P111 Information Booklet

P111 Information Booklet
Winter 2014
Phys 111 Introduction to classical mechanics
Welcome to P111. This is a summary of the important aspects of the course for winter 2014.
Desired Course Outcomes
At the end of the course you will be expected to be able to
1. Identify key classical mechanics equations which can be applied to predict the behaviour
of objects in the universe, and solve these equations.
2. Recognise situations where you can apply Newton’s laws to explain the behaviour of an
3. Recognise situations where conservation laws can be applied to explain the behaviour of
a group of objects.
4. Develop a systematic problem solving approach which involves a clearly defined
sequence in order to solve complex problems with confidence
5. Use a profound (but simple) principle for gaining insight into and solving problems
associated with rotating systems.
6. Explain verbally and in writing the physics which controls real life situations.
7. Move beyond popular misconceptions about the physical world, and replace them with
reasoned argument.
Course website
Detailed information about weekly topics, past midterm and final papers as well as weekly
quizzes, group work login and assessment will all be available on the course website which will
be accessed from the Waterloo Learn site (type Waterloo Learn into the search box on the front
of the UW website to go to the login page). Once logged in you should see the site PHYS 111 Winter 2014 once you are registered.
The first tweet is available now
“welcome to physics 111 winter term, you will get all course announcements here the instant they are
PHYS111W2014 to receive reminders and updates and hear any
important announcements.
Teaching and learning method
Lectures: The purpose of these is to introduce the concepts of the course and demonstrate
problem solving methods and techniques. Each instructor will cover the same material and
examples, in their own way and may provide online resources such as notes (Hint - in order to
promote active learning, either print out the provided lecture notes and annotate them while
watching the lectures or make your own notes from scratch). All resources will be available to
all sections of the course
Group problem solving class: Once each week you will have the opportunity to discuss with
colleagues in class and to work as a group to solve “context rich” problems which will promote
an effective approach to problem solving.
Mastering Physics assignments and tutorials: The only way to become proficient in physics is
to practice problem solving and so the Mastering Physics environment allows you to test your
knowledge and the effectiveness of you problem solving techniques without the constraint of a
time limit and with hints to help along the way. An alternative set of assignments from the text
book will be available for weekly practice, without the online hints or tutorials.
Writing assignment: This weekly exercise involves writing a short summary of the material
covered in the lecture videos, book chapter and assignments during the previous week, the
summary should include relevant equations, approaches and definitions. This is a powerful
method for revealing areas of uncertainty to yourself and cementing areas of confidence. Your
summary will be shared with colleagues during group work in class and may be read by the
instructor, in order to identify areas of strength and weakness in the class. Your summaries will
be an essential tool for reviewing the course material at exam time.
(Note. We also recommend you make a one to two page list of the essential equations so that
they can be reviewed frequently,
you will not be given equations
in the exams)
Peer instruction (clickers) may be used depending on instructor, throughout the “in class”
activities to both test your understanding and promote peer instruction, during which you will
learn from and teach the students around you in response to clicker questions.
Online Quizzes: After completing the assignments and the group problem class, the quiz will
give you an exam like experience of answering three questions in one hour, to test your
knowledge problem solving techniques and speed.
Self study assistance with the assignments will be available through the drop in help centre.
Course notes in various forms, depending on your professors approach, will be available (online
material will be available to all students regardless of section)
Online Videos will also be available which cover each of the classroom topics, look out for
announcements on Twitter.
Course Elements and Assessment:
Mastering Physics Assignments 5%
Each week you should attempt the practice assignments online on the Mastering Physics site
The purpose of these assignments and tutorials is to test your understanding of the weeks
material, help you learn through the instant feedback, and hits and practice your skills. The
assignments are worth participation marks which are assessed by your use of the site. The
assignments are designed to prepare you for the quiz the following week, the group work tutorial
and ultimately for the midterm and the final. There is usually a clear relationship between the
time spent on these assignments and the final grade achieved in the course. Try as many of the
examples as you can, and come back to them after the due date for review. The due date is just
an indication of when to do the assignments in order to get the best learning impact from them,
you still get participation credit for doing them late.
