MODEL-BASED INTEGRATION OF REUSABLE COMPONENT-BASED AVIONICS SYSTEMS1 David Sharp, Wendy Roll {, wendy.c.roll} The Boeing Company P.O. Box 516 St. Louis, MO 63166, USA Abstract: A flight-tested product line open system software architecture developed under the Boeing Bold Stroke initiative has been previously described and presented. This architecture enables a reusable component-based development process for avionics systems to achieve product goals of improved affordability, quality, and system timeliness. For large-scale systems, one very challenging portion of this process is the integration of common and project specific software components into systems that respect cross-cutting embedded system requirements such as hard and soft real-time deadlines, fault tolerance, and distribution. Significant advances in current approaches would result from an integrated approach to explicit modeling of functional behaviors and coupled physical embedded system properties, analysis of these models to ensure that they meet requirements prior to coding, and automated component configuration code generation. Such capabilities and their integration are well beyond that of current tools and methods. This presentation describes some of the challenges, requirements, and end-state visions of this approach for avionics systems as being developed within the DARPA Model-Based Integration of Embedded Software (MoBIES) and Program Composition for Embedded Software (PCES) programs, including descriptions of capabilities that have been developed to date and the results of initial experimental evaluations. 1 Introduction In 1995, an initiative was launched at Boeing (then McDonnell Douglas) to assess the potential for reuse of operational flight program (OFP) software across multiple fighter aircraft platforms, and to define and demonstrate a supporting system architecture based upon open commercial hardware, software, standards and practices [1]. The following year, this became a key element of the Bold Stroke Open System Architecture avionics affordability initiative which applied these techniques to the broader tactical aircraft mission processing domain. Key aspects of the component-based logical architecture developed therein have been previously described [2]. For large-scale systems, one very difficult portion of the resulting development process is the integration of common and product specific software components into systems while respecting embedded system requirements such as hard and soft real-time deadlines, fault tolerance, and distribution. Automating this task through modeling component compositions, analyzing their embedded system properties, and automatically synthesizing integration and configuration code, would enable significant advances over current approaches. An integrated approach of explicit modeling of functional behaviors and coupled 1 This work was sponsored by the DARPA Information Exploitation Office Model-Based Integration of Embedded Software program under contract F33615-00-C-1704 administered by the Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. 1 physical embedded system properties, analysis of these models to ensure that they meet requirements prior to coding, and automated component architecture views to the specific case of embedded system component integration [3]. integration and configuration code generation is well beyond the capabilities of current tools and methods. These development steps are the focus of this effort, highlighted in Figure 1 within the context of a full reusable component-based development process. Scalability of these approaches is a key concern. The avionics systems targeted by this approach include millions of lines of source code and thousands of components. The size of these systems greatly benefits from automated development aids. Wherever possible, these modeling activities should be possible both manually and via input from configuration automation tools, including monitors of actual execution of partial and complete system configurations. A key challenge of multiple view modeling for real-time embedded systems arises from the cross-cutting nature of the different views. For example, Analyze changing the allocation of Reusable Component components to processes and Model Components Models Model processors affects scheduling and fault tolerance aspects. The use of Configure Build Test Build Test multiple views for analysis and automated composition requires their Focus Area integration to provide a coherent Figure 1: General Model-Based Component Integration view of the entire system and Approach highlight effects of changes in other views. This paper describes some of the challenges, requirements, and end-state visions of these modelbased approaches to developing avionics software systems. The next three sections address the three key technology areas of multiple view modeling, model analysis and system configuration. The conclusion includes a brief description of experiments associated with exercising and measuring these capabilities. 2 Multiple View Modeling The first of the three key enabling technologies for component-based product line development of avionics systems is the explicit modeling of integrated components and systems, focusing on those aspects that affect their non-functional properties. The models are then leveraged to support analysis and automated configuration of avionics systems that satisfy real-time embedded system requirements. Making these modeling technologies usable by established production programs requires that they be incorporated into existing development practices. Accordingly, this section discusses how such modeling technologies should be reflected in existing development views. This applies the common approach of multiple Due to space constraints, a key subset of defined views associated with these efforts are included, and are grouped together into those associated with the Process and Deployment architecture views. 2.1 Process View Execution control and timing are a critical concern of large real-time embedded systems and in practice are often handled empirically. This has lead to substantial rework, cost, and system development delays in many important cases. Improving this current practice is one of the major motivations for moving to the explicit modeling and model-based analysis of such properties. The Process View is used to identify the processes and threads executing in a system and to identify which components are executing in each thread. In the envisioned development approach, it will also be used to identify dependencies between threads, between components, and between threads and components 2 in order to facilitate the desired analysis. This subsection will examine the modeling needs for various subviews within the overall Process View. 2.1.1 Execution Dependency Subview Control flow in avionics systems has a significant impact on, and is impacted by, nonfunctional properties and requirements. An activity may be executed in response to new data, at some periodic rate, or in response to a request by a component. The goal of