Ottoman Empire Notes

Ottoman Empire Notes
The Ottoman Empire was one of the largest and longest lasting
empires in history
It began in 1299 in Turkey, which is located in southwestern Asia.
The empire grew and later included parts of Asia, the Middle East,
Africa and Europe
The Empire reached its height during the 16th century under Suleyman
the Magnificent
All Ottoman rulers were Muslim and as the empire grew, Islamic
culture spread
Europe and Asia were linked by Ottoman trade routes
After Suleyman’s death, the empire declined over the next 300 years
The empire lost parts of Europe and was called the “Sick Man of
The empire sided with the Central powers during WWI and after
being defeated, the Ottoman Empire was split between France and
Great Britain
Ottoman Empire Notes
The Ottoman Empire was one of the largest and longest lasting
empires in history
It began in 1299 in Turkey, which is located in southwestern Asia.
The empire grew and later included parts of Asia, the Middle East,
Africa and Europe
The Empire reached its height during the 16th century under Suleyman
the Magnificent
All Ottoman rulers were Muslim and as the empire grew, Islamic
culture spread
Europe and Asia were linked by Ottoman trade routes
After Suleyman’s death, the empire declined over the next 300 years
The empire lost parts of Europe and was called the “Sick Man of
The empire sided with the Central powers during WWI and after
being defeated, the Ottoman Empire was split between France and
Great Britain