Learning About What Political Party You Might Join…

Learning About What Political Party You Might Join….
Go to: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/vote2012/quiz/
As you take the quiz fill in your answers to the questions on this sheet
How do you feel about each of the following …?
• There need to be stricter laws and regulations to protect the environment
Completely Agree
Mostly Agree
Mostly Disagree
Completely Disagree
• The government should help more needy people even if it means going deeper in debt.
Completely Agree
Mostly Agree
Mostly Disagree
Completely Disagree
• The growing number of newcomers from other countries threaten traditional American customs and values.
Completely Agree
Mostly Agree
Mostly Disagree
Completely Disagree
• I never doubt the existence of God.
Completely Agree
Mostly Agree
Mostly Disagree
Completely Disagree
• Business corporations make too much profit.
Completely Agree
Mostly Agree
Mostly Disagree
Completely Disagree
• Gays and lesbians should be allowed to marry legally.
Completely Agree
Mostly Agree
Mostly Disagree
Completely Disagree
• The government needs to do more to make health care affordable and accessible
.Completely Agree
Mostly Agree
Mostly Disagree
Completely Disagree
• One parent can bring up a child as well as two parents together.
Completely Agree
Mostly Agree
Mostly Disagree
Completely Disagree
• Government regulation of business usually does more harm than good.
Completely Agree
Mostly Agree
Mostly Disagree
Completely Disagree
• Abortion should be illegal in all or most cases.
Completely Agree
Mostly Agree
Mostly Disagree
Completely Disagree
• Labor unions are necessary to protect the working person.
Completely Agree
Mostly Agree
Mostly Disagree
Completely Disagree
• Poor people have become too dependent on government assistance programs.
Completely Agree
Mostly Agree
Mostly Disagree
Completely Disagree
Based on your responses where do you fit?
On Economic Issues
On Social Issues
Where Do You Fit?????
GO TO http://typology.people-press.org/typology/
To identify your typology group, we will show you a series of paired statements. Even if neither statement is exactly right, choose the
one that comes closer to your views, and identify whether you feel strongly about that issue, or not so strongly.
Statement 1
It’s best for the future of our country
to be active in world affairs
Government is almost always
wasteful and inefficient
Statement 2
We should pay less attention to problems
overseas and concentrate on problems here at
Government often does a better job than people
give it credit for
Fill in the personal questions and click on RESULTS....
The basic description names me as ____________________. Which means __________________
My group represents ______ percent of the general public and _____ percent of registered voters....
What is your party ID? (name all matches with percentage match)
Describe three basic values someone in your typology has:
Click on “Politics and Elections.” What is the percentage of your typology that approves of the job
Obama has done? ____________________
What percentage of your typology is likely to re-elect Obama? ___________________
What percentage of your typology have you participated in a political campaign, meeting, or rally over
the last 5 years? __________________
What % of your typology follows closely what's going on in government and public affairs? ______