مركز جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح – برنامج الإعلام كود المادة : 150 الترم

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‘It has to be done’: President Hollande visits Cuba, urges
end to US sanctions
French President Francois Hollande has urged for the US embargo on
Cuba to be lifted, promising that Paris will do everything in its power to
help put an end to more than five decades of sanctions against Havana.
“The measures that have so badly harmed Cuba's development can finally
be lifted, repealed… This is what has to be done,” Hollande said at
Havana University during his landmark visit to the Communist island
“Anything France can do to make sure” the sanctions are removed will be
done by Paris, he promised.
Hollande has become the first EU leader to arrive in Cuba after Havana
and Washington announced plans normalize relations this December.
“The opportunities are now opening for Cuba to finally receive a chance
for unrestricted exchange with the rest of the world,” the president is cited
by French BFM TV channel as saying.
Hollande arrived in Havana on Sunday in the hope of to normalizing
European-Cuban relations after decades of harsh US-driven economic
sanctions against the communist island.
Hollande, the first French president to visit Cuba since the island nation
gained independence in 1898, was greeted Monday morning at Havana's
Jose Marti International Airport by Cuba's deputy foreign minister,
Rogelio Sierra.
"I come to Cuba with great emotion because it is the first time that a
president of the French Republic has come to Cuba," Hollande said on
Hollande, on a whirlwind five-day tour of the Caribbean, paid tribute to
the historic ties between France and Cuba.
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"There are historic ties, deep ties, between the people of France and the
people of Cuba," he said, as quoted by AFP.
"Cuba wants to move on to a new phase, a new period, a new time for this
island that was victim of an embargo," Hollande told reporters in
Guadeloupe before his departure to Havana.
Francois Hollande Calls for End to US Embargo on Cuba
Havana: French President Francois Hollande called Monday for an end to
the US embargo on Cuba during a historic visit to the island, the first by a
Western leader since Washington and Havana moved to restore ties.
Speaking on the half-century embargo at the start of his Cuba trip, the
first ever by a French leader, Hollande said France will do whatever
possible to see that "the measures that have so badly harmed Cuba's
development can finally be lifted, repealed."
Hollande said his trip came "at a particularly important but also uncertain
time," as both the United States and the European Union seek to restore
diplomatic relations with Cuba.
France will do what it can to "see that opening reaffirmed," he said in a
speech at the University of Havana.
Since announcing in December that the United States and Cuba would
move to renew ties after more than half a century, US President Barack
Obama has used his executive authority to relax several aspects of the
embargo, including restrictions on travel and sending money to the island.
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He has called on Congress to lift the full embargo, in place since 1962,
but with both houses under Republican control, he faces an uphill political
Cuba says the embargo, which it refers to as "the blockade," has cost it
more than $100 billion.
Hollande, who was later due to meet Cuban President Raul Castro, also
urged Cuba to open up its economy, saying there was vast interest in
doing business with the island.
France is seeking to "be the first among European nations, and the first
among Western nations, to be able to say to the Cubans that we will be at
their side if they decide themselves to take needed steps toward opening
up," he told reporters before arriving in Havana late Sunday.
Castro has presided over gradual economic and social reforms since
taking over in 2006 from his older brother Fidel, the leader of the 1959
revolution that ousted dictator Fulgencio Batista and eventually made
Cuba a one-party communist state.
Hollande's office has said he is available to meet with Fidel Castro as
well, but Havana has not confirmed face-to-face talks.
The French leader hit again on the theme of "openness" as he bestowed
France's highest honor on the head of the Catholic Church in Cuba,
Cardinal Jaime Ortega, a key figure in the island's growing rapprochement
with the West.
"You continue to stand for the opening of Cuba," he said, praising
Ortega's role in mediating with Cuba's one-party communist government,
including during the US rapprochement talks and negotiations for the
release of some 130 political prisoners in 2010.
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Hollande said on arrival in Havana that it filled him with "great emotion"
to be the first French leader to visit Cuba since it gained independence in
Several agreements will be signed during the trip, though the details of
the deals were not made public. Hollande said the accords would focus on
improved access to Latin American markets.