Writing Assignments (part of group problem
Each Friday after the weeks lectures and before the following weeks group work, you will write
a short summary of the material covered in the lectures, book chapter and assignments during
the week. The summary should include any equations which you think are necessary for this
section of the course. The summaries should be submitted to your discussion board (under
groups on Learn) over the weekend before Sunday midnight. The submitted summaries can be
viewed online by your group once this group has been created and should be brought to the
group problem class on the following week (see below). Your group work grade will include an
element for the writing assignment.
Group problem class (10%)
Each week (starting week 2) there will be a group problem class period, which will take place
during your scheduled tutorial time. Registration is required at the beginning of term (see course
elements which require registration). Check online and in class for information about the sign up
period. After the groups have been made (new groups will be made each week) you will be able
to read the submissions of your group members and discuss them online in preparation for next
week’s group work class. Bring your writing assignment to class as the first five minutes of the
class will consist of discussion of your contributions with group members. This will be followed
up by several problems of varying difficulty. During the group work, you will focus on
extracting essential information from a problem that contains more information than usual
(context rich), then constructing a sensible diagram and finally working with equations in a
systematic way. During the process you will be helped by TAs who will prompt you and
question your interpretation and approach. After the class, in order to obtain your participation
mark you must sign in to the course website during the following two days, and input your
assessment of the contribution of your fellow group members. This is not a detailed assessment
and it does not require you to assess their knowledge or ability, only their contribution to the
discussion, which could be in terms of their willingness to ask or answer questions, or promote a
good group working environment. As an example a group member who does not attend should
receive zero (see the instructions in the group work class module).
(Note Assessment is necessary in order to gain your own participation mark. Assessment should
be fair and appropriate, and will be monitored by the quiz TA throughout the term.
Peer instruction (5% participation)
If your professor is using “clickers” then there will be an opportunity for you to test your
understanding of material during class and to learn from your colleagues as well as reinforce
your understanding by teaching them what you know (Teaching is the best way to achieve
“deep” learning). Participation in clicker questions can earn you up to 5% bonus marks over the
Quizzes (15%)
At the end of the week a quiz will appear on the Waterloo Learn website in the Quizzes section.
The Quiz consists of three randomly selected, multiple choice questions on the topics covered by
the assignments of the previous week. These quizzes will be single attempt and MUST be
completed within one hour of starting the quiz. You will not be able to see the quiz once it has
been submitted so it is recommended that you print it for use later during exam review, or in case
you get an answer wrong and want to work on it further. The Quiz will be available from
Wednesday evening 8.30 pm until Tuesday morning 10.00 pm (the following week), under the
Quiz marks
are not participation marks, only correct
answers are rewarded with marks)
*(Note. The quizzes are worth 15% of the marks available in the course.
Contact the Quiz TA immediately if you have a problem with the weekly quiz. Please state your
name and ID number clearly. They will be as sympathetic as their genetic make up allows, but
reserve the right to apply harsh measures to fraudsters and fakers and delinquents!
(Note these quizzes must be attempted alone collaboration is equivalent to cheating, the Quiz TA
(Note. The worst quiz performance will be eliminated from your overall mark)
Mid-term test (10-15%) The date for the midterm is yet to be determined please sign up to
twitter for updates. Information about the midterm will appear on Waterloo Learn nearer to the
time of the exam under the "Midterm" Module.
Final Exam (50-75%) The final examination will test your ability in depth to achieve the
desired course outcomes. It will do this through detailed written answer questions, for which
you can receive marks for all of your efforts, including identifying physical properties
recognising essential equations and being able to employ an organised problem solving
approach. The date will be set by the Registrar's later in the term. Towards the last few weeks in
the term look for the "Final Exam " module in Waterloo Learn, for instructions, previous exams,
(Note. only non programmable calculators designated with the pink tie will be allowed in the
midterm and final exams. Using a calculator without the pink tie could be classed as cheating.
for more information about this go to the math faculty website)
Course Marking Scheme
The extreme ranges of the marking scheme are shown below. Clicker, Mastering Physics and
group work are for participation marks and so can vary from 0 to 5 and 10%, respectively. It is
still possible to achieve 100% without these elements but it is strongly advised to participate as
this reduces the contribution of the final exam. The contribution of the midterm will be varied
between 10 and 15% to maximise your overall grade.
