8:30 - 9:30 Opening ceremony and group photo
Plenary Talk I-S
9:30 - 10:20 Chair: Jianqing Fan
Speaker: Iain Johnstone, Stanford University
Title: Large covariance matrices and random matrix theory
Plenary Talk II-A
9:30 - 10:20 Chair: Jiaan Yan
Speaker: Shige Peng, Shangdong University, China
Title: G-normal distribution, G-Brownian motion and financial risk
10:20 - 10:50 Tea break
Session 1-A: Stein's method
Chair: Zhonggen Su, Organizer: Louis Chen
10:50-11:25 Speaker: Louis Chen, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Title: Discretized normal approximation
11:25-12:00 Speaker: Aihua Xia, University of Melbourne, Australia
Title: On negative binomial approximation to k-runs
Session 2-B: Biostatistics
Chair: Suojin Wang
10:50-11:25 Speaker: Yong Zhou
Title: Estimating equations inference with missing data
11:25-12:00 Speaker: Kaifun Yu,
Title: estimation of primary and secondary parameters in a two-stage adaptive clinical trial
Session 3-C: Statistical applications
Chair: Jin Cao
10::50-11:25 Speaker: Yuan Li
Title: Measuring risk aversion by ARCH-M model with varying coefficients
11:25-12:00 Speaker: Zhen Wu
Title: Some Properties on $Z$ for BSDEs and their applications in finance and optimal control problem
Session 4-D: Statistical theory and methodology
Chair: Annie Qu
10:50-11:25 Speaker: Tony Cai, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Title: On Recovery of High Dimensional Sparse Signals via $l_1$ Minimization
11:25-12:00 Speaker: Chunming Zhang, University of Wisconsin--Madison, USA
Title: Isotropy-anisotropy test for brain imaging
12:10-1:15 Lunch at Shaw Science Hall
Afternoon June 11, 2008
Session 1-A1: High-dimensional probability
Chair: Zhenqing Chen, Organizer: Wenbo Li
1:30-2:05 Speaker: Wenho Li, University of Delaware, USA
Title: Gaussian inequalities and conjectures
2:05-2:40 Speaker: Frank Gao, University of Idaho, USA
Title: Entropy estimate of some shape-constrained function classes via small deviation probability
2:40-3:15 Speaker Zhonggen Su, Zhejiang University
Title Transition distributions of periodically weighted Plancherel Young diagrams
3:15 – 3:45 Tea Break
Session 1-A2: Gaussian analysis
Chair and Organizer: Yiming Xiao
3:45-4:20 Speaker: Xiaoyu Hu
Title: Limsup random fractals determined two independent L\'{e}vy processes
4:20-4:55 Speaker: Niels Jacob
Title: Some Hilbert spaces associated with certain symmetric Levy processes
4:55-5:30 Speaker: Dongsheng Wu,
Title: TBA
Session 2-B: Biostatistics and high-dimensional data analysis
Chair: Huixia Wang
1:30-2:05 Speaker: Suojin Wang, USA
Title: A new semiparametric procedure for matched case-control studies with missing
covariate data
2:05-2:40 Speaker: Ping Ma, University of Illinois, USA
Title: Statistical journey to the center of the earth
2:40-3:15 Speaker: Annie Qu, Oregon State University, USA
Title: Efficient aggregate unbiased estimating functions approach for correlated data
with missing at random
3:15-3:45 Tea Break
Session 2-B: Biostatistics and high-dimensional data analysis
Chair: Ping Ma, Organizer: Xihong Lin
3:45-4:20 Speaker: Tian Lu
Title: Lasso regularized estimation for the accelerated failure time model
4:20-4:55 Speaker: Yi Li,
Title: Incorporating biological prior information in bioinformatics: analysis of array cgh
4:55-5:30 Speaker: June Luo
Title: TBD
Session 3-C1: Financial statistics
Chair and Organizer: Rong Chen
1:30-2:05 Speaker: Jianqing Fan, Princeton University, USA
Title: Sparse portfolio allocation: from short-constraint to lars
2:05-2:40 Speaker: Yazhen Wang, University of Connecticut, USA
Title: Modeling and analyzing high-frequency financial data
2:40-3:15 Speaker: Ngai-Hang Chan, Chinese University of HongKong, HongKong
Title: Quanto options and mixture exponential jump-diffusions
3:15-3:45 Tea Break
Session 3-C2: Statistical imaging and simultaneous inference
Chair and Organizer: Jiashun Jin
3:45-4:20 Speaker: Felix Abramovich,
Title: Bayesian testimation in the normal means problem
4:20-4:55 Speaker: Jian Zhang,
Title: High dimensional variable selection via nonnegative garotte