The visit follows a meeting Sunday between Raul Castro and Pope
Francis at the Vatican, where the Cuban leader thanked the pontiff for his
role in brokering the historic detente between Havana and Washington.
In addition to economic issues, the trip is also a chance to discuss human
rights. Activists have criticized Cuba's right record, accusing Havana of
cracking down on dissidents and free press.
The European Union suspended relations with Cuba in 2003 over a
crackdown on journalists and activists, but it opened talks to restore ties in
April 2014 -- well before December's announcement of the US-Cuban
thaw -- aiming to persuade Havana to improve its rights record.
France, which has made its relations with Latin America and the
Caribbean a foreign policy priority, has along with the Netherlands been a
strong supporter of the normalization of ties between Cuba and the 28member EU.
French officials recognize the importance of the EU positioning itself
politically and economically for when the US embargo is eventually
Trade between France and Cuba is modest, worth around $388 million a
year, with the balance solidly in France's favor.
Hollande has already made stops in Saint-Barthelemy, Saint-Martin,
Martinique and Guadeloupe and will end his five-day Caribbean tour in
Haiti on Tuesday.
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Hollande meets with Fidel Castro during historic visit to
French President François Hollande met with retired Cuban leader Fidel
Castro and his brother and current president, Raul Castro, on Monday
during a historic visit to the communist island.
Hollande met for an hour with Fidel Castro, 88, who led Cuba’s
revolution during the 1950s and acted as the country’s president for more
than three decades.
“I had before me a man who made history. There is a debate on what
could be his place, his responsibilities. But coming to Cuba, I wanted to
meet Fidel Castro,” Hollande told reporters before attending an official
welcoming ceremony. He also met with Raul Castro, who took over when
his brother retired in 2008 due to poor health.
Hollande is the first French president to visit Cuba in more than a century,
and is also the first Western head of state to make the trip since Havana
and Washington announced in December plans to normalise relations for
the first time in more than half a century.
“[Hollande] wanted this visit to be as significant and symbolic as possible,
and this indeed did happen since he visited both Fidel and Raul Castro,”
FRANCE 24’s special correspondent James André reported from Cuba’s
capital Havana.
“He was received by the former leader and father of the revolution [Fidel
Castro] at his private residence with his wife and two of his children ...
Then he went on to visit Raul Castro, the current head of state, and there
were discussions of human rights, the situation of the island, the opening
of the island. This was one of the main issues of this visit … to position
France centre-stage as far as business and contracts are concerned.”
The French president also called for the United States to lift its trade
embargo on Cuba during his visit to the island.
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“Anything France can do to make sure ... the opening is confirmed, so that
the measures that have so harmed the development of Cuba can be
rescinded, so that the identity of each country is respected, this is what has
to be done,” Hollande said in an exchange with students at Havana
Hollande landed in Cuba on Sunday as part of a tour of the Antillean
islands. Prior to his arrival, he said that France is seeking “to be the first
among European nations, and the first among Western nations, to be able
to say to the Cubans that we will be at their side if they decide themselves
to take needed steps towards opening up".
"Cuba wants to move on to a new phase, a new period, a new time for this
island that was victim of an embargo," Hollande said.
The European Union suspended relations with Cuba in 2003 over a
crackdown on journalists and activists but it opened talks to restore ties in
April 2014, aiming to persuade Havana to improve its rights record.
It was under the French presidency of the EU in 2008 that political
dialogue was first resumed between Brussels and Havana.
"France has always been a leader in the European Union. The fact that the
French president is coming shows France's very important role in the
dialogue between Cuba and the European Union," Eduardo Perera from
the University of Havana told AFP.
France, which has made its relations with Latin America and the
Caribbean a foreign policy priority, has been a strong supporter of the
normalisation of ties between Cuba and the EU.
Europe's rapprochement with Cuba began before the December
announcement on Cuba-US relations.
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French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius made a brief stopover to Cuba in
April 2014, the first visit to the island by France's top diplomat in three
Trade between France and Cuba is modest, worth around $388 million a
year, with the balance solidly in France's favour.
