
Yuen 1
Chris Yuen
Mrs. Schalter
11 lit
18 December 2011
Actions speak louder than words
Human pride can be a dangerous yet successful trait
to have.
In Sophocles' Antigone, written in 430 B.C,
human pride is the fall for all hopes and happiness.
Unfortunately, having the trait of human pride can be
so overwhelming for people that it literally takes over
the mind and causes madness.
Human pride can be
destructive physically, mentally, and emotionally.
“It is no city if it takes order from one
voice”. (Scene 3. 109). Haimon, quoting this statement,
is engaged to Antigone and the son of King Creon who
has human pride, similar to Antigone.
He finds no
interest in listening to Creon, because he sees his bad
leadership and stands up for what he believes in.
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“You’ll never see me be taken in by anything vile”.
(Scene 3. 119).
Haimon states with ignorance.
Creon, he has ignorance along with his human pride.
He’s looking upon himself almost as a superior to the
people around him.
Another character with human pride is Princess
Her quoting, “Creon is not strong enough to
stand in my way.” (Scene 2. 36) shows she has
courageous acts in hopes of letting her brother rest in
Not seeing Creon as her superior, she disobeys
the law in acts of an anarchist by burying her dead
“I am not afraid of the danger, if it means
death”. (Scene 2. 87).
Is another one of Antigone’s
Her fearless ways shows how much human pride
will take you, until facing death.
wanting to do the right thing, only leads to her tragic
death of suicide.
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In transition to Princess Antigone, King Creon says
“Do you want me to show myself weak in front of the
people?” (Scene 3. 28).
Showing he is a character with
human pride that ironically destroys him.
ignorance, and human pride are mind sets that are
embedded in Creon’s head as he gains power as king.
His only concerns are of how his people look up to him
and ruling things his way, even if they are wrong.
“You consider it right for a man of my years and
experience to go to school of a boy?” (Scene 3. 96).
Quotes Creon once again.
This time showing how he acts
as too much of a superior and not willing to withstand
education from a peer, only because of his higher
Everyone has to have some or little human pride.
Charlie Sheen for example, was a great actor, starring
in many shows and movies.
His human pride led to his
overwhelming attitude toward others.
lesser than him are nothing but dirt.
He thinks people
He acts as if he
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were a superior to everyone around him.
Almost like
Creon does in Antigone. His life went to disaster and
turned to drugs and alcohol.
Too much can be to
overpowering for a single person.
Sometimes only
leading to minor negatives, other times like in
Antigone, leading to tragic incidents.
It is a trait
that has to be taken in with thought, strong will, and
In many cases and situations, too much
human pride can lead to destruction.
Work Cited
Antigone. Literature Platinum.
Saddle Rover: Prentice Hall.
2002. 772-808