II. Aspect-Oriented Programming

Aspect-Oriented Code Obfuscation
Keshnee Padayachee
University of South Africa
Pretoria, South Africa
Abstract— This paper reports on an exploratory study
investigating the feasibility of using aspect-oriented constructs to
instrument objects for the purposes of code obfuscation. With
Java programs it is difficult to protect the intellectual property
rights and secret information in untrusted environments.
Consequently the utilization of software obfuscation techniques
has become relevant. It has been found that Aspect-Oriented
programming might be abused to overcome advanced code
obfuscation used in Java Bytecode. In this paper possible
intervention strategy to prevent these types of attacks using
aspect-oriented programming language such as AspectJ is
Index Terms—aspect-oriented programming, code obfuscation
The aspect-oriented paradigm has been recommended for
several design issues, such as security [1, 2], persistence [3],
exception handling [4] and program instrumentation [5, 6]. The
principal argument supporting the utilization of aspect-oriented
programming (AOP) to develop software is that some software
requirements tend to crosscut objects, resulting in the code
tangling phenomenon. Aspect-orientation has the potential to
enhance the implementation of such crosscutting concerns in
terms of reusability and extensibility, thereby improving the
robustness and maintainability of a system. As the popularity of
AOP matures [7], the issue surrounding exploiting aspectoriented programs for malicious purposes is of critical concern.
It has been found that AOP may now be abused for sinister
purposes such as, overcoming code obfuscation and thereby
modifying software code to render security protection
mechanisms ineffective. The aim of this paper is to investigate
aspect-oriented tampering and propose a possible intervention
to this problem.
A code obfuscator is a tool which converts a program into
an equivalent one that is more difficult to understand and
reverse engineer [8]. There exist several obfuscation tools for
preventing Java bytecode from being decompiled. Most of
these tools simply scramble the names of the identifiers stored
in a bytecode by substituting the identifiers with meaningless
names [9]. It has been found that AOP may expose code
obfuscators and render systems vulnerable to malicious
purposes [10]. For instance, to extract propriety algorithms, or
to subvert protection checks of commercial Java packages.
Unfortunately encryption cannot resolve these type of problems
since encrypted programs must be eventually decrypted in to
executable programs and the adversaries can intercept them in
hostile environments[11]. Chen and Chen [10] have shown that
978-1-4244-3519-7/09/$25.00 ©2009 IEEE
is possible for the join point model and the code
instrumentation mechanism of aspect-oriented programming to
render code obfuscation ineffective for some intended
protection. They highlighted the following concern: the 'binary
weaving tools of AOP may become a new breed of
productivity tools that facilitate the tampering of software
integrity and malicious attacks'. The realization of software
with tamper-resistance, which means the difficulty to read and
modify the software in an unauthorized manner, becomes
increasingly important. Software obfuscation transforms a
program into a tamper resistant form [11]. This paper presents
an exploratory study on aspect instrumentation for the purposes
of obfuscation. Zhang and Wen [12] have also considered using
AOP to protect Java source code, however they focus on
enlarging the range of encryption to protect J2EE applications.
It is important to note that although aspect-orientation is a form
of instrumentation, it is not instrumentation in the typical sense
as the code instrumented may be an essential requirement to the
final application such as error handling or exception handling.
This type of instrumentation is more formalized than typical
instrumentation as it is language-based. It is much more
precise and pervasive than traditional methods.
This paper does not present any new techniques for code
obfuscation nor is the technique presented evaluated with
respect to their potency that is, to 'what degree is a human
reader confused' [8]. Additionally the author does not negate
the need for obfuscators in general. This paper addresses one
particular type of attack when code obfuscation may not be
adequate. That is specifically when 'malicious users with
rudimentary knowledge of Java byte code and cryptography
can exploit the join point model and code instrumentation of
AspectJ to render code obfuscation and string encryption
ineffective for some intended protection' [10]. The rest of the
paper is structured as follows. Section 2, elaborates on aspectoriented programming in general. In Sections 3 and 4 explores
how aspect-oriented programming may be exploited for
malicious purposes and possible ways to avert to these types
of attacks, respectively. Finally, Section 5 concludes, with
possible future research opportunities.
