TABLE OF CONTENTS WELCOME FROM THE DIRECTOR ..................................................................................................................... 2 OVERVIEW………. ................................................................................................................................................. 3 CHAPTER ONE: MISSION STATEMENT ............................................................................................................ 4 CHAPTER TWO: CHAPTER ORGANIZATION .................................................................................................... 5 CHAPTER THREE: FINANCE ................................................................................................................................ 7 CHAPTER FOUR: COMMUNICATIONS............................................................................................................... 8 CHAPTER FIVE: CHAPTER EVENTS ................................................................................................................... 9 CHAPTER SIX: AWARDS & RECOGNITION ................................................................................................... 10 APPENDIX I: MODEL CHAPTER BYLAWS ...................................................................................................... 11 APPENDIX II: VOLUNTEER CONFIDENTIALITY RELEASE AGREEMENT .............................................. 13 APPENDIX III: SAMPLE ALUMNI CHAPTER INTEREST SURVEY ............................................................. 14 APPENDIX IV: FHSU CHAPTER ANNUAL CALENDAR................................................................................ 15 APPENDIX V: GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR EVENT PLANNING ................................................................ 16 APPENDIX VI: FHSU CHAPTER MEETING PLANNING CHECKLIST .......................................................... 19 APPENDIX VII: FHSU CHAPTER EVENT INVITATION ORDER FORM ....................................................... 21 APPENDIX VIII: FHSU CHAPTER ATTENDANCE ROSTER .......................................................................... 22 APPENDIX IX: REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST FORM .................................................................................... 23 APPENDIX X: SUMMARY OF MEETINGS & ACTIVITIES FORM ................................................................. 24 APPENDIX XI: ACTIVE CHAPTER LIST ........................................................................................................... 25 APPENDIX XII: FHSU ALUMNI . . . WHERE ARE THEY NOW? ................................................................... 26 APPENDIX XIII: ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS ............................................................ 28 APPENDIX XIV: ALUMNI ASSOCIATION STAFF .......................................................................................... 35 APPENDIX XV: ALUMNI BOARD OF DIRECTORS COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS .................................. 36 APPENDIX XVI: FHSU ORGANIZATIONAL CHART ..................................................................................... 37 APPENDIX XVII: IMPORTANT CAMPUS CONTACTS................................................................................... 38 APPENDIX XVIII: CHAPTER AWARD GUIDELINES ..................................................................................... 38 NOTES……………................................................................................................................................................. 43 WELCOME FROM THE DIRECTOR Dear Alumni Chapter Volunteers, On behalf of the Fort Hays State University Alumni Board of Directors, thank you for your willingness to serve your alma mater in a Tiger chapter leadership role. We know and understand that free time for volunteer service is oftentimes limited, and we value your loyalty and support. We invite all FHSU alumni and friends to participate in the events and activities that provide opportunities to network with fellow Tigers, unite alumni and friends, and enhance awareness of FHSU. The Alumni Association recognizes that an alumnus is most likely to be interested in and loyal to the school/college, academic department he or she studied in or the organizations he or she belonged to as a student. Through chapters, we have structured the Association to provide communications, affiliation, and funding mechanisms to facilitate connections to the University within a primary interest group. Official chapter affiliation with the Alumni Association comes with many advantages and privileges, including but not limited to the following: Database support Membership acquisition and fulfillment services Accounting and financial services Communications support Funding support through Association dues revenue and programmatic underwriting Student recruitment assistance This handbook will serve as a guide to better understand our mission, expectations, and the advantages of chapter affiliation. Together we pledge to help Fort Hays State to become an outstanding institution. More importantly, we’re here to help. Working together, we can strengthen the bond our alumni have with Fort Hays State University. We hope you find suggestions that will help you make your chapter a sustainable success, and that you will share your ideas and suggestions with us. Your enthusiasm for and dedication to Fort Hays State are invaluable. Thank you for the important work you are doing to advance your alma mater. Our team looks forward to working with you. In the Tiger spirit, Debra Prideaux ’86, ’92, Executive Director Alumni and Governmental Relations Page 2 OVERVIEW The Fort Hays State University Chapter Manual is designed to assist you in planning and carrying out chapter programs and activities. It also will help you become more familiar with the responsibilities and duties of your office, as well as those of other chapter officers. This manual is designed to facilitate working together to create a smoothly functioning chapter. Recognizing a need to communicate on a regular basis at the “grass roots” level, chapters can keep alumni and friends informed about programs and needs of Fort Hays State University and offer local benefits and networking opportunities to alumni within a chapter’s service area. The interest that you stimulate, the service you provide, and the information you collect and disseminate help the University, the community, and the chapter members. Because the chapter is a volunteer organization, and the time you and other members can spend may be limited, it is extremely important that officers carry their share of the responsibility. Each affinity chair will be asked to report not only to the Chapter President, but also to the Executive Alumni Board. Such entity will be available to encourage and provide input and resources to the officers of each chapter as they strive to create a successful, enduring chapter. Thank you in advance for your continued support and dedication to Fort Hays State University and the Alumni Association! Page 3 CHAPTER ONE: MISSION STATEMENT The mission of FHSU alumni chapters is to encourage the organized effort of all alumni living throughout the world to become more knowledgeable and active in the life of Fort Hays State University. Keeping alumni educated, informed, and interested in activities and developments on FHSU’s campus is one of the best ways to engage alumni and friends with the University. An informed and supportive constituency is vital to carrying out the mission of the University. The alumni chapter provides opportunities for the University to communicate its achievements, service, and future direction to its members so that they can achieve the following: Further the values, interests, and programs of the University, its alumni, and the Alumni Association Build a network of informed alumni, students, and parents who are connected to each other Foster a continuing relationship with students so that some day they will play an active role as alumni Influence outstanding high school and transfer students to select FHSU, facilitating new student recruitment efforts so that the University will continue to grow and remain strong Provide career-related guidance and networking support for young alumni upon graduation from the University Instill a sense of community and pride in all alumni, students, parents, and friends to further promote the bonds shared by all Support the University financially Page 4 CHAPTER TWO: CHAPTER ORGANIZATION Alumni chapters are organized in specific geographic regions of the United States and abroad as needed. Alumni wishing to establish a chapter in their area should contact the FHSU Alumni Office for information,, (785) 628-4430 (local), (888) 351-3591 (toll-free). GETTING STARTED To form a new chapter, follow these steps: The Alumni Office will identify alumni in your chapter area and share a roster with those interested in organizing or re-establishing an alumni chapter. The Alumni Office can send an electronic survey to area alumni and friends of the University to determine the level of interest in a new chapter and to identify those willing to participate. A member of the alumni staff will assist in hosting the first chapter event. This liaison will attend the initial meeting to share programming ideas and to help recruit the executive committee. Once the executive committee has been recruited, hold a meeting to begin the event-planning process. At this meeting, officers should be elected to coordinate the work of the executive committee. The executive committee will work with the Alumni Office to host successful chapter events. CHAPTER LEADER DUTIES 1. Adopt bylaws (See Appendix I for a model Chapter Bylaws.) 