But French officials say they recognise the importance of the EU
positioning itself politically and economically for when the US embargo is
eventually lifted.
As Cuba opens, Hollande seeks greater French role
French President Francois Hollande on Monday urged an end to the U.S.
trade embargo of Cuba and envisioned a larger French role in Cuba's
engagement with the West during the first visit by a French head of state
to Cuba.
Cuba is in foreign policy talks with both the European Union and the
United States amid intense world interest in Cuba following detente with
Washington in December.
Hollande, travelling with a host of French business executives, is the first
serving Western European leader to visit Cuba since Spanish Prime
Minister Felipe Gonzalez came in 1986, and he said he expected others to
soon follow his example.
"Anything France can do to make sure ... the opening is confirmed, so that
the measures that have so harmed the development of Cuba can be
rescinded, so that the identity of each country is respected, this is what has
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to be done," Hollande said in an exchange with students at Havana
Hollande previously said his trip had "special meaning" since U.S.
President Barack Obama reversed more than half a century of hostile U.S.
policy towards Cuba in December, when Obama and Cuban President
Raul Castro announced they would restore diplomatic ties.
Obama, a Democrat, has asked Congress to remove the embargo but has
encountered resistance from Republicans, who control both houses.
France has long opposed the U.S. embargo and lifting it would help most
French companies doing business here, although an end would also
increase competition for French grain exporter Groupe Soufflet, which has
a niche wheat market in Cuba.
French companies including Soufflet, Air France (AIRF.PA), telecom
operator Orange (ORAN.PA), hotelier Accor (ACCP.PA) and distiller
Pernod Ricard (PERP.PA) are accompanying him.
While here French shipping company CMA CGM [CMACG.UL]
announced an agreement with Cuba to operate a logistics centre at the port
of Mariel, the heart of a special development zone designed to attract
foreign investment.
Hollande met for an hour with retired Cuban leader Fidel Castro, 88,
whose 1959 revolution is generally well regarded in France, especially
within Hollande's Socialist Party.
"I had before me a man who made history. There is a debate on what
could be his place, his responsibilities. But coming to Cuba, I wanted to
meet Fidel Castro," Hollande told reporters before he was to attend an
official welcoming ceremony and meet privately with Raul Castro, who
took over when his brother retired in 2008 due to poor health.
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France's Hollande meets Fidel and Raul Castro in Havana
French President Francois Hollande has met Cuba's 1959 revolutionary
leaders Fidel and Raul Castro on a historic trip to Havana.
Mr Hollande also called for an end to the decades-long US trade embargo
against Cuba.
He said the embargo badly damaged development of the island.
Mr Hollande is the first French president to visit Cuba since 1898, and the
first Western European leader on the island since the 1980s.
President Hollande and Fidel Castro spoke for an hour, according to
Liberation journalist Laure Bretton who tweeted his comments (in
French) after the meeting.
"I had in front of me a man who had made history," Mr Hollande told her.
He later met Fidel's brother and current President Raul Castro.
Speaking earlier on Monday at the University of Havana, Mr Hollande
said France would do its utmost to ensure that "the measures which have
so badly harmed Cuba's development can finally be repealed".
He was referring to the US trade embargo, which remains in place,
although relations between the US and Cuba have improved in recent
The diplomatic thaw between Cuba and the US was announced in
Mr Hollande announced plans to double the number of scholarships to
enable Cuban students to continue their studies in France, as part of
attempts to increase academic and scientific co-operation between the two
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The president's first appointment on Monday morning was to bestow
France's highest award, the Legion of Honour, on the head of the Catholic
Church in Cuba, Cardinal Jaime Ortega.
The Cuban Catholic Church has acted as a mediator between dissidents
and the Communist government.
The BBC's Will Grant in Havana says that unlike some other European
countries, France has long maintained reasonably good relations with
Cuba and wants to benefit from the new economic openness.
After landing at Havana airport, Mr Hollande said the visit was a moment
of "great emotion".
Before arriving, he told reporters that France sought to "be the first
among European nations, and the first among Western nations, to be able
to say to the Cubans that we will be at their side if they decide themselves
to take needed steps toward opening up".