Dept. of MBA Course Outline Semester – III Subject Code:14MBAMM301 Subject Title: Consumer Behaviour Faculty Name: Adarsh.B No of Hours / Week: 5 Total no of Lectures: 56 IA Marks: 50 Exam Hours: 3 Hours Exam Marks: 100 Table -1: Session Plan Mod No Session No. 1 1 2 Contents Introduction to the study of Consumer Behaviour: Meaning & Definition of CB, Difference between Consumer & Customer Nature & Characteristics of Indian Consumers, Pedagogical Tools Lecture/PPT Lecture/PPT Presentation Assignments / Additional Work Summary of class learning Summary of class learning Student Learning Evaluation Technique Cumulative Coverage (%) 8% Class Participation Class Participation Mod No Session No. 3 4 5 2 6 7 Contents Consumer Movement in India, Rights of the Consumer Responsibilities of consumers in India, Benefits of consumerism LAB 1 Role of Research in understanding consumer behaviour: Consumer Research: Consumer Research Paradigms (Qualitative & Quantitative Research Methods, Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Research Findings) The consumer research process-Developing research objectives, collecting secondary data, designing primary research, data analysis and reporting research findings. Pedagogical Tools Lecture/PPT Lecture/PPT Case Discussion Presentation Assignments / Additional Work Student Learning Evaluation Technique Summary of class learning Class Participation Summary of class learning Lab Record Class Participation Exercise Completion Lecture/PPT Summary of class learning Class Participation Lecture/PPT/ Case Study 1 Summary of class learning Class Participation Cumulative Coverage (%) 19% Mod No Session No. 9 Contents Input-Process-Output Model of Consumer Behaviour Internal Influences: Motivation, Personality, Perception, Learning, Attitude, Communications, External Influences - Social Class, Culture, Reference Groups, Family Levels of Consumer Decision Making - Complex Decision Making or Extensive Problem Solving Model, Low Involvement Decision Making or Limited Problem Solving Model, Routinized Response Behaviour, Four views of consumer decision making (economic, passive, cognitive, emotional) 10 LAB 2 8 Pedagogical Tools Lecture/PPT Lecture/PPT Case Discussion Presentation Assignments / Additional Work Student Learning Evaluation Technique Summary of class learning Class Participation Summary of class learning Lab Record Class Participation Exercise Completion Cumulative Coverage (%) Mod No Session No. 11 12 Contents Situational Influences-The Nature of Situational Influence (The communication Situation, The Purchase Situation, The usage situation, The disposition situation) Situational Characteristics and consumption behaviour (Physical features, Social Surroundings, Temporal Perspectives, Task Definition, Antecedent States) Pedagogical Tools Presentation Assignments / Additional Work Student Learning Evaluation Technique Class Participation Cumulative Coverage (%) Summary of class learning Lecture/PPT Class Participation Summary of class learning Lecture/PPT Class Participation 3 13 14 Individual Influences on Consumer Behaviour: A)Motivation: Basics of Motivation, Needs, Goals, Positive & Negative Motive, Rational Vs Emotional motives, Motivation Process, Arousal of motives, Selection of goals, Motive. Theories and Mrkg. Strategy - Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Summary of class learning Lecture/PPT Class Participation Lecture/PPT Presentation 1 Summary of class learning 33% Mod No Session No. 15 16 17 18 Contents Critical evaln. of marketing hierarchy and marketing applications. LAB 3 McGuire’s Psychological Motives (Cognitive Preservation Motives, Cognitive Growth Motives, Affective Preservation Motives, Affective Growth Motives), B) Personality: Basics of Personality, Theories of Personality and Marketing Strategy(Freudian, NeoFreudian & Trait Theories), Applications of Personality concepts in Marketing, Personality and understanding consumer diversity(Consumer Innovativeness and related personality traits, Cognitive personality factors, Consumer Materialism, Pedagogical Tools Presentation Assignments / Additional Work Case Discussion Lab Record Lecture/PPT Summary of class learning Student Learning Evaluation Technique Exercise Completion Class Participation Class Participation Lecture/PPT Summary of class learning Class Participation Lecture/PPT Summary of class learning Cumulative Coverage (%) Mod No Session No. 19 20 21 Contents Ethnocentrisms), Brand Personality (Brand Personification, Gender, Geography, Color), Self and Self-Image (One or Multiple selves, The extended self, Altering the self) LAB 4 C) Perception: Basics of Perception & Marketing implications, Elements of Perception(Sensation, Absolute Threshold, Differential Threshold, Subliminal Perception), Dynamics of Perception (Perceptual Selection, Perceptual Interpretation, Perceptual Organization), Pedagogical Tools Presentation Assignments / Additional Work