2. Provide Alumni Office with events dates and details preferably 18 weeks, but no later than 12 weeks, prior to the event date 3. Host at least one of the following events annually (in addition to a student recruitment event for new students): a. Educational b. Community Service c. Social/Cultural CHAPTER LEADER EXPECTATIONS 1. The Alumni Office will provide support (e.g. invitations, coordination, registration support, etc.) for up to two chapter events each year. Beyond this, the Alumni Office will continue to support events by posting them on the online Alumni Calendar of events and the chapter home page, should the chapter not have a Web administrator to do so. 2. For certain events where invitations/brochures are needed, the Alumni Office will work with its chapter development associate to create marketing materials and coordinate mailings; the Alumni Office will cover postage. 3. For other chapter activities (e.g. athletic events, pub nights, etc) the information will be released electronically through e-mail, social media and the electronic events calendar. 4. The Alumni Office will provide support for the design, printing and mailing or emailing of invitations and electronic newsletters. Email is the preferred method of communication. 5. The Alumni Office will offer suggestions for faculty, administrators, or athletic representatives to serve as featured speakers for chapter events, as well as make the arrangements and cover the cost of speaker’s transportation, meals, and, if necessary, overnight accommodations. 6. The Alumni Office will take reservations and collect monies for chapter events. Registration is available through the Association’s website 7. Table decorations and name tags are available for use at all chapter events. Additional decorations are available to be checked out from the Alumni Office on a first come, first served basis. Page 5 CHAPTER BOARD OF DIRECTORS The basic framework of the Chapter consists of a Board of Directors, which coordinates all events and activities of the Chapter in cooperation with the Alumni Office. The chapter’s Alumni Office liaison will act as an ex-officio member of the Board. The list of officers below, apart from the Presidential positions, is intended to be used as a guideline. Each Board should feel free to remove or create offices to reflect the chapter’s interest and intent. CHAPTER PRESIDENT – represents the chapter as the official spokesperson; presides at all area chapter and officer meetings, oversees responsibilities of all volunteers, guides the chapter’s calendar of activities, and serves as the primary liaison with the Alumni Office. The president works to increase membership and participation. He/She keeps an up-to-date chapter log of past actions/events, tips for doing things effectively, and sample letters and forms. VICE PRESIDENT – presides in the absence of the President, handles arrangements for executive committee meetings, and assists in the timetable for chapter meeting details. SECRETARY – maintains the chapter’s records; keeps minutes of all meetings and sends reports on meetings to the Alumni Office. The Secretary advises the Alumni Office of all address, email, and phone changes for alumni, as well as any changes in the slate of officers and its Board of Directors. TREASURER – maintains financial records for the chapter; provides the Alumni Office with an annual report of financial matters; and works with Alumni Office to pay payments. ALUMNI ADMISSIONS REPRESENTATIVE – assists in organizing any events that involve recruiting prospective FHSU students; assists in organizing welcoming event for new students and parents each summer; seeks financial support and attendance for Student Recognition Programs; contributes to Tiger Scholar Awards program. COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR (OR REPRESENTATIVE) – coordinates with the Alumni Office staff to maintain and update the chapter’s web page while also utilizing publications, the Internet, and other media as appropriate to communicate with various constituents. COMMUNITY SERVICE COORDINATOR (OR REPRESENTATIVE) – organizes community service events in the Chapter area. These events may be individual community-specific functions or may be planned in conjunction with other alumni chapters. LEGISLATIVE ADVOCATE – works in support of the Office of Governmental Relations to organize alumni support for FHSU in the Kansas legislature. Legislative education and advocacy by alumni through grassroots networks can strengthen state support. Alumni legislative advocates help FHSU fight for fair appropriation and other important university goals. YOUNG ALUMNI ACTIVITIES COORDINATOR – develops and chairs events specifically targeting alumni who graduated within the past 15 years; maintains visibility at young alumni functions or locates executive member to attend. Page 6 CHAPTER THREE: FINANCE OVERVIEW The Alumni Office will be responsible for each chapter’s finances. DUES STRUCTURE Alumni chapters do not charge dues. Chapters are encouraged to charge individuals to attend events or secure donations in order to cover the cost of events. CHECK REQUESTS AND REIMBURSEMENTS Original receipts must be submitted with all requests for reimbursement. The person or chapter requesting reimbursement should attach an explanation of how and when the expense was incurred on chapter business, along with a reimbursement request form. (Appendix VIII) CONTRACTS When contracts are required, the document is subject to review by the Alumni Office. To avoid personal liability, chapter leaders should have all contracts issued to the FHSU Alumni Office and signed by the Director of Alumni and Governmental Relations; otherwise, insurance and liability concerns are the responsibility of the chapter. Chapter leaders should make every attempt to obtain a competitive price for services and merchandise when working with new and established vendors alike. Pre-approval by the Alumni Office must be secured before negotiations are entered. FUND-RAISING/DONATIONS All fund-raising activities, including scholarship donation drives, must be coordinated through the Alumni Office. Chapter members will work with their alumni contact, who will, if necessary, contact the Foundation staff to set up necessary meetings. The chapter should involve the executive committee in any fund-raising activities. Likewise, if an individual wishes to make a gift to the University in conjunction with a chapter event, he/she should contact the alumni liaison to discuss details. Page 7 CHAPTER FOUR: COMMUNICATIONS PRINT COMMUNICATIONS Allow at least twelve weeks before the actual date of an event to secure invitations and other printed materials. EMAIL COMMUNICATIONS Email blasts will be prepared in conjunction with the Alumni Office allowing at least two to three weeks prior to the email release date. OTHER ELECTRONIC COMMUNCIATIONS Web Page Updates - The chapter secretary or other designated officer has the responsibility for keeping the chapter’s home page, housed on, current with information on officers, upcoming events, and reports on past events. Photos – We encourage chapters to take digital photos at events and submit to Alumni Office for possible use on the chapter web page, social media websites, and other alumni communications. Roster Requests – Chapter leaders may request a list of alumni and friends living in the chapter area. Lists are for official chapter use and should be kept confidential. No use for private, commercial or political mailings is allowed. Unauthorized use may violate privacy rights and is strictly prohibited. Lists will not be provided until a confidentiality form is signed and returned to the Alumni Office. Any