overall philosophy of the work/study program

Learning Prep School
Work/Study Rules and Policies Handbook
The Learning Prep School Work/Study Program, in accordance with the Massachusetts State Curriculum, emphasizes a gradual
release of responsibility leading to a student’s independence.
Aligned with the philosophy of Learning Prep School, the Work/Study Program enables students to develop qualities, skills and
behaviors necessary to become successful in a workplace environment. The basis of the Program is to provide prevocational
training to enhance students’ employability skills. Students attend work and school on alternating weeks and are guided by teachers
and Work/Study Job Coaches to manage 25 hours of employment (either paid or volunteer) each work week and out of class academic
assignments. Strategies are implemented to encourage progress and enhance growth of the student worker in all aspects of a job.
Students become familiar with advocacy skills to access accommodations necessary to compensate for their challenges, as well as
learn the necessary organizational skills to enable them to complete larger assignments with longer-term deadlines.
Each student has a Job Coach who assists with the transition to the Work/Study Program, facilitates the job application process as
needed, and supports the student throughout his or her employment. Initially, Job Coaches receive input regarding students’ learning
profiles; read documents/files of students (e.g., IEPs); develop and model positive work tasks and behaviors; clarify rules and
expectations of job sites; break down tasks; and develop strategies such as writing out task cards and pocket-sized notebooks to
include multiple directions. They support students in using these accommodations, either in-person, over the phone, or via email.
The Work/Study Program allows students to excel and receive positive reinforcement in a workplace environment. Often this is a
very new experience to the learner. The Program shows students that they can be successful adults, it provides credits to students
towards graduation, and teaches responsibility and confidence. As you will read in the Rules and Policies, Learning Prep students are
held to high expectations and must meet them regularly in order to maintain their position.
Employers, colleges, transition, and vocational/training programs view the Work/Study Program very highly and believe Learning
Prep students are well prepared to take the next step in their lives after graduation. Students develop professional resumes, good
work habits, and self-confidence through their experiences in the Program.
Criteria for the Work/Study Program
1. The student must have accumulated academic credits equivalent to three (3) yrs. in an approved high school program.
2. Administrative, Academic, Vocational and Support staff must agree and recommend that the student has potential to be
successful in the Work/Study Program.
3. Based on results from the Junior Screening, the level of independence of the student at their internship will be determined.
4. The student must demonstrate an effort to participate in some beginning work experience. He/she must be willing to visit job
sites, complete applications, participate in the interview process, make follow-up telephone calls and be open to Work/Study
staff speaking with job sites.
1. Work Based Objectives
Job Coaches establish student’s goals and assess them utilizing the Massachusetts Work-Based Learning Plan (WBLP), which was
developed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. The WBLP is a diagnostic, goal setting and assessment
tool designed to drive learning and productivity on the job. Work/Study students agree to work on these goals and accept
support from the Work/Study Department. The Work/Study staff at LPS work in conjunction with the student and worksite
supervisors to assess progress of these goals, and provide additional on-site and educational support when necessary.
Examples of the type of reteaching which will be implemented to support work based goal success:
Late to work/late returning from break
Absent from work/not calling
Attitude issues: negative towards workers/supervisors
Consequence/Reteaching Activities to learn Behavior/Skills
Time management activities, watch/clock concept review
Phone skills review: frequent phone check-ins with W/S dept on
work week
Task card implementation, mtg. with Work Supervisor reviewing
expectations, break down of tasks, and additional job coaching
Role-plays, videotaping and social skill activities with LPS staff
Schoolwork not submitted (2 in more than 1 class)
Attend to miss schoolwork on work week
Work assignments not completed
Students, parents/guardians and employers agree to work on School to Work goals and objectives (using the Massachusetts
Work-Based Learning Plan). These goals and objectives are established by the Work/Study Department in coordination with staff
and are aligned with IEP Goals.
Learning Prep School
Work/Study Rules and Policies Handbook
Example of Goal from Specific Work-Based Objective
Student speaks directly to supervisor
Example of Job Coaching Strategy/Intervention
Rehearse/preview script; role play
Is based on performance in work AND school.
Students are expected to continuously work on goals. They have frequent opportunities to meet with their Job Coach to review
progress and implement strategies as necessary. A student may jeopardize their placement from the Work/Study Program if
experiencing significant behavioral, social, or academic-related problems at school or work (examples listed below). Prior to any
decision related to the placement, students will have the right to meet with the Work/Study Supervisor, Job Coach, Principal, and the
Director to discuss the situation. The student's parents will be notified and can request to be at the meeting.
