US History teaching aids

History of the Unites States of America:
Relations between England and Her North American Colonies
From the Washington Administration to the War of 1812
discovery of America
salutary neglect
the century of mercantilism
the decade of conflict
the American Revolution/ the American War of Independence
the foundation of the first permanent English colony
the foundation of the Massachusetts Bay Colony
the navigation acts
the Treaty of Paris (ending the French and Indian War)
the French and Indian War
the Seven Years’ War
the Treaty of Paris (ending the War of Independence)
the Boston Massacre
the Boston Tea Party
Declaration of Independence (full date)
the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union
the effective date of the US Constitution (full date)
the effective date of the Bill of Rights
the War of 1812
the Treaty of Ghent
battle of New Orleans
battle at Tippecanoe
the Louisiana Purchase
the Northwest Ordinance
all presidents
salutary neglect
the century of mercantilism
the decade of conflict
the American Revolution/ the American War of Independence
the navigation acts
the Treaty of Paris (ending the French and Indian War)
the French and Indian War
the Seven Years’ War
the Treaty of Paris (ending the War of Independence)
the Boston Massacre
the Boston Tea Party
Declaration of Independence
the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union
the US Constitution
the Bill of Rights
Louisiana Purchase
Sons of Liberty
the Great Awakening
3/5 compromise
judicial review
XYZ affair
The Federalist-Anti-Federalist or Hamilton-Jefferson debate
The Mississippi Indian Alliance
the Treaty of Ghent
the War of 1812
Christopher Columbus
Samuel Adams
Paul Revere
Thomas Paine
Captain John Smith
Benjamin Franklin
Alexander Hamilton
Chief Justice John Marshall
all presidents
Territorial, Cultural and Economic Expansion between the War of 1812 and the Civil War;
The Road to the Civil War
Manifest Destiny
Turner’s frontier theory
the Louisiana Purchase
the Lone Star Republic
the annexation of Texas
the Mexican War
the purchase of Alaska
Nat Turner’s rebellion
the Monroe Doctrine
the foundation of the Democratic Party
the foundation of the Republican Party
the Indian Removal Act
the Trail of Tears
the battle at Little Big Horn/Custer’s last stand
the battle of Wounded Knee
the Missouri Compromise
the Kansas-Nebraska Act
Dred Scott case
John Brown’s rebellion
all presidents
the first industrial revolution
Westward Expansion
Second Great Awakening
Old Immigration
Manifest Destiny
the frontier theory
the Mexican War
the Indian Removal Act
the Trail of Tears
battle at Little Big Horn/Custer’s Last Stand
the battle of Wounded Knee
the Monroe Doctrine
Jacksonian democracy
the Missouri Compromise
the Compromise of 1850
the Kansas-Nebraska Act
the Dred Scott case
Frederick Jackson Turner
John L. O’Sullivan
Nat Turner
Sitting Bull
Buffalo Bill
Crazy Horse
George A. Custer
Frederick Douglass
Henry Clay
William Lloyd Garrison
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Stephen A. Douglas
Dred Scott
John Brown
all presidents
Civil War and Reconstruction
Civil War
the Homestead Act
the Emancipation Proclamation
all presidents
the Confederate States of America
the Deep South
the Civil War
the Homestead Act
the Emancipation Proclamation
the Reconstruction Amendments
Jim Crow laws
the black codes
the Compromise of 1877
Robert E. Lee
Tecumseh Sherman
Jefferson Davis
all presidents
The Gilded Age and the Progressive Era
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
Chinese Exclusion Act
Gentlemen’s Agreement
the foundation of the People’s Party
the Roosevelt corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
the Spanish-American War
all presidents
Gilded Age
the second industrial revolution
Old Immigration
New Immigration
robber barons
Social Darwinism
Reform Darwinism
Melting pot
Open door
New Freedom
Cornelius Vanderbilt
Andrew Carnegie
John D. Rockefeller
J. P. Morgan
Robert M. LaFollette
John Hay
Lewis Brandeis
William Jennings Bryan
all presidents
World War One. The Interwar Years
US entry into World War One
the Fourteen Points (full date)
Charles Lindbergh’s non-stop flight
the Sacco and Vanzetti case
the Johnson-Reed immigration Restriction Act
the Indian Citizenship Act
the Stock Market Crash (full date)
the First New Deal
the Second New Deal
the Lusitania affair
all presidents
New Freedom
Fourteen Points
Zimmerman telegram
the Roaring Twenties
New Deal (first and second)
The third industrial revolution
The Johnson-Reed Immigration Restriction Act
Al “Scarface” Capone
Charles Lindbergh
Charlie Chaplin
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
John Maynard Keynes
all presidents
World War Two. The US Since 1945: Domestic and Foreign Affairs
US entry into World War Two
Pearl Harbor
dropping the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (full date)
Fair Deal
the Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka decision
the Montgomery bus boycott
the Sputnik crisis
the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, Kennedy
the Watergate Scandal
the periods of the cold war
the Korean war
the Vietnam war
the Suez crisis
the Cuban Missile Crisis
the Bay of Pigs incident
the Yom Kippur War
Iran Contra affair
the return of the Hungarian Holy Crown
all presidents
Manhattan Project
Fair Deal
“Good Old Days”
Civil Rights Movement
Great Society
New Frontiers
Political correctness
Watergate Scandal
Cold war and its periods
limited war
the Korean war
the Vietnam war
the Cuban Missile Crisis
The Feminine Mystique
The Silent Spring
Three Mile Island nuclear disaster
Patriot Act
Douglas MacArthur
Eugene Teller
Jackie Robinson
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Rosa Parks
Joseph McCarthy
Malcolm X
Betty Friedan
Rachel Carson
Elvis Presley
George F. Kennan
George C. Marshall
Henry Kissinger
John F. Dulles and Allen W. Dulles
all presidents
1. Salutary neglect
2. The century of mercantilism
3. The decade of conflict
4. The War of Independence
5. The Making of the U.S. Constitution
6. The War of 1812
7. The Road to the Civil War: Domestic Politics, 1820-61
8. Westward Expansion
9. The Civil War
10. The Reconstruction
11. Politics and society in the Gilded Age
12. America's First Industrial Revolution
13. America's Second Industrial Revolution
14. The Progressive Era
15. World War I
16. The Twenties (domestic only)
17. The New Deal
18. World War II
19. The Cold War
20. Vietnam: The Theory and Practice of Limited War
21. The Fifties (domestic only)
22. The Movements of the Sixties
23. Politics and Reform in the Sixties (domestic only)
24. The Apolitical Seventies (domestic only)
25. The Reagan-Bush Years (domestic only)
26. The Great Depression
27. American foreign policy between the world wars
28. Major dilemmas of US foreign policy since the end of the cold war
29. The early republic: From the Washington administration to the War of 1812
30. The Indian wars