and all changes to the listing should be directed to the Alumni Office Database Manager. Social Media – The Alumni Office will establish a Facebook page for each chapter. At least one chapter member will be given administrative rights to the page. Contact the Alumni Office prior to establishing a presence on any other social media site to ensure that University and Alumni Association guidelines are being followed. The Alumni Association will set up additional social media sites for chapter use so that the sites are owned by the Association. Assigned chapter officers will be given administrative rights on chapter social media sites. COMMUNICATION WITH OTHER CHAPTER LEADERS Presidents’ Council – Chapter presidents or designated officers are invited to join the Presidents’ Council. This group speaks monthly via conference call to discuss the happenings across the chapter system, to answer questions and to provide feedback from other leaders as well as Alumni board members and staff. The call is hosted by the chair of the Alumni board’s Chapter Development Committee. Calls are currently scheduled for the third Monday of the month at 11 a.m. Contact the Alumni office if you would like to participate in these calls. ListServ – An e-mail listserv has been established to allow chapter leaders to ask questions of each other and staff at their convenience. Any e-mail sent through this service is available to all members of the listserv and is also archived for members’ future reference. Contact the Alumni office if you would like to participate in the listserv. Page 8 CHAPTER FIVE: CHAPTER EVENTS Programs offered by a chapter depend on the number of alumni within a reasonable proximity to chapter activities. Smaller or less established chapters may successfully host 2-4 events a year. The larger, more established chapters may host as many as 8-10 events a year. TYPES OF EVENTS The most successful chapters have discovered the best type of calendar is one offering a variety of events. Some alumni prefer participating in social events, some desire educational programs, some prefer to participate in community service projects, and some want to participate in the entire spectrum. The following are examples of different types of chapter activities: Gatherings with faculty/administrators or coaches as featured speakers Tailgates at FHSU athletic events, on-campus or at an away game Holiday receptions Events targeted to raise scholarship funds Welcoming events for new students or senior sendoffs On-campus alumni visits to students College nights and high school visitations Family-oriented picnics Wine-tasting parties Young alumni events (networking, pub nights, athletic events, interviewing/career sessions, etc.) Monthly luncheon (featuring alumni or faculty speakers) Networking events (possibly professional and/or social) To be as effective as possible in planning, the event chairperson should establish a calendar of events with the approval of the executive council every six months to ensure sufficient planning time so that events are not concentrated in one period of the year. With a strong group of volunteers, these events are fairly simple to plan and execute. ONLINE EVENT RESERVATIONS AND COLLECTION OF FEES The Alumni Office provides a secured online registration process for use by all chapter registrants. For details, contact the alumni database manager. STATEMENT OF LIQUOR LIABILITY Chapters serving alcohol at an event must be in compliance with all state regulations concerning the service and consumption of liquor. When working with caterers, ensure that they are properly licensed to serve alcohol. The liability for a person or alumni chapter serving alcohol to someone who is intoxicated and has an accident, injuring themselves or others, can be highly detrimental to the University and the Alumni Association. Often, the place/institution/person who last served liquor to that individual is liable. For that reason, all alumni chapter events must have certified personnel who are instructed to refuse to serve alcohol to anyone they deem intoxicated. Stay attuned to the liquor laws in your community when serving alcohol at an event. Page 9 CHAPTER SIX: AWARDS & RECOGNITION OUTSTANDING ALUMNI CHAPTER OF THE YEAR AWARD Alumni chapters are essential for connecting Fort Hays State University alumni to each other and the University. This award recognizes the outstanding achievements of a chapter in support of the FHSU Alumni Association and the University. Established in 2010, this award is based upon a chapter’s activities in a calendar year. CHAPTER VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR AWARD The Volunteer of the Year award, established in 2010, is given to those alumni and friends who, through their dedicated and voluntary efforts to support the programs and mission of Fort Hays State University, express their gratitude to the University and ensure its enlarging impact on our community and future generations of students through work at the Chapter level. The recipient of the Volunteer of the Year Award must be a paid member of the FHSU Alumni Association. Nomination forms and criteria for both of these awards will be sent to chapter presidents by January 31 of each year and are due by March 1. Recipients will be announced in April and will be honored at a special recognition event during the annual Alumni Board of Directors meeting in June. CHAPTER-LEVEL AWARDS We encourage chapters to develop their own awards programs. Consult the chapter development associate for guidance. PREVIOUS AWARD RECIPIENTS OUTSTANDING CHAPTER OF THE YEAR 2012 Central Kansas/Reno County Tiger Chapter 2011 Capital Area Chapter CHAPTER VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR 2012 Kim Carlson ‘81, Kansas City Area Chapter (KCAC) 2011 Lea Ann Curtis ’76, ‘82, Capital Area Chapter Page 10 APPENDIX I: MODEL CHAPTER BYLAWS “Name of Chapter” of the Fort Hays State University Alumni Association Chapter Bylaws ARTICLE 1 – NAME The name of the organization shall be the “Name of Chapter” chapter, hereinafter referred to as the Chapter. Fort Hays State University Alumni ARTICLE 2 – PURPOSE The purpose of the Chapter shall be to foster a spirit of loyalty and friendship among alumni, students, parents, and friends of the University, through the coordination of student recruitment, educational, cultural and social activities, and community service, in an effort to advance the best interest of Fort Hays State University and its constituents. ARTICLE 3 – MEMBERSHIP Membership shall consist of those alumni, students, parents, and friends of the University who reside and/or receive mail in the “Name of Chapter” Chapter area. ARTICLE 4 – ALUMNI ASSOCIATION A member of the alumni staff shall serve as the Chapter’s Alumni Office liaison, adviser, and consultant, providing recommendations to the chapter on past, present, and future activities, and as executor by accepting responsibility for the timely production and distribution (within the control of the Alumni Office) of all promotional materials. ARTICLE 5 – OFFICERS/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Section 1. The business of the chapter shall be managed by its Officers/Executive Committee in accordance with the bylaws of the Fort Hays State University Alumni Association. Section 2. Nominations for the Officers/Executive Committee shall be made by an appointed subcommittee and by self-nominations from members. The subcommittee shall prepare the slate of candidates. Elections shall be by majority votes of the chapter members present at the annual chapter event. Section 3. Ex-officio Officers/Executive Committee members shall consist of the immediate past president and other representatives as designated by the president. Term of office shall be two years. Section 4. A chapter officer or Executive Committee member may be removed when sufficient cause exists for such removal. The Executive Committee, in consultation with its alumni office/liaison, shall adopt such rules for replacing officers and committee members as it may at its discretion considered necessary for the best interests of the chapter. Section 5. Vacancies in the Executive Committee shall be filled by a majority vote of the Executive Committee at the next committee meeting. 