possible implications of current research (e.g., Human
Genome Project, immune system responses).
3. Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to synthesize the principles of
genetic studies, examining phenotypic and genotypic displays, modeling predictable
dominance outcomes and probabilities, or making connections to early and current
research in agriculture, forensics, medicine, etc.
4. Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to examine explanations of
evolution, researching how genetic similarities are conserved between species,
genera, families, etc., analyzing the testing process for acceptance by the scientific
community, referencing geographic, geologic, or anthropologic evidence for the
sequencing of the genus, Homo, or introducing the mitochondrial and nuclear DNA
basis of genetic kinship of the species.
5. Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to explain disease from the
organelle-to-population levels, explaining body defenses to infectious disease in
various organisms, or researching historic and on-going efforts to prevent, cure or
treat diseases.
Forensic Science Course
 Students will do all of the above highlighted during all investigation labs,
including their mock crime scene semester performance assessment.
 Labs from the following content topics will include the above highlighted
learning standards
o Toxicology
o Forensic Anthropology
o DNA/Genetic/Fingerprint Identification Studies
12B - Students who meet the standard know and apply concepts that describe how living things
interact with each other and with their environment.
1. Apply scientific inquiries or technological design to research the sustainability of
water resources, sketching and quantifying the hydrologic cycle locally and globally,
describing the role of oceans on climatic systems, describing the impact of invasive
organisms, alterations of chemical and microbial concentrations (pollutants, salinity),
global and site average temperatures, simulating water supply
recharge/deficit/surplus and groundwater infiltration, modeling effects of point
source and non-point source pollution, or explaining water and sewage treatment.
2. Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to research the sustainability of
land resources, studying the role of biotic and abiotic soil components in
decomposition and nutrient cycling, collecting data on soil composition, porosity,
permeability, fertility etc., or quantifying the impact of topsoil and mineral
preservation, erosion, and reclamation.
3. Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to research the sustainability of air
resources, modeling the atmospheric layers with their currents and temperature
inversions, or explaining the percentage chemical compositions and conversions at
varying levels as associated with the greenhouse effect and ozone depletion or acidrain concentrations.
4. Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to research the sustainability of
energy sources, comparing alternative natural sources of energy to fossil energy
sources in terms of risks, costs, benefits, supplies, efficiencies, storage, and
renewability, or analyzing impacts of conservation measures and recycling on energy
12C - Students who meet the standard know and apply concepts that describe properties of
matter and energy and the interactions between them.
1. Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to explain chemical bonding and
reactions, balancing chemical reactions using formulas and equations to quantify
reaction masses, volumes and ratios, examining factors that affect capacity to react
or rates (concentrations, pH, catalysts, molarity, temperature, etc.), or referencing
the bonding potential and strengths within and between atoms and molecules.
2. Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to explain atomic and sub-atomic
structures and energy, describing the composition of the nucleus and its
transformations in nuclear reactions and predicting energy released and absorbed,
explaining atomic structures to masses, volumes, charges, and isotopic connections,
or explaining schematic designs for devices to detect, analyze, produce such
structures or processes.
3. Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to explain wave theory, explaining
the wave and particle nature of light, constructing tests for reflection, refraction,
image formation by mirrors and lenses, diffraction, and polarization, describing
common examples of optical devices, or addressing light in the context of the human
eye (and other light-sensitive animals).
Forensic Science Course
 Students will do all of the above highlighted during toxicology studies.
12D - Students who meet the standard know and apply concepts that describe force and motion
and the principles that explain them.
1. Apply scientific inquiries or technological design to explore the nature of
forces,comparing gravitational, electromagnetic, nuclear strong and weak interactive
forces, or describing the impact of these forces at all levels.
2. Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to explore the basics of general and
special relativity, identifying the basic tenets of Galilean transformations, Newtonian
relativity, Einstein's postulates, Hawking's theorems, etc., or describing real-world
applications to these postulates.
3. Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to explore gravitation in terms of
space physics, applying gravitational potential energy and satellites, or describing
the applications of rocket propulsion.
4. Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to explore thermodynamics,
explaining the kinetic theory of gases, the ideal gas laws, calculating temperature
and pressure variations of gases, specific heat values, and heat capacities of solids
and liquids and mechanical equivalents of heat, calculating thermal expansion and
transfer capabilities of different substances, or explaining entropy in common terms
and examples.
Forensic Science Course
 Students will do all of the above highlighted during car accident
reconstruction studies.
12E - Students who meet the standard know and apply concepts that describe the features and
processes of Earth and its resources.