The object-oriented paradigm was found to be inadequate
in terms of design and implementation of crosscutting
concerns, as there is no elegant way of modularising these
crosscutting concerns. AOP provides explicit language support
for modularising design decisions that crosscut a functionally
ICCSE 2009
decomposed program [13], allowing the developer to maintain
the code (crosscutting functionality) in a modularised form. It
is important to note that aspect-orientation maintains all the
benefits of the object-oriented paradigm and should be viewed
as an extension rather than a replacement of object-oriented
An aspect-oriented system consists of two concepts:
components and aspects. The components form the atomic and
loosely coupled concerns of the system, and the aspects
implement the additional crosscutting functionality of the
system. According to Kiczales et al. [14], aspects consist of
constructs named pointcuts and advices. A join point is a
definable interception point in a system where the aspect could
possibly take action. Specifically, join points refer to welldefined points in a program's execution such as when an object
is instantiated, when a method is called, or when an exception
is thrown, etc. The pointcuts are a set of join points described
by a pointcut expression. An advice defines the functionality to
be executed before (i.e. the before advice) or after (i.e. the after
advice) a defined join point, or even possibly instead of the
defined join point (i.e. the around advice). An aspect weaver is
then used to merge components and aspects into a final
Aspect-orientation has the potential to reduce the
complexity of programs and to improve maintainability of
software due the additional level of abstraction offered.
However, despite the benefits offered by aspect-orientation,
there are some drawbacks. Alexander and Bieman [15]
maintain that as a result of the weaving process, the isolation of
faults will be difficult, as faults may reside in the source code,
the aspect, or the woven code. Another challenge, as noted by
Chen [16], is that of understandability – a many-to-many
relationship may exist between aspects and the primary
abstractions they integrate with, thus potentially requiring
understanding of many other aspects to understand only one.
request to data checking, and a return forged success result. In
view of the fact that encryption and decryption of string literals
are not a standard service of Java Runtime, at some point the
program under attack must decrypt the string literal by itself
before they are displayed to the user. Control flow based
tracing generates a method call log that will assist a malicious
individual with identifying these methods, with the intent of
subverting them.
These types attack begins with bottom-up control flow
tracing and data flow tracing. Both forms of tracing rely on
using thisJoinPoint, or thisEnclosingJoinPointStaticPart
variables that are available in AspectJ. These variables are
visible in an advice and each is bound to an object that
encapsulates some of the context of the advice's current or
enclosing join point. (AspectJ has three such variables
thisEnclosingJoinPointStaticPart.) These variables exist
because some pointcuts may pick out very large collections of
join points [17] and these variables can be used to differentiate
join points. For example, these variables can provide
information regarding the methods called and arguments
passed at a specific point in the program's execution. If this
information trawling exercise were to be prevented in the first
instance and obfuscated information returned then further
attacks may become much more difficult to realize.
The author recommends that every shipped system should
have built in aspect that can not only thwart an attack from any
malicious aspect but also return obfuscated information. This
aspect which essentially prevents information flow and
obfuscates information should not have any impact on the
main program and only becomes active when another aspect is
attempting to solicit information from the system. As
demonstrated in figure 1, the Obfuscator Aspect sends back
obfuscated information to the malicious user thus preventing
any further attack.
Typically when a programmer cannot decipher code, he/she
will instrument such code to determine the context. There are
several methods of program instrumentation such as binary
code transformation, link time manipulation or source code
transformation. Typically program analysis tools often rely on
profiling information obtained from the programs they analyse.
Obtaining such information can be a tedious task and the data
achieved may be more abstract and non-specific [5, 6]. The
more generic the instrumentation approach, the more abstract is
the achievable data. Aspect-orientation resolves this problem,
as the code introduced can extract data in more controlled way.
However just as AOP may be used for useful purposes, it may
be exploited for malicious purposes.
Soliciting information about software for malicious
purposes may be achieved with designing tracing aspects using
the pointcut and advice mechanisms of AspectJ. Control flow
tracing supplies the calling sequence of Java methods. While
data flow based tracing employs field access join points to
track where decoding and checking related strings are accessed.
Once the exact code segment that reports the check result is
located, then one may devise an aspect that will intercept a
Figure 1. Showing how a Malicious Aspect can be thwarted with obfuscated
A simple program called SJEA which encrypts a file was
downloaded from Google to demonstrate how encryption
methods may be revealed with AOP. SJEA is a simple
command-line binary encryption algorithm written in JAVA.