10/15/13 Page 11 Section 6. The Executive Committee will determine a set location, time, and date for regular meetings with a least eight weeks’ notice according to the convenience of the majority of officers. ARTICLE 6 – FINANCES Contributions may be sought from chapter members as established by the chapter’s executive committee. Financial feasibility of each activity shall be a major consideration of the chapter’s executive committee. _________________________________________ Chapter Council President _________________________________________ Date _________________________________________ FHSU Executive Alumni Director _________________________________________ Date 10/15/13 Page 12 APPENDIX II: VOLUNTEER CONFIDENTIALITY RELEASE AGREEMENT FORT HAYS STATE UNIVERSITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION VOLUNTEER CONFIDENTIALITY RELEASE AGREEMENT INTRODUCTION The Alumni Association and Fort Hays State University are committed to the legal and ethical collection and use of information in the pursuit of legitimate institutional goals. We shall support and further the individual's fundamental right to privacy. Records about individuals and organizations are confidential and are to be used only to further the mission of the institution and not for purposes of solicitation by any person or entity outside of the University or Alumni Association. AGREEMENT I acknowledge that in the course of my volunteer activities during my “Name of Duty and Chapter” I may have access to documents, data, or other information, some or all of which may be confidential and/or privileged from disclosure whether or not labeled or identified as such. Therefore, except as required by my activities, I shall not, either during or after my association with the FHSU Alumni Association or Fort Hays State University directly or indirectly use, publish, discuss, disseminate or otherwise disclose any confidential or privileged information to any third party, or use for personal gain, or political, commercial or other nonapproved purposes any information acquired in the course of my activities without prior written consent of the FHSU Alumni Association. Finally, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the FHSU Alumni Association and Fort Hays State University Confidentiality Statement as outlined above and agree to abide by it. _________________________________________ Volunteer Name _________________________________________ Date _________________________________________ Chapter Council President _________________________________________ Date _________________________________________ FHSU Alumni Database Manager _________________________________________ Date _________________________________________ FHSU Executive Alumni Director _________________________________________ Date 10/15/13 Page 13 APPENDIX III: SAMPLE ALUMNI CHAPTER INTEREST SURVEY _______________________________________________ Alumni Chapter Interest Survey for Alumni, Parents, and Friends of the College ___ Yes, I would like to support the ______________________ Chapter Name___________________________________________________________________________________ Class/affiliation___________________________________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, ZIP___________________________________________________________________________ Preferred email___________________________________________________________________________ Daytime phone _____________________________ Evening phone _________________________________ _____ I am interested in planning events. ______ I am willing to serve as an event chairperson. ______ I am willing to open my home for a chapter event. ______ I belong to a club or organization that has a facility that the chapter might use (please name): _______________________________________________________________ I would like to see the following types of events offered in the future (please list): ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Send completed form to: Fort Hays State University Alumni Office Robbins Center - One Tiger Place Hays, KS 67601-3767 FAX: (785) 628-4191 Questions? Please feel free to contact: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 10/15/13 Page 14 APPENDIX IV: FHSU CHAPTER ANNUAL CALENDAR Name of Chapter: ____________________________ President: ___________________________________ TO: FHSU Chapter Presidents FROM: FHSU Alumni Office Robbins Center-One Tiger Place Hays, KS 67601-3767 Phone: (785) 628-4430 FAX: (785) 628-4191 Description of Event 1. PLANNED EVENTS: 2. POSSIBLE EVENTS: 3. MAILINGS: 4. COMMENTS/SPECIAL REQUESTS: Projected Date 10/15/13 Page 15 APPENDIX V: GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR EVENT PLANNING To ensure that the event runs as smoothly as possible, the event chairperson should outline every stage of the planning process. DAY AND DATE Consult the chapter’s calendar to make sure the event does not conflict with other activities. Check your standard calendar for possible conflicts with national or religious holidays. Local calendars will be of help in screening for desirable dates as they may include private and public school vacations, events of other organizations, and local athletic events. Check FHSU’s academic calendar to see if students will be able to attend. TIME Time is the next most important factor besides the date. Chapters located in larger cities must accommodate travel time before or after rush hours. PLACE Location is often the key to a successful event. Remember to check if the location (or space) is accessible to meet the needs of all alumni. Parking also should be considered, given the varying ages of alumni who may or may not be able to attend. A central location is advisable. Your Alumni Office liaison will be able to plot your membership on a map and help you determine the best area for a venue. If you are in a large metropolitan area, it is wise to alternate locations in the city every year if the event is an annual occurrence. Keep your eyes open for alternative venues to keep costs down. COST General rule of thumb is that each function should pay for itself. Keep the cost of the event as reasonable as possible, as cost can be a factor when alumni decide whether to attend. Price breaks can be given to younger alumni or those with family to encourage their participation. Be clear when hosting a telecast party, for example, if the alumni are responsible for their own refreshments at the establishment where the event is held. In planning a luncheon or dinner meeting, be sure to get an estimate of all costs – rooms, services, menu, beverages, parking, etc. Make arrangements for an itemized bill to ensure reimbursement. ANNOUNCING THE EVENT Use printed invitations for more formal events. The Alumni Office will handle all requests and would appreciate a minimum of three months for preparation and mailing invitations. See following guidelines for ideal timing. Email blasts can be used as the means of communications for events. The Alumni Office can send email blasts for chapters if given two weeks’ notice. The Alumni Office strongly recommends against the use of the Facebook Events function as a means of collecting RSVPs; however, we encourage announcements through Facebook or other social media venues. Page 16 GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR EVENT PLANNING (cont’d) HOW TO PLAN A SUCCESSFUL EVENT: 20-WEEK PLANNING GUIDE 20 Weeks before…..the executive committee should meet or otherwise communicate to confirm the date, time, and location of the event. Reservation of the location should be made. Determine how the alumni, parents, and friends will be invited. Note the time that it will take to have materials printed and mailed. 18 Weeks before...finalize information for the invitation. Request the print job for invitations to formal events or emails for less formal events from the Alumni Office. 12 Weeks before…have invitations printed and mailed first class, or bulk rate if applicable, through the Alumni Office. 6 Weeks before…hold an executive committee follow-up meeting, possibly by conference call. Make sure everything is running smoothly and solve any problems that may have occurred. 5 Weeks before...prepare program for event. If a college representative will be speaking, obtain a biography from the Alumni Office and arrange for a chapter representative to serve as emcee. 4 Weeks before…check in with executive committee to ensure details are running smoothly. Confirm speaker details (don’t forget hotel arrangements, transportation, etc.). 