
Super Me
Problem solving, reasoning and numeracy
Knowledge and Understanding of the World
Numbered capes to order and sequence.
Design superhero costume with range of materials.
Make masks to hide our secret identities.
Problem solving and code breaking to solve crimes.
Make wrist cuffs and design own logos, looking at the different superhero logos that they may
Measuring resources to make secret potions.
Investigate ice, water and magnets.
Use phones to dial different numbers for help.
Investigate places, objects, materials and living things by using all senses on the playground.
Order superheroes by size.
Learn about different cultures and understand how they differ to our own.
Match the locks to the numbered keys to solve the crimes.
Use computers to create our own superheroes.
Counting forward and backwards to blast off in our superhero rockets.
Expressive Arts and Design
Listen to a range of music from superhero films, cartoons and talk about how the music makes
Create our own superhero names and logos.
Talk about words used in speech bubbles and comic strips and add to display boards, e.g.
onomatopoeia words exploring how they sound – crash, fizz, pop etc.
them feel.
Create and design masks and capes for superhero costumes.
Explore new garage role play area.
Use invisible writing station to encourage children to write secret messages.
Dress up in superhero costumes and engage in imaginative play.
Explore a range of books relating to superheroes, e.g. Nat Fantastic, Super Daisy, Charlies
superhero underpants etc.
Create a city backdrop for our superhero play using junk modelling materials.
Explore the different types of print for writing, e.g. comic strips, speech bubbles.
Summer 1
Make Lichtenstein inspired art work, exploring bold colours against a white and black
Super Me
Personal, Social and Emotional
Communication, Language and
Talk about what makes us special and unique
and how each of us can be ‘super’ because of
the way we behave and act.
Talk about what it means to be a superhero –
what do they do? How do they help people?
Discuss people in our families and lives and talk
about how they are special and important. What
do they do to help us?
Talk about people who help us in our community
and how they have special powers, skills and
knowledge, such as policemen, firemen etc.
Make face masks to hide our secret identities.
Learn new nursery rhymes and sing favourite songs
and rhymes.
Physical Development
Explore the outdoor equipment, moving around,
over, under and through balancing equipment.
Design our own superhero exercise regime.
Talk about ourselves and our interests.
Find out what makes a healthy superhero.
Talk about our favourite superheroes and say why
we like them.
Learn how to move equipment safely, e.g. tyres
around the playground.
Make a list of superhero special powers
Develop the ability to move in a range of ways with
control and co-ordination
Talk about the different catchphrase that
superheroes use and make speech bubbles to
Watch snippets of superhero TV programmes, e.g.
Ben10 and make up our own phrases for new or
existing superheroes.
Complete a superhero obstacle course to capture
the baddy.
Use junk modelling equipment to create superhero
Make capes and masks out of a variety of materials.
Indoor role play in the garage area – dress up as
Outdoor role play – creating dens and
Provide a superhero base station as a small world
role play area. Use action to recreate adventures
and solve crimes.
Make our own dance motifs using martial arts
moves for sequence.
Use walkie talkies for children to use during role
Summer 1