As [10] has shown, aspect-orientation may utilized to expose
and subvert encryption methods. It found that using an aspectoriented programming language such as AspectJ, one can
easily determine the methods used for encryption. An aspect
named Trace was use to trace through SJEA's execution history
(Listing 1). It works by exploiting the thisJoinPointStaticPart
variable, which provides reflective information about the
current join point. The method getSignature() is used obtain
information about this variable. The aspect-oriented paradigm
allows a more generic implementation of the Trace aspect
through the use of wildcards. Using wildcards eliminates the
need for explicit naming [18]. Hence this pointcut will track
any method executed in a program's history. Listing 2 shows
how the following Aspect Trace exposes the methods for
encryption in program SJEA.
Listing 1: Aspect Trace
public aspect Trace {
before(): execution(* *.*(..)) {
Listing 2: Program SJEA advised by Aspect Trace
void enc.main(String[])
Usage: java enc <input-file> <password>
Input file size: 10 bytes
> Encrypting...
> Generating checksum...int enc.create(String)
byte[] enc.createChecksum(String)
MD5: 5bdf74912a51c34815f11e9a3d20b609
Output file "c:\test\keshnee.txt.enc" created.
File size: 15 Bytes
Checksum file "c:\test\keshnee.txt.md5" created.
Password length: 7 character(s)
The solution to this problem was to define an aspect to
obfuscate the method names so that is indecipherable to the
attacker. Aspect XYZ was developed to counter this type of
"attack". The pointcut risk1 picks out each join point where a
getSignature() method is being called. As this is an indication
that a joinpoint is being exposed. The keyword within() is used
to define scope, in this case pointcut risk1 does not pick
joinpoints within aspect XYZ. Once this joinpoint is identified
then a method to obfuscate this joinpoint should be used. In
order to improve the modularity of the aspect, a method
obfuscate() was defined for this purpose. Unfortunately this
presented a problem as aspect Trace's pointcut picks up
obsfuscate() as a method to expose. This resulted in infinite
recursive calls from Aspects XYZ and Trace. If no special
precautions are taken, aspects which advise other aspects can
easily and unintentionally advise each other recursively. The
resolution to this problem was to create another pointcut
preventcrosscut which essentially wrapped around the
pointcut from Trace and prevented Trace from exposing this
joinpoint as well. This pointcut then performed the
obfuscation. Please note as the paper does not focus on
obfuscation techniques, a rudimentary method was applied
where the all method names were given aliases. For example
method createCheckSum() was changed to "Rt m(Ar2 x)"
which serves the purpose of obfuscation. Name obfuscation is
the process of using meaningless or difficult to read string to
replace the variable name [12]. However as code defined for
obfuscation was separated - other more advanced and
verifiable techniques may be substituted. It is plausible that
preventcrosscut could be extended to avert all joinpoints
picked by aspect Trace, however it could prevent other
innocuous aspects that were in the original system from
delivering a function that is essential to the system. The
around advise for pointcut risk1, obfuscates the joinpoint that
Trace was attempting to expose in system. As getSignature()
returns a signature, the advice is forced to return the same type
of object otherwise the system will throw an exception. The
advice for risk1 returns the signature of the joinpoint in aspect
Trace instead of the joinpoint in program SJEA. The output
produced with both aspects Trace and XYZ advising program
SJEA is shown in Listing 4.
Listing 3: Aspect XYZ
public aspect XYZ {
pointcut risk1(Object js): !within(XYZ)
Object around(Object js): risk1(js){
return thisJoinPoint.getSignature();
&& call(* *.getSignature(..)) &&
void obsfuscation(Object obj){
//Do nothing as the Aspect Tracer will pick up this method to advise
pointcut preventcrosscut(Object obj): within(XYZ) &&
call( * *.obsfuscation(..)) && args(obj) ;
void around(Object obj):preventcrosscut(obj){
String s = obj.toString();
if (s.contains("create")) {
s = "Rt m(Arg1 x)";
if (s.contains("createChecksum")){
s = "Rt m(Ar2 x)";
if (s.contains( "main")){
s = "Rt. m(Arg3 x)";
Listing 4: Program SJEA advised by both Aspect Trace and Aspect XYZ
Rt. m(Arg3 x)
Signature org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint.StaticPart.getSignature()
Usage: java enc <input-file> <password>
Input file size: 10 bytes
> Encrypting...