3 Weeks before…organize a phone or email tree to contact those who have not made their reservations. Prepare publicity for local media, if applicable. Send registration (RSVPs) list to the Alumni Office and request nametags. Day of Event…arrive early to attend to details and greet arriving guests. Set out name badges. Have members of the executive committee mingle with guests before program begins. Complete registration list noting walkups and no-shows. After the Event…take care of payments. Write event report (keep copy of invitations, paper trail of planning, guest list, etc.) and submit to Alumni Office liaison. Send thank you notes to all involved. HELPFUL HINTS THAT MAKE A DIFFERENCE If the event has a speaker, acknowledge the speaker’s acceptance of invitation to visit chapter. Keep your introductory remarks brief. Your audience will appreciate a certain amount of background information, but will not like being deterred from the purpose of the gathering. It is a courtesy to handle chapter business after the speaker has concluded his or her presentation. Use name badges whenever possible to jog hazy recollections and encourage new acquaintances. Plan early – tentative dates should be made a year in advance when possible. Keep the Alumni Office informed of upcoming chapter events as soon as they are scheduled. MATERIALS CHECKLIST FHSU banner or table drop for wall or table; podium or lectern with microphone and light Biographical sketch of guest speaker and/or head table guests Registration table - guest register/sign-in roster, pen, pencils, masking tape, etc. Printed and blank name badges; Small container in which back of name badges can be discarded Page 17 GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR EVENT PLANNING (cont’d) THE GUEST LIST The type of event will determine whom you should include on the guest list. Obviously, some events are geared towards specific alumni constituencies (i.e., young alumni). Send invitations no later than twelve weeks prior to the event. Include on your guest list members from as many segments of your constituency as possible. Consider inviting the following: Alumni parents, alumni relatives, and non-alumni friends Alumni from other chapters or those who are not specifically within the geographic boundaries of the chapter Current and/or admitted students and their parents Alumni Board of Directors members in the area A phone or email committee can be helpful for increasing alumni participation, as printed or email invitations are often put aside and then forgotten. Prior to the event, members of a phone or email committee should contact those who have not yet made reservations to attend. A little extra effort goes a long way. PROMOTING YOUR EVENT It is essential that you have someone on the event committee in charge of promotion and publicity. This person should be able to communicate details about the event to as many alumni and friends in the community as possible. Consider the following successful methods: Make announcements at chapter meetings. Email “save-the-date” notices to chapter members. Make sure you include a link to the chapter home page for details. Send mailings to chapter alumni, parents, and friends of the University. Make sure you include a phone number and email address for questions about the events. Telephone or email reminders are often the most effective way. Personal contact shows people that you are making a special effort to invite them. Active chapters know a good, regularly mailed chapter electronic newsletter will bolster every aspect of chapter life. Announce events. Once the date is set, communicate it to your chapter members as soon as possible. Make sure to include a link to the chapter’s home page. Your chapter’s home page can be a quick and easy way to keep your members up-to-date on chapter news and events. Plus, the Alumni Office will post the event on the University’s online alumni calendar of events, FHSU-TigerTalk, daily email news service, and RSS feed. Many chapters include these topics in their sites: Events/News Contact information (e.g., a list of officers with phone number/email addresses) Links (back to the University’s web site and the Alumni Office website) Information on how to register for the Alumni Tiger Online Community. Provide the Alumni Office an article about your event for the e-newsletter FHSUTigerTalk and FHSU-Magazine. Digital photographs (at least 300 dpi) also may be submitted. PHONE OR EMAIL TREES Need to get some news out quickly? Want to remind people to reply to an invitation? Try a phone or email tree. All you need are some volunteers who will help you contact chapter members and share your information. Typically, each volunteer contacts 5 to 10 members. The size of your chapter determines how many volunteers you need. Page 18 APPENDIX VI: FHSU CHAPTER MEETING PLANNING CHECKLIST Meeting date: __________________________ Type of event: ______________________________________ Location: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Meeting Time(s): Social hour _____ Game _____ Lecture _____ Dinner ______ Other _________________ Expected Attendance: ________________ MEETING COSTS ____ Room Rental ____ Equipment Rental ____ Meal/hors d’oeuvres/beverages ____ Per Person Charge ____ Bartender ____ Service Charge ____ Tax & Tip ____ Miscellaneous (guests, decorations) FOOD/BEVERAGE Caterer’s deadline for reservation count: _______________________________________________________ Percentage that caterer prepares beyond guaranteed total for late registrants: ___________________________ Type and quantity of beverages available: ______________________________________________________ Menu: __________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ INVITATIONS/RESERVATIONS Reservations should be mailed to:_____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: Home ( ) __________________________ Business ( ) __________________________ Reservation deadline: ______________________________________________________________________ Invitations should be mailed to: ____ Area alumni ____ Parents of incoming students ____ Current students ____ Parents of current students ____ Incoming students ____ Other LOCAL PUBLICITY (newspaper, radio, television, telephone, social media):________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 10/15/13 Page 19 FHSU CHAPTER MEETING PLANNING CHECKLIST (cont’d) GUEST SPEAKER Speaker’s Name and Title: __________________________________________________________________ Speaker’s Topic: ___________________________________ Speaker’s Bio secured?___________________ Speaker’s Telephone: Home ( ) _____________________ Business ( ) ________________________ Hotel Accommodations: ____________________________________________________________________ Transportation: ___________________________________________________________________________ Who will introduce the Speaker?: ____________________________________________________________ EVENT SITE ARRANGEMENTS Room Capacity: __________________________________________________________________________ Equipment Needed: ____ Lectern ____Pointer ____ PA System ____Chalkboard ____ Projector/Screen ____ VCR ____ Remote Switch ____ Other Who will staff registration table?: ____________________________________________________________ Handicapped accessible? Special needs? _______________________________________________________ Amount of petty cash needed for walk-ins: _____________________________________________________ Registration Material: ____ Reservation List ____MSOE Brochures ____ Name Tags ____ Felt-Tip Pens ____ Masking Tape ____ Wastebasket ____ Other _______________________________ MEETING FORMAT Who will emcee? ____________________________________________________________________ Suggestions for meeting format: ____ Welcome and announcements Meeting follow-up: ____ Introduction of guest speaker ____ Acknowledgments ____ Closing remarks ____ Chapter business ____ Other____________________ ____ Thank you letters written ____ Bills paid ____ Evaluation form returned to Alumni Office 10/15/13 Page 20 APPENDIX VII: FHSU CHAPTER EVENT INVITATION ORDER FORM Complete this form or attach your own version of an invitation, which includes the following information, and mail or fax: FHSU Alumni Office Robbins Center – One Tiger Place Hays, KS 67601-3767 Phone: (785) 628-4430 FAX: (785) 628-4191 It is necessary to submit this information preferably 18 weeks, but no later than 12 weeks, prior to your event. Chapter: ________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter President: ________________________________________________________________________ Phone: (H) _______________ (W) _____________ Description of Event: ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Date: ______________ Time:______________ Cost:________________ RSVP Date: __________________ Location of Event: (include address, directions/map if needed) _____________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ What does the price include? (e.g. cash or open bar, hors d’oeuvres, meal, menu) ______________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Make checks payable to: ____________________________________________________________________ Can you pay at the door? _____ Yes _____ No Mail checks/reservation forms to: ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Person to whom questions may be directed: ____________________________________________________ Phone: (H) ______________ (W) ______________ Speaker/entertainment/program: (attach a descriptive paragraph) ___________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Additional chapter information: (e.g. dates of future events to be included on invitation)__________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 10/15/13 Page 21 APPENDIX VIII: FHSU CHAPTER ATTENDANCE ROSTER Chapter: _______________________________________________ Event: _________________________________________________ Date: __________________________________________________ Name Class Year Address/Phone Email ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 10/15/13 Page 22 APPENDIX IX: REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST FORM ISSUE CHECK TO (include original receipts): Name: __________________________________________________________________________________ Address 1: _______________________________________________________________________________ Address 2: _______________________________________________________________________________ City: _________________________________ State: ________________________ ZIP: ________________ Requested by: _________________________________________ Amount: _____________________________________________ BUSINESS PURPOSE Event Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Event Date: ________________________ Items: ____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Additional Information (if necessary): _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ Signature ________________________________________ Date 10/15/13 Page 23 APPENDIX X: SUMMARY OF MEETINGS & ACTIVITIES FORM Alumni Chapter Annual Report Fort Hays State University Alumni Association Deadline: March 1 An annual report is required to maintain status as a chapter of the Fort Hays State University Alumni Association. Information provided should cover the period between January 1 and December 31. Name Of Chapter:_____________________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________________________________________________________ Person Completing This Report: _________________________________________________________ CHAPTER PROFILE 1. Please list the names of alumni who are active members of your executive committee and indicate leadership positions held. (Please attach a roster if additional space is needed.) 2. Please describe the transition plan (if any) in place for your chapter leadership. Please describe the overall health of your chapter. Are there any special challenges it faces? 3. Does your chapter have written by-laws? Yes or No a. If yes, please attach a copy to this report. CHAPTER ACTIVITIES 1. List each event held during the past fiscal year (July 1-June 30). It is important to include the date and approximate attendance at each chapter event. (Please attach a separate sheet if more space is needed.) 2. Which event did you feel was the most successful? Why? 3. Do you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or concerns that you want to share regarding the Alumni Office and what it can do to support the chapter? Please complete this form and return it to the Alumni Office: Fort Hays State University Alumni Office Robbins Center – One Tiger Place Hays, KS 67601-3767 FAX: (785) 628-4191 10/15/13 Page 24 APPENDIX XI: ACTIVE CHAPTER LIST • Northwest Kansas - Primary coverage area - Colby/Hoxie/Goodland Includes Cheyenne, Rawlins, Decatur, Sherman, Thomas, Sheridan, Wallace, Logan, and Gove Counties • Southwest Kansas – Primary coverage area – Garden City Includes Greeley, Wichita, Scott, Lane, Hamilton, Kearny, Finney, and Gray Counties • Norvan Harris – Primary coverage area – Liberal Includes Seward, Stanton, Grant, Haskell, Morton and Stevens Counties. • North Central Kansas – Primary Coverage area – Phillipsburg/Hill City Includes Norton, Phillips, Smith, Jewell, Republic, Washington, Graham, Rooks, Osborne, Mitchell, Cloud and Clay Counties. • Post Rock – Primary coverage area – Hays and Russell Includes Trego, Ellis, Russell, Ness, Rush and Barton Counties • Boothill – Primary coverage area – Dodge City Includes Hodgeman, Pawnee, Stafford, Ford, Edwards, Kiowa, Pratt, Clark, Commanche and Barber Counties. • Flint Hills – Primary coverage area – Manhattan Includes Marshall, Nemaha, Geary, Riley. Pottawatomie and Wabaunsee Counties • Smoky Valley – Primary coverage area - Salina Includes Lincoln, Ottawa, Dickinson, Ellsworth, Saline, Morris, Marion, and Chase Counties • Central Kansas – Primary coverage area – Hutchinson/McPherson Includes Reno, Stafford, Rice and McPherson Counties • South Central – Primary coverage area - Wichita Includes Harvey, Butler, Kingman, Sedgwick, Harper, Sumner, and Cowley Counties • Capital – Primary coverage area – Topeka Includes Lyon, Osage, Shawnee, Douglas and Coffey Counties • KCAC (Kansas City Area) – Primary Coverage area – Kansas City Includes Brown, Doniphan, Jackson, Atchison, Leavenworth, Wyandotte, Johnson, Miami, Anderson, Linn, Allen, and Bourbon Counties in Kansas, Buchannan, Cass, Clay, Jackson and Platte Counties in Missouri OUT-OF-STATE CHAPTER DESCRIPTIVE LIST • • • • California – Primary coverage areas – San Francisco and San Diego Colorado - Primary coverage area – Denver/Front Range Oklahoma – Primary coverage area – Tulsa and Oklahoma City Texas – Primary coverage areas – Dallas and Houston Page 25 APPENDIX XII: FHSU ALUMNI . . . WHERE ARE THEY NOW? Page 26 Page 27 LIST OF ALUMNI LIVING ABROAD 2013 AMERICAN SAMOA ANGOLA ARABIAN GULF AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA BAHAMAS BANGLADESH BRAZIL BURUNDI CAMBODIA CANADA CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CHINA COLOMBIA CYPRUS CZECHOSLOVAKIA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC ECUADOR EGYPT FINLAND FRANCE GAMBIA GERMANY GREAT BRITAIN GREECE GUAM HAITI HONG KONG HUNGARY ICELAND INDIA INDONESIA IRAN IRELAND JAMAICA JAPAN JORDAN KENYA 9 2 1 11 3 2 2 4 1 1 136 3 7861 3 8 1 2 1 2 1 4 1 9 5 4 4 3 36 2 1 21 5 11 1 1 71 1 4 KUWAIT LYBIA MALAYSIA MEXICO MICRONESIA MONACO NETHERLANDS NIGERIA NORTH KOREA NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS PAKISTAN PANAMA PARAGUAY PERU PHILIPPINES PORTUGAL REPUBLIC OF SENEGAL SAUDI ARABIA SINGAPORE SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH KOREA SPAIN SWAZILAND SWEDEN SWITZERLAND TAIWAN TANZANIA THAILAND TRUST TERRITORY PACFIC ISLANDS TURKEY TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDS UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UNITED KINGDOM URUGUAY VENEZUELA VIRGIN ISLANDS (UK) ZAIRE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC TOTAL 2 1 6 6 3 1 5 104 4 2 2 2 4 3 5 1 1 20 3 5 19 5 1 2 3 199 4 148 2 4 1 2 1 1 5 3 1 8819 Page 28 APPENDIX XIII: ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS FY 2013-14 Roster EXECUTIVE COUNCIL President Marcella “Marcy” Aycock Ph. D. ’84 (Roy) Home: 601 Austin Lane, Sedgwick, KS 67135 (316) 215-0024 Bus: Director, Early College of Health Science Academy, Butler Community College, Rose Hill Office: (316) 776-9429 Fax: (316) 776-0114 E-mail: (preferred), , Cell: (316) 209-5848 Term: 2013-2017, 2009-2013 Vice President Charles “Chuck” Sexson ’72 (Jennifer’74) Home: 2930 SW Arvonia PL, Topeka, KS 66614 (785) 273-2681 Bus: Director, Concealed Carry Licensing Unit, Office of Attorney General Preferred: (785) 368-6316 Fax: (785) 368-6468 E-mail: Preferred: [Home:] Cell: (785) 633-9139 Term: 2013-2017, 2009-2013 Awards & Recognition Committee Chair Stephanie Bannister ’92, Ph.D. (Grant ’93) Home: 3616 Eastridge Circle, Manhattan, KS 66503 (785) 539-7163 Bus: Associate Director of Housing, Kansas State University (785) 532-3791 Fax: (785) 532-3793 E-mail: Cell: (785) 313-1805 Terms: 2010 – 2014 Chapter Development Committee Chair Dennis Spratt ’71 (Sharon) Home: 5017 Keystone Ct, Lawrence, KS 66047 (785) 841-0375 Bus: Vice President, Wealth Management Group of KC, Inc, (913) 649-4121 Fax: (913) 648-7756 E-mail: & Cell: (785) 550-4766 Term: 2010-2014, 2006-2010 Finance and Operations Committee Chair Daron Jamison ’03 (Heather) Home: 2909 Indian Trail, Hays, KS 67601 (785) 650-9639 Bus: Supervisor of Finance & Business Development, Nex-Tech Wireless, LLC, (785) 621-3643 E-mail: Cell: (785) 650-9639 Term: 2010-2014, 2006-2010 Page 29 Membership/Marketing Committee Chair Tracy Metzger ’96 Home: 519 East 41st, Hutchinson, KS 67502 Bus: Vice President & Chief Technology Officer, Lowen Corporation (620) 665-2825 1111Airport Road, Hutchinson, KS 67501 (Preferred address) Fax: (620) 663-1429 E-mail: Cell: (620) 960-2172 Term: 2012-2016 Mary Martin, Ph.D ’91 (Mike’90) At-Large Member Home: 1400 W. 45th St., Hays, KS 67601-1441, (785) 625-3682 Bus: Associate Professor of Marketing, Fort Hays State University (785) 628-5877 E-mail: Cell: (785) 650-7125 Term: 2011-2014 Diane Scott, Ph.D ’88, ’90 (Virgil ’81) At-Large