Student Learning Evaluation Technique Class Participation Lecture/PPT Summary of class learning Case Discussion Lab Record Lecture/PPT Summary of class learning Exercise Completion Class Participation Cumulative Coverage (%) Mod No Session No. 23 Contents Consumer Imagery, Product positioning and repositioning, Positioning of services, perceived price, perceived quality, price/quality relationship, retail store image, manufacturer’s image, Perceived Risk, Types of risk, How consumers’ handle risk CRM Customer Relationship Management Meaning & Significance of CRM, Types of CRM (Operational, Collaborative, Analytical), Strategies for building relationship marketing, 24 e-CRM, Meaning, Importance of e-CRM, Difference Between CRM & e-CRM 22 Pedagogical Tools Presentation Assignments / Additional Work Lecture/PPT Presentation 2 Summary of class learning Lecture/PPT Lecture/PPT Student Learning Evaluation Technique Class Participation Cumulative Coverage (%) Mod No Session No. 25 4 26 27 28 29 Contents Individual Influences on Consumer Behavior: A) Learning Elements of Consumer Learning, Motivation, Cues, Response, Reinforcement, Marketing Applications of Behavioral Learning Theories Classical Conditioning(Pavlovian Model, Neo-Pavlovian Model), Strategic Marketing Applications of Classical Conditioning), Instrumental Conditioning, Elaboration Likelihood Model LAB 5 B)Attitude: Basics of attitude, The nature of attitude, Models of attitude and Marketing Implication, (Tricomponent Model, Multiattribute models) Pedagogical Tools Lecture/PPT/ Case Study 2 Presentation Assignments / Additional Work Student Learning Evaluation Technique Class Participation Cumulative Coverage (%) Summary of class learning Class Participation 46% Lecture/PPT Case Discussion Lab Record Exercise Completion Class Participation Lecture/PPT Class Participation Lecture/PPT Summary of class learning Mod No Session No. 30 31 32 5 33 Contents C)Persuasive Communication Communications strategy, Target Audience, Media Strategy, Message strategies, Message structure and presentation LAB 6 External Influences on Consumer Behavior: A) Social Class: Social Class Basics, What is Social Class?(Social class & Social status, The dynamics of status consumption, Features of Social Class, Five Social-Class Categories in India, Pedagogical Tools Presentation Assignments / Additional Work Student Learning Evaluation Technique Class Participation Cumulative Coverage (%) Summary of class learning Lecture/PPT Class Participation Lecture/PPT Case discussion Summary of class learning Presentation 3 Lab Record Exercise Completion Class Participation 60% Lecture/PPT/ Case Study 3 Summary of class learning Assignment #2 Mod No Session No. 34 35 Contents The measurement of social class (Subjective Measures, Reputations Measures, Objective Measures), Social Class Mobility, Geo-demographic Clustering, Social Stratification, Social class role and status differentiation and evaluation, Factors responsible for social stratification B) Culture and Subculture Major Focus on Indian Perspective Culture: Basics, Meaning, Characteristics, Factors affecting culture, Role of customs, values and beliefs in Consumer Behaviour, The measurement of culture, Content analysis, Consumer fieldwork, Value measurement survey instruments, Pedagogical Tools Lecture/PPT Presentation Assignments / Additional Work Student Learning Evaluation Technique Class Participation Summary of class learning Class Participation Lecture/PPT Cumulative Coverage (%) Mod No Session No. 36 37 38 39 Contents Subculture: Meaning, Subculture division and consumption pattern in India, Types of subcultures LAB 7 (Nationality subcultures, Religious subcultures, geographic and regional subcultures, racial subcultures, age subcultures, sex as a subculture) Cross-cultural consumer analysis: Similarities and differences among people, the growing global middle class; Acculturation is a needed marketing viewpoint, applying research techniques Pedagogical Tools Lecture/PPT Case discussion Lecture/PPT Presentation Assignments / Additional Work Presentation 3 Summary of class learning Lab Record Student Learning Evaluation Technique Class Participation Exercise Completion Class Participation Summary of class learning Class Participation Cumulative Coverage (%) Mod No Session No. 40 Contents Cross-cultural marketing strategy: Cross-cultural marketing problems in India, Strategies to overcome cross-cultural problems 41 External Influences on Consumer Behaviour: Groups: Meaning and Nature of Groups, 42 6 43 44 LAB 8 Family: The changing structure of family, Family decision making and consumption related roles, Key family consumption roles, Dynamics of husband-wife decision making, The expanding role of children in family decision making, Pedagogical Tools Presentation Assignments / Additional Work Student Learning Evaluation Technique Class Participation Cumulative Coverage (%) Presentation 5 Case discussion