Online quizzes
15% 15%
Mastering Physics
Clicker participation
Group work participation
10% 0%
Mid-term test
15% 10%
50% 75%
100% 100%
The best overall mark will be calculated automatically from all possible combinations of the
marking schemes above .
Course elements which require registration
Mastering Phys 111 Winter 2014
You must go to the mastering physics website masteringphysics.com. use your purchased code
to gain access and then sign up for the course, the name of which is is
MPP111W2014 when signing up for the course insert your UW ID
number where indicated, or you risk not gaining credit.
If your professor is using them, “i-clickers” can be bought from the textbook store for $42 (+tax)
new or $30 (+tax) used. The clickers are the same as those used in Chem 120 and other Science
courses. The clicker can be returned to the store for $20 at the end of term, or used in later
courses such as P112. A $10 voucher is included with the purchase of a new text book.
Note. To receive credit you must register the clicker (using your
number), follow the instructions in the “clicker” module in Learn, you can do this
anytime before the end of term but we recommend you do it soon in case you forget. Please
write down the code of your clicker somewhere safe in case you lose it.
Group problem class
In order to register each week go to the Connect tab in Learn then click on groups
Contact information
Joseph Sanderson MW 7:00-08:20 M3 1006 Office – whenever you are available, im happy to
meet if im free. if im not in the lab or the office then make an appointment by e-mail
Office: Phys 361, Lab: 119, Ext. 3610 (emergencies only)
Parisa Bohlouli-Zanjani 1:0- 2.20pm TTH STP 105 e-mail appointment pbohlouli@gmail.com,
Office hours to be determined
Office: Phys 260
Quiz Teaching Assistant For any questions or queries about the websites (especially quizzes)
used in the course contact the quiz TA (not your professor) . Only the Quiz TA has access to
your individual quiz . E-mail
When contacting the quiz TA please include; 1. your name 2. UW dir user id 3. student number
4. time that you encountered your problem.
Course Resources:
Physics Edition 4 by Walker (Publisher Pearson) will be available in a custom package. Several
copies are available in the library from the second week of term (UWD1681). Used fourth
edition books are acceptable, and you can purchase access to Mastering Physics separately (see
Mastering Physics info). Assignments will be available from the book as an alternative to
Mastering Physics, and solutions will be given to these after one week.
Online Tutorials
Each week one or more online tutorials will be available in Mastering Physics as an additional
resource. These tutorials are purely for practice and carry no credit.
Drop in Help Centre
(Monday 3:30-5:20 (B2-350) Tuesday 3:30-5:20 (E2-1303)) The Help Centre will be open to all
Physics 111 students and staffed by TAs who are specializing in P111 problems. Please bring
your books and notes and expect to work through problems you are finding difficult and receive
hints and challenging questions from the TAs, to help you get to grips with the material.