Member Home: 4657 Rabbit Mountain Rd, Broomfield, CO 80020 (720) 475-1085 Bus: Self-employed, Consultant and Life Coach Fax: N/A E-mail: Cell: (303) 503-2624 Term: 2012-2016 BOARD MEMBERS (* indicates new member) Jon Armstrong ’96, ’08 (Lynette ’94, ’09) Home: 4403 Newton Circle, Hays, KS 67601 (785) 656-3416 Bus: Assistant Director of Admissions/Transfer Coordinator, FHSU Office of Admissions (785) 628-4020 Fax: (800) 432-0248 E-mail: (preferred), Cell: (785) 656-3416 Term: 2012-2015 Molly Aspan ’00 (Brian) Home: 4317 S. Sandusky Ave, Tulsa, OK 74135 (918) 694-6970 Bus: Attorney, Hall Estill (918) 594-0595 (preferred) Fax: (918) 594-0505 E-mail: Cell: (918) 694-6970 Term: 2013-2017, 2009-2013 Marcella “Marcy” Aycock ’84 (Roy) President Home: 601 Austin Lane, Sedgwick, KS 67135 (316) 215-0024 Bus: Director, Early College of Health Science Academy, Butler Community College, Rose Hill Office: (316) 776-9429 Fax: (316) 776-0114 E-mail: (preferred), Cell: (316) 209-5848 Term: 2013-2017, 2009-2013 Page 30 Stephanie Bannister ’92, Ph.D. (Grant ’93) Chair, Awards & Recognition Home: 3616 Eastridge Circle, Manhattan, KS 66503 (785) 539-7163 Bus: Associate Director of Housing, Kansas State University (785) 532-3791 Fax: (785) 532-3793 E-mail: Cell: (785) 313-1805 Terms: 2010 – 2014 Josh Biera ’92 (Jeanine ’93) Home: 802 Davis, Garden City, KS 67846 (620) 271-9684 Bus: Lieutenant, Kansas Highway Patrol, (620) 276-3201 Fax: (620) 276-2386 E-mail: & Cell: (620) 271-4992 Term: 2007-2011, 2011-2015 *Lea Ann Curtis ’76,’82 (Steve ’86) Home: 5869 SW 24th Ter, Topeka, KS 66614 (785) 969-2502 Bus: TRAC-7/AO-K Advisor, Washburn Institute of Technology Fax: (785) 273-7080 E-mail: Cell: (785) 969-2502 Term: 2013-2017 Monte Broeckelman ’92 (Gina) Home: 904 Meadowlark Ln, Beloit, KS 67420 Bus: Farmway Coop, Inc., (785) 738-0751, Cell (785) 534-2807 Fax: (785) 738-9670 E-mail:, Cell: (620) 430-3945 Term: 2010 – 2014 Rich Dreiling ’69 (Bobbi ’70) Home: 6824 Ayesbury Cir, Wichita, KS 67226 (316) 686-6410 Bus: Retired E-mail: Cell: 316-558-4644 Term: 2010 - 2014 *Chad Fowler ’99 (Stephanie ’99) Home: 403 Chelsee Ct, Andale, KS 67001 (316) 214-3492 Bus: Compliance Manager/Vice President, Wells Fargo (515) 344-8983 E-mail: (preferred) Cell: (316) 214-3492 (same as home) Term: 2013-2017 *Eric Grospitch, Ed.D ’93,’97 (Michelle ’95,’01) Home: 4800 W. 96th St, Overland Park, KS 66207 (913) 314-9798 Bus: Dean of Students, University of Missouri Kansas City (816) 235-8955 Fax: (816)235-6504 E-mail:; Cell: 913-314-9798 Term: 2013-2017 Page 31 *Mitchell Hall ’05 (Tavish ’06) Home: 1103 North Anthony, Anthony, KS 67003 (620) 842-3532 Bus: Owner, H2O Drilling, LLC, Hall Family Land and Cattle, LLC, (620) 840-1207 E-mail: Cell: (620) 840-1207 Term: 2013-2017 Daron Jamison ’03, ’03 (Heather) Chair, Finance & Operations Home: 2909 Indian Trail, Hays, KS 67601 (785) 650-9639 Bus: Supervisor of Finance & Business Development, Nex-Tech Wireless, LLC, (785) 621-3643 E-mail: Cell: (785) 650-9639 Term: 2010-2014, 2006-2010 *Mike Koerner ’00, ’05 (Kearsten) Home: 4500 Vista Drive, Hays, KS 67601 (785) 635-5454 Bus: Operations/Systems Manager, Eagle Communications (785) 628-0467 E-mail: Cell: (785) 635-5454 Term: 2013-2017 Mary Martin, Ph.D ’91 (Mike’90) At-large Member Executive Council Home: 1400 W. 45th St., Hays, KS 67601-1441, (785) 625-3682 Bus: Associate Professor of Marketing, Fort Hays State University (785) 628-5877 E-mail: (preferred) Cell: (785) 650-7125 Term: 2011-2014 Tracy Metzger ’96 Home: 519 East 41st, Hutchinson, KS 67502 Bus: Vice President & Chief Technology Officer, Lowen Corporation (620) 665-2825 1111Airport Road, Hutchinson, KS 67501 (Preferred address) Fax: (620) 663-1429 E-mail: Cell: (620) 960-2172 Term: 2012-2016 Kevin Moeder ’82 (Cheryl ’85) Home: PO Box 314, LaCrosse, KS 67548 (785) 222-2830 Bus: Senior Vice-President/Regional Manager, Farmers Bank & Trust, LaCrosse, (785) 222-2571 Fax: (785) 222-3581 E-mail: Cell: (785) 222-6032 Term: 2010-2014, 2006-2010 Denise Riedel ’86 (Charlie ’83) Home: 9203 England, Overland Park, KS 66212-2934 (913) 385-3229 Bus: Owner, Riedel Communications; Free Lance Consultant and Writer E-mail: Cell: (913) 209-2132 Term: 2011-2015 Page 32 *Ken Ruder’62 Ph.D. (Charlotte) Home: 6450 Stone Creek Lane, Petersburg, KY 41080 (859) 689-0979 Bus: Professor Emeritus, Southern Illinois University E-mail: Cell: (513) 238-7502 Diane Scott, Ph.D ’88, ’90 (Virgil ’81) Home: 4657 Rabbit Mountain Rd, Broomfield, CO 80020 (720) 475-1085 Bus: Self-employed, Consultant and Life Coach E-mail: Cell: (303) 503-2624 Term: 2012-2016 Charles “Chuck” Sexson ’72 (Jennifer’74) Home: 2930 SW Arvonia PL, Topeka, KS 66614 (785) 273-2681 Bus: Director, Concealed Carry Licensing Unit, Office of Attorney General Preferred: (785) 368-6316 Fax: (785) 368-6468 E-mail: Prefer to use both: [Home:] Cell: (785) 633-9139 Term: 2013-2017, 2009-2013 Dennis Spratt ’71 (Sharon) At-large Member Executive Council Home: 5017 Keystone Ct, Lawrence, KS 66047 (785) 841-0375 Bus: Vice President, Wealth Management Group of KC, Inc, (913) 649-4121 Fax: (913) 648-7756 E-mail: & Cell: (785) 550-4766 Term: 2010-2014, 2006-2010 David “Dave” Voss ’80, ’82 (Melanie ’98) Home: 1806 Harvey Ct., Colby, KS 67701-1518 (785) 462-7171 Bus: Network Development Manager for Centene Corp. Sunflower State Health Plan Fax: (785) 462-7171 E-mail: Cell: (785) 443-1000 Term: 2011-2015 Twilla Wanker ’57 (Darrell ’58) Half Century Club President Home: 389 Peaceful Woods Trail, Holly Lake Ranch, TX 75765-7559 (903) 769-4610 E-mail: Cell: (903) 258-0362 (only in use when traveling) Term: 2012-2014 Page 33 ALUMNI BOARD EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS ++ Tim Chapman ++ (Mona) Home: 300 W. 23rd, Hays, KS (785) 313-4294 Bus: President/CEO FHSU Foundation (785) 628-5620 Fax: (785) 628-5625 E-mail: Cell: (785) 313-4294 Term: Ex-officio member Curtis Hammeke ’85, ’93 ++(Annette) Home: 2902 Walnut, Hays, KS 67601 (785) 628-1834 Bus: Director of Athletics, FHSU (785) 628-4050 Fax: (785) 628-4383 E-mail: Cell: (785) 635-0403 Term: Ex-officio member Edward Hammond, Ph.D. ++(Mary) Home: 7 College Dr, Hays, KS 67601 (785) 628-4027 Bus: President, FHSU (785) 628-4231 Fax: (785) 628-4013 E-mail: Cell: (785) 650-1804 Term: Ex-officio member Page 34 APPENDIX XIV: ALUMNI ASSOCIATION STAFF FY 2013-14 Debra Prideaux ’86, ’92 Home: 1305 Agnes, Hays, KS 67601 (785) 623-7959 Bus: Executive Director, Alumni & Governmental Relations, FHSU (785) 628-4430 Fax: (785) 628-4191 E-mail: Cell: (785) 365-6011 Charlene Nichols (Greg Weisenborn) Home: 1302 W. 44th, Hays, KS 67601 (785) 650-0453 Bus: Assistant Alumni Director, Alumni Association, FHSU (785) 628-4527 Fax: (785) 628-4191 E-mail: Cell: (813) 956-2628 Jeani Billinger ’72, ’83 (Rich ’73) Home: 2513 Haney, Hays, KS 67601 (785) 628-3647 Bus: Office Manager, Alumni Association, FHSU (785) 628-4422 Fax: (785) 628-4191 E-mail: Cell: (785) 259-0837 Lisa Lang (Tim ’79) Home: 1102 Pinehurst, Hays, KS 67601 (785) 625-5243 Bus: Accounting, Database Manager, Alumni Association, FHSU (785) 628-5576 Fax: (785) 628-4191 E-mail: Cell: (785) 650-7602 Suzanne Klaus ’02, ’08 (Bob) Home: 1162 Munjor Rd., Hays, KS 67601 (785) 628-8879 Bus: Chapter Development Associate, Alumni Association, FHSU (785) 628-5708 Fax: (785) 628-4191 E-mail: Cell: (785) 259-3806 Kindra Degenhardt ’10, ’10 Home: 1334 Lawrence Dr., Hays, KS 67601 (316) 299-9985 Bus: Project Administrative Specialist, Alumni Association, FHSU (785) 628-4430 Fax: (785) 628-4191 E-mail: Cell: (316) 299-9985 Page 35 APPENDIX XV: FORT HAYS STATE UNIVERSITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION 2013-14 Committee Assignments Marcy Aycock, Ph.D. Chuck Sexson Stephanie Bannister, Ph.D. Daron Jamison Tracy Metzger Dennis Spratt Mary Martin, Ph. D. Diane Scott, Ph.D. Stephanie Bannister, Ph.D. Dave Voss Francine Hesterman Diane Scott, Ph.D. Chuck Sexson Andy Stanton Twilla Wanker EXECUTIVE COUNCIL President Vice-president Chair, Awards & Recognition Chair, Finance & Operations Chair, Membership & Marketing Chair, Chapter Development At-Large Member At-Large Member AWARDS & RECOGNITION Chair Vice Chair, Alumni Board Member Foundation Representative, ex-officio Alumni Board Member Alumni Board Member Community Alumni Representative Half Century Club president Dennis Spratt Rich Dreiling Lea Ann Curtis Chad Fowler Mike Koerner CHAPTER DEVELOPMENT Chair Vice Chair, Alumni Board Member Alumni Board Member Alumni Board Member Alumni Board Member Daron Jamison Monte Broeckelman Mitch Hall Kevin Moeder Ken Ruder,Ph.D. FINANCE & OPERATIONS Chair Vice Chair, Alumni Board Member New Alumni Board Member Alumni Board Member Alumni Board Member Tracy Metzger Jon Armstrong Molly Aspan Josh Biera Eric Grospitch, Ed.D. Mary Martin, Ph.D. Denise Riedel