Lab Record Class Participation Exercise Completion Class Participation 75% Lecture/PPT Class Participation Lecture/PPT Summary of class learning Mod No Session No. 45 46 47 48 7 49 50 Contents Reference Groups: Understanding the power & benefits of reference groups, A broadened perspective on reference groups, Factors that affect reference group influence, Types of reference groups, Friendship groups, Shopping groups, Work groups, Virtual groups, Consumeraction groups, Reference group Appeals, Celebrities LAB 9 Consumer Influence and Diffusion of Innovations: Opinion Leadership: Dynamics of opinion leadership process, Pedagogical Tools Presentation Assignments / Additional Work Student Learning Evaluation Technique Class Participation Cumulative Coverage (%) Lecture/PPT Class Participation Lecture/PPT Case discussion Lab Record Exercise Completion Class Participation Lecture/PPT Class Participation Lecture/PPT Opinion Leadership & Marketing Strategy, Lecture/PPT/ Creation of Opinion Leaders Case Study 6 Presentation 6 Summary of class learning 90% Class Participation Mod No Session No. Contents 51 Diffusion of Innovations: Diffusion Process (Innovation, Communication channels, Social System, Time) 52 54 LAB 10 Adoption Process: Stages, categories of adopters Post Purchase Processes: Post Purchase Processes, Customer Satisfaction, and customer commitment: Post purchase dissonance, Product use and non use, Disposition, Product disposition 55 Revision 53 56 Revision Pedagogical Tools Lecture/PPT Case discussion Presentation Assignments / Additional Work Presentation 7 Summary of class learning Lab Record Lecture/PPT Lecture/PPT Lecture/PPT Lecture/PPT Student Learning Evaluation Technique Class Participation Cumulative Coverage (%) Exercise Completion Class Participation Class Participation Summary of class learning Class Participation Class Participation 100% Evaluation Techniques Case Based Discussions will be carried out and evaluated in the following manner Cases are already announced in the session plan. Table-4 shows where the case is available and students are expected to have copies and prepare themselves before coming to the discussion. Groups will be formed and each group presents at least one case in the class. All groups are expected to come prepared for the case presentation and a group will be randomly chosen to present the case by the faculty member. The group would present the case and the rest of the class would then start discussing the case. The time awarded for the presentation and discussion would depend on the time allotted for the case discussion in the class. The Case Presentation would be evaluated on the following parameters. This is relevant only to the group presenting the case. Each parameter rated on a scale of 1 to 5. All the members of the group are expected to be present for making the presentation. If a group is not full or if all members in the group are not present, then that group loses the chance of making a presentation. 1. 2. 3. 4. Identification of issue(s) in the case Relevance of alternatives used to resolve the issue Presentation Skill of the Group Ability to handle questions and issues raised by the class The Class Participation would be evaluated on the following parameters. This is relevant only to the rest of the class which has not presented the case. Each parameter rated on a scale of 1 to 5 1. 2. 3. 4. Ability shown in evaluation of issues and alternatives raised by the group making the presentation Communication Skill in discussion Discipline and Self-Control exhibited while participating in a discussion Relevance of issues and discussions raised to the subject matter Table – 2: Presentation Topics The students are expected to study the “Decision Making Process” for the following products. The same must be presented in the class as indicated in Table – 1. The presentation must contain a clear account of (a) The Decision Making style (b) Information sought for making decisions and the sources of information (c) The key decision variables (d) The key influencer(s) in the decision making process. Then, based on this information, a NEW PRODUCT MARKETING CAMPAIGN has to be designed and presented. A survey involving 50 respondents has to be conducted for this purpose. The student has to use his/her knowledge of Research Methods for carrying out the survey. Mod No Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Presentation Topic Television Coffee/Tea Powder Higher Educational Services Financial Services Newspaper Cosmetic Items (Women / Men) Laptop computers Shoes Shaving Cream Car Mod No Sl. No. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Presentation Topic Tooth Paste Mobile Phone Formal Dress (office wear) Home Furniture Office Stationery Music System Internet Service Provider Direct To Home Services Research Services Kitchenware Table – 3: Assignments & Additional Work Mod No Sl. No. 6 1 6 2 6 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 5 7 2 8 2 9 7 10 Assignment Topics Interview two students from two different foreign cultures. Report their perceptions of the major differences in cultural values between their culture and yours. Interview a sales person who has been selling any of the following products since the past ten years. Report what changes he has observed in the purchasing role of women over time. (a) Cars (b) Home Furniture (c) Insurance Policies (d) Fertilizers Examine a variety of magazines / newspapers and clip or copy an advertisement that positions a product as appropriate for different social classes. Explain how each ad appeals to that class. Find and copy advertisements that specifically use stimulus factors to attract attention. Describe the stimulus factor. Evaluate the effectiveness of the stimulus factor used. Pick a consumer convenience product, perhaps a personal care product such as a deodorant or mouthwash, and create an advertising copy stressing (a) positive reinforcement (b) negative reinforcement and (c) punishment Select a product, store or service of relevance to students on this campus. Using a sample of student’s measure its brand image. Develop a marketing strategy to improve its image Visit two retail stores selling the same type of merchandise and prepare a report on their use of P-O-P displays. Explain any differences. Interview a child 2 to 4 years of age, one between 5 and 7, and one between 8 and 10. Determine their understanding of selling intent and techniques of television commercials. Report your findings Find and copy two advertisements that appeal to each level of Maslow's hierarchy. Explain why the ads appeal to the particular levels, and speculate on why the firm decided to appeal to these levels. Visit three pizza restaurants. Describe how the service-scape differs across the restaurants. Why do you think these differences exist? Table – 4: Case Study Topics Mod Sl. No No Reference Book 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Case Title Page No Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy, Hawkins, Best, Coney & Mookerjee, Tata McGraw Hill Publications Levi's Blues 495 - 496 Marketing the California Avocado 496 - 500 Dairy Queen Sells Irradiated Burgers 500 - 502 Kraft's Umbrella Campaign 502 - 503 Revlon for Men 504 - 506 Made in Mexico 507 - 508 Thirsty Dog! And Thirsty Cat! 508 - 509 Hardiplank's Pull Strategy 510 - 512 National Campaign to prevent teenage pregnancy 512 - 515 Bayer Ibuprofen 515 - 516 General Motors Electric Vehicle - EV1 727 - 728 Vespa Boutiques 731 - 732 Encouraging the early detection of Diseases 741 - 742 Ranbir Singh and His Family: Buying Insurance (Part - A) 304 - 306 Ranbir Singh and His Family: Buying Insurance (Part - B) 307 - 308 The Mosquito Magnet 301 - 302 Wal-Mart enters China 296 - 297 Tony the tiger goes global 294 - 295 Table – 5: References & Additional Readings Mod No All All Sl. No. 1 2 5,6 All 3 4 All 5 All 6 Particulars “Consumer Behavior”, 8th Edition, Schiffman & Kanuk, Prentice Hall of India, 2004 “Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy”, 9th Edition, Hawkins, Best, Coney & Mookerjee, Tata McGraw Hill Publications, 2007 “We are Like That Only”, Rama Bijapurkar “Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having and Being, 8th Edition, Michael R. Solomon, Prentice Hall of India, 2009 “Consumer Behavior and Marketing Action”, 6th Edition, Henry Assael, Thomson Learning, South-Western College Publishing, 1998 “Consumer Behavior”, 2008 Edition, Hoyer, MacInnis, Dasgupta, Biztantra, 2008 Table – 6: (IA Pattern) Test Marks 60% Presentations 20% Assignments 20% For Internal Evaluation T1 marks and the best out of remaining two will be considered. 1st Test is mandatory. Question Bank:Questions from Old Question Papers 3 Marks Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. What do you understand by the term “Consumer Movement”? (July, 2007) Why is the study of consumer behavior important (July, 2007; Dec, 2007; July, 2009) What do you understand by “Post Purchase Evaluation”? (July, 2007) Comment on Viral Marketing. (July, 2007) Explain the concept of CRM. (July, 2007) What do you understand by “Brand Personification” (July, 2007) Compare consumer research and marketing research. (Dec, 2007) What is the difference between Goals and Needs? (Dec, 2007) Explain the concept of brand personality. (Dec, 2007) What is sleeper effect? (Dec, 2007) What is the significance of CRM? (Dec, 2007) Who is an opinion leader? Mention the typical profile of an Opinion Leader. (Dec, 2007) Define Consumer Behavior.