Being uncooperative
a. not following up on job leads from Work/Study staff
b. not notifying Job Coach when requested
c. not working on issues previously addressed (i.e., not utilizing a strategy to manage time)
d. demonstrating negative attitude toward Job Coach, fellow employees, Supervisor, or Work/Study Program
2. Report card failures:
Students receive a notice of failure to complete homework assignments when they have missed two (2) assignments.
Note: rules are different for students who attend school full-time vs. every other week.
3. Accumulation of more than three (3) detentions per quarter or one (1) suspension per school year (this applies to work
week as well)
4. Changing jobs or job status (i.e., quitting job) without approval
5. Safety issues:
a. Inappropriate use of the technology according to job regulations
b. Inappropriate use of/unsafe behavior with tools, machinery, etc.
c. Use of automobiles limited to transportation to/from work
d. Use of automobiles, buses or trucks belonging to employees or company
e. Inappropriate clothing suitable at work
f. Inappropriate relationships with worksite staff: physical contact of kissing or hugging
6. Comply with LPS Rules & Policies when on/using school property and in the workplace:
a. Respect – students should show respect to their peers, coworkers, supervisors, placement as well as themselves.
b. Sexual Harassment
c. Substance Abuse
d. Weapons
e. Use of personal technology without permission
f. Completing assigned homework packet
Students may earn Detentions or Suspensions if they violate any of these rules.
7. After having two unexcused absences from work in one term, students will receive a warning. After 3 unexcused absences,
students are at risk of failing.
8. If a student has an excused absence, they must contact their jobsite and their Job Coach, as well as, provide documentation as
stated in the Learning Prep School Handbook. In addition, students are responsible for abiding by the worksites policies
regarding missing work, this may include: the student calling into work prior to a certain hour of the day (i.e. before 7:30
am), a doctor’s note after two consecutive days, and/or finding a replacement for their shift.
9. Students are to report to their worksite supervisor and their Job Coach if they need to leave early from a jobsite. When a
student has been reported missing from a site for more than five minutes, the local police will be notified to assist in
locating the student.
10. Serious infraction of worksite rules (students must review workplace rules with Job Coach
11. Students who are fired from work risk losing their Work/Study status
Discipline and Process of Notification: Every effort will be made by the LPS Work/Study Department to help student workers
accomplish their goals. However, when students exhibit or significant difficulties in the program, or when serious rule or policy
infractions occur, students will be cited using the Worker Notification and Status Form (in the following order). ***
1. Violation of any of the Work/Study rules or policies will result in:
a. Verbal Warning – Student meets with Job Coach to discuss problem; intervention is geared towards behavior and
reteaching; documented by Job Coach.
b. Written Warning – Student meets with Job Coach to discuss the problem. Warning (written on the Worker Notification and
Status Form) is not included in the permanent folder, but reviewed and signed by the student. Warning reflects the student’s
understanding of the problem and plan to improve the behavior.
c. Written Reprimand – If a problem persists, it is written up on the Worker Notification and Status Form, signed by the
student and placed in the student’s permanent folder. The student will meet with the Job Coach, Work/Study Supervisor,
Learning Prep School
Work/Study Rules and Policies Handbook
Work/Study Department Head, or Work Experience Department Head and a plan or contract will be established to
address the issue, both problem-solve, and review acceptable behavior.
Meeting with Administration – Student meets with Work/Study Supervisor and/or other Administrator (depending upon
offense) to set up Contract to be signed by student, parent/guardian, and Work/Study staff member.
Loss of Work/Study Credits – If a problem persists after a verbal or written warning, or if there is a serious first offense (to
be determined by Work/Study Supervisor or LPS Director), a student worker may fail Work/Study for a term. If a student is
unable to complete the necessary credits for Work/Study in any given term, he/she will be given the opportunity to “make
up” lost credits with the approval of the Work/Study Department. This could cause a delay in graduation date for those
students scheduled to graduate.
Dismissal from the Work/Study Program – If a student is allowed to continue after having lost credits and he/she
continues to experience difficulty, a team meeting will be arranged to discuss the student’s placement in Work Study.
Delay in Graduation Date.
