Laurens County Development Corporation Board Meeting - Minutes Tuesday, September 16, 2008 Attendees: Ernie Segars, Stan Bryson, Josh Kay, Russ Emerson, Randy Garrett, Jay Peay, Ham Hudson, Roger Case, Bill Griswold, Jim Coleman, Richard Townsend and Mayor Jesse Allen. Staff: Marvin Moss, Jon Coleman, Sandy Cruickshanks and Theresa Gille Visitors: Amy Blinson (DOC), Maceo Nance (DOC), D.B. Riley (Advertiser), and Trevor Baratko (Clinton Chronicle. The meeting was called to order at 12:02 p.m. by Chairman Coleman, who also gave the invocation. The agenda was approved as presented. New Board Member Introduction Mr. Coleman introduced Ham Hudson with the Laurens County Healthcare System and welcomed him to the LCDC Board. Minutes and Financials Chairman Coleman had the Board review the minutes. Josh Kay made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Stan Bryson seconded the motion. The financials were presented to the Board. Theresa Gille noted that the salary, taxes, insurance and retirement expenses were higher in August because there were three payrolls, one of which was actually for the last pay period in July. The County is now processing payroll for LCDC and will bill LCDC at the end of each month for salary, taxes, insurance and retirement. Jim Coleman added that LCDC’s payroll will now be 26 pay periods rather than 24 pay periods as before. Strategic Plan RFP Theresa Gille provided the update: The Selection Committee narrowed their choices down to three firms; Genesis, Insite, and Sanford Holshouser. The Committee collectively awarded the contract to Sanford Holshouser. Sanford Holshouser’s bid to do the strategic plan was $44,950. However, if the Steering Committee decides to combine meetings I and II, there is a cost savings of $5,140, which lowers the bid to $39,810. The Steering Committee has been chosen and consists of Jim Coleman, Steve Lamb, Steve West, Tom Hardy, Josh Kay, John Culbreath (BP Barber) and Marvin Moss. LCDC will schedule a conference call with Sanford Holshouser to set up the initial meeting. Washington D.C. Trip Jim Coleman provided an update on the trip to Washington D.C. Mr. Coleman stated that he and Ernie Segars, Josh Kay, Brad Sanderson (BP Barber), Jeff Field, and Dale Satterfield visited Washington D.C. on September 8th through the 10th. The group met with Senators Jim DeMint and Lindsey Graham, Bob Ingles, Gresham Barrett, John Spratt and Jim Clyborn’s staff. The group talked to the U.S. Postal Service about the situation with the post office in Laurens. Also, a book with the following six projects was given to the representatives: 1. The sewer line between the city of Gray County and Laurens. 2. The City of Clinton raw water line replacement. 3. Highway 221 and Highway 308 water system improvement. 4. A new water line at Hunter/Fleming Smith industrial sites. 5. A 2.5 million gallon water treatment plant on Lake Greenwood. 6. Widening of Highway 221 just north of the city of Laurens. Clinton Economic Development Corp. Update Josh Kay provided the update: The annual meeting was on September 16th. Russ Emerson was elected Chairman of the Clinton Economic Development Corp. New member, Stan Bryson, was appointed. The environmental analysis for Frontage Road has been approved by the Federal Highway Administration. Waiting for the Dept. of Commerce to finalize the right of way for the second time and ground breaking is planned for December 2008. Dunkin Donuts to do grading in ten days. Presbyterian College still working on the Pharmacy school. Laurens First Update Richard Townsend stated that there are no new updates. Existing Industry Update Jon Coleman provided the update: Visited Avery Dennison, Milliken, Kimura, and Ceramtec. Ceramtec to announce expansion on September 30, 2008. Met with Mark Warner in Greenwood on how to strengthen workforce and work ethics. Industry Appreciation is scheduled for September 18th at the Chamber building. A marketing mailer highlighting four certified sites in Laurens County was sent out to over 300 consultants around the world. Marvin and Jon attended a consultant roundtable sponsored by Upstate Alliance at CU ICAR. Economic Development Update Marvin Moss provided the update: Four RFI’s in August and two in September. A total of 58 for the year. Two site visits in August and six in September. Marvin is scheduled to attend a plastics trade show in Chicago on September 22, 2008. Economic development website viewings in August 2008 have exceeded total pages viewed for the entire year of 2007. LCDC to receive a grant from the 100 Club to purchase the GIS software to create information packages for prospects. David Wasson from Laurens Electric Co-Op was recognized at the SC Dept. of Commerce Ambassador Recognition. Clinton site three has been certified making it the fourth certified site. The construction of the water tank for Owings Park should begin a couple of months. Mr. Coleman added that several existing industry expansions are planned for Laurens County. LCDC Sign Update The sign has been approved by LCDC and the Chamber Executive Committee and should be completed within two weeks. The meeting was adjourned at 12:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Theresa Gille