(July, 2008) What do you mean by sub culture? Explain with examples. (July, 2008) Define ethics. Give one example of an unethical practice used by marketers. (July, 2008) What is e-CRM? (July, 2008; July, 2009) Describe cross-cultural consumer-analysis. (July, 2008) Describe acculturation and enculturation. (July, 2008) Describe the term “Cognitive Dissonance”. (July, 2008; July, 2009) What is frustration? Name any five defense mechanisms that people use to handle frustration. (July, 2009) What are the components of communication? (July, 2009) What is consumer imagery? (July, 2009) What are the possible reasons for organizations losing their customers? (July, 2009) What is societal marketing? Give example. (June, 2010) What is social class mobility? (June, 2010) 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. What is the difference between positive and negative motivation? (June, 2010) Who is an affluent consumer? (June, 2010) Define cross-cultural consumer analysis. (June, 2010) What is on-line decision making? (June, 2010) Who is a surrogate buyer? (June, 2010) Differentiate between a consumer and a customer. (Jan, 2010) List out the steps in consumer research process. (Jan, 2010) Explain the term Consumer ethnocentrism. (Jan, 2010) List out the elements of the learning process. (Jan, 2010) List out the factors responsible for social stratification. (Jan, 2010) What are consumer action groups? (Jan, 2010) What is brand switching behavior? (Jan, 2010) Define the marketing concept. (Dec, 2010) What are reference groups? (Dec, 2010) List the three research approaches that are frequently used, to examine the culture and also to spot cultural trends. (Dec, 2010) What is opinion leadership? (Dec, 2010) What is e-CRM? (Dec, 2010) Define attitude, in a consumer behavior context. (Dec, 2010) Define brand personality. Give an example. (Dec, 2010) Define consumer behavior. Which are the disciplines from which CB has borrowed? (June, 2011) Discuss the benefits of consumerism. (June, 2011) Define learning. (June, 2011) Define decision. (June, 2011) Define attitude and its nature. (June, 2011) Write the difficulties in cross cultural marketing. (June, 2011) What is the significance of CRM? (June, 2011) 7 Marks Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Explain briefly the various tools to conduct motivational research. (July, 2007) Explain the strategies to reduce cognitive dissonance. (July, 2007) What is perceived risk? Explain different types of risk consumers undertake while purchasing a product. (July, 2007; Dec, 2007; July, 2009) Explain the concept of JND and mention its applications to marketers. (Dec, 2007) Comment on the various advertising appeals effective in persuading the target audience. (Dec, 2007) Discuss the various key consumption roles in the family decision making process. (Dec, 2007) Briefly discuss social class categories in India. (Dec, 2007) Explain dynamics of opinion leadership. (July, 2007) Explain the adoption process (July, 2007) Explain online buying behavior. (July, 2007) Critically evaluate Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Model. (July, 2007) Bring out the differences between the marketing concept and value and retention focused marketing. (Dec, 2007) Discuss the various data collection techniques used in Qualitative Consumer Research. Explain why we study consumer behavior. Write the applications of consumer behavior. (July 2008) Define frustration. Describe the defense mechanisms by which individuals cope up with frustrations. (July, 2008; Jan, 2010; June, 2011) Define goal. Describe the goal hierarchy and goal selection factors. (July, 2008) Define decision. Describe the three levels of consumer decision making process. (July, 2008) What are reference groups? How and why they influence buying behavior. Give three examples of different reference groups. (July, 2008) Define communication. Describe the communication model along with the components of communication. (July, 2008) What is perceived risk? Describe how people reduce perceived risk. (July, 2008; June, 2010; Jan, 2010) Marketers often identify their target markets for various products using family life cycle as the base. Explain (July, 2009) Discuss the emotional appeals often used by marketers. (July, 2009) Describe the functional and technical requirements for customer relationship management in consumer marketing. (July 2009) What is consumer decision making? Describe the various views on consumer decision making. (July, 2009) How are needs and goals connected with motivation? Explain with a simple model of motivation. (July, 2009) What is brand loyalty? Discuss the factors influencing brand loyalty. (July, 2009) 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. Explain the different levels of consumer decision making. (June, 2010) Discuss the benefits of consumerism. (June, 2010) Define social stratification. Explain the factors responsible for social stratification. (June, 2010) Why does frustration occur? Explain any five defense mechanisms used to reduce it. (June, 2010) Explain the various key consumption roles in the family decision making process. (June, 2010) Analyze the stages of the consumer adoption process. (June, 2010) How does segmentation, targeting and positioning help the marketers design marketing