These are the Work/Study rules with which LPS students should comply.
Finding their first job: Students must understand finding their first job is the shared responsibility of themselves, their
family, and the Job Coach.
Student must obtain approval before accepting a job: If a student finds a job on his or her own, he/she must obtain
approval from the Work/Study Department before accepting the job in order for it to be considered part of Work/Study.
Identification: When beginning a new job, the student will be required to produce identification. according to the job
requirements, i.e. social security card or number, birth certificate, driver's license, identification card with photo, or
passport. Usually job sites require 2 forms of identification.
CORI/SORI check: Students may be required to undergo a CORI check, a background check to ensure the student has not
been abusive to children; or a SORI check, a background check to determine that the student is not a registered sex offender.
Drug-screening test: Students may be required to take a drug-screening test. You may be required to produce
documentation of a recent physical exam, immunization record, and/or TB test.
Unable to locate a job: If the student is unable to locate a job in a timely manner, he/she needs to pursue leads suggested
by the Work/Study Department, which may include an internship placement to ensure meeting the requirements of the
Work/Study. Students must come to school if they have not yet obtained a position for Work/Study. Students and parents
are asked to be patient and be willing to cooperate with requests of the Work/Study Department. The Work/Study
Department’s top priority in September is to make appropriate placements as quickly as possible.
Work papers: Students who are not yet 18 years old may be required to get work papers. These may be obtained at the
student’s high school where he/she lives.
Rules, regulations, policies of the job site: Students will learn, review and observe all rules, regulations, policies, and
confidences of their job site(s).
Students will use cell phones and other technology, only for work-related matters such as work-related reminders and
to communicate with their job coach
Students should work a minimum of 25 hours per work week. The Work/Study Department may determine exceptions to
this rule. Students can combine hours from more than one worksite to complete this requirement.
Work/Study students will communicate work schedule to Job Coach before each workweek. This communication can be
by phone, in person, placing a note in the Job Coach’s mailbox, or via email.
Change in status on the job: Students will report to the Job Coach any change in their status on the job (raises, changes in
hours, problems that arise, promotions, tests for promotions, etc.) immediately.
If the student is laid off: During the school year, if the student is laid off through no fault of his/her own, it remains the
shared responsibility of the student, their family, and the Job Coach to locate a new position.
Graduation is contingent upon satisfactory completion and passing grades in Work/Study and adherence to all regulations
and policies. Exceptions to this rule will be determined by the Work/Study Department and the Director.
Transported to and from work: Certain students that work close to campus may be transported to and from work by an
LPS van, at the discretion of the Work/Study Department.
Students should realize that while on the job, they represent themselves and Learning Prep School.
Personal appearance: Students must maintain the standard of personal appearance appropriate for their job.
Punctual reporting to school and work: Students must be on time reporting to school and work. Workers who are not on
time for the job are at risk for losing their job.
Quitting jobs: Students will not quit their jobs without first obtaining permission from the Work/Study Department.
Students must give two (2) weeks notice to their employer. Failure to comply with this may result in forfeiting Work/Study
Learning Prep School
Work/Study Rules and Policies Handbook
Regular attendance: An employee with regular attendance is a desirable employee. Poor record of attendance may
jeopardize the student's work evaluation and his or her job, and thus may result in a loss of credits.
Absences: When absent during work weeks, students will call their Job Coach (617-965-0764), and employer by 7:30 am on
that day and each school and workday until they return to school or work.
Students will get a doctor's note if they require medical leave or have been ill for more than two days in a term.
Suspensions: Students realize if they are suspended from school for any reason, the Work/Study Supervisor will, with the
Director, determine the terms of the suspension. Given certain circumstances, student workers may forfeit work time to
serve the suspension in school.
Warnings: Students will receive warnings when there is poor performance, attitude or misconduct (according to Rules of
Discipline). If the student is dismissed from his/her job because of poor performance, poor attitude, misconduct/infraction
of the workplace or LPS rules, etc., the student must understand he/she may lose Work/Study credits.
Increase independence and gain study skills: Work/Study is a chance for students to increase independence and gain
study skills for post high school. Students will receive a Work/Study homework packet for each subject during the work
weeks. They will receive assignments for a week, which must be handed in when they return to school. It is the
responsibility of the student to call or email teachers, prior to the due date, if they have questions regarding homework.
Students will start the year with lesser amounts of work, and it will gradually increase as the year progresses.
Students with repeated academic issues will attend school on their work week. This is an opportunity for students who
benefit from additional support with time management and organization.
Seniors work off campus: The goal for Seniors is to work off campus, unless determined otherwise by the Work/Study
Department. A student may remain in the same placement with the same job description as the previous year and pursue an
internship placement in order to gain additional experience, as long as this is approved by the Work/Study Department.
Students who work in their communities will plan and manage transportation to and from the worksite
Transportation on weekends, snow days: Students providing their own transportation if they work on weekends,
holidays, school In-service days and snow days, if the employer requests it. Students are not required by the Work/Study
Program to go to work on school snow days. However, it is up to the discretion of the family to determine if it is safe enough
to travel. Students must call their job sites and Job Coach to tell them if they are not going to work.
The Work/Study Supervisor will be informed of each of the following steps of a student’s violation process:
It is not anticipated that any student will violate the rules and regulations. If such violations do occur, however, the following
penalties will result: After each step, meetings will be held with the worker and appropriate staff for the purpose of reteaching and
providing appropriate interventions. The Work/Study Supervisor will review students’ progress and provide input as to how
problematic issues can be resolved. Collaboration with appropriate staff resources’ will be considered so as to identify strategies and
methods to enhance student progress.
A. Work/Study Selection
Each spring the Work/Study Department coordinates information to screen and review all potential Work/Study students to
determine their level of readiness for the Work/Study Program. The Junior Screening is comprised of assessments of academic
and other work-related skills and behaviors completed by each staff member who works with Junior students. The Transition
Work/Study staff review information from academic and vocational teachers, counselors, occupational therapists, speech
therapists, parents and students.
Work/Study Roles
1. Work/Study Supervisor– Supervise Job Coaches and oversee students participating in the Work/Study Program.
2. Job Coaches - are available to help the student workers in varied capacities, depending on the individual needs of each
student. As a result of the Junior Screening Process, it may be determined that some students would require on site, shortterm job counseling. When those students have achieved the goals to accept greater amounts of independence on the job, the
Job Coach will be gradually weaned away.
Job Coaches observe student workers in the workplace to assess how the site fits with the individual learning style.
Individual student worker goals are then established and assessed weekly so that Job Coaches can modify strategies
and provide interventions as needed.
If the Work/Study student requires on-going assistance of the Job Coach, a meeting will be arranged with the
Work/Study Supervisor. The student may be assigned a more appropriate placement.
Learning Prep School
Work/Study Rules and Policies Handbook
Earning Money
The Work/Study Department is concerned with developing a sound work personality i.e. work habits, dependability, good
relationships with co-workers, reliability, initiative, judgment, etc. in as competitive a placement as possible. However, individual
student needs vary and placement will be selected accordingly. Work placement possibilities may include volunteering,
internships, and paid employment
D. Job Monitoring
The Work/Study Supervisor, and/or the Job Coaches speak with every Worksite Supervisor on a weekly basis regarding the
performance of the student workers, including discussion on progress of the students’ individual goals. Some students require
more frequent site calls or visits, while the Job Coach may observe/communicate with others on an as-needed basis.
Students are required to report any work related problems as soon as possible. Students are required to complete a
Performance Journal, reporting on-the-job experiences. This is a requirement and is submitted each school week in the students
Career Education class. Students are expected to provide accurate reports of their work experiences. In the event that
information is not accurately reported in the Performance Journal, a zero will be earned. The Department constantly strives to
create conditions that will challenge each student worker to develop skills and increase his/her level of independence.
E. Discipline
The Work/Study Supervisor reviews discipline & consequences of Work/Study students. When initial re-teaching has not been
effective or there have been repeated or significant offenses, students earn consequences according to Work/Study Rules and
The Work/Study Program is comprised of students with varying goals/objectives, work skills and needs for interventions. The
following categories describe student workers at various levels of independence. Our students may begin in one level and change to a
different level. Needs for intervention are determined by the Work/Study staff.
 Are not ready for competitive employment and are not ready to work independently.
 Will work 25 hours.
 Require initial job/internship set up and training by the LPS Job Coaches.
 Require accommodations/modifications of tasks to maximize their skills.
 Benefit from groups that focus on employability skills, including pragmatic language groups.
 Are provided support in completing their academic work through homework folders and homework sheets to help break up
the work into manageable parts.
 Require initial job set up & require initial training by Job Coach.
 Will gradually phase out (time period dependent on students’ level of independence), but Job Coach will continue to
maintain phone/communication with the Site Supervisor.
 May also come into school one day per work week to gain support completing homework.
 May require job set up only.
 Handle own schedule & work independently.
 Performance checked through Site Supervisor phone calls/emails, site visits, and student monitoring.
 Submit schedules and/or schedule changes to Job Coach weekly by phone, email or meeting.
 Homework support is offered during first period each morning of the work week, the objective being to support students to
manage/organize time for short and long-term assignments. Students learn to break down homework assignments into
manageable chunks. Job Coaches are also available to help assist students with self-advocacy skills by helping them contact
their teachers for assistance with their homework.
 Life and Social communication skills activities are held twice each week from 1:30-2:15 p.m. Social Communication activities
guide the students to develop pragmatic language necessary to interact effectively with coworkers and supervisors. Life
Skills activities guide students towards developing skills for independence.
Learning Prep School
Work/Study Rules and Policies Handbook
The goal of the Work/Study Program is aligned with the LPS Mission Statement: a gradual release of responsibility leading to the
student’s independence.
Review: Parents review Work/Study Rules & Policies with student to ensure general understanding of the Program. Will
keep during school year to refer to as needed. (Rules will be reviewed in Career Education and Work/Study.)
Call the school immediately: Parents will call school immediately if there are any questions, irregularities or problems
regarding their daughter/son or the Work/Study Program.
Independence: In an effort to help students increase responsibility and level of independence, PARENTS WILL NOT VISIT
OR CALL WORKSITE SUPERVISORS (unless it is an emergency) to check student’s progress. Worksite Supervisors prefer
one (1) person with whom they can discuss student worker progress.. Parents are encouraged to call the Work / Study
Supervisor with any questions or concerns.
Time management: Parents will help with time management, as needed. Students are encouraged to have a watch and
a cell phone to manage time.
Keep track of the student’s weekly schedule: Parents will help keep track of the student's weekly schedule, hours
worked, and wages earned. In addition, parents will review both the Work/Study and school calendar.
Too sick to work: Parents will not allow their child to stay home unless they are too sick to work. Sudents are ±18 years
old, but there may be times when they need reminders about rules of work. If a student comes to work and is determined
too sick to work by the LPS nurses, the student will be sent home.
Student calls the employer and the Job Coach by 7:30 AM: Parents will make sure their child calls the employer and
the Job Coach by 7:30 AM if they are going to be out sick, or for any reason. Please post the school phone number (617965-0764) and their work phone number close to the home phone. If there are any planned vacations scheduled during the
school year, the student will contact the Job Coach and Work Supervisor ASAP.
Complying with the school rule that a doctor’s note is required: Parents will assist their daughter/son in complying
with the school rule that a doctor’s note is required if she/he is going to be out for more than two (2) days in a term.
Review their daughter’s/son’s warnings: Parents will review their child’s warnings, failure notices, written reprimands,
and report cards carefully for signs of academic/vocational issues or excessive absences. (Students with repeated academic
issues will need to attend school on their work weeks. Parents will arrange transportation.) Parents who receive copies of
written reprimands of Work/Study rule infractions are encouraged to call the Job Coach with any questions.
Copies of Work Evaluations are sent home several times a year as part of the student's progress report. Parents will
review these with their daughter/son.
Learning Prep School
Work/Study Rules and Policies Handbook
The LPS Work/Study staff appreciates your efforts and welcomes your input.
The goal of the LPS Work/Study Program is for students to learn skills appropriate to the workplace environment.
This is a combined effort of:
Worksite Supervisors’ ongoing communication and observations
School Job Coach support to help students break down tasks, problem solve, and provide feedback
Student workers’ continuing to develop a positive worker personality
Ongoing support and work on individualized School to Work goals
1. The employer will be aware of all Work/Study rules, regulations and policies and sign the form indicating this awareness.
2. The employer will regularly communicate with the Job Coach, Work/Study Supervisor, during each Work/Study week and/or
whenever necessary to assess ongoing goal progress.
Worksite visits by Job Coach: Job Coach will call/email Worksite Supervisors at an agreed upon time to schedule time to
observe the LPS student. At a meeting following the site observation the job Coach will discuss successes, goal progress &
possible accommodations with Worksite Supervisor and Work/Study student. The Job Coach will make every attempt to
accommodate the Worksite Supervisor’s schedule when setting up times to observe. If the problem persists, the Worksite
Supervisor will work with the Job Coach to create accommodations or new goals for student.
Worker Progress Reports: The employer will complete a Learning Prep School Work/Study Evaluation form each quarter. A
copy will be sent at the end of each term to be reviewed with student and then returned by a certain date. (Sample of form at
back of packet called Worker Progress Report.) Employer will regularly communicate progress to student worker.
In accepting our students, each employer agrees to the following steps, if necessary:
Step 1: Please Speak to LPS Student: Please speak directly to LPS student if his/her work or behavior is unacceptable
and explain complaint to them; it is important that inappropriate/unacceptable behavior be explained to the student
worker as soon as possible. When checking in with Job Coach, please report this concern.
Step 1a: Notify the Job Coach of Poor Performance/Behavior: If the poor performance/behavior discussed in Step 1
does not improve, notify the Job Coach.
Step 2: Speak with LPS Job Coach: If there is a question of safety, speak with LPS Job Coach the same day.
Step 3: Rights of Individuals with Disabilities: If termination is necessary, contact LPS Job Coach prior to
termination to have meeting with LPS student to explain reasons for termination. (If Job Coach cannot attend, please
contact Work/Study Supervisor.)
Step 3a: Rights of Individuals with Disabilities: Our students have varying levels of learning disabilities that may
cause them to have difficulty communicating independently. The ADA mandates that individuals have an Advocate/Job
Coach present if they are involved in worksite violations that may result in termination.
Assuming Liability:
Most employers agree to assume liability for the student while the student is on the premises of the site. The Worksite is to have
insurance that covers the workers in the event of an accident. This includes any responsibilities given to the student related to their
Worksite. Under no circumstances should the student be operating heavy machinery or motor vehicles belonging to the Worksite
or Worksite Supervisor. The student should not be a passenger in any motor vehicle without being approved by the Learning Prep
School. If there are any questions regarding what is considered acceptable responsibilities, please contact the student’s Job Coach.
Occasionally, worksites will require parents to sign a liability waiver.
Learning Prep School
Work/Study Rules and Policies Handbook
I/We have received and reviewed the LPS Handbook, Worksite Supervisor Responsibilities, and Worker Notification and Status Form.
I agree to follow the rules and policies noted in this handbook.
Name of Company:
Address of Company:
Supervisor Name (Print):
Phone # of Company/Supervisor:
Supervisor Email address:
Supervisor Signature & Title:
Student Worker(s):
By my signature below, I understand and accept all requirements and responsibilities of the
Learning Prep School Work/Study Program.
Student’s Name (Print):
Student’s Signature:
Student’s Email address:
Parent/Guardian’s Name (Print):
Parent/Guardian’s Signature: __________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s Email address:
Please return to Carole Tsang:
Learning Prep School
1507 Washington Street
West Newton, MA 02465
Fax: 617-527-1514
Learning Prep School
Work/Study Rules and Policies Handbook
Worker Notification and Status Form
Work Performance Progress
Attitude & Behavior
Towards the job
Towards the supervisor
Towards co-workers
Cooperation with others
Ability to take criticism
Ability to handle frustration
Acceptable social behavior
Work Quality
Task completion
Completion of multi-step tasks
Response to directions/instructions
Effective communication with others
Personal Habits
Action Plan:
Student’s Name:
Student’s Signature:
Job Coach’s Name:
Job Coach’s Signature:
Learning Prep School
Work/Study Rules and Policies Handbook
Worker Progress Report
Work Performance Progress
Attitude & Behavior
Attitude towards the job
Behavior towards the supervisor/coworkers
Behavior towards customers
Cooperation with others
Ability to take criticism
Ability to manage frustration in a
professional manner
Acceptable social behavior
Demonstrates commitment to
Work Quality
Utilizes good judgment
Takes initiative
Completes assigned tasks
Overall Reliability
Attends work regularly
Arrives to work and returns from
breaks on time
Effective/appropriate communication
with others
Responds to direction positively
Asks for help when needed
Asks for time off appropriately
Personal Habits
Professional appearance
Alert and ready to work
Worksite Supervisor Printed Name and Signature: ___________________________________________________
Student Name and Signature: