MACCABEES WALL OF ARMS DALI WALL This film is to be shot in a highly stylised way with references to the film SPELLBOUND, by ALFRED HITCHCOCK and SALVADOR DALI. Additional cues to FERDINARD LEGER and Da CHIRICO. The whole feel of the film is surreal, with a bleached out palette and long shadows. High light primary colours appear, and there’s a mix of super large sized objects and body parts. Open on a stylised white bed room, with a giant white bed filling most of the space. We pan up from the foot of the bed to see a body shape under a billowing white silk sheet. This blows away to reveal our hero a naked man. A woman’s arms hold him, one around the chest and the other covers his crotch. Our guy rolls to his side and reveals his girlfriend, pale and gamine with a cropped bob and dressed in a simple silk slip. Her eyes flutter and the camera dives through them. “ I woke up with a loved one’s eyes upon me Loved one’s arms around me Oh…She’s my one and only…. Through her eyes we enter a room with a large dining table, there’s food and a guitar, laid on this as a centrepiece. There is a family of 4 people and his girl friend, their faces are partly obscured with silk. The tables and chairs barely fit into the room. Our hero slides around the room between the table and family, and the wall. It’s a bit like the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. Our hero presses against the wall and 4 sets of arms come out of the wall and hold him tight… The arms drag him through the wall. “ I grew up in the bosom of my family Eight strong arms around me Oh from the seed they’ve grown me…. Cut next to a wide expansive scene, the floor planes are at tilted angles and the sky has exaggerated cirrus clouds. Our hero runs in slo mo down a slope. Giant hands like trees on the Serengeti throw long shadows. He runs to a forest of strong muscular arms and exhorts them to valour. As he clenches his fist, the arms do too. As he indicates forward the hands point forward like our hero. He runs on. “ And I thank those Those who kept me company They are a wall of arms around me is they who are my army Oh.. it is they who are my army We cut to our guy running forward and focus on his eyes. He stops and looks around horrified. The camera moves over him in 180 degrees, like Dali’s crucifixion, we see what is ahead of him…. “ Through these eyes There’s no god above me No devil below me No purgatory , no pearly gates….. Ahead of him is a landscape with giant squirming earthworms. Some drop from the sky. He runs through them, and jumps some too. He runs towards a high stone wall. “ The worms are what await me It’s only me that can forgive me and I have faith, Oh I have faith.. He leaps towards the wall and hands and arms push out of the wall to help him climb up to the sky line. He reaches the top and hauls himself up, and spreads his arms wide. He takes a quick look back and dives over the wall. “ I have faith, oh…I have faith In those that put up with me. We see him fall face down on his big white bed. He looks like he’s alone, but 2 arms emerge and hold him tight. He rolls over and we reveal he is being held in the arms of his girlfriend. She comforts him. “ She’s my one and only If I’m the seed they’ve grown me They who are my army The wall of arms around me. MG IDEA MINE 05.01.10.