> Generating checksum...Rt m(Arg1 x)
Signature org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint.StaticPart.getSignature()
Rt m(Arg1 x)
Signature org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint.StaticPart.getSignature()
MD5: 5bdf74912a51c34815f11e9a3d20b609
Output file "c:\test\keshnee.txt.enc" created.
File size: 15 Bytes
Checksum file "c:\test\keshnee.txt.md5" created.
Password length: 7 character(s)
The solution presented is simplistic however, attackers can
easily rewrite this Trace aspect in other ways to illicit the
same information and foil Aspect XYZ in more innocuous
ways. For instance with Java, println statements could be used
to expose a joinpoint. There four possible ways of rewriting
the same code to gather similar information. We now explore
four such cases. We termed these risks, The first risk, is
namely using method calls on the thisJoinPoint,
thisJoinStaticPart or thisEnclosingJoinPointStaticPart such as
getSignature(). Aspect XYZ can easily obfuscate these calls. If
method call is made to some other member function such as
getSourceLocation(), getArgs() or getKind() then Aspect XYZ
would not be able to handle these. However pointcut risk1
(Listing 5) could be expanded to handle all of these cases. Of
course the return type will be have adapted accordingly
otherwise the system will throw an exception. The next risk,
is when reflective information can be concatenated with string.
Currently Aspect XYZ cannot identify this type of attack. For
instance, the following statement will be overlooked by Aspect
XYZ:System.out.println("thisJoinPoint" +thisJoinPoint)
In this case, incorporating pointcut risk2 to Aspect XYZ
(see Listing 2) will be one way of subverting this type of
statement. Pointcut risk2, essentially checks every string that is
passed to a function, which then obfuscates it if is revealing
any critical information. This pointcut could also be useful in
preventing illegal flows. Information is exchanged among by
messages in object-oriented systems. An illegal flow arises
when information is transmitted from one object to another
object in violation of the information flow security policy [19]
The next two risks are similar but require two different
pointcuts to subvert them. These risks, involve merely passing
thisEnclosingJoinPointStaticPart variable to a function which
example:"System.out.println(thisJoinPoint);". Here two poincuts risk3
and risk4 were developed which essentially tracks down any
join point where thisJoinPoint was being passed to any
method. Whereas risk4 tracks down any join point where
thisJoinPointStaticPart or thisEnclosingJoinPointStaticPart is
being passed as an argument.
Listing 5: Pointcuts to be integrated into Aspect XYZ
pointcut risk1(Object js): !within(XYZ) && (call(* *.getSignature(..))
|| call(* *.getArgs(..) )
|| call * *.getKind (..) ) etc..)
() && target(js);
pointcut risk2(String s): !within(XYZ) && call(void *.*(..)) && args(..,s) ;
void around(String s): risk2(s){
pointcut risk3(JoinPoint jp): !within(XYZ) && call(void *.*(..)) && args(jp,..);
void around(JoinPoint jp): risk3(jp){
System.out.println("risk 3 - output only joinpoint" +jp);
pointcut risk4(JoinPoint.StaticPart jp): !within(XYZ) && call(void *.*(..)) &&
void around(JoinPoint.StaticPart jp): risk4(jp){
System.out.println("risk4 - outupt only staticpart" +jp);
Obfuscators are a necessary requirement however as shown
by Chen and Chen [10], attackers with a rudimentary
knowledge of Java byte code and cryptography can exploit the
join point model and code instrumentation of AspectJ to render
code obfuscation, string encryption and other security
mechanisms ineffective for some intended protection. In the
worked example, it was demonstrated how a program may be
abused. The author then presented an approach to thwart this
type of attacks using aspect-oriented programming and
obfuscation to prevent reverse-engineering. Chen and Chen
[10] suggests that AspectJ should provide a mechanism to
"hide" or encapsulate critical join points in a program.
However this is subject to whether a programmer deems a point
in a program's execution as critical or in fact bears in mind to
do so. Unfortunately, incorporating security into software
development takes time and developers tend to focus more on
the features of the software application. The author does not
proclaim this solution could prevent all possible attacks
however it is step forward towards trying to prevent this type of
attacks. This is analogous to anti-viruses, the attackers will
always figure out other ways of defeating anti-virus packages.
However this does not negate the need for this type of software.
Future research would involve in determining the performance
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