strategies? (Dec, 2010) Define the term “motivation”. Explain the two types of needs. (Dec, 2010) What is meant by communication? Explain the five components of a basic communication model. (Dec, 2010) Define social class. Explain the three different approaches for measuring social class. (Dec, 2010) Describe the dynamics of husband-wife decision making. (Dec, 2010) What is meant by diffusion of innovations? Explain the four basic elements of the diffusion process. (Dec, 2010) What is meant by consumer learning? Explain the four basic elements of learning theories. (Dec, 2010) Explain “Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs” model in detail. (Jan, 2010) Briefly discuss the social class categories in India. (Jan, 2010) Describe how acculturation is important from a marketer’s point of view. (Jan, 2010) Explain how children play an important role in family decision making with an example. (Jan, 2010) Explain the strategies used by companies to maintain a long-term relationship with its customers. (Jan, 2010) Explain the consumer decision making process. (June, 2011) Explain the factors influencing consumer behavior. (June, 2011) Explain the Freudian theory. (June, 2011) Explain the characteristics of attitude. (June, 2011) Discuss the cross cultural problems in global market. (June, 2011) Explain the roles of family members in decision making process. (June, 2011) 10 Marks Questions 1. Why frustration occurs? Describe several mechanisms to reduce frustration. (July, 2007) 2. Explain with diagram “Howard Seth Model” of buying behavior. What is another name of “Howard Seth Model”? (July, 2007; July, 2008; Jan, 2010) 3. Explain the various ways in which consumers dispose products after useful life. (July, 2007) 4. Discuss the various stages in family life cycle and its impact on consumer behavior. (July, 2007) 5. Describe the consumer decision making process with examples (July, 2007) 6. Explain the consumer gifting behavior. (July, 2007) 7. What is ethics in marketing? Give some examples of unethical practices in marketing. (July, 2007; Jan, 2010; June, 2011) 8. Explain the consumer decision making process with suitable examples. (Dec, 2007) 9. What is tri-component attitude model? Mention its application to the marketers. (Dec, 2007) 10. Mention the applications of the classical conditioning theories that marketers can incorporate. (Dec, 2007) 11. Bring out the various personality traits related to consumer innovativeness. (Dec, 2007) 12. Discuss the factors that influence the credibility of formal and informal communication sources. (Dec, 2007) 13. How relevant is the understanding of Cognitive Dissonance to Marketers, what are the ways by which Marketers can reduce Dissonance? (Dec, 2007) 14. Mention the various stages of the Innovation adoption process. How can marketers use this information to strategize? (Dec, 2007) 15. Explain in detail the various strategies of changing consumer attitudes. (July, 2008) 16. Explain the theory of classical conditioning. Write its applications in marketing. (July, 2008) 17. Explain the factors influencing the buyer who is buying a particular brand of a refrigerator. (July, 2008) 18. Define diffusion. Describe the basic elements of the diffusion process. What are the product characteristics that influence diffusion? (July, 2008) 19. Define family. Describe the functions of the family and describe the roles in the family decision making process. (July, 2008) 20. Define CRM. Write the advantages and benefits of CRM. Describe the various segments of CRM. (July, 2008) 21. What criteria do consumers and marketers apply in evaluating innovations? Briefly explain. (July, 2009) 22. What is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? How is the concept applied in Marketing? (July, 2009; June, 2011) 23. Relate the diffusion process to various stages in the product life cycle. (July, 2009) 24. Consumption and Lifestyle are inseparable. Discuss. (July, 2009) 25. Marketing mix elements are essential tools in the FMCG marketing. Elaborate. (July, 2009) 26. Describe the dynamic role that opinion leaders play in personal influence in consumer decision process. (July, 2009) 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. Consumer movement in India is slowly gathering momentum. Do you agree or disagree. Discuss. (July, 2009) Describe the various strategies used for building customer relationship. (June, 2010) Explain the motivation behind opinion leadership. (June, 2010) Bring out the various personality traits related to consumer innovativeness. (June, 2010) Mention the strategic marketing applications of classical conditioning theory. (June, 2010) Describe the strategies involved in designing persuasive communication. (June, 2010) Explain the factors involved in attitude formation. (June, 2010) What are reference groups? Define different types of reference groups. (June, 2010) Explain three levels of consumer decision making. (Dec, 