Expectation of Academic Integrity
Academic Integrity: In order to maintain a culture of academic integrity, members of the
University of Waterloo community are expected to promote honesty, trust, fairness, respect and
Grievance: A student who believes that a decision affecting some aspect of his/her university life
has been unfair or unreasonable may have grounds for initiating a grievance. Read Policy #70,
Discipline: A student is expected to know what constitutes academic integrity, to avoid
committing academic offenses, and to take responsibility for his/her actions. A student who is
unsure whether an action constitutes an offense, or who needs help in learning how to avoid
offenses (e.g., plagiarism, cheating) or about “rules” for group work/collaboration should seek
guidance from the course professor, academic advisor, or the Undergraduate Associate Dean. For
information on categories of offenses and types of penalties, students should refer to Policy #71,
Appeals: Concerning a decision made under Policy #70 (Student Petitions and Grievances)
(other than petitions) or Policy #71 (Student Discipline) a student may appeal the finding, the
penalty, or both. A student who believes he/she has a ground for an appeal should refer to Policy
The Faculty of Arts has an excellent website on “Avoiding Academic Offences” –
(http://arts.uwaterloo.ca/arts/ugrad/academic_responsibility.html). Refer students to this site as
The following URL is a useful one to refer students to concerning citation styles:
Statement regarding travel and the final examination period
Student travel plans are not considered acceptable grounds for granting an alternative
examination time.(see http://www.registrar.uwaterloo.ca/exams/finalexams.html). The final
exam schedule is usually posted about 5 or 6 weeks into the term. For Fall exams please start
checking toward the end of October, for Winter exams please start checking in the middle of
Note for students with disabilities
The Office for Persons with Disabilities (OPD), located in Needles Hall, Room 1132,
collaborates with all academic departments to arrange appropriate accommodations for students
with disabilities without compromising the academic integrity of the curriculum. If you require
academic accommodations to lessen the impact of your disability, please register with the OPD
at the beginning of each academic term
Phys 111 Fall 2014
P111 Syllabus
Velocity – displacement (a constant)
Kinematics 1D
Relative velocity (1D and 2D)
Newton’s laws (normal force components in 2D)
Tension –pulleys, contact force,
Friction kinetic, static
Circular motion centripetal force
Work energy (conservation of energy in conservative system) friction
Impulse, conservation of momentum, elastic inelastic collisions in 1D 2D
Combined collision and conservation of energy
Center of mass 1D and 2D
Rotational motion angular kinematics, moment of inertia, angular kinetic energy, angular
momentum, rolling motion
Pulley with friction angular collisions conservation of angular momentum
Statics-beam, ladder, arm, back
Timeline content in detail
Kinematics (Chapters 2, 3, 4)
Lecture 1/2:
Introduction to course
How to use the Angel site, quizzes, assignments, reading assignments, midterm, final,
etc. how to use the help centre
Intro to Units, Scalars vs Vectors
Co-ordinate systems, components of vectors, Magnitude direction, adding/subtracting
Parallelogram rule vs tip to tail
1D vectors +/- X
Position, distance, displacement
Average speed, velocity, acceleration
Instantaneous speed, velocity, acceleration
Constant acceleration, free fall, equations of motion (not derived)
Lecture 3/4:
Galileo and constant acceleration due to gravity
1D Kinematics
Child throwing ball up (one part problem)
Object falling past window (two part problem)
2D kinematics (for real)
Using t common to x and y equations
Baseball player example and (finding height finding theta at arbitrary X)
Projectile motion (cont.)
James bond example ( initial vertical velocity is zero)
Monkey and hunter (demonstration of vertical component compared to motion in only
relative motion in 1 and 2D The Relative velocity VECTOR equation (use of subscripts)
Boat example (simple 1D) Difference between going and heading
Lecture 5/6:
Relative motion Simple 2D boat example
Tough example airline using parallel rule (not components) (using sine a cosine rules and
nontrivial geometry) How to write compass directions
Finish relative velocity difficult example
Force an introduction
Introduction to Force
Why is it so difficult to understand? Some historical context
Newton’s Laws of Motion (Chapter 5, 6)
How do we experience force what are Mass, inertia,
1st law of motion
2nd law (F=ma)
Forces and free body diagrams
3rd law of motion, contact forces
Normal forces
Difference between weight and mass
Applications of Newton’s Laws 2D examples no friction (luggage example)
Forces on a slope (sled example)
Combining forces and Kinematic equations
Apparent weight during acceleration
Contact forces, Tension
Newtons 2nd law example in 1D using tension and contact force
Simple 2D example of forces
Frictionless pulleys (acceleration and tension same on both sides)
Lecture 7/8:
Friction static and kinetic
Sled example (2D example of Newtons second law with kinetic friction)
Full example with slope, pulley and kinetic friction
Example of Static friction and equilibrium in 2D derive the equation for the coefficient of
static friction
Flatbed truck example (How can static friction accelerate an object?)