1. Apply scientific inquiries and technological designs to analyze meteorological
research, defining and quantifying factors which affect local and global weather and
climate, relating earth-to-solar interrelationships, or applying local or global
topographic features to weather and climate.
2. Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to analyze geological research,
modeling the formation of volcanoes, earthquakes, ocean floor spreading, and
tectonic plates with quantitative data, explaining technologies which determine
relative and absolute age, or documenting effect of natural and human-influenced
erosion and deposition that have changed the Earth's surface.
3. Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to analyze oceanographic research,
describing current ocean research, projecting potential resources from mining the
oceans, proposing ocean levels from varied data associated with global warming, or
Quantifying Earth's water budget.
4. Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to synthesize the earth sciences,
describing the flow of energy in different earth subsystems and their physical and
chemical effects on atmosphere, land, and water, explaining theories of the origin
and evolution of Earth's oceans, atmosphere and land masses.
12F - Students who meet the standard know and apply concepts that explain the composition
and structure of the universe and Earth's place in it.
1. Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to investigate historical studies of
the universe, comparing schematics, optics, development and capabilities of
telescopes and spectroscopes, examining data collections of Copernicus, Brahe,
Kepler, Newton, Galileo, etc. as the basis for their discoveries or theories and current
2. Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to investigate current and proposed
research studies of the universe, comparing schematics, optics, development and
capabilities of spectrophotometric technologies, explaining the Doppler effect in
terms of red and blue shifts, reporting on the newest discoveries from the Hubble
Space Telescope, ground-based or satellite counterparts, etc.exploring the
mathematical calculations and evidence associated with the Big Bang Theory, or
3. Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to investigate the energetic
reactions of stars, explaining the fusion process and its associated nuclear and
mathematical calculations, predicting the gravitational collapse of stars of different
masses, evaluating the supporting evidence for the size, age and expansion of the
4. Apply scientific inquiries or technological designs to explore exobiological
possibilities, comparing different elemental life forms on earth, or researching
evidence associated with existence of past life on solar system bodies.
STATE GOAL 13: Understand the relationships among science, technology and society
in historical and contemporary contexts.
13A - Students who meet the standard know and apply accepted practices of science.
1. Apply appropriate principles of safety in pure and applied research studies,
examining animal care precautions for adherence to safety standards, referencing
applicable chemical storage, handling, and disposal procedure regulations,
researching procedures and policies to eliminate or reduce risk in potentially
hazardous activities, or citing federal or state agency requirements for employees for
safety regulations in science research settings.
2. Apply scientific habits of mind to current pure and applied research studies in life,
environmental, physical, earth, and space sciences, interviewing scientists about how
they address validity of scientific claims and theories and/or their understanding of
scientific habits of mind (including sheer luck) and how they have been integral to
their own research, recognizing limitations of investigation methods, sample sets,
technologies, or procedures, questioning sources of information and representation
of data, recognizing selective or distorted use of data, discrepancies and poor
argument, distinguishing opinion from supported theory, tracing citations from
research studies for validity and reliability, or reporting on peer review and juried
panel review in research approval and scientific community acceptance.
Forensic Science Course
 Students will do all of the above highlighted during all investigation labs,
including their mock crime scene semester performance assessment.
13B - Students who meet the standard know and apply concepts that describe the interaction
between science, technology, and society.
1. Analyze challenges created by international cooperation and competition in scientific
knowledge and technological advances, explaining multinational corporations'
challenges or impact for resource acquisition, or researching the cooperative efforts
and dilemmas associated with global partnerships
2. Analyze scientific breakthroughs in terms of societal and technological effects, citing
how beliefs and attitudes influence advances, examining global distribution of
energy, natural or fiscal resources, or evaluating how scientific advances from
different cultures are received.
3. Analyze environmental impact studies, describing the design and procedures,
synthesizing the findings and justifying the recommendations, or comparing methods
for minimizing pollution or procedures for monitoring environmental quality.
4. Analyze local, state, national, global scientific policies in terms of costs, benefits, and
effects, identifying policies which have affected local needs, costs, or products,
assessing national or global costs of policies from American or non-American
perspectives, or evaluating data used in media explanations of resource, technology,
or policy impact.
5. Analyze how scientific and technological progress have affected job markets and
everyday life, investigating projected trends over 2-3 decades, or assessing costs for
technological progress on personal, governmental, economic and ecosystem impact
in the sciences.
Forensic Science Course
 Students will do/experience all of the above highlighted during studies that
bridge forensic law and scientific technology.
 Students will experience real-world issues during the presentation of the core
forensic units by experts.
 Students will evaluate cost versus benefit when determining their method of
investigation with specific crime scene evidence.