MEMBERSHIP & MARKETING Chair Vice Chair, Alumni Board Member Alumni Board Member Alumni Board Member Alumni Board Member Alumni Board Member Alumni Board Member Page 36 APPENDIX XVI: FHSU ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Page 37 APPENDIX XVII: IMPORTANT CAMPUS CONTACTS Colleges/Department Administration & Finance Mike Barnett, Vice President Alumni Office/Governmental Relations Debra Prideaux, Director Athletic Office Curtis Hammeke, Director College of Arts & Sciences Dr. Paul Faber, Dean College of Business & Leadership Dr. Mark Bannister, Dean College of Education & Technology Dr. Robert Scott, Dean College of Health & Human Performance Dr. Jeff Briggs, Dean Forsyth Library John Ross, Director Foundation Tim Chapman, President & CEO Graduate School Dr. Tim Crowley, Dean Asst Provost for Internationalization Memorial Union Edie McCracken, Director Office of Admissions Tricia Cline, Director Registrar’s Office Dr. Joey Linn, Registrar Assoc V.P. of Student Affairs President’s Office Dr. Edward Hammond, President Student Affairs Dr. Tisa Mason, Vice President Virtual College Dennis King, Director Phone (785) 628-4251 (785) 628-4430 (888) 351-3591 (785) 628-4050 (785) 628-4234 (785) 628-5339 (785) 628-5866 (785) 628-5296 (785) 628-4431 (785) 628-5620 (785) 628-4236 (785) 628-5305 (785) 628-5666 (785) 628-4222 (785) 628-4231 (785) 628-4277 (785) 628-4291 Email Page 38 APPENDIX XVIII: CHAPTER AWARDS GUIDELINES Chapter of the Year Award I. Purpose The Chapter of the Year Award was established to recognize the work of the Fort Hays State University alumni chapters. II. Basis of Selection Alumni chapters are essential for connecting Fort Hays State University alumni to each other and the University. This award recognizes the outstanding achievements of a chapter in support of the FHSU Alumni Association and the University. The award will be based upon a chapter’s activities in a calendar year. III. Qualifications A) Chapter nominations must be made by the executive board of the nominated chapter. B) The award is open to all active alumni chapters. Winning chapters will not be eligible to receive the award again for a period of three years. For example, a chapter that wins for work in 2013 would again be eligible in 2016. C) Award is based upon activities and achievements within the chapter during the previous year. IV. Selection and Duties of Award Committee: A) The Awards & Recognition Committee will serve as the selection committee. B) The Awards Committee Chair will preside at the meeting. The Executive Secretary will assist with providing information on procedure. C) Although the Committee has the final determination for designating the number of awards which shall be bestowed in any year, the following guidelines are suggested: 1. In rating candidates, it is suggested that each Committee member considers the following goals of the chapter system: a) Alumni engagement b) Support of the Alumni Association c) Service involving both philanthropic activities and community betterment. d) Student recruitment e) Overall support of the University 2. Each member prior to the meeting should make a preliminary ranking of the chapters in categories. If questions arise as to qualifications, overlapping categories, etc., please make a note and bring it to the meeting. Page 39 3. Final selection of the recipients will be made by tabulating the results of rankings in each category after discussion by the committee. D) The number of awards in any given year should not exceed two (2). V. Other Committee Members: A) Non-voting members: 1. Executive Director’s staff representatives will serve as ex-officio committee members. 2. At the discretion of the Committee, chapter representatives may be called upon to serve as non-voting committee members. VI. Miscellaneous Recommendations: A) It shall be the obligation of the members of the Committee to be sure the spirit and specifications of the award are followed, so that recipients are selected who will stand up under all award criteria. B) The selection of the Committee shall be final. C) Nominations may be made to the Fort Hays State University Alumni Association, and must be received by March 1 for recognition of accomplishments in the previous calendar year. D) Nominations will be solicited from all active alumni chapters. E) The nominating chapter will be responsible for preparing nomination materials. VII. Notification, Announcement, and Presentation: A) Honorees will be officially notified of the award by a letter jointly signed by the Executive Director and the National President of the Alumni Association no later than April 30. B) All honorees will be publicly announced at the same time in the FHSU Magazine publication, FHSU-TigerTalk, alumni website and by a news release from the office of University Relations. C) Presentation of the award will be made in conjunction with the Alumni Board of Directors annual meeting in June. Page 40 Chapter Volunteer of the Year Award I. Purpose The Volunteer of the Year Award was established to recognize the work of Fort Hays State University alumni and friends throughout the alumni chapter system. II. Basis of Selection The Volunteer of the Year award is given to those alumni and friends who, through their dedicated and voluntary efforts to support the programs and mission of Fort Hays State University, express their gratitude to the University and insure its enlarging impact on our community and future generations of students through work at the Chapter level. III. Qualifications A) Candidate nominations must be made and brought forth through the chapter system. Each active chapter may submit only one candidate per year. B) The award is open to alumni and friends of the university. C) The recipient of the Volunteer of the Year Award must hold a paid membership in the FHSU Alumni Association. D) Award is based upon volunteer activities and achievements within the candidate’s chapter during the previous year. E) Alumni Board members and immediate family members will not be considered for this award during their tenure on the Board. Nominations will be extended after their terms expire. IV. Selection and Duties of Award Committee: A) The Awards & Recognition Committee will serve as the selection committee. B) The Awards Committee Chair will preside at the meeting. The Executive Secretary will assist with providing information on procedure. C) Although the Committee has the final determination for designating the number of awards which shall be bestowed in any year, the following guidelines are suggested: 1. In rating candidates, it is suggested that each Committee member considers the following goals of the chapter system: a) Alumni engagement b) Support of the Alumni Association c) Service involving both philanthropic activities and community Betterment. d) Student recruitment e) Overall support of the University Page 41 2. Each member, prior to the meeting, should make a preliminary ranking of the candidates in categories. If questions arise as to qualifications, overlapping categories, etc., they will be addressed by the committee. 3. Final selection of the recipients will be made by tabulating the results of rankings in each category after discussion by the committee. D) The number of awards in any given year should not exceed two (2). V. Other Committee Members: A) Non-voting members: 1. Executive Director’s staff representatives will serve as ex-officio committee members. 2. At the discretion of the Committee, chapter representatives may be called upon to serve as non-voting committee members. VI. Miscellaneous Recommendations: A) It shall be the obligation of the members of the Committee to be sure the spirit and specifications of the award are followed, so that recipients are selected who will stand up under all award criteria. B) The selection of the Committee shall be final. C) Nominations may be made to the Fort Hays State University Alumni Association, and must be received by March 1 for recognition of accomplishments in the previous calendar year. D) Nominations will be solicited from all active alumni chapters. E) The nominating chapter will be responsible for preparing nomination materials. VII. Notification, Announcement, and Presentation A) Honorees will be officially notified of the award by a letter jointly signed by the Executive Director and the National President of the Alumni Association no later than April 30. B) All honorees will be publicly announced at the same time in the FHSU Magazine publication, FHSU-TigerTalk, alumni website and by a news release from the office of University Relations. C) Presentation of the award will be made in conjunction with the Alumni Board of Directors meeting in June. 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