Course Syllabus - Community College of Philadelphia

MNGT 144
Small Business Management
Instructor Information
Lilia R. Juele
Email Address:
Phone Daytime: 215-751-8702
Course Description
This course provides instruction in specific applications of management principles needed
by owners and managers of small business enterprises. Students learn the impact of
business planning, the environmental elements that surround small businesses, business
processes, initiating and financing a business and the importance of small business to
society. The course requires the development of a typical business plan and related
projects. Prerequisite: MNGT 121.
Prerequisite: MNGT 121 Introduction to Business 3-0-3. This course introduces
students to business activity and its role in the private enterprise system. The course
gives an overview of economics, basic business principles, management, marketing,
finance, human resources, operations and production. It also introduces students to
information systems, e-commerce, e-tailing, and other new business directions resulting
from the Internet in today's technological advances. Globalization and inter-national
business are introduced to the student, as are studies of business ethics, and the role of
social responsibility in the practice of business. An overview of entrepreneurship and
intrapreneurship are also included. Pre- or corequisite: ENGL 101.
Required Textbook:
Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
Thomas W. Zimmerer & Norma M. Scarborough
Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-149178-4
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:
To explain the role of an entrepreneur in today’s business world.
To explain the place of small business in history and explore the strengths and
weaknesses of small business.
To review the traits of a successful entrepreneur.
To examine the meaning of ethics and the meaning of social responsibility as they
relate to small business.
To explain the need for planning by the entrepreneur and why there is such a
scarcity of formal planning in small businesses.
To examine the means in which an entrepreneur prepares thoughtful and
productive business plans.
To study the various guidelines used by successful entrepreneurs in gathering
facts and opinions such as: making a commitment to go into business, analyzing
oneself, choosing a product, researching markets, organizational, legal,
accounting, insurance, computer, and financial plans.
To discuss the history and definition of Franchising. What is the appeal of
franchising in today’s business world and what are some of the facts and myths
about this expanding form of business organization.
Topics Covered:
The Foundations of Entrepreneurship
Strategic Management and the Entrepreneurship
Strategic management and the Entrepreneurship
Forms of Ownership and Franchising
Buying and existing Business
Creating a Powerful Marketing Plan
Advertising and Pricing for Profit
Managing Cash Flow
Creating a Successful Financial Plan
Crafting a Winning Business Plan
Business Plan Project Due For Submission
Sources of Funds: Equity and Dept
Course Grading Policy
Homework Assignments 20%
Online Discussion Participation 20%
Individual Business Plan Project 20%
Mid-Term Exam 15%
Final Exam 25%
Total 100%
Online Exams:
There will be two online exams required for this class. The Midterm exam and the Final
Exams. Both Exams are timed and students will have a chance to take it one time only.
Once a student starts an exam, the student should complete the exam without logging
out of the exam page. Logging out will mean that the student has completed the exam
and he or she will not be allowed back into the system.
The Forum: Bulletin Board Discussion (Class Participation Online):
The Forum is an asynchronous (delayed) Bulletin Board (Message Board) threaded
discussion where the instructor and the students are able to discuss specific course topics
to allow interaction, exchange of opinions, and sharing of knowledge. The instructor will
post a topic of discussion on the Bulletin Board regarding a specific course topic and
students are to post their responses. The students can respond to the instructor and to
their classmates. Students can also ask questions in relation to the topic being discussed.
Postings not related to the discussion at hand are not permitted in the Bulletin Board and
will be deleted. Students are also required to observe Net etiquette and not use
inappropriate language.
Live! Online Chat (Class Participation Online)
The Live! Chat is a synchronous (live) discussion and will be scheduled by the professor.
The discussion works basically the same way discussions are done in a class except that
this is online.
Sending Emails to instructor and or classmates:
Student can send an email to his or her instructor, a classmate, and to the whole class by
using the email feature within the course in WebStudy. Please do not send unsolicited
emails to the Class Mailing List.
Proper Conduct of Students in an Internet Class:
Students will observe proper conduct following the rules specified by Community College
of Philadelphia. Please observe courtesy and avoid the use of inflammatory language. Be
respectful of the rights of others who you share space with in the Internet. Be mindful of
the privacy of others and do not send unsolicited messages. Any use of inflammatory and
disrespectful language and placement or inclusion of topics or discussions which do not
belong with the course topic will be deleted. Any inappropriate conduct by students either
to the instructor, classmates and staff will be subject under the same rules and conditions
imposed by the College all students.