Korean 404 Syllabus 2011 Spring Syllabus KOR 404: High-Advanced Korean II (3 Credits) University of Hawai’i, Manoa Korean Language Flagship Center Time: Classroom: Instructor: Office Hours: Email: Office: I. Section 1 (CRN: 86593) TR’s 10:30AM-11:45AM Moore Hall 106 Section 2 (CRN: 86594) TR’s 1:30PM-2:45PM Moore Hall 107 Sumi Chang (장수미) “선생님” T’s & Th’s: 12 noon-1:00PM and by appointments changhan@hawaii.edu Moore Hall 373 Phone: 956-2076 COURSE DESCRIPTION AND OBJECTIVES Korean 404 is the second part of Korean High-Advanced Level and is a continuation of Korean 403. The objectives of Korean 404 are to develop students’ interlanguage of L2 Korean to the extent that the students can speak and deliver with confidence and to attain professional proficiency level. The language skill areas of speaking, reading, writing, and listening will be covered, with an emphasis on formal speaking. The objectives also include enhancing the understanding of historical, social and cultural aspects of Korea through various activities that are student-centered, task/function-oriented, and communicative. Authentic materials will be used to help with the understanding of modern Korean through topics on contemporary Korea such as the family, food, feminism, unification, and regional sentiment among many. II. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the course, the students who complete the course successfully will be able to: 1. make a formal presentation in Korean on a given issue; 2. express their opinions and ideas by using professional-level vocabulary and formal expressions; 3. describe social, cultural, historical and political issues of Korea; 4. read and comprehend professional-level authentic Korean materials at the speed of nearnative speakers; 5. understand and be familiar with issues related to contemporary Korea; and 6. develop language learning strategies. III. TEXTBOOK AND MATERIALS Integrated Korean: High Advanced II:KLEAR Textbooks in Korean Language. (by S. Cho, H. S. Lee, & H.-S. Wang, 2005), Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press. (ISBN: 0-8248-2580-2s) The textbook consists of ten lessons. Each lesson will be covered on weekly basis. Additional materials will be provided. MyUH Portal Course Tools Page (www.hawaii.edu/myuh/manoa): in Drop Box, create "Lesson HW", "Presentations", "Mid-Term", "Final", and "Feedback" folders. 1 Korean 404 Syllabus 2011 Spring IV. GRADING* The final course grade for KOR 403 will be determined as follows: 1. Participation 10% 2. Lesson Exercise Homework (10) 15% 3. Quizzes (9-1) & Test 15% 4. 10-min. Lesson Presentations (2) 20% (10% each) 5. 15-min. Midterm Presentation 15% 6. 20-min. Final Presentation 25% Total 100% + extra credits Grade Distribution: 98-100: A+ 87-89: B+ 77-79: C+ 67-69: D+ 59 or below: F 94-97: A90-93: A84-86: B 80-83: B74-76: C 70-73: C64-66: D60-63: D- *In grading the assignments and presentations, preparedness, thoroughness, and the amount of efforts will be given more weight than one’s proficiency level. Also, late assignment submissions will result in deduction in grade. 1. Participation (10%) Participation, including attendance is a critical component of the course. When late or absent, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor to make up for the missed work. Additionally, active class participation will help improve your language proficiency. An absence will be counted as an absence regardless of the reason, and will be excused only upon the instructor’s discretion for extenuating circumstances with verifiable written document on a case by case basis. Multiple tardiness and early leaves will add up to absence (Usually, if you are late or have to leave early three times, it will add up to one absence.). Missing a class more than 20 minutes will be counted as an absence. You may still join the class if you are late; however, please remember that arriving late can be disruptive to the class. Three (3) absences will result in a deduction of one letter grade (i.e., ten points off the final semester grade), and an additional ten points will be lowered for each subsequent absence. For example, if your final semester grade was a B and you had three absences, ten points will be deducted lowering your final grade to a C. Therefore, if you accumulate six (6) or more absences, you will automatically get an F for the course. (Please note that this policy does NOT translate into automatically passing the course if you have less than six absences.) 2-4. Assignments (Thursdays, 15%), Quizzes (Tuesdays, 15%), & Lesson Presentations (Thursdays, 20%) Assignments, quizzes, lesson presentations combined will help your full comprehension of each lesson. Assignments (mostly exercises from each lesson) and vocabulary quiz will be given for each lesson. It is imperative that you complete the assignments before the start of the lesson on Thursdays as much as you can, and upload it in Laulima (https://laulima.hawaii.edu/portal). Please word process the assignments. (File name should be as follows: K404_L1_HW_initial. The students then write in revisions and submit it during the Thursday’s class. Lesson quizzes will be on Tuesdays at the beginning of the class, unless announced otherwise. It will be mostly vocabulary and writing sentences using expressions, and mostly matching. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped from the final grade. No make-up quiz will be given. A semester final vocabulary/expression test will be given in Week 13. For the lesson presentations, students will choose two topics from the textbook lessons, and give presentations on the content and/or the related materials of the chapter. All presentations are videorecorded, and the presenter will meet with the instructor for a 1:1 reflection session after the 2 Korean 404 Syllabus 2011 Spring presentation. The students also provide peer feedback to the presenter. The presenter should upload the outline by 8PM Friday before the presentation and PPT by 8PM Wednesday before the presentation. 5-6. Midterm Presentation (15%) and Final Presentation (25%) There will be one midterm presentation and one final presentation. More details will follow. The presentation assessment, including the lesson presentations will be based on 1) students’ presentation handouts and/or PowerPoint, 2) organization and content appropriateness and correctness 3) linguistic accuracy and fluency 4) non-verbal factors (e.g., voice volume, posture, eye contact, etc.), and 5) preparation. V. CLASS ORGANIZATION The weekly teaching format is summarized in Figure 1 below. The first ten minutes of the first 75minute class of a week will be set aside for 1-1) a vocabulary quiz. Then, 1-2) the pre-reading questions and/or pre-reading activities will be done. This will be followed by 1-3) of speedy reading and comprehension check of the materials in the textbook and going over the textbook exercises. The second 75-minute class will consist of 2-1) 8-10 minutes of student presentation. on a specific topic or lesson of the textbook. Any unfinished assignment feedback will be completed followed by 2-2) discussion. The last stage will be 2-3) wrap-up discussion, after which the following lesson will be introduced. 1-1 Vocabulary quiz 2-3 Wrap-up & Introduction to the next lesson 1-2 Pre-reading activities Language & content 2-2 Group discussion 2-1 Student presentation 1-3 Speedy reading & comprehension 1-4 Assignment feedback Fig. 1. Weekly Lesson Format for KOR 404 (Language and Content Integration) 3 Korean 404 Syllabus 2011 Spring VI. STUDENT CONDUCT, INCLUDING PLAGIARISM Please be familiar with the expected student conduct of UH. It is ultimately each student’s responsibility to understand the rules, including plagiarism and academic dishonesty, and to learn how to avoid such violations. At UH, common consequences for such violations include failing the assignment, failing the course, suspension from the university, or expulsion. For details, go to http://www.studentaffairs.manoa.hawaii.edu/policies/conduct_code/impermissible_behavior.php It is all right to get help from other (native) Korean speakers for your study as long as you include an acknowledgement. However, I need to see YOUR Korean and YOUR progress. For example, it all right to have someone else proofread your writing, but the original work must be yours. VII. VISITORS AND RECORDING Throughout the course, there may be visitors who come to observe the instructor and the class. Reasons for the visit may include professional development for teaching, research, etc. The instructor will try to announce the visit in advance whenever possible. Audio or video recording of the class may also take place. If you do not feel comfortable about the recording, please let the instructor know. VIII. CLASS RULES 1. As a member of the of the KLFC’s B. A. Program Third Cohort, you are expected to A. Come to class prepared by previewing/reviewing the lesson materials for that day and participate actively. B. Learn and internalize the given material by using them in and out of the class. Please try to speak in Korean only. I will be talking mostly in Korean to provide you with as much input as possible, too. Do not be discouraged if you do not understand every word. However, if you did not understand something, there is a good chance that other classmates did not either, so do not be shy about asking questions or asking for a repetition of information. C. Notice and evaluate your own learning/strategies and take the responsibility of learning. D. Understand that language learning is a fun and exciting process of acquiring another cultural perspective and system of expression. E. Understand that second language learning is one of the hardest intellectual challenges and can be met only by perseverance. F. I am always willing to provide extra help. You should take advantage of the office hours. 2. Other rules include A. Use of laptop and other materials irrelevant to instruction (e.g., newspaper, magazine, materials for other courses) is not allowed. Bring a(n) (electronic) dictionary if you need one. B. Refrain from unnecessary talk that is irrelevant to class instruction. C. No gum chewing is allowed. D. Please turn off any devices such cell phone that might disrupt the class. E. Be respectable of others; treat others the way you want to be treated. IX. MISCELLANEOUS 1. Korean Culture Activities A culture is an important part of language learning. There will be various cultural activities throughout the year. They are an important part of the culture learning of the course, so please mark your calendar, get involved, and have fun! 2. Letter of Recommendation If you need a letter of recommendation, please ‘ask’ at least three weeks in advance. Even at an advance notice, I may not be able to accommodate your request if I am inundated with prior commitments. Providing your resume and statement of purpose, if you have them, will help me in writing the recommendation letter. 4 Korean 404 Syllabus 2011 Spring Korean 404 Course Schedule1, 2011 Spring Wk DATES 01 1/10-1/14 1/17-1/21 02 03 1/24-1/28 04 1/31-2/4 2/7-2/11 05 06 2/14-2/18 07 2/21-2/25 08 2/28-3/4 09 3/7-3/11 10 3/14-3/18 TUESDAY 1/11: Orientation Topic 1: Characteristics of Successful People THURSDAY 1/13: R schedule & Laulima folders 1/18: Vocab. Quiz L11 Lesson 11. Korea's New Generation Topic: Korea's New Generations 1/25: Vocab. Quiz L12 Lesson 12. Koreans, Busy with Everything Topic: Korean Disposition 1/20: L11 HW S Presentation 1-1 2/1: Vocab. Quiz L13; Midterm Outline Lesson 13. After the Cold War Topic: German Unification & its Aftermath 2/3: L13 HW S Presentation 1-3 2/8: Vocab. Quiz L14 Midterm Revised Outline Lesson 14. House Husbands & Sharing Housework Topic: Changing Gender Roles in Korea 2/15: Vocab. Quiz L15, Midterm PPT Les 15.Food Culture; TW6: Globalization of K food 2/10: L14 HW S Presentation 1-4 2/22: Midterm Revised PPT Topic W7: Presentation topic, S Presentation 1-6 T, 3/1: Midterm (Presentation) 2/24: Presentation Preparation 3/3: Presz Fdback M, 2/21: Presidents Day Holiday 3/8: Vocab. Quiz L16 Lesson 16. Feminism in Korean Literature Topic: Korean Feminists 3/15: Vocab. Quiz L17 Lesson 17. The Road to Unification Topic: Divided Korea & Korean Unification 3/10: L16 HW S Presentation 2-1 499: Proverb Midterm Exam (tentative) F, 3/11: Last day to w/draw 11 3/28-4/1 12 4/4-4/8 13 4/11-4/15 14 4/18-4/22 15 4/25-4/29 16 5/2-5/6 M, 1/17: Martin Luther King Day Holiday * T, 1/18 1/27: L12 HW Sat, 1/29 S Presentation 1- 2 Manoa Experience Open House F, 2/11: 10AM-2PM, CKS Lunar New Year’s Celebration/ Culture Day 2/17: L15 HW S Presentation 1-5 3/17: L17 HW S Presentation 2-2 F, 3/27: Kuhio Day Ho l. SPRING RECESS 3/21-3/25 Notes Submit Reflection 3/29: Vocab. Quiz L18 3/31: L18 HW Lesson 18. A Vacation from Life S Presentation 2-3 Topic: Nat’l Forests & Parks: Geo & His’t Bground 4/7: L19 HW 4/5: Vocab. Quiz L19; Final Presentation Outline Lesson 19. Korean Politics and Regional Sentiment S Presentation 2-4 Topic: General Elections & Regional Sentiment 4/12: Final Presentation Revised Outline Topic W13: Korea-US Relations; S Presentation 2-5 4/19: Final Presentation PPT Topic W14: The North Korean Nuclear Issue S Presentation 2-6 4/26: Final Presentation Revised PPT Presentation Preparation M, 5/2, 12:00 noon Final PPT Due 5/3: Presentation Preparation Last TR Instruction; Last UH Instruction: W, 5/4 F I N A L E X A M Th, 4/14: Final Vocabulary Test 4/21: Topic 13&14 HW 499: Proverb Final Exam F, 4/22, Holiday: Good Fri. 4/28: Presentation Final course evaluation Preparation (eCafe) Study Period, Th-F F, 5/6 (tentative), KLFC S CONFERENCE 8:30AM – 8:00PM (including dinner) I N A T I O N W E E K 5/9-5/13 * Last day to change sections and drop courses without a "W" on your record. After T, Jan. 18, written approval of both instructor and College/School S Academic Servs Dean required.; W, Jan. 19, last day to register, add classes, or change grading option. 5 Korean 404 Syllabus 2011 Spring Korean 404 Presentation Schedule Wk DATES 01 1/10-1/14 1/17-1/21 02 03 1/24-1/28 04 1/31-2/4 2/7-2/11 05 06 2/14-2/18 07 2/21-2/25 08 2/28-3/4 09 3/7-3/11 10 3/14-3/18 TUESDAY 1/11: Orientation Topic 1: Characteristics of Successful People THURSDAY 1/13: R schedule & Laulima folders 1/18: Vocab. Quiz L11 Lesson 11. Korea's New Generation Topic: Korea's New Generations 1/25: Vocab. Quiz L12 Lesson 12. Koreans, Busy with Everything Topic: Korean Disposition 1/20: L11 HW S Presentation 1-1 김성은 정성희 1/27: L12 HW S Presentation 1- 2 박지은 김진성 2/1: Vocab. Quiz L13; Midterm Outline Lesson 13. After the Cold War Topic: German Unification & its Aftermath 2/3: L13 HW S Presentation 1-3 차슬기 하정은 2/8: Vocab. Quiz L14 Midterm Revised Outline Lesson 14. House Husbands & Sharing Housework Topic: Changing Gender Roles in Korea 2/15: Vocab. Quiz L15, Midterm PPT Les 15.Food Culture; TW6: Globalization of K food 2/10: L14 HW S Presentation 1-4 이재권 남명진 2/17: L15 HW S Presentation 1-5 박아름 서단비 2/22: Midterm Revised PPT Topic W7: To be decided individually, S Presentation 1-6 T, 3/1: Midterm (Presentation) 2/24: Presentation Preparation (T) 유애린 3/8: Vocab. Quiz L16 Lesson 16. Feminism in Korean Literature Topic: Korean Feminists 3/15: Vocab. Quiz L17 Lesson 17. The Road to Unification Topic: Divided Korea & Korean Unification 3/10: L16 HW S Presentation 2-1 박아름 정성희 3/17: L17 HW S Presentation 2-2 김성은 유애린 3/28-4/1 3/29: Vocab. Quiz L18 3/31: L18 HW Lesson 18. A Vacation from Life S Presentation 2-3 Topic: Nat’l Forests & Parks: Geo & His’t Bground 4/7: L19 HW 4/5: Vocab. Quiz L19; Final Presentation Outline Lesson 19. Korean Politics and Regional Sentiment S Presentation 2-4 Topic: General Elections & Regional Sentiment 박지은 하정은 12 4/4-4/8 13 4/11-4/15 4/12: Final Presentation Revised Outline Topic W13: Korea-US Relations; S Presentation 2-5 4/19: Final Presentation PPT Topic W14: The North Korean Nuclear Issue S Presentation 2-5 4/26: Final Presentation Revised PPT Presentation Preparation (T) 차슬기 (T) 김진성 14 4/18-4/22 15 4/25-4/29 16 5/2-5/6 3/3: Presz. Fdback SPRING RECESS 3/21-3/25 11 Presenters Submit Reflection M, 5/2, 12:00 noon Final PPT Due 5/3: Presentation Preparation Last TR Instruction; Last UH Instruction: W, 5/4 F I N A L E X A M 5/9-5/13 6 Th, 4/14: Final Vocabulary Test 4/21: Topic 13&14 HW 이재권 남명진 (T) 서단비 4/21: 499 Proverb Final 4/28: Presentation Final course evaluation Preparation (eCafe) Study Period, Th-F F, 5/6 (tentative), KLFC S CONFERENCE 8:30AM – 8:00PM (including dinner) I N A T I O N W E E K Korean 404 Syllabus 2011 Spring 7