2010) Discuss the various problems in cross-cultural marketing and also the strategies to overcome it in India. (Dec, 2010) Define perceived risk. Explain the major types of risks, that consumers perceive and strategies for reducing it, while making a purchase decision. (Dec, 2010) What are the possible outcomes of post purchase evaluations? How does the feedback help the marketer improve customer satisfaction? (Dec, 2010) Explain the structural models of attitude, with examples. (Dec, 2010) Explain the ways, in which, Freudian theory is different from the trait theory. (Dec, 2010) Explain with examples, how celebrity and other reference group appeals, are effectively used by advertisers, to communicate with their markets. (Dec, 2010) Explain in detail the four views of consumer decision making. (Jan, 2010) Explain the multi-attribute attitude model with an example. (Jan, 2010) What are reference groups? Explain the different types of reference groups with examples. (Jan, 2010) Explain the various ways consumers use to dispose the product after useful life. (Jan, 2010) Explain how persuasive communication is important to reach the target audience with an example. (Jan, 2010) What are consumer rights? Explain the Indian context. (June, 2011) Discuss consumer research process. (June, 2011) Discuss the concept of situational influences, in detail. (June, 2011) Explain the need for the study of cross cultural differences and also explain the strategies to overcome cross cultural marketing problems. (June, 2011) What is diffusion of innovation? Explain the steps in extended decision making process. (June, 2011) Other Questions 3 Marks Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Mention the various projective techniques used in consumer research. Explain the concept of Self-Image Define Perception What is Subliminal Perception, how are marketers exploiting this factor? What is Family Branding? What is Brand Equity? 7 Marks Questions: 1. Mention the emergence of Consumerism in India. What are the significant bills introduced as part of Consumer Movement? 2. How can the study of consumer behavior assist the marketers in segmenting and positioning products 3. Compare qualitative consumer research with quantitative consumer research process. 4. Mention and briefly explain the criteria for effective targeting of Marketing Segments 5. How can marketers use Perception to change/shift the Imagery that consumers have towards a product or service? 6. How can marketers develop Brand Loyalty in Low Involvement Products / Services 7. How relevant is the understanding of Cognitive Dissonance to Marketers, what are the ways by which Marketers can reduce dissonance? 8. Mention the characteristics of an Affluent Consumer (1.e., personality wise and purchase decision wise). 9. Compare and contrast between Gen X and Baby Boomer era? 10. Who are Opinion Leaders? Mention the typical profile of an Opinion Leader. 11. What are the various levels in Consumer Decision Making Process 12. Mention the various stages of the Innovation adoption process. How can marketers use this information to strategize 13. How can marketers use consumer behavior as a basis for segmentation? 10 Marks Questions: Detail out the History in the field of Consumer Research How can Life Style be a variable for Market Segmentation Process? Explain this through the SRI vals study conducted. Mention the applications of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs theory in the present day consumer context. Explain the concept of JND and mention its applications to marketers. What is Perceived Risk? What are the types of perceived risks and how can consumers handle perceived risks? Bring out the Price – Quality relationship in terms of consumer perception. Bring out the common perceptions that consumers have toward a Brand, Manufacturer and Store Image. What is the Tricomponent Attitude model? Mention its applications to the marketers. How can marketers change the attitudes of consumer towards Products and Services (i.e., from No / Negative Attitude to Positive Attitude)? Mention the various roles played by different family members in case of a Purchase Decision being made over the buying of a Brand new Luxury apartment. Compare and contrast between the Core values of a typical Indian consumer Vs an American consumer. How is this useful to the marketers in the present Cosmopolitan cultures of Cities in India? What are the four views of a typical Consumer Decision Making? Explain a typical consumer decision process with the help of a model. Mention the various strategies that a marketer can use at a various stages of the decision process. Mention and briefly explain the characteristics of a typical Indian Consumer. What are the changing needs of a present day Women Consumer in India? How can Marketers cater to such changes? Mention and briefly explain the various techniques used in Quantitative and Qualitative research methods.