Element Project Assignment

Name:_______________________________ Date: ______________ Period:_____
Due Date: Friday, October 4, 2013
You will be assigned a specific element.
You will fill out the “Element Research” sheet about your specific element to learn more information
about its characteristics, uses, and history.
Then, you will choose ONE of the creative options to demonstrate further your knowledge about your
Project Choices:
Choice #1: Element Autobiography (Baby Book or Facebook Page)
YOUR MISSION: Pretending that you ARE the element, tell about yourself trying to include ideas
such as chemical and physical properties, historical background, and uses in everyday life (in the
elemental, compound, or ion form).
This can be done as either a Baby Book OR a Facebook page (ONLY CHOOSE ONE).
Baby Book Requirements: you may include other things like birthday cards and notes to your
element but you must have these items:
 Cover Page: name of element, picture of element, your “name”, be decorative
 pg 1: written in paragraph form
◦ name of element (give your element a first name); nickname of element (symbol); birth
date (date element was discovered); birth weight (atomic mass); birth height (atomic
number); race (type of element); Attending physician (Discoverer); Gender (State of matter
at room temperature); place of birth (country of discovery); personality (emotions; boiling
point and melting point)
 pg 3 Element Birth Certificate (Fill out birth certificate and have parents sign)
 pg 4 picture of element (draw a real baby's head and body. Have the baby wearing a t-shirt (or
onsie) on on that shirt draw the Bohr Model version of your element)
 pg 5 Family Information – make a picture of the “Family”
◦ Family Name (family or group)
◦ Address (period + discoverer’s last name + drive, lane, circle, court, road, or way)
◦ Brothers and Sisters (Names of family members)
 pg 6 poem about your element
 pg 7 career of element (what your element will become when grows up; picture of career)
Tip: Google “Element Baby Book project” to find examples
Facebook page requirements: You may include other items on your Facebook page but your must
 Personal information:
◦ Name; nickname; activities; interests; favorite music; favorite TV shows; favorite quotations;
about me physically; about me chemically; career (what your element does); age (count
from the day it was discovered)
 Element's friends/family (Friends are elements that easily bond with your element to form
compounds; family members are members of the same group as your element)
 Element photographs
 Minimum of 6 wall posts
◦ All posts must contain a fact about the element
◦ 3 “status updates” must be made by the element
◦ 3 posts must be made by other people/elements to your element's wall
Tips: 1) Google “Facebook page template for word” and find a template that works for this project
2) Google “Element Facebook Page Project” to find examples
Choice #2: Element Superhero
YOUR MISSION: Create a new superhero whose appearance, characteristics and powers are based
on an assigned element in the periodic table.
Your new superhero drawing should have at least 5 of the qualities (both physical and chemical) based
on your assigned element. Also, make sure that your drawing corresponds to the qualities of your
super hero element. Example: If sulfur is your chosen element, the superhero’s uniform or hair or skin,
etc. must be yellow since sulfur has a characteristic yellow color. The more detail to your drawing, the
ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENT: You must also include a description about your element superhero.
Include in at least a page a story about your superhero's:
a. Name: Explain how your superhero's name fits his/her qualities.
b. History: how your hero came into being (the history of its discovery)
c. Super Power(s): his/her super power(s) including an explanation of at least 2 physical or 2
chemical properties e.g. If an element has a high melting point, you might say that your superhero can
move through fire to "save" others.
d. Other: Does your superhero element have a hideout? What are his/her strengths? What is
his/her weakness? Who is his/her arch nemesis (evil super villain)? What additional element(s) could
combine with your superhero to make him/her more powerful?
Choice #3: Periodic Element Disaster
YOUR MISSION: Imagine that one day, out of nowhere, your assigned element of the periodic table
suddenly starts to disappear from the face of Earth. Depending on the element, the results could be
In at least a page and a half, write a fictionalized "firsthand" account of the day your element
disappeared. (An example: the day Earth lost its iron—buildings crumble, bridges collapse, blood
gradually becomes anemic, and so on.)
Think about:
 Where does your element appear in nature, if at all?
 How is your element used by scientists, engineers, artists, doctors, and so on?
 Where is the presences of your element crucial?
 How would life be different without your element? Would life even be able to survive?
ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENT: You are also required to have an ILLUSTRATION(S) to accompany
your story. What does the world look like without your element? Show us with a picture (or pictures).
Choices of elements: Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium, Beryllium, Boron, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Fluorine, Neon,
Sodium, Magnesium, Aluminum, Silicon, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Chlorine, Argon, Potassium, Calcium, Chromium,
Nickel, Copper, Zinc, Bromine, Krypton, Silver, Tin, Iodine, Gold, Mercury, Lead, Radon