4:55-5:30 Speaker: Michael Nussbaum, Cornell University, USA
Title: Asymptotic error rates in quantum hypothesis testing
Session 4-D: Nonparametric statistics and longitudinal data
Chair and Organizer: Tony Cai
1:30-2:05 Speaker: Peihua Qiu, University of Minnesota, USA
Title: Local smoothing segmentation of spotted microarray images
2:05-2:40 Speaker: Tianxi Cai, Harvard University, USA
Title: Robust Methods for Evaluating the Incremental Value of New Markers for
2:40-3:15 Speaker: Jamei Robbins, Harvard University, USA
Title: Higher order influence functions and minimax estimation of nonlinear functionals
3:15-3:45 Tea Break
Session 4-D: Nonparametric statistics and longitudinal data
Chair and Organizer: Hulin Wu
3:45-4:20 Speaker: Jiguo Cao
Title: Statistical Inference for Dynamic models with the Generalized Profiling Method
4:20-4:55 Speaker: Yangqing Sun,
Title: Robust inferences for semiparametric regression with longitudinal data
4:55-5:30 Speaker: Yuedong Wang, University of California- Santa Barbara, USA
Title: Smoothing spline nonlinear nonparametric regression models
6:30-8:30 Reception/Dinner at Hua Zhong Cheng Restaurant
Session 1-A: SPDE and stochastic analysis
Chair: Dongsheng Wu
8:30-9:05 Speaker: Yimin Xiao
Title: Hitting Probabilities of Gaussian Random Fields with Applications to SPDEs
9:05-9:40 Speaker: Zenghu Li
Title: Stochastic equations of non-negative processes with jumps
9:40-10:15 Speaker: Zhiyuan Huang (Chinese)
Title: Fractional noises and fields on gel'gand triple
10:15-10:45 Tea Break
Session 1-A: SPDE and stochastic analysis
Chair: Jin Feng, Organizer: Zhenqing Chen
10:45-11:20 Speaker: Zhenqing Chen
Title: Stationary distributions for diffusions with inert drift
11:20-11:55 Speaker: Hao Wang
Title: Local time for a class of interacting superprocesses
Session 2-B: Likelihood methods
Chair: James Fu, Organizer: Feifang Hu
8:30-9:05 Speaker: Mai Zhou, University of Kentucky, USA
Title: Empirical likelihood for counting processes
9:05-9:40 Speaker: Lixin Zhang, Zhejiang University, China
Title: Limit distributions of multi-color randomly reinforced urns
9:40-10:15 Speaker: Feifang Hu,
Title: Weighted likelihood and its applications
10:15-10:45 Tea Break
Session 2-B: Likelihood methods
Chair: Mai Zhou
10:45-11:20 Speaker: James Fu
Title: Finite Markov chain imbedding and it's applicationto matching probability
between two Maarkov dependent DNA sequences
11:20-11:55 Speaker: Zhehen Jin
Title: Sequential analysis of censored data with linear transformation models
Session 3-C1: High-dimensional inference
Chair and Organizer: Harrison Zhou
8:30-9:05 Speaker: Jiashun Jin, Purdue University, USA
Title: Estimating the null parameters in large-scale multiple testing
9:05-9:40 Speaker: Runze Li, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Title: Weighted Wilcoxon-type smoothly clipped absolute deviation method
9:40-10:15 Speaker: Dan Nettleton, Iowa State University, USA
Title: A hidden markov model approach to testing multiple hypotheses on a directed acyclic graph
10:15-10:45 Tea Break
Session 3-C2: Limiting Theory
Chair: Frank Gao
10:45-11:20 Speaker: Zhengyan Lin, Zhejiang University
Title: m-dependent approximation and its applications
11:20-11:55 Speaker: Wensheng Wang
Title: Almost-sure path properties of anisotropic gaussian random fields
Session 4-D: Statistical theory and methodology
Chair: Min Chen
8:30-9:05 Speaker: Hengjian Cui
Title: Robust estimates for generalized partially linear varying-coefficient models
9:05-9:40 Speaker: Liansheng Tan,
Title: Testing the equality of two ordered multinomial proportions
9:40-10:15 Speaker: Yihui Luan,
Title: Optimization of detection power when controlling for false discovery rate (FDR) in large-scale multiple testing problems
10:15-10:45 Tea Break
Session 4-D: Statistical theory and methodology
Chair: Lixing Zhu
10:45-11:20 Speaker: Jun Liu, Harvard University, USA
Title: Inference of patterns and associations using dictionary models
11:20-11:55 Speaker: Guohua Zou (C)
Title: Optimal Two-Stage Design with Given Power in Association Studies
Afternoon June 12, 2008
Conference tours:
1:30-4:00 Boat trip at the West Lake
4:00-8:00 Tour trip at Song Town , dinner and show
Session 1-A: Dimension reduction and variable selection
Chair and Organizer: Jianhui Zhou
8:30-9:05 Speaker: Ker-Chau Li, UCLA, USA
Title: Model selection, dimension reduction and liquid association: a trilogy via Stein's
9:05-9:40 Speaker: Bing Li, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Title: Dimension reduction for non-elliptically distributed predictors
9:40-10:15 Speaker: Xiangroug Yin, University of Georgia, USA
Title: Sufficient mean dimension reduction and variable selection
10:15-10:45 Tea Break
Session 1-A: Dimension reduction and variable selection
Chair and Organizer: Runze Li
10:45-11:20 Speaker: Naisyin Wang, Texas A& M University, USA
Title: Selection of measurement error models in longitudinal covariate processes
11:20-11:55 Speaker: Hongzhe Li, University of Pennsylvania
Title: Variable selection for time-varying coefficients models for genomic
11:55-12:30 Speaker: Yanyuan Ma,
Title: Variable selection in measurement error models
Session 2-B1: Bayesian methods in contemporary statistics
Chair: Feng Liang, Organizer: Linda Zhao
8:30-9:05 Speaker: Hongyu Zhao, Yale University
Title: Hierarchical models for signal transduction pathway analysis from single cell
9:05-9:40 Speaker: Linda Zhao, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Title: Empirical Bayesian thresholding rules for normal mean problems
9:40-10:15 Speaker: Dongchun Sun,
Title: The formal definition of reference priors
10:15-10:45 Tea Break
Session 2-B2: General regression methods
Chair: Zhongyi Zhu, Organizer: Xuming He
10:45-11:20 Speaker: Huixia Wang,
Title: Semiparametric quantile regression for longitudinal data
11:20-11:55 Speaker: Lan Wang, University of Minnesota, USA
Title: Estimation and model checking in censored quantile regression
11:55-12:30 Speaker: Jinguan Lin
Title: Heteroscedasticity and correlation diagnostics for nonlinear regression models with
AR(1) and symmetrical errors
Session 3-C: Statistical theory and methodology
Chair: Bing Li
8:30-9:05 Speaker: Shuyuan He
Title: Autoregressive process with measurement errors
9:05-9:40 Speaker: Jinde Wang,
Title: Inequality constrained statistical problems and their applications in environmetrics and medical statistics
9:40-10:15 Speaker: Zhongyi Zhu (Chinese)
Title: Local asymptotics of marginal regression splines with longitudinal data
10:15-10:45 Tea Break
Session 3-C: Statistical theory and methodology
Chair: Feifang Hu, Organizer: Sam Kou
10:45-11:20 Speaker: Xingzhong Xu,
Title: Fiducial inference under nonparametric situations
11:20-11:55 Speaker: Liugen Xue (Chinese)
Title: Empirical likelihood estimation for a single-index varying-coefficient model
11:55-12:30 Speaker: Sam Kou, Harvard University
Title: Multi-resolution inference of stochastic models from partially observed data
Session 4-D: Data analysis for complex problems
Chair: Peihua Qiu, Organizer: Jiayang Sun
8:30-9:05 Speaker: Heping Zhang, Yale University, USA
Title: Joint modeling of time series measures and recurrent events and analysis of the effects of air quality on respiratory symptoms
9:05-9:40 Speaker: Xiaofeng Wang, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, USA
Title: Deconvolution estimation for the data with heteroscedastic measurement errors
9:40-10:15 Speaker: Regina Liu, Rutegers University, USA
Title: Thresholding events of extreme in simultaneous monitoring of dependent risks
10:15-10:45 Tea Break
Session 4-D: Data analysis for complex problems
Chair: Ji Zhu
10:45-11:20 Speaker: Jin Cao, Bell Lab, USA
Title: Estimating network statistics from distributed packet streams in high speed
11:20-11:55 Speaker: Feng Liang, University of Illinios, USA
Title: Dimension reduction and localization
11:55-12:30 Speaker: Jianhua Guo
Title: Improved propagation algorithm of Bayesian networks by decomposition
Afternoon June 13, 2008
Plenary Talk 3-A:
Chair: Tony Cai
1:45-2:35 Speaker: Larry Brown, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Title: Nonparametric empirical Bayes and compound Bayes estimation of independent normal means
Plenary Talk 4-B:
Chair: Zhengyan Lin
1:45-2:35 Speaker: Zhi-dong Bai, China
Title: Random matrix theory anbd large dimensional data analysis
2:35-3:00 Tea Break
Session 1-A: Statistical theory
Chair: Ping Ma
3:00-3:35 Speaker: Lixing Zhu
Title: empirical likelihood for a varying coefficient partially linear model with diverging
number of parameters
3:35-4:10 Speaker: Qihua Wang
Title: Statistical estimation in partlly-linear-varying-oefficient single-index model
4:10-4:45 Speaker: Jinwen Chen,
Title: TBD
4:45-5:20 Speaker: Xizhi Wu
Title: China 's environment for statistical research
Session 2-B: Machine learning
Chair: Feng Liang, Organizer: Xiaotong Shen
3:00-3:35 Speaker: Ji Zhu, University of Michigan, USA
Title: Partial correlation estimation by joint sparse regression models
3:35-4:10 Speaker: Yufeng Liu, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Title: Probability-based large margin classifiers
4:10-4:45 Speaker: Yuhong Yang, University of Minnesota, USA
Title: Improving mle via a non-extensive information measure
4:45-5:20 Speaker: Zengjing Chen
Title: g-expectations and nonlinear pricing
Session 3-C: Staitsitcial theory
Chair: Guohua Zou
3:00-3:35 Speaker: Zhaojun Wang (Chinese)
Title: Monitoring profiles based on nonparametric regression methods
3:35-4:10 Speaker: Huazhen Lin
Title: Direct semiparametric ROC regression with unknown link and baseline functions
4:10-4:45 Speaker: Xinsheng Zhang
Title: Empirical likelihood estimation for ornstein-uhlenbeck type processes
4:45-5:20 Speaker: Zhongxin Ye.
Title: A counter party-risk model with attenuating function and its applications on pricing the credit derivatives
Session 4-D: Probability theory
Chair: Zhi-dong Bai
3:00-3:35 Speaker: Fuzhou Gong
Title: Log-Sobolev inequalities on metric spaces
3:35-4:10 Speaker : Jin Feng
Title: Towards a statistical theory for 2-D turbulence, a large deviation and Hamilton-
Jacobi equation approach
4:10-4:45 Speaker: Yingchao Xie (Chinese)
Title: Global solutions of stochastic 2D Navier-Stokes equations with L\'{e}vy Noise
4:45-5:20 Speaker: Xianping Guo
Title: Variance minimization for finite continuous-time Markov decision processes
Session 5 - E :
Chair: Zhi Geng
1:30 – 1:45 Chunsheng Ma
Title: Why isotropy is so popular in spatial statistics
1:45 – 2:00 Wei Yan
Title Boundaries of causal effects under a non-ignorable missing mechanism
2:00 – 2:15 Zhengyuan Jia
Title: Use principal component analysis for studying investment risk of listed power
2:15 – 2: 30 Yinglei Lai
Title: Genome-wide co-expression based prediction of differential expression
2:30 – 2:45 Xinmin Li
Title Fiducial intervals for ratios of variance components in two-fold nested designs
2:45 – 3:00 Zhi Geng
Title Surrogate paradox
3:00 – 3:15 Shan Sun
Title Smooth quantitle estimations under strong mixing: NASC on bandwidth for weak
3:15 – 3:45 Tea Break
Chair : Chunsheng ma
3:45 – 4:00 Ke Deng
Title A dynamic-programming-based method in delay and loss tomography
4:10 – 4:15 Xiaojing Wang
Title Semiparametric varying-coefficient partly linear model with auxiliary covariates
4;15 – 4:30 Chunfeng Huang
Title Spectral density estimation through a regularized inverse
4:30 – 4:45 Fuxia Cheng
Title Nonparametric estiamtion of the density of innovations in ARCH(P)
4:45 – 5:00 Qin Shao
Title Nonparametric trend estimation for periodic autoregressive time series
5:00 – 5:15 Jianxin Yin
Title Nonparametric covariance model
5:15 – 5:30 Jinfang Tian
Title The distribution of Realized Volatility and Forecasting: Based on the Stock Market of China
Dinner at Huazhongcheng
Chair : Wenqing He
8:30 -8:45 A. Bakilizi
Title: Distribution free tests for symmetry
8:45 – 9:00 A. Feuerverger
Title Optimal uniform deconvolution
9:00 – 9:15 Lakho Muhammad Hanif
Title Projective properties of non-regular factorial designs
9:15- 9:30 Kulwant Singh Kapoor
Title Agreement analysis method in case of continuous variable
9:30-9:45 Zaretzki Russell
Title The adaptive ridge selector
9:45 -10:00 Jin Xu
Title Robustified MANOVA with applications in detecting differentially expressed genes from oligonucleotide arrays
10:00- 10:15 Yingying Li
Title Rounding errors and volatility estimation
10:15 – 10:45 Tea Break
Chair : Jin Xu
10:45- 11:00 Xiaoling Lu
Title Modelling the repeat viewing and viewing intensity of TV programs
11:00 – 11:15 Xuewen Lu
Title Weighted least squares methods for censored linear models
11:15 – 11:30 Xi Luo
Title Relaxed greedy pursuit for L1 penalized least squares and loglikelihood
11:30 – 11:45 Qiang Wu
Title Mixture modeling with applications to integrative analysis of post-mortem tissue studies in Schizophrenia
11:45 – 12:00 Wenqing He
Title The use of intra-class based criteria for quality control in microarray studies
Lunch at Shaw Science Hall
Chair : Dianliang Deng
8:30 -8:45 Wichai Chattinnawat
Title: Modeling variations of an internal quality assessment scores of Thai university: a
case study of Rajabhat Universities
8:45 – 9:00 Choon-peng Tan
Title Bounds for universal portfolios with side information in a discretized market
9:00 – 9:15 Myron Chang
9:15- 9:30 Hansheng Wang
Title Sliced regression for dimension reduction
9:30-9:45 Shusong Jin
Title On the integer-valued GARCH process
9:45 -10:00 Samuel Wu
Title Step-up tests for number of active effects in orthogonal saturated designs
10:00- 10:15 Yunbei Ma
Title Semiparametric varying-coefficient regression model for survival data
10:15 – 10:45 Tea Break
Chair : Hansheng Wang
10:45- 11:00 Litan Yan
Title Integration with respect to fractional locla times with hurst index 1/2< H < 1
11:00 – 11:15 Xinghua Zheng
Title Critical branching random walks and spatial epidemics
11:15 – 11:30 Nana Luan
Title Hausdorff measure of the image and graph of bifractional Brownian motion
11:30 – 11:45 Li Liu
Title Precise large deviations for dependent random variables with heavy tails
11:45 – 12:00 Zongming Ma
Title Accuracy of the Tracy-Widom limit for extreme eigenvalues in white Wishart matrices
12:00 – 12:15 Jin Zhang
Title Generalized least squares cross-validation in kernel density estimation
12:15 – 12:30 Dianliang Deng
Title Asymptotic properties of the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation for doubly interval-censored failure time data
Lunch at Shaw Science Hall
Chair : Yi Zhang
3:00 – 3:15 Yang Zhao
Title Likelihood methods in randomized trials with noncompliance and subsequent
3:15 – 3:30 Hualong Zeng
Title The impulse effect of monetary policy on asset prices: a study of the interactive
correaltions among interest rate, housing prices and stock prices
3:30 – 3:45 ShibinSu
Title Research on probability measurement model in risk based on evidence theory
3:45 – 4:00 Xia Zhao
Title Death assumption for fractions of a year based on rational interpolating method and
its application in actuarial science
4:00 – 4:15 Liang Li
A semiparametric joint model for longitudinal and survival data with application to hemodialysis study
4:15- 4:30 Meihua Geng
Title The growth optimal portfolio in finite discrete market
4:30 - 4:45 Yi Zhang
Title Approximation of tail probability of Poisson shot noise processes with heavy-tailed
4:45 – 5:00 Yuguo Han
Title Two-sample permutation test for location parameters when sample size is small
5:00 – 5:15 Liyuan Li
Title On block thresholding in wavelet regression with long memory correlated noise
Session 6 - F
Chair : Jingjing Wu
3:00 – 3:15 Yang Jin
Title Nonlinear autoregressive models with heavy-tailed innovation
3:15 – 3:30 Degui Li
Title Semiparametric additive models
3:30 – 3:45 Yue Fang
Title Time series regression with autoregressive and heteroskedastic
3:45 – 4:00 Yongge Tian
Title On consistency, natural restrictions and estimability under general growth curve models
4:00 – 4: 15 Jingjing Wu
Title Robust empirical Bayes tests for discrete distributions
4:15- 4:30 Hong Wang
Title Probabilistic models on fish size selectivity
4:30 - 4:45 Hongjian Zhu
Title Sequential monitoring response-adative random clinical trails
4:45 – 5:00 Jiawei Liu
Title Modeling the covariance structure of longitudinal data by a generalized AIC
5:00 – 5:15 Guoyou Qin
Title Robust empirical likelihood inference for longitudinal data