this view is to be able to model the execution dependencies of specific components on specific triggers, or events, as well as the dependencies between components that generate and respond to such triggers. In some cases, the periodic arrival of data triggers execution of components that receive the data. These components in turn trigger other components, and represent roots of acyclic execution dependency graphs. Other such graphs may be initiated via time triggers. Within these graphs, subgraphs often exhibit modal behavior and are conditionally active based on the state of the system. Modeling these graphs in a way practical for large systems is a key modeling challenge. Such modeling is ideally performed without reference to a particular hardware configuration. Hardware specifics are used to refine models using the Deployment View. Capturing this information for analysis will require models that allow the developer to: Specify trigger types. Trigger types could be as simple as names or enumerations that convey the semantics of the trigger. Trigger types could be used to provide filtered views or highlighted relationships within a view. Specify semantic categories of trigger types. Possible categories of trigger types are clock driven triggers, notification triggers, enabling triggers, root triggers, and terminal triggers with the capability to define additional domain specific categories of trigger types. Specify trigger types generated and responded to by components. Specify components that respond to Boolean combinations of triggers in addition to the occurrence of individual triggers. Specify execution dependency graphs. This includes the specification both of the roots of these graphs, typically triggers related to time-based interrupts, and the arcs within the graphs representing execution dependencies between component instances. Following Deployment View modeling, some of the execution dependencies may result in distributed computation. Specify execution rates for the timebased roots of execution dependency graphs. Model system modes and define their relationships. System modes may be always active or conditionally active, and describe those triggers that are supplied under different conditions, including those associated with fault management modes. System modes may be active simultaneously or be mutually exclusive. 2.1.2 Thread Subview The baseline Bold Stroke architecture typically contains four types of threads. There is a single thread that handles external bus specific input and output. There is a set of threads that handle network processing, one for each rate of processing typically resulting from remote Object Request Broker requests. There is another set of threads that handle trigger dispatching and processing, again one for each rate in rate monotonic scheduling manner. Finally, while threads are typically within the middleware framework as in the cases above to allow flexible composition of application components with threads, there are rare cases of product specific components that have their own threads. These four thread types are representative of most derivative avionics systems, although the balance between the thread types may vary significantly from system to system. Although a significant amount of research is being applied to more dynamic and adaptive embedded system scheduling, most such systems currently in operational use are statically scheduled. Typically, all threads are created during the initialization and configuration phase of the system. Each thread has a unique static priority. 3 Components have known rates at which they need to produce outputs, and are assigned to threads with related priorities. Models for the thread subview need to allow the user to: Specify the threads in the system. Specify the intended rates of execution, which imply deadlines for associated processing. Identify the priority assigned to each thread. 2.2 Deployment View The primary focus of the deployment view is allocation of application components to processors and processes. 2.2.1 Component Quality of Service Subview Components may have various Quality of Service (QoS) attributes that aid in determining how they will be executed, in particular, in which thread the components will execute. Such components are considered independently schedulable. Other components may not have their own QoS attributes. Such components are passive and their execution is purely a function of their invocation by some schedulable component. A component may have multiple QoS attributes. These attributes are used to schedule the activity of the given component, e.g. determine in which thread a component will run and the order in which the component is activated within a given thread. QoS attributes can include: Rates of execution – A range of acceptable rates may be specified or the component may specify that its activity must execute at a specific rate. It is the rate of execution that implicitly defines the component’s execution deadline. Importance – The relative importance of one component as compared to other components that have the same rate of execution. This affects the ordering of execution within a thread. Execution Time - The amount of processing time that may be used by a component. This is usually the worst case execution time. This may include the execution time of other (passive) components, utilities, and services that this component invokes. These QoS attributes may remain fixed over the life of a component, or they may change as the state of the system changes. Similarly, a component may exist throughout the life of the system but be designed to be available to respond to triggers during some system states and be dormant and not available during other system states. Any component quality of service model should allow the user to specify the QoS properties associated with components, including their evolution as the system changes state, and the resulting assignment of components to threads. 2.2.2 Process Subview The first, and relatively simple, step of software allocation is defining the hardware and software processing resources that will be available for component allocation. Process subview models should allow the user to: Define the set of processors and processes available for processing within the system. Define the topology of the available resources and the network communication resources available for their interaction. Define the allocation of threads to processes. 2.2.3 Component Allocation Subview Allocation of components to hardware resources in distributed systems is influenced by a number of concerns including resource utilization, timing requirements, and unique hardware capabilities. Component allocation models should allow the user to: Identify a group of components that must be allocated to the same processor. This may be done to conserve bandwidth by ensuring that high volume transfers of 4 data are performed locally, or for other reasons. Especially in real-time systems, performance concerns require that components with close communication coupling remain collocated. Allocate a component or group of components to a particular processor. Automate or aid activities associated with mapping logical system views to the physical deployment of components. For example, in a CORBA [5] based system, automated creation of appropriate CORBA stubs and skeletons when communicating components are placed on different processors. 2.3 View Integration The development process defined here makes use of a number of views and subviews in a number of different contexts. Individual views also evolve throughout the process. This presents several challenges related to the management of these multiple views. Integration of multiple views covers a number of different issues. The first issue is ensuring and/or checking consistency between views. If there are two views or subviews that are intended to be views of the same system, do they in fact represent the same system? If two views of a system are consistent, and one is modified, does the other view need to be modified to maintain consistency, and if so how? Many of these questions and related ones require developing mappings between the metamodels for each view. In a team-oriented development process, a key question related to consistency is how to manage concurrent access to multiple views of a system. For example, if one agent acquires write access to one view, should other agents be prohibited from acquiring write access or even read access to other views? Other issues related to integrating multiple views include configuration management of views, identifying views relevant for particular analysis approaches, and performing analyses that span multiple views. 3 Model-Based Analysis The second of the three key enabling technologies for component-based product line development of avionics systems is the modelbased analysis of components and systems, in particular for their non-functional properties. The preceding section identified a number of models appropriate for capturing non-functional aspects of avionics systems. For brevity, this section describes one of several types of analysis that could be performed on such models, and that would contribute significantly to the effective development of avionics by supplementing existing techniques with explicit analysis to reduce the risk of costly rework. 3.1 Execution Dependencies Even though they are at the heart of system behavior, automated analysis tools for exploring the impact of execution dependencies are currently lacking. One type of analysis that would be very valuable would be checking execution dependencies for consistencies, in particular, automatically checking the consistency of the execution dependency subgraphs within different system modes. Other types of execution dependency analysis include identifying trigger type mismatches between components generating and responding to triggers, and the analysis of rates associated with generating and responding components, and dependency subgraphs. 4 Model-Based Configuration The third of the three key enabling technologies for component-based product line development of avionics systems is model-based automated creation of configuration data and code. Manual creation of configuration data and code associated with all modeling views is a tedious and error prone task in current systems. Although our current approach includes some automation, it relies on the component integrators manually populating a configuration spreadsheet, and too much of the configuration code is created manually. The realization of the modeling and analysis technologies called for in the preceding sections will make available explicitly in the various models of the views exactly the information needed to populate the configuration spreadsheet and the configuration code. This provides an excellent 5 opportunity for additional automated generation of much of this software. Automated generation of configuration data and code associated with the areas of 1) component allocation and instantiation; 2) execution dependencies; 3) fault management modes; and 4) threading allocation and scheduling should be realizable. Meta-generator technology could be exploited to support creation of specific code generators corresponding to specific models. 5 Conclusion View-Based Models Input Translation Application Component Library Reusable Reusable Components Components Parse Parse Rose Rose Inter-View Translation Model Editor Model Model Importer Importer Fault Fault Tolerance Tolerance Event Event Dependencies Dependencies Logical Logical Fault Fault Mgmt Mgmt Threading Threading Filter/Translate Filter/Translate To To XML XML Analysis Analysis Translation Event Event Dependency Dependency Invocation Invocation Dependency Dependency Component Component Thread Thread Map. Map. Analysis Interchange Format Timing Timing Generation OEP Configuration Configure Configure Process Process Component Component Allocation Allocation Physical Physical Fault Fault Mgmt Mgmt Build Build Configuration Translation Test Test Instrumentation Figure 2: Model-Based Avionics System Component Integration Process Summary In this paper a vision for model-based integration of component-based avionics systems has been presented and advancements in three key technology areas that are needed to make that vision a reality have been identified. Figure 2 summarizes this vision and the relationships between the technology areas and challenges. We are involved in several activities that work toward making this vision a reality. Our role on these programs is to define real-world technical challenges to provide a context for research, provide an Open Experimental Platform (OEP) including a reusable CORBA-based middleware framework and application components for integrated experimentation, collaborate with technology developers to define an open tool integration framework that fits our proposed modeldriven development process, and define and execute a set of experiments to evaluate research products. In the summer of 2002 we experimented with creating systems up to ~50 component instances using these tools and techniques, and were able to roughly double the aggregate productivity of component integrators. We have recently created systems of up to ~400 components using a refined set of tools, including most of the development steps described herein, and expect the benefits of the approach to prove even more valuable for these larger systems. References [1] Winter, Don C., “Modular, Reusable Flight Software For Production Aircraft”, 15th AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference Proceedings, p. 401-406, 1996. [2] Sharp, David C., “Reducing Avionics Software Cost Through Component Based Product Line Development”, Software Technology Conference, 1998. [3] Kruchten, Phillipe, “Architectural Blueprints— The ‘4+1’ View Model of Software Architecture”, IEEE Software, November 1995, pp. 42-50. [4] Hofmeister, Christine; Nord, Robert; Soni, Dilip, Applied Software Architecture, AddisonWesley, 2000. [5] Object Management Group, Inc., The Common Object Request Broker Architecture and Specification; Revision 2.0, Framingham, MA, Object Management Group, 6