CH 4 Honor Chemistry Quantum

CH 4 Worksheet 1
Name _______________________
Period ____________
Date _____________
Energy Levels, Sublevels, and Quantum Numbers
1. What are the possible values for m l for
(a) the d sublevel?
(b) the s sublevel?
(c) all sublevels where n = 2?
2. What are the possible values for m l for
(a) the p sublevel?
(b) the f sublevel?
(c) all sublevels where n = 3?
3. For the following pairs of orbitals, indicate which is higher in energy in a manyelectron atom.
(a) 3s or 3p
(b) 4s or 4d
(c) 2sor3d
(d) 5sor4s
4. For the following pairs of orbitals, indicate which is lower in energy in a manyelectron atom.
(a) 3p or 4p
(b) 4p or 4d
(c) 1s or 2s
(d) 5f or 4d
5. What type of electron orbital (i.e., s, p, d, or f) is designated by
(a) n=2, l=1, m=-l?
(b) n=1, l=0, m=0?
(c) n=5, l=2, m=2?
6. What type of electron orbital (i.e., s, p, d, or f) is designated by
(a) n=3, l=2, m= -1?
(b) n=6, l=3, m=2?
(c) n=4, l=3, m=3?
7. State the total capacity for electrons in
(a) n=4.
(b) a 3s sublevel.
(c) a d sublevel.
(d) a p orbital.
8. Give the number of orbitals in
(a) n = 3.
(b) a 4p sublevel.
(c) an f sublevel.
(d) a d sublevel.
9. What is the
(a) minimum n value for designated as s?
(b) letter used to designate the sublevel with l= 2?
(c) number of orbitals in a sublevel where l is designated as p?
(d) number of different sublevels when n = 3?
10. What is the
(a) minimum n value for l designated as s?
(b) letter used to designate the sublevel with l= 4?
(c) number of orbitals in a sublevel where l is designated as d?
(d) number of different sublevels when n = 1?
11. Given the following sets of electron quantum numbers, indicate those that could not
occur and explain your answer.
(a) 1,0,0, -1/2
(b) 1,1,0, +1/2
(c) 3,2, -2, +1/2
(d) 2,1,2,+1/2
(e) 4,0,2,+1/2
12. Given the following sets of electron quantum numbers, indicate those that could not
occur and explain your answer.
(a) 3,0, 0, -1/2
(b) 2, 2, 1, -1/2
(c) 3, 2, 1, +1/2
(d) 3,1,1,+1/2
(e) 4,2,-2,0
13. Write the ground state electron configuration for
(a) N
(b) Na
(c) Ne
(d) Ni
(e) Si
14. Write the ground state electron configuration for
(a) B
(b) Ba
(c) Be
(d) Bi
(e) Br
15. Write the noble gas ground state electron configuration for
(a) S
(b) Se
(c) Sb
(d) Sc
(e) Si
16. Write the abbreviated ground state electron configuration for
(a) Hg
(b) Al
(c) As
(d) W
(e) At
17. Give the symbol of the element of lowest atomic number whose ground state has
(a) a completed f subshell.
(b 20 p electrons.
(c) two 4d electrons.
(d) five 5p electrons.
18. Give the symbol of the element of lowest atomic number whose ground state has
(a) a p electron.
(b) four f electrons.
(c) a completed d subshell.
(d) six s electrons.
19. What fraction of the total number of electrons is in d sublevels in
(a) C
(b) Cl
(c) Co
20. What fraction of the total number of electrons is in p sublevels in
(a) Mg
(b) Mn
(c) Mo
21. Which of the following electron configurations are for atoms in the ground state? In
the excited state? Which are impossible?
(a) 1s2 2s23s2
(b) 1s2 2p3
(c) 1s2 2s3 2p5
(d) 1s1 2s2 2p7
(e) 2s 2p 3s
(f) 1s 2s 2p 3s 3d
22. Which of the following electron configurations are for atoms in the ground state? In
the excited state? Which are impossible?
(a) 1s2 2s1 3s1
(b) 2s2 2p2
(c) 1s2 2s2 2p3
(d) 1s2 1p1 2s2
(e) 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 3d
(f) 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 3d 3f
23. Give the orbital diagram for an atom of
(a) Na
(b) O
(c) Co
(d) Cl
24. Give the orbital diagram of
(a) Li
(b) P
(c) F
(d) Fe
25. Give the symbols of
(a) all the elements in which all the 5d orbitals are half-full
(b) all the nonmetals in period 3 that have two or more unpaired electrons.
(c) all the elements in Group 1 where the Sp sublevel is full
(d) all the metalloids that have paired 4p electrons.
26. Give the symbols of
(a) all the elements in Group 17 that have filled 4p sub-levels
(b) all the nonmetals in the fourth period that have no unpaired electrons.
(c) all the metalloids that have filled 3s sublevels.
(d) all the elements in the second period that have one unpaired electron.
27. Give the number of unpaired electrons in an atom of
(b) manganese
(c) magnesium
28. Give the number of unpaired electrons in an atom of
(a) phosphorus
(b) potassium
(c) plutonium (Pu)
29. In what main group(s) of the periodic table do element(s) have the following number
of filled p orbitals in the outermost principal level?
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 3
30. Give the symbol of the main-group metals in period 4 with the following number of
unpaired electrons per atom. (Transition metals are not included.)
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 3
31. Write the ground state electron configuration for
(a) Li, Li+1
(b) 0, 0-2
(c) Sc, Sc+3 (d) Co+2, Co+3
32. How many unpaired electrons are there in the following ions?
(a) Al+3
(b) Cl-1
(c) Sr+2
(d) Ag+1
33. How many unpaired electrons are there in the following atoms?
(a) Hg
(b) F
(c) Sb
(d) Fe