Uniform motion in a circle (no rotational velocity omega at this point, )
Centripetal acceleration
Easy example horizontal weight on the end of a string (converting angular speed in
terms of revolutions per sec, not radians/sec to linear speed)
Fighter pilot example (vertical circle with gravity contributing Normal force pointing up
at bottom of circle)
Roller coaster example (Normal force pointing down) at top of circle ,
Ferris wheel example (Normal force points up at top and bottom of the circle
Car example (static friction provides the centripetal force)
Work and Energy (Chapter 7, 8)
Lecture 9/10:
Midterm instructions
Example of moving mass up a slope (derivation of gravitational potential energy)
Conservative force definition and examples
Derivation of Kinetic energy and how it relates to the work done by the net force
Definition of external work
Example moving mass up an incline (to derive work energy theorem without friction)
Situation with no external force
Ball on chute example (no external force means potential and kinetic energy are
Projectile example using energy (potential and kinetic energy exchanges)
Work introduction F.D Units scalar..
Springs, Hooke’s law,
Work done by a variable force
Example with no external force (exchange of kE and spring PE)
Conservative systems with springs
Example of mass on a slope (exchange of gravitational and spring KE)
Using conservation of energy with motion in a circle problems
The rollercoaster design example
Introduction to non conservative force and friction
Full example of pushing mass un slope with friction
Example of child sliding down slope (exchange of PE KE Thermal E)
Linear momentum and collisions (Chapter 9)
Lecture 11/12: Power
Impulse of force
Linear momentum
Newton’s 2nd law Momentum and impulse derivation of conservation of momentum
Baseball bat and ball example
Conservation of 1D momentum
car collision example (1D completely inelastic)
Ke lost in completely inelastic collisions
Conservation o f linear momentum in 2D
2D car collision example
2D inelastic glancing collisions example
2D inelastic glancing collisions example continued
Head on elastic collision example
Lecture 13/14: Combining energy and momentum to solve problems
Compound pendulum example
Centre of mass intro in 1D derive using moments
Motion of centre of mass
2D centre of mass
Examples using symmetry Square circle, rectangle
Pile of boxes example (reducing a complex shape using known shapes
Use of negative mass (for objects with holes)
Stationary centre of mass for moving objects
Examples person walking on canoe and
Rotational Mechanics (Chapter 10)
Lecture 15/16: Centre of mass example person lying on ice
Rotational motion
Where do radians come from
Comparison between linear and rotational worlds for velocity acceleration force work
and torque.
Linking linear and rotational properties.
Rotational kinematics and kinematic equations, example rotating wheel
Rotational Kinetic energy – analogy with linear definition
Moment of inertia for a point mass
Moment of inertia for a group of point masses
Calculating moment of inertia for regular objects eg bicycle wheel and solid disk
Moment of inertial of regular objects, objects in the solar system
Example of frictional torque, grinding wheel with friction
Example of compound shape –compound wheel
Lecture 17/18: Rolling motion
Kinetic energy of rolling motion and how it effects the speed of different shaped objects
Pulley with finite mass
Example incorporating slope
Power for rotating systems
Rotational impulse relating to angular momentum
Angular momentum (Chapter 11)
Lecture 19/20: Angular momentum
Example a rotational collision between two disks
Conservation of momentum -skater example
Combination of linear and angular momentum
Example of child running onto a merry-go-round
Relative rotational velocity (using conservation of angular momentum)
Example child walking around turn table
Statics (Chapter 11)
Lecture 21/22: Conservation of momentum of system of particles rotating about centre of mass
Example two astronauts connected by a rope
Torque revisited, for fixed and non-fixed objects
Example the torque picture of rolling
Definition of an object which is static
Example of printing press on a beam
Example of beam suspended by wires
Statics example with friction (ladder against a wall)
Statics example with tension and hinge force - lamp hanging from beam
Biological example of statics –person holding weight in their hand
Example of difficult Torque calculation –person raises their arm above the horizontal
Example of person leaning